Tutorial L2a Precipitation Questions

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Tut L2a -Q1

• Briefly explain the difference between point rainfall and aerial rainfall.

Tut L2a –Q2

• The normal annual precipitation of
five rain gauge stations P, Q, R, S
and T are 125, 102, 76, 113 and 137
cm respectively. During a particular
storm the precipitation recorded by
stations P, Q, and S are 13.2, 9.2,
6.8 and 10.2 cm respectively. The
instrument at station T was
inoperative during that storm.
Estimate the rainfall at station T
during that storm. (Problem 2.2,
Subramanya 4th Ed.)


Tut L2a –Q3

In a storm of 210 minutes duration, the
incremental rainfall at various time intervals is
given below:
Time since start of the
30 60 90 120 150 180 210
storm (minutes)
Incremental rainfall in the
1.75 2.25 6 4.5 2.5 1.5 0.75
time interval (cm)

a. Obtain the ordinates of the hyetograph and

represent the hyetograph as a bar chart
with time in chronological order in the x-
b. Obtain the ordinates of the mass curve of
rainfall for this storm and plot the same.
What is the average intensity of storm over
the duration of the storm?
(Problem 2.4, Subramanya 4th Ed.)

Tut L2a –Q4

For a drainage basin of 600 km2,
isohyetals drawn for a storm gave the
following data:
Isohyetal interval (cm) 15-12 12-9 9-6 6-3 3-1
Inter-isohyetal area (km2) 92 128 120 175 85

Estimate the average depth of

precipitation over the catchment.
(Problem 2.8, Subramanya 4th Ed.)


Tut L2a –Q5

Figure below shows a catchment with
seven raingauge stations inside it and three
stations outside. The rainfall recorded by
each of these stations are indicated in the
figure. Draw the figure to an enlarged scale
and calculate the mean precipitation by (a)
Thiessen-mean (b) Isohyetal method and c)
arithmetic-mean method.
(Problem 2.10, Subramanya 4th Ed.)

Tut L2a –Q6

• A catchment area is approximately
rectangular with ordinates (2,2), (2,20),
(18,5), (20,2). One unit ordinate represents 1
km. There are five rain gauges within the
area with the recorded rainfall as in table
below. Determine the mean rainfall using
Thiessen Polygon Method and Arithmetic
Mean Method.

Rain Gauge Station Coordinate (km, km) Rainfall (mm)

A 4, 15 150
B 13, 18 200
C 18, 5 250
D 6, 4 450
E 10, 10 320

Tut L2a –Q5
Figure 2.25 shows a catchment with seven
raingauge stations inside it and three
stations outside. The rainfall recorded by
each of these stations are indicated in the
figure. Draw the figure to an enlarged scale
and calculate the mean precipitation by (a)
Thiessen-mean (b) Isohyetal method and c)
arithmetic-mean method.
(Problem 2.9, Subramanya 3rd Ed.)

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