National Freight and Logistic Policy
National Freight and Logistic Policy
National Freight and Logistic Policy
Ministry of Communications
Government of Pakistan
Table of Content
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................4
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
Abbreviation Description
3PL 3rd party logistics
ADB Asian Development Bank
ADR Agreement on International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road
AEO Authorized Economic Operators
APTTA Afghanistan Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement, 2010
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
CAREC Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation
CMR Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road
CPEC China Pakistan Economic Corridor
ECO Economic Cooperation Organisation
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
e-Logistics Electronic Logistics
FBR Federal Board of Revenue
FIATA International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GoP Government of Pakistan
HTV Heavy Traffic Vehicle
HS Harmonized System
HSSE Health Safety Security & Environment
IMO International Maritime Organization
ITS Intelligent Transport Systems
IRU International Road Union
IWT Inland Waterways Transport
IWTA Inland Waterways Transport Authority
IWTDC Inland Waterways Development Company
KPI Key Performance Indicator
KPT Karachi Port Trust
LPI Logistics Performance Indicator (World Bank)
MoMA Ministry of Maritime Affairs
MoC Ministry of Communications
MTO Multi Transport Operator
NAVTTC National Vocational & Technical Training Commission
NFLP National Freight and Logistics Policy
NHA National Highway Authority
NH&MP National Highways and Motorway Police
NTDO National Transport Data Observatory
NVOCCs Non-Vessel Operating Common Carriers
PCLRA Pakistan Courier and Logistics Regulatory Authority
PQA Port Qasim Authority
REIT Real Estate Investment Trust
SAARC South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
SAPT South Asia Port Terminal
SMCP Strategic Manpower Conversion Program
SRO Statutory Regulatory Order
TIR Transports Internationaux Routier (UN Convention)
TP Trans-shipment Permit
WAPDA Water & Power Development Authority
WeBoC Web Based One Customs
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
1. Introduction
In the contemporary world, nations compete intensely to attract investment, increase exports and improve the
livelihood of their citizens. While there are many underlying conditions and reasons for attaining success, one
common denominator is the presence of a modern and efficient transport and logistics infrastructure. The ability
to handle, store and transport goods to and from international markets is essential in achieving global
competitiveness. Yet the capacity to move cross-border goods can be a challenging task. Efficient transport and
logistics sector require reliable and modernized infrastructure; appropriate industrial capacity; business-friendly
institutions to maximize contribution to trade and economy. Together they can strengthen trade and facilitate
business, providing growth to the economy and people.
Pakistan’s freight and logistics sector is poised with tremendous potential, owing to its’ domestic market with
over 220m people and international strategic geographic location. The Government is improving the transport
infrastructure through the investment programmes under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridors (CPEC) and
Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Program (CAREC) and is facilitating business by acceding to and
agreeing international trade and transport conventions. In addition, in 2018 the Government adopted the
National Transport Policy, recognizing multimodal logistics as one of the cross-cutting sectors and setting out
the strategic directions for change of the freight and logistics sector.
The Government, cognizant of the potential of the Box 1. Defining elements of Logistics
freight and logistics sector, and aware of the
When considering the competitiveness of the Freight and
international competitiveness has therefore decided Logistics Sector, the following factors need to be
to develop a National Freight and Logistics Policy considered:
(NFLP), setting out concerted and dedicated actions • Infrastructural capacity refers to the quality and
aimed at facilitating, modernizing and reforming the extensiveness of transportation infrastructure, such as
freight and logistics sector, with a view to enhance the road network, railway stations, seaport terminals, and a
competitiveness of the country, promoting local value host of logistics facilities such as distribution centres,
container freight stations and logistics parks.
chains and streamlining cross-border and global
• Institutional capacity issues refer to the governance,
supply chains. enforcements and incentives to develop the sector.
Laws, regulations and procedures are necessary, yet
The National Freight and Logistics Policy is a further over-regulating the logistics sector can add excessive
detailing of the subsector Multimodal Logistics of the cost and time in the transportation.
National Transport Policy and has been developed • Industrial capacity is defined by the market structure,
through a highly collaborative process; guided by the productivity of the labour force, application of
Steering Committee and the Working Group on technology and the deployment of assets. All these
three elements shape the transport and logistical
National Freight and Logistics, chaired by the Ministry efficiency in each country.
of Communications. It has greatly benefitted from the
inputs received from various stakeholders including federal and provincial government agencies, transport
operators, the business sector, academia and civil society.
The NFLP is structured as highlighted below:
• Chapter 1: Introduction sets out the context to which the Policy is developed.
• Chapter 2: State of Pakistan’s Logistics Sector describes the relative performance of and conditions in
Pakistan’s logistics sector. Detailed review of the current state of the logistics sector in Pakistan, the major
issues and constraints are highlighted.
• Chapter 3: Justification for the Policy draws the conclusions from Chapter 2 and substantiates the
necessity to develop the National Freight and Logistics Policy. In particular, the potential benefits are
elaborated, noting that the transport and the logistics sector is by itself a sizeable component in Pakistan’s
economy and can boost the export competitiveness and decrease prices for the locally produced goods by
bringing the transportation costs down.
• Chapter 4: Vision, Objectives and Principles provides guidance to the ‘future-state’ of the freight and
the logistics sector in Pakistan.
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
• Chapter 5: Policy Actions elaborates interventions and defines enabling conditions required for each
mode of transport. The implementation matrices, which describe the intervention along with stakeholders
and the time-line are included for ease of implementation of the policy.
• Chapter 6: Monitoring and Evaluation provides insights to ensure the sustainability of the NFLP and
proposes stakeholders’ coordination mechanism. The chapter advocates that the World Bank ‘Logistics
Performance Indicators’ (LPI) be adopted as an evaluation method to assess the progress and success of
the NFLP implementation.
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
1 The Transport, Logistics, and Communication sector includes: Road transport, Pakistan Railways, Pakistan International Airlines, Port&
Shipping, Communications, Electronic Media in Pakistan, Pakistan Post Office. The estimate of 13% is an estimate based on data in the
Pakistan Statistical Year Book.
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
Warehousing and a cold-storage supply chain Figure 2 – Pakistan Logistics Performance Indicators
are in early stages of development. Due to long (LPI) Ranking
free times allowed at the ports there was no LPI Ranking
immediate need for warehousing facilities nearby the
ports. Similarly, cold-storage supply chains are
largely absent with no such facilities at many railway
stations or airports. It is estimated that over 40% of 110
all perishable goods is lost due to lack of adequate 71 72
68 68
warehousing facilities.
The institutional framework governing the 2007 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
logistics sector in Pakistan is underdeveloped
and governed by a mixture of old and new laws Source: World Bank
that need to be updated and harmonised. Only Figure 3 – Pakistan LPI Score between 2007 and 2018
recently, the Government has adopted a National
Transport Policy, which is yet to be materialized 2018 2007
through implementation. A draft law titled the
Carriage of Goods by Road Act, was prepared in Timeliness
2003 but was never approved. The Trucking Policy
Tracking & Trace
of 2007 identified the need for a change in the sector
but has never been formally implemented. The Logistics Competence
various provincial and the federal laws are outdated
International Shipments
and not adequate for the contemporary logistics
industry. The absence of a unified transport ministry, Infrastructure
results in additional coordination efforts and slows
down implementation of the policies. Burdensome Customs
documentary requirements and customs procedures Total Score
result in the delays and escalate shipment costs.
Similarly, the implementation of international 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3
transport conventions, in particular TIR, is yet to
become fully operationalized and utilized. The transit Source: World Bank
trade agreements with Afghanistan, an important
transit trade country, are also not fully functional.
E-commerce is at a nascent stage in Pakistan. The market is significantly growing, doubling every year. In
2019 the Ministry of Commerce has developed an e-commerce policy, addressing and facilitating the growth of
this sector. The 3rd party logistics (3PL), play a pivotal role in facilitating the services from business to consumer.
This service and the capacity to handle small consumer goods, in particular with cross-border trade, will be a
factor of significance and need to be addressed.
Pakistan is faring poorly in Logistics Performance Index, ranking 122 nd in 160 nations down from 68th
rank in 2007. This wide fluctuation and deterioration are caused by less than optimal logistics parameters in
the country. A significant deterioration is evident in the index ranking since 2007, with the largest drop witnessed
in Customs, and Tracking and Trace. It is also being outperformed by nearly all of its’ regional neighbours. To
the contrary, Pakistan has significantly improved recently on the ease of doing business index from the World
Bank, moving up 28 places, particularly due to ongoing reforms with regards to company registration.
Box 2. Types of Service Providers in the Industry (by alphabetical order)
Types Description
Cargo Insurance There are different insurance companies offering Marine and General cargo insurance
Company services; usually the private insurance companies in Pakistan act as agent to their foreign
principals. Marine insurance tends to be door-to-door insurance cover and based on the
classes there are special clauses like vessel age and transport fleet conditions, crating,
packing, fumigation etc.
Consolidators There are consolidators who offer undertook delivery of containers in private or own yards and
perform self-manifestation. They are issuing direct delivery orders and may operate in co-
loading with other consolidators and freight forwarders.
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
Types Description
Customs Broker The Custom Brokers tend to have their own custom clearance licenses, which authorize them
to perform the custom clearance services. These brokers also provide the international freight
forwarding and the transportation services. As it is convenient for the importer and the exporter
that their custom broker performs the transportation to and from the port. This makes a smooth
single window operation. There are specialized custom brokers in some field such as, oil, gas,
energy and industrial projects. These brokers focus in the specific products, namely paper,
plastic, vehicles, iron scrape, consumer goods, chemicals etc.; They operate through different
Statutory Regulatory Orders (SROs) and Harmonized System (HS) codes.
Financial Mostly commercial banks are dealing with Letter of Credits, Sales Contract, Intercompany
Institutions Accounting of freight forwarders & carriers along with foreign remittance; State Bank of
Pakistan regulates money side of both export and import freight shipments.
Freight Forwarders There are mainly two types of the freight forwarders operating in Pakistan. One, are those
forwarders who have single network and a global presence. The others are acting under
Principal & Agent contract. Both have their own dynamics with pros and cons. Forwarders are
also acting as 3PL solution providers, Contract Managers and Ship Agents. They provide
multiple value-added services.
Non-Vessel Non-Vessel Operating Common Carriers (NVOCCs) are evolving on a limited scale, however
Operating Common currently they are unable to create any dent in the market because the shipping lines prefer
Carriers (NVOCCs) own slots, moreover the current recession in imports has further minimized the scope of
NVOCC. However, at times they are very effective and convenient to customers, especially in
an end to end solution.
Project Logistics The heavy, over dimensional industrial equipment, power generation units, refineries and other
(Specialized project cargo are handled and transported by the project logistics companies; who have
Transporters) specialized trailers, handling equipment and experienced team to handle such projects. This
specialization is often offered by few freight forwarders, transporters and the custom brokers.
Special approvals are needed from National Highways and Motorways Police (NH&MP) and
National Highway Authority (NHA) to move such project cargo.
Shipping Agent The ship agents in Pakistan are acting as agents for the single shipping line and also multiple
shipping lines, depending on their agreement. They also offer ship husbandry services and
Shipping Line There are a few shipping lines directly operating in Pakistan. Mostly the shipping lines work
with the ship agents. The shipping line are offering services to the freight forwarders and
directly to the exporters as well. Some fleet operators and carriers have also diversified and
developed their logistics wing, which makes them competitors to the freight forwarders. The
shipping lines have contracts with the private container yard operators to handle their
Terminal Operators The port terminal operators tend to have agreement with the shipping line and the forwarders
for the terminal handling services like for the container yard from the terminal to the container
yard, freight handling services, container freight station, where usually the freight forwarders
perform the consolidation and the de-consolidation services. These terminal operators are also
diversified and offer the container freight train services, a sea - rail and sea-road mix.
Third-Party Other than freight forwarders, there are some logistics companies, transporters, who are
Logistics Service offering 3PL services in both road transportation and container freight train services, which
Provider (3PL) brings some multi-modalism, though not according to definition per se, through a mix of
warehouse management, contract management, transport, terminal operations and rail freight.
Truck Operator There are mainly two types, the market transporters and the fleet operators (minimum 20 - 25
trucks). The truck operators are offering transportation of dry cargo, bulk cargo, containers and
the fluid cargo not limited to the fuel, gas, chemicals etc. The fleet can be under the single
ownership or a pool of trucks from multiple owners.
Warehouse There are two types of warehouses, the general cargo warehouse and a cold storage
Operator warehouse. Some of these warehouses are operated by freight forwarders. Specialized private
entities design and build warehouse to the customer requirement; Rental warehouses are also
available; the landlord offers an open and covered area for the tenant to either make their own
constructions or ask the land load to build or modify according to the customer requirements.
The bonded warehouses are also available but are few in numbers, bonded warehouses
usually deal with the scrap, plastic pellets, lubricants and the steel coils etc.
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
In 1947, Pakistan inherited 8,200 km. of railway network, but over a period of time, this sector was neglected; with
low levels of maintenance and almost no up-gradation of the railway infrastructure due to shift of freight to the road
network. Pakistan Railways over time lost capacity to cater to the increasing demand of freight cargo. There is an
immediate requirement to strengthen rail infrastructure. Stronger railway infrastructure will help to bring the overall
logistics cost down for the whole economy.
Rise of the Road Transport
In the 1950s, Pakistan Railways’ share in the freight haulage was over 86 percent which has tremendously
decreased to current around 6%. The transport and the logistics sector in Pakistan is diverse in composition and
comprises railways, roads, ports, shipping, aviation and the logistics services. The road transport dominates the
mix and carries about 94% of the freight traffic and around 93% of all passengers. The over-reliance on road
transport causes congestion and deterioration of the road network. The motorways and the national/provincial
highways constitute the major road networks of Pakistan. The national highways and the motorways constitute less
than 10% of the total road network but carry almost the entire freight traffic. The busiest route is the north-south N-
5 highway, running from Karachi to Torkham. The route is about 1,760 km. and carries about 65 percent of the
inter-city traffic and serves 80 percent of Pakistan’s urban population.
Inefficient Trucks Operations and the Deteriorating Effects on Road and Environment
There are about 500,000 registered trucks and pick ups operating in Pakistan, of which the majority are obsolete
old trucks, with rigid suspensions; these trucks have limited speeds, are heavy on fuel consumption and also have
a deteriorating effect on the road surface. The operation of these old trucks is highly inefficient in terms of time and
cost. The trucking sector suffers from a weak regulatory environment, resulting in over-loading, poor safety and a
low quality of service.
Why it is important to re-balance Freight to Rail Transport
According to the World Bank research, a single freight train can replace one hundred trucks at a time from the
road. Rail transport is also the more cost-effective mode of logistics, where one gallon of fuel can transport one
tonne of goods to 250 miles compared to 90 miles by the road. In the UK, the share of the freight by rail is about
23 percent in 2018-19. The total volume of the rail freight in the UK was around 17.4 billion net tonne kilometres in
2018-19. As per the 2016, NHA report; the international regulations overseeing the long-haul traffic specify that the
articulated trucks (trailers) should constitute at least 50% of the truck fleet; while in Pakistan, the articulated trucks
comprise only 12% of the total fleet composition. As the CPEC projects mature, estimates are that an additional
100,000 trucks will be needed to transport construction material and handle increased volumes of trade. The
efficient movement of freight by rail can help reduce the demand for the additional trucks, in turn easing congestion,
reducing the deterioration of roads and facilitating faster, safer, economical and environmentally friendly movement
of freight by rail.’
How Railways can alleviate Roads Deterioration and Axle Load Control Issues
The axle load has not been effectively controlled and over-loaded trucks cause severe damage to the national and
the provincial highways. The movement of the freight by rail will help transfer the freight traffic to rail and prevent
further deterioration of the road network.
Benefits of the Freight by Rail
The improvement in the rail infrastructure, with transfer of freight to rail from road shall yield the following broad
benefits, namely:
• Enhanced and an efficient movement of freight by rail;
• Saving of time and the reduced vehicle operating cost;
• Improved export competitiveness in the region;
• Enhanced rail/freight safety, lower rates of accidents due to better quality of track, engines and the freight
• Lesser congestion and deterioration of roads;
• Better emission quality and environmental standards;
• The efficient rail-based freight service shall create healthy competition with the freight by road; and
• The improved rail freight service will help provide an enhanced level of service at competitive prices to the
Based on the above discussion, there is a compelling evidence to encourage a greater shift of freight from the road
transport to the rail transport.
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
• Improving the fuel economy of the trucks will reduce the transport costs. Given that transport costs represent
almost 25 percent of the total product costs. So, this would translate into lower prices for food and other
manufactured products.
• Increasing the speed of transport will enable businesses to gain access to the new international and the
domestic markets. Reducing the overloading of trucks will also reduce the damage to the roads as well as
the costs of maintaining the network.
• Reduction in the waste from the perishable goods that are being transported. It is estimated that around 33%
of the current agriculture output is wasted because of the lack of the cold-chain and the perishable supply
• Lower levels of harmful greenhouse gas emissions.
• Lower bills for energy imports (the transport sector consumes 35% of the total energy in Pakistan).
• Increase the competitiveness of Pakistani exports. For each day less that freight spends in a supply chain,
trade can increase by 4.5 percent.
• Higher revenue collection as a by-product of improving the efficiency and performance of supply chains can
increase GDP by up-to 5 percent.
• Increased road safety through reducing the number of trucks by using alternate transport modes such as
Railways, Inland waterways etc. The natural corollary of the integrated and an efficient multimodal logistics
system will be an overcoming of over-reliance on the road-transport.
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
4.2. Objectives
In realizing the vision, the strategic objective is to lower the logistics costs, improve the customer service
and increase the speed and reliability of the services provided. This will drive economic growth, boost trade
and improve domestic industries and can trigger a virtuous cycle of transport efficiency and world class service
delivery in the freight and the logistics sector.
In view of the vision and the strategic objective, 10 objectives are identified. These are prioritized areas of
development for implementation due to their significance in improving the efficiency and professionalism in the
freight and the logistics industry in Pakistan. These objectives are based on the 5-C model (see box 5.):
Objective 1. Realign Institutions and provide an Effective Regulatory Oversight to enhance the quality,
procedures and processes set out by the Government.
Objective 2. Stimulate Private Sector Investment by Providing an Enabling Environment for
Modernizing the Logistics Infrastructure to provide the enabling platform for the private
sector to invest and modernize their logistics operations.
Objective 3. Strengthen the Transit Trade Business with the Neighbouring and Regional Countries to
facilitate international trade.
Objective 4. Enhance Multimodal Linkages to encourage and make optimal use of the infrastructure
provided and being developed.
Objective 5. Encourage Freight by Railways to increase the capacity of the railway sector as it is one of
the most efficient modalities for transporting the long-distance goods.
Objective 6. Establish a Modern Trucking Fleet to increase the competitiveness of the sector and reduce
the negative externalities of the out-dated fleet.
Objective 7. Build Urban-Rural Connectivity to enhance and promote linkages of agriculture products to
the markets.
Objective 8. Develop E-Logistics to encourage and facilitate the emerging market of small customer goods,
domestic and internationally.
Objective 9. Adopt Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) to enable the usage of modern state of the art
Objective 10. Training and Capacity Building of the Industry to promote skilled labour.
Role of the Government: Freight transport and logistics are activities that are best left to the private sector companies;
government should not be involved in delivering the actual services and products that flow from the implementation of
the NFLP. The role of the government should be to facilitate and support; government should help create transparency,
remove physical and non-physical bottlenecks and barriers to improving customer service, lowering costs, and increasing
speed and reliability. These activities cover setting and enforcing standards, acceding to international conventions,
providing public infrastructure, and set out a regulatory regime in which the private sector can thrive.
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
Objective 3. Strengthen the Transit Trade Business with the Neighbour Countries
3.1. Streamline Customs and Border Controls, which include the bilateral customs data interchange with
the neighbour countries and using the risk-based management and technologies to simplify the controls.
Facilitate Border Crossing, so that the transit goods can move across the border with the least time and
fees. This would require redesign of the infrastructure, using modern equipment, better layout design and
harmonize operating procedures and documents.
3.2. Provide Attraction and Incentives to Promote and Facilitate the Transit Trade. Promoting Gwadar
for the transit trade to the land-locked Afghanistan, Central Asian Republics and the western regions of
China through incentives, infrastructure and the multimodal connections.
3.3. Drive the full implementation of the TIR and the CMR to increase the transit business and increase
the attractiveness of Pakistan as a transit nation.
3.4. Integrate Logistics considerations in the Special Economic Zones and Industrial Parks to facilitate
an efficient movement of the goods.
The specific implementation actions are elaborated under ‘Transit Trade Facilitation’ and ‘International
Conventions, ‘Standards and Agreement’ in the Policy Actions.
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
4.3. Establish Road-Rail Linkages by developing state of the art trucking stations in cities and providing rail
linkage to these trucking stations. Rail linkage with these truck terminals will also help Pakistan Railways
to utilize the coverage of the road transport.
4.4. Encourage 3rd party multimodal transport operators that can operate across multiple transport modes
and facilitate transport from door-to-door.
4.5. Promote and establish warehousing and cold-storage supply chains, to increase the quality of the
logistics operations, particularly of the perishable goods and enhance the timeliness of the logistics
The specific implementation actions are elaborated under the ‘Seaports and Port Logistics’, ‘Multimodal
Logistics’, ‘Air Transport’ and ‘Inland Waterways Transport’ in the Policy Actions.
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
4.3. Principles
In addition to the objectives, it is essential to follow several guiding principles in designing and implementing the
actions. The principles lay down the foundations which every intervention shall be required to meet.
Principle 1. Freight and Logistics policy shall be objectives-led, and target driven. The objectives and
targets shall guide the development of the logistics sector leading to informed decision-making at all levels of
the government. The targets will be made ‘SMART’ (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound).
Principle 2. The Government shall provide the enabling environment for the logistics sector,
considering the wider economic, environmental and social government policy frameworks. The Private
Sector shall work on commercial basis, within the framework provided by the Government. Clear
separation of the roles between the policymaker, regulator, and the operator shall be pursued. The regulatory
and the policy functions shall remain core responsibilities of the Government and will be distinguished from the
operating and management functions of the transport services.
Principle 3. Decisions shall be guided by evidence and data. In support of Principle 1, the Government shall
improve the quality and quantity of the data and the statistics, relevant to the logistics sector. The processes
and methods for the data collection will be made transparent and consistent across Government. A national
data centre with focus on Logistics information shall be institutionalized, such as the National Transport Data
Observatory (NTDO).
Principle 4. Projects and programs shall contribute to a multimodal and integrated transport system.
The heavy reliance on the road freight is not cost-effective and is not sustainable in the long term. While
cognizant of the limitations of the infrastructure, institutional and the industry issues in the alternative transport
modes, the holistic view of a multimodal transport and the logistics system shall remain the key principle to
guide the decision making and the investment. The central planning body within the Government is desired to
have this role in the coordination and approval.
Principle 5. The use of technology and innovation shall be incentivized. The Government shall provide an
enabling environment, not limited to the tax incentives but also to encourage the foreign and the domestic
investment in high technology and innovation. The regulatory guillotine shall be used to remove or simplify
bureaucratic and the administrative barriers while maintaining socio-economic well-being of the country. Cutting
edge technologies shall be encouraged, nurtured and developed through the provision of a business-friendly
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
environment, industry-academia collaboration, vocational training and fostering an entrepreneurial spirit with
the young generation.
Principle 6. Human resources capacity shall be strengthened. The Government shall set the conditions for
the private sector to invest in the logistics skills-set, including the drivers/operators, transport and terminal
operators, and the service providers. The Government shall facilitate and support partnerships between the
logistics industry, educational institutes and the logistics associations to conduct formal educations to the current
practitioners as well as the future transport / logistics specialists.
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
5. Policy actions
The policy actions set out the different interventions for each focal area. A brief description is provided with the
lead implementor. The implementing agencies are primarily the government entities that will execute the policy.
To ensure accountability, the lead implementer is identified for every action. This lead implementer is the
‘process owner’, who serves as the primary focal point and coordinates with the other co-implementers to
complete an action.
An implementation matrix to identify the co-implementing parties, the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and
the timescale for the implementation is provided in Annex B.
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
Update driving Update the syllabus for Heavy Transport Vehicle (HTV) license to National Highways &
handbook and cover Defensive Driving Course and Health Safety Security Motorways Police,
licenses Environment as well. Provincial Traffic Police.
Update the Road Safety Handbook and must highlight use of
reflectors and lash cargo in accordance with the pre-defined
standards, using tools and equipment for safety of cargo such as
belts, chains, ropes and mandatory signs.
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
Accept insurance Consider recognizing and accepting Insurance Guarantees as a Federal Board of
guarantees as customs guarantee in lieu of bank guarantees. The approval for use of Revenue
customs guarantee insurance guarantees can be made conditional based on history and
track record of the respective logistics operators.
Publish schedule of Publish Schedule of Fees and Issue Receipts to Combat Corruption. An Pakistan Courier
fees official schedule of fees and tariffs for different charges and fees that and Logistics
are payable by logistics service providers should be published and Regulatory
made easily accessible so that the information is transparent. Authority
Align and develop Align and develop the logistics statistics concerning all relevant aspects Ministry of
logistics statistics of logistics. This will be incorporated in the National Transport Data Communications /
Observatory and support public and private sector in decision making. Pakistan Bureau of
The statistics will cover the modal share, vehicle fleet, freight tonnage Statistics
carried by transport mode (%), service frequency, origin destination,
turn around and clearance times, time and distance, reliability and costs
of travel, export/import by good and location, etc.
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
• Public sector includes all ministries, authorities, departments, agencies, commissions and centres at
both Federal and Provincial level.
• Private sector, including the associations, chambers, co-operatives and targeted private enterprises.
• Non-government and development organizations that provide technical and financial assistance
• Academia
The Ministry of Communications shall provide a six-month progress update to all concerned stakeholders
confirming the status of actions, revisions required, and further steps achieved. The progress towards achieving
the objectives and targets shall be measured utilizing the Logistics Performance Indicators of the World Bank
and the CAREC Corridor Performance Measurement and Monitoring Data. In addition, the statistics published
by the to be established National Transport Data Observatory and Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, with additional
studies carried out will be used to monitor specific progress.
The Ministry of Communications, in consultation with the stakeholders, may revise and amend the NFLP from
time to time to reflect new priorities and insights in the logistics sector.
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
Establish a Truck Develop in consultation with the Industry a truck fleet Ministry of Industries Ministry of Commerce, National Vehicle Fleet 2020
Renewal renewal programme to modernize the fleet in line with and Production and Highway Authority, National Renewal (design)
Programme international standards by providing incentives to the Ministry of Transport Research Centre, Industry Programme
Industry for modern vehicles and setting a sunset Communications Associations implemented 2024
clause for older vehicles. (completed)
Adopt WP29 Endorse the adoption of WP29 and notify the Pakistan Standards and Ministry of Communications, Ministry WP29 adopted 2020
stakeholders Quality Regulatory of Industries and Production, National
Authority Highway Authority, National
Transport Research Centre,
Engineering Development Board
Recognize semi- Setup independent registry for semi-trailer and classify Ministry of Ministry of Industries and Production, Semi-trailers 2021
trailers as them as transport vehicle. Communications Pakistan Standards and Quality recognized as
transport vehicle Control Authority, National Transport transport vehicle
Research Centre, Provincial
Update and Adopt and implement model Road Safety Act, which Ministry of National Highway Authority, National Updated 2021
harmonize updates Provincial Motor Vehicle Ordinance 1965, Communications and Highways and Motorways Police, Provincial Motor
legislation across all provinces and territories, with a view to Provincial Transport National Transport Research Centre; Vehicle Ordinance
cover all types of vehicles, and harmonize rules, Departments Pakistan Standards and Quality 1965 Section 42
procedures and the safety standards applicable to Control Authority; Provincial and
ensure roadworthiness and safe transportation to avoid Regional Road Agencies
accidents and unnecessary road maintenance.
This will include the latest road safety act and define
vehicle age limits and vehicle fitness requirements,
decommissioning of over-aged vehicles, registration of
prime mover, as well as chassis and tank lorry, specify
the registration procedure for non-standard
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
Key Performance
Action Description Lead Implementor Stakeholders Indicator Timeframe
delivery/transport vehicles, and harmonize weigh
This should use international standards and
benchmarking with International Road Union (IRU) in
order to let the Pakistani trucks smoothly transit in
neighbouring countries.
Enforce drivers’ Enforce Drivers’ Registration, in line with the Driver Provincial Traffic Police Ministry of Communications; Drivers’ 2020
registration and Licensing Guidelines from Ministry of Communications, Provincial Transport Departments; Registration
training where drivers’ training and licensing documents be in Industry Associations Procedure
both English, Urdu and provincial languages, if
Revise and Revise and enhance the regulation of the tyre and Ministry of National Transport Research Centre, Updated 2020
enhance lubricants used for cargo transport, utilizing Section 74 Communications, Industry Associations; Provincial and Provincial Motor
regulation of tyre of Provincial Motor Vehicle Ordinance 1965 Provincial Transport Regional Road Agencies; Vehicle Ordinance
and lubricants Departments 1965, Section 74
This will include disposal of disposal of used tyre and
lubricants, along with the spare parts to avoid reuse
and the environmental hazards.
Improve, Improve the licensing procedure for the Heavy Provincial Traffic Police, National Highway Authority, Industry Criteria outlined 2020
Licensing and Transport Vehicle (HTV) in line with the guidelines for National Highways & Associations for licensing
regulation of vehicle licensing and enforce vehicle manufacturing Motorways Police, procedure for
Heavy Transport standards. Provincial Transport Heavy Transport
Vehicle Departments Vehicle
Enforcement of Re-enforce the axle load regime but offering necessary Ministry of Ministry of Commerce, National Axle Load Regime 2021
axle load regime transition period before a rigid enforcement. GoP may: Communications Highway Authority, National implemented
Transport Research Centre,
• Conduct more consultations with major users of Provincial Transport Departments,
road freight (e.g. cement, sugar, fertilizers) on the Provincial Traffic Police; Provincial
transition time to full implementation of axle load and Regional Road Agencies;
regime Industry Associations;
• Publish transition lead times and the formal
implementation date after taking into
consideration all the inputs of stakeholders
• Define the set of penalties for violations after the
implementation date.
• Develop alternative transport solutions for areas
that do not have alternative mode of transport
Permit bonded Permit bonded warehouse facility for imported Federal Board of Ministry of Communications, Ministry Bonded 2021
warehouse facility vehicles, prime movers and trailers to encourage Revenue of Commerce, Ministry of Industries Warehouses
international trade and Production
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
Key Performance
Action Description Lead Implementor Stakeholders Indicator Timeframe
for imported
Set Vehicle Enforce and enhance national regulations for Pakistan Standards and Ministry of Communications, Ministry National 2021
standards Manufacturing and Assessment of locally produced Quality Control Authority of Commerce, National Highway Regulations
transport vehicles, chassis and trailers. These Authority, National Transport notified and
standards are important to ensure the road-safety. In Research Centre, Engineering standards set
addition, it is also imperative to enforce the inspections Development Board, Ministry of
to certify the road worthiness of the vehicle, chassis Industries and Production
and trailers before commissioning operations on the
Define Liabilities For domestic transport, define liabilities for road freight Ministry of National Highway Authority, National National Limit 2020
for road freight in case of loss, damage or delay during road transport. Communications Transport Research Centre, Liabilities
For the international transport, the CMR Convention Provincial Transport Departments, Regulation for
implementation will help address the issue because it Industry Associations Road Carriers
amply defines the liabilities.
CMR Road-Map
Develop National Define, enforce and promote national Road Ministry of Provincial Transport Departments, Road 2020
Road Consignment Note for domestic shipment where Communications National Transport Research Centre Consignment Note
Consignment Note details of liability and responsibility of the carrier and
the shipper should be defined along with the
compensation in case of loss, damage of delay.
Preferably these Road Consignment Note may be
aligned with the CMR (International Road Convention).
This will replace the different formats of ‘bilty’.
Develop Road- Construct a national network of the road-side National Highway Ministry of Communications, TIR Parks and 2022
side infrastructure amenities to offer proper resting place for the long-haul Authority, Provincial and Provincial Transport Departments road side
drivers, particularly in places like Baluchistan and at Regional Road Agencies amenities for long-
key junctions such as Sibi and Speizend where such haul road transport
amenities are lacking, with the consideration to
encourage private investment to construct and operate
the amenities after procurement by government, These
can support the trade routes with the region
Issue Project- Simplify the process to obtain permit for transporting National Highway Ministry of Communications, Karachi Simplified Permit 2021
Cargo Permit at over-sized project cargo by issuing the permission at Authority, Provincial and Port Trust, Qasim Port Authority, Procedure
international international gateways, in particular at the ports, for the Regional Road Agencies Gwadar Port Authority
gateways complete route. This will enhance and expedite
delivery times significantly, rather than current practice
with vehicles on standby for days.
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
Key Performance
Action Description Lead Implementor Stakeholders Indicator Timeframe
Implement Road Improve road asset management, through private National Highway Ministry of Planning, Development Trial Managing 2021
Asset sector development, in line with best industry practices Authority, Provincial and and Special Initiatives, Provincial Agency Contracts
Management and contemporary trends. Regional Road Agencies Planning and Development carried out
Enhance Data Collection, modelling and analysing road transport data National Transport Provincial Governments, Pakistan Available statistics 2021
Collection and statistics including data related to road asset Research Centre, Bureau of Statistics online
management and road safety Ministry of Planning,
Development and
Special Initiatives
Improve Fuel Develop and set a programme to improve fuel standards OGRA Ministry of Communications, Ministry Euro 6 standard 2025
quality with a view to reach Euro 6 compliant standards. A of Industries and Production, Ministry adopted
phased programme, in consultation with the refineries of Petroleum, Ministry of Climate
shall be established. Change / Environment Agency,
Provincial Environment Departments
/ Agencies.
Review of import The import duty on the Complete Knock Down (CKD) Federal Board of Ministry of Industries and Production, Reviewed duties 2021
duties on vehicles and Completely Built-up Unit (CBU) shall be reviewed Revenue Ministry of Commerce
to encourage the transport sector. Exporters/Importers, Local
Automate, certify Implement automated and integrated weight-bridge Ministry of Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Ministry Automatic and 2022
and standardize system. Communications of Railways, National Highway linked
weigh-bridge Authority, Provincial Governments, weighbridges
• All the weight-bridges should be integrated into Port Authorities
a centralized database that can disseminate
this information to all the border points.
• Certify and standardize weight-bridge system
• Link the weight data across National Highway
Authority, terminal operators and rail
operators, as well as truck operators so that
authorities can access the information
• Weight bridges have to be installed and ensure
that the load transfer between port terminals,
rail and trucks are within the weight limit
Permit and promote warehousing and cold-storage Ministry of Industry Associations and Provincial Number of 2024
Establishment of
facilities at strategic locations, to increase the quality of Communications Governments warehouses in the
Warehousing and
the logistics operations, particularly of the perishable country
goods and enhance the timeliness of the logistics
supply chains
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
Key Performance
Action Description Lead Implementor Stakeholders Indicator Timeframe
Setting market Adopt market-driven rail freight tariffs based on the market dynamics Ministry of Railways Industry Associations Dynamic rates 2021
driven rail- and implement a dynamic Revenue Management System for rail cargo implemented
freight tariffs
Extended Extend the operating hours of railway stations that have high freight Pakistan Railways Ministry of Railways, Ministry High traffic railway 2020
operating hours volume for enhanced operations and onward inland distribution, of Communications, Ministry stations identified
particularly along the Karachi-Lahore route, should be extended to of Industries and Production, and hours
permit the transfer of goods between road and rail. Ministry of Commerce, extended
Private Sector
Connect Assess the feasibility to connect rail system to SEZs and other industrial Ministry of Railways Pakistan Railways, Ministry Extended rail to 2028
railways to SEZs parks. Emphasis here is to streamline the first mile and last mile of Communications, Ministry selected areas
and Industrial connectivity. Where possible, rail siding will connect rail terminals at of Industries and Production,
Parks Punjab such as Prem Nagar to the industrial parks to reduce the use of Ministry of Commerce,
trucks. Private Sector
Railway Consider establishing a rail link to Gwadar, once the port and economic Ministry of Railways Pakistan Railways, Ministry Rail link 2035
connectivity to zone has sufficient demand. The feasibility study in this regard was of Communications, Ministry established
Gwadar done in June 2019. of Planning, Development
and Special Initiatives
In particular, Gwadar should have a rail link that connects the nearby
Special Economic Zones and Industrial/Logistics Parks. Port Qasim
deals with commodities and a conveying system that can transfer bulk
commodities such as coal to the nearest rail terminal will be useful.
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
Key Performance
Action Description Lead Implementor Stakeholders Indicator Timeframe
Improve gate Improving gate accessibility and control to Karachi Port and Port Karachi Port Trust; Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Entry and Exit time 2021
accessibility to Qasim. To shorten the gate-in and gate-out time, electronic driver and Qasim Port Private sector associations, from Port
Karachi Port and vehicle identification system can be used. Vehicles that are sub- Authority Terminal operators, Sindh
Port Qasim standard should be stopped at the gate. Redesign of the offices can P&D Department
also improve the efficiency of the seaports-road interface. It is
recommended that the office that issues temporary permission for
drivers/vehicles to remain in the seaport expand the outlets, or increase
from the existing 24 hours to a longer time (e.g. 2-3 days). Also, the
port charges offices do not operate 24/7. Either the operating hours be
extended, or an online submission and electronic payment system be
made available to expedite cargo collection. Finally, consider if the
number of gates can be increased at the Karachi Port.
Handling over- Setup one-stop shop to issue permission for over-sized and over- Karachi Port Trust; Ministry of Maritime Affairs; Time to receive 2021
sizes and over- weight cargoes near the ports. To avoid the need to visit multiple offices Qasim Port National Highway Authority permission
weight cargoes and get permission, a one-stop shop centre that can issue such permits Authority; Gwadar extension
to drivers should be established, the road permission to carry Project Port Trust;
Cargo on highways should be issued near the port which is the common
loading station rather than at the first toll station.
For particular over-sized and over-weight cargoes that must be
dismantled and shipped separately, and then re-assembled at final
destination, should be conducted at external container freight station
instead of in the port terminal.
The infrastructure specially road connectivity from port to the economic
zones and logistics parks must be designed in such a way that oversize
project cargo can easily reach at site because there will be Industrial
projects; which require heavy equipment including plant and machinery
which are always out of gauge over size. Also, the heavy equipment’s
and require effective and an efficient road infrastructure from port to the
project site.
Promote Promote the use of FIATA Multimodal Waybills to facilitate seaports- Pakistan Ministry of Communications; Number of 2022
multimodal road multimodal transport. The FIATA FBL and FWB (negotiable and International Freight Pakistan Courier and Waybills used
waybills and non-negotiable FIATA Multimodal Transport Bill of Lading) should be Forwarders Logistics Regulatory
multimodal promoted. Such documents can reduce two separate documents used Association Authority
transport separately on road and sea into one document that is internationally
operators recognized. This also requires promoting the concept of a Multimodal
Transport Operators (MTO).
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
Key Performance
Action Description Lead Implementor Stakeholders Indicator Timeframe
Reduce Reduce the congestion inside by containers of the ports by streamlining Federal Board of Port Authorities, Ministry of Number of old 2020
congestion the clearance procedures at the Port Revenue Maritime Affairs containers
inside Karachi
Port • Have a higher number of containers “pre-cleared” by customs % of checked
based on the track record of the importers containers
• Hold regular auctions to remove aged or unclaimed containers
from the seaport terminals or explore cost efficient methods to
dispose of such containers
• Consider East Wharf and West Wharf as a single setup for
customs clearance.
Review the Re-examine the statutes that govern the roles and mandates of KPT Ministry of Maritime Ministry of Communications, Review of statutes 2024
statutes of KPT and PQA. Affairs Ministry of Planning, that govern the
and PQA Development and Special roles and
Roles and mandates of the respective port regulators expanded to Initiatives mandates of KPT
include investing in training and upskilling for members of the port and PQA
Develop risk Develop a risk assessment and mitigations measures and recovery Ministry of Maritime Ministry of Communications; Conduct risk 2024
assessments procedures to ensure business continuity in the vital Karachi Port and Affairs Ministry of Planning, assessment and
Port Qasim. Development and Special establish
Initiatives measures for
Improve access Improve the accessibility to Karachi Port by: Ministry of Planning, Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Updated access 2020
to and from Development and Ministry of Communications, plan to Karachi
Karachi port by • Develop dedicated rail-freight corridor to the Port (see 5.2 Special Initiatives Pakistan Railways; Sindh Port
investing in Railways) P&D Department; Karachi
% of freight moved
multiple modes • Segregate the intra and the inter-city cargo traffic in Karachi Port Trust
from KPT by rail
via the existing and new bypasses (Karachi Southern-bypass,
Northern Bypass, Karachi Freight Corridor, Lyari Expressway)
connecting to N-5, M-9 and M-10.
• Consider and expand the access by construct dual-
carriageway flyovers where users have to pay a toll for its
• Develop barge solutions to alleviate pressure contributed by
cargo movements on the roads as a stop-gap measure
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
Key Performance
Action Description Lead Implementor Stakeholders Indicator Timeframe
Creation of Dry Consider creation of a dry port between Karachi Port and Port Qasim Ministry of Ministry of Commerce, Identify suitable 2024
Port near Ports Communications Ministry of Planning, locations at the
of Karachi and Development and Special periphery of the
Qasim Initiatives, National Highway Karachi City,
Authority, National Transport followed by
Research Centre development
Ratify and adopt Provide legal cover to Pakistan Merchant Marine Policy 2001 as Ministry of Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Pakistan Merchant 2021
Pakistan amended on 15 November 2019 by making necessary amendments in Communications Ministry of Planning, Marine Policy 2001
Merchant Marine Pakistan Merchant Shipping Act 2001, Income Tax Ordinance 2001 Development and Special approved, Income
Policy (PMMP) and Customs Act 1979 along with the Finance Bill 2021 Initiatives. Federal Board of Tax Ordinance
2001 Revenue, Pakistan National 2001 and Customs
Shipping Corporation, Port Act,
Trust and Authorities, 1979 appropriately
Terminal Operators, Private amended
Second Channel Carry out a feasibility study to create a second channel for Port Qasim Ministry of Maritime Ministry of Communications, Follow through 2021
to Port Qasim to enhance capacity of Qasim port and improve operational Affairs Ministry of Planning, with
performance, in particular considering the LNG terminals Development and Special implementation
Initiatives, Port Qasim plan for proposed
Authority, Ministry of Climate second channel
Increase ship Increase ship-handling capacity catering to larger vessels being Ministry of Maritime Ministry of Communications, Determine capacity 2029
handling deployed by shipping lines Affairs Ministry of Planning, requirement
capacity Development and Special catering to larger
Initiatives, Port Qasim vessels being
Authority deployed by
shipping lines and
establish capacity
Develop long- Develop long-term Port plans on a 30-year horizon considering: Ministry of Maritime Ministry of Communications, Propose 2030
term Port plans Affairs, Ministry of Ministry of Railways, Sindh sustainable
• Future terminal concessions should account for operational Planning, Planning and Development solutions to
needs of shipping alliances rather than specific terminal Development and Department address seaport
operators or shipping lines Special Initiatives capacity-related
• Establishment of new seaport complexes inside and outside challenges such as
of the port areas identifying potential
• Hinterland and maritime connectivity as key drivers cargo and vessel
traffic demand
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
Key Performance
Action Description Lead Implementor Stakeholders Indicator Timeframe
Develop Pursue investment opportunities to drive development of industries that Gwadar Port Ministry of Communications, Review the need 2030
Industries near support generation of local cargo for Gwadar Port Authority Ministry of Maritime Affairs, for export-oriented
Gwadar Port Ministry of Industries and special economic
• Creation of an export-oriented special economic zone Gwadar Production, Ministry of zone adjacent to
adjacent to the seaport Development Commerce and Textile, other the seaport and
• Critical need to generate local cargo to support the seaport on Authority relevant government conduct feasibility
a sustained basis ministries and departments studies to identify
potential site
Reconstruct Reconstruct the Mehran Highway to improve the accessibility to Port Sindh Government, Port Qasim Authority, Reconstructed 2022
Mehran Highway Qasim National Highway Ministry of Maritime Affairs, highway
Authority Ministry of Communications
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
Lead Performance
Action Description Implementor Stakeholders Indicator Timeframe
• Develop properly sited, planned and designed adequate parking space. Development
• Develop properly sited, planned and designed adequate loading and Authorities
unloading points.
• Provide properly planned and designed ramps at the commercial
facilities for the materials transfer
• Re-examine land use zoning guidelines to distinguish land meant for
port activities
Delegate and enhance Improve and enhance responsibilities for regulating the local transport, and Provincial Provincial Transport Locally 2022
local responsibility for delegate provincial responsibilities to local bodies whilst equipping them with the Planning and Departments; Local responsive
transport planning necessary funds, tools and technologies to help address urban transport. These Development Government plans
local bodies should be responsible for preparing a holistic master plan for the city, Departments departments implemented
keeping in view; the anticipated expansion of the city and its future traffic and Local and tested
requirements. The Planning and Development, the Housing & Urban Government
Development Department, Local Government Department and the Transport
Department have to work in close collaboration.
Asses bypass roads Carry out traffic studies to bypass roads to avoid long-haul traffic moving through Provincial Provincial Planning Reduction in 2023
and limit heavy traffic the city centre and need to transit to another destination to avoid stopping in the Transport and Development heavy vehicle
in the cities city causing blockades, traffic jams and congestion. Departments Departments, in the cities.
Provincial Local
Special attention should be given to the requirements of the heavy transport Government & Reduction in
vehicles (HTV) that have to enter the city to cater to city’s commercial and Community the number of
industrial requirements. Facilitate and regulate the access of these vehicles to Development accidents on
city centres. Departments; the road.
National Highway Improved air
Authority. and noise
Designate loading and Designate loading and unloading areas and impose penalties and increase Provincial Provincial Planning Reduction in 2023
unloading areas enforcement on the illegal parking on the road-side. Transport and Development heavy vehicle
Departments Departments; in the cities.
Urban plans have to incorporate proper loading bays, preferably off-streets to Traffic Police
avoid obstruction of traffic. In congested areas, the roads/streets can be marked Reduction in
with special symbols to signify loading/unloading spaces and ensuring effective the number of
enforcement in this respect. There is a requirement for the international standard accidents on
road signage / direction signs and markings to indicate the prohibited or permitted the road.
locations for the loading and the unloading at the designated places on the
streets and roads.
Establish Cross dock Establish, cross-dock stations on the outskirts of the cities. These stations should Provincial Provincial and Number of 2022
stations be located near strategic well accessible locations to facilitate transfer, collection Transport Regional Transport Cross-Dock
and repacking of cargo. Departments Agencies; Stations
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
Lead Performance
Action Description Implementor Stakeholders Indicator Timeframe
Also, for the vehicles that need the loading of goods from the HTV for the Provincial Planning Efficient
redistribution, a loading station and area should be reserved in the industrial zone and development. freight
located in the outskirts, including facilities for the construction of distribution distribution.
centres. HTV can unload the goods or containers, undergo break-bulk in these
centres and dispatch the goods to the final destinations, using smaller vehicles or
Facilitate night delivery Facilitate the night operations for transfer and movement of cargo Provincial Provincial Transport Reduction in 2022
operations Transport Departments. the average
• Extend operating hours of the selected rail terminal to allow road-rail Departments. Provincial Local delivery time
transfer of goods Government & for the intra
• Limit the number of the police-checkpoints to streamline and facilitate Community city dispatch.
night time traffic. Development
• Install street lights at areas where the night operation is likely to happen Departments.;
(e.g. loading and unloading areas).
The night operations can be encouraged because this yields two advantages.
Firstly, the roads are less congested and the vehicle speeds can be faster.
Secondly, it increases the asset utilization for the logistics companies. However,
railways stations only operate at day time, but HTV can only enter cities after
8pm (they are prohibited to enter the city during day time to avoid compounding
the traffic congestion). So, when the HTV can enter the city, the train stations do
not receive nor deliver goods, as they are closed and only a skeletal staff is
maintained. As such, trains that carry a large volume of goods will transfer them
to numerous small vehicles for inland or onward dispatch, instead of using an
HTV for a long haul and higher capacity which is also more economical. Thus,
the selected railway stations should operate for the extended hours or even 24
hours over five-day /seven-day periods, so that goods can be transferred to an
Development of a Self- Consider the development of a Self-Collection Lockers system to facilitate Ministry of Ministry of Number of 2020
Collection lockers smaller e-commerce parcels: Communications Information Lockers
system Technology and
• Develop a Concept Note on the Self Collection Lockers system. Telecommunication; Average
• Establish the technical standards for the self-collection lockers to ensure Ministry of Science Utilization
inter-operability and Technology; E-
• Launch the National Lockers Program and pilot in Tier-1 cities and commerce
expand nation-wide. platforms; Logistics
• Designating strategically located drop-off and self-collection points can Service Providers
be encouraged
These initiatives cannot be undertaken unless Cash on Delivery services are
reduced to a minimal level.
See also Box 6.
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
Lead Performance
Action Description Implementor Stakeholders Indicator Timeframe
Establishing Freight Set up of specific partnership agreements between shopkeepers, carriers and Relevant Ministry of Freight 2022
Quality Partnerships other stakeholders aimed at improving the efficiency of last mile services. Freight associations Communications partnerships
Quality Partnerships aim to bring together both public and private-sector parties established
involved in freight transport and logistics to discuss problems and identify and City Governments for every
implement solutions. major city
Establishing Urban Contributes to the reduction of freight traffic circulating within a target area by Provincial Ministry of Logistics 2022
Consolidation/Logistics promoting the consolidation of cargo shipments at one or more urban terminals; Governments Communications Centres
Centres in major cities: established
• Carriers that would normally make separate trips to the target area with City Governments
low load factors, transfer their loads to a neutral carrier that consolidates
Freight operators
the cargo and manages the last leg of the deliveries;
• Shipments are supplied to a strategically located warehouse instead of
multiple vehicles making individual direct deliveries to receivers within
urban centres; and
• Shipments are usually consolidated to maximise vehicle utilisation on
the "last mile" and make a reduced number of deliveries at agreed times
during the day.
Designate HTV Parking Support the creation of suitable lorry parking and driver rest facilities in Provincial Provincial Transport Reduction in 2022
Areas and Truck Stops accordance with local and wider needs that may also remove inconvenient Governments Departments; heavy vehicle
parking of HTV vehicles in residential or sensitive areas. Traffic Police; in the cities.
Provincial Finance
Departments; Reduction in
Provincial the number of
Communication & accidents on
Works the road.
Departments.; Improved air
National Highway and noise
Authority.; quality.
Develop designated Develop designated routes for trucks in specified streets to avoid HTV traffic in Provincial Provincial Transport Reduction in 2021
routes for freight residential areas. This is supported by the implementation of coordinated route Governments Departments; heavy vehicle
navigation e.g. using ITS systems to optimise the delivery routes and timings. and Ministry of Traffic Police; in the cities.
Communications Provincial Finance
Consider usage of initiatives for the intelligent use of road space, optimised Departments; Reduction in
signalling and automation, with a particular focus on the road network within Provincial the number of
urban centres including exploring new technologies. Communication & accidents on
Works the road.
Departments.; Improved air
National Highway and noise
Authority.; quality.
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
Lead Performance
Action Description Implementor Stakeholders Indicator Timeframe
Promotion of greener Work with the public and private sector to reduce lorry and van movements in Ministry of Provincial Transport Reduction in 2022
freight in urban areas urban areas by identifying and developing a series of ‘green’ projects with a view Planning, Departments; heavy vehicle
to preserving the liveability of city centres and reduce the negative externalities Development Traffic Police; in the cities.
produced by freight vehicles in terms of emissions, noise and safety. Options are: and Special Provincial Finance
Initiatives Departments; Reduction in
• Promotion of low emission delivery vehicles and concepts, by Provincial the number of
developing restricted zones and operating hours with the exception of Provincial Communication & accidents on
clean vehicles Planning and Works the road.
• Identify and implement opportunities to encourage accelerated uptake of Development Departments.;
Departments Improved air
low emissions vehicles and operational practices. National Highway and noise
• Address the requirement for alternative fuels infrastructure as part of Authority.; quality.
wide development planning policies.
• Explore cleaner alternatives for ‘last mile’ logistics and courier type
services (for example, electric and cycling logistics).
• Encourage local freight/logistics operators to adopt cleaner engines
including retrofitting equipment that will improve fuel efficiency.
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
Stimulate Stimulate innovation by considering launching a LogTech fund Ministry of Ministry of Science and Percentage of e- 2022
innovation by jointly with private sector associations to promote the adoption Communications Technology; Ministry of commerce
launching a of EDI, ERP, Logistics Information Systems, Blockchain, Communications; Federal Board of transactions, both web-
LogTech fund Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, etc. to process and Revenue; Industry Associations; based and EDI based,
facilitate logistics supply chain and accompanying transactions. Ministry of Commerce; Board of out of the total
Investment transactions.
• Establish the selection criteria
• Describe the application procedure Growth in e-commerce
transactions in
• Define the list of technologies to be supported
comparison to base
• List the financial support mechanisms (e.g. tax credit) year.
In addition, the government shall also explore a grant or
subsidy program to promote logistics information systems such
as warehouse management system, transport management
system and freight management system. The self-sustaining
LogTech may be developed; this LogTech fund will establish
the selection criteria, application procedure and the list of
approved technologies. The financial support mechanism
includes co-financing, low interest long term loans or tax
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
Key Performance
Action Description Lead Implementor Stakeholders Indicator Timeframe
Include setting up a Freight and Logistics Advisory Council to
advise NAVTTC on the industry matters related on capacity
building. It is necessary for the business practitioners to
provide technical guidance and inputs to NAVTTC on capacity
building matters. Membership will comprise private sector
business leaders and office-bearers of transport and logistics
Conduct a Training Conduct a national Training Needs Analysis on Logistics National Vocational & National Logistics Cell; Training Needs 2020-2021
Needs Assessment Industry. NAVTTC with the advice of Advisory Council, shall Technical Training Industry Associations; Analysis
embark on a national training needs assessment focusing on Commission Chambers of Commerce
the freight and logistics industry.
The training needs assessment identifies existing and new
skills required by the industry, including existing courses in the
market, identification of the gaps and issues related to
capacity building needs
Repeated surveys can be considered to be conducted in all
four provinces to collect up-to-date data on the logistics
industry. The aggregated survey findings could then be
published and served as a reference point to inform future
policy making.
Develop the Develop the National Vocational Qualification Framework for National Vocational & National Logistics Cell; National Vocational 2020-2021
National Vocational Logistics. Core skills in the field will be defined and related Technical Training Industry Associations; Qualification
Qualification training will be designed and imparted (e.g. procurement, Commission Chambers of Commerce Framework
Framework inventory management, transportation, distribution,
warehousing, freight forwarding etc). Each core skill has a list
of unit of competencies that defines a specific skill or know-
how. The logistics National Vocational Qualification
Framework can then serve as a reference model for launching
new courses, or assessing individual logistics expertise in
interviews, examinations or career progression.
Establish Award Accredited Training Organization to those National Vocational & All training organizations Accredited Training 2020-2023
Accredited organizations that meet the quality standards and deliver the Technical Training offering courses in logistics Organization
Training capacity building programs. NAVTTC can designate Commission developed
Organizations Accredited Training Organizations where the courses qualify
for government grants or incentives.
Design and Setup a Design and Setup a Training Development Fund to support National Vocational & Ministry of Finance; Pakistan Training 2021
training capacity building. This can be done in various ways such as Technical Training Courier and Logistics Development Fund
development fund (1) Direct subsidies to accredited training organizations for Commission Regulatory Authority; Private established
qualified courses, (2) Logistics Scholarships and Book Prizes, Sector;
(3) Tax credit to companies.
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
Key Performance
Action Description Lead Implementor Stakeholders Indicator Timeframe
Support set up Support Centres of Excellence in Universities to strengthen Ministry of Federal Universities and Colleges Centres of 2020-2021
Centres of industry-academia linkages to attract talent to the industry and Education and (Pakistan and Overseas) Excellence
Excellence can serve as a platform to connect industry and academic Professional Training established
institutions in each province. For example, Bahria University
with its association to National Institute of Maritime Affairs can
serve as the centre of excellence for seaports and
international shipping. Fostering international partnerships
and linkages with reputable universities and colleges is also
Attract Attracting professionals, outside of logistics, to enter the National Vocational & National Logistics Cell; Strategic Manpower 2021
professionals logistics industry by launching a Strategic Manpower Technical Training Industry Associations; Conversion onwards
Conversion Program (SMCP) to deliver future work and drive Commission Chambers of Commerce; Program
innovation. The SMCP is providing a strategic training
programme. NAVTTC, accredited training organizations and
the centres of excellence can perform job match-making.
These candidates undergo an introductory conversion course
by accredited training organization and then work part-time at
an assigned logistics company. Upon completion of the
conversion program, the company and individual discuss
options to continue employment with the company.
Capacity building Conduct capacity building for government staff working in National Vocational & Accredited Training Assessment Scores 2021
for Government Ministries and Authorities related to logistics. The capacity Technical Training Organizations; Relevant (pre-test and post- onwards
staff building programs related to Freight and Logistics should be Commission government ministries and test) showing
facilitated by relevant Government Ministries and Department authorities improvement
dealing with Freight and Logistics both at Federal and
provincial level, highways and Motorway personnel along with
Trade bodies and associations.
Expand and Expand and develop courses to cover transport of dangerous National Vocational & Ministry of Communications, Number of people 2021
develop courses goods via all modes of transport. Consider the existing Technical Training Engineering Development taken the course
for handling training and certification for Handling of Dangerous Goods by Commission Board, Provincial
dangerous goods Air that is available in Pakistan. In addition, to the Defensive Governments, National
Driving course, Vocational training should be made mandatory Highways and Motorways
for drivers training on Health Safety Security & Environment Police
(HSSE) Inspection with elementary first aid to cater
Occupational Health and Safety which is major requirement of
Industrial sector.
Improve and Improve and enhance the driver training in line with the driver Ministry of National Highways and Number of people 2022
enhance driver licensing guidelines and adopt this within the various Communications Motorways Police, Provincial taken the training
training governments and the private vocational training institutes in Governments
order to inculcate professionalism and promote employment
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
Key Performance
Action Description Lead Implementor Stakeholders Indicator Timeframe
Update driving Update the syllabus for Heavy Transport Vehicle (HTV) National Highways & All public and private training Updated Syllabus 2021
handbook and license to cover Defensive Driving Course and Health Safety Motorways Police, institutes
licenses Security Environment as well. Provincial Traffic
Update the Road Safety Handbook and must highlight use of
reflectors and lash cargo in accordance with the pre-defined
standards, using tools and equipment for safety of cargo such
as belts, chains, ropes and mandatory signs.
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
• Metric 1. Improve the efficiency of Customs and Border Clearance. The customs performance is the
most inferior and suffered the steepest drop in ranking. Notwithstanding, reforms can be made to improve
the customs performance. The rule of thumb for gauging the efficiency in the clearance process is the
speed, simplicity and predictability of the formalities by the border control agencies, including the
Customs. For instance, Germany, which scores highest in LPI in Customs, expresses most customs
duties and value added tax (VAT) as a percentage of the value of goods being declared for importation,
the other two variables being the “origin of goods” and the “customs tariff”. This simplicity in Customs
brings much needed objectivity, speed and predictability in the clearance process. Operational side of
the Customs also needs major reforms. The consignments have to wait for weeks for the Customs
inspections that may last for only a few minutes. The conduct of Time Release Study (TRS) which maps
the cargo release procedure and measures the time/cost in doing so can facilitate customs improvement
and the use of TRS is endorsed by World Customs Organization (WCO).
• Metric 2. Improve the Quality of Trade and Transport Infrastructure. Overreliance on the road
transport for the movement of the freight poses serious challenges in terms of improving the quality of
the national trade. The quality of trade and transport infrastructure has tangible elements, such as road
and the rail infrastructure and the intangible side such as regulatory controls, standards, dispute
resolutions mechanisms etc. The tangible side of the infrastructure has recorded considerable
improvement since 2007, but very limited attention is paid to the intangible side which is equally
important. The public sector is expected to perform its’ regulatory function which has been to a large
extent missing in the past.
• Metric 3. Ease the Arrangement of Competitively Priced International Shipments. Cartels in the
transport sector coupled with relatively lower number of vessels touching Pakistani ports compromise
price competitiveness for the international shipments. The reforms in Customs, ports, road authorities
and the traffic regulators can substantially reduce the transport costs.
• Metric 4. Improve the Competence and Quality of Logistics Service. Poor logistics infrastructure,
limited regulatory controls and low levels of compliance with national regulations and international
standards, seriously compromise the quality of logistics services. Moreover, vocational and technical
education in logistics and supply chain management is yet to flourish in the country, which also
downgrades the level of skill and knowledge. The public sector is expected to streamline the logistics
infrastructure by formulating regulatory controls and ensuring their compliance. Moreover, as the share
National Freight and Logistics Policy Government of Pakistan
of the transport and the logistics is increasing in the GDP; which is expected to increase further in the
post-CPEC scenario, educational institutions may consider developing specialised logistics and the
supply chain management degrees, courses, and certifications.
• Metric 5. Improve the ability to track and trace consignments. A very small percentage of road
transport provides tracking facilities, while no such facility exists on the rail network. Track and trace at
Customs is also seldom used. All these factors contribute towards lowering the ability to track and trace
the individual consignments. The customs, ports and the railways organisations should promote and
incentivise the track and trace, with road transport being encouraged to install traceability within vehicles.
• Metric 6. Improve Timeliness of Shipments. Factors such as slow and unpredictable road transport,
slow customs clearance, longer wait times at the port and possible quarantine at the destination ports
can result in a failure to meet shipment deadlines and lost business for both exporters and importers.
The proposed Courier and Logistics Regulatory Authority and the Customs should start measuring these
shipments that fail to meet target times, and to identify all relevant factors that caused the delay and take
measures to avert them in the future.