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Codex Adepta Sororitas


Army List

Arch-Confessor Kyrinov 90pts
Canoness 65pts
Canoness Praxedes of Ophelia VII 140pts
Helena the Virtuous, Prioress of the Convent Sanctorum 120pts
Saint Celestine 115pts
Sororitas Command Squad 115pts (*)
Uriah Jacobus 90pts

Celestian Squad 80pts
Ecclesiarchy Preacher 45pts (*)
Inquisitor 25pts
Inquisitorial Retinue Varies (*)
Repentia Squad 90pts

Battle Sister Squad 125pts
Frateris Militia Band 60pts
Novice Squad 100pts

Fast Attack
Arco-flagellant Pack 75pts
Dominion Squad 70pts
Seraphim Squad 80pts

Heavy Support
Exorcist 135pts
Penitent Engine 85pts

Dedicated Transports
Dominca pattern Drop Pod 35pts
Immolator 65pts
Repressor 50pts
Rhino 35pts



My thanks to all involved with this project and of course for Games Workshop for continuing to produce such
inspirational work.

I am indebted to those who kindly donated their artwork for use within this project, for more great images
please visit the following pages

At the start of each of you Movement phases you generate D6 Faith Points. Any Faith points that are unused at the end
of the turn are lost.

Acts of Faith: An Act of Faith can be attempted immediately before it acts. To attempt an Act of Faith, select the unit and
reduce your Faith Point by 1 and roll a D6 and add the following:

+1 If the unit is lead by any of the following:

Celestian Superior, Drill Abbess, Dominion Superior, Mistress of Repentance, Retributor Superior,
Seraphim Superior, Sister Superior,
+1 If the unit has been joined by one or more of the following Independent characters:
Arch-Confessor Kyrinov, Canoness, Canoness Praxedes of Ophelia VII, Helena the Virtuous, Saint Celestine,
Uriah Jacobus
+1 If the unit has taken at least 1 casualty

All modifiers are cumulative.

If the total is 5 or more, the Act of Faith is Successful.

Shield of Faith: A model with this special rule has a 6+ invulnerable save.

Arch-Confessor Kyrinov 90pts

Kyrinov 5 5 3 3 3 4 3 10 5+ / 6+ Invulnerable

Composition: 1 (Unique) Unit Type: Infantry (Character)

Wargear: Special Rules:
Bolt pistol Acts of Faith
Flak armour Fearless
Frag and Krak Grenades Heightened Fervour
Icon of Chiros Independent Character
Mace of Valaan Righteous Rage
Rosarius Shield of Faith

Heightened Fervour: Kyrinov counts as having both a laud hailer and a simulacrum imperilais.
Icon of Chiros: All friendly units within 6” of Kyrinov have the Fearless special rule,
Mace of Valaan: Power weapon. All models that suffer an unsaved wound reduce their initiative to a value of 1 until the
end of the next players turn.

Canoness 65pts
Canoness 5 5 3 3 3 4 3 10 3+ / 6+ Invulnerable

Composition: 1 Canoness Unit Type: Infantry (Character)

Wargear: Special Rules:
Boltgun, Bolt pistol Acts of Faith
Frag and Krak Grenades Independent Character
Power armour Shield of Faith
The Passion
May replace boltgun and/or bolt pistol with
Chainsword free
Storm Bolter 3pts
Powersword, Preasidium Protectiva, Combi-flamer,-melta, or plasma 10pts
Condemnor Boltgun, Plasma or Inferno Pistol 15pts
Eviscerator 25pts
Relic Blade 30pts
May take Melta Bombs 5pts
May take Roserius 25pts
May take Jump Pack 25pts
May take psyocculum 25pts

The Passion: This Act of Faith is used in the Assault phase. If successful, the Canoness and her unit receives +1
Initiative and the Preferred Enemy special rule until the end of the Assault phase.

Canoness Praxedes of Ophelia VII 140pts

At the start of the 2 Tyrannic War Canoness Praxedes of the Order of our Martyered Lady reinforced the Cardinal World
of Okassis. Although dealt a mortal wound by the swarms Hive Tyrant, she struck it down with her own weapon, inspiring
her followers to drive back the Xenos long enough to evacuate the Priests.
Praxedes 6 5 3 4 3 4 4 10 2+ / 4+ invulnerable

Composition: 1 (unique) Unit Type: Infantry (Character)

Wargear: Special Rules:
Boltgun, Bolt pistol Acts of Faith
Frag and Krak Grenades Fearless
Melta bombs Independent Character
Power armour and Cloak of St Aspira Shield of Faith
Roserius The Passion
Sceptre of Vengeance

Sceptre of Vengeance: A huge heavy mace whose head is wreathed in shimmering flame. The Sceptre is a power
weapon whose hits are resolved at strength 6. All models that suffer an unsaved wound reduce their initiative to a value
of 1 until the end of the next players turn. Against vehicles with no Initiative value, the sceptre will also inflict a crew
shaken result whenever it inflicts any damage
Helena the Virtuous, Prioress of the Convent Sanctorum 120pts
Helena is a member of all the orders of the Adepta Sororitas, having served many decades in the Order of the Key.
Whilst her greatest asset is her holiness and serenity, she keeps her ageing body in the best condition and she is highly
skilled in theories of battle.
Helena the Virtuous 4 4 3 3 3 4 2 10 3+ / 4+ Invulnerable

Composition: 1 (unique) Unit Type: Infantry (Character)

Wargear: Special Rules:
Boltgun and Bolt pistol Acts of Faith
Frag and Krak Grenades Holy Radiance
Power armour Independent Character
Rod of Grace Revered Leader
Rosarius Shield of Faith

Holy Radiance: As long as Helena is alive you may add 1 to the dice to determine how many Faith Points you have each
Revered Leader: Models in Helenas’ unit are Fearless and all friendly units within 12” of Helena become stubborn.
Rod of Grace: Power Weapon. In addition once per game you may fire a beam of force with following profile:
Range 6”, Strength 6, AP 4, Assault 1, Lance

Saint Celestine 115pts

Saint Celestine 7 7 3 3 3 7 5 10 2+ / 4+ Invulnerable

Composition: 1 (unique) Unit Type: Jump Infantry (Character)

Wargear: Special Rules:
Armour of Saint Catherine Acts of Faith
The Ardent Blade Fearless
Frag and Krak Grenades Independent Character
Jump Pack Miraculous Intervention
Shield of Faith

Armour of Saint Katherine: Confers on the wearer an 2+ armour save and a 4+ Invulnerable save.
Miraculous Intervention: Every time Celestine is removed as a casualty, place a counter to mark the spot where she
“died”. Roll a D6 as the start of each of you subsequent turns. If the result is a 4+ place her within 1” of the counter with
D3 wounds restored. If Celestine would be placed within 1” of another model move her by the minimum possible distance
so that she is no longer within 1”. Celestine can act normally in a turn in which she “resurrects”. Celestine does not award
kill points to the enemy if she is alive one the battlefield at the end of the game.
The Ardent Blade: This is a power weapon that always wounds enemies on a 4+ (unless a lower roll would be required).
In addition, it can fire in the shooting phase as a heavy Flamer.
Sororitas Command Squad 115pts
You can take one Sororitas Command squad for every Canoness you have included in your army. Units of Sororitas
Command Squads do not themselves take up an HQ choice. If your army includes Canoness Praxedes or Helena the
Virtuous, you may also include up to one Sororitas Command Squad for each. This unit does not count against your HQ

Celestian 4 4 3 3 1 3 2 9 3+ / 6+ Invulnerable
Celestian Superior 4 4 3 3 1 3 2 9 3+ / 6+ Invulnerable
Dialogus 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 3+ / 6+ Invulnerable
Hospitaler 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 3+ / 6+ Invulnerable

Composition: 3 Celestians, 1 Dialogus, 1 Hospitilar Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Special Rules:
Boltgun (Celestians only) Acts of Faith
Bolt pistol Endless Crusade
Chirurgeons Tools (Hospitaler only) Shield of Faith
Frag and Krak Grenades
Laud hailer (Dialogus only)
Power armour
Include up to five additional Celestians at 15 pts per model
Upgrade one Celestian to a Celestian Superior 5pts
One Celestian may take either:
Blessed Banner 15pts Simulacrum Imperialis 20pts
Any Celestian may replace her boltgun and/or bolt pistol with
Chainsword free Storm Bolter 3pts
Heavy Bolter or flamer 5pts Multi-melta or meltagun 10pts
Heavy Flamer 20pts
A Celestian Superior may replace her boltgun and/or bolt pistol with
Power sword, combi-flamer, combi-melta or plasma 10pts
Condemnor boltgun, Plasma pistol or Preasidium Protectiva 15pts
Relic Blade 30pts
The Celestian Superior may take melta bombs 5pts
The Celestian Superior may take psyocculum 25pts

Endless Crusade: This act of Faith is used in the movement phase. If successful the unit gains the Relentless and Move
Through Cover until the end of the turn.

Dedicated Transport: The squad can select any dedicated transport

Uriah Jacobus 90pts

Uriah Jacobus 5 5 3 3 3 4 3 10 5+ / 4+ Invulnerable

Composition: 1 (Unique) Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Special Rules:
Bolt pistol, Acts of Faith
Chainsword Independent Character
Flak armour Protector of the Faith
Frag and Krak Grenades Righteous Rage
Rosarius Shield of Faith
The Banner of Sanctity Stubborn
The Redeemer

Protector of the Faith: Whilst Uriah Jacobus is alive, you can re-roll the dice to determine how many Faith Points you
have each turn.
Righteous Rage: On a player turn in which a model with this special rule assaults, he and all members of the unit he has
joined re-roll failed rolls to hit.
The Redeemer: A Massive shotgun with the following profile: Range 24”, Strength 4, AP 4, Assault 2
The Battle of Sanctity: Models in Jacobus’ unit have +1 Attack and have the Feel No Pain rule.

Celestian Squad 80pts

Celestian 4 4 3 3 1 3 2 9 3+ / 6+ Invulnerable
Celestian Superior 4 4 3 3 1 3 2 9 3+ / 6+ Invulnerable

Composition: 4 Celestians, 1 Celestian Superior Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Special Rules:
Boltgun, Bolt pistol, Acts of Faith
Frag and Krak Grenades Hand of the Emperor
Power armour Shield of Faith

Include up to five additional Celestians at 15 pts per model

One Celestian may take:
Simulacrum Imperialis 20pts
Any Celestian may replace her boltgun and/or bolt pistol with
Chainsword free Storm Bolter 3pts
Heavy Bolter or flamer 5pts Multi-melta or meltagun 10pts
Heavy Flamer 20pts
A Celestian Superior may replace her boltgun and/or bolt pistol with
Power sword, combi-flamer, combi-melta or plasma 10pts
Condemnor boltgun, Plasma pistol or Preasidium Protectiva 15pts
Relic Blade 30pts
The Celestian Superior may take melta bombs 5pts
The Celestian Superior may take psyocculum 25pts

Hand of Emperor: This Act of Faith is used in the Assault phase. If successful, the unit gains +1 Strength and the
Fearless special rule until the end of the phase.

Dedicated Transport: The squad can select any dedicated transport

Ecclesiarchy Preacher 45pts

An Adepta Sororitas army can include 0-5 Ecclesiarchy Preachers. Preachers do not use any Force Organisation chart
selections but are otherwise treated as separate Elite units.

Preacher 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 5+ / 4+ Invulnerable

Composition: 1 Ecclesiarchy Preacher Unit Type: Infantry (character)

Wargear: Special Rules:
Chainsword Acts of Faith
Flak armour Independent Character
Frag and Krak Grenades Righteous Rage
Laspistol Shield of Faith

Each Ecclesiarchy Preacher may replace his laspistol and/or chainsword with:
Shotgun free
Bolt pistol or Boltgun 2pts
Flamer 10pts
Plasma gun 15pts
Eviscerator 25pts

Righteous Rage: On a player turn in which a model with this special rule assaults, he and all members of the unit he has
joined re-roll failed rolls to hit.
Inquisitor 25pts
Inquisitor 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 10 4+

Composition: 1 Inquisitor Unit Type: Infantry (character)

Wargear: Special Rules:
Bolt Pistol Independent Character
Carapace armour Stubborn
Frag and Krak Grenades

May replace bolt pistol and /or chainsword with:
Power Sword, Inferno pistol, combi-flamer, combi-melta or combi-plasma 10pts each
Condemnor Boltgun 15pts
Thunder Hammer 20pts
Null Rod 25pts
May replace carpace armour with power armour 8pts
May replace carpace armour with artificer armour 15pts
May take a refractor field 10pts
May take up to three servo-skulls 3pts
May take psyocculum 25pts

Inquisitorial Retinue Varies

You can take one Inquisitorial Retinue for every Inquisitor you have included in your army. Units of Inquisitorial Retinues
do not themselves take up an Elite choice. An Inquisitoral Retinue comprises a unit of 3-12 chosen in any combination
from those shown below:

WS BS S T W I A LD Save Points
Banisher 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 5+ 15pts
Death Cult Assassin 5 3 4 3 1 6 2 8 5+ / 5+ Invulnerable 15pts
Servitor 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 4+ 10pts
Warrior Acolyte 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 4+ 4pts

Banisher, Infantry,
Wargear: Chainsword, Flak Armour, Laspistol, Special rules: Act of Faith, Aura of Faith, Shield of Faith,
Death Cult Assassin, Infantry
Wargear: Flak armour, two power weapons. Special rules: Uncanny Reflexes
Servitor, Infantry
Wargear: Carpace armour, Heavy Bolter or Multi-melta Special rules: Mindlock
Warrior Acolyte, Infantry
Wargear: Chainsword, Flak armour, Laspistol,

Any Warrior Acolyte may replace his laspistol and/or chainsword with:
Boltgun 1pt
Storm bolter 3pts
Combi-flamer, combi-melta, combi-plasma, flamer 10pts
Power sword or Plasma pistol 15pts
Any Warrior Acolyte may replace his flak armour with:
Carapace armour 4pts
Power armour 10pts
Any Warrior Acolyte may be a Close Combat Specialist 5pts add +1 WS
Any Warrior Acolyte may be a Marksman 5pts add +1 BS

Aura of Faith: Units of Daemons within 6” of one or models with this special rule must re-roll successful invulnerable
Mindlock: If a unit containing Servitors does not also contain an Inquisitor, it must roll a D6 at the start of each friendly
turn. On a 1,2.3, the unit (and any characters may not move, shoot or assault that turn but will fight normally in close
combat if already engaged.
Uncanny Reflexes: 5+ Invulnerable save.

Dedicated Transport: The squad can select any dedicated transport

Repentia Squad 90pts
Sister Repentia 4 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 6+ Invulnerable
Mistress of Repentance 4 4 3 3 1 3 2 9 3+ / 6+ Invulnerable

Composition: 4 Sisters Repentia, 1 Mistress of Repentance Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Special Rules:
Sisters Repentia: Eviscerator Acts of Faith
Mistress of Repentance: Fearless
Frag and Krak Grenades Feel no Pain
Neural Whips (2) Rage
Power armour Shield of Faith
Spirit of the Martyr

Include up to fifteen additional Sisters Repentia at 17pts per model

The Mistress of Repentance may take Melta Bombs…………5pts

Spirit of the Martyr: This Act of Faith s used in the Assault phase. If successful, do not remove any models in the unit if
they have been killed before they have attacked. Instead place them on their side, after all other models involved in the
assault have attacked, each model on its side gets to make a single attack and then are removed from play.
Battle Sister Squad 125pts
Battle Sister 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 3+ / 6+ Invulnerable
Sister Superior 4 4 3 3 1 3 2 9 3+ / 6+ Invulnerable

Composition: 9 Battle Sisters, 1 Sister Superior Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Special Rules:
Boltgun, Bolt pistol, Acts of Faith
Frag and Krak Grenades Light of the Emperor
Power armour Shield of Faith

Include up to ten additional Battle Sisters at 12pts per model
One Sister can take a Simulacrum Imperialis…. 20pts
Up to two Sisters may replace her Bolt gun with:
Storm Bolter 3pts
Heavy Bolter or flamer 5pts
Multi-melta or meltagun 10pts
Heavy Flamer 20pts
The Sister Superior may replace her boltgun and/or bolt pistol with
Chainsword free
Stormbolter 3pts
Power sword, combi-flamer, combi-melta or plasma 10pts
Condemnor boltgun or Plasma pistol 15pts
A Sister Superior may take melta bombs 5pts

Light of the Emperor: This Act of Faith can be used in the Assault, Movement or Shooting Phases. If used in the Move
when the Battle Sisters squad are falling back, the unit immediately regroups. In the Shooting or Assault phase the unit
Re-Rolls To Hit rolls of 1.

Dedicated Transport: The squad can select any dedicated transport

Frateris Militia Band 60pts

In times of need, the Ecclesiarchy arms its servants, whether they be minor clergy or lay followers and unleash them upon
their foes. Often little more than a disorganised rabble
Militia 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 6 -

Composition: 20 militia Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Laspistol or shotgun, Close Combat weapon Special Rules: Holy Inspiration,
You may have a mix of weapons in the unit.

Holy Inspiration: Whilst a Frateris Militia band is accompanied by one of the following Independent Characters they have
the Fearless Special rule: Arch-Confessor Kyrinov, Canoness, Canoness Praxedes of Ophelia VII, Helena the Virtuous,
Saint Celestine, Uriah Jacobus

Novice Squad 100pts

Novice 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 3+ / 6+ Invulnerable
Drill Abbess 4 4 3 3 1 3 2 9 3+ / 6+ Invulnerable

Composition: 9 Novices, 1 Drill Abbess Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Special Rules:
Novice: Acts of Faith
Boltgun, Frag and Krak Grenades Power Armour Shield of Faith
Drill Abbess:
Boltgun, Bolt pistol, Frag and Krak Grenades, Power armour

One Novice may replace her boltgun with a flamer

The Drill Abbess may replace her boltgun and/or bolt pistol with
Power sword, combi-flamer, combi-melta or plasma 10pts
Plasma pistol 15pts
A Drill Abbess may take melta bombs 5pts

Dedicated Transport: The Squad may select a Rhino

Fast Attack

Arco-flagellant Pack 75pts

Arco-Flagellant 5 1 5 3 1 3 4 8 -

Composition: 5 Arco-flagellants Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Special Rules:
Arco-Flails (Close Combat weapon) Feel No Pain
Holy Orders
Include up to five additional Arco-Flagellants 15pts per model

Holy Orders: Acro-Flagellants are Troops choices in any army that includes a Ecclesiarchy Preacher.

Dominion Squad 70pts

Dominion 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 3+ / 6+ Invulnerable
Dominion Superior 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 9 3+ / 6+ Invulnerable

Composition: 4 Dominions, 1 Dominoon Superior Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Special Rules:
Boltgun, Bolt pistol, Acts of Faith
Frag and Krak Grenades Holy Fusillade
Power armour Scouts
Shield of Faith
Include up to five additional Dominions 13pts per model
For every five models in the squad, one Dominion may replace their Boltgun with:
Storm Bolter 3pts
Flamer 5pts
Meltagun 10pts
One Dominion may take a simulacrum Imperialis 20pts
The Dominion Superior may replace her boltgun and/or bolt pistol with
Chainsword free
Stormbolter 3pts
Power sword, combi-flamer, combi-melta or plasma 10pts
Condemnor boltgun or Plasma pistol 15pts
A Dominion Superior may take melta bombs 5pts

Holy Fusillade: This Act of Faith is used in the Shooting phase. If successful, the unit’s weapons count as being twin-
linked until the end of the turn.

Dedicated Transport: The squad can select any dedicated transport

Seraphim Squad 80pts
Seraphim 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 3+ / 6+ Invulnerable
Seraphim Superior 4 4 3 3 1 3 2 9 3+ / 6+ Invulnerable

Composition: 4 Seraphim, 1 Seraphim Superior Unit Type: Jump Infantry

Wargear: Special Rules:
Boltgun, Bolt pistol (x2), Acts of Faith
Frag and Krak Grenades Angelic Visage
Jump Pack Hit and Run
Power armour Seraphim Pistols
Shield of Faith
The Emperor’s Deliverance

Angelic Visage: Seraphim re-roll failed Acts of Faith rolls and failed invulnerable saves granted by the Shield of Faith
special rule.
Seraphim Pistols: Any model in a Seraphim squad that is armed with two pistols can fire both in the shooting phase. If
they do so they can fire no other weapon that turn.
The Emperor’s Deliverance: This Act of Faith is used in the Shooting Phase. If successful, the unit’s shooting attacks
re-roll any failed To Wound rolls until the end of the phase.

Include up to five additional Seraphim 15pts per model
Up to two Seraphim may replace both bolt pistols with:
Two Hand flamers 20pts per model
Two Inferno Pistols 30pts per model
The Seraphim Superior may replace one of her bolt pistols with
Chainsword free
Power Sword 10pts
Relic Blade 30pts
The Seraphim Superior may replace her other bolt pistol with
Preasidium Protectiva 10pts
Plasma Pistol or Inferno Pistol 15pts
The Seraphim Superior may take melta bombs 5pts
Heavy Support

Exorcist 135pts
BS 4 Armour: F: 13, S: 11, R: 10, Options:
May take any of the following:
Composition: 1 Exorcist Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank) Dozer Blade 5pts
Wargear: Special Rules: Extra armour 15pts
Exorcist launcher Shield of Faith Holy Icon 10pts
Smoke launchers Hunter-Killer missile 10pts
Searchlight 1pt
Storm Bolter 10pts
Truesilver Armour 10pts

Penitent Engine 85pts

WS BS S I A Armour: F S A
Penitent Engine 4 2 5 (10) 3 D6+1 11 11 10

Composition: 1 Penitent Engine Unit Type: Walker (Open Topped)

Wargear: Special Rules:
Two Dreadnought close combat weapons Battle Frenzy
(with built in heavy flamers) Rage
Unstoppable Rampage
Shield of Faith

Options: Include an additional two Penitent Engines 85pts per model

Battle Frenzy: For each unsaved Wound a Penitent Engine inflicts in close combat, the Penitent Engine inflicts in close
combat the Penitent Engine immediately makes an additional attack. These attacks do not generate further additional
attacks in the same way.
Unstoppable Rampage: Penitent Engines ignore any crew shaken and crew stunned results on the Vehicle Damage

Retributor Squad 65pts

Retributor 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 3+ / 6+ Invulnerable
Retributor Superior 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 9 3+ / 6+ Invulnerable

Composition: 4 Retributors, 1 Retributor Superior Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Special Rules:
Boltgun, Bolt pistol, Acts of Faith
Frag and Krak Grenades Divine Guidance
Power armour Shield of Faith

Include up to five additional Retributors 12pts per model
Up to four Retributors may replace their boltguns with one of the following:
Heavy Bolter 5pts
Melta-melta 10pts
Heavy flamer 20pts
One Retributor may take a simulacrum Imperialis 20pts
The Retributor Superior may replace her boltgun and/or bolt pistol with
Chainsword free
Stormbolter 3pts
Power sword, combi-flamer, combi-melta or plasma 10pts
Condemnor boltgun or Plasma pistol 15pts
A Dominion Superior may take melta bombs 5pts

Divine Guidance: This Act of Faith is used in the Shooting phase. If successful, the unit’s weapons gain Rending until
the end of the phase.

Dedicated Transport: The squad can select any dedicated transport

Dedicated Transports

Dominca pattern Drop Pod 35pts

BS 4 Armour: F: 12, S: 12, R: 12, Options:
May take any of the following:
Composition: 1 Drop Pod Unit Type: Vehicle (Open Topped) Replace Storm Bolter with Heavy flamer 20pts
Wargear: Special Rules:
Storm Bolter Inertial Guidance System
Shield of Faith

Fire Points: Once deployed, the Drop Pod counts as being open–topped.
Inertial Guidance System: Should a Drop pad scatter on top of impassable terrain or another model (friend or foe) then
reduce the scatter distance by the minimum required in order to avoid the obstacle
Immobile: A Drop Pod cannot move once it has entered the battle and counts in all respects as a vehicle that has
suffered an Immobilised damage result (which can not repaired)
Transport Capacity: Twelve infantry models, once the passengers have disembarked, no models can embark on the
drop pod for the remainder of the game.

Immolator 65pts
BS 4 Armour: F: 11, S: 11, R: 10, Options:
May take any of the following:
Composition: 1 Immolator Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank) Dozer Blade 5pts
Wargear: Special Rules: Extra armour 15pts
Twin linked Heavy flamer Shield of Faith Holy Icon 10pts
Smoke launchers Hunter-Killer missile 10pts
Searchlight 1pt
Storm Bolter 10pts
Truesilver Armour 10pts
Access Points: 1 each side, 1 rear
Fire Points: none May replace Twin-linked heavy flamer for one of the following
Transport: 6 infantry Twin-linked heavy bolter and inferno bolts free
Twin-linked multi-melta 15pts

Repressor 50pts
BS 4 Armour: F: 11, S: 11, R: 10, Options:
May take any of the following:
Composition: 1 Rhino Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank) Holy Icon 10pts
Wargear: Special Rules: Hunter-Killer missile 10pts
Dozer blade Shield of Faith Truesilver Armour 10pts
Heavy flamer
Storm Bolter

Access Points: 1 each side, 1 rear

Fire Points: 10
Transport: 10 infantry

Rhino 35pts
BS 4 Armour: F: 11, S: 11, R: 10, Options:
May take any of the following:
Composition: 1 Rhino Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank) Dozer Blade 5pts
Wargear: Special Rules: Extra armour 15pts
Storm Bolter Repair Holy Icon 10pts
Smoke launchers Shield of Faith Hunter-Killer missile 10pts
Searchlight 1pt
Access Points: 1 each side, 1 rear Storm Bolter 10pts
Fire Points: Two may fire out of top hatch Truesilver Armour 10pts
Transport: 10 infantry

Repair: If a Rhino is immobilised, roll a D6 in the shooting phase, on a 6 it is no longer immobilised.

Battle Banner: Any Sisters of Battle unit within 12” of the banner re-rolls failed Morale and Pinning tests. In addition, the
Sororitas Command Squad counts as having scored one extra wound in close combat for purposes of calculating the
assault result.

Chirugeons Tools: As long as the Sister Hospitaler is alive, her unit has the Fell No Pain special rule.

Condemnor Boltgun: Follows all the rules for a combi-weapon, once per game the stake crossbow can be fired with the
following profile: Range: 24”, Strength 5, AP -, Assault 1, Psi-shock,
Any psyker hit by a stake crossbow suffers the Perils of the Warp in addition to any other effects.

Laud Hailer: When any Sister sof Battle unit within 12” of a model with a Laud Hailer successfully makes an Act of Faith,
roll a D6. On a 6, your army immediately gains a single Faith Point.

Neural Whip: Power Weapon. Hits caused against a non-vehicle unit strike at Strength 8 and roll To Wound against the
opponents unmodified Leadership rather than Toughness.

Null Rod: Power weapon. Any unsaved wounds caused by a null rod inflict instant death on psykers. Furthermore the
bearer (and his squad) cannot be affected by psychic powers in any way.

Preasidium Protectiva: A highly ornate shield believed to contain shards of the Emperors armour. A model equipped
with a Preasidium Protectiva has a 3+ invulnerable save but may never claim the +1 Attack bonus for being armed with
two close combat weapons.

Psyococulum: The bearer of a psyocculum (and his unit) count as being Ballistic Skill 10 if shooting at a psyker or a unit
containing one or more psykers.

Relic Blade: A relic blade counts as a power weapon whose hits are resolved at Strength 6. Due to its size and weight, a
model wielding a relic blade cannon can not get an extra attack for an additional close combat weapon.

Rosarius: Confers a 4+ invulnerable save

Servo Skull: Servo-Skulls are treated as counters rather than units and are deployed after deployment areas have been
determined but before any forces are deployed. Servo-Skulls can not move. Enemy infiltrators can not set up within 12”
of a skull, and scouts may not use their pre-game move to approach within 12”. A friendly unit arriving by Deep Strike
rolls 1 less D6 for scatter if aiming to arrive within 12” of a Servo-Skull. Should an enemy unit move within 6” of a Servo-
skull immediately remove it from play.

Simulacrum Imperialis: A unit with a Simulacrum Imperialis re-rolls failed Acts of Faith rolls.


Dozer Blade: The Vehicle may re-roll failed Difficult Terrain tests.

Extra Armour: Crew Stunned results are counted as a Crew Shaken.

Holy Icon: Any friendly unit within 6” of the vehicle adds 1 to its Leadership for the purposes of Morale and Pinning
checks up to a maximum of 10. Multiple Holy Icons are not cumulative

Hunter-Killer Missile: Unlimited range one shot Krak missile, fired at BS4 and treated as an additional weapon.

Searchlight: Used when Night Fighting rules are in play. Must still use normal Night Fighting rules to pick its target, but
having acquired will illuminate it for any other unit subsequently firing at it this shooting phase, ignoring the Night Fighting
rules. However, in the subsequent enemy turn, the vehicle using the searchlight can be targeted as if the Night Fighting
rules were not in operation.

Truesilver Armour: If a Daemon or psyker succeeds in hitting this vehicle in close combat, it suffers a Strength 6 hit for
each hit once damage has been resolved against the vehicle.

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