Instruction Manual: LINC86 Series Electric Chemical Metering Pump Plunger Type Bellows Type

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LINC86 Series Electric Chemical Metering Pump

Plunger Type
Bellows Type

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Contents - 86 Series Electric Pump Manual .......................................................................................................... Page

General Specifications (5,000 psi Pumps) .......................................................................................................... 4
Pump Head Selection Chart (5,000 psi Pumps) ................................................................................................. 4
General Specifications (10,000 psi Pumps) ........................................................................................................ 5
Pump Head Selection Chart (10,000 psi Pumps) ............................................................................................... 5
Gear Box/Motor Selection Chart .......................................................................................................................... 5
Ordering Chart ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
Scope Of This Manual .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Installation ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Maintenance ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Removing the Pump from Service ....................................................................................................................... 7
Plunger Type Pump Head Service ....................................................................................................................... 7
Replace The Plunger ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Replace The Power Plunger or Spring ............................................................................................................ 8
Replace The Seals ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Suction Check Valve ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Discharge Check Valve ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Bellows Type Pump Head Service ....................................................................................................................... 9
Replace Seals, and Bellows ............................................................................................................................. 9
Drive Housing Assembly ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Remove Bearings From The Cam Shaft ............................................................................................................. 10

Assembly Drawings & Parts Lists

Figure 1, 86-1,-2,-3 Series Standard Plunger Pump Assembly Drawing .......................................................... 12
Pump Assembly Parts List: 86-1,-2,-3 Standard Series Pumps ....................................................................... 13
Figure 2, 86-20,-30 Series Bellows Pump Assembly Drawing .......................................................................... 14
Bellows Pump Head Selection Chart .................................................................................................................. 14
Pump Assembly Parts List: 86-20,-30 Bellows Series Pumps .......................................................................... 15
Figure 3, 86-1 10,000 psi Pump Assembly Drawing .......................................................................................... 16
Pump Assembly Parts List: 86-1 10,000 psi Pump ............................................................................................ 17
Figure 4, 86-4,-6 Series Pump Assembly Drawing/Parts List ............................................................................ 18
Figure 5, Discharge Check Valves ...................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 6, Suction Check Valves .......................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 7, Drive Housing ....................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 8, Double Drive Housing .......................................................................................................................... 22
Dimensional Drawings ......................................................................................................................................... 23
LINC Chemical Pump Gas Consumption Chart..............................................................................................24

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General Specifications: 86 Series Electric Metering Pumps; 5,000 psi

Parts: Drive Components:
Wetted Parts: 316 Stainless Steel Pump Drive Housing: Ductile, manufactured to ASTM-A536
Pump Body: 303 Stainless Steel Gear Box: Manufactured to ASTM-A536
Plunger- Standard: 1/4", 3/8" & 1/2" heads, ceramic Motor Option:
Drip-Proof Enclosure:
3/4" & 1" heads, 316 ss/ceramic coated
Typically used indoor in clean locations.
Hydraulic Seal: Lubrithane (Bellows Head only)
TEFC - Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled:
Plunger Seal: Refer to Ordering Chart Typically used in dirty and/or damp locations.
Plunger Sizes: Explosion Proof:
Bellows Head: 3/8" & 1/2" plunger diameters Listed as explosion proof for Class I, Division 1, Group C & D.
Plunger Head: 1/4", 3/8" & 1/2", 3/4" & 1" plunger diameters Pressure: To 5,000 psi maximum
Check Valves : Optional Materials: 316 ss, Hastelloy, Monel & Titanium
Body: 316 Stainless Steel
Ball: Carbide
Spring - Discharge: 316 Stainless Steel
Seat: TFE

The LINC 86 Series: Pump Head Selection Chart

Model Plunger Gear Maximum Maximum Minimum Minimum Maximum Maximum Strokes Volume Stroke
Number Diameter Ratio Rate Rate Rate Rate Pressure Pressure Per Per Length
Gal/Hr Liter/Hr Gal/Hr Liter/Hr psi Bar Minute Stroke
86-1X1 1/4" 20:1 0.82 3.11 0.08 0.30 5,000 345 86.2 0.6 cc 3/4"
86-1X2 1/4" 30:1 0.54 2.07 0.05 0.18 5,000 345 57.5 0.6 cc 3/4"
86-1X3 1/4" 60:1 0.27 1.03 0.02 0.07 5,000 345 28.7 0.6 cc 3/4"

86-2X1 3/8" 20:1 1.85 7.01 0.18 0.68 4,000 276 86.2 1.3 cc 3/4"
86-2X2 3/8" 30:1 1.23 4.67 0.12 0.45 4,000 276 57.5 1.3 cc 3/4"
86-2X3 3/8" 60:1 0.61 2.33 0.06 0.22 4,000 276 28.7 1.3 cc 3/4"

86-3X1 1/2" 20:1 3.29 12.47 0.32 1.21 3,000 206 86.2 2.4 cc 3/4"
86-3X2 1/2" 30:1 2.19 8.31 0.21 0.79 3,000 206 57.5 2.4 cc 3/4"
86-3X3 1/2" 60:1 1.09 4.16 0.10 0.38 3,000 206 28.7 2.4 cc 3/4"

86-4X1 3/4" 20:1 7.41 28.07 0.74 2..80 1,000 69 86.2 5.4 cc 3/4"
86-4X2 3/4" 30:1 4.94 18.71 0.49 1.85 1,000 69 57.5 5.4 cc 3/4"
86-4x3 3/4" 60:1 2.47 9.36 0.24 0.91 1,000 69 28.7 5.4 cc 3/4"

86-6X1 1" 20:1 13.18 49.92 1.31 4.99 600 41 86.2 9.6 cc 3/4"
86-6X2 1" 30:1 8.79 33.28 0.87 3.29 600 41 57.5 9.6 cc 3/4"
86-6X3 1" 60:1 4.39 16.64 0.43 1.62 600 41 28.7 9.6 cc 3/4"

1. Maximum Rate and Minimum Rate columns are for each pump head.
2. Strokes per minutes is based on the use of a 1725 RPM motor.
3. When creating a Model Number using the Ordering Chart, the "X" in the Model Number column above will be replaced by a single
digit representing the plunger seal selection. The plunger seal is shown in the Ordering Chart.

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General Specifications: 86 Series Electric Metering Pump; 10,000 psi

Parts: Drive Components:
Wetted Parts: 316 Stainless Steel Pump Drive Housing: Ductile, manufactured to ASTM-A536
Pump Body: 303 Stainless Steel Gear Box: Manufactured to ASTM-A536
Plunger, Standard: Ceramic Motor Option:
Drip-Proof Enclosure:
Plunger Seal: See Ordering Chart (Options 4 & 6 only)
Typically used indoor in clean locations.
Plunger Sizes: 1/4" Diameter
TEFC - Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled:
Check Valves : Typically used in dirty and/or damp locations.
Body: 316 Stainless Steel Explosion Proof:
Ball: Carbide Listed as explosion proof for Class I, Division 1, Group C & D.
Spring-Discharge: 316StainlessSteel Pressure: To 10,000 psi maximum
Seat: TFE Optional Materials: 316 ss, Hastelloy, Monel & Titanium

The LINC 86 Electric Series: Pump Head Selection Chart; 10,000 psi
Model Plunger Gear Maximum Maximum Minimum Minimum Maximum Maximum Strokes Volume Maximum
Number Diameter Ratio Rate Rate Rate Rate Pressure Pressure Per Per Stroke
Gal/Hr Liter/Hr Gal/Hr Liter/Hr psi Bar Minute Stroke Length
86-1X1 1/4" 20:1 0.34 1.29 0.08 0.31 10,000 690 86.2 *0.6 cc 3/4"
86-1X2 1/4" 30:1 0.23 0.86 0.05 0.20 10,000 690 57.5 *0.6 cc 3/4"
86-1X3 1/4" 60:1 0.11 0.43 0.02 0.10 10,000 690 28.7 *0.6 cc 3/4"

*1. Volume per stroke decreases to 0.25 cc per stroke @ 10,000 psi.
2. Strokes per minute is based on the use of a 1725 RPM motor.
3. Maximum Rate and Minimum Rate columns are for each pump head.

Gear Box/Motor Selection Chart

Plunger Diameter: 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 3/8" 3/8" 3/8" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1" 1" 1"
Gear Ratio: 20:1 30:1 60:1 20:1 30:1 60:1 20:1 30:1 60:1 20:1 30:1 60:1 20:1 30:1 60:1
Pump Heads: Part Number Code for Gear Box Size and Motor Horsepower
1 11 11 21 11 11 21 11 11 21 11 11 21 11 11 21
2 11 11 21 11 11 21 11 11 21 11 11 21 11 11 21
3 11 11 21 11 11 21 11 11 21 11 11 21 11 11 21
4 11 11 21 11 11 21 11 11 21 11 11 21 11 11 21
5 11 11 21 12 11 21 12 11 21 11 12 21 11 12 21
6 11 11 21 12 11 21 12 11 21 11 12 21 11 12 21
7 12 11 21 12 11 21 23 22 31 23 22 31 23 22 31
8 12 11 21 12 11 21 23 22 31 23 22 31 23 22 31

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Ordering Chart: LINC86 Series Electric Metering Pump
86 - Electric plunger and/or bellows type metering pump
1 - 1/4" plunger diameter, ceramic
2 - 3/8" plunger diameter, ceramic
3 - 1/2" plunger diameter, ceramic
4 - 3/4" plunger diameter, 316 ss/ceramic coated
5 - Multi-Head Pump, specify the plunger sizes required
6 - 1" plunger diameter, 316 ss/ceramic coated
Plunger Seal for 1/4", 3/8" & 1/2" Plungers:
0 - Packing mechanical seal - Lubrithane, wetted o-rings-TFE, for bellows
head only
1 - Packing mechanical seal - Fluorocarbon, wetted o-rings, Fluorocarbon
2 - Packing mechanical seal - Fluoromyte, wetted o-rings - TFE
3 - Packing mechanical seal - Nitrile, wetted o-rings - Nitrile
4 - Packing mechanical seal - TFE/Graphite wetted o-rings - TFE
6 - Packing mechanical seal - Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene,
wetted o-rings - TFE
7 - O-rings packing seal - Fluorocarbon, wetted o-rings - Fluorocarbon
8 - O-rings packing seal - Nitrile, wetted o-rings - Nitrile
9 - O-rings packing seal - Kalrez, wetted o-rings - Kalrez, for 1/4" & 1/2"
Plunger Seal for 3/4" & 1" Plungers:
1 - Packing mechanical seal - TFE/Graphite wetted o-rings - TFE
2 - Packing mechanical seal - Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene,
wetted o-rings - TFE
3 - Packing mechanical seal - Lubrithane, wetted o-rings - TFE
Gear Ratio:
1 - 20:1 ratio running at 86.25 RPM
2 - 30:1 ratio running at 57.50 RPM
3 - 60:1 ratio running at 28.75 RPM
4 - No gear box required
1 - No tank required
2 - Plastic tank, 5 U.S. gallon capacity
3 - Stainless Steel tank, 5 U.S. gallon capacity
1 - None
2 - Bellows head with Lubrithane seal, per head for 3/8" & 1/2"
3 - 316 ss wetted parts
5 - Specify your requirements
6 - Bellows heads - 316 ss wetted parts
7 - 10,000 psi maximum working pressure, 1/4" plunger only
Number of Pump Heads:
1- 8 - Specify the number of heads, one to a maximum of eight
Gear Box Size:
0 - None
1 - #150
2 - #175
3 - #200
Motor Horse Power:
0 - None
1 - 1/3 H.P.
2 - 1/2 H.P.
3 - 3/4 H.P.
Motor Enclosure Rating:
21 - Single phase 110/220 VAC, 60 Hz, TEFC, Standard enclosure
31 - Single phase 110/220 VAC, 60 Hz, DP, Drip Proof enclosure
41 - Single phase 110/220, 60 Hz, XP, Explosion Proof enclosure
23 - Three phase 220/440 VAC, 60 Hz, TEFC, Standard enclosure
33 - Three phase 220/440 VAC, 60 Hz, DP, Drip Proof enclosure
43 - Three phase 220/440 VAC, 60 Hz, XP, Explosion Proof enclosure
Option Number:
(x) - If the pump does not require any special modifications, Omit “Option Number” from
the part number. If the pump does require special modifications, use “5” for “Other”,
and “(x)” for the option number when placing an order. The factory will replace the
“(x)” with an unique option code at the time of pump production.
LINC 86-______-_____-____-______ ( ) Example 86-211-151-11-41(6).
Example: 86-211-111-11-41 Electric Metering Pump

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Scope Of This Manual: 3. Prime the pump by loosen- Maintenance:

This manual describes and ing the bleed screw (fig. 1, Refer to all sectional drawing and
provides instructions and parts list item 24. Allow the liquid parts list in this manual. All repairs
for the LINC86 Chemical Metering (chemical) to flow into the should be performed in a clean en-
Pump. These pumps are electri- pump chamber, venting the vironment.
cally operated plunger and/or trapped air or gas. The following steps must be taken
bellows pumps. 4. Start the pump and run for before proceeding with any main-
sufficient time for the pump tenance operations.
Installation: to discharge continuously
This manual assumes that the and smoothly. Close the bleed Removing the Pump from Ser-
motor that drives this pump has screw. vice:
been connected to the power 5. After the pump has been 1. Turn off the electrical power
source by a qualified electrician and operating for a period of time to the pump and make sure
meets all the required electrical and does not seem to be dis- it is locked out.
standards of the area where it is charging the proper volume 2. Close the upstream and
installed. per stroke, loosen the bleed downstream valves on the
These pumps require a flooded screw slightly until all en- chemical lines.
suction and must be located lower trapped air or gas is evacu- 3. Open the bleed screw to
than the chemical supply tank. ated from the pump cham- release the pressure in the
Horizontal installation of the pump ber. Tighten the bleed screw. pump.
head assembly is required. 6. To vary the volume that the 4. Disconnect the suction and
1. Connect the suction line pump delivers on each stroke, discharge lines from the
through a filter or strainer to loosen the set screw (fig. 1 check valves.
the suction check valve . item 4, ) and rotate the stroke
2. Connect the discharge line adjustment collet (fig. 1, item Pump Head Assembly
from the discharge check 18). Clockwise rotation will 86-1, 86-2, 86-3, 86-4, 86-6;
valve to the desired location. increase the volume and 1/4", 3/8", 1/2", 3/4" & 1"
counterclockwise rotation will Plungers:
Note: An inline check valve is reduce the volume. The 1. The entire pump head
recommended at the point of injec- stroke may be adjusted while assembly may be removed
tion to prevent back flow to the the pump is running. The as a unit.
pump during shutdown or servicing. edge of the collet aligns with 2. Loosen the set screw (fig. 7,
an indicator that shows per item 11) on the boss of the
Caution: A pressure relief valve centage of full stroke. drive housing assembly.
must be installed in the discharge 7. After the collet has been 3. Unscrew the pump head
line and set at 10 to 20% above the adjusted so that the pump assembly by turning the hex
normal discharge pressure to pre- is delivering the desired vol- mounting adapter (fig. 1,
vent dead-heading and over pres- ume, tighten the set screw item 19) counterclockwise.
suring the pump. This pump is ca- to lock the collet in place.
er” from pable of producing pressures that
e the will rupture the discharge line. The
output of the relief valve should be
connected back to the suction line
or the chemical supply tank.

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To replace the Plunger: 2. Separate the seal body from 2. Remove the four screws
1. Loosen the four set screws the head spacer by remov- that attach the head spacer
around the head spacer ing the four set screws to the seal body (fig. 4 item
(fig. 1, item 4) closest to the (fig. 1, item 4) nearest the 24). Pull the head spacer
hex mounting adapter (fig. 1, fluid end of the pump head away from the seal body.
item 19). The pump head assembly. 3. Pull the center ring (fig. 4
may now be removed with- 3. Push the old seals, spacer item 23) out of the seal
out removing the packing. and split bushing out of the body.
2. Pull the assembly straight seal body (fig.1, items 23, 22 & 21). 4. Remove the plunger seals
out, away from the adapter, (one in each end of the seal
being careful not to damage Note: These seals can either be body) and the seal backup
the plunger. uniseals (seal back-up built into the (one per seal if used) from
3. Drive out the pin and remove seal) or seals with separate back- the seal body, being care
the plunger (fig. 1, items 7 up rings. ful not to scratch the wall of
& 8). Replace the new the seal gland. The seal
plunger and pin. 4. Lubricate the new seals to spacer (fig. 4 item 13) can
prevent damage during remain in the seal body.
To replace the Power Plunger or installation. 5. Before reinstalling the
Spring, fig. 1, items 1 & 2: 5. Replace the seals by first plunger seals, lubricate
1. Remove the retaining ring placing the split bushing into them and their glands with
(fig. 1, item 6). the seal body followed by the a light grease. Install the
2. Pull the power plunger out of spacer and seal (expander seals with their lips facing
the mounting adapter and ring side facing out toward the end of the pump that is
collet assembly (fig. 1, items the fluid end of the pump). equipped with check
19 & 18). If a seal with a backup is valves. If the seals that are
3. Screw the collet off of the being used, the back-up being installed require seal
mounting and inspect the goes in first. backup rings, install the
seal (fig. 1, item 25). Replace 6. Place this assembly over the backup rings behind the
any of the parts that are worn plunger and reattach to the heel of the seal.
or damaged and reassemble. heads spacer with the four 6. Using the screws that were
4. After the parts have been set screws. previously removed,
reassembled, compress the 7. Install a new o-ring (fig. 1, reattach the head spacer
spring completely and let it item 15) in the seal body and and the end cap to the seal
return pulling the retaining attach the end cap with the body.
ring up against the collet four cap screws. 7. Lubricate the plunger be
making certain there is no binding. fore reinserting it into the
To Replace the Seals: seal body.
To replace the Seals: 3/4" & 1" Only 8. Remove 1/8" npt lube plug
1/4", 3/8" & 1/2" Only 1. Remove the four screws (fig. 4 item 14). Fill with
1. Loosen the four cap screws that attach the end cap to 30wt motor oil or silicone
that attach the end cap to the the seal body (fig. 4 item 20). grease. Replace plug.
seal body (fig. 1, items 11, Pull the end cap out of the
12 & 16). seal body.

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To replace or repair the Suction seat o-ring and retest. In- removed from the bellows
and/or Discharge Check Valve: crease the air pressure to seal body by pushing the
Two-Piece, fig. 1, items 10 & 13, 100 psig and again check for round shank of a drill bit
fig. 2, items 6 & 17, fig. 5 & 6: leaks as above. through the plunger hole in
4. Ensure that the proper flow the bellows seal body. Use
Field repair of check valves direction, as marked on the a 25/64" diameter bit for the
is not recommended. However, if valve body, is observed 3/8" plunger pump and a
the checks are to be repaired, the when installing or replacing 33/64" diameter bit for the
repairs should be done in a clean the check valve. 1/2" plunger pump.
environment that has the necessary 5. Install the repaired check
equipment to check the valves for valves into the pump body Note: Be careful not to scratch
leakage after they are repaired. and tighten securely. the bore that houses the seals.

The discharge check valve con- Optional Bellows Pump Head 4. Remove the bellows (fig. 2
tains a spring to hold the ball against 86-20 & 86-30 item 10) from the bellows
the seat. In the suction check valve, 3/8" & 1/2" Plungers: housing (fig. 2, item 8).
the ball floats freely. (figure 2) The bellows will be tight in
its housing and may be hard
To repair the Check Valves: To replace the Seals, Split to remove. Do not dam
1. Separate the two halves for Bushings & Bellows: age the sealing surfaces
the check valve (fig. 5 & 6, 1. Remove the entire bellows while removing the bellows.
items 1 & 4). pump head assembly from 5. To reassemble the pump,
2. Replace the o-rings, ball and the drive housing assembly position the bellows hous-
spring as required (fig. 5 & 6 as previously described for ing in the vertical position,
items 2, 3, 5 & 6). In the the standard pump head possibly in a vise. Start by
majority of the check valve assembly. placing the bellows spring
the seat o-ring will be Teflon 2. Loosen the four set screws and bellows (fig. 2, item 9
(fig. 5 & 6, item 2). This o- (fig. 1, item 4) that mount & 10) in the bellows hous-
ring may be removed, turned the bellows seal body to the ing. Then, install the bel-
around and reused if a new head spacer (fig. 1, items lows retainer and o-rings
o-ring is not available. During 16 & 17). Pull the head (fig. 2, items 12, 2, 3, 4, &
this procedure, extreme care spacer assembly, with the 5). Lubricate the o-rings be
should be exercised. The plunger attached (fig. 1, fore installation.
ball should be "peened" on item 8), out of the bellows 6. Fill the bellows with 10W-30
the Teflon seat to ensure seal body. Loosen the six or 5W-30 motor oil depend-
proper sealing (fig. 5 & 6, cap screws (fig. 2, item 13) ing on temperature condi-
items 2, 5 & 1). that hold the bellows seal tions using the following
3. Connect the outlet of the body to the bellows housing procedure.
check valve to an air pres- (fig. 2, item 8). Separate 7. Slowly fill the bellows cavity
sure source and apply 10 the seal body and housing. until oil is flush with the top
psig. Place the inlet of the 3. The split bushings, the of the bellows. Air will be
check valve into water or spacer and seals (fig. 2, trapped in the bellows con-
bubble test fluid. If bubbles items 14, 15 & 16) can be volutions.
appear, reset the ball to the

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Note: It is important to remove Drive Housing Assembly: To remove the Bearing from the
this air. Insert a small wire or simi- The shaft bearing and cam bear- Cam Shaft, fig. 7, items 10 & 7:
lar item into the cavity and gently ing in the drive housing assembly 1. Remove the snap ring (fig.
stir the oil in the convolutions to (fig. 7, items 5 & 10) are roller bear- 7, item 9) from one side of
release any air. If necessary, add ings which will provide a long, the bearing and pull the
additional oil until it is flush with trouble-free life. bearing off of the cam.
the top of the bellows. 2. Replace with a new bearing
If for some reason the bearings and snap ring if needed.
8. Install the split bushings, are to be replaced,: 3. Scrape the old gaskets
spacer and seals in the bel- 1. Remove the pump head from the drive housing and
lows seal body as shown in assembly or assemblies bearing mounting plates.
Figure 2. The lips of both from the drive housing. Clean these surfaces with a
seals should point toward 2. Remove the drive housing solvent to remove the old
the bellows. Lubricate the from the pump base and gasket compound.
parts before installation. remove the coupling half 4. Using a new gasket and a
Insert the plunger (with the from the drive cam shaft (fig. gasket compound (Permatec
head spacer assembly 7, item 7). Remove the eight Form-A-Gasket #2) replace
attached) into the bellows screws and bearing plate the blind bearing plate with
seal body, through the parts (fig. 7, items 3 & 4) on the new bearing installed with
that have just been installed. shaft side of the drive hous- the eight cap screws. From
9. Fill the small cavity between ing. the other side of the drive
the seal lip that shows in 3. Remove the cam shaft and housing case, place the
the end of the bellows seal bearing mounting plate from other end of the cam shaft
body and the plunger with the drive housing. with new bearing in place
silicone grease. This will 4. Remove the eight cap screws into the inner bearing race.
eliminate an air pocket from the bearing mounting 5. Again, using a new gasket
when the pump is fully on the outside of the drive and gasket compound,
assembled. Install the housing and remove this place the other bearing
plunger (with the seal body plate from the drive housing. mounting plate with new
assembly and the head The bearing in the mounting bearing and oil seal over the
spacer assembly attached) plates are pressed in and shaft and fasten to the drive
into the bellows housing may have to be removed housing with the eight cap
and bellows. Oil will oveflow. with a bearing puller. The screws. This mounting plate
10. Install and tighten the six bearing plate that has the has an 1/8" socket head pipe
cap screws (fig. 2, item 13). opening for the shaft, also plug in it which should be at
The screws will need to be has a shaft oil seal (fig. 7, the very bottom of the as-
tightened several times item 8). Inspect this seal and sembly when installed.
because of the cold flow of replace if needed. 6. When in operation, the drive
the bellows flange. housing should always be
11. Screw this entire assembly properly filled with oil. The
into the drive housing and oil used in the drive housing
tighten the set screw that should be high quality 90W
holds it in place. motor oil.

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7. Replace oil every 4000

hours by draining the case
through the drain plug (fig. 7,
item 17) and refilling through
the oil fill/vent cup (fig. 7, item
14). Fill housing to the level
that the oil will run out the
1/8" NPT hole in the back
bearing mounting plate
when the socket head plug
is removed. When full to this
point, replace the plug.

Note: See Figure 8 for pumps

that are equipped with more than
two plunger heads.

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LINC 86 ver. 04082003 - pn 15107

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Figure 1, LINC 86-1, -2, -3 Series Plunger Pump Head

(Only on 1/4" head)



Standard Head Assembly Standard Head Assembly

Size Part # Seal Material Size Part # Seal Material
1/4" ............. 45261 ............ UHMWPE 1/4" ............. 45248 ............ TFE/Graphite
3/8" ............. 45263 ............ UHMWPE 3/8" ............. 45250 ............ TFE/Graphite
1/2" ............. 45265 ............ UHMWPE 1/2" ............. 45252 ............ TFE/Graphite

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Series 86-1, -2, -3 Plunger Pump Head Parts List; 5,000 psi

Model 86-1 86-2 86-3

Plunger Size 1/4" 3/8" 1/2"
Max Pressure 5000 4000 3000

Item Part # Part # Part # Description Material Qty

1 ........................ 13174 ............ 13174 ............ 13174 .............. Power Plunger .......................................... 17-4 PH ss ...................... 1
2 ........................ 11284 ............ 11284 ............ 11284 .............. Spring ..................................................... Chrome/Silicone ............... 1
3 ........................ 11264 ............ 11264 ............ 11264 .............. Bushing ................................................... Bronze ............................ 2
4 ........................ 11339 ............ 11339 ............ 11339 .............. Set Screw ............................................... 18-8 ss ........................... 9
5 ........................ 11470 ............ 11470 ............ 11470 .............. Stroke Length Plate .................................. 302 ss ............................ 1
6 ........................ 11265 ............ 11265 ............ 11265 .............. Retaining Ring ........................................ 15-5 PH ss ...................... 1
7 ........................ 13161 ............ 13161 ............ 13161 .............. Pin .......................................................... 15-5 PH ss ...................... 1
8 ........................ 13168 ............ 13169 ............ 13170 .............. Plunger ................................................... Ceramic .......................... 1
9 ........................ 10278 ............ 10278 ............ 10278 .............. Lubrication Plug ....................................... 304 ss ............................ 2
10 ....................... 24940 ............ 24940 ............ 24940 .............. Discharge Check Valve Assembly .............. See Parts figure 5 ............ 1
11 ....................... 13159 ............ 13159 ............ 13159 .............. Cap Screw .............................................. 18-8 ss ........................... 4
12 ....................... 31632 ............ 31636 ............ 31640 .............. End Cap .................................................. 316 ss ............................ 1
13 ....................... 22879 ............ 22879 ............ 22879 .............. Suction Check Valve Assembly ................. See Parts figure 6 ............ 1
14 ....................... 13212 ............ 13212 ............ 13212 .............. Elbow ...................................................... 316 ss ............................ 1
15 ....................... 13197 ............ 13198 ............ 13199 .............. O-Ring .................................................... TFE Encapsulated ............ 1
16 ....................... 31630 ............ 31634 ............ 31638 .............. Seal Body ................................................ 303 ss ............................ 1
17 ....................... 30897 ............ 30897 ............ 30897 .............. Head Spacer ............................................ 303 ss ............................ 1
18 ....................... 22833 ............ 22833 ............ 22833 .............. Collet ...................................................... 303 ss ............................ 1
19 ....................... 30892 ............ 30892 ............ 30892 .............. Mounting Adapter ..................................... 303 ss ............................ 1
20 ....................... 25104 ............ 25104 ............ 25104 .............. Spring Bushing ......................................... Acetal ............................. 1
21 ....................... 13163 ............ 13164 ............ 12990 .............. Split Bushing ............................................ PTFE Filled ..................... 2
22 ....................... 24996 ............ 24998 ............ 25000 .............. Spacer .................................................... 303 ss ............................ 1
23 ....................... 11821 ............ 13188 ............ 11822 .............. Plunger Seal ............................................ TFE Graphite ................... 1
23a ..................... 13007 ............ 13154 ............ 13008 .............. Plunger Seal ............................................ UHMWPE ....................... 1
24 ....................... 20460 ............ 20460 ............ 20460 .............. Bleed Screw ............................................ 316 ss ............................ 1
25 ....................... 11259 ............ 11259 ............ 11259 .............. Seal ........................................................ Nitrile .............................. 1
.......................... 22937 ............ 22937 ............ 22937 .............. Dust Cover (not shown) ............................ Polycarbonate .................. 1
.......................... 10324 ............ 10324 ............ 10324 .............. Drive Screw (not shown) ........................... 18-8 ss ........................... 4
.......................... 13185 ............ 13185 ............ 13185 .............. Name Plate (not shown) ........................... 316 ss ............................ 1

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Figure 2, LINC 86-20, -30 Series Bellows Pump Head

Bellows Head Assembly

Size Part # Seal Material
3/8" ............. 45256 ............ Lubrithane
1/2" ............. 45258 ............ Lubrithane

The LINC 86 Electric Series: Bellows Pump Head Selection Chart; 2400 PSI Max.
Model Plunger Gear Maximum Maximum Minimum Minimum Maximum Maximum Strokes Volume Stroke
Number Diameter Ratio Rate Rate Rate Rate Pressure Pressure Per Per Length
Gal/Hr Liter/Hr Gal/Hr Liter/Hr psi Bar Minute Stroke*
86-201 3/8" 20:1 1.50 5.68 0.18 0.68 2,400 165 86.2 1.1 cc 3/4"
86-202 3/8" 30:1 1.00 3.78 0.12 0.45 2,400 165 57.5 1.1 cc 3/4"
86-203 3/8" 60:1 0.50 1.89 0.06 0.22 2,400 165 28.7 1.1 cc 3/4"

86-301 1/2" 20:1 2.73 10.33 0.32 1.21 2,400 165 86.2 2.0 cc 3/4"
86-302 1/2" 30:1 1.82 6.89 0.21 0.79 2,400 165 57.5 2.0 cc 3/4"
86-303 1/2" 60:1 0.91 3.44 0.10 0.38 2,400 165 28.7 2.0 cc 3/4"

*Volume per stroke shown is maximum

available. Actual volume per stroke may
decrease by up to 20% at maximum pressure.

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Series 86-20, -30 Series Bellows Pump Head Parts List

Assembly P/N 45256 45258 Bellows Pump Head

Model 86-20 86-30
Plunger Size 3/8" 1/2"
Item Part # Part # Description Material Qty
1 .............................................. 31618 ............ 31624 .............. Bellows Seal Body .................................... 303 ss ............................ 1
2 .............................................. 10311 ............ 11546 .............. O-Ring .................................................... Fluorocarbon .................... 1
3 .............................................. 13190 ............ 10812 .............. O-Ring .................................................... Fluorocarbon .................... 1
4 .............................................. 10996 ............ 11546 .............. O-Ring .................................................... Fluorocarbon .................... 1
5 .............................................. 13353 ............ 13354 .............. O-Ring .................................................... TFE Encapsulated ............ 1
6 .............................................. 24940 ........... 24940 ............. Discharge Check Valve Assembly ........... See Parts (fig. 5) ............. 1
7 .............................................. 20460 ............ 20460 .............. Bleed Screw ............................................ 316 ss ............................ 1
8 .............................................. 31614 ............ 31626 .............. Bellows Housing ...................................... 303 ss ............................ 1
9 .............................................. 11541 ............ 11542 .............. Bellows Spring ......................................... 302 ss ............................ 1
10 ............................................. 13355 ............ 13356 .............. Bellows ................................................... TFE ................................ 1
11 ............................................. 13212 ............ 13212 .............. Elbow ...................................................... 316 ss ............................ 1
12 ............................................. 31622 ............ 31628 .............. Bellows Retainer ...................................... 303 ss ............................ 1
13 ............................................. 13159 ................................... Cap Screw .............................................. 18-8 ss ........................... 6
13 ................................................................... 13159 .............. Cap Screw .............................................. 18-8 ss ........................... 8
14 ............................................. 13164 ............ 12990 .............. Split Bushing ............................................ PTFE Filled ..................... 2
15 ............................................. 24998 ............ 25000 .............. Spacer .................................................... 303 ss ............................ 1
16 ............................................. 13186 ............ 12960 .............. Plunger Seal ............................................ Lubrithane ....................... 2
17 ............................................. 22879 ............ 22879 .............. Suction Check Valve Assembly ................. See Parts (fig. 6) .............. 1
................................................ 10324 ............ 10324 .............. Drive Screw (not shown) ........................... 18-8 ss ........................... 4
................................................ 13185 ............ 13185 .............. Name Plate (not shown) ........................... 316 ss ............................ 1

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Figure 3, LINC 86-1 Series Plunger Pump Head; 10,000 psi

Head Assembly, # 45535

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Series 86-1, Series Plunger Pump Head Parts List; 10,000 psi

Assembly P/N 45535 Metering Pump Head; 10,000 psi

Model 86-1
Plunger Size 1/4"
Item Part # Description Material Qty
1 ............................ 11284 .............. Spring ............................................................................. Chrome Silicon Steel ........................ 1
2 ............................ 11264 .............. Bushing ........................................................................... Bronze ............................................ 2
3 ............................ 22833 .............. Collet .............................................................................. 303 ss ............................................ 1
4 ............................ 11259 .............. Seal, Power Plunger ......................................................... Nitrile .............................................. 1
5 ............................ 11265 .............. Retaining Ring ................................................................. 15-5 PH ss ...................................... 1
6 ............................ 13161 .............. Roll Pin ........................................................................... 15-5 PH ss ...................................... 1
7 ............................ 13163 .............. Split Bearing .................................................................... PTFE .............................................. 1
8 ............................ 25346 .............. Spacer ............................................................................ 303 ss ............................................ 1
9 ............................ 11283 .............. Plunger Seal .................................................................... TFE/Graphite ................................... 1
10 ........................... 13197 .............. O-Ring ............................................................................ TFE Encapsulated ............................ 1
11 ........................... 22626 .............. Discharge Check Valve Assembly ...................................... See Parts Below .............................. 1
11A ......................... 20570 .............. Body, Discharge Check Valve ............................................ 316 ss ............................................ 1
11B ......................... 10068 .............. Spring ............................................................................. 302 ss ............................................ 1
11C ......................... 10283 .............. Ball 3/8" .......................................................................... Carbide ........................................... 1
11D ......................... 10481 .............. O-Ring ............................................................................ TFE ................................................ 1
11E ......................... 10317 .............. O-Ring ............................................................................ TFE ................................................ 1
12 ........................... 20460 .............. Bleed Screw .................................................................... 316 ss ............................................ 1
13 ........................... 24777 .............. Suction Check Valve Assembly ......................................... See parts below ............................... 1
13A ......................... 10481 .............. O-Ring ............................................................................ TFE ................................................ 2
13B ......................... 10365 .............. O-Ring ............................................................................ TFE ................................................ 1
13C ........................ 10283 .............. Ball, 3/8" ......................................................................... Carbide ........................................... 1
13D ........................ 24790 .............. Body, Suction Check Valve ............................................... 316 ss ............................................ 1
14 ........................... 13212 .............. 90o Elbow 1/4" NPT(F) 150# ............................................. 316 ss ............................................ 1
15 ........................... 10278 .............. Lubricant Plug 1/8" NPT .................................................... 304 ss ............................................ 2
16 ........................... 13168 .............. 1/4" Plunger ..................................................................... Ceramic .......................................... 1
17 ........................... 31723 .............. Seal Body ........................................................................ 303 ss ............................................ 1
18 ........................... 30897 .............. Head Spacer .................................................................... 303 ss ............................................ 1
19 ........................... 11339 .............. Set Screw ....................................................................... 18-8 ss ........................................... 9
20 ........................... 25104 .............. Spring Bushing ................................................................. Acetal ............................................. 1
21 ........................... 30892 .............. Mounting Adapter ............................................................. 303 ss ............................................ 1
22 ........................... 13174 .............. Power Plunger .................................................................. 17-4 PH ss ...................................... 1
23 ........................... 22581 .............. Seal Back-Up ................................................................... Glass Filled Peek ............................. 1
24 ........................... 31721 .............. End Cap .......................................................................... 316 ss ............................................ 1
25 ........................... 11470 .............. Plate Stroke Length (not shown) ........................................ 302 ss ............................................ 1
26 ........................... 10324 .............. Drive Screw (not shown) ................................................... 18-8 ss ........................................... 4
.............................. 13185 .............. Nameplate (not shown) ..................................................... 316 ss ............................................ 1
.............................. 22937 .............. Dust Cover (not shown) .................................................... Polycarbonate .................................. 1

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Figure 4, LINC 86-4, -6 Series Plunger Pump Head

Assembly P/N 45729 45705 Metering Plunger Pump Head

Model 86-4 86-6
Plunger Size 3/4" 1"
Max Pressure PSI 1000 600
Item Part # Part # Description Material Qty
1 ............................ 25308 ...................... 25308 ...................... Power Plunger .......................... 17-4PH ................................... 1
2 ............................ 13316 ...................... 13316 ...................... SpringPlunger ........................... 17-4PH ................................... 1
3 ............................ 31782 ...................... 31782 ...................... Mounting Adapter ...................... 303 ss ..................................... 1
4 ............................ 11264 ...................... 11264 ...................... Bushing ................................... Bronze ..................................... 1
5 ............................ 11339 ...................... 11339 ...................... Set Screw ................................ 18-8 ss .................................... 7
6 ............................ 22833 ...................... 22833 ...................... Collet ...................................... 303 ss ..................................... 1
7 ............................ 11259 ...................... 11259 ...................... Seal Oil-Lip ............................... Nitrile ...................................... 1
8 ............................ 11470 ...................... 11470 ...................... Stroke Length Plate ................... 18-8 ss .................................... 1
9 ............................ 10324 ...................... 10324 ...................... Drive Screw ............................ 18-8 ss .................................... 2
10 ........................... 11265 ...................... 11265 ...................... Retaining Ring .......................... 18-8 ss .................................... 1
11 ........................................................................................... not used ..................................................................................
12 ........................... 13379 ...................... 13344 ...................... Seal, High Heel ......................... TFE/Graphite ............................ 2
13 ........................... 25335 ...................... 25310 ...................... Seal Spacer .............................. 303 ss ..................................... 1
14 ........................... 10278 ...................... 10278 ...................... Plug 1/8" NPT ........................... 18-8 ss .................................... 2
15 ........................... 31796 ...................... 31784 ...................... Seal Body ................................ 303 ss ..................................... 1
16 ........................... 13378 ...................... 13320 ...................... O-Ring TFE/Encapsulated ........... Viton/TFE ................................ 1
17 ........................... 24842 ...................... 24842 ...................... Discharge Check Valve Assy ...... 316 ss See Parts fig. 5 ............... 1
18 ........................... 20460 ...................... 20460 ...................... Bleed Screw ............................. 316 ss ..................................... 1
19 ........................... 31797 ...................... 31785 ...................... EndCap .................................. 316 ss ..................................... 1
20 ........................... 13195 ...................... 13195 ...................... Screw 5/16-18 x 3/4" .................. 18-8 ss .................................... 4
21 ........................... 25423 ...................... 25423 ...................... Suction Check Valve Assy .......... 316 ss See Parts fig. 6 ............... 1
22 ........................... 13340 ...................... 25311 ...................... Plunger .................................... 316/Ceramic Coated .................. 1
23 ........................... 25334 ...................... 25309 ...................... Center Ring .............................. 303 ss ..................................... 1
24 ........................... 13325 ...................... 13325 ...................... Screw 5/16-18 x 1" .................... 18-8 ss .................................... 4
25 ........................... 13161 ...................... 13357 ...................... Roll Pin .................................... 18-8 ss .................................... 1
26 ........................... 31783 ...................... 31783 ...................... Head Spacer ............................ 303 ss ..................................... 1
27 ........................... 13185 ...................... 13185 ...................... Name Plate (not shown) ............. 18-8 ss .................................... 1
28 ........................... 22937 ...................... 22937 ...................... Dust Cover (not shown) .............. Polycarbonate ........................... 1

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Figure 5, Discharge Check Valves

For 1/4", 3/8" & 1/2" For 3/4" & 1"

fig. 1,item 10 or fig. 2 item 6 fig. 4, item 17
Part #24940 Part #24842

Assembly P/N 24940 24842 Discharge Check Valve -Two Piece Body or
Model 86-1, -2, -3 86-4, -6 Bleed Screw
Item Part # Part # Description Material Qty
1 ............................ 24939 ...................... 23569 ...................... Inlet Body ................................ 316 ss ..................................... 1
2 ............................ 10313 ...................... 10469 ...................... Seat ........................................ TFE ........................................ 1
3 ............................ 11485 ...................... 11595 ...................... Seal ........................................ Fluorocarbon ............................ 1
4 ............................ 24755 ...................... 24757 ...................... Outlet Body .............................. 316 ss ..................................... 1
5 ............................ 13276 ...................... 10529 ...................... Ball 1/2" ................................... Carbide .................................... 1
6 ............................ 11438 ...................... 11604 ...................... Spring ...................................... 316 ss ..................................... 1
7 ............................ 20460 ...................................................... Bleed Screw ............................. 316 ss ..................................... 1

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Figure 6, Suction Check Valve

Reference fig. 1, item 13 Reference fig. 4, item 21

or fig.2 , item 17

Assembly P/N 22879 25423 Suction Check Valve-Two Piece Body

Model 86-1,-2, -3 86-4, -6
Item Part # Part # Description Material Qty
1 ............................ 23257 ...................... 31786 ...................... Inlet Body ................................ 316 ss ..................................... 1
2 ............................ 10313 ...................... 10469 ...................... Seat ........................................ TFE ........................................ 1
3 ............................ 11485 ...................... 11595 ...................... Seal ........................................ Fluorocarbon ............................ 1
4 ............................ 23256 ...................... 23570 ...................... Outlet Body .............................. 316 ss ..................................... 1
5 ............................ 13276 ...................... 10529 ...................... Ball ......................................... Carbide .................................... 1

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Figure 7, Drive Housing

Assembly P/N 50487 45708 Drive Housing

Model 86 -1, -2, -3 -4, -6
Part # Part# Description Material Qty
1 ............................. 50486 ..................... 45707 .............................. Drive Housing .................. Ductile ........... 1
2 ............................. 11258 ..................... 11258 .............................. Gasket ............................ Paper ............. 2
3 ............................. 10205 ..................... 10205 .............................. Cap Screw ...................... Plated ............ 16
4 ............................. 30899 ..................... 30899 .............................. Bearing Plate (Shaft) ........ Ductile ........... 1
5 ............................. 11263 ..................... 11263 .............................. Bearing ........................... Steel .............. 2
6 ............................. 11262 ..................... 11262 .............................. Key ................................ Steel .............. 1
7 ............................. 22820 ..................... 22820 .............................. Shaft Assembly ................ 303 ss ............ 1
8 ............................. 11260 ..................... 11260 .............................. Oil Seal .......................... Nitrile ............. 1
9 ............................. 11266 ..................... 11266 .............................. Retainer Ring ................... Steel .............. 2
10 ............................ 11261 ..................... 11261 .............................. Plunger Bearing ............... Steel .............. 1
11 ............................ 11358 ..................... 11358 .............................. Set Screw ....................... 18-8 ss ........... 1
12 ............................ 30898 ..................... 30898 .............................. Bearing Plate (Blind) ........ Ductile ........... 1
13 ............................ 25228 ..................... 25427 .............................. Hex Plug ......................... Steel .............. 1
14 ............................ 11573 ..................... 11573 .............................. Oil Fill/Vent ..................... Plated ............ 1
15 ............................ 11294 ..................... 11294 .............................. Nameplate ....................... 18-8 ss ........... 1
16 ............................ 10324 ..................... 10324 .............................. Drive Screw .................... 18-8 ss ........... 2
17 ............................ 10694 ..................... 10694 .............................. Oil Drain Plug .................. Steel .............. 2
............................... 11329 ..................... 11329 .............................. Coupling (not shown) ............................... 1
............................... 11330 ..................... 11330 .............................. Coupling Spider (not shown) ..................... 1
............................... 13323 ..................... 13323 .............................. Seal Washer (not shown) .. Nitrile ............. 16

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Figure 8, Double Drive Housing

Assembly P/N 50516 45704 Double Drive Housing

Model # 86 -1, -2, -3 -4, -6
Item Part # Part# Description Material Qty
1 ............................. 11263 ..................... 11263 .............................. Plunger Bearing ................ Steel .............. 2
2 ............................. 30898 ..................... 30898 .............................. Bearing Plate (Blind) ......... Ductile ........... 1
3 ............................. 11328 ..................... 13317 .............................. Cap Screw ....................... Plated ............. 8
4 ............................. 11258 ..................... 11258 .............................. Gasket ............................ Paper ............. 4
5 ............................. 11261 ..................... 11261 .............................. Bearing ........................... Steel .............. 2
6 ............................. 50515 ..................... 45707 .............................. Drive Housing .................. Ductile ........... 1
7 ............................. 11266 ..................... 11266 .............................. Retainer Ring ................... Stainless Steel 4
8 ............................. 30916 ..................... 31787 .............................. Housing Spacer ............... Steel .............. 1
9 ............................. 30.917 .................... 31789 .............................. Shaft Assembly ............... 303 ss ........... 1
10 ............................ 50486 ..................... 45706 .............................. Main Drive Housing .......... Ductile ........... 1
11 ............................ 30899 ..................... 30899 .............................. Bearing Plate (Shaft) ......... Ductile ........... 1
12 ............................ 10205 ..................... 10205 .............................. Cap Screw ...................... Plated ............ 8
13 ............................ 11260 ..................... 11260 .............................. Oil Seal ........................... Nitrile ............. 1
14 ............................ 11262 ..................... 11262 .............................. Key ................................. Steel .............. 1
15 ............................ 11358 ..................... 11358 .............................. Set Screw ....................... 18-8 ss .......... 4
16 ............................ 10694 ..................... 10694 .............................. Pipe Plug (not shown) ....... Carbon Steel ... 3
17 ............................ 11573 ..................... 11573 .............................. Oil Fill/Vent (not shown) .... Plated ............ 2
............................... 11329 ..................... 11329 .............................. Coupling (not shown) ................................ 1
............................... 11330 ..................... 11330 .............................. Coupling Spider (not shown) ....................... 1
............................... 13323 ..................... 13323 .............................. Seal Washer (not shown) .... Nitrile ............. 16

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Plunger 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" 1"

A ................. 11 1/4" ........... 11 9/16" ........... 11 9/16" ........... 12 3/4" ........... 12 3/4"
(286 mm) (295 mm) (295 mm) (324 mm) (324 mm)
B ................. 12 3/8" ........... 12 3/8" ............. 12 3/8" ............. 14 3/16" ......... 14 3/16"
(314 mm) (314 mm) (314 mm) (360 mm) (360 mm)
C ................ 7 1/8" ............. 7 1/4" ............... 7 3/8" ............... 8 1/8" ............. 8 1/8"
(181 mm) (184 mm) (187 mm) (206 mm) (206 mm)
D ................ 1/4" NPTM .... 1/4" NPTM ....... 1/4" NPTM ...... 1/2" NPTF ..... 1/2" NPTF
J ................. 3" ................... 3" ...................... 3" ..................... 3 1/2" ............. 3 1/2"
(76mm) (76 mm) (76 mm) (89 mm) (89 mm)

Gear Box #150 #175 #200

E ................. 5 1/4" ............. 5 3/8" ............... 5 7/8"

(135 mm) (140 mm) (150 mm)
F ................. 3 3/4" ............. 3 7/8" ............... 3 7/8"
(95 mm) (100 mm) (100 mm)
G ................ 7 13/16" ......... 7 13/16" ........... 8 1/4"
(198 mm) (198 mm) (210 mm)
H ................ 4 7/16" ........... 4 15/16" ........... 5"
(115 mm) (125 mm) (130 mm)

Note: Because of various pump head

diameters, not all arrangements
shown on this page are available in
all pump sizes.

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LINC MILTON ROY • 201 IVYLAND ROAD • IVYLAND PA, 18974 • USA • TEL. 215.441.0800 Page 25
LINC 86 ver. 04082003 - pn 15107

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LINC Milton Roy. represents and warrants that for a period of 3 years from receipt of the product: (1) the product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship; and (2)
the product will perform substantially in accordance with product manuals, literature, or documentation. Any written or oral information or advice given by LINC Milton Roy
representatives, agents, or employees will in no way increase the scope of this warranty. If the product fails to comply with the warranty set forth herein, LINC Milton Roy's entire
liability and the customer's exclusive remedy will be replacement of the product(s) or, at LINC Milton Roy's option, LINC Milton Roy's reasonable effort to make the product meet the
warranty set forth herein. LINC Milton Roy disclaims all other warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to, implied warranties or merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose, with respect to the product. This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may have others, which vary from state to state. These remedies are not available outside
of the United States and Canada. In no event shall LINC Milton Roy or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits,
business interruption, loss of information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the product, even if LINC Milton Roy has been advised of the possibility
of such damages. Information contained in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of LINC Milton Roy. All prices quoted
are in U.S. dollars, F.O.B. Ivyland, PA. LINC, LINC Chemical Pumps, and LINC Level & Flow Switches are trademarks of LINC Milton Roy. All other product names and/or registered
trademarks are the property of their respective holders. LINC Milton Roy support services are subject to LINC Milton Roy's then-current prices, terms, and conditions, which are
subject to change without notice. All prices and specifications, if published, are subject to change without notice.

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