Unidad 2 Lectura 1 - Ciclo I
Unidad 2 Lectura 1 - Ciclo I
Unidad 2 Lectura 1 - Ciclo I
Reading 1
- Details
- Author’s purpose
Getting started: Have you ever bought something online? Was it a positive experience?
It was Amazon that started Internet shopping by moving book sales online. So why on earth
did they later open a physical bookstore? lt seems they discovered that people may buy a book
online, but what makes them want to buy the book, is seeing it as a real object in a physical
Virtual learning
Virtual universities now provide free video lectures to millions of students. Online tests mark
themselves automatically, students grade each other's essays, and there are Internet forums, too.
But don't the students miss face-to-face discussions with each other? And isn't an enthusiastic
teacher better in a classroom than on a video?
Physical survives
People thought downloading and streaming would take over music sales completely, and that
we'd enjoy being free of physical CDs. But the sales of even vinyl records are booming, and it's
the same in other areas. Board games are still popular, despite all the digital games around. And
the number of high quality print magazines has been growing, too.
A book in the hand ...
Perhaps Amazon realized that although we may enjoy the
convenience of e-Books, we don't love them in the same
way that we love real books in our hands and on our
shelves. We don't even feel that the e-Books we've
bought are ours. And it just doesn't seem right that the
greatest of all the classics, War and Peace, looks the same
on an e-Book screen as a two-page report on traffic
Overall then, while digital has its fans, it's clear that many people still feel the need for
something physical that they can touch and feel.
- Cut: to delete (= remove) part of a text on a computer screen in order to place it somewhere
- Paste: to copy or move text into a document from another place or another document.
- Layout: the way in which the parts of something such as the page of a book, a website, a garden
or a building are arranged.
- Streaming: a method of sending or receiving data, especially video, over a computer network.
- E-book: a book that is displayed on a computer screen or on an electronic device that is held in
the hand, instead of being printed on paper.