Quasi Legislative
Quasi Legislative
Quasi Legislative
Administrative Law, Law on Public Officers & Elections Law
Atty. June Erik C. Ylanan
Administrative Law, Law on Public Officers & Elections Law
Atty. June Erik C. Ylanan
It cannot be argued that AO 308 merely 3. Contingent Legislation – they are rules and
implements the Administrative Code of 1987. regulations made by an administrative
The establishment of a national computerized authority on the existence of certain facts
identification reference system requires or things upon which the enforcement of
delicate adjustment of various the law depends.
contending state policies, the primacy of
national security, the extent of privacy 1. Tañada vs. Tuvera (G.R. No. L-63915.
against dossier-gathering by the December 29, 1986)
government and choices of policies. It 2. Republic of the Philippines vs.
deals with a subject that should be covered by Express Telecommunications Inc. Co. (G.R. No.
a law. 147096, January 15, 2002)
3. National Association of Electricity
Cases: Consumers for Reforms (NASECORE) vs.
Energy Regulatory Commission (G.R. No.
1. Association of Philippine Coconut 163935, February 2, 2006)
Dessicators vs. Philippine Coconut 4. Republic of the Philippines vs.
Authority (G.R. No. 110526 February 10, Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation (G.R. No.
1998) 173918 April 8, 2008)
2. The Chairman and Executive Director 5. Dagan v. Philippine Racing
of PCSD vs. Ejercito Lim (G.R. No. 183173, Commission (G.R. No. 175220, February 12,
August 24, 2016) 2009)
6.Republic of the Philippines vs.
Drugmaker’s Laboratories (G.R. No. 190387,
B. Kinds of Administrative Rules or March 5, 2014)
Regulations 7. Gerochi vs. Department of Energy
(G.R. No. 159796, July 17, 2007)
1. Supplementary or Detailed Legislation - 8. ABAKADA Guro Party List vs. Hon.
They are rules and regulations “to fix the Purisima (G.R. No. 166715, August 14, 2008)
details” in the execution and enforcement 9. Quezon City PTCA Federation Inc. vs.
of a policy set out in the law. They are in Department of Education (G.R. No. 188720,
the nature of subordinate legislation, and February 23, 2016)
designed to implement a primary legislation
by providing the details thereof. They C. Requisites for Validity
usually implement existing law, imposing
general, extra-statutory obligation pursuant In the case of Hon. Executive Secretary vs.
to authority properly delegated by Congress Southwing Heavy Industries, the SC laid down
(e.g. the IRR of the Labor Code).
Administrative Law, Law on Public Officers & Elections Law
Atty. June Erik C. Ylanan
the requirements for a valid administrative (a) Tariff and Customs Code particularly
issuance. These are the following: Sec. 401 which states that, “In the
interest of national economy, general
1. Its promulgation must be authorized by welfare and/or national security, and
the legislature; subject to the limitations herein
2. It must be promulgated in accordance with prescribed, the President, upon
the prescribed procedure (notice and recommendation of the National
hearing); Economic and Development Authority
3. It must be within the scope of authority (hereinafter referred to as NEDA), is
given by the legislature; and hereby empowered: x x x (2) to
4. It must be reasonable. establish import quota or to ban imports
of any commodity, as may be
In the mentioned case, the respondent were necessary” ;
seeking to declare EO 156 entitled as (b) Executive Order No. 226, the
"Providing for a comprehensive industrial policy Omnibus Investment Code of the
and directions for the motor vehicle Philippines which was issued on July
development program and its implementing 16, 1987, by then President Corazon C.
guidelines" which was issued by Pres. Aquino, in the exercise of legislative
Macapagal-Arroyo through her Executive power under the Provisional Freedom
Secretary. Respondents wanted Article 2, Constitution,20 empowers the President
Section 3.1 (prohibits the importation into the to approve or reject the prohibition on
country, inclusive of the Special Economic and the importation of any equipment or raw
Freeport Zone or the Subic Bay Freeport (SBF materials or finished products;
or Freeport), of used motor vehicles, subject to (c) Republic Act No. 8800, otherwise
a few exceptions) to be declared as known as the "Safeguard Measures
unconstitutional. Act" (SMA), and entitled "An Act
Protecting Local Industries By Providing
Let us go through with the requirements to Safeguard Measures To Be Undertaken
determine whether there is a valid ground to In Response To Increased Imports And
declare the issuance as unconstitutional. Providing Penalties For Violation
Thereof,"21 designated the
I. Its promulgation must be authorized by the Secretaries22 of the Department of
legislature; Trade and Industry (DTI) and the
Department of Agriculture, in their
EO 156 actually satisfied the first requisite capacity as alter egos of the President,
of a valid administrative order. It has both as the implementing authorities of the
constitutional and statutory bases. safeguard measures, which include,
inter alia, modification or imposition of
Delegation of legislative powers to the any quantitative restriction on the
President is permitted in Section 28(2) of importation of a product into the
Article VI of the Constitution. It provides: Philippines.
(2) The Congress may, by law, authorize There are thus explicit constitutional and
the President to fix within specified limits, statutory permission authorizing the President
and subject to such limitations and to ban or regulate importation of articles and
restrictions as it may impose, tariff rates, commodities into the country.
import and export quotas, tonnage and
wharfage dues, and other duties or imposts II. It must be promulgated in accordance with
within the framework of the national the prescribed procedure (notice and
development program of the Government. hearing)
The relevant statutes to execute this Anent the second requisite, that is, that the
provision are: order must be issued or promulgated in
accordance with the prescribed procedure, it is
Administrative Law, Law on Public Officers & Elections Law
Atty. June Erik C. Ylanan
necessary that the nature of the administrative for the issuance of EO 156. What they
issuance is properly determined. As in the challenged in their petitions before the trial
enactment of laws, the general rule is that, court was the absence of "substantive due
the promulgation of administrative process" in the issuance of the EO.
issuances requires previous notice and
hearing, the only exception being where III. It must be within the scope of authority
the legislature itself requires it and given by the legislature
mandates that the regulation shall be
based on certain facts as determined at In issuing EO 156, particularly the prohibition
an appropriate investigation. This on importation under Article 2, Section 3.1, the
exception pertains to the issuance of legislative President envisioned to rationalize the
rules as distinguished from interpretative rules importation of used motor vehicles and to
which give no real consequence more than enhance the capabilities of the Philippine motor
what the law itself has already prescribed; and manufacturing firms to be globally competitive
are designed merely to provide guidelines to producers of completely build-up units and
the law which the administrative agency is in their parts and components for the local and
charge of enforcing A legislative rule, on the export markets.36 In justifying the issuance of
other hand, is in the nature of subordinate EO 156, petitioners alleged that there has been
legislation, crafted to implement a primary a decline in the sales of new vehicles and a
legislation. remarkable growth of the sales of imported
used motor vehicles. To address the same, the
In Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Court President issued the questioned EO to prevent
of Appeals, and Commissioner of Internal further erosion of the already depressed
Revenue v. Michel J. Lhuillier Pawnshop, market base of the local motor vehicle industry
Inc.,27 the Court enunciated the doctrine that and to curtail the harmful effects of the
when an administrative rule goes beyond increase in the importation of used motor
merely providing for the means that can vehicles.
facilitate or render less cumbersome the
implementation of the law and substantially Taking our bearings from the foregoing
increases the burden of those governed, it discussions, we hold that the importation ban
behooves the agency to accord at least to runs afoul the third requisite for a valid
those directly affected a chance to be heard administrative order. To be valid, an
and, thereafter, to be duly informed, before administrative issuance must not be ultra
the issuance is given the force and effect of vires or beyond the limits of the authority
law. conferred. It must not supplant or modify
the Constitution, its enabling statute and
In the instant case, EO 156 is obviously a other existing laws, for such is the sole
legislative rule as it seeks to implement or function of the legislature which the
execute primary legislative enactments other branches of the government cannot
intended to protect the domestic industry by usurp,
imposing a ban on the importation of a
specified product not previously subject to The rule-making power of a public
such prohibition. The due process administrative body is a delegated legislative
requirements in the issuance thereof are power, which it may not use either to abridge
embodied in Section 40128 of the Tariff and the authority given it by Congress or the
Customs Code and Sections 5 and 9 of the Constitution or to enlarge its power beyond the
SMA29 which essentially mandate the conduct scope intended. Constitutional and statutory
of investigation and public hearings before the provisions control what rules and regulations
regulatory measure or importation ban may be may be promulgated by such a body, as well
issued. as with respect to what fields are subject to
regulation by it. It may not make rules and
In the present case, respondents neither regulations which are inconsistent with the
questioned before this Court nor with the provisions of the Constitution or a statute,
courts below the procedure that paved the way particularly the statute it is administering or
Administrative Law, Law on Public Officers & Elections Law
Atty. June Erik C. Ylanan
which created it, or which are in derogation of, importation of these vehicles. Thus, in Taxicab
or defeat, the purpose of a statute. Operators of Metro Manila, Inc. v. Board of
Transportation,41 the Court held that a
In the instant case, the subject matter of the regulation phasing out taxi cabs more than six
laws authorizing the President to regulate or years old is a valid exercise of police power.
forbid importation of used motor vehicles, is The regulation was sustained as reasonable
the domestic industry. EO 156, however, holding that the purpose thereof was to
exceeded the scope of its application by promote the convenience and comfort and
extending the prohibition on the importation of protect the safety of the passengers.
used cars to the Freeport, which RA 7227,
considers to some extent, a foreign territory. The problem, however, lies with respect to the
The domestic industry which the EO seeks to application of the importation ban to the
protect is actually the "customs territory" which Freeport. The Court finds no logic in the all
is defined under the Rules and Regulations encompassing application of the assailed
Implementing RA 7227, as follows: provision to the Freeport which is outside the
customs territory. As long as the used
"the portion of the Philippines outside the motor vehicles do not enter the customs
Subic Bay Freeport where the Tariff and territory, the injury or harm sought to be
Customs Code of the Philippines and other prevented or remedied will not arise. The
national tariff and customs laws are in force application of the law should be
and effect."39 consistent with the purpose of and
reason for the law. Ratione cessat lex, et
The proscription in the importation of used cessat lex. When the reason for the law
motor vehicles should be operative only ceases, the law ceases. It is not the letter
outside the Freeport and the inclusion of said alone but the spirit of the law also that gives it
zone within the ambit of the prohibition is an life.42 To apply the proscription to the Freeport
invalid modification of RA 7227. Indeed, when would not serve the purpose of the EO.
the application of an administrative issuance Instead of improving the general economy of
modifies existing laws or exceeds the intended the country, the application of the importation
scope, as in the instant case, the issuance ban in the Freeport would subvert the avowed
becomes void, not only for being ultra vires, purpose of RA 7227 which is to create a
but also for being unreasonable. market that would draw investors and
ultimately boost the national economy.
IV. It must be reasonable.
It is an axiom in administrative law that
administrative authorities should not act Now, other sources further expand the
arbitrarily and capriciously in the issuance of requirements for the validity of the
rules and regulations. To be valid, such rules administrative order. Aside from the four (4)
and regulations must be reasonable and fairly mentioned requirements, the requirement that
adapted to secure the end in view. If shown to (5) it must be applied to all; and (6)
bear no reasonable relation to the purposes for publication, are added.
which they were authorized to be issued, then
they must be held to be invalid. The first requirement is not that complicated.
As long as there is a law that delegates the
There is no doubt that the issuance of the ban legislative power to the administrative agency,
to protect the domestic industry is a then it is good, otherwise, it unconstitutional as
reasonable exercise of police power. The it violates the principle of separation of powers.
deterioration of the local motor manufacturing
firms due to the influx of imported used motor It is must be within the scope and purview of
vehicles is an urgent national concern that the law.
needs to be swiftly addressed by the President.
In the exercise of delegated police power, the The power of administrative officials to
executive can therefore validly proscribe the promulgate rules in the implementation of a
Administrative Law, Law on Public Officers & Elections Law
Atty. June Erik C. Ylanan