Endodontic Armamentarium
Endodontic Armamentarium
Endodontic Armamentarium
The goals of nonsurgical root canal therapy (RCT) are to chemomechanically débride, disinfect,
and shape the root canal spaces, followed by adequately sealing all portals of entry and exit.
To achieve these goals, multitudes of solutions and dental instruments have been specially
designed and used.
Historically, varied attempts at endodontic treatments have been documented since ancient
In 1728 Pierre Fauchard wrote The Surgeon Dentist, which described the dental pulp space and
the procedure to access this space to relieve abscess formation.
Fauchard recommended leaving the access to the pulp space open for months and then filling
the opening with lead foil.
Advancing on this concept, Robert Woofendale in 1766 was credited with the first endodontic
procedure in the United States.
He would cauterize the dental pulp with a hot instrument and place cotton in the root canals.
From this idea, the concept of pulp extirpation took hold.
In 1838 Edwin Maynard fabricated the first endodontic instrument.
He ground a watch spring into a broach, which he would then use to extirpate the dental pulp.
Over the next several decades, endodontic instruments continued to evolve into the
instruments and materials we use today.
Over the past two decades, the endodontic armamenarium has undergone major renovations in
nonsurgical and surgical treatment that have allowed endodontic treatment to become more
This chapter provides an overview of basic and advanced endodontic armamentarium and
describes their use in the clinical setting.
Proper knowledge of the various instruments, materials, and equipment, together with their
design, composition, and function, is critical to provide patients with proper diagnosis and
treatment options.
The field of endodontics is constantly evolving with improved armamentarium to assist clinicians
with diagnosis and treatment.
Clinicians should always consider using newer instruments, materials, and equipment to provide
the best possible treatment for their patients.
It will not be possible to include all armamentarium used in every endodontic procedure in this
However, the most widely used instruments and materials will be covered in detail.
Examination and Diagnosis
Clinical Examination
The primary aim during endodontic diagnosis is to determine the vitality of the pulp and the
status of the supporting periodontal structure.
For that, clinicians use a basic examination kit, which is very similar to instruments used for
restorative dentistry.
It is composed of a mouth mirror, Shepherd’s hook explorer, periodontal probe, and cotton
pliers (Fig. 7.1).
The vitality of the dental pulp is routinely examined using sensibility tests that aim to stimulate
the pulp through temperature (cold or hot) or electric stimulation(Figs. 7.2 and 7.3).
The supporting periapical tissues can be examined with the back of the mirror (percussion), the
index finger (palpation), and the periodontal probe.
Other instruments can be used to determine the presence or absence of a coronal crack or a
root fracture, such as a “Tooth Slooth,” a transilluminator, methylene blue, or caries detection
Radiographic Examination
Radiographic examination is the key diagnostic tool used to evaluate the periapex.
Different types of radiographs can be used for endodontic diagnosis.
Two-dimensional (2D) intraoral radiographs, periapical and bitewing, are used to evaluate the
teeth, their supporting structures, and any existing restorations.
Three-dimensional (3D) radiographs and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) have
become routinely used in endodontic diagnosis due to their ability to provide 3D images of the
area of interest.
In 2017 a survey sent to members of the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) showed
that almost 50% of the endodontists in the United States have a CBCT machine in their offices.
CBCT use among endodontists is increasing because it can further assist clinicians in proper
diagnosis and treatment planning.
Rodriguez et al.7 investigated the influence of CBCT imaging on clinical decision-making choices
of different specialists among cases with different levels of difficulty.
The results showed that examiners altered their treatment plan after viewing the CBCT scan in
27.3% of the cases and up to 52.9% in high-difficulty-level cases.
Although periapical radiographs are still used as the standard radiographic technique for
endodontic diagnosis and treatment, there are several clinical situations in which 2D
radiographs may not be able to properly assess the clinical condition.
Periapical lesions have to reach a certain size and erode the inner cortical plates of the jaws to
be visible on a periapical radiograph.
In addition, 2D radiographs have significant limitations in the detection, assessment, and
treatment planning of external cervical root resorption compared with CBCT imaging.
In a joint statement by the AAE and the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial
Radiology (AAOMR), they outlined several circumstances in which CBCT can be very useful for
better clinical examination (see Chapter 3).
These conditions include cases with external and internal resorptive defects, trauma and
fracture cases, presurgical treatment planning, and vertical root fracture cases.
In addition, they recommend using CBCT to evaluate the nonhealing of previous endodontic
treatment, in intra-appointment identification and localization of calcified canals, for initial
treatments with potential existence of extra canals and suspected complex morphology, and
for the diagnosis of patients who present with contradictory or nonspecific clinical signs and
symptoms associated with untreated or previously endodontically treated teeth.
It should be noted, however, that the accuracy of CBCT relies to a great extent on the
specifications and settings of the equipment used (field of view, voxel size, and artifact
Additionally, some lesions may not be accurately detected if they are smaller than 1.4 mm in
The dental operating microscope (DOM) is considered standard equipment in the endodontic
Before the early 1990s, dental loops were used for magnification.
The loops were limiting in two ways: first, only low-level magnification was possible; second,
because the practitioner had to wear the loops, neck strain and postural problems often
A web-based survey sent to AAE members in 200712 showed that 90% of endodontists were
using a DOM during treatment in comparison with only 52% in 1999.
The clinician can better visualize the root canal anatomy as a result of the magnification and
illumination provided by the DOM.
Khalighinejad et al. showed that maxillary first molars with nonhealed RCT in which DOM was
not used were significantly more likely to have a missed MB2 canal in the affected MB root.
This study indirectly shows the value of using the DOM on the outcome of nonsurgical root canal
treatment, at least in this situation.
Other studies also showed that practitioners were better able to locate and negotiate canals
when the DOM was used.
Although dental loops can be used during endodontic treatment, the DOM offers multiple
advantages: a wider field of view, improved illumination, and less physical strain on the
DOM is also among the instruments and materials that have significantly improved the
treatment outcome of endodontic surgery.
In addition to allowing excellent visualization, it is a great tool for documentation as well.
Clinicians can easily take images and videos of the various procedures and use them for better
patient communication and education (Fig. 7.4) (Video 7.1).
In 1862 Dr. Sanford Barnum developed the rubber dam to allow a saliva-free field in the mouth.
Later, Dr. G. A. Bowman improved the rubber dam by inventing the rubber dam clamp, which
allowed the stabilization of the rubber dam to a tooth.
The rubber dam is intended to isolate the tooth/teeth to be treated from the oral cavity to
ensure no microbial contamination.
In addition, it offers other kinds of benefits, such as enhancing visualization, providing a clean
operative field, and preventing ingestion or aspiration of any instrument, material, or irrigant
during treatment.
The 2010 AAE Position Statement on Dental Dams indicated that “tooth isolation using the
dental dam is ... integral and essential for any nonsurgical endodontic treatment.”
It is also considered the standard of care in today’s practice.
An isolation kit is composed of
(1) clamps that clasp the tooth and are available in different shapes and sizes, depending on the
tooth to be isolated (Fig. 7.5)
(2) rubber dam sheet, a physical barrier to isolate the tooth from the oral cavity;
(3) rubber dam hole punch used to create a hole in the rubber dam sheet that allows for
placement of the rubber dam clamp
(4) a rubber dam frame used to hold the rubber dam sheet in place (Fig. 7.6).
In some clinical cases, rubber dam placement alone may not sufficiently allow adequate
isolation of the tooth before initiating treatment.
Supplementary material such as OraSeal or OpalDam (Ultradent Products, Inc., South Jordan,
Utah, USA) may be applied around the tooth/clamp junction to enhance tooth isolation (Fig.
In clinical cases in which an extensive amount of tooth structure is lost, restoration of the tooth
to allow for proper isolation is recommended.
This restoration can be achieved using glass ionomer or composite restorative materials (Fig.
If placing a clamp on the tooth might result in damage of an existing restoration, a dental dam
stabilizing cord, such as Wedjets (Coltene/Whaledent GmbH), can be used to stabilize the
rubber dam in place without the use of a clamp (Fig. 7.9).
Length Determination
To ensure proper length control during root canal treatment, electronic apex locators (EAL)
have been used to determine the position of the apical foramen and/or constriction and thus
the apical extent for root canal instrumentations.
The first EAL was introduced in 1962 by Sunada.
Since their development, EAL have evolved to improve their accuracy and reliability in the
various clinical conditions.
Currently, EAL are consistently used by endodontists and widely used by general dentists.
EAL have been shown to be more accurate than standard 2D radiographs in working length
When use of EAL is combined with a radiograph, clinicians can reduce the risk of over- or under
instrumentation during root canal treatment, and thereby achieve more predictable results.
Instrumentation Armamentarium
Endodontic Access
The endodontic access is the opening in the crown of the tooth that allows for localization of
the root canal space.
Classically, the outline form for the access has been governed by G. V. Black’s principles of cavity
However, the access for each tooth should be directed by the anatomy of both the pulp
chamber and the curvature of the root.
Existing restorations and decay can alter the outline form of the access.
Due to the implementation of the DOM, modern endodontic accesses can be smaller and more
precise in their location on the crown of the tooth.
The access is prepared using a high-speed handpiece and burs with water coolant.
The selection of burs for access depends on the material(s) in the crown of the tooth.
Ceramic restorations and porcelain are best approached using diamonds burs.
Carbide burs are acceptable for metal (amalgam, gold, crown undercasting) and composite
The typical armamentarium consists of sizes 2, 4, and 6 round diamond burs and size 4 round
carbide or #1157 carbide burs.
After achieving access to the pulp chamber, safe end burs (Endo Z) can be used to avoid any
unnecessary damage to the floor of the pulp chamber.
Additional instruments are sometimes required to localize the root canal orifices/canals (Fig.
Root canal localization can be complicated by calcification in the form of pulp stones and
dystrophic calcification of the root canal space.
To remove these calcified structures, Munce burs, Mueller burs, or Swiss LN burs can be used.
They are long shanked rotary burs that can be used for precise troughing to expose root canal
These burs come in different sizes to facilitate drilling at different levels without the root canal
space and are used without water coolant, which can generate a significant amount of debris.
Specialized endodontic ultrasonic tips can also be used for root canal localization.
The advantages of ultrasonic tips are that they can be used very precisely and, if desired, used
with water irrigation.
Irrigants, dyes, and light can also help in root canal localization.
A drop of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) can be placed in the pulp chamber and viewed under
the DOM.
The solution will often bubble and “lightup” a canal orifice.
Caries detection dye or other stains can also locate hard-to-find root canal orifices.
Transillumination of the pulp chamber with a curing light has also been suggested to help
locate root canal orifices.
In summary, precise endodontic access is essential to a successful root canal treatment.
Cleaning and Shaping Instruments
Once access to the root canal system has been achieved, disinfection of the root canal space
can be initiated.
The goal of root canal disinfection is removing all pulp tissue and infected debris from the root
canal system.
Because achieving a sterile environment is currently impossible, the root canal space is then
filled with a special filling material to “entomb” any remaining bacteria.
Root canal disinfection is achieved through a step called “cleaning and shaping.”
Although the primary goal is only cleaning, the root canal space needs to be shaped by
endodontic instruments to facilitate the cleaning process.
It should be noted that the current disinfection process derives from the instruments and
materials currently used.
With the advancement in technology, noninstrumentation techniques may be used, and the
need to further shape the canal to facilities cleaning may be no longer needed.
Cleaning and shaping of the root canal space with the current endodontic armamentarium have
two primary objectives:
(1) the enlargement of the root canal space, and
(2) creation of a space amenable to the filling “obturation” method being used.
The instruments used for cleaning and shaping are classified by the ISO-Federation Dentaire
Instruments used by hand only are Group I.
Instruments similar to Group I but which are used with a rotary engine or motor are Group II.
Rotary engine–driven drills are Group III.
All three groups are typically used for an endodontic procedure.
Initially, small hand files can be inserted to “scout” the root canal space.
After providing a glide path, rotary instrumentation can be commenced.
Rotary instrumentation is performed using an endodontic electric motor (Fig. 7.14).
The electric motor allows for more precise control of the speed of rotation than that allowed by
an air-driven handpiece.
Electric motors can also control the allowable torque, which can be set to maximize file
performance and minimize file separation (breakage).
Hand and rotary files use standardized systems for sizing and identification.
The size of a file is defined by 100 times the tip size.
The taper of the file (the increase in diameter from the tip of the file to the handle) is based on
1/100th of a millimeter.
The color-coded identification system is based on file size.
With the exception of the three smallest file sizes (6, 8, and 10), the color pattern repeats to aid
in file size identification (Fig. 7.15).
Hand and rotary files come with different cross-sections and accordingly can be used in
different motions and at different parts of the treatment.
An illustration of the different hand instrument is shown in Fig. 7.16.
The application and use of each of these instruments will be discussed in detail in Chapter 14.
The taper for a standardized instrument is constant for the full length of the cutting flutes
(typically 16 mm).
The taper of the instrument refers to the incremental enlargement of the instrument diameter
every 1 mm (Table 7.1).
Some rotary endodontic files are variable in their taper, which means that the taper is not
constant for the full extent of the cutting flutes and varies for different segments of the file.
After an initial glide path has been created, preparation of the coronal and middle thirds of the
canal system can be started.
A significant concept in the preparation of the coronal and middle thirds of the canal is called
straight-line access.
Root canal systems are typically similar to an hourglass in shape.
Straight-line access decreases the curvature in the coronal and middle thirds of the root canal,
which favorably preserves the apical curvature.
The coronal and middle thirds of the canal can be prepared with hand or rotary instrumentation.
Traditionally, Hedstrom files were used to enlarge the space.
Currently, the coronal and middle thirds are enlarged with Gates Glidden burs, Peeso reamers,
specialized access burs, or nickel-titanium orifice openers.
All can be effective in the coronal enlargement of the root canal system.
Gates Glidden and Peeso reamers can also be used for the preparation of post space after
completion of RCT (Fig. 7.17).
Their use, however, should be restricted to the coronal and middle third of the canal.
Both are available in various sizes (Table 7.2) and lengths.
The apical third of the canal can be enlarged with hand or rotary files.
The desired final size and taper of the root canal is determined by the width, curvature, and
length of the root.
Each root canal should be individually evaluated for maximum apical preparation size and
The physical attributes of the file (material and design) dictate its optimal use.
The clinician should select the instrument type based on its mechanical properties and the
desired goal needed to be achieved.
Historically, files were made from carbon steel.
Carbon steel had strength but was less flexible and degraded by sterilization.
Stainless steel is used today and has the benefits of strength, improved flexibility compared
with carbon steel, and heat tolerance.
More recently, nickel titanium has been used for file fabrication.
Nickel titanium allows for strength, flexibility, ability to withstand sterilization, and the ability
to tolerate engine-driven rotation.
The combination of these characteristics allows nickel-titanium engine-driven files to produce a
more consistent shape.
Ultimately, the combined use of hand and engine-driven files is required due to the inherent
limitations of each individual file.
The ability to produce a consistent shape allows for more efficacious débridement, disinfection,
and obturation of the root canal system.
Irrigants, Irrigation Devices, and Intracanal Medicaments
The use of hand and rotary instruments to adequately disinfect the root canal space should
always be performed with an irrigant.
From a conceptual point of view, the ultimate goal of irrigants is to provide a disinfected,
tissue-free, and debris-free root canal space.
Currently, there is no irrigant that can ultimately achieve all the required goals.
As a result, numerous irrigants are used in modern endodontic treatment.
The advantages and disadvantages of each irrigant should be considered during each step of
endodontic treatment.
Endodontic treatment should then be deconstructed into sections and the appropriate irrigant
used for each step.
Numerous irrigants are used during endodontic therapy.
NaOCl is the most commonly used irrigant in endodontics because it can dissolve pulp tissue
and lubricate the root canals during treatment.
In addition, NaOCl is bactericidal and can penetrate deep into the dentinal tubules.
Although 2% chlorhexidine (CHX) has antibacterial effects and is less caustic than NaOCl, CHX
cannot dissolve organic tissue.
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA or EDTAC) is used during endodontic treatment due to
its ability to chelate inorganic molecules and remove the smear layer; however, it lacks the
degree of antibacterial or tissue dissolution properties of other irrigants.
Sterile saline has been used to irrigate root canals as well.
Baker determined sterile saline to be an effective irrigant with sufficient volume.
However, its lack of disinfection and tissue dissolution are not ideal.
Sterile saline can be used as an intermediary solution between certain irrigants, such as NaOCl
and CHX, to prevent any undesired chemical interactions.
Other disinfection solutions that contain a mixture of irrigants, such as MTAD and QMix
(Dentsply Sirona, Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA) have been proposed to be used in endodontic
Further discussion on these irrigants, their advantages, and drawbacks will be further discussed
in Chapter 14.
In clinical practice, the practitioner must determine the proper combination of irrigants and the
ultimate concentration needed for each irrigant on a case-by-case basis.
Depending on the status of the pulp and the periapical tissue at the time of treatment, as well
as the type of treatment being performed, the combination of different irrigants can improve
the quality of canal débridement.
Irrigants are commonly delivered in the root canal space using an irrigation syringe and a
small-gauge irrigation needle.
Endodontic irrigation needles range between 25 to 31 gauge.
Smaller-diameter (higher gauge) needles allow greater apical depth and irrigation delivery in
the canal, and thus their use should be considered during root canal treatment (Fig. 7.18).
Endodontic needles have various tip designs.
They can be open-ended, close-ended, or side-vented.
A side-vented irrigation needle is recommended to minimize pressure buildup caused by an
opened-ended needle and thus minimize irrigation extrusion into the periapical tissues.
Energetically augmenting an irrigant’s effectiveness has also been determined to have a
positive effect on root canal disinfection.
Devices such as an Endoactivator (Fig. 7.19) can allow sonic activation of the irrigants through
oscillating patterns of nodes and antinodes.
The use of a small endodontic file on an ultrasonic handpiece to freely oscillate inside the canal
is another form of irrigation activation.
The transmittal of acoustic energy generating a rapid movement of fluid in a circular motion
(acoustic streaming) and cavitation through the irrigant can improve its effectiveness.
Several other methods of irrigation activation will be discussed in Chapter 14.
With the complete preparation and disinfection of the root canal system, the final component to
nonsurgical endodontic treatment is obturation of the root canal space.
However, in some clinical situations when treatment is not completed due to time constraints or
inability to achieve a dry canal, intracanal medicaments can be placed between visits, which
can also enhance root canal disinfection.
Among the intracanal medicaments used in root canal treatment is calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2
It has antibacterial properties and can assist in dissolving remaining pulp tissue in the root
canal space.
Ca(OH)2 is available in different forms (powder + liquid or paste).
Paste forms can be easily injected into the root canal space (Video 7.2) or inserted via lentulo
spiral (Fig. 7.20) to allow adequate distribution on to the canal wall.
Other medicaments, such as 2% CHX gel, can be also used as an intracanal medicament.
Obturation Armamentarium
Obturation of the root canal space is performed to seal the root canal space and prevent
As mentioned earlier, Dr. Pierre Fauchard recommended obturating root canals with lead foil.
During the past three centuries, numerous materials were promoted, including but not limited
to, gold, plaster of Paris, rosin-chloroform, silver nitrate, formocresol, cotton, fiberglass, calcium
hydroxide, silver cones, Hydron, and polyester.
In 1867 Dr. G. A. Bowman introduced gutta-percha as a sole root canal obturation material.
In 1925 U. G. Rickert suggested using a sealer in conjunction with gutta-percha to improve the
This concept was later modified to allow for cold lateral condensation (compaction) of the
primary gutta-percha cone and the subsequent placement of additional gutta-percha.
In 1933 Dr. E. A. Jasper introduced silver cones as an obturation material.
The use of silver cones and cold lateral condensation of guttapercha was the primary obturation
methods for root canals until the 1960s.
At that time, Dr. Herbert Schilder developed the warm vertical obturation method.
This technique included heating a gutta-percha mass and hydraulically compacting the molten
material apically to obturate the pulp canal space.
This method would create an apical seal, but the coronal and middle thirds of the canal would
be devoid of material.
The clinician would then continue obturating by inserting small pieces of gutta-percha into the
root canal space, heating them, and condensing them, using endodontic pluggers until the entire
root canal was obturated.
Although silver cones are not used currently, cold lateral and warm vertical gutta-percha
obturation techniques are still commonly used today.
The armamentarium needed can vary depending on the obturation technique used and the
complexity of each case.
The following items are currently the most commonly used:
1. Gutta-percha cones are available in different sizes and tapers.
Standardized gutta-percha cones correspond to the size and taper of endodontic files used
during root canal instrumentation.
They are also available in a nonstandardized form (fine, fine medium, medium, medium fine,
and coarse) that can be customized for every case.
2. Paper points are used to dry the root canal space before obturation.
The rationale for drying the canal before obturation is that sealers tend to be hydrophobic,
preventing the flow of the sealer into the intricacies of the canal space.
Moisture can also affect the setting property of sealers.
Like gutta-percha, paper points are available in different sizes in standardized and
nonstandardized forms.
Another method to dry the canal is the use of a surgical suction with a cannula within the canal
to remove moisture before obturation.
3. Sealer is a cement applied inside the root canal space to adhere the obturation material to
the root canal wall.
The ideal properties for sealers were defined by Dr. Louis Grossman (Chapter 15).
Sealers are available in different compositions.
Zinc-oxide eugenol sealers have been traditionally used.
However, modern sealers can be composed of epoxy resin or bioceramic materials (see Fig.
According to the type of sealer and the manufacturer, sealers can be supplied as either a
powder and liquid, which are mixed at the time of use, or in a preprepared paste form.
The obturation materials are classically placed on a glass slab before use.
This placement allows for ease of visualization and a surface to mix the sealer (if required), and
it can be used to form custom-made gutta-percha cones (if needed).
The placement of the sealer into the canal can be performed by coating a gutta-percha cone or
paper point and inserting it into the canal, or via rotary displacement of sealer with a lentulo
engine-driven spiral (Fig. 7.21).
Currently, several endodontic sealers are provided with an injection tip to facilitate direct
application of the sealer in the root canal space.
4. Spreaders are used for lateral condensation of gutta-percha in the root canal space.
Spreaders come in different shapes and sizes (standardized and nonstandardized).
They can also be finger-held or hand-held (Fig. 7.22).
5. Heat source (e.g., System B) has the primary purpose of warming the gutta-percha, allowing
it to flow under pressure.
A heat source can also remove gutta-percha at any level within the root canal space.
6. Thermoplasticized gutta-percha dispensers (e.g., Obtura [Obtura Spartan, Algonquin, IL, USA]
and Calamus [Dentsply Sirona, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA]) are devices that preheat gutta-percha in
a chamber, changing its physical properties from a beta phase to an alpha phase, thereby
making it softer and easy to pack using endodontic pluggers.
The gutta-percha can then be injected in the root canal space and compacted.
Once the gutta-percha cools within the root canal space, it changes back to its beta phase,
which is more stable. Some devices, such as Dual Calamus (Dentsply Sirona, Tulsa, Oklahoma,
USA) can have both, a heat source and a thermoplasticized gutta-percha dispenser, in the
same device (Fig. 7.23).
Additional details are provided in Chapter 15 regarding the various obturation techniques and
armamentarium that can be used to manage various clinical cases.
Coronal Seal
After completion of RCT, the access opening in the tooth must be restored.
Although some treatments can allow for the placement of a permanent restoration at the time
of treatment, the tooth after root canal treatment is often sealed with a temporary material.
The pulp chamber is cleaned of all sealer and gutta percha with a solvent.
This process is typically performed using isopropyl alcohol on a cotton pellet or microbrush.
Once complete, a piece of sterile cotton or sponge is placed in the pulp chamber.
The access is then sealed with a temporary material.
Numerous temporary materials have been used historically.
Most materials were eugenol-based, such as zinc oxide eugenol (ZOE) or intermediate
restorative material (IRM).
Noneugenol based materials, such as Cavit or glass ionomer are more commonly used today
due to their improved mechanical properties.
A plastic instrument is then used to adapt the temporary filling material to the access cavity.
It should be noted that the success of endodontic treatment is significantly affected by the
quality of the final restoration.
In a systematic review by Gillen et al., researchers showed that the quality of the coronal
restoration is as important as the quality of the root canal filling for the success of the
endodontic treatment.
Thus nonsurgical endodontic treatment is fully completed only with a proper permanent
restoration in place.
Surgical Armamentarium
Incision and Drainage Armamentarium
Patients can present with swelling before or after endodontic therapy.
The swelling can be defined as indurated (cellulitis) or fluctuant (abscess).
The swelling can be confined to one fascial space or spread to multiple spaces.
The practitioner should always remember that not all swellings are from dental (endodontic)
After the swelling has been definitively determined to be of endodontic origin and a thorough
review of the patient’s past medical history does not contraindicate patient treatment, incision
and drainage of the swelling is required.
Incision and drainage for endodontic issues is not a solitary treatment.
Endodontic therapy in addition to incision and drainage is required to remove the source of the
infection and speed resolution of the swelling.
The armamentarium used for an incision and drainage is relatively basic and includes
(1) scalpel
(2) periosteal elevator
(3) hemostat
(4) sterile saline in a plastic syringe
(5) drain
Proper anesthesia should be administered before any incision.
A scalpel is used to make an incision in the dependent base of the swelling.
Number 12 and 15 blades are the most commonly used blades for this procedure.
The type of blade used, however, may vary depending on the location and accessibility of the
most fluctuant part of the swelling.
The incision should not simply cut the gingiva but extend to the cortical bone.
Whether the incision should be vertical or horizontal in origin is debatable.
Classically, the incision is made in a horizontal direction.
Care should be exercised to avoid important anatomic landmarks (e.g., the mental foramen)
where transient or permanent injury to the underlying tissues can occur.
After making the incision, a periosteal elevator is then placed in the incision to perform blunt
If the swelling is fluctuant, this procedure should provide laudable pus and exudate drainage.
In some cases, a curved hemostat may be needed to drain and decompress the swelling.
The hemostat is inserted and bluntly forced into the swelling to lyse any loculations.
The incision should then be copiously irrigated with sterile saline. After drainage, the clinician
must decide whether to place a physical drain. Most swellings of endodontic origin that
comprise one fascial space do not require the placement of a physical drain. The incision site will
heal and close after treatment. However, the site is still weakened and therefore remains the
path of least resistance for future swelling, should it occur. If a physical drain would appear to
be beneficial, a piece of rubber dam cut with a dovetail can be inserted into the incision. The
dovetail should prevent dislodgement. A suture can also be placed to stabilize the drain if
needed. For more extensive swellings, a Penrose drain can be inserted and sutured in place. The
steps and techniques of drain placement will be further covered in Chapter 9. Root End Surgery
(Apicoectomy) Armamentarium Endodontic treatment is usually initiated by cleaning and sealing
the root canal space through the crown portion of the tooth. In certain clinical situations or
when a previously root canal–treated tooth fails, cleaning and sealing the root canal space may
require further treatment using a surgical approach in an attempt to address the canals from the
apical end (root end side). For that, a completely different set of instruments and materials are
used to allow reflection of the soft tissue and bone, removal of the granulomatous tissue,
resection of the apical portion of the root, preparation, and filling of the root end portion from
an apical approach. This process can be followed by guided tissue regeneration, if needed, and
suturing the soft tissue back to its place. The surgical cassette (Fig. 7.25) consists of (1) scalpel,
(2) periosteal elevator, (3) retractors, (4) bone curettes, (5) periodontal curettes, (6)
micromirrors, (7) retro pluggers, and (9) needle holders. Also, other instruments and materials
are needed in combination with the surgical cassette, such as (1) blades, (2) Impact Air
handpiece (see later section), (3) burs, (4) retro-preparation ultrasonic tips, (5) hemostatic
agents, (6) dye, (7) retro-filling material, and (8) suture material. The armamentarium used for
root end surgery has been modified in the past two decades to allow better management of the
soft tissue, bone structure, and root end portion of the tooth. The term used for these
instruments in today’s practice is “microsurgical armamentarium,” and hence the procedure
today is termed “microapical surgery,” rather than just traditional “apical surgery.” The success
rate of microsurgery is very high, in the 90% range,61-64 and has been shown to be superior to
traditional endodontic surgery.17,65 Thus the use of the appropriate armamentarium (and
filling material) can play a major role in the success of the treatment provided. The blades used
in microsurgery, such as microblades or #15 C, are smaller and more precise to cut soft tissue,
compared with traditional surgery that often involved a #15 blade (Fig. 7.26). If microblades are
to be used, a microscalpel will be needed. Using the appropriate blade together with proper flap
design will result in less recession of the soft tissue after treatment. Periosteal elevators or mold
curettes are used to reflect the soft tissue away from the bone. They usually come in different
shapes and sizes (Fig. 7.27). Selection of the appropriate size will prevent laceration of the soft
tissue during reflection. Unlike nonsurgical treatment, the Impact Air surgical handpiece is
designed with a 45-degree angled head to allow for better visibility while cutting the bone (Fig.
7.28). It also does not release any air into the surgical site to avoid the possibility of surgical
emphysema. The flap is retracted using the appropriate retractor. A classical retractor often
used is the Minnesota retractor. Other retractors have been developed to facilitate easier
retraction in theanterior and posterior area (Fig. 7.29). Surgical burs are used to remove bone,
create the osteotomy, and cut the root end portion of the tooth. After the osteotomy, bone
curettes are needed to remove the granulation tissue from the bony crypt. They also come in
different sizes to accommodate for the size of the bony crypt (Fig. 7.30). The granulation tissue
is often attached to the root; thus periodontal curettes are used to release the granulation tissue
from the root surface (Fig. 7.31). Retro preparation is then initiated using specially designed
ultrasonic tips (retropreparation tips), which come in different angulations and sizes to
accommodate the different roots (anterior or posterior) (Fig. 7.32). They are also available in
different lengths (3 mm, 6 mm, and 9 mm). Although 3 mm retro preparation tips are the most
commonly used, 6 mm and 9 mm tips can be often used to allow further cleaning of the root
canal space from an apical direction in special clinical cases. Micromirrors are used to visualize
the root end portion of the tooth after retro preparation to ensure that no cracks are present
(Fig. 7.33). This technique can be combined with the use of dyes to stain the apical end of the
root as wellas transillumination to visualize any apical defects66 (Fig. 7.34). Adequate bleeding
control is required for proper visualization and placement of the root end filling. For that,
hemostatic agents such as epinephrine pellets, ferric sulfate, or resorbable collagen can be used
to control bleeding. The retro-filling material is then placed, using carriers or hand instruments,
into the retro cavity. Different categories of retro-filling materials have been used in endodontic
surgery. Traditionally, amalgam has been used as a retro-filling material. Due to its moisture
sensitivity, it did not provide an adequate seal in the apical area,67,68 and as a result, the
outcome of apical surgery was affected.17 Over the years, several other retro-filling materials
have been introduced, such as IRM, glass ionomer, and resin-based retro-filling material. The
most recently introduced and commonly used material in today’s microsurgery armamentarium
are calcium silicate–based materials such as mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA; Dentsply Sirona,
Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA) or Bioceramic putty (Brassler, Augusta, Georgia, USA). These materials
have shown superiority in their sealing ability as well as stimulation of hard tissue repair.68,69
Depending on the crypt size and bone structure, bone substitutes and resorbable membranes
can be placed into the bony crypt to enhance and/ or restore the integrity of the supporting
structure.70,71 Finally, sutures are used to place the flap back in position. Sutures also come in
different sizes, starting 1-0 to 10-0. Usually, 5-0 or 6-0 sutures are used to approximate the flap
back to its place. For that process, specially designed needle holders would be used to allow
adequate manipulation of the small threads (Fig. 7.35). More details regarding the use of all
these instruments are discussed in Chapter 21.