Social Science: Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80

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Social Science is a compulsory subject up to secondary stage of school education. It is an integral component of general education because it helps the
learners in understanding the environment in its totality and developing a broader perspective and an empirical, reasonable and humane outlook. This
is of crucial importance because it helps them grow into well-informed and responsible citizens with necessary attributes and skills for being able to
participate and contribute effectively in the process of development and nation-building. The Social Science curriculum draws its content mainly from
History, Geography, Political Science and Economics.
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
Sr. SA Based LA Map Total %
Competencies Type
No. (3 marks) Questions (5 marks) Skill Marks Weightage
(1 mark)
(4 marks)
Remembering and Understanding: Exhibiting memory of
previously learned material by recalling facts, terms, basic
concepts, and answers; Demonstrating understanding of facts 1x8=8 3x2=6 4x1=4 5x2=10 - 28 35%
and ideas by organizing, comparing, translating, interpreting,
giving descriptions and stating main ideas
Applying: Solving problems to new situations by applying
acquired knowledge, facts, techniques and rules in a different 1x3=3 3x1=3 4x1=4 5x1=5 - 15 18.5%
Formulating, Analysing, Evaluating and Creating:
Examining and breaking information into parts by identifying
motives or causes; Making inferences and finding evidence to
support generalizations; Presenting and defending opinions
1x5=5 3x3=9 4x2=8 5x2=10 - 32 40%
by making judgments about information, validity of ideas, or
quality of work based on a set of criteria; Compiling
information together in a different way by combining
elements in a new pattern or proposing alternative solutions.
4 Map Skill - - - - 2+3=5 6.5%

Total 1×16=16 3×6=18 4x4=16 5×5=25 5x1=5 80 100%

Table 1: The Structure of the Paper PRE AND POST MID-TERM ASSESSMENT
(Max. Marks: 40, [His (10) + Pol. Sci. (10) + Geo (10) + Economics (10)] Duration: 2 Hours (for entire Social Science Paper)

S.No. Skills to be tested Marks of each questions Number of questions Total Marks
1 mark 1x1=1 1
1 Knowledge, Understanding
3 marks 1x3=3 3
2 Application, HOT 5 marks 1x5=5 5
3 Skill/ Map work 1 mark 1x1=1 1
TOTAL 10 marks 4 10


(Maximum marks: 80 marks [80 marks in main QP [His (20) + Pol. Sci. (20) + Geo (20) +Eco (20)] Duration – 3 hours (for entire Social Science Paper)

S. Objective Type Short Answer Based
Skills to be tested Answer Total Marks
No. 1 mark (3 marks) Question
(5 marks)
(4 marks)
1. Knowledge, Understanding 1 x1=1mark - 1x4=4marks 1x5=5marks 10
2. Application, HOT 1x1=1mark 3x1=3marks - - 4
3. Evaluation and Multi-Disciplinary 1x1=1mark 3x1=3marks - - 4
4. Map Work 2x1= 2 marks - - - 2
TOTAL 5x1=5marks 3x2=6marks 4x1=4marks 5x1=5marks 20
(Max. Marks: 40, [His (10) + Pol. Sci. (10) + Geo (10) + Economics (10)] Duration: 2 Hours (for entire Social Science Paper)
Table 1: The Structure of the Paper

S.No. Skills to be tested Marks of each questions Number of questions Total Marks
1 mark 2x1=2 2
1 Knowledge, Understanding
3 marks 1x3=3 3

2 Application, HOT 5 marks 1x5=5 5

TOTAL 4 10


(Maximum marks: 80 marks [80 marks in main QP [His (20) + Pol. Sci. (20) + Geo (20) +Eco (20)] Duration – 3 hours (for entire Social Science Paper)

S.No. Skills to be tested Marks of each questions Number of questions Total Marks

1 mark 3x1=3 3
1 Knowledge, Understanding (46%) 3 marks 1x3=3 3
4 marks 1x4=4 4

2 Application, HOT (54%) 5 marks 2x5=5 10

TOTAL 7 20

Marks Description

Pen Paper Test 5 Marks  Subject knowledge

 Achievements of the student in the subject throughout the year

Notebook/Map booklet 5 Marks  Work done (Activities/ Assignments)

 Content, neatness & relevance

Multiple Assessment (MA) 5 Marks  Classwork

To be tested in geography.  Mind mapping on any of the topics given in geography course book.
 Evaluation criteria: Content, presentation, utility, relevance & neatness.

Subject Enrichment Activity 5 Marks Project Work

 Content, presentation, creativity & viva-voce

PROJECT WORK CLASS IX (2021-22) – 05 Marks

1. Every student has to compulsorily undertake one project on Disaster Management.
2. Objectives: The main objectives of giving project work on Disaster Management to the students are to:
a. creates awareness in them about different disasters, their consequences and management
b. prepares them in advance to face such situations
c. ensures their participation in disaster mitigation plans
d. enables them to create awareness and preparedness among the community.
3. The project work should also help in enhancing the Life Skills of the students.
4. If possible, various forms of art may be integrated in the project work.
5. In order to realize the expected objectives completely, it would be required of the Principals / teachers to muster support from various local
authorities and organizations like the Disaster Management Authorities, Relief, Rehabilitation and the Disaster Management Departments of the
States, Office of the District Magistrate/ Deputy Commissioners, Fire Service, Police, Civil Defence etc. in the area where the schools are located.
6. The distribution of marks over different aspects relating to Project Work is as follows:

S.No. Aspects Marks

A Content accuracy, originality and analysis 2

B Presentation and creativity 2

C Viva Voce 1

7. The project carried out by the students should subsequently be shared among themselves through interactive sessions such as exhibitions, panel
discussions, etc.
8. The projects and models prepared should be made from eco-friendly products without incurring too much expenditure.
9. The Project Report should be handwritten by the students themselves.
10. The record of the project work (internal assessment) should be kept for a period of three months for verification, if any.
Course No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Learning Outcome Activity
Description periods & Topics of SCMS
April & What is Understanding  „The Road to Democracy‟- In 3
June Democracy? this process, they draw a road
 democracy and its meaning PT-1 (19.07.2021)
Why map to democracy in a
Democracy?  the conceptual skills of defining democracy fictitious country. History
along with features of democracy
 They identify and describe  French Revolution
 periodic election elements of democracy, threats Political Science
 free and fair election to democracy and explain the
role of the citizen in  What is Democracy?
 UAF supporting democracy. Why democracy?

 freedom of expression, to contest elections  Constitutional Design

and culture and religion
 rule of law

Recognising  Visit to any institutions 2

associated to local government Topics of SCMs:
 democracy as an important form of
government in our times like Municipal Corporation,
gram panchayat.  What is Democracy?
 democracy as the best among the other Why Democracy?
Art Integration Activity:
available alternatives  French Revolution
 Collage of newspaper articles
Analysing  Constitutional Design
showing merits and demerits
 suitability of democracy for all nations. of Democracy (
 different historical processes and forces that
have promoted democracy
 challenges of democracy. (vis a vis the
Course No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Learning Outcome Activity
Description periods & Topics of SCMS
modern world)
 weaknesses of democracy

French To identify Political map of Europe 3

 structure of society in 18th century France Locating and labelling/
 understanding political causes of French
Revolution:  Germany,
traditional rivalry, an absolute monarchy,  France,
the effect of wars on France, overindulgence
 Austria,
of the king and queen in state affairs &
cruelty and corruption in administration  Bordeaux,
 social causes: poor condition of the  Nantes,
peasants, privileges of the first and second  Paris,
Estates, increase of debt and interest on
loans and budget deficit  Marseilles

 economic causes: financial crisis and refusal

of nobles to pay taxes

To analyze  Discussion on modern 2

Democratic rights: Impact of
 role of philosophers in French Revolution-
French Revolution
John Locke,
Montesquieu and Rousseau  Role-play the scene where the
Declaration of the Rights of
Man and the Citizen is
approved by the National
Constituent Assembly
Course No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Learning Outcome Activity
Description periods & Topics of SCMS
To understand  Debate – “Food shortages have 1
been the major cause of all
 emergence of middle class
 meeting of Estate General
 the oath at the Tennis Court and food riots
 fall of Bastille
 chaos in the countryside

To analyze  Prepare a timeline on events 3

associated with French
 the Jacobin club formed by Maximillian
 Reign of Terror
 the rise of Napoleon
 Battle of Waterloo
 Slavery in French colonies.

To analyze  Collect information on women 3

who contributed actively in the
 extract of speeches, political declarations, as
French Revolution.
well as the politics of caricatures, posters
and engravings. Art Integration Activity:
 ideas that inspired the Revolution, the  Different stages of French
wider forces that shaped it Revolution- Videos to be
presented by students. (
 appreciating how written, oral and visual
material can be used to recover the history OR
Course No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Learning Outcome Activity
Description periods & Topics of SCMS
of revolutions  Making brochures for a time in
history i.e. French Revolution

June & Constitutional To understand  Discussion on” Unique 3

Design Features of Indian
July  struggle against apartheid in South Africa
Constitution” and
 making of its new Constitution
 Why it is called “a bag of
 need of Constitution: requirement of degree borrowings”.
of trust,
Art Integration Activity:
 power to take decisions, limits the power of
 Study of Visual Resources
the government & the basis of Rainbow
(Creative Expression)
 Picture Gallery of different
To understand
aspects of Constitution e.g.
 the process of making of the Indian features important people and
Constitution challenges etc. (
 the formation of Constituent Assembly OR
 the factors instrumental in deciding the  Recitation of the Preamble by
nature of the Constitution the class. (
 the process of drafting of constitution

Identify 3
 important members
 guiding values of the Indian Constitution
To understand
Course No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Learning Outcome Activity
Description periods & Topics of SCMS
 preamble of the Indian Constitution
 nature of Indian Constitution as: Sovereign,
Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic
To appreciate
 Ideals of the Constitution: Justice, Liberty,
Equality and Fraternity


Course No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Learning Outcome Activity
Description periods Topics of SCMS
July & Electoral To understand  To conduct an activity of 2
August Politics Election process in the
 the concept of elections: meaning, definition MT (13.09.2021)
and need
 conditions of democratic election
 French Revolution

To analyze  Talk by any official of the State  Russian Revolution

election Commission/ Political Science
 electoral competition: merits and demerits
Sarpanch / Mayor/ MLA/
 role of election commission in conducting MLC.  What is Democracy?
free and fair elections Why democracy?
Art Integration Activity:
To identify  Constitutional Design
 Video clips of Electoral
 types of election: general, by-election and Campaigns/ Polling/  Electoral Politics
mid term Counting (
 concept of reservation for SCs, STs, OBCs
Course No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Learning Outcome Activity
Description periods Topics of SCMS
 role of education in politics
 division of constituencies for Lok Sabha and
Rajya Sabha members

Topics of SCMs:
 To recognize challenges to free and fair 2
elections-booth capturing, rigging, violence Electoral Politics
Russian Revolution
 To differentiate between the idea of
representative democracy and competitive
party politics
 To analyze reasons for choosing our
electoral system

To appreciate 1
 citizen's increased participation in electoral
 significance of the Election Commission
(Union and States)

August Russian To understand  To identify the names of the 5

Revolution countries which were once part
 the history of socialism
of the Russian Empire?
 the ideas of the people who inspired the
revolution  Play script on Russian
Revolution (
 the causes behind the Russian Revolution
Course No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Learning Outcome Activity
Description periods Topics of SCMS
 the First World War and its impact on the
Russian Empire

To help the students explore Map Work 6

 the legacy of Russian Revolution-the Locating and labelling/
Communist Ideology identification
 factors leading to February and October  Major countries of First World
Revolution 1917. War (Central Powers and
Allied Powers) Central Powers
 Changes in Russia after October Revolution
– Germany, Austria –
 The Civil War Hungary, Turkey (Ottoman
Empire) Allied powers –
 Making a Socialist society, Stalinism and
France, England, Russia,
 The Global influence of the Russian
Revolution and the USSR

September Working of To understand  Mosaic work from magazines 3

Institutions and newspaper reporting of
 the meaning of SEBC
Mandal Commission (
 formation of Mandal Commission:
appointment, objectives and
 different reactions to Mandal Commission

To get acquainted with Debate and Discussion on:

Course No. of Portion for Assessments &
Month Learning Outcome Activity
Description periods Topics of SCMS
 Central governmental proceedings  the relevance of Reservation
after seven decades of 2
 Functions of political and permanent
 the importance of
Differentiate between
Independence of Judiciary.
 political and non-political (permanent)

Working of To Comprehend
 role of parliament in a democracy
 role of President, Prime Minister and
Council of Ministers
 powers and functions of President and
Prime Minister

Working of  Independence of Indian Judiciary, concept  An interactive session with any 1

Institutions of integrated judiciary, appointment and lawyer/judge
removal of judges, jurisdiction of Supreme
Course No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Learning Outcome Activity
Description periods & Topics of SCMS
October & Nazism and the To Understand  Virtual tour to Museum (Anne 3
November Rise of Hitler Frank) (
Factors behind formation of Weimar
 November Criminals
 The impact of Treaty of Versailles PT2 (16.12.2021)
 Formation and revival of Nazi Party. History
 the main features of Nazi movement in  Nazism and Rise of
Germany Hitler
Map Work Political Science
To familiarize students with 3
Locating and labelling/
 rise of Hitler to power identification  Working of the
 Major countries of Second Institutions
 destruction of democracy and growth of a
World War
racial state.
 Axis Powers – Germany, Italy,
To know the formation of: Japan
 the allied powers U.K., France, U.S.S.R and  Allied power – UK, France,
U.S.A Former USSR, USA
 Territories under German
 the Axis powers -Germany, Italy and Japan Expansion (Nazi Power)
 the years of Economic Crisis: 1923 Austria, Poland,
Czechoslovakia (only Slovakia
shown in the map), Denmark,
Lithuania, France, Belgium
Course No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Learning Outcome Activity
Description periods & Topics of SCMS
To Understand 2
 the year of depression and hyperinflation Topics of SCMs:
1929  Nazism and Rise of
 Dawes Plan
 Democratic Rights
 Impact of Wall Street crash on Germany.

To comprehend 3
 features of Nazi ideological thinking
regarding Aryans, Jews, gypsies, insane
and disabled Germans
 creation of surveillance and security forces
to establish control and order in Germany

To Analyze  To discuss books like Mein 4

Kampf, Dakau: The first
 the process of destruction of democracy
concentration camp
 To see movies like Life is
 Fire decree
beautiful and The Boy in
 Enabling Act 1933 Striped Pajamas
 the role of women in Nazi society  Movie - Dakau: The first
concentration camp

Nazism and the  impact of Nazi propaganda, Holocaust and 2

Rise of Hitler life in concentration camps
 end of Hitler
Course No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Learning Outcome Activity
Description periods & Topics of SCMS
December Democratic  Why “Rights” are fundamental?  Collect news items/articles 2
& January Rights related to violation of Human
 Why Rights are guaranteed by the AE–Full Syllabus
To Understand  Make the students aware of 2  French Revolution
women first active role in  Nazism and Rise of
 definition and significance of Rights in a
Saudi Arabia „s elections in Hitler
 judiciary as protector of Fundamental  Russian Revolution
 Highlight recent news update
Rights.  Forest Society and
on Guantanamo Bay.
To compare Colonialism
 case studies of citizen‟s rights in Political Science:
Guantanamo Bay, Saudi Arabia and  What is Democracy?
Kosovo. Why democracy?
To Understand  Discuss about the situations 4  Constitutional Design
which leads to suspension of  Electoral Politics
 the need of rights in democracy
Fundamental Rights.
 the Fundamental Rights granted by  Working of
Art Integration Activity: Institutions
constitutions  Democratic Rights
 the Judicial System and key institutions
like the Supreme Court, High Courts and Collage of photographs related
National Human Rights Commission to violation of Human Rights

January & Forest Society To be aware of  Heritage walk: e.g zoo, park, 3
Course No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Learning Outcome Activity
Description periods & Topics of SCMS
February and  causes for Deforestation river basin, bird sanctuary.
 the Rise of Commercial Forestry-benefits
and drawbacks
 the Rebellion in the Forest (Bastar). 3
 the forest Transformations in Java.

 Discuss the social and cultural world of Art Integration Activity: 3 SCM:
forest communities through the study of Study of natural and man-made Forest Society and
specific revolts. forms. Colonialism
 Understand how oral traditions can be
used to explore tribal revolts.
 Analyse the impact of colonialism on forest
societies, and the implication of scientific
 Show the different processes through
which agrarian transformation may occur
in the modern world.
 Analyse the role of local community in
protection of forest resources (sacred

Revision Revision Annual Examination

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