The document appears to be a tabulation sheet for a competition with 6 groups. It shows the scoring breakdown for categories like Nutriformation, Nutrography, and Nutri Theme. The top scoring group was Nutri Wellness who received 40 points for Nutriformation and Nutriography and 10 points for their Nutri Theme costume and props, for a total of 90 points and first place ranking.
The document appears to be a tabulation sheet for a competition with 6 groups. It shows the scoring breakdown for categories like Nutriformation, Nutrography, and Nutri Theme. The top scoring group was Nutri Wellness who received 40 points for Nutriformation and Nutriography and 10 points for their Nutri Theme costume and props, for a total of 90 points and first place ranking.
The document appears to be a tabulation sheet for a competition with 6 groups. It shows the scoring breakdown for categories like Nutriformation, Nutrography, and Nutri Theme. The top scoring group was Nutri Wellness who received 40 points for Nutriformation and Nutriography and 10 points for their Nutri Theme costume and props, for a total of 90 points and first place ranking.
The document appears to be a tabulation sheet for a competition with 6 groups. It shows the scoring breakdown for categories like Nutriformation, Nutrography, and Nutri Theme. The top scoring group was Nutri Wellness who received 40 points for Nutriformation and Nutriography and 10 points for their Nutri Theme costume and props, for a total of 90 points and first place ranking.