GT Task 1, Letter: GT Writing Samples by Dr. Murray Heasley (Former Examiner)
GT Task 1, Letter: GT Writing Samples by Dr. Murray Heasley (Former Examiner)
GT Task 1, Letter: GT Writing Samples by Dr. Murray Heasley (Former Examiner)
All samples written by Dr Murray Heasley, 9.0 Niner senior IELTS Consultant. All samples are the
property of 9.0 NINER exclusively.
All are written within the time frame of 20 minutes and are formatted to fill page 1 and page 2 of the
answer sheet given to candidates in the exam.
All are paragraphed using block paragraphing and follow the simple logic of a beginning, a middle of one
or two paragraphs and a concluding paragraph.
All have the obligatory, Dear… and the obligatory signing off. If this is absent, the Task Achievement is an
automatic 4. Ouch! Certain failure guaranteed.
My suggestion is to write around 200 words, more or less. That way, Examiners are not forced to count
the words. They hate doing that!
To achieve a decent band score, all that is required is to answer the 3 parts of the task in sequence, to
do so in paragraphs, to use English vocabulary, to follow the rules of English grammar and to answer it in
a formal or informal manner, depending on the task.
In the interests of transparency I append below the web page where I downloaded the majority of the
tasks but I do not suggest that the “model answers” appended on this web page be used as “models”. I
have rewritten the sample answers completely. I have made them more sensitive to the Philippines
situation and formatted them so that a higher CC (Coherence and Cohesion) grade would be achieved by
the writer. Some of the tasks on this page had to be rewritten because of errors in syntax or the failure
to break down the task into the 3 standard parts.§ionid=7&id=16&Itemid=27
All that is required is to show you can respond to a task in a limited amount of time, do so in sentences
arranged in logical paragraphs, do so using accepted English words and phrases with accepted
punctuation and spelling, and do so in grammar that displays an acceptable range and accuracy.
You don’t have time to write a perfect answer and there is a great deal you just don’t have time to
discuss. If you make errors, don’t erase everything. Just cross the error out or the line you hate and write
a correction above. Examiners expect to see corrections. I corrected these while writing them up but
since I’m doing this by computer, I just cut and pasted the correction. In this silly exam, you have to write
by hand because IELTS hasn’t joined the 21st Century yet. So you have to handwrite. Tiresome nonsense
but you do.
1|P ag e
Remember: It is a three part question. You must answer all 3 parts. If you don’t, you fail. If you do, you
pass. Remember also to answer the task and don’t write off-topic. Don’t overwrite it and don’t
underwrite it. Write just enough to satisfy the task requirement. You only have around 20 minutes. 2
minutes understanding the task and the rest of the 20 minutes writing the thing. It isn’t Shakespeare. It’s
basic English. The odd flourish is welcome if you have the skills but don’t go berserk.
1) Respond to the task (TA-Task Achievement). Three parts with at least two sentences each paragraph
except for the final wrap.
2)Put your response in sentences and paragraphs (CC-Coherence and Cohesion). Keep your paragraphs
tight and controlled. Don’t write 100 word paragraphs. Examiners choke on them. 3 to 4 paragraphs.
Two sentences per paragraph is usually ideal.
3) Use English vocabulary (LR-Lexical Resource) and try to punctuate the thing properly with capital
letters to start a sentence (no t like this but a T like this) and full stops to finish a sentence (like this. Not
like this,) and watch your spelling. Use some idioms if they are not old hat or inappropriate. (LR)
4) Try to write in reasonable grammar with subject and verb agreement and the right tense and the right
prepositions, etc. (GRA-Grammatical Range and Accuracy).
If you do this, you will TA, CC, LR and GRA your way to paradise. Well, to some place that pays you better
for your skills.
2|P ag e
1) You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You eat at your college cafeteria every lunchtime. However, you think it needs some improvements.
Write a letter to the college magazine. In your letter
• explain what you like about the cafeteria
• say what is wrong with it
• suggest how it could be improved
Write at least 150 words.
Dear ................. ,
Dear Editor,
As a Freshman at the University of the Philippines, Diliman campus, I tend to eat my midday meal at
CASAA, the fast food outlet, south of the Academic Oval and adjacent to Palma Hall. I do so because it is
convenient and relatively inexpensive. There is also free potable drinking water provided and I can select
from a range of different dishes from the various outlets there. I particularly like the pancit canton sold
there as the vendor has her own way of spicing the dish up and it suits my palate.
Despite these plusses, there are a number of irritating things about eating there. It is true the dishes are
cheap but often the food in many of the outlets there is relatively tasteless and overwhelmingly pork
based. I personally don’t like pork as I consider pigs to be disease carriers. My dislike is more health
related and not a religious objection of any kind. Also, the place is very hot, given a shortage of
functioning fans.
I believe the introduction of more vegetarian options would be a huge improvement. It would address
the need to provide more nutritious food while keeping the need to offer food to impoverished students
just trying to get by. More regular maintenance of fans would not hurt either.
I hope these concerns might be addressed. It is not asking for the moon after all.
Yours sincerely,
Word count-238
3|P ag e
• say what action you would like to take
Write at least 150 words.
You do NOT need to write any addresses.
Begin your letter as follows:
Dear ................. ,
Dear Mr Santos,
I am Teddy Casiño, a student in your Introduction to Advanced Wielding Techniques night class. I had
enrolled via a TESDA(Technical Education and Skills Development Authority) subsidy program
encouraged by my employer, Ayala Corporation.
Unfortunately, I am finding it very awkward juggling my work commitments with this evening class and I
am finding it increasingly to be the case that I am forced to work overtime most of the week. This results
in my inability to get to the class in time and my having frequent absences from the class. Indeed, it has
become too stressful even trying to do so and I am forced to cease attendances altogether.
Perhaps next year, I can try to take up the class again as I really want to improve my skill set. The new
computer technology involved in major construction wielding is something I am most anxious to master.
I know one cannot just rest on one’s laurels and hope existing skills will cut the mustard in the future.
They will not.
I trust you understand the situation. It is the Philippines after all and a man has to pay his bills and keep
his job.
Yours sincerely,
Teddy Casiño
Word Count-200
4|P ag e
I have just finished reading your letter complaining about the noise coming from my house. I was
somewhat surprised at the complaint as I had observed the Homeowners La Vista Subdivision
requirement to let adjacent homeowners know about any renovations and associated noise disruptions.
I have a copy of that letter to you forewarning of an extension to our home.
Nevertheless, I apologize for any discomfort you may have suffered. I understand you are in a neck
brace and about to face extremely serious charges of electoral fraud. This trauma would certainly make
me tense and irritable also. The added noise from our work cannot be pleasant.
Given this, I shall limit any heavy drilling or hammering from 10am to 4pm, thus allowing you an extra
four hours of peace despite the fact that we are permitted to conduct this work from 8am to 6pm. I
trust this will give you some solace in what must be a very trying time in your life as your Presidency, for
a decade, was for us. I suppose, whatever we do, extending a house or running a country, we all have to
eventually, pay the piper.
Yours sincerely,
Leila De Lima
Word Count-202
You do NOT need to write your own address. Begin your letter as follows:
Dear Sir,
Dear Sir,
My name is Congressman Amado Bagatsing of the 5th District of Manila. Last week I rented a 4.5 liter
Toyota Land Cruiser from your company, with the number plate ZEP 299 as my own vehicle was being
serviced and I wanted to take my family to Vigan for a well- deserved holiday. I rented it from your
Quirino Avenue branch. The reference number is AB0001234.
In any event, a few kilometers out of Vigan, a tricycle driver pulled out suddenly from a side road and I
had to break suddenly to avoid causing him serious injury. Fortunately, Lady Luck was smiling and he
sustained no injury but his vehicle struck the front door left side panel, making a considerable dent
Immediately after this incident , I took the offending driver’s details. He seemed very anxious given my
high profile in the community but he left happy as I promised to repair his tricycle and that the
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comprehensive insurance on the vehicle would pay for the damage. One cannot expect money from
these people anyway. Most are virtually penniless and living on the smell of an oily rag. Alas, the poor
will always be with us.
Yours sincerely,
Word Count-204
You do NOT need to write your own address. Begin your letter as follows:
Dear Sir,
Dear Sir,
My name is Jovita Palparan Jr. You had offered me the job as Security Chief of your wharfing operations
at Masinloc, Zambales but I am forced to decline this offer at this time due to circumstances beyond my
Please do not misunderstand me. I am extremely grateful for the offer as, at this moment, job offers to
me are few and far between given the fact there is a national search for me and an outstanding warrant
of arrest. Of course these charges are ridiculous and I am entirely innocent of any wrongdoing. All I did
was my duty, ridding the country of subversive elements.
I love my current job as a consultant for hire after a long stint in the military and being singled out by
our beloved former President for commendation in her 2006 State of the Nation Address. Much as I love
it, I am, at this time, unable to do this job or take up your very generous offer. Should I do so, I might be
arrested by the new authorities who seem hell-bent on crucifying me. I am sure this will all blow over
and I will be able to accept the position in due course.
Yours sincerely,
6|P ag e
You should write at least 150 words.
You do NOT need to write your own address. Begin your letter as follows:
Dear Sir,
Dear Sir,
I would like to take this opportunity to praise the food my family and I enjoyed last week in a restaurant
in Manila. The restaurant is a 24 hour operation and is called Nid’s Balot, on the corner of Quirino
Avenue and Mabini.
What is particularly praiseworthy about this restaurant is that a whole family can enjoy basic Filipino
cuisine that is delicious and inexpensive. I prefer sizzling squid, my daughter likes baked milkfish, my
wife, beef tapa and my son is in seventh heaven eating pork sisig. All the dishes were spot on and
washed down with coconut juice served from the coconut itself. You cannot expect fresher than that.
I believe that any family that wants fast, efficient service and is sick to death of MacDonalds, KFC or
Jollibee junk food that will eventually give you heart disease and an early death, should consider basic,
healthy local fare like that available at Nid’s Balot.
You can walk away full, happy and with change jingling in your pocket as well. I recommend this
restaurant to anyone after quality, healthy food.
Yours sincerely,
Bong Revilla
Word Count-185
You do NOT need to write your own address. Begin your letter as follows:
Dear Sir,
Dear Sir,
I am former President, Joseph Estrada, unjustly expelled from office for alleged corruption in 2001. Well,
I was found guilty but who can trust the courts here anyway? I normally live in Polk Street, Greenhills,
San Juan.
While I may not trust the courts, I certainly trust my local council and that is why I am writing. Last week,
while I was strolling near my residence, I was nearly knocked over by some teenagers running around
with their unleashed Rottweilers which snarled and threatened me before taking off across the park. It
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was a very traumatic experience for me, particularly as I have problems with my knees. They were gone
so quickly, not even my bodyguards could catch them.
I demand that you, as my local council do something drastic to stop this kind of unruly behavior. More
inspectors should patrol the area and arrest and fine any people with dogs off leashes. I also think even
more dramatic punishment might be in order including the imprisonment and flogging of teenagers who
do this. What on earth are their parents teaching them? Have they no respect for their elders? It is
shameful and un-Filipino.
I expect immediate action. I pay local rates and taxes after all.
Yours sincerely,
Write a letter to the manager complaining about the bad service. Say when and how you ordered the
cheque book. Ask how much longer you will have to wait and ask the manager what action he will
take over this matter.
You should write at least 150 words.
You do NOT need to write your own address. Begin your letter as follows:
Dear Sir,
Dear Sir,
A fortnight ago I ordered a new cheque book from my Banco De Oro branch bank next to Harrison Plaza.
I did so personally at the bank, speaking to a Customer Service Representative near the front door. I
have her card and her name is Teresa Flores. As of today, I have received nothing and am still waiting for
This is particularly disappointing as I stressed to her the vital importance of an immediate replacement
as it is a business related cheque book needed to pay for daily deliveries of perishable goods. She, for
her part, assured me not to worry as it would be available, virtually the next day. Now my suppliers have
refused to supply any more product since I am unable to issue the appropriate cheque.
I assume that the replacement book will be immediately made available and I also assume that you, as
Manager, will take personal responsibility for making certain this happens. Anything less is totally
unacceptable. Service is everything and that is what is sadly lacking here.
Yours sincerely,
Dolores Palagi
8|P ag e
Word Count-178
Write a letter to the shop and ask if they have the things you want or whether they will be able to
order them. Ask what the prices are and how long they will be able to hold the goods for you.
You should write at least 150 words.
You do NOT need to write your own address. Begin your letter as follows:
Dear Sir,
Dear Sir,
I am building an extra room in my house and I need electrical wiring and fixtures for power point outlets.
The room is going to be an entertainment room and so I am also planning to buy a new 42 inch LG flat
screen television and a wireless Magic Sing to enable the room to double as a karaoke room.
My question is whether you have the materials I require as well as the TV and Magic Sing. If not, are you
able to order the goods in for me? Naturally I need to get from you the price for everything. To ensure
there is no confusion, I want the latest TV that also has internet capability and the best Magic Sing which
has dual wireless microphones together with a purchasable smart chip that allows the latest songs to be
I also need to know how long you will hold the goods for me if you already have them in stock. Once I
know the full price and am happy with the deal, I shall come in and pay cash. My philosophy is that it is
best to strike while the iron is hot and this money is already set aside for this and burning a hole in my
Yours sincerely,
Word Count-219
You do NOT need to write your own address. Begin your letter as follows:
Dear Sir,
Dear Sir,
9|P ag e
I am Michael Bueno, the person you spoke to on Tuesday by phone, arranging an interview for the
special course your college offers to improve communication skills in the business world. The interview
time was set at 7pm on Monday next.
Unfortunately, I have just discovered there is a schedule clash and I am unable to attend as planned. As I
told you, I work as a Logistics Manager at Techlog in Calamba. Basically we repair and recycle cell phones
for our US owners and we have frequent managerial meetings, often at very short notice. In this case, I
was told only this morning.
I am available to reschedule and I sincerely apologize for this. Perhaps we might conduct the interview
around 9pm or another day anytime after 6pm, giving me time to travel the 45 kilometers from Laguna
to Quezon City. I would also like to reconfirm with you the actual length of the interview and if I should
expect any written tests aside from the interview itself.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Bueno
Word Count-171
Write a letter to your friend and recommend a good place for a holiday that you have visited before.
Say where you went, where you stayed, what you can do there and what the food was like.
You should write at least 150 words.
You do NOT need to write your own address. Begin your letter as follows:
Dear Sarah,
Dear Sarah,
It was great to hear from you after such a long time and weird to hear from you by letter rather than
email. I assume your internet is kaput or fried. It’s cool to know you think of me when seeking advice on
possible holiday places. I guess I’m the guru when it comes to this, having travelled a lot.
Assuming the holiday is domestic and not abroad, I would recommend Dapitan, near Dipolog. It’s on the
coast, it’s clean, laid back and very relaxing. When I went there I stayed at Dapitan Inn which was
reasonably priced and central to everything there.
You can just stroll on the beach or visit the Rizal Shrine. He was exiled there by the Spanish and the
place is a revelation. You can also go from there by tricycle to Dakak Resort if you want to experience a
day of 5 Star luxury. You can pay around 750 pesos for their buffet dinner and it’s the best food I’ve ever
had for the money. The grilled tuna specialty there is to die for. Floor show included.
Best wishes,
10 | P a g e
Word Count-186
Write a letter to your friend telling him that you left the coat. Tell him what the coat looks like, where
you think you left it and what was inside it. Make some suggestions about how to get it back.
You should write at least 150 words.
You do NOT need to write your own address. Begin your letter as follows:
Dear John,
Dear John,
Thanks again for the weekend. I can’t remember much of it and most of it is a fog. Guess we overdid the
San Miguel and Vodka. Now I really know the true meaning of wasted and dry retching. My brain feels
like a slap of Swiss cheese.
Perhaps this explains my memory lapse. I left my brown leather coat somewhere there. I’m not sure
where but perhaps on a chair in the kitchen or in the wardrobe in the guest room. Search me. It’s all a
blank. It’s a type 2 Bomber jacket and one of my most prized possessions. I hope I also have left my
wallet with all my money, credit cards and IDs in one of the pockets and the spare set of keys to my
motorbike as well.
I suppose I could cruise back and collect it myself but it’s a four hour trip and I’m pressed for time. If you
are coming to town, perhaps you might drop it off. I wouldn’t trust any taxi service here to do it. It’s the
Philippines after all.
Best wishes,
Word Count-191
Write a letter to the Accommodation Officer at the college and ask for a new room next term. You
would prefer a single room. Explain your reasons.
11 | P a g e
You do NOT need to write your own address. Begin your letter as follows:
Dear Sir/Madam,
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am currently sharing a room with a fellow student in Ipil Dormitory. I was looking forward to sharing
with only one other rather than three as before but things have become decidedly worse rather than
better and it is, quite frankly, making my student life miserable.
My roommate is only happy surrounded by rowdy friends who seem only happy talking at the top of
their voices or plugging in a karaoke machine into the sound system and singing horrible ballads off -key
all night. This is not helped by all the beer they drink. If this noise does not destroy my peace of mind,
passive smoking will kill me as they light up every few seconds.
If this were not bad enough, my roommate borrows my shirts without asking, returns them unwashed
and he has terrible underarm odor. This is perhaps even more problematic than the other behavior
because I am a very neat and tidy person, apart from being a non-drinker and non-smoker, trying to
finish a very demanding pre-med course.
I am urging you as the Accommodation Officer to find me a single room. I hope you can help me at this
important juncture of my life. It is almost a matter of sink or swim here. I want to swim.
Yours sincerely,
Albert Tolentino
Word Count-218
14)You have just spent a weekend staying at the Lilo Hotel in Adelaide. When you get home you find
that you have left a bag at the hotel. Write explaining when you were there, what you left behind and
what action you want them to take.
• You should write at least 150 words.
• You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
• Begin, “Dear Sir or Madam,”
I just arrived home after a very pleasant weekend stay at your hotel. Just so there is no confusion, my
stay was from the 3rd to 5th of January. I shall certainly recommend the Lilo to others who might like to
have a relaxing, excellent value stay at a place where the food is good, the rooms well appointed and
the staff pleasant and helpful.
Unfortunately, I forgot one of my bags in the room. The room was 216 I believe, although it might have
been another number as I am poor at remembering details like this. Anyway, it is a black Samsonite with
a very distinguishable dent on the top left corner.
12 | P a g e
I am not comfortable about this being sent on in case it gets misplaced and so I would like you to simply
hold it for me until I pick it up myself or have a friend collect it for me. If I decide on the second option,
confirmation of the person’s bona fides might be made by simply texting my cell number which is on the
registration form I signed when checking in.
Yours sincerely,
Peter Aquino
Word Count-190
Dear Toby,
I hope you are OK with my using your first name because it seemed too formal to call you Mr. Bensimon.
We are the same age in any case and so I assume it is fine with you.
It was nice to meet you through writing and I always wanted to know an Australian, especially one with
a different religious background to me. You said you were Jewish and so you are the first Jewish person I
have ever contacted.
I studied journalism and have worked as a call center agent and as a waiter in a few restaurants, being a
working student. Currently I am working as an on-line tutor to Koreans wanting to learn English. They
don’t want to pay Australian rates and so they get Filipino tutors for a fraction of the price. Sucks a bit
but beggars can’t be choosers, right?
I am a stamp collector and I like designing webpage layouts. I play soccer and basketball but my main
activity is downloading TV series like The West Wing, Dexter, The Sopranos and Mad Men, which I watch
till I drop.
I plan to visit Sydney at the end of the year, if I can hurdle the requirements put in front of us. A
Philippine Passport is like the mark of Cain. Fingers crossed and I’m a cockeyed optimist anyway. It
would be great to meet you in person.
Best wishes,
Word Count-237
16) One of your friends wants to apply for a job involving working with foreign teenagers.
13 | P a g e
Dear Sir/Ms,
Ms. Patricia Evangelista, a close friend of mine, has indicated to me that she has applied to your Skills
Placement Company for the position of English Language Senior Tutor, teaching Korean teenage
students studying here in the Philippines.
I know you have her resume but I should like to add my personal recommendation to her application.
Having known Ms. Evangelista since grade school, I am in the perfect position to do so.
Ms. Evangelista has a wonderful way with people, a natural, spontaneous and warm manner that puts
people at ease. She is very sensitive to the needs and expectations of others and is a very fast and
adaptive learner. It is not just her mastery of the English language that makes her special but her ability
to adapt it to the cultural requirements of any situation. I know she has Korean friends and so it would
be easy for her to be in charge of a larger group of teenagers from this country.
I have no hesitation in giving my unqualified support to Ms. Evangelista and now she would be a great
asset to your Company.
Yours sincerely,
17)You want to apply for the following job. Write a letter to a Mr. Moore describing your previous
experience and explaining why you would be suitable for the job.
I am applying for the vacancy advertised for an evening waiter. I believe I am the ideal person for the
Apart from the resume I have appended, I would like to point out some of the more relevant aspects of
my application, foremost of which is an uninterrupted three year experience as a Head Waiter in the 5
Star Mandarin Hotel on Makati Avenue. Naturally, in this job, I dealt with all nationalities and personality
types, together with every imaginable cuisine, from local to international.
14 | P a g e
It is also important to note that the majority of my work there was on the evening shifts and so I have
the experience this job demands. I am extremely hard-working, punctual, a team worker and fluent in
Tagalog, Visayan and English with conversational competence in Spanish and some Italian and French,
especially as these languages apply to food.
I am available for an interview at any time and place convenient for you and I look forward to a positive
response to my letter. I am sure I could be an asset to your operation.
Yours sincerely,
Samson Velasquez
Word Count-185.
18)You have a friend who is about to enter university, and he wants you to advise him on which
subject to specialize in – history, in which he is very interested, or computer science, which offers
better job prospects.
• You should write at least 150 words.
• You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
Dear Lex,
I suppose most people will advise you to take the computer science option at university. It seems that
job prospects trump everything these days. So you might be surprised at what I’m going to suggest but
rather than beat around the bush, I think you should go with your first love, history.
Education is supposed to be about developing the mind, critical thinking skills, the ability to adapt and
change. What better subject to do that than history. I’m not talking about that horribly boring history
taught at High School where we had to memorize names and dates of heroes like Bonifacio or Aguinaldo
or Rizal. I mean in-depth analysis of history for real understanding of the mess we are in now, the reason
our politicians have betrayed everything our so called heroes fought and died for.
I know your math skills are great and that computer science would be a piece of cake for you but I also
know you would be happier doing history. Maybe you could take the latter as a minor.
My advice is go with your instincts and your heart and let the future take care of itself.
Best wishes,
19) After being involved in an accident, you were looked after by another person. Write a special
letter to express your thanks.
• You should write at least 150 words.
• You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
15 | P a g e
Dear Dr. Santos,
I am writing to express my deep appreciation for the help you extended to me after my recent accident.
I am sure your intervention ensured my speedy recovery.
After my motorbike hit the pothole at Gerona, Tarlac, flipping both my wife and I off and fracturing eight
of my ribs, I had no idea where to go for help. It was my extreme good fortune that I found your small
hospital and that you happened to be there. I was doubly fortunate that your specialty is orthopedics
and you were able to immediately analyze my X-rays and tell me my ribs were fractured and not broken.
I had the opportunity to meet your family as well when you brought them to say hi before Mass on
Sunday after my overnight observation there. You introduced me to all the staff there at the Rayos
Valentin Hospital in Paniqui and they all made us feel very welcome, unlike the feeling one has in big
Manila Hospitals.
It was no barrel of fun sustaining an injury like that but I suppose I should be grateful it gave me the
opportunity to meet you and your family and while bones can mend, friendships are enduring.
Yours truly,
Murray Heasley
Word Count-208
20)You find that your study load is too heavy. Write a letter to your college teacher explaining why
you need to withdraw from two courses. Ask if it is possible to obtain a refund.
• You should write at least 150 words.
• You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
I am writing with a request to withdraw from two courses in which I am currently enrolled. The courses
are Trigonometry 3 and Algebra 2.
The reason for the request is that two situations have arisen that make my attendance at these two
classes virtually impossible. In the first place, my father has been retrenched from his job as an
electrician and my mother has developed a debilitating illness that has left her confined to her bed.
As a consequence of these two unfortunate developments, I as the eldest son, am forced to take on
extra work as a busboy for Jollibee to bring in extra cash and to help with the extra household chores
now my mother is invalided. The extra hours clash with the schedule of the two subjects above.
I trust you understand, given the hardship of making ends meet in this country. Unlike some students, I
was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth. No spoon at all, actually. I am asking for a withdrawal and
not a fail on my academic record. That would be double punishment for sheer bad luck.
I await your response, hopeful that you will sympathize with my predicament.
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Yours sincerely,
Michael Bueno
21)As part of a student social survey project, you are organizing a group to visit a historical exhibition
in a small town. Write a letter asking for information regarding such things as the contents of the
exhibition, and the dates of its opening and closing, and if there are any discounts available.
• You should write at least 150 words.
• You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
I am the Student Coordinator for the Lyceum of the Philippines University Social Survey Project,
specializing in Local history museums in non-metropolitan areas in Luzon. Your historical exhibition at
Clark ,focusing on the Pinatubo Eruption, has caught our attention and we would like our group of 20
students to visit there next month.
Would you be kind enough to let us know the major thrust of the exhibition and what we might expect
to see there? I assume it is largely black and white pictorials but perhaps there are other things of
interest there and forewarned is forearmed. The better our preparation, the better the experience will
I also need to have the official dates that the exhibition opens and closes, the opening hours there and if
a group of 20 might expect a group discount. Naturally costs are an issue for our participants as we have
to arrange and charge bus transport and food as well.
I look forward to a response to these inquires and if everything is suitable, then you might expect us
there to see the exhibition and help us add to our survey project data.
Yours sincerely,
Angela De Santos
(LUSSP Coordinator)
Word Count-201words
22)You went to the local hospital’s Emergency Department with your young child who had severe
stomach pains. You had to wait for almost four hours before your daughter was treated by a doctor
and, while you were waiting, you were constantly ignored by the other staff.
Write a letter to the Registrar, complaining about the service you received.
• You should write at least 150 words.
• Allow yourself 20 minutes for this task.
• You do not need to write your own address.
• Begin your letter as follows: Dear Sir or Madam . . . ,
17 | P a g e
Dear Sir/Madam,
Last week I rushed to the Emergency Department of Ospital Ng Maynila with my four year old daughter
who was screaming in agony and doubled over with stomach pain. I went there as it is a mere 500
meters from my front door and as I pay local taxes I have every right to expect treatment there.
To my horror, the Emergency Department was a nightmare of a totally filthy seating area, blood- soaked
gurneys and staff who not only ignored my pleas for assistance but treated both me and my daughter
like animals. There were no functioning toilets and both men and women had to share the same
comfort room which has no working faucets.
When finally, after 4 hours, a very bored doctor, finally took a look at my daughter, his treatment was as
appalling as the nurses. You would think these people were Nazi concentration camp staff rather than
health providers.
I am outraged at the treatment we received. The attitude seems to be that only the poor would use a
public hospital and being poor, have no rights. The politicians, who are gangsters here, go to private
hospitals with the money stolen from the poor and seem to be clueless or unconcerned about the rest
of us.
I hope this letter will shame you into examining your conscience and taking responsibility. Shame on
you, the doctors and nurses and the politicians that allow this to continue.
Yours faithfully,
Juan De la Cruz
Word Count-228words
23)You have been offered a job, asking you to start next week. You want the job very much but,
because of a previous commitment, you want to delay the start for another two weeks.
Write to the Manager, accepting the job, but explaining your situation and asking for the change to
your start date.
• You should write at least 150 words.
• Allow yourself 20 minutes for this task.
• You do not need to write your own address.
• Begin your letter as follows: Dear Sir or Madam . . . ,
First of all may I say how delighted and thrilled I was to be offered the job as a Glove and Barrier
Linesman with your Company. I was over the moon when I discovered I was the final choice of the last
five candidates shortlisted for the job.
Unfortunately, my current employer is unwilling to sign off on my completed good performance record
as an Electrical linesman with them until my replacement arrives from Cebu a fortnight from now. I had
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not foreseen this hiccup and I apologize for it. Despite my asking for special consideration, they are not
willing to budge, leaving me between a rock and a hard place.
I hope you have no problem giving me a two week grace period, given this problem. I promise you I shall
prove to be the man you put your trust in and that this slight delay in taking up my new position with
you is prelude to a very happy, productive and enjoyable long term relationship for us both.
Yours sincerely,
Ramon Reyes Jr
24)A friend you met last year has invited you to visit them in their country.
You have never been there before and need some information before you leave.
Write a letter to your friend. In your letter
• request advice about a gift for his/her family
• ask about activities and clothing
• find out about the food
• You should write at least 150 words.
• Allow yourself 15 minutes for this task.
• you do NOT need to write your own address.
Dear Lee,
Thank you again for your invitation to visit Seoul. I never imagined that a chance meeting with you at a
restaurant in Baguio would have blossomed into such a warm friendship. Seems English has proven a
useful language for us both, given that I know only a smattering of Korean and you, only a few phrases in
Before I arrive, I would like to know a few cultural expectations of which I am certainly clueless. I
assume, for instance, that a gift is in order, but I haven’t a clue what type of gift is acceptable when first
visiting a Korean home.
Also, I understand that Korea has four seasons, unlike here with its wet and dry choice only, and I
imagine that I would need clothing to suit the climate. I don’t want to rock up in a T shirt with snow
falling. Should I bone up on my singing skills? I hear karaoke is huge there as well. Don’t ask me to do
Taekwondo. I’m hopeless in physical sports. Anything not too strenuous will do just fine.
I shouldn’t have a problem with food as I am used to Korean fare. Mind you, I’m not very keen on
Kimchi. Hope that doesn’t disqualify me as a guest.
Best Wishes,
25)You have received a letter from your bank, asking you to acknowledge receipt of a new bank card.
However, the card was missing from the envelope.
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Write a letter to the bank's head office. In your letter
• explain why you are writing
• express concern about the missing card
• ask them what they intend to do
• You should write at least 150 words.
• Allow yourself 15 minutes for this task.
• you do NOT need to write your own address.
Dear Sir/Ms,
I just opened a letter from your bank. The letter asks me to acknowledge the receipt of my new credit
card from you by return mail, email or cell phone text.
Much as I would be pleased to do so, I am faced with a Catch 22 situation. There is no bank card in the
letter. Clearly some genius remembered to send me the letter but forgot to enclose it in the letter.
If that is not so and the bankcard was in fact sent, then perhaps someone else has my card and may
start using it, emptying my account as the fictitious “me”. Given there is no sign of tampering, though,
that is not likely. It is more likely someone in the bank has it. This possibility does not make me any
What is the next step? I consider the bank entirely responsible for this oversight or mishap and I trust
you will deal with the situation with the urgency called for in the circumstances.
Yours sincerely,
Imelda Marcos
Word Count-173
Dear Roger,
Hope you have settled back into life in Seattle, Washington. Hope also you didn’t freeze to death over
your winter there. I envy the fact you get to experience ice and snow although you tell me it sucks trying
to get a car started in weather like that. At least you have a car. I still get around in tricycles and
jeepneys. That sucks too.
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I’m writing out of guilt as well as friendship. I just discovered that massive math textbook you loaned to
me last semester. I meant to copy it at the Shopping Center at Diliman and return the original. I
remember how shocked you were at how we infringe copyright laws here but it’s the Philippines, bro!
When in Rome, do as the Romans.
Anyway, I still have the expensive original which here would set me back around 6000 pesos, a King’s
ransom. Quite frankly, I’m on the horns of a dilemma. I’m not sure what to do with it. It’s very
expensive to airfreight back and I’m not sure how badly you want it. Please let me know and I will do
what is right, given you trusted me with it.
If push comes to shove, I will mail it back and learn a lesson about responsibility.
Best wishes,
Word Count-216
27)You have seen an advertisement for part-time work in a hotel for three months over the summer.
Write a letter to the Manager. In your letter
• say what experience you have
• ask what the work involves
• enquire about conditions
• You should write at least 150 words.
• Allow yourself 15 minutes for this task.
• you do NOT need to write your own address.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I saw your recent advertisement in the Manila Bulletin for part-time staff over the three month summer
period. It sounds perfect for me and I believe I am ideally suited to it.
I completed a Hotel and Restaurant Management degree at Lyceum of the Philippines University and
complemented that with a course in Cocktail Preparation. I have worked as a waitress in three hotels,
from 3 to 5 star and I can also work on the front desk. You will see from my testimonials attached with
this letter that I am very flexible and adaptable as a worker.
I am still uncertain exactly what skills you are seeking as the job description is lacking in the actual
advertisement but I am a Jack of all trades and a quick learner. I am sure I could master any duty
assigned to me.
I would be obliged if you could let me know what hours and salary are involved and if accommodation is
provided, given the hotel is at a beach front in Palawan. I look forward to hearing from you and hope
that I may be given the position prior to my returning to university after the three month employment.
Yours sincerely,
Marvin Santos
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Word Count-206
28) You have recently been to stay with an old friend for a few days. You hadn't seen each other for a
long time.
• say how you felt about the visit
• refer to something enjoyable that you did while staying with him/her
• invite your friend to visit you
• You should write at least 150 words.
• Allow yourself 15 minutes for this task.
• you do NOT need to write your own address.
Dear Tony,
I can’t tell you what a total pleasure it was to catch up with you and chew the fat about old times. I had
forgotten what bad boys we were back in the day. We certainly knew how to enjoy a good time. It
brought back many happy memories of those care-free days of youth.
What I enjoyed most was just sipping a few beers and playing chess with you. It’s been ages since I
moved pieces around a chess board and it helped focus my mind and forget all the normal nonsense
that floats around in my brain on a daily basis. It didn’t matter that I lost every game. At least no game
was slaughter and each was played like the normal cat and mouse manner we always played before.
Having realized the importance of contact with my old friends and the mistake of letting life drift by
without making this effort, I would really like you to come over to my place next weekend. Let’s make a
habit of it. We were inseparable as High School buddies at Arellano High School. Let’s rekindle that
Best wishes,
29)For the past year you have been a member of a local club. Now you want to discontinue your
membership. Write a letter to the club secretary.
In your letter
• state what type of membership you have and how you have paid for this
• give details of how you have benefited from the club
• explain why you want to leave
• You should write at least 150 words.
• Allow yourself 15 minutes for this task.
• you do NOT need to write your own address.
I am writing to give you notice about my intention to cease my club membership in the Quezon Sports
Club. I had signed up as a member with full privileges and access to all the facilities, including the pool,
22 | P a g e
sauna, gym, tennis and badminton courts together with a 20% discount on any purchases at the
I had to mull this decision over quite a lot as I have enjoyed making new friends there from many walks
of life. Naturally I have also been very happy with the professionalism and courtesy of all your staff who
go out of their way to make members feel at home.
Unfortunately, I have to work in Cebu for the next twelve months and would be unable to take
advantage of the facilities at all. Membership is not inexpensive and I have other commitments to meet
rather than paying for a membership I cannot use.
I hope I may be able to renew my membership sometime in the future, perhaps if and when I get a
posting back in Metro Manila.
Yours sincerely,
Voltaire Gasmin
Word Count-185
30)You recently stayed in a hotel in a large city. The weather was very unusual for the time of year
and the heating/cooling system in the hotel was quite inadequate. Write a letter to the manager of
the hotel.
In your letter
• give details of what was wrong
• explain what you had to do to overcome the problem at the time
• say what action you would like the manager to take
• You should write at least 150 words.
• Allow yourself 15 minutes for this task.
• you do NOT need to write your own address.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Last week I checked into your hotel. I did so because the Marco Polo has a reputation for excellence and
is reputed to be the best hotel in Davao.
Unfortunately my experience there was far from pleasant. The heat that week was oppressive and yet
the air-conditioning failed to work in my room. The windows are sealed and there was no fan
alternative, leaving me sweating like a man trapped in a sauna, not a 5 star hotel room. Despite asking
for a change of room, I was told the hotel was fully booked and it was that room or nothing. I had to lie
soaking in a cold bath just to cope. The fan eventually brought to my room just pushed hot air around,
affording no relief whatsoever.
I am back in Manila now and would like a full refund for the discomfort and unpleasantness I was made
to suffer. The Marco Polo brand name is why I booked and the same name should now be able to give
me justice here.
I await your response and trust you will do the right thing here.
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Yours sincerely,
Analyn Cari-it
Word Count-192
31)You have recently heard that a friend of yours has had some problems as a result of some unusual
weather. Write a letter to your friend.
In your letter
• express concern (i.e. say you are sorry to hear what has happened)
• tell them about a similar experience that you once had
• give some advice or offer help
• You should write at least 80 words.
• Allow yourself 15 minutes for this task.
Dear Erwin,
I was horrified to hear of the death and destruction caused by Typhoon Sendong. The pictures and video
of ravished communities and childrens’corpses littering the flooded streets was almost more than a
person could bear.
I am very thankful that your home only suffered power outage because your house is built on high
ground in Iligan city. So much of this was completely unnecessary given that all these local officials have
geo-hazard information. They should all be jailed for criminal neglect and culpable homicide as they
wink at illegal logging and enrich themselves by it.
I had a similar life threatening experience during Typhoon Ondoy in September 2009. I nearly drowned
on Gil Puyat Steet as the flood waters swept me off my feet. Imagine drowning in the center of Makati’s
business district. Only in the Philippines. Again, the local government and central government proved
worse than useless. They are experts at feathering their own nests but missing in action when needed.
My advice is vote in new officials who can read the maps issued by the Department of Environment and
have disaster avoidance and relief protocols in place when needed. Otherwise, brace yourself for more
of the same.
Best wishes,
24 | P a g e
Dear Jimmy,
I recently went to Payatas, the massive rubbish dump behind Congress. You get there off
Commonwealth Avenue and then right, past Batasan Hills. I went with a University of the Philippines
research team looking at compliance to RA9003 or the Solid Waste Management Act in the car of my
colleague, Dr Duyanan.
I was shocked at the life the squatters there live and even more so to see communities living close to
fetid rubbish piles towering above them. In 2000, piles identical to this, collapsed and buried many
people alive. I saw hungry people, including many children in rags, ferreting through stinking rubbish,
trying to eke out a living. It was like a scene from Hell.
I think you should see this for yourself. You should see what corruption leads to for many of our fellow
citizens here and you are always accusing me of exaggeration. Perhaps this will set you straight. Tells
you a great deal about how our politicians think that such a massive and totally illegal dumpsite is right
behind them and they let it grow.
Consider it a lesson in basic civics. All our heroes supposedly died for the basic rights of their fellow
citizens. I don’t think Payatas is what they had in mind.
Best wishes,
Word count-214
33)You recently took a part-time job working for a local company. After a few weeks, you realized
there were some problems with the job.
Write a letter to the manager of the company. In your letter
• explain why you took the job
• describe the problems that you experienced
• suggest what could be done about them
You may remember my accepting the part-time job as Acting Executive Director of English Studies on
the understanding that I would be committing myself to weekends only and that I would be in charge of
budgeting there, together with staff allocation of the various teaching modules.
I took the job both for the challenge and excitement of setting up a new program and standardizing
procedures and focusing on outputs and student needs. Unfortunately I have discovered that the budget
is not under my control and neither is the right to assign staff as I see fit. I have already encountered
static from the Bursar and the Vice Principal of Academic Affairs.
It is impossible for me to bring about the changes envisaged if I am going to be hobbled or stymied in
this way. You promised me a free hand to do what needs to be done and at this early stage, it seems
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that is pie in the sky. I need your full support to be effective and I hope you will ease me past these
difficulties. The end result will be a much stronger and streamlined course offering and much happier
I look forward to this support and for a satisfactory resolution to these teething problems.
Yours sincerely,
Mark Kidlat
Word Count-214
34)A friend has asked you to babysit on Saturday and wants to know how much you charge per hour
for this. Unfortunately, you already have a commitment this weekend and cannot help. However, you
free the following weekend.
Write a letter to your friend explaining that you are not able to help this time, but could help later.
Explain also what your fee for the service is.
• You should write at least 150 words.
• You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
• You do not need to write your own address.
Dear Angela,
Thanks for thinking of me as a babysitter for you this Saturday. The problem is that this weekend is not
possible as I already have work babysitting for another couple who have used my services repeatedly
over the last year. It’s a regular gig for me.
Given this, it’s normally impossible for me to take on weekend work for anyone else but by chance, they
will be out of Manila next weekend and are taking their twin boys with them. This means I am available
if you would like me to babysit your daughter then. I am also free most Tuesdays and Wednesdays if
that would be of any use.
Since you are a friend I would also charge you less than my normal professional rate of 200 pesos an
hour. Perhaps we can work something else in relationship to that. I can’t do it for free as this is my bread
and butter and currently, my major source of income for the necessities of life.
Best wishes,
Word Count-184
26 | P a g e
35)You have just rented an unfurnished flat and a friend has told you that the Opportunity Shop in the
shopping centre has cheap second-hand furniture.
Write to the shop owner describing what you need and asking whether they have these items and
what they cost.
• You should write at least 150 words.
• You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
• You do not need to write your own address.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have just moved into a studio apartment in Project 4, close by Quirino Hospital. The place does not
have a stick of furniture and my budget ,as a student, is extremely modest. It is no exaggeration to say I
am as poor as a church mouse.
A friend has told me that your Opportunity Shop in Gaisano Mall has very inexpensive used furniture.
That sounds right down my alley as I need the basics at a very basic price. The closer to free, the better.
I need a single bed with mattress, a few chairs, a table and a sofa. That is about as basic as one can get.
Once I know what that will set me back, and if I have any money left after these items, I can think about
other furniture. I hope you have these items and it is a fair assumption you do.
If you can do a great price on these, including a reasonable delivery price, I will get everything from you
and you will be doing a struggling student a great service.
I look forward to you putting a smile on my face rather than another hole in my pocket.
Yours sincerely,
Alfred Lim
Word Count-204
36)You are an international student and have borrowed a book from the local public library.
You left the book on a bus and when you contacted the bus company, they could not find it.
Write a letter to the librarian explaining the situation and asking what you should do.
• You should write at least 150 words.
• You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a Philippine national currently studying here in Auckland. I borrowed a book on Algebra from your
library and to my horror, discovered I had left it on the seat when I got off at my stop.
When I realized my mistake, I went personally to the bus company head office to report the loss and ask
for their help locating it. No one there had any information about it and no passenger or driver turned it
27 | P a g e
in. It seems that someone has taken a shine to it and kept it. We are thus looking for a thief who likes
I apologize for this awful situation. I wish I could turn back the clock and right this wrong. I have not
been here long and I think I was more concerned with keeping an eye on my correct stop and making
sure I did not get lost.
I am totally responsible and will, of course, pay for the replacement if it does not turn up. Please let me
know the replacement cost and I will drop by and pay for my sins.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Bueno
Word Count-190
37)You celebrated your birthday with some friends last week in a restaurant. It was a great success
and you and your friends enjoyed the evening very much.
Write a letter to the restaurant to thank them. Mention the food, service and the atmosphere. Also
suggest any improvements to make things better.
• You should write at least 150 words.
• You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
• You do NOT need to write your own address.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you about my birthday celebration at Zamboanga restaurant last week. I was very
pleasantly surprised that a restaurant in Adriatico, Malate, could serve up such delicious Chavacano
cuisine and complement excellent food with one of the best cultural floor shows I have seen in years.
The service was first class and the décor added greatly to the feeling that one was actually in the Deep
South and not in the heart of bustling Metro Manila. Having live musicians rather than piped or
recorded music was another huge plus. Kudos to everyone concerned.
The only brickbat was the absence of a good desert after the main courses. We have a friend with a very
sweet tooth and he complained about that. May I suggest a few selections of cakes and other southern
delights as a bonus to your patrons.
Generally speaking, though, my friends raved about the birthday party and said they would also use this
restaurant for occasions in the future. I believe you have a winner there. Just add a little more sugar.
Yours sincerely,
Ramon Mitra
28 | P a g e
38)You are going to study in a college in the UK next year. You would like to stay in a college Hall of
Write a letter to the college giving your accommodation requirements. You should outline what your
room and food needs are and also ask what alternatives are available if they cannot provide what you
• You should write at least 150 words.
• You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
• You do NOT need to write your own address.
Dear Sir/Madam,
As a Philippine national planning to study there in the UK next year, my wish is to find accommodation in
a Hall of Residence, preferably on campus.
On -campus living precludes the need for transport and would allow me to mix with both UK students
and the many foreign nationalities that enroll there at your college. These two considerations alone are
a huge plus for me.
I am very flexible and perfectly happy to live in a dormitory arrangement with two or even four others
per room. Noise and other distractions are not a problem for me. I have great powers of concentration
and focus and so that all becomes just a background buzz for me. I was raised in a single- room home in
the province and so I am used to the semi chaos of domestic life.
I can eat anything but pork as it is a religious issue with me. Otherwise, the sky is the limit. I believe
myself to be very tolerant of other people’s food habits. Live and let live is my motto.
If you cannot find on- campus accommodation for me, then I am open to suggestions. I am sure the
interest and safety of students is your primary concern.
Your sincerely,
Mark Kidlat
Word Count-212
39)Last week you were on a flight to London. Unfortunately, when you left the plane, you left a bag.
You did not remember about the bag until you got to your hotel.
Write a letter to the airline. Explain what has happened, describe the bag and its contents and say
what you would like them to do about it.
• You should write at least 150 words.
• You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
• You do NOT need to write your own address.
Dear Sir/Madam,
29 | P a g e
I was a passenger on Singapore Airlines Flight 225 that arrived last night. In my excitement, I forgot to
retrieve one of my hand- carried bags that I left in the overhead locker. My seat number was 47E, a left,
forward- cabin window seat. The bag is a simple black leather shoulder bag with the initials MK
engraved on the locking mechanism. I only noticed its absence as I unpacked in my hotel in London.
I have a number of important documents inside but of most importance is my cell phone with all my
contacts here. I know I should have kept a written list but it is easier to be wise in hindsight.
Since it is entirely my fault, I am willing to return to the airport but the hotel staff here assure me that
there is a Singapore Airlines Office close by where I might be able to retrieve the bag. Kindly let me
know if this is the case.
I look forward to a quick response as I am in a fix at the moment, unable to contact people expecting to
hear from me.
Yours sincerely,
Miriam Defensor
Word Count-193
40)You have just returned home after living with a family in an English-speaking country for six
You now realise that you left a small bag of personal possessions in your room.
Write to the family describing the things you left behind. Ask them to send some or all of them to you.
Offer to cover the costs.
• You should write at least 150 words.
• You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
• You do NOT need to write your own address.
In all the emotion of saying goodbye after six months in your home and the wrench of leaving a new
country I had just started to be at familiar with, I have returned to my own home in Cabanatuan, Nueva
Ecija to discover I have left the small black vinyl pouch you normally saw me carrying around on my
I wouldn’t worry you about it normally but I have two flash drives there in which I downloaded and
saved nearly all the pictures I took on my smart phone over the entire period. Having done so, I deleted
them from the phone as some video footage had taken up most of the memory. The flash drives are
now my only photographic memory of my time there with you and my other friends.
It doesn’t matter about the other nicknacks in the pouch but these two flash drives are another story. If
you would be so kind as to airfreight them to me, I will, of course, cover the costs involved. I have a
30 | P a g e
memory like a sieve sometimes, particularly when leaving a place I have grown to love and people like
Best wishes,
Word Count-202
41)You are unhappy about a plan to make your local airport bigger and increase the number of flights.
You live near the airport.
Write a letter to your local newspaper. In your letter:
42)You are due to start a new job next week but you will not be able to because you have some
Write a letter to your new employer. In your letter:
43)You travelled by plane last week and your suitcase was lost.
You have still heard nothing from the airline company.
Write to the airline and explain what happened. Describe your suitcase and tell them what was in it.
Find out what they are going to do about it.
• You should write at least 150 words.
• You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
• You do NOT need to write your own address.
44)You borrowed some books from your school or college library. Unfortunately you have to go away
to visit a sick relative and cannot return the books in time.
Write a letter to the library. Explain what has happened and tell them what you want to do about it.
• You should write at least 150 words.
• You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
• You do NOT need to write your own address.
31 | P a g e
45)You have had a bank account for a few years. Recently you received a letter from the hank stating
that your account is $240 overdrawn and that
you will he charged $70 which will be taken directly from your account. You know that this
information is incorrect.
Write a letter to the bank. Explain what has happened and say what you would like them to do about
• You should write at least 150 words.
• You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
• You do NOT need to write your own address.
46)You have a friend who lives in a city abroad. You have decided that you would like to apply to do a
course at one of the colleges in this city.
Write to your friend explaining what you would like to do. Tell him/her what type of work or studies
you have been doing for the past few years and ask for assistance in contacting an appropriate
• You should write at least 150 words.
• You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
• You do NOT need to write your own address.
47)You recently bought an item of clothing from a shop. You discovered that it had a fault and
returned it to the shop for replacement or refund. However, the assistant told you that this was
against the store's policy.
Write a letter to the store manager, explaining the problems you have had. Ask for a refund or
exchange on the item.
• You should write at least 150 words.
• You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
• You do NOT need to write your own address.
48)You are organizing a trip to the Snowy Mountains in New South Wales for a group of students from
Perth in Western Australia.
Write to the manager of Student Hostel Services and explain when you want to visit the Snowy
Mountains, how long you will stay, how many students are in your party, and what accommodation
you will require.
50)A former colleague had you dismissed from your previous job by making a false accusation of gross
misconduct against you. Subsequently, you have found a far more satisfying job despite his or her ill-
intentions. Write a letter to this person saying what your feelings are now, what has happened to you
and your attitude to him or her given this situation.
32 | P a g e
Begin, Dear…
Dear Tom,
Paradoxically, it appears that I owe you a vote of thanks for bringing matters to a head as you did by
your behavior. At the time I was deeply troubled. Now I am elated and fulfilled.
Who would have thought that the end result would have been so deeply rewarding for my wife and I?
Perhaps it is simply an affirmation of karma as an invisible force shaping humanity.
In any event, I am sure you will be delighted to hear that I have been headhunted by a number of
organizations, anxious to take advantage of my new found freedom and of my academic skills and
One of them offers accommodation to its consultants in Valle Verde 6 as an added incentive, together
with full health benefits and paid holidays. We shall simply rent out our apartment and move there next
Had it not been for your little chat with a colleague and my objection to it, I might still be working in the
same dead –end job for another decade. I therefore thank you for helping me see the light and changing
course in my life.
Word Count 193
51.) You read an article in a magazine about your hometown. Some of the information is incorrect.
Dear Editor,
I was pleasantly surprised when reading your magazine “Provincial towns of the Philippines” to see that
one of your writers had featured my home town, Liloy, Zamboanga del Norte. Never having seen an
article about my town, I was naturally fascinated to read an outsider’s view of it. Generally it seemed
spot on and captured the essence of my town.
Unfortunately, my enjoyment of the piece was ruined when I read that the town had a reputation for
kidnap- for- ransom gangs reputed to operate within the town. I can attest to the fact that this is
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certainly not the case. I was born and raised in Liloy and I have never heard of any incident like this. Any
one reading this piece would assume that Liloy is a place to be avoided.
May I suggest that you either run an apology in your next edition pointing out the error or completely
rewrite the article stating only the facts and not unsupported gossip. I believe the writer should be
severely reprimanded and reminded to check his sources before writing anything. We are all tarnished
by an allegation of this nature.
Yours sincerely.
Analyn Cariit
Word Count-196
A. Version 1
Dear Miriam,
You may have heard that I have moved out of my condominium in Bonifacio Ridge and am now living in
a new home in Xavierville. I was forced to move as the press were camped outside and kept hounding
me whenever I left my condo, pressing up to the heavily tinted windows of my SUV to scream questions
at me.
My new home is plain, simple and rather Spartan for my tastes. It has only ten bedrooms and five
comfort rooms. The living room is a mere 600 square meters and the Olympic size pool has a heating
system that needs improvement. At least the master bedroom is spacious with a lovely view out to large
rose garden and lawns manicured to perfection.
Both my wife and myself would love to have you visit whenever you are free. Your constant and
unwavering support of me during the impeachment trial was a great comfort. You kept that bully,
Senator Drilon, in his place and your explanation that $2.4 million in my US Dollar accounts did not
constitute grounds for dismal as Chief Justice was absolutely masterly. What a woman! A credit to the
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legal profession that can make anything happen. Thank God for you, Marcos and the confidentiality of
US dollar accounts.
Best wishes,
B. Version 2
Dear Eddie,
I am writing this letter from the pushcart I am now living in on Mabini Street, outside Our Lady of
Remedies Church. I borrowed the money for the letter and stamp from another homeless beggar here.
We had to move when the squatter quarter we were living in was demolished by the authorities for a
new condo development for some judge.
The pushcart is made of salvaged wood and serves as home for my wife, three children and me. When it
rains or it is too hot, we shelter in it under a plastic tarpaulin advertising Mayor Lim that we stripped
from a wall. We cook with charcoal against the church wall. We toilet against the wall on the other side
so we don’t have to deal with the stench. We wash, as best we can, using a plastic ladle and any water
we can scavenge.
Please feel free to visit. If you have any spare rice or some loose change, that would be great but if not,
just seeing you again would be a gift to me. Neither of us ever thought life would prove so brutal and
cruel and Our Lady doesn’t seem in the mood to help right now. Maybe next year. Where there is life,
there is hope, right?
Best wishes,
Word count-219
Dear Sir/Madam,
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I saw your advertisement for a qualified linesman in the Manila Bulletin classified advertisements
section. I am extremely interested in the job and trust you will offer me an interview after reading my
I have been a linesman for over ten years. I am a fully qualified electrician and equally at home with
overhead lines as I am with underground lines. I am able to work as a steel erector and I have worked
with wooden pole lines as well as steel towers. I can repair, refurbish and install HV and LV systems and
have worked as a charge hand and foundation engineer.
Naturally I need to know the pay offered for the job, as this was not indicated in the ad, and when I
would be expected to start work. I also would like to know whether accommodation and travel are
provided as part of the employment package.
Yours sincerely,
Vice Ganda
Word Count-168
Dear Sir/Madam,
I saw your advertisement for a Pole Dancer at Air Force One, Paranaque City, in the tabloid newspapers,
Bulgar, Saksi Ngayon and Abante. I am extremely interested in the job as the pay mentioned is
extremely attractive and as I am a gifted dancer.
I have actually been working as a nurse for five years but the pay is so inadequate that I began
moonlighting at a local KTV bar as a dancer to augment my income. I now am acknowledged as the
favorite performer there and clients flock to the bar to watch my routine and drink sales go through the
roof when I am on stage.
The pay is three times my salary as a nurse but I would like to know how many times a night I would be
expected to perform and if I would be expected to act as a hostess to clients at tables or in private
rooms. Naturally extra duties would involve extra payment.
I enclose pictures as required and I am confident that I am the person you need. I look forward to
hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Beatrice Bulaga
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54) Your friend recently started a new job.
Ask your friend about the new job.
Explain why you have not contacted your friend recently.
Invite your friend to meet up with you or plan a meeting.
Dear Andrea,
I just heard from a mutual friend that you have left your job in the Bureau of Customs and decided to
start a brand new career as a cabaret singer at Air Force One in Paranaque. At first I thought it was an air
force base but I’m told it’s a “gentleman’s club”, a one hectare, three-floor building with 50 KTV rooms.
That sounds amazing. What a huge change from checking containers on Pier 15. Tell me all about it.
What hours do you work? Is your boyfriend OK about your working there, given that it is hardly a
convent or place for spiritual retreat? What kind of songs do you get to perform?
I intended to visit you there but when my fiancée heard I was planning to go there, he threatened to
leave me. Obviously, he is not as broad-minded or flexible as your man. Rather than risk an all-out war
with him or put up with his annoying sulking, I decided not to.
Even so, curiosity is eating me up and I just have to see you there performing. Please text me when you
will next be singing and I will work out some excuse to go there. No need for my boyfriend to know. No
point tempting fate or rattling his cage.
Best wishes,
Word count-202
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