Hyperinflation: To Check Your Answers When Appropriate

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Name: _____________________________

Directions: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Refer to the text
to check your answers when appropriate.

You like money, right? Most people do. But what The Germans made these payments by printing
is it really worth? Usually, it will buy the goods money. They would trade the money that they
and services that you expect. But sometimes it's printed for foreign currency. But as they printed
worth less than the paper that it's printed on. I more and more, the money was worth less and
know that sounds hard to believe, but it's happened less.  In November of 1921, one US Dollar was
before. worth 330 Marks. A year later, one US Dollar was
worth 800 German Marks.
During World War I, the French and the Germans
fought one another fiercely. The war exacted a The German government grew desperate. They
tremendous cost on both sides. Millions died. began to trade Marks for foreign money at any
Billions of dollars were spent. The French paid for rate. This only made things worse. By November
their efforts by taxing their citizens. But the of 1923, one US Dollar could buy
Germans borrowed money to pay for the war. As 4,210,500,000,000 Marks.  That is not a typo. The
the war raged on and the Germans borrowed more number is 4 trillion. Their money was devalued so
and more money, the value of their currency fast that German workers had to go to the store
dropped. right after getting paid. If they waited until the
day's end, their money would be worthless. Basic
In those days, the Germans called their money items like stamps and loaves of bread cost billions
Marks. When World War I started in 1914, a US of Marks. Germans had to figure their expenses in
Dollar was worth around four German Marks. In thousands of billions. That made it tough to get
1919, after the war ended, a US Dollar was worth through the day if you lacked strong math skills.
about nine German Marks. That means that Some burned the old bills to provide heat. The
Germans needed to spend twice as much money to Marks' value as a fuel had increased beyond its
buy the same items after the war. This is called value as a currency.
inflation. Since people usually don't start earning
twice as much money out of nowhere, it can be a That the German economy ever recovered is
real problem. something of a miracle, but it did recover. They
created a new currency called the Retenmark.
While 100% inflation over five years sounds pretty Unlike the old Marks, the new Retenmark was
bad, things got much worse after the war. The backed by land and gold. This means the currency
countries that fought against Germany were upset could be traded for gold or land at a fixed rate.
with them. The French were perhaps most upset. This also meant that the government could only
Much of the fighting took place in France, and the print as much money as they had land and gold to
country was ravaged. Since France and her allies back it. That turned out to be a good thing. By
won the war, they got to set the terms of surrender. December of 1923, the Retenmark was the official
France wanted billions of dollars each year. They currency. The Germans cut 12 zeros from the
demanded payments in foreign money, like the US prices of their products and it was business as
Dollar, not in German Marks. usual. Though they still had a lot of issues to work
out, the money was stable. That made life a lot
It was early 1921 by the time these agreements more livable. So while you are out chasing after
were made. One US Dollar could buy 60 German money, remember that money is little more than a
Marks. Then the Germans started making promise, and that promises can be broken.
payments. Things soon spiraled out of control.

1. Which is not a reason why the German Mark lost value?

a. The Germans borrowed money to pay for World War I.
b. The Germans had to make payments with foreign money.
c. The French demanded large payments.
d. The French lost the war.

2. Which best defines the word inflation as it is used in the third paragraph?
a. When the value of a currency drops
b. To increase the size of a balloon by blowing air into it
c. When the same amount of money purchases more than in the past
d. When the pictures on the money change

3. Which best expresses the main idea of the second paragraph?

a. Germany and France fought against one another in World War I.
b. Many people died in World War I on all sides.
c. The German Mark lost value because of borrowing.
d. The French were wrong to increase taxes during war time.

4. Which happened first?

a. The German Mark was replaced with the Retenmark.
b. The US Dollar was worth nine German Marks.
c. The Germans began making war payments to France.
d. German Marks were burned to provide heat.

5. Which statement would the author most likely agree with?

a. Inflation affects governments, not people.
b. The best way to pay for a long war is to borrow money.
c. Living in Germany during 1923 would be fun and exciting.
d. It is important for a nation to have a stable currency.

6. According to the text, how did the German government respond to France's demands for war
a. The Germans made cuts and managed their resources wisely to meet payments.
b. The Germans printed a bunch of money and traded it for foreign currency.
c. The Germans raised taxes on their citizens and used the tax money to make payments.
d. The Germans began selling luxury cars to foreign nations to raise the money.

7. How was the Retenmark different from the paper Mark?

a. It was printed under the close supervision of the US Government.
b. It came before the paper Mark and was printed on silver plates.
c. It was backed by land and gold and could not be endlessly printed.
d. It was used to purchase land and gold and could not buy consumer goods.

8. Which happened last?

a. The Germans cut 12 zeroes from the prices of their products.
b. The Germans lost World War I.
c. The prices of goods skyrocketed into the billions.
d. The French demanded large payments from the Germans.

9. Which best defines the meaning of the word ravaged as used in the fourth paragraph?
a. Severely damaged
b. Overflowing with joy
c. Very angry
d. Beautifully colored with vegetation

10. Which title would best express the main idea of this text?
a. World War I: A Costly Fight for All of Those Involved
b. Inflation: How It Works and How to Prevent It
c. Can I Borrow a Trillion? Inflation in Germany After World War I
d. Money Around the World: A Comparison of the Value of Money

1. What is one lesson that can be learned from the text? Support your answer with quotes from the text.
Explain your quotes and your argument thoroughly.
2. Why did France demand that Germany repay their debt in foreign currency? Use evidence from the
text to support your response.
3. Why did the German Mark inflate so rapidly? Support your argument with information from the text.

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