Neteja Sensor. Pro - Kit - Instructions

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Professional Digital SLR Camera Cleaning Kit

Instructions for use


This kit contains eight products. This is a general purpose cleaning cloth. It’s special anti-static coating
All the products supplied must be used in accordance with these makes it ideal for cleaning camera and lens bodies. Note: This cloth is
instructions. Please read and understand these instructions before using not recommended for cleaning lens surfaces or digital camera sensors.
any of the products.

Microfibre Cleaning Cloth (Magic Cloth) SPECKGRABBER™

Sillicone Jumbo Blower SpeckGRABBER™ is a unique tool designed to
Kinetronics Staticwisk© Cleaning Brush remove individual contaminant particles from
Anti-Static Cleaning Cloth delicate and sensitive surfaces without danger of
Speckgrabber™ Cleaning Tool damaging or causing additional contamination.
Eclipse or E2 Cleaning Fluid - Used for cleaning lenses and Digital
SLR sensors - both CCD and CMOS types. The SpeckGRABBER™ is non-conductive, and
Pec*Pads - Lint free wipes for cleaning lenses can be used on active CCDs allowing the technician to monitor the
Sensor Swabs - Clean room manufactured tools for cleaning digital SLR decontamination process. The SpeckGRABBER™ can be used on disk
camera sensors (CCD and CMOS types). drive heads, optical sensors such a CCD arrays, mirrors and lenses,
SpeckGRABBER™ will pick-up finger oils and
After using the products supplied in this kit, please dispose of the dust and should be cleaned prior to each use. Use
components responsibly. You may obtain replacement packs from some Eclipse solution and let dry thoroughly. or your local retailer. Practice cleaning and use carefully before applying
to a camera’s sensitive imaging sensor. Repeated
Cleaning Digital SLR Sensors cleaning will not degrade the adhesive qualities of
The imaging sensor is generally the most expensive component in the the tip.
camera. Please use extreme caution when cleaning it. Loose dust can be
removed from the sensor using the blower
supplied. Sticky marks may be removed using ECLIPSE /E2 OPTIC CLEANING SYSTEM
Sensor Swabs and Eclipse/E2 solution. ECLIPSE lens cleaner is the highest purity lens cleaner available. It dries
Always remove loose dust prior to using a as quickly as it can be applied, leaving absolutely no residue. Eclipse can
Sensor Swab to reduce the risk of dragging a be used to clean non-coated sensors. E2 is designed for use on all sensor
dust particle across the sensor surface. types. Please refer to for a camera compatibility
Remember, Clean dust first - sticky marks list.
second. If possible, take reference images
before and after cleaning to monitor progress. For lens cleaning, dispense several drops onto a clean, folded PEC*PAD
and lightly wipe surface in a single circular direction. Refold pad to
MICROFIBRE CLEANING CLOTH expose a clean side and re-wipe as necessary. If streaks remain, use a
Manufactured from ultra fine 0.1 denier microfibre, for optimum clean pad each time. Other lens tissues may not work as well, and some
softness and density, the magic cloth absorbs dirt, grease and moisture experimentation may be required.
more effectively than chamois leather. It can be used for cleaning all
types of lenses. Hand wash regularly in warm water. Additional supplies of Eclipse and E2 are sold in 59 ml. (2 fl. oz.) bottle
with dropper applicator.
Use this to blow away loose dust particles from the sensor surface before ECLIPSE is the recommended optical glass cleaner for Tokina Hoya
cleaning the sensor with Sensor Swabs and Eclipse/E2. Open the shutter Kenko USA, the US distributor for Hoya filters and Tokina lenses
for sensor cleaning taking careful note of the warning in the red box
(overleaf). Hold the camera, lens mount pointing down. Point the nozzle Caution.
into the lens throat and make several strong puffs on the blower to Eclipse is highly flammable. Contains Methanol.
dislodge the dust. Don’t let the nozzle touch any part of the camera. The product burns with no visible flame. Keep away from heat, flame,
Caution: sparks and ignition sources. Do not get in eyes. Irritation may occur.
Before use, please test. Squeeze the bulb firmly several times, to ensure Wash eyes thoroughly with plenty of fresh water. Harmful if swallowed.
that any particles inside the bulb are ejected. Note that this product does Induce vomiting. Avoid breathing vapour. May cause headache or
not remove debris, it simply moves it to another location. When cleaning nausea. Use only in a well ventilated area. For more information refer to
sensitive areas, consider where the debris will be blown too during use, MSDS.
and whether a debris removal tool might be more suitable. Store blower
in bag supplied, when not in use.
PEC*PADs are the ideal photo wipes for those who hate photowipes!
Until PEC*PADs came along, photowipes fell apart, left lint and scratched
KINETRONICS STATICWISK© CLEANING BRUSH emulsions. PEC*PADs are extremely strong, lint-free and so soft and pure
The Kinetronics StaticWisk© hand held anti-static brush can be used for (99.999%) it is almost impossible to scratch an emulsion with them.
cleaning lenses, films, scanners, cameras, plastics, acrylics, glass, PEC*PADs are so soft they can be safely used to clean most types of
monitors, instruments and technical equipment. sensitive surfaces : scanners, CD's, mirrors, lenses, telescopes etc. When
PEC*PADs are used with Eclipse they are ideally suited for cleaning
The unique blend of soft natural hairs and conductive synthetic fibers camera lenses
plus the conductive nature of the construction result in effective static
dissipation. Dust and lint are whisked away Caution
PEC*PAD is not recommended for cleaning Digital SLR Camera sensors.
When not in use, keep inside the supplied case to avoid contamination. It is not the same material used in the Sensor Swabs. Photographic
Do not touch the bristles with your fingers, as this may transfer oils and Solutions does not approve or warranty the sensor or any camera part from
grease to the brush. The brush can be cleaned by first vacuuming the any damage caused by using non approved products.
bristles, followed by washing in a mild detergent, let the brush dry
thoroughly before reusing. Please turn over to read the detailed instructions for using Sensor Swabs
SENSOR SWABS Precautions
Make sure that you are confident in opening and closing the shutter for
Sensor Swabs are clean room manufactured cleaning tools designed to the cleaning process. Ensure that contaminating particles cannot fall
clean the delicate CCD or CMOS sensor inside a Digital Single Lens from your body or clothing into the shutter chamber during the cleaning
Reflex (DSLR) Cameras. Unlike compact digital cameras, DSLR procedure. Typically, contaminating particles are too small to be seen
cameras feature removable lenses. In normal everyday use, removing the with the naked eye. Do not over saturate the swab with Eclipse. 2-4
lens allows dirt and dust to enter the camera, some of which will drops is sufficient. The fluid should evaporate almost immediately after
eventually settle onto the sensor. The result is unsightly spots on images, swiping. Practice first until you are confident in the procedure.
typically seen against light backgrounds such as skies.

You can easily check whether the camera sensor needs cleaning by
taking a photograph of a clean light background using a small aperture
(typically F16 and above). View the image on a computer monitor and if
possible, perform a levels command. Any contamination will then be

To perform a cleaning procedure, it is necessary to open the
shutter on the camera to gain access to the sensor. It is essential
that you are fully aware of how to open the shutter and keep the
shutter open while cleaning the sensor. If the shutter closes while
cleaning is taking place the camera will be damaged. Please refer
to the camera manufacturer’s instructions on how to open the
shutter for cleaning purposes. If you are not 100% confident in
this process, please return your camera to the manufacturer for
sensor cleaning.

Cleaning Procedure (please refer to pics below)

(1) Check you have the correct size Sensor Swabs for your model

(2) Prepare a clean, dust-free area with space for the camera, the Sensor
Swabs and the Eclipse.

(3) Remove the lens from the camera and open the shutter according to
the manufacturer’s directions.

(4) Cut open a Sensor Swab polythene bag

at the handle end. Remove the lid from the
Eclipse bottle.

(5) Remove the swab from the bag and

squeeze 2 - 4 drops of Eclipse onto the end
of the swab (Pic 1.).

(6) Insert the swab into the camera and

starting at one end of the sensor (Pic 2.)
carefully wipe the swab down the length of
the sensor in one direction (Pic 3.). until the complete sensor has been
wiped (Pic 4.) Then reverse the swab (Pic 5.) and wipe in the opposite
direction (Pic 6.) until the swab is back at the starting point (Pic 7.). Note
how each swipe uses a fresh side of the swab.

(7) Carefully remove the swab and close the camera shutter.

(8) Refit the lens and test.

(9) Repeat if necessary with a fresh swab. Never reuse a swab.

(10) Do not press too hard onto the sensor while cleaning. Equally, do
not press too gently, or the swab will not clean effectively. The images
on the right suggest how hard to press.

Refer to for further guidance.

CCD Sensor Guarantee

Photographic Solutions, Inc. guarantees that it's Sensor Swab and Eclipse products will cause no damage to the CCD or CMOS sensor when used in accordance with
the instructions provided by the camera manufacturer and/or Photographic Solutions, Inc. (PS) If it is determined that these products caused physical damage to the
sensor, PS will reimburse the camera owner for the full cost of repairs upon presentation to PS of proof of purchase, camera manufacturer's repair invoice and the
damaged sensor. Use of non-approved methods, procedures or products will void this warranty. E&OE

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