Earth Leage

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ADM NO: B31731013



ACADEMIC YEAR: 2019/2020


This part is submitted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the
Bachelor degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering under Electrical and Power
Engineering Department in Mbeya University of Science and Technology (MUST). I
certify that I have read and hereby recommend for acceptance by Mbeya University
of science and Technology as project titled “DESIGN OF AUTOMATIC EARTH

Supervisor‟s Name: GODWIN MNKENI


Date ……………………………………..

I, Ashura Mtumwa Mussa, declare to the best of my knowledge that, the project
presented here as a partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Electrical and electronics
engineering at Mbeya University of Science and Technology under the supervision
of Eng. Godwin Mnkeni is my original work, and has not been copied from
anywhere or presented elsewhere, except where explicitly indicated otherwise, as all
sources of knowledge have been dully acknowledged.



This report is copyright material protected under the Berne Convention the copyright
Act 1999 and other international enactments in that behalf on intellectual property, It
may not be reproduced by any means, in full or in part, except for short extracts in
fair dealings for research or private study

First of all, I thank God, I dedicate this report to my beloved mother and my family
for their moral and support. Also I dedicate this work to all staff and students of
Department of Electrical and Power Engineering.

First of all, I acknowledge the grace of God of heaven, the maker, and the provider of
knowledge for enabling me to complete my degree in Electrical and Electronics
engineering in good health. I would like to express my special thanks to my
supervisor, Eng. Godwin Mnkeni from the Mbeya University of science and
technology for the valuable instructions and guidance she has given to me when I
was doing this thesis. Without his kind support this thesis has been made impossible.

I also would like to take this opportunity to send my deepest gratitude to all of the
lecturers, and Support staff of Mbeya University of science and technology for
providing me with both theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the field of
public financial management. Thanks to their enthusiastic lectures and
encouragement, I have been able to complete this dissertation.

Last but not least, this project is for my Parents who forced me to use her little
savings to buy a laptop for writing the research and other components just because
they wanted to make a contribution to my study. All those who assisted me in one
way or another throughout this period of project and though I may not name each one
of you individually, your contribution is recognized and appreciated immensely. I
owe you my gratitude. To you all, God bless.

Figure 2. 1 Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker ................................................................. iv

Figure 2. 2 Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker Connection .............................................. iv
Figure 2. 3 Voltage Operated ELCB ............................................................................ v
Figure 2. 4 Current Operated ELCB .......................................................................... vii
Figure 2. 5 Existing Block Diagram .......................................................................... vii
Figure 2. 6 Proposed Block Diagram .......................................................................... ix
Figure 2. 7: Regulated Power Supply .......................................................................... x
Figure 2. 8 Transformer. ............................................................................................. xi
Figure 2. 9: Pin Out Diagram of Voltage Regulator. ................................................ xiv
Figure 2. 10: ArduinoMicrocontroller...................................................................... xvii
Figure 2. 11: GSM Overview. ................................................................................... xix
Figure 2. 12: LCD pin out (16*2) .............................................................................. xx
Figure 4. 1 Dc power supply .................................................................................. xxxii
Figure 4. 2 Circuit diagram of simulation results ................................................. xxxvi
Figure 4. 3 Circuit diagram of the simulation showing no leakage ..................... xxxvii

Table 3. 1 Shows Earth leakage problems in different year at different location ... xxiii
Table 3. 2 Data collection for various consumers ................................................... xxiv
Table 3. 3 Modem specification ............................................................................... xxv
Table 3. 4 Electrical characteristics for 16x2 LCD Module .................................... xxv
Table 3. 5 Types of Voltage Regulator .................................................................... xxv
Table 3. 6 Microcontroller specifications ............................................................... xxvi
Table 4. 1 GSM Specifications ............................................................................. xxxiii
Table 4. 2 Data Gathered for Microcontroller ...................................................... xxxiv

ELCB Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker

AC Alternating Current

AVR Advanced Virtual RISC

DC Direct Current
IC Integrated Circuit
PIC Peripheral Interface controller
RAM Random Access Memory
RISC Reduce Instruction Set Computer
LCD Liquid Crystal Display

Power system protection is the most important requirement in the industrial or

domestic electrical to prevent equipment from damage cause by leakage current. The
ELCB is an important equipment to install at each of house, hospital, factory, or
every place that need the power supply. The device monitors input current from
power line by using the sensor Zero phase Current Transformer (ZCT). ELCB
normally operate at 30 mA for domestic consumers. This project will help the
consumers to know the earth leakage fault especially when the earth leakage isn‟t
able to detect the fault and this will reduce the problem of high electric bill. Earth
leakage results in excess meter reading due to some electrical current flowing from
the current carrying conductor to the earth.

Currently the method used to detect the earth leakage is by use of an ordinary AC
tester which cannot detect the earth leakage if current is not high enough to switch on
a neon lamp. Also this system is done too late after the user experiencing the high
electric bill for long time is where he/she decides to call the electrician to do
inspection on wiring system in order to trace out if there is earth leakage. The
weakness of current system is that it does not send notification automatically
whenever the leakage is detected so that the problem can be solved as early as

The proposed system is going to detect the earth leakage automatically and send
notifications to user on the spot whenever the earth leakage is detected. The proposed
system consists the sensing unit, whenever the sensing unit detects the earth leakage
it sends the feedback signal to the microcontroller, the microcontroller process the
received signal and command the global system for mobile communications (GSM)
and GSM sends to the notifications to the user about the occurrence of earth leakage.
Therefore the stated problem will be solved by the proposed system.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE ....................................................................................................................... i
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... i
1.1 General Introduction ............................................................................................... i
1.2 Problem Statement ................................................................................................. ii
1.3 Project Objectives .................................................................................................. ii
1.3.1Main objective...................................................................................................... ii
1.3.2 Specific Objectives.............................................................................................. ii
1.4 Significance of the Project ..................................................................................... ii
1.5 Scope/limitation ..................................................................................................... ii
CHAPTER TWO .....................................................................................................................iii
LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................................iii
2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... iii
2.2 Related existing system ......................................................................................... iii
2.2.1 Earth leakage circuit breaker...........................................................................................iii to Connect Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker........................................................... iv of Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) ......................................................... iv Voltage Operated ELCB ............................................................................................. iv Advantages of Voltage Operated ELCB .......................................................................v Disadvantages of Voltage Operated ELCB.................................................................. vi Current Operated ELCB............................................................................................... vi
2.2.2 Existing system ................................................................................................. vii
2.2.3 Existing Block Diagram .................................................................................... vii
2.3 The proposed System .......................................................................................... viii
2.3.1 Advantages of the Proposed System ................................................................ viii
2.3.2The proposed Block diagram .............................................................................. ix
2.4 Description of the Proposed Block Diagram ........................................................ x
2.4.1 Regulated Power Supply .................................................................................................x
2.4.2 Transformer ......................................................................................................... x Principle of Operation ................................................................. xi
2.4.3 Smoothing circuit/ Capacitor ............................................................................ xii
2.4.4 Regulator ........................................................................................................... xii
2.4.5 Types of voltage regulator ................................................................................ xii
2.4.6 IC voltage regulator........................................................................................... xii
2.4.7 Types of IC Voltage Regulators ....................................................................... xiii
2.4.8 LM7805: ........................................................................................................... xiii
2.4.9 Advantages of the Regulator ............................................................................ xiv
2.5 Sensing Unit ......................................................................................................... xv
2.6 Microcontroller .................................................................................................... xv
2.6.1 Types of Microcontrollers ................................................................................. xv
2.6.2 8051 Microcontroller ....................................................................................... xvi
2.6.3 ARM Microcontroller ...................................................................................... xvi
2.6.4 AVR Microcontroller ....................................................................................... xvi
2.6.5 Programmable Interface Controller (PIC) ........................................................ xvi
2.6.6 Arduino Microcontroller ................................................................................. xvii
2.7 Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) ........................................... xvii
2.7.1Application of GSM .......................................................................................... xix
2.8 Display (LCD) ..................................................................................................... xix
2.8.1 Advantages of LCDs ......................................................................................... xx
CHAPTER THREE ............................................................................................................... xxi
METHODOLOGY AND DATA COLLECTION ................................................................. xxi
3.1 Methodology. ................................................................................................................... xxi
3.1.1 Literature review .............................................................................................. xxi
3.1.2 Data Collection................................................................................................. xxi
3.1.3 Data Analysis ................................................................................................... xxi
3.1.4 System design ................................................................................................. xxii
3.1.5 Circuit Simulation ........................................................................................... xxii
3.1.6 System implementation and prototype testing ................................................ xxii
3.1.7 Report writing ................................................................................................. xxii
3.2 Data collection ................................................................................................... xxii
3.2.1 Primary data. ................................................................................................... xxii
3.2.2 Secondary data (Technical data) ..................................................................... xxv Display ......................................................................................................... xxv Voltage Regulator 7805 ............................................................................... xxv Microcontroller ........................................................................................... xxvi Flow chart of the proposed system.............................................................. xxvi
CHAPTER 4 ...................................................................................................................... xxviii
DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS DISCUSSION ....................................................... xxviii
4.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... xxviii
4.2 Sensing Part Analysis...................................................................................... xxviii
4.3 Design of DC power supply .............................................................................. xxix
4.3.1 Transformer analysis ...................................................................................... xxix
4.3.2 Rectifier analysis ............................................................................................. xxx
4.3.3 Filter analysis ................................................................................................. xxxi
4.3.4 Voltage regulator LM7805............................................................................. xxxi
4.4 GSM Module Selection Specification .............................................................. xxxii
4.4 Microcontroller selection ................................................................................ xxxiv
4.5 Selection of liquid Crystal display (LCD) ....................................................... xxxv
4.6 The designed circuit Operation ....................................................................... xxxv
CHAPTER FIVE ................................................................................................................xxxix
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ..................................................................xxxix
5.1 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................... xxxix
5.2 RECOMMENDATION .................................................................................. xxxix
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ xl
APPENDICES ....................................................................................................................... xlii
APPENDIX A ........................................................................................................... xlii
APPENDIX B .......................................................................................................... xliii
AAPPENDIX C: SOURCE CODES OF THE PROJECT....................................... xliv

1.1 General Introduction

Earth leakage from electrical wiring is a serious problem especially during rainy
season. Electrical appliances or faulty wiring may be the source of leakage current
through the wet wall to the earth. Earth leakage results in excess meter reading due to
some electrical current flowing from the current carrying conductor to the earth.
Therefore the user incurs excess expenditure while paying the electric bill.

Currently the method used to detect the earth leakage is by use of an ordinary AC
tester which cannot detect the earth leakage if current is not high enough to switch on
a neon lamp. Also this system is done too late after the user experiencing the high
electric bill for long time is where he/she decides to call the electrician to do
inspection on wiring system in order to trace out if there is earth leakage. The
weakness of current system is that it does not send notification automatically
whenever the leakage is detected so that the problem can be solved as early as

The proposed system is going to detect the earth leakage automatically and send
notifications to user on the spot whenever the earth leakage is detected. The proposed
system consists the sensing unit, whenever the sensing unit detects the earth leakage
it sends the feedback signal to the microcontroller, the microcontroller process the
received signal and command the global system for mobile communications (GSM)
and GSM sends to the notifications to the user about the occurrence of earth leakage.
Therefore the stated problem will be solved by the proposed system.
1.2 Problem Statement
Earth leakage has been a major problem which causes excess energy meter reading
and hence the user incurs excess cost while paying the electricity bill. This problem
exists because it is difficult to trace the earth leakage using the normal ac tester
especially when the current is very small to light on the neon lamp. Also due to
absence of automatic system which could alert on earth leakage it leads to the stated
problem because it is revealed late if there is earth leakage after experiencing high
electricity bill for a long time is where the user tends to inform the electrician to do
inspection on wiring system.

1.3 Project Objectives

The objectives of this project are divided into two main categories, the main
objective and the specific objectives.
1.3.1 Main objective
The main objective of this project is to design an automatic earth leakage detector
circuit with sms notifications for domestic wiring.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

i. To design the sensing circuit.
i. To design amplifier circuit.
ii. To design control circuit and interface with gsm module.
iii. To simulate the designed proposed system.
iv. To build and implement the prototype.

1.4 Significance of the Project

i. The system will simplify the process of tracing earth leakage fault.
ii. To avoid the excess cost due to earth leakage

1.5 Scope/limitation
The system will not be able to send notifications on absence of network coverage
and absence of credit on simcard.


2.1 Introduction

This chapter describes the features, operation and limitation of the existing system. It
also explains about the proposed system. Furthermore it will provide necessary
information and knowledge which will aid in attaining the objectives of this project.

2.2 Related existing system

2.2.1 Earth leakage circuit breaker

An ECLB is one kind of safety device used for installing an electrical device with
high earth impedance to avoid shock. These devices identify small stray voltages of
the electrical device on the metal enclosures and intrude the circuit if a dangerous
voltage is identified. The main purpose of Earth leakage circuit breaker (ECLB) is to
stop damage to humans & animals due to electric shock. The ELCB notices fault
currents of human or animal to the earth wire in the connection it guards. If ample
voltage seems across the ELCB‟s sense coil, it will turn off the power, and remain
off until manually rearrange. A voltage sensing ELCB doesn‟t detect fault currents
from human or animal to the earth
Figure 2. 1 Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker to Connect Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker

The earth circuit is adapted when an ELCB is used; the connection to the earth rod is
accepted through the earth leakage circuit breaker by linking to its two earth
terminals. One goes to the fitting earth circuit protective conductor (CPC), and the
other to the earth rod or another kind of earth connection. Thus the earth circuit
permits through the ELCB‟s sense coil.

Figure 2. 2 Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker Connection of Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB)
There are two types of Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB)

i. Voltage Operated ELCB

ii. Current Operated ELCB Voltage Operated ELCB

Voltage-operated ELCB device is used to detect a voltage to choose the Earth
leakage. A single-phase voltage ELCB includes 6-terminals namely line in, line out,
neutral in, neutral out, Earth and fault. The metal body of the load is associated with
the fault terminal of the Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) & Earth terminal is
associated with the ground. For usual working, the voltage across the trip coil is „0‟,
as the Load‟s body is isolated from the supply line. When an Earth fault happens on
the load due to the interaction of line wire to the metal body, a current will run
through fault to the ground. The flow of current will set up a voltage across the trip
coil, which is associated between E & F. The energized trip coil will tour the circuit
to guard the load device &the user. A voltage-operated ELCB detects a growth in
potential between the threatened consistent metalwork and a distant isolated Earth
reference electrode. They work as a sensed potential of around 50V to open the main
breaker & separate the supply from the threatened premises. A voltage-operated
ELCB includes a second terminal for linking to the remote reference Earth

Figure 2. 3 Voltage Operated ELCB Advantages of Voltage Operated ELCB
ELCBs are less sensitive to fault conditions and have few nuisance trips.

While current and voltage on the ground line generally fault current from a live wire,
this is not continuously the case, therefore there are conditions in which an ELCB
can annoyance trip. When an installation of the electrical instrument has two contacts
to earth, a near high current lightning attack will root a voltage gradient in the earth,
offering the ELCB sense coil with sufficient voltage to source it to a trip.If either of
the soil wires become detached from the ELCB, it will no longer install will
frequently no longer be correctly earthed. These ELCBs are the necessity for a
second connection and the opportunity that any extra connection to ground on the
threatened system can inactivate the detector. Disadvantages of Voltage Operated ELCB

i. They do not sense errors that don‟t permit current through the CPC to the
ground rod.
ii. They do not permit an only building system to be simply divided into many
sections with independent error protection because earthing systems are
typically used mutual earth, Rod.
iii. They may be skipped by outside voltages from something associated with the
earthing system like as metal pipes, a TN-C-S or a TN-S earth mutual neutral
and earth.
iv. As electrical leaky utilizations like washing machines, some water heaters
and cookers might source the ELCB to trip.
v. ELCBs present an extra resistance & an extra point of failure in the earthing
system. Current Operated ELCB

RCCB is the generally used ELCB and it comprises of a three winding transformer,
that has two primary windings and also one secondary winding. Neutral & line wires
work as the two main windings. A wire wound coil is the minor winding. The flow
of current through the minor winding is “0” in the stable condition. In this condition,
the flux owed to the current over the phase wire will be deactivated by the current
through the neutral wire, meanwhile the current that flows from the phase will be
refunded to the neutral. When an error occurs, a slight current will run into the
ground also. This creates a confuse between line and neutral current and that makes
an unstable magnetic field. This encourages a current flow through the minor
winding, which is associated with the sensing circuit. This will detect the outflow
and direct signal to tripping system.
Figure 2. 4 Current Operated ELCB
2.2.2 Existing system

Currently the method used to detect the earth leakage is by use of an ordinary AC
tester which cannot detect the earth leakage if current is not high enough to switch on
a neon lamp. Also this system is done too late after the user experiencing the high
electric bill for long time is where he/she decides to call the electrician to do
inspection on wiring system in order to trace out if there is earth leakage. The
weakness of current system is that it does not send notification automatically
whenever the leakage is detected so that the problem can be solved as early as

2.2.3 Existing Block Diagram


Figure 2. 5 Existing Block Diagram

2.3 The proposed System

The proposed system is going to detect the earth leakage automatically and send
notifications to user on the spot whenever the earth leakage is detected. The proposed
system consists of the sensing unit, whenever the sensing unit detects the earth
leakage it sends the feedback signal to the microcontroller, the microcontroller
process the received signal and command the global system for mobile
communications (GSM) and GSM sends to the notifications to the user about the
occurrence of earth leakage. Therefore the stated problem will be solved by the
proposed system.

2.3.1 Advantages of the Proposed System

i. The system will simplify the process of tracing earth leakage fault.
ii. To avoid the excess cost due to earth leakage
iii. It sends notification on the spot soon after earth leakage occurs
iv. It efficient
v. It is reliable
2.3.2The proposed Block diagram






Figure 2. 6 Proposed Block Diagram

2.4 Description of the Proposed Block Diagram
The following is description of each block and their circuit components to be used.

2.4.1 Regulated Power Supply

Power supply is electrical circuits that supply electrical power to an electrical load.
The primary function of power supply is to convert electrical voltage and current
from a source to the correct voltage and current required powering the load at
constant frequency. As a result, power supplies are sometimes referred to as
electrical converter.

Dc power supply is used in order to power the entire circuit. Power supply consist of
step down transformer which steps down the ac main into 12V ac which is fed to the
bridge rectifier for being converted in pulsating DC voltage, pulsating dc means the
signal consists both ac and dc components. From bridge rectifier the signals is fed
into filter where the ac signals are shorted to the ground and dc signal are allowed to
pass to the regulator, regulator is there in order to maintain the constant output
voltages by eliminating fluctuations from the incoming signals. A 5V Regulated DC
power supply will be used to power a microcontroller, sensing unit, burser, GSM
module, and SD card device.

Figure 2. 7: Regulated Power Supply

2.4.2 Transformer
A transformer can be defined as a static device which helps in the transformation of
electric power in one circuit to electric power of the same frequency in another
circuit. The voltage can be raised or lowered in a circuit, but with a proportional
increase or decrease in the current ratings. In this article we will be learning about
Transformer basics and working principle. Principle of Operation
The main principle of operation of a transformer is mutual inductance between two
circuits which is linked by a common magnetic flux. A basic transformer consists of
two coils that are electrically separate and inductive, but are magnetically linked
through a path of reluctance. The working principle of the transformer can be
understood from the figure below.

Figure 2. 8 Transformer.
As shown above the electrical transformer has primary and secondary windings. The
core laminations are joined in the form of strips in between the strips you can see that
there are some narrow gaps right through the cross-section of the core. These
staggered joints are said to be „imbricated‟. Both the coils have high mutual
inductance. A mutual electro-motive force is induced in the transformer from the
alternating flux that is set up in the laminated core, due to the coil that is connected
to a source of alternating voltage. Most of the alternating flux developed by this coil
is linked with the other coil and thus produces the mutual induced electro-motive

If the second coil circuit is closed, a current flows in it and thus electrical energy is
transferred magnetically from the first to the second coil.
The alternating current supply is given to the first coil and hence it can be called as
the primary winding. The energy is drawn out from the second coil and thus can be
called as the secondary winding.

In short, a transformer carries the operations shown below:

i. Transfer of electric power from one circuit to another.

ii. Transfer of electric power without any change in frequency.
iii. Transfer with the principle of electromagnetic induction.
iv. The two electrical circuits are linked by mutual induction.

2.4.3 Smoothing circuit/ Capacitor

The function of the filter is to remove the fluctuations or pulsations (ripples) present
in the output voltage supplied by the rectifier. Most of the rectifier output has
pulsating signal which means it has dc value with some ac components called ripple,
this type of output is not useful for the driving of circuits or devices which require a
very steady dc output that approaches the smoothness of a battery‟s output. There are
different types of filters, in this project a capacitor filter will be used for smoothing
out the dc voltage variation in the output of the power supply circuits.

2.4.4 Regulator
Regulator is used to maintain the constant output voltage by removing fluctuations
from incoming voltage from filter circuit. Generally the main function of Dc power
supply in our circuit is to power the circuit.

2.4.5 Types of voltage regulator

1. Series voltage regulator

2. Shunt voltage regulator
3. Series feedback voltage regulator and shunt feedback voltage regulator.
4. Glow tube voltage regulator.
5. Series double triode voltage regulator.
6. IC voltage regulator
2.4.6 IC voltage regulator.
IC Voltage Regulator uses integrated circuits for voltage regulation. One (Thomas et
al., 2003). Most of the commonly used IC voltage regulators are three-terminal

2.4.7 Types of IC Voltage Regulators

i. Fixed positive voltage regulator
ii. Fixed negative voltage regulator
iii. Adjustable voltage regulator
Iv.Dual-tracking voltage regulator

2.4.8 LM7805:
This will be the regulator which is going to be used in this project for obtaining a
pure DC voltage. A LM7805 Voltage Regulator is a voltage regulator that outputs +5
volts. An easy way to remember the voltage output by a LM78XX series of voltage
regulators is the last two digits of the number. A LM7805 ends with "05"thus, it has
outputs of 5 volts. The "78" part is just the convention that the chip makers use to
denote the series of regulators with output positive voltage. The other series of
regulators, the LM79XX, is the series that outputs negative voltage. So: LM78XX:
Voltage regulators that output positive voltage XX"=voltage output. LM79XX:
Voltage regulators that output negative voltage, "XX"=voltage output. The LM7805,
like most other regulators, is a three-pin IC(Singh, Kumar et al. 2014).
Pin 1 (Input pin): The Input pin is the pin that accepts the incoming DC voltage,
which the voltage regulator will eventually regulate down to 5 volts.

Pin 2 (Ground): Ground pin establishes the ground for the regulator.

Pin 3 (Output pin): The Output pin is the regulated 5 volts DC.
Figure 2. 9: Pin Out Diagram of Voltage Regulator.

Even though regulator can accept this voltage it is advisable an input voltage of 36
volts, to limit the voltage to 2-3 volts higher than the output regulated voltage. For a
5-volt regulator, no more than 8 volts should be applied as the input voltage. The
difference between the input and output voltage appears as heat. The greater the
difference between the input and output voltage, the more heat is generated. If too
much heat is generated, through high input voltage, the regulator can overheat. If the
regulator does not have a heat sink to dissipate this heat, it can be destroyed and
malfunction. So the two options are, design the circuit so that the input voltage going
into the regulator is limited to 2-3 volts above the output regulated voltage or place a
heat sink in your circuit to dissipate the created heat.

2.4.9 Advantages of the Regulator

78xx series ICs do not require additional components to provide a constant, regulated
source of power, making them easy to use, as well as economical and efficient uses
of space. Other voltage regulators may require additional components to set the
output voltage level, or to assist in the regulation process. Some other designs (such
as a switched-mode power supply) may need substantial engineering expertise to
78xx series ICs have built-in protection against a circuit drawing too much current.
They have protection against overheating and short-circuits, making them quite
robust in most applications. In some cases, the current-limiting features of the 78xx
devices can provide protection not only for the 78xx itself, but also for other parts of
the circuit(Yin, Li et al. 2007).

This is responsible in providing power to the circuit so that it operates in

predetermined level. The regulator is used to produce the required voltage which is
needed; the regulator will provide 5Vdc which is required to operate on a

2.5 Sensing Unit

This part will be sensing the presence or absence of earth leakage and send the
feedback signal to the microcontroller for further processing. The sensing unit
consist transistors which are wired in Darlington pair in order to increase the gain
and sensitivity, it will be sensing the electromagnetic waves around the insulator if
there is leakage of current.
2.6 Microcontroller
A microcontroller is a computer-on-a-chip, or a single-chip computer. Micro
suggests that the device is small, and controller tells you that the device might be
used to control objects, processes, or events(Aneesh and Jiju 2012). Another term to
describe a microcontroller is embedded controller, because the microcontroller and
its support circuits are often built into, or embedded in, the devices they control.
Microcontrollers can find in all kinds of things these days. Any device that measures,
stores, controls, calculates, or displays information is a candidate for putting a
microcontroller inside. Microcontroller is a single-chip computer because it contains
memory and I/O interfaces in addition to the CPU.

2.6.1 Types of Microcontrollers

Each type of microcontrollers has a unique instruction set and register set; therefore
they are not compatible with each other. Program written for one another will not run
on the others. They are 8-bits, 16-bits, 32-bits and 64-bits microcontrollers by
various chip makers. There are different types of microcontroller which are AVR
microcontroller, Arduino microcontroller, 8051 microcontroller, PIC microcontroller
and ARM microcontroller.
2.6.2 8051 Microcontroller
8051 microcontroller is an eight bit microcontroller launched in the year 1981 by
Intel Corporation(AMONDI 2015). It is available in 40 pin DIP (Ram 2004)dual
inline package. It has 4kb of ROM (on-chip programmable space) and 128 bytes of
RAM space which is inbuilt, if desired 64KB of external memory can be interfaced
with the microcontroller. There are four parallel 8 bits ports which are easily
programmable as well as addressable. Use C programming language, use a keel
compiler, most of the libraries is missing like ADC library, LCD library, Keypad
library and UART library for GSM and Bluetooth.
2.6.3 ARM Microcontroller
ARM is the name of a company that designs micro-processors architecture(Andrews
2004). It is also engaged in licensing them to the producers who fabricate genuine
chips. In actuality ARM is a 32 bit genuine RISC architecture. It was initially
developed in the year 1980 by Acorn Computers Ltd. This ARM base
microprocessor does not have on-board flash memory. Use C programming
language, have limitation in its function more than 32-bits not function, have missing
some of library like keypad library.
2.6.4 AVR Microcontroller
AVR microcontrollers‟ architecture was developed by Alf-EgilBogen and
VegardWollan. The name AVR is derived from the names of the architecture
developers of the microcontroller. Use C programming language, use Microsoft
visual studio compiler, have more weakness because some of library are missing like
LCD and ADC library.
2.6.5 Programmable Interface Controller (PIC)
Programmable Interface Controller was developed by Microchip Technology;
Microchip technology is a manufacturer of microcontroller, memory and analog
semiconductors, found in 1989 when a group of venture capitalists acquired
Microchip from general Instrument(Muhammad Ali Mazidi, and et al. 2008). The
microcontroller will then step through the instructions and executes them one by one.
A number of PICs are available in the industry depending of the advancement of the
technology. They are useful in electronic design due to their ability to perform all
other operation as PC can do though this is for specific task. They small amount of
power hence can be integrated in even small appliances such as microwave. Instead
of hard wiring a number of logic gates together to perform some actions we now use
instruction to wire the gate electronically. The list of instruction given to
microcontroller is called program.

2.6.6 Arduino Microcontroller

Arduino is an open source electronic platform based on easy to use hardware and
software. Arduino board are able to read inputs-light on sensor, a finger on button
and turn into output activating motor, turning on LED publishing something online.
Use C++ programming language, use Arduino software compiler and have a family of
Arduino which are: Arduino mega, have number of pins more than 70-pins and used
for heavier project since more cost and Arduino Uno, have small number of pins up
to 28-pins.

Figure 2. 10: ArduinoMicrocontroller.

The microcontroller to be used in this project is Arduino microcontroller because it is

cheap, easy to program, it is open source and it can run on any operating system.

2.7 Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM)

GSM (Global System for Mobile communications) is the technology that underpins
most of the world's mobile phone networks. It is a second generation cellular
standard developed to cater voice services and data delivery using digital
modulation. The GSM platform is a hugely successful wireless technology and an un
precedent story of global achievement and cooperation. GSM has become the world's
fastest growing communications technology of all time and the leading global mobile
standard, spanning 218 countries. GSM is an open, digital cellular technology used
for transmitting mobile voice and data services.GSM operates in the 900MHz and
1.8GHz bands GSM supports data transfer speeds of up to 9.6 kbps, allowing the
transmission of basic data services such as SMS (Gangi and Gollapudi, 2013).

The GSM module is important in this kind of projects, it provides the ability to send
and receive signals between the microcontroller and authorized personnel mobile

These are two important standards in the transfer of data using GSM network, the
first one is the usage of SMS "Short Messages Service" and the second one is the
usage of the General Packet Radio Service "GPRS".

In this project GSM will be used as a communication way between the

microcontroller and the authorized personnel mobile phone, GPRS provides the
ability to use the internet in sending and receiving data which will reduce the cost of
transfer due to the usage of the packet switching in the case of GPRS.

This module needs a special board in order to use it easily and effectively, the board
comes with a special voltage regulator which does provides 2 levels of voltage (3.8
and 3.3 v), this board comes with a serial interface (RS 232) in order to make the
usage of the module easier. Global System for Mobile (GSM) is a second-generation
cellular standard developed to cater voice services and data delivery using digital

Telecommunication services that enable voice communication via mobile phones are

- Mobile telephony

- Emergency calling
Figure 2. 11: GSM Overview.

2.7.1Application of GSM
i. Telemetric
ii. Wireless terminal
iii. Alarm/Security system
iv. Automatic Meter Reading
v. Remote control
vi. Mobile trunk
vii. Wireless PSTN

2.8 Display (LCD)

A liquid crystal display (LCD) is a flat panel display, electronic visual display,
or video display that uses the light modulating properties of liquid crystals
(LCs)(Schadt 1997).LCDs available in two models: Character LCD and Graphics
LCD. The character LCD displays ASCII values and graphics LCD displays
graphics. Character LCDs are available in various kinds of models. No. Of
characters Lines: 8 1, 16 1, 16 2, 16 4, 20 4, 40 4… Dots: 122 32, 128 64, 240 128,
320 240… Color: Yellow, Green, Gray, Blue….Graphics LCDs are also available
with different sizes and colors.
If there is a gas leakage should be displayed on the LCD that “THERE IS A GAS
LEAKAGE”.16*2 alphanumeric liquid crystal display(LCD) will be used which will
display alphabets along with numbers on 2 lines each containing 16 characters.
2.8.1 Advantages of LCDs
(i) Consumes less power and generates less heat.
(ii) Saves lot of space compared picture tubes due to LCD's flatness.
(iii) Due to less weight and flatness LCDs are highly portable.
(iv) Long life and high reliability.
(v) Fast response

Figure 2. 12: LCD pin out (16*2)



3.1 Methodology.
The methodology which is going to be used during the project is PROTOTPYE
methodology. PROTOTPYE is limited working system developed to test out design
concept. Prototyping is the process of building a model of a system. Before the
process of prototyping the system should be pass the several steps until the part of
prototype. The phases in which system will follow before the processes of prototype
3.1.1 Literature review
This method involves passing through different sources of information in particular
area of a subject. Sources of information to be used are such as; books, journals and
various research papers. This method explores the existing systems with their
limitations also some useful knowledge gaps will be used as reference in
accomplishing this project.

3.1.2 Data Collection

This involves gathering of different information which assists in designing of the
system and the information that be obtained to prove that there is a need for a system
to exist. These data has been collected in order to be used to obtain the design
parameters to ensure that the project is accomplished and the implemented system
works as intended.

3.1.3 Data Analysis

It involves thorough manipulation of the data collected using analytical and logical
reasoning examining component and clear understanding of the different
technologies to be used in this project, so as to have technical reasons on the
selection of technology and devices to be employed.
3.1.4 System design
After analyzing the data collected and having clearly understood the different
technologies and device to be used, the next step is to design the proposed system
based on the specific objectives stated in chapter one to meet the main objective.

3.1.5 Circuit Simulation

This involves the use of mathematical models to replicate the behavior of the actual
circuit. Circuit simulation provides practical feedback in designing of real world
system hence allows determination of the correctness and efficiency of the design
before actual system construction.
3.1.6 System implementation and prototype testing
This involves realization of the design using specified hardware after successful
simulation. The prototype will then be tested to check its functionality with
reference to
specified performance parameters.
3.1.7 Report writing
This involves recording the summary of the work done in every method used in
achieving the objectives set.

3.2 Data collection

This part describes the data collected from various places and data collected
specifically for the blocks that make up the proposed system. The necessary system
requirements were identified by collecting the relevant data then the obtained data
will be used during the designing process.The data have been collected by
considering their advantages, characteristics, performances, cost related and also the
availability of the particular devices. The method used for collecting data is interview
method. The collected data is divided into primary data and secondary data.
3.2.1 Primary data.
These are data which are obtained directly from the field. The following data are
collected to the various area concerning to the earth leakage problems at Mbeya City.
Table 3. 1 Shows Earth leakage problems in different year at different location

AREA/YEAR 2016 2017 2018 2019

IYUNGA 5 2 3 6

IKUTI 6 5 4 2

ILUMBA 4 7 4 6

IGAWA 6 4 2 4

MBALIZI 5 5 4 6

ITENDE 2 3 6 4

SIMIKO 8 5 5 3

SOWETO 3 3 5 2

MABATINI 6 5 3 4

SAE 3 4 6 3
The following data are collected to the various consumers by using interviews.

Table 3. 2 Data collection for various consumers








ELIAS SAWE 10kwh 15kWh



3.2.2 Secondary data (Technical data)
These are data which shows the specifications of components to be used in system
design. GSM Modem parameters (Siemens A50)(
Table 3. 3 Modem specification

S/N Parameter Value

1 Baud rate 9600bps
2 Amperage 750mAh
3 Network GSM900/GSM1800MHZ
4 SMS Yes Display
The kind of LCD to be used in this project is 16x2 display.
Table 3. 4 Electrical characteristics for 16x2 LCD Module



Operating Vdd Ta=25◦c _ 5.0 _

Voltage (V)

Current Ta=25◦c,
Supply Idd Vdd=5.0 _ 2.0 30
(mA) Voltage Regulator 7805

Table 3. 5 Types of Voltage Regulator

Device Voltage input Voltage Temperature

LM7805 7V-20V 5V 00C-1250c Microcontroller
The microcontroller to be used is Arduino microcontroller and the following are the
specifications of microcontroller to be used.
Table 3. 6 Microcontroller specifications

Microcontroller ATMEGA 328P

Operating Voltage 5V
Input Voltage(recommended) 7-12V
Digital I/O pins 14
PWM Digital I/O Pins 6
Analog Input Pins 6
Flash Memory 32KB
Clock Speed 16MHZ
Length 68.6mm
Width 53.4mm
Weight 25g

The Arduino/Genuine Uno can be programmed with the (Arduino Software (IDE).
Arduino/Genuine Uno has a number of facilities for communicating with a computer,
another Arduino/Genuine board, or other microcontrollers. The ATmega328
provides UART TTL (5V) serial communication, which is available on digital pins 0
(RX) and 1 (TX). Flow chart of the proposed system

The following flow chart shows how programming will be undertaken in order to
fullfill the objectives set.

Input from Initialize the

sensors microcontroller

Is earth YES
NO Send sms notifications
to the home owner



4.1 Introduction
This chapter will provide the analysis of selected components, reasons for selecting a
particular component or the calculations leading to the selection of components to be
used in the design so as to come up with the appropriate value of component to be
used, switching system and power supplies for the entire system to perform

4.2 Sensing Part Analysis

For transistor Q1

Transistor to act as a switch, it operate in two conditions

:At Saturation (ON STATE)


4.3 Design of DC power supply

The power supply includes transformer, bridge rectifier, voltage regulator and filter.
A 220V-240V, 50Hz AC supply is stepped down to 12V ac by a transformer, and
rectified to dc supply with a bridge rectifier. The voltage regulator maintains the
output voltage and a filter minimizes the ac components from the rectified voltage so
that the pulsating dc voltage approaches a pure dc voltage (constant voltage).
4.3.1 Transformer analysis
The voltage from main power line which is fed to the transformer is 220Vac up to
240Vac with frequency of 50Hz and the output voltage required from transformer is
12Vac. Transformer Ratio equation.
Voltage Ratio = Turns Ratio = Current Ratio

= = …………………………………..(4.1)


is the primary voltage of the transformer

is the secondary voltage of the transformer

. Is the primary number of turns of the transformer

. Is secondary number of turns of the transformer

. Is the primary current of the transformer

Is the secondary current of the transformer


= = =55:3 = 18.33

Therefore, the transformer ratio will be 55:3

4.3.2 Rectifier analysis

The input voltage of bridge rectifier is 12Vac (Vrms) with 50-60Hz from the
secondary of the transformer.
The peak voltage of secondary transformer (Vp) is obtained by the following


The peak value of rectified voltage (Vpr) (forward and reverse rectification)


The peak inverse voltage (PIV) for each diode is obtained by the following equation.


So, the best selection of diode type is IN4001 which uses the maximum current of IA
and 50V.
4.3.3 Filter analysis
The function of a filter is to minimize the ac component from the rectified voltage so
that the pulsating dc voltage approaches a pure dc voltage (constant voltage). Usually
rectifier output has pulsating signal which has to be smoothen for better performance
of electronic circuits. The simplest method of ripple filtering is the use of shunt
capacitors. R.M.S ripple current in a filter capacitor can be 2 to 3 times D.C load
current the larger the value of the capacitor in microfarads the better will be the
smoothening of the output.
Ripple factor equations

The ripple factor of unfiltered waves


The ripple factor of filtered waves

Therefore, the value of filtering capacitor

The regulator resistance equation ………………………………….(4.10)

Therefore, regulator resistance

The minimum ripple factor is 5%, then value of capacitor is obtain from equation

Therefore, the best choice of capacitor is .

4.3.4 Voltage regulator LM7805

The LM78XX/LM78XXAseries of three-terminal positive regulators are available in
the TO220/D-PAK package and with several fixed output voltage, making them
useful in a wide range of applications. Each type employs internal current limiting,
thermal shutdown and safe operating area protection, making it essentially
indestructible. If adequate heat sinking is provided, they can deliver over 1A output
current. Although designed primary as fixed voltage and currents.
Therefore, from the analysis done in this part concerning power supply, now the
power supply circuit will look as presented here below.

Figure 4. 1 Dc power supply

4.4 GSM Module Selection Specification
From table 3.5 the GSM modem selected is SIM900A GSM modem due to the
following reasons:
i. It is simple to integrate with microcontroller
ii. It uses simple AT commands for configuring its operations.
iii. Highly flexible plug and play quad band SIM900A GSM modem for direct
and easy integration to RS232 applications.
iv. Supports features like Voice, SMS, Data/Fax
v. Operation temperature: -40°C to +85 °C
Also the functional parameters of SIM900A GSM modem make it suitable for the
sending the SMS (information required). Some specific features summarized on
table 4.1 below
Table 4. 1 GSM Specifications

GSM Specification
S/N Parameters Specification

1 GSM Module Sim900A

Operating Frequency 900MHz/1800MHz

3 Modem Interface RS232 Series Interface

4 Baud Rate (Default Factory) 9600bps

5 Power Requirement 4.5V to 12V

6 Current Requirement <590mA

7 Operating Temperature - 40°C to +85°C

4.4 Microcontroller selection
Table 4. 2 Data Gathered for Microcontroller
Table 4.2 Data Gathered for Microcontroller

Features ATmega328p ATmega32 Atmega8

Program memory 32KB 32KB 8KB
CPU 20 16 16
Data EEPROM 1024B 1024B 512B
Timer 2x8bit, 1x16bit 2x8bit,1x16bit 2x8bit,1x16bit
Serial Communication Receive(RX& RX&TX,SPI Pin2&3
Capture/Compare/PWM 1 Input Capture, 1 1 Input Capture, 1 1 Input Capture, 1
Peripherals CCP, 6PWM CCP, 4PWM CCP, 3PWM
General purpose I/O lines 32 44 32
analog input pins 6 8 8
Operating Voltage Range 1.8-5.5V 2.7-55.5V 2.7-55.5V
Max input current 40mA 40mA 40mA
SRAM 2048B 2048B 1024B
Temperature range (C) -40-85 -40-85 -40p-85
Low Power Yes

The ATmega32 and ATmega8 are rejected and ATmega328p is selected to used with
board because of the following features.

 Low power device compared to other
 Wide voltage range compared to other two devices
 High operating speed
 Low cost
The reason for using atmega328p with Arduino boards is that,
 Inexpensive-Arduino boards are relatively inexpensive compared to other
microcontroller platforms
 Its programming language is simple (Arduino language)
 No need of external programmer
 Ease to use, as it has built in pins outs for providing you with 5v, 3.3v,
ground, analog input, digital output, SPI, 12C etc.
 Cross-platform-The Arduino software runs on windows, Macintosh SX, and
Linux operating systems. Most microcontroller system are limited to window

4.5 Selection of liquid Crystal display (LCD)

16x2char liquid crystal display is chosen due to the following features.
 Low power consumption
 Inexpensive compared to other LCDs
 Only few words are displayed, thus it meet the requirements

4.6 The designed circuit Operation

The circuit detection sytem is placed near the distibution panel of the consumers
The designed system consists of the sensing unit, whenever the sensing unit detects
the earth leakage it sends the feedback signal to the microcontroller, the
microcontroller process the received signal and command the global system for
mobile communications (GSM) and GSM sends to the notifications to the user about
the occurrence of earth leakage. Under normal operating condition, the sensing unit
will not detect any change hence there is no output display through liquid crystal
display and Gsm doesn‟t send message to the owner. Under earth leakage fault. The
sensing unit will detect the fault and allow the microcontroller to send the signal to
the Gsm module for sending message to the consumers. The power supply has a step
down transformer for converting AC TO DC for supplying all component in the
designed circuit.
Figure 4. 2 Circuit diagram of simulation results
Figure 4. 3 Circuit diagram of the simulation showing no leakage
Figure 4.4 Circuit diagram of simulation showing earth leakage and the message


The design of an automatic earth leakage design of automatic earth leakage with sms
notifications in domestic consumers has been achieved in this project. The circuit is
able to send the message to the mobile phone when the small amount of earth
leakage is detected as well to display in screen when the fault occurs. Due to the
presence of the system the consumers will remove the problem in simplest way
without causing the excess of the energy causes cost which are caused by electric bill
when earth leakage occurs in domestic wiring system. Also the project will give the
reliability of electrical energy and problem solving in high accuracy and more
The designed system can be install in domestic distribution board in order to increase
the security and to reduce the excess electrical energy cost which are difficult to trace
the circuit when the problem arises if the system is at fault condition. Therefore I
recommended that for the system to operate as intended it must not be employed to
where our scope have not stated so as to meet the designed operating characteristics
as it have a lot of advantages to our local community.


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Cost Estimation of the Project



1 MICROCONTROLLER 1 40000 40000/=

2 TRANSFORMER 1 10000 10000/=

3 BRIDGE RECTIFIER 1 5000 5000/=

4 CAPACITOR 1 2500 2500/=

5 REGULATOR 1 1500 1500/=

6 PCB BOARD 1 15000 15000/=

7 SOLDER WIRE 3M 1000 3000/=

8 VARIABLE RESISTOR 1 1000 1000/=

9 GSM MODULE 1 65000/= 65000/=

10 LCD 1 20000/= 20000/=

11 CIRCUIT HOUSING 1 25000/= 25000/=

12 SENSOR 1 5000 5000/=

GRAND TOTAL 193000/=

Table: Time Frame

Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul

Selection of project title

Title defending

Literature review


Data collection

Data analysis

Circuit designing

and simulation

Building and testing


Report writing
#include<Liquid Crystal.h>

LiquidCrystal lcd(13,12,11,10,9,8);

#include<Software Serial.h>

Software Serial sim (2, 3);

String Phone Number="0712787360";

int umeliki;

int temp=0;

void setup() {

// put your setup code here, to run once:

lcd.begin(16, 2);




lcd.print("AUTO LEAKAGE");


lcd.print("DETECTOR SYSTEM");


void loop () {

// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


check leakage ();

void SendMsg (){

sim.println ("AT+CMGF=1");

delay (100);

sim.println ("AT+CMGS=\""+PhoneNumber+"\"\r");

delay (100);



delay (100);

sim.println ((char) 26);

delay (100);

void check leakage ()

if (umeliki==LOW)

lcd.clear ();

lcd.print("ALERT! LEAKAGE");



delay (1000);

if (temp==0)

SendMsg ();




lcd.print ("SYSTEM NORMAL :");

lcd.setCursor (0, 1);

lcd.print ("NO LEAKAGE :");

delay (1000);

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