Module 2 Answer Sheet

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Module 2

Activity # 2-A. How do you understand this phrase of Isaac Newton “If I have been able to see
further, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants. Send on my Messenger.

Based on my understanding about the quote that Sir Isaac Newton says is that the
working in the light of discoveries made by many scientists before and at the same of his era.
That he stood on the shoulders of giant as referring that their will be many inventions and
scientific discoveries in the world and he is just only one of them as a dwarf of his scientific

Activity # 2-B. Research in the internet of an instance wherein an ancient scientist was
persecuted by close -minded political and religious authorities during their time. Send on my

Galileo's credibility has not suffered as a result of this flaw. Regardless of Brecht's warning,
science elevates Galileo to the status of hero and prophet, oppressed by the barbaric and ignorant
Church. Furthermore, it is often inferred that his destiny was shared by all who dared to support
Copernicus' hypothesis that the Sun, not the Earth, lay at the center of the heavens from the Middle
Ages to the early Enlightenment. It is generally assumed that the Italian friar Giordano Bruno was
burned at the stake for maintaining the view 33 years before Galileo did.

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