Social Science: Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
Social Science: Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
Social Science: Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
Social Science is a compulsory subject up to secondary stage of school education. It is an integral component of general education because it helps the
learners in understanding the environment in its totality and developing a broader perspective and an empirical, reasonable and humane outlook. This
is of crucial importance because it helps them grow into well-informed and responsible citizens with necessary attributes and skills for being able to
participate and contribute effectively in the process of development and nation-building. The Social Science curriculum draws its content mainly from
History, Geography, Political Science and Economics.
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
Sr. SA Based LA Map Total %
Competencies Type
No. (3 marks) Questions (5 marks) Skill Marks Weightage
(1 mark)
(4 marks)
Remembering and Understanding: Exhibiting memory of
previously learned material by recalling facts, terms, basic
concepts, and answers; Demonstrating understanding of facts 1x8=8 3x2=6 4x1=4 5x2=10 - 28 35%
and ideas by organizing, comparing, translating, interpreting,
giving descriptions and stating main ideas
Applying: Solving problems to new situations by applying
acquired knowledge, facts, techniques and rules in a different 1x3=3 3x1=3 4x1=4 5x1=5 - 15 18.5%
Formulating, Analysing, Evaluating and Creating:
Examining and breaking information into parts by identifying
motives or causes; Making inferences and finding evidence to
support generalizations; Presenting and defending opinions
1x5=5 3x3=9 4x2=8 5x2=10 - 32 40%
by making judgments about information, validity of ideas, or
quality of work based on a set of criteria; Compiling
information together in a different way by combining
elements in a new pattern or proposing alternative solutions.
4 Map Skill - - - - 2+3=5 6.5%
S.No. Skills to be tested Marks of each questions Number of questions Total Marks
1 mark 1x1=1 1
1 Knowledge, Understanding
3 marks 1x3=3 3
2 Application, HOT 5 marks 1x5=5 5
3 Skill/ Map work 1 mark 1x1=1 1
TOTAL 10 marks 4 10
S. Objective Type Short Answer Based
Skills to be tested Answer Total Marks
No. 1 mark (3 marks) Question
(5 marks)
(4 marks)
1. Knowledge, Understanding 1 x1=1mark - 1x4=4marks 1x5=5marks 10
2. Application, HOT 1x1=1mark 3x1=3marks - - 4
3. Evaluation and Multi-Disciplinary 1x1=1mark 3x1=3marks - - 4
4. Map Work 2x1= 2 marks - - - 2
TOTAL 5x1=5marks 3x2=6marks 4x1=4marks 5x1=5marks 20
(Max. Marks: 40, [His (10) + Pol. Sci. (10) + Geo (10) + Economics (10)] Duration: 2 Hours (for entire Social Science Paper)
Table 1: The Structure of the Paper
S.No. Skills to be tested Marks of each questions Number of questions Total Marks
1 mark 2x1=2 2
1 Knowledge, Understanding
3 marks 1x3=3 3
TOTAL 4 10
S.No. Skills to be tested Marks of each questions Number of questions Total Marks
1 mark 3x1=3 3
1 Knowledge, Understanding (46%) 3 marks 1x3=3 3
4 marks 1x4=4 4
TOTAL 7 20
Marks Description
C Viva Voce 1
7. The project carried out by the students should subsequently be shared among themselves through interactive sessions such as exhibitions, panel
discussions, etc.
8. The projects and models prepared should be made from eco-friendly products without incurring too much expenditure.
9. The Project Report should be handwritten by the students themselves.
10. The record of the project work (internal assessment) should be kept for a period of three months for verification, if any.
Course No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Learning Outcome Activity
Description periods & Topics of SCMS
April & What is Understanding „The Road to Democracy‟- In 3
June Democracy? this process, they draw a road
democracy and its meaning PT-1 (19.07.2021)
Why map to democracy in a
Democracy? the conceptual skills of defining democracy fictitious country. History
along with features of democracy
They identify and describe French Revolution
periodic election elements of democracy, threats Political Science
free and fair election to democracy and explain the
role of the citizen in What is Democracy?
UAF supporting democracy. Why democracy?
Identify 3
important members
guiding values of the Indian Constitution
To understand
Course No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Learning Outcome Activity
Description periods & Topics of SCMS
preamble of the Indian Constitution
nature of Indian Constitution as: Sovereign,
Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic
To appreciate
Ideals of the Constitution: Justice, Liberty,
Equality and Fraternity
Topics of SCMs:
To recognize challenges to free and fair 2
elections-booth capturing, rigging, violence Electoral Politics
Russian Revolution
To differentiate between the idea of
representative democracy and competitive
party politics
To analyze reasons for choosing our
electoral system
To appreciate 1
citizen's increased participation in electoral
significance of the Election Commission
(Union and States)
Working of To Comprehend
role of parliament in a democracy
role of President, Prime Minister and
Council of Ministers
powers and functions of President and
Prime Minister
To comprehend 3
features of Nazi ideological thinking
regarding Aryans, Jews, gypsies, insane
and disabled Germans
creation of surveillance and security forces
to establish control and order in Germany
January & Forest Society To be aware of Heritage walk: e.g zoo, park, 3
Course No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Learning Outcome Activity
Description periods & Topics of SCMS
February and causes for Deforestation river basin, bird sanctuary.
the Rise of Commercial Forestry-benefits
and drawbacks
the Rebellion in the Forest (Bastar). 3
the forest Transformations in Java.
Discuss the social and cultural world of Art Integration Activity: 3 SCM:
forest communities through the study of Study of natural and man-made Forest Society and
specific revolts. forms. Colonialism
Understand how oral traditions can be
used to explore tribal revolts.
Analyse the impact of colonialism on forest
societies, and the implication of scientific
Show the different processes through
which agrarian transformation may occur
in the modern world.
Analyse the role of local community in
protection of forest resources (sacred