Department of Civil Engineering Semester: 5 Subject: Hydrology & Water Resources Management Assignment # 3: Precipitation
Department of Civil Engineering Semester: 5 Subject: Hydrology & Water Resources Management Assignment # 3: Precipitation
Department of Civil Engineering Semester: 5 Subject: Hydrology & Water Resources Management Assignment # 3: Precipitation
1. For the data given in the table below, comment which method is suitable for computing the missing
precipitation data at station D.
station A B C D E
Storm ppt 115 90 132 ? 84
Normal annual 1016 970 1170 915 1070
ppt (mm)
2. Find out missing storm precipitation data for station D in the table given above by normal ratio
3. Compute the average precipitation in mm over the area as shown in figure by theissen polygon
method. Station precipitation are given in table
A B F Gauge Annual
8Km 8km station ppt (mm)
A 350
B 400
C 330
D 360
E 380
D F 650
G 500
H 390
I 250
I J J 340
8 Km 8 km K 355
4. The data given below was obtained from isohyetal map of a catchment.
The isohyets 1 & 6 was outside catchment boundary. The area between isohyets 2 & boundary was
estimated to be 300 km2 & that of isohytes 5 & boundary was 500 km2. Precipitations on these boundaries
were interpolated as 4cm & 9 cm respectively. Find the average precipitation for the catchment areas.
5. Define ‘average return power’ of a radar writing its equation. Compute the rainfall rate in mm/hr at
Lahore Meteorology Station using a radar with a Z value of 400,000 mm 6/m3 . Take values of a & b as 300
& 2.6, respectively.
6. Compute average precipitation in mm depth over a catchment area by using thiessen polygon method.
Station precipitations are given in the table below
7. For a drainage basin of 770 km2, isohytes for a given storm gives the following data
The area enclosed between boundary having 17 cm ppt & that of 15 cm isohyet is 100km 2 & boundary having
0.5 cm ppt & 1 cm isohytes is 70 km2. Sketch a neat diagram of the watershed showing isohyets & find the
average ppt over the drainage basin. Note that ppt was having increasing trend towards north.
8. Assuming rain falling vertically, express the catch of a gauge inclined 20 degress from the vertical as a
percentage of the catch for the same gauge installed vertically.
9. With a Z-value of 300,000 mm6/m3 , what are the rainfall rates in mm/hr, indicated by Z-R relationships
with a & b values of a) 200 & 1.6 ; b) 300 & 1.4, respectively?
10. Precipitation station X was inoperative for a part of month during which a storm occurred. The respective
storm totals at 3 surrounding stations A,B & C were 98,80,110 mm. The normal annual ppt amounts at
station X,A,B,C are 880,1003,842 & 1080 mm. Estimate the storm ppt at station X.
11. The annual precipitation at station X & average annual ppt of 15 surrounding stations are shown.
Determine consistency of the record at station X, change in regime & difference it brought to 30 yr ppt.
also adjust the data.
12. The average annual precipitation for the four sub basins constituting a large river basin is 73.85, 112 & 101
cm. The areas are 930,710,1090 & 1680 km 2, respectively. What is the average annual precipitation for the
basin as a whole?