Kolehiyo NG Lungsod NG Lipa: V. Activities
Kolehiyo NG Lungsod NG Lipa: V. Activities
Kolehiyo NG Lungsod NG Lipa: V. Activities
A. Accomplish the following tasks. (See Attached Templates)
1. Answer the guide questions:
A. What will you do to assist your mentor in setting up a conducive learning environment in the
following conditions:
a. Bulletin board display; I will make sure that the board were created creatively with enough
information about what is it all about. I can also be the one to explain some other things about
the board to the students. As an assistant, I’ll make sure that the board content are helpful to
each of its audiences.
b. Small group discussion and; in a small group discussion, I will share my personal thoughts and
opinion even though I’m not sure if it’s helpful because in that way, I can be able to start a
conversation with my other group teams.
c. Checking class attendance in a virtual classroom. To assist the teacher in the checking of
attendance I will be the one to mark their names in the class record while the teacher were
doing a roll call.
B. If the teacher is using a distance delivery of learning through the modules, where is most likely
the learning space of the students?
The learning space of the students in that case were mainly at their homes. As we all
know, modular learning are done inside the students household wherein the activities,
task are given by the teacher to be answered by the students. In that way of learning,
the student’s guardian will be the one to guide the students in answering their module.
C. How can you as a teacher help to make such environment conducive for learning?
As a teacher of this era, I can make that environment conductive by allowing them to
express their own knowledge in answering the task. I will also provide them a book or a
chapter photocopy so that they’ll be able to read and understand the lesson before
finishing their modules. Also, as their teacher, I will allow them to message me or
contact me anytime to answer their concerns or questions if they have one so that they
can pursue answering their own activities without seeking help to others or without
letting their parents answer their worksheets.
2. Given the two pictures below, how can you participate and assist in a face-to-face learning
As a student, I can participate by being attentive so that I can relate to the discussion. I will
also make sure that in every group activity or group discussion I will be able to share and
voice out my opinion because it is always better to have more ideas so that if we will
organized those ideas, we’ll be able to provide a concrete and above average activities or
work. Lastly in that way, I can assist my co students in understanding the lesson or the
activities that was given to us.
3. Having been exposed to the traditional classrooms in your basic education, it seems that
everything is familiar. However, as teaching-learning theories evolve over time there are
changes that are taking place. What changes have you noticed in the face-to-face classroom
Classroom Environment Before Classroom Environment Now
Discussion through the use of visual aids. Online discussion through zoom or google
Pen and paper test/exam Online examination
Studying inside the library and researching Finding answers through the internet.
using books and other resources found in the
Face to face discussions and arguments when Just an online debate and argumentum
the students are having debate. through chat or online calls.
3. Questia
4. Answers.com
5. Virtual Reference Shelf
7. Info Please
8. Encyclopedia
9. Scholarpedia
10. American Factfinders