Event Proposal

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Activity Proposal Status:

o Event is approved
Date: __________
o Event is not approved
o Revisions Required
o Other:___________


Date submitted: ___________


Name of Organization: ___________________________________________________

Event Chairperson (include contact info.):____________________________________

Event Advisor of Faculty Contact (include contact


Name of Activity: ________________________________________________________

Type of Activity: _________________________________________________________

Proposed Date of Activity: _________________________________________________

Location of Event: _______________________________________________________

Backup Location (in case of bad weather, if needed):___________________________

Event Start Time:____________________ Event End Time: ____________________

Estimated Attendance (number of expected participants):

Campus: _____________________
Community: __________________ TOTAL:______________________

Admission Requirement (fee, age, etc.):______________________________________

Public Safety/ Security Contacted: _________________who/how did you contact?

_________________when did you contact them?

Purpose/Goals/Objectives (this is what you want to accomplish. Plan with specific goals
in mind):

Brief Description of the Activity (this is what will appear on the Marquee and Activity
web calendar): ___________________________________________________________


Publicity Proposal Date: From:______________________ To:____________________

How Are You Going to Publicize Your Activity (Newspaper, Radio, Marquee, Voice
in the Sky, Signs/Posters, etc.)?:
Our Organization, ________________, completed this Campus Event Proposal on
____________ (date).

_______________________________ ______________________________
Signature of Student Leader Signature of Advisor

(PLEASE NOTE: This proposal should be turned in no later than 3 weeks before your
activity. Failure to meet this requirement could result in the cancellation of your event.)

Comments from the Approval Process (these comments are intended to help get your
event approved or, in the case that it is approved, help your event achieve greater results):

For further questions and/or to TURN THIS FORM IN please contact:

Lindsey Field in the Student Life office in the Greenwood Student Center.
Phone: 435.283.7164 E-mail: [email protected]

Does your event involve physical activity? YES NO

Plan ahead for medical emergencies by contacting EMS Personnel. Contact Paul Fore (283-7537) or
Lynnette Olson (283-7260) to make these arrangements.

Does your event involve a large crowd (over 75 people)? YES NO

Contact the Public Safety Office for police support and crowd control. Contact Bob Wright (283-7170).

Is your event outdoors? YES NO

• Check ahead for local weather conditions (www.weaether.com).
• Have a back up plan - set up an alternate location in case of bad weather.
• Make a plan to communicate to the campus any changes in location at least 3 hours prior to the
start of your event.

Does your event require traffic control? YES NO

Contact the Public Safety Office to make these arrangements. Contact Bob Wright (283-7170).

Does your event require a sound system/video or similar support? YES NO

Sound systems for dances and movie projection systems are best purchased through the KAGJ. Contact
Gary Chidester (283-7425) for more details. Some events require more technical support than the campus
supplies. If your event comes with a technical rider, please contact Lindsey Field (283-7164) for a list of
recommended suppliers.

Are you contracting a service from an outside entity? YES NO

You must complete a Snow College Contract for good and services provided. These contracts are available
in the Student Life office. Contact Lindsey Field (283-7164)

Does your event involve food/concessions? YES NO

You must contact Sodexho Food Services for catering and other food requests. Campus policy states that
all campus events must use the campus food services (Sodexho). Contact David Hveem (283-7270)

Are you using the Snow College logo/trademark? YES NO

You must understand that all materials with the logo or trademark must be approved through the Dean of
Students. Contact Brach Schlueter (283-7151).

Have you reviewed your budget and purchasing guidelines? YES NO

For more information about student finances and purchasing policies/forms visit with you Advisor or the
Snow College Organizations Information page.

• As you plan your event, please keep in mind that all activities must be consistent with Snow College
rules, polices and procedures as well as fulfill the mission of the college and that of your organization.
• Create a timeline so you can actually SEE what to expect in terms of publicity, planning, reservations,
set up and other important details.
• Mentally walk through the event from start to finish. If possible, physically walk through.

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