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Microsoft 365

Adoption Guide
Adoption Best Practices

Date 01-22-19
© Copyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Why does adoption matter?
The business landscape is changing. Employees seek purpose and satisfaction. Employers aim to harness worker ingenuity. And a
diverse, multi-generational workforce can now work anytime, anywhere. Success depends on your ability to collaborate and drive
productivity within teams spread across the globe. We created Microsoft 365 to meet these evolving business needs. It is a suite
of powerful tools that optimize productivity in today’s corporate landscape.

We understand that adopting new technology involves change, and change can be daunting. Even for the most innovative,
cutting-edge organizations. That’s why we created the Microsoft 365 Adoption Guide.

We’ve compiled an easy-to-follow how-to guide that walks you and your team, step-by-step, through the best way to roll out
Microsoft 365 to your organization. The insights we share come from our most successful customers, who have maximized the
power of their investment, adopting multiple, integrated technologies that now form Microsoft 365. Throughout this guide you
will find links to additional tools and resources as well as the Adoption Planning Workbook where you can build your custom
approach to adoption.

Remember, you are not in this alone. There are many organizations who are currently launching Microsoft 365 technologies and
you can connect with them in the Driving Adoption Community.

The way we work is becoming more connected, let’s connect the way we work.
The successful adoption of new technology requires
behavior change. And change can be hard.

It takes more than learning a new app. It's a

fundamentally different way of working.

This change is about people.

And we're here to help.
We know from experience...
o Change doesn't happen automatically. Most employees
don't want to use new technology rolled out by their

o CEOs matter. When the CEO was engaged, the

transformation project was more successful.2

o Setting targets is key. A well-defined set of financial and

operational targets is a key component to successful

o Learn from each other. Learning from co-workers is one

of the most effective ways to adopt new technology.4

1) Creating organizational transformations, July 2008, McKinsey Quarterly,

2) SharePoint End-User Study, Apr 2013, Microsoft Corporation
3) Microsoft 365 Usage Research, May 2016, Microsoft Corporation
4) CIO Executive Board Business Productivity Database
80% of end users admit to
using their communication tool
of choice 1

1“What is Shadow IT?”, (accessed March 2017)

Our successful customers navigate adoption by...

Defining a vision. Companies were most successful when they had a clearly
defined vision and knew how the new technology would be used.

Getting leadership support. Successful projects obtained proactive

support from senior leadership to encourage new technology use.

Training end-users. Organizations used multiple training formats to

3 engage with employees across business units.

Raising awareness. Top performers used email, employee portals,

4 posters, teaser videos, and newsletters.

*Results of a Microsoft research study survey

Our Adoption Framework guides you through the
We have created an easy-to-follow framework to guide you through the adoption process. Each phase is broken into simple steps
that guide you to the best practices, resources, and tools you need to build and deploy a customized adoption approach.


Identify and prioritize scenarios while learning Work with your key stakeholders to build and Full-scale deployment and business success
about available resources as you plan for rollout. launch your adoption plan. Prepare your depend on usage and satisfaction. This requires
This stage is critical to your journey as you’re environment and test your adoption approach planning through the Envision and Onboard phases
setting business goals to measure success. with Early Adopters. Use feedback to make plus ongoing operational excellence.
adjustments before scaling to the business.

o Assemble Your Team o Prepare Your Environment o Monitor End User Adoption
o Define Business Strategy o Build Your Adoption Plan o Measure and Report Usage
o Determine Readiness o Launch to Early Adopters o Encourage Ongoing Engagement
o Adjust Your Plan

Identify and prioritize scenarios while learning

about available resources as you plan for rollout.
This stage is critical to your journey as you’re
setting business goals to measure success.

o Assemble Your Team

o Define Business Strategy
o Determine Readiness
Assemble Your Team

Who should be involved

in your adoption effort?
Transforming to this new way of working requires buy-in and
support from across the business. We have identified four key
groups who will bridge technology and business outcomes that
matter to your organization

Each group has a specific role in implementation and should be

engaged early and often. The next few pages will outline the
specific role these team members will play.

Mott MacDonald developed a network of 1) Executive Sponsors

technology champions by engaging the
employees who are most interested and 2) Success Owner
enthusiastic about the new capabilities. The 3) Early Adopters
company made sure the champions were
4) Champions
well trained and sent them out into the business
to coach and communicate with colleagues.
Assemble Your Team

How can Executive Sponsors drive project success?

Executive Sponsors should: Ensure they understand the ABCs:*

o Help the project team identify and prioritize their
top business needs. Active and visible participation

o Play a role in communicating the vision to leaders

across the organization. B Building a coalition with their executive peers

o Actively participate in and use the Microsoft 365

capabilities to help drive and reinforce adoption. C Communicating directly with employees

o Promote the adoption process. Studies show that

87% of successful transformation projects had
visible engagement by Executive Sponsors.

* Prosci®. All rights reserved.

Assemble Your Team

Who are Success Owners

and why are they important?
Success Owners ensure business goals are realized by
helping people use and get value from the new Microsoft

Success Owners should:

o Identify and engage the right stakeholders.

o Translate the organization’s set business goals into

Microsoft 365 scenarios.
o Create an adoption plan to drive usage and realize
value from Microsoft 365.
o Ensure communications and training are successfully
Assemble Your Team

Who are Early Adopters?

Selecting the right participants for the Early Adopter Program is key
to gain valuable insights and inform the organization-wide launch.

The list below describes the types of employee to include in your


o Users from different lines of business and departments, preferably

those who work together on a project or business process.

o Likely Champions or leaders who will become advocates during the

broad launch to the entire organization.

o Users who typically struggle with technology. It’s important to

understand and address their needs during launch.

o IT and help desk team members who will support users during

o Important: Leave out the CEO and upper management. While it can
be tempting to ask for the CEO’s involvement, keeping them out of
the Early Adopter Program provides an opportunity to smooth out
any issues before they are exposed during the rollout.
Assemble Your Team

Who are Champions?

Champions evangelize and help train their teams on the new
ways of working. They build awareness, understanding, and
engagement throughout the community.

Champions will:
Champions willgroundswell
o Create the help to: of enthusiasm that grows adoption.

o Build a circle of influence among their teams.

o Bring the new ways of working to life across teams.

We connect with an adoption Champion in each
o Identify business challenges and possible solutions.
business unit, who sends out weekly emails on
o Provide feedback to the project team and sponsors.
Office 365. Each Office 365 tool has core benefits and
by taking users on a smooth journey through them, o Reduce strain on core project team through active, ongoing

we are able to unlock the value in each one. engagement.

Nick Lamshed
Change Consultant, Qantas
Assemble Your Team

Other team members to include in adoption efforts

Many people throughout your organization will have important responsibilities during the launch of a new
technology. The chart below provides a summary of those roles. We have created a template so you can identify and
document your team in the Adoption Planning Workbook.

Role Responsibilities Department

Executive Sponsor Communicate high-level vision and values of Microsoft 365 to the company Executive Leadership

Success Owner Ensure the business goals are realized from your Microsoft 365 rollout Any department

Program Manager Oversee the entire Microsoft 365 launch execution and rollout process IT

Champions Help evangelize Microsoft 365 and manage objection handling Multiple departments

Training Lead Manage and communicate training content about Microsoft 365 IT or other

Identify how specific departments will use Microsoft 365

Department Leads (Stakeholders) Any department (management)
and encourage engagement

IT Specialists Oversee all technical aspects of the rollout, including integrations IT

Communication Lead Oversee company-wide communications about Microsoft 365 Corp Communications, IT or other

Note: Though we recommend having each of these roles fulfilled throughout your rollout, you may find that you don’t require them all to get started with your
identified solutions. Visit the Adoption Team Member Role Details for complete descriptions.
Define Business Strategy

Define your business Consider these questions to drive the conversation:

o What are some of the organization’s challenges or pain
Partner… points related to communication and collaboration?
with your core team to refine your objectives.
o What are the areas in which your organization would
Identify… like to improve?

the important business objectives and challenges o What are the organization’s strategic initiatives or
and start to recognize areas of opportunity to current transformation projects that Microsoft 365 can
improve work processes. support?

Host a workshop… o What methods of communication and collaboration are

to delve deeper into current challenges, typically better received by your organization than
strategies and goals. Include department others?
leads, lines of business, IT and other
stakeholders who can help brainstorm how o What is the process for drafting, distributing, and
Microsoft 365 can be used in your sharing information?
Define Business Strategy

Identify your Scenarios

Explore what’s possible.
What is a Scenario?
The Microsoft 365 Productivity Library is a
Scenarios cover the ways your people will use Microsoft 365 to collection of recommended use cases to showcase
address business challenges and achieve organizational, cultural, ideas on how to use the products to your best
tangible or individual adoption outcomes. advantage in a way that’s relevant to you.
The idea cards speak to everyday challenges you
Why are Scenarios important? can solve with Microsoft 365 across industries and
o They allow teams to understand how Microsoft 365 can help them roles and includes short training videos.

achieve more. You can search the cards by Industry, Role or

Product, or any keywords fitting your needs.
o They act as input and validation of Microsoft 365 awareness

Get started:
o They support awareness and readiness activities by putting
products in context; people will know when and how to use them.
Define Business Strategy

Create scenarios for multiple teams and departments

You can use the worksheet below to document business scenarios for specific departments and then
capture your scenarios in the Adoption Planning Workbook.

As someone in… I want to… Using… I’ll know this is

(Team) (Description of (Specific application successful when…
what I want to do) of the technology) (Solutions success

I want to Using
a SharePoint site to centrally I’ll know this is successful
have a single version of the when
As someone in store and share a single version
sales proposal that everyone
of a sales proposal that my team my sales team creates proposals
Sales Management has access to rather than
can edit together using co- more easily, giving them more
managing multiple versions in
authoring in Word and time to close deals
Define Business Strategy

Collaborate with colleagues in

a chat-centered workspace Replace traditional phone

Prioritize your
system with Cloud PBX
Implement secure single sign-
on with Azure Active Directory

business scenarios Deploy data classification and

protection with Azure
Information Protection
Empower and engage employees
through a social network

Gauge impact and difficulty

Once scenarios have been defined for the Conduct training for
organization and its departments, it is important employees across the globe

to prioritize, so you know where to focus first.

Gauging impact and difficulty will help you
understand which scenarios will provide the Support new employees
in onboarding faster
most impact the fastest and which require more
Enable employees to work
smarter, from anywhere, with
Use this template to prioritize your scenarios in hosted email
the Adoption Planning Workbook.

Define Business Strategy

Define your “Minimum Viable Experience” for your user

base. These are the must-have capabilities your services
need to deliver. Doing this early will allow you to control
the scope of your pilot and deployment phases.

o Scope change to empower, not disrupt business users.

o One large, phased transition is often better than

multiple small ones.

o Each type of service strategy requires all the

components of deployment and adoption planning.

Define Business Strategy

Define your success criteria

o Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) that

should improve based on adopting various business

o Establish KPI benchmarks and users’ Microsoft 365


o Choose criteria to help you show leadership the impact

Microsoft 365 is having on the organization.

o After rollout, use the end user surveys to measure

satisfaction and progress against your

View sample KPIs in the Adoption Planning Workbook

Define Business Strategy

Use these examples to choose your KPIs

Choose criteria to demonstrate the impact of your Microsoft 365 implementation against each success measure. We have provided
ideas below and scorecard templates in the Adoption Planning Workbook for you to effectively track and report success.
Success Measure Method Example Goal
Reduced operating costs Quantitative Comparison of pre and post Microsoft 365 reports
Increased adoption correlates to reduced third- Microsoft 365 reporting will show cost savings. Post rollout usage of third-
party conferencing usage, travel time and resource party phone conferencing should show decreasing
Finance/accounting reports usage of 10% per month
Travel and phone expense reports

Increased productivity Quantitative Time to complete customer orders drop by

Increased adoption correlates to faster Process efficiency gains 15% within 6 months
communication and decision making, shorter time Qualitative
to complete tasks
End user surveys
Yammer or Teams feedback

Improved collaboration Qualitative Increased usage of Yammer or Teams

Increased cross-team and cross-location End user surveys

Improved employee engagement Qualitative Employee engagement improves by 15% within 6

Employees are fully absorbed by and enthusiastic Employee surveys months of rolling out Yammer or Teams
about their work and are more motivated to help
the organization achieve its goals
Determine Readiness

Determine your Readiness factors

organization's readiness
o There are key factors that will help you understand
how prepared your organization is for the transition
What is Readiness?
to Microsoft 365
Willingness and preparedness of your users and your o Clear vision for the company shift
organization to move to Microsoft 365
o Clear vision for the individual shift
o Every organization approaches change differently, o Amount of overall change required
depending on region, work style, professional profile, and
o Executive alignment
other elements of the organization.

o Determine how receptive (or not) your users are likely to be to Different groups within your organization will have
changing the way they work and adopting new technology. different levels of readiness and change appetite.

o You will need to create a rollout plan that reflects the readiness
of your organization. Use the Adoption Planning Workbook to assess your
Resistance is normal. Anticipate and plan ahead!
Phase Two: ONBOARD

Work with your key stakeholders to build and launch

your adoption plan. Prepare your environment and test
your adoption approach with Early Adopters. Use
feedback to make adjustments before scaling to the

o Prepare Your Environment

o Build Your Adoption Plan
o Launch to Early Adopters
o Adjust Your Plan
Prepare Your Environment

Technical Readiness Checklist

Prepare your technical ❑ Complete legal & security review

environment ❑ Review service capabilities with legal & security teams

❑ Decide guest access and provisioning policies

❑ Whitelist Microsoft 365 URL's & IP addresses
Technical Readiness is key to ensuring your ❑ Implement enterprise policies and Microsoft 365 group
organization is ready for launch. Use governance policies
this checklist to identify items that need to
be completed before go-live. ❑ Assign report reader roles
❑ Complete network assessment (for Voice & Video services)
Need more help? Review the Technical
Readiness and Governance Guide and ❑ Plan guest access bandwidth
complete your own Checklist in the ❑ Review minimum requirements spec, including mobile
Adoption Planning Workbook.
devices strategy
❑ Review Microsoft 365 Admin reporting
❑ Assign report reader role as needed

❑ Prepare help desk

Build Your Adoption Plan

Drive awareness through end

user engagement
o Deploy a variety of tactics

o Focus on the “What’s in it for me?”

o Tailor plan to company and culture

o Send out communications

We knew we had to be crystal clear with
Engagement events employees about how Office 365 would make
their lives easier and help them do their jobs
o Engage Executive Sponsors to kick off launch
better. So, we branded it as four things: Work
o Staff events with IT and Champions Anywhere, Work Anytime You Like, Work
o Distribute banners and leaflets Together, and Work on Any Device.
o Place demo booths in cafeteria/foyer Joe Kamara
Lead Change Manager, NEC Group
o Host online events for remote offices
Build Your Adoption Plan

Delivering Value

Review scenarios and determine the best use cases to Report and build on wins
be utilized for the organization-wide launch.
Scenarios will help inform the communications plan Identify
by: and
o Translating core scenarios into uses that solve real business prioritize
o Determining which scenarios make sense for the company Measure
and share success
to promote in its Microsoft 365 launch
o Using the resources associated with each scenario to
implement email announcements and training activities Plan
and execute
Build Your Adoption Plan

Incorporate success stories What makes a good success story?

o Time. The story should begin with a time

Success stories are often just as valuable as quantitative marker so the audience knows when it
measures when demonstrating Microsoft 365 success.
Throughout the rollout, project team members and
Champions should identify examples that demonstrate cross- o Characters. The story should feature names, so
functional collaboration and teamwork and share them by the audience knows who was involved.
using Yammer or Teams.
o Events. The story should recount the events
Leverage these examples in your communications to that took place.
generate excitement and demonstrate the impact of
Microsoft 365. o Visuals. The audience should be able to
picture what happened.
Build Your Adoption Plan

Create launch events How to choose your launch event

o Consider your goals for using Microsoft 365..

How can your launch event support your business
The following are some resources, ideas, and tactics to help objectives?
create an effective Microsoft 365 launch:
o Consider your company culture. What types of
o Planning Team and Champions wear Microsoft 365 T-shirts,
activities will resonate with your leadership and
order at (US customers only).
your employees?
o Microsoft 365 banners, posters, and leaflets displayed
o Consider your time and resources. Can you mix
throughout the offices.
and match activities to plan something that suits
o Demo booths in cafeteria/foyer to showcase the various your needs and fits into your schedule?
Microsoft 365 tools and features, and to provide hands-on
o Consider existing company events. Is there an
upcoming company event near the roll-out of
Microsoft 365 that could incorporate your launch?
Build Your Adoption Plan

Develop your communication strategy

Develop a communications strategy that will generate awareness and excitement
before the launch and share usage success after launch. Consider the following best
practices when building your approach:

o Ensure staff are considered when putting together the messaging to help them identify, “What’s in it for me?”
o Pick a mix of activities including email, posters and physical events, and plot them along the project timeline.
o Schedule events where people can experience the products and ask questions.
o Tailor activities for driving awareness to company and culture.
o Having a leader send out a communication announcing Microsoft 365, hosting a launch event, or sharing the
benefits during an all-hands meeting will go a long way in validating its importance and getting everyone on
board with using the new technology.

Complete the Communications Assessment and use planning templates in the Adoption Planning Workbook.
Build Your Adoption Plan

Posters, booklet and print Countdown and Announcement emails

Access helpful
Explore free online templates and tools for
engagement content that you can include in your Awareness Kits Awareness Kits
Awareness Kits Windows 10 Business Introduction Kit
Check in with the Driving Adoption Tech
Community to connect with adoption experts and
learn how they have communicated the Microsoft
365 launch to their organizations.

Use the Adoption Planning Workbook to

organize and track content.

Awareness Kits Business Kit

Build Your Adoption Plan

Build your training strategy

Focus on the why
Make sure employees know why the change is happening, what’s in
it for them, and why they’re being asked to change.

Use real work scenarios

Use tasks or business processes that are familiar to your audience to
draw them into learning how to use the technology.

Use multiple formats

Training end users should take on multiple forms to accommodate To help with change management and adoption, we
different learning styles, geographical barriers and resource created corporate Office 365 training materials with a
consistent approach to using the services that
Reinforce discouraged customization and kept complexity to a
Make the training stick with reinforcement options like on-demand minimum. As a design principle, we use the default
training, lunch and learn sessions, and new employee training
options. settings in Office 365 for at least six months.

Anders Munck
Enterprise Architect, Carlsberg
Build Your Adoption Plan

Consider training best practices

When you are putting together your training program, take into consideration:

The current productivity tools you are running

1 If you are currently running a productivity system, you may need to spend an increased
effort in the training stage, as it will require a change in behavior.

The technology literacy of the staff

2 You need to understand how tech-savvy your staff are when planning your training program.
This will help to determine how easily they will pick up new ways to work.

The current change programs

3 It is important to understand what other programs are currently running in the business, so
do not overwhelm or confuse your staff.

Training preferences of your staff

4 It is important to understand the best way to deliver training to your organization, whether it
be in person, through assisted or unassisted online tutorials, or other methods.
Build Your Adoption Plan

Align your training strategy to the launch plan

Design your training strategy to scale with your launch. Start with the groups that will
champion Microsoft 365, then prepare IT, before launching to the broader organization.

• Managers • Administration course • Auditorium Training • Lunch & Learn

• Early Adopters for IT resources • Online/On-Demand • Tips and Tricks
• Change Champions • Formal accreditation Training
• Executive Sponsors • Brown Bag sessions

Core Team IT Preparation Business Groups Engagement

Use the Adoption Planning Workbook to assess the training needs of your organization and
build your approach to training.
Build Your Adoption Plan

Office 365 Training Center Productivity Training

Product based training to help ready people to Scenario based training to ready people to maximize
use the services and apps effectively. their productivity with Microsoft 365.

Access training

Access free online training resources to help

launch Microsoft 365. Office Training Resources Productivity Training Resources

Office Quick Starts Microsoft 365 YouTube Channel

Check in with the Driving Adoption Tech
Get up and running quickly with the basic info you
Community to connect with adoption experts need to be productive right away.
Discover how Office 365’s integrated experience can
help you grow your business.
and learn how they have communicated the
Microsoft 365 launch to their organizations.

Use the Adoption Planning Workbook to

organize and track content.

Office 365 Quick Start Guides Office How-To Videos

Build Your Adoption Plan

Build a sustainable Champions Community

Champions help build, grow, and sustain your Microsoft 365 rollout by evangelizing and helping
their peers with the new technology.


Get started:
Should be formally trained to increase their
Champions Guide
1 depth and breadth of knowledge.

Should be encouraged and empowered

2 to guide, teach, and train their peers.
Get inspired:
Need consistent positive reinforcement that affirms
3 the impact of their efforts.
4 Need a clear plan to execute.
Build Your Adoption Plan

Incorporate Champions Community into the launch plan

Adoption Identify key stakeholders
Identify/Prioritize business
Create & execute a Success Plan
Measure, share success,
scenarios and iterate

Business Microsoft 365 early adoption program with champions Identify and launch additional solutions
Highlight and share success

Organization-wide launch: communications,

Organize and develop Champions Community
Communications training, events, success stories
and training
Inform Identify
Execute Champions Community
stakeholders champions

Supervise licensing, security and social governance discussions Support global launch
IT and social
governance Review of
Assist in Support
viability of
domains reporting mobile apps
third parties Sample Champions Community Launch Timelines
Launch to Early Adopters

Build and launch your Early

Adopter Program strategy Why is this program important?
o Identify pitfalls. Gather initial feedback and
identify potential stumbling blocks to help
An Early Adopter Program gives your organization early shape your final launch plan.
insights that will help you bring Microsoft 365 to life for all
users. Think of it as a dry run, among a representative group, o Collect feedback. Get feedback from users on
that will help you prepare for full-scale launch. the identified goals and scenarios for your
Microsoft 365 implementation.
Working with Early Adopters lets you test your ideas and
collect feedback that will help your project team bring that o Solve problems. Troubleshoot potential issues
“WOW” factor to your full, organization-wide launch. with a smaller group of users prior to an
organization-wide launch.
Find all the resources you need to organize, plan, and launch
your Early Adopter Program in Microsoft's Early Adopter o Recruit Champions. Develop a pool of potential
Program Guide. enthusiasts to recruit from. These individuals
will help colleagues adopt Microsoft 365 once
the full rollout takes place.
Adjust Your Plan

Use feedback from Early Adopters to revisit your

communications, training, and feedback plans.
Adjust your overall approach based on the input

Consider bringing your Early Adopters into the

Microsoft 365 Champions group so they can
continue to support their peers through the
Phase Three: DRIVE VALUE

Full-scale deployment and business success depend

on usage and satisfaction. This requires planning
through the Envision and Onboard phases plus
ongoing operational excellence.

o Monitor End User Adoption

o Measure and Report Usage
o Encourage Ongoing Engagement
Monitor Adoption

Track KPIs and end user

If your company is not meeting its KPIs, consider possible reasons why end users
have not fully adopted the technology.

Distribute satisfaction surveys to gather data about your users’ knowledge of and
sentiment toward the new Microsoft 365 services. The results will help you
determine how successful the rollout has been and get you thinking about how
to incorporate this feedback into actionable next steps:

o Circulate a baseline survey shortly before users receive their accounts and
devices, to gather data about their knowledge of Microsoft 365.

o Conduct a survey halfway through your launch to gather data about

users’ experiences with Microsoft 365. Use the results to make any necessary

o Create new awareness or training content to address any outstanding needs

that arise.

o After your organization-wide rollout, use a final survey to assess user

satisfaction. You can release this survey 90 days after launch, and then in
quarterly increments to help measure user adoption from satisfaction and
productivity standpoints.
Measure and Report Usage

Access reports and tracking Active User Reports Skype for Business Clients Used


Within the Microsoft 365 Admin Portal you'll find guides for
creating reports that will track your user engagement levels
for the different workloads.
Microsoft 365 Adoption
Microsoft 365 Groups
Content Pack
Refer back to these reports to measure against your Activity
success criteria and identify areas for improvement.

Continue to track KPIs using your customized scorecard in

the Adoption Planning Workbook.
Encourage Ongoing Engagement

Increase adoption over time

with ongoing activities

o Leverage tips and tricks emails to reinforce skills

development: Download from Resource Hub
o Create a Yammer group or Teams channel to continue
conversations on best practices and new features.
o Share success stories showing how people are using
Microsoft 365 in innovative and impactful ways.
o Periodically host additional engagement events like town
hall meetings or lunch & learns to drive end user
o Set challenges and run competitions to celebrate how
people best use Microsoft 365 to work differently.
Encourage Ongoing Engagement

Remember these proven

strategies when driving
deeper engagement
o Reward people for changing their work behaviors –
cultural evolution is critical to adoption.
o Define examples and patterns workers can relate to.

o Provide training to help workers get the most value from

the new tools.
o Teach people to use the collaboration tools as a set -
use SharePoint and Microsoft Teams, not SharePoint or
Microsoft Teams.
o Continue to find your Champions - advocates for
change within the business - including executives,
managers, and admins.
o Use Hubs for information aggregation, consistency, and
enabling collaboration across larger groups.
Encourage Ongoing Engagement

Microsoft is here to support you

Bookmark these resources to continue driving end user engagement throughout your adoption journey

Microsoft Tech Community Microsoft Docs

Collaborate, share, and learn from experts Technical documentation for developers and IT professionals Resources to help you plan your transformation

Microsoft Support Productivity Library Product Websites

Access FAQ and support documentation Library of scenarios with assets and training Product specific websites for additional details
What’s next?
Now that you have reviewed the Microsoft 365 Adoption
Guide and learned the critical steps for successful technology
adoption, it’s time to get to put your knowledge into practice.

Click through to the Adoption Planning Workbook to find

customizable worksheets and templates that will help you
create your own plan and put it into action. We’ve compiled
everything you need to assemble your team, create your
adoption strategy, and launch Microsoft 365 in your

Remember, you are not in this alone. Many organizations are

currently adopting Microsoft 365 technologies, and you can
connect and share what works and what doesn’t in the Driving
Adoption Community.

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