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Integration of Disaster Risk Reduction in The Curriculum of Philippine Educational Institution

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 253

3rd Asian Education Symposium (AES 2018)

Integration of Disaster Risk Reduction in the

Curriculum of Philippine Educational Institution

Minda I. Cabilao-Valencia1,2, Mohammad Ali1, Enok Maryani1, Nana Supriatna1

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 2Philippine Normal University
Bandung, Indonesia, 2Manila, Philippines
[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract—Filipinos regularly experience the brunt of hazards The costs are staggering. According to the Asian
and are trapped in a never-ending cycle of disaster, displacement Development Bank, losses from typhoons and earthquakes
and rebuilding. The schools are certainly relevant in the amount to USD1.6 billion a year [3]. The World Bank also
discourse and practice of disaster risk reduction (DRR). This reports that the annual typhoons shave 0.8 percentage off the
study examined the various efforts in integrating DRR in the Philippines’ annual GDP growth [3]. In addition, the toll in
curriculum among educational institutions in the Philippines. terms of loss of human lives cannot be under-emphasized.
Based on the literature review and interview with DRR experts, These hazards and disasters have caused overwhelming
the following contents emerged: overview of DRR, and initiatives damage to the economy and devastating loss of life. In 1990, a
of Philippine schools in mainstreaming DRR in the curriculum of
powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Northern and Central
basic and tertiary levels. Findings show that efforts on DRR
implementation in Philippine schools is bolstered with the
Luzon killing more than 2,000 people. The following year, a
passage of international and national laws on DRR. The subject 600 year-dormant Mount Pinatubo erupted several times
matter is also invariably integrated in the curriculum at the basic causing serious damages again in Central Luzon.
and tertiary levels. It is recommended that DRR should be Tropical cyclones, particularly typhoons, and the sequential
offered as a mandatory subject for all learners in the schools, effects of rain, floods and landslides are the most prevalent
basic education teachers and teacher educators should be types of hydro meteorological hazards in the country. An
capacitated to handle DRR subject, accurate and updated average of 20 typhoons annually enter the Philippine territory,
resource materials should be used, and an interdisciplinary
five of which are destructive. In 2009, typhoon Ondoy
approach or knowledge from both physical/natural sciences and
social sciences be adopted in analyzing natural disasters. It is
(international name Ketsana) brought torrential rain and caused
hoped that this study will highlight the crucial role of educational flooding in Metro Manila and was responsible for hundreds of
institutions in building a culture of safety. death and damages amounting to more than PhP10 billion.
The Philippines also endured in 2013 typhoon Yolanda
Keywords—disaster risk reduction; curriculum (international name Haiyan), one of the world’s strongest
typhoons. The super typhoon killed more than 6,000 people,
I. INTRODUCTION displaced thousands of residents in central Philippines, and
The frequency and intensity of natural hazards has become destroyed some 4,000 schools. The Kinetic Analysis Corp, a
a recurring phenomenon worldwide. Based on the data from US-based hazard-research company, estimates that total losses
the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction [1], in after typhoon Yolanda amount to between US$12 and US$15
2011 alone, there were 302 hazards which resulted in disasters billion or about five percent of economic output [3]. Recently,
that claimed almost 30,000 lives, affected 206 million people super typhoon Ompong (international name Mangkhut)
and inflicted damages worth an estimated US$366 billion. slammed the northern tip of the Philippines. Mangkhut was the
Experts attribute this calamity to climate change or global strongest typhoon on the planet in 2018, bringing ferocious
warming. The effects of these hazards are disastrous and have gale-force winds of more than 200 kph, and pounding rains in
changed people’s lives especially those in developing the Philippines before slamming into Hong Kong and Macau.
economies such as the Philippines. The typhoon caused flooding and massive landslides, and left
almost 100 people dead in the Philippines.
The Philippines is susceptible to geological and hydro
meteorological hazards because of its location on a hazardous These hazards are remarkable with the massive destruction
spot on this planet. It is situated within the western rim of the effected in the country’s environment, economy, livelihood,
Pacific Ring of Fire which is the world’s hub of volcanic and lives. In all likelihood, children are the most affected,
network and tectonic plates, and the Western Pacific Typhoon schooling systems are disrupted, therefore affecting the
Belt where of the world’s destructive typhoons originate. It is fundamental right of children to education [1,4]. The schools
not surprising that the Philippines is ranked second out of 173 are always affected since massive flooding and strong typhoons
countries, after Vanuatu and Tonga, in terms of vulnerability to destroy school buildings or blow away classroom roofs thereby
disaster risks and natural hazards [2]. disrupting students’ classes and compromising future

Copyright © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). 463
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 253

For a disaster-prone country like the Philippines, it is B. Research Participants

therefore imperative to raise awareness and increase The research participants were chosen based on their
knowledge about the environment and its problems such as expertise as educators and years of experience as implementer
natural hazards and disasters. The educational institution is one of DRR policies. Interviews were conducted with two (2)
of the strategic launch pads for training and preparing young faculty members from Philippine Normal University, two (2)
people and teachers for disaster risk reduction (DRR). basic education teachers, and two (2) DRR experts from the
Education is crucial because it provides students and teachers Philippine weather and climate agencies.
the opportunity to acquire and learn new knowledge, skills,
attitudes, and values they need to develop, survive and thrive in
C. Data Analysis
any environmental challenges such as natural disasters. It is
undeniable that the schools are relevant in DRR discourse and The data on DRR integration in the curriculum in the
practice. Philippines were examined using content analysis. Data
analysis simultaneously took place as early as during the
A. Related Studies on Disaster Risk Reduction and Various process of obtaining the data. In the analysis, not all
Disciplines information provided by the informants or the reviewed
literature were included in the discussion. The data were
The literature on DRR came from the field of DRR itself, winnowed and organized in such a way that the research
especially its practitioners [5-9]. Special focus is on the question was answered. Analysis was focused on the content or
organizational structure of DRR management (DRRM) to topics that emerged which were later organized into various
expedite the implementation of DRR programs and policies. In categories. In this case, all information pertaining to DRR
terms of determining DRR competencies in various academic integration in basic and tertiary education levels in the
disciplines, there has been much interest in integrating such Philippines were considered.
competencies in the field of nursing [10-16]. This is due to the
practical application of DRR competencies in dealing with
emergency situations such as natural disasters. The same is true III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
with other disaster responders such as those in the medical Based on the literature and interviews, the recurring
field, in mental health and in social work [17-19]. It is contents that emerged are as follows: overview of DRR which
noticeable that such DRR competencies are not part of the includes the basic DRR concepts and international instruments;
undergraduate curricula in most schools [20-23]. and initiatives of Philippine education institutions in DRR
integration in the curriculum of basic and tertiary levels.
There are also studies that stress the establishment of
accreditation policies and standards as to what constitutes a
genuine DRR education or training, especially in higher A. Overview of Disaster Risk Reduction
education [24-27]. Some scholars and institutions have also While hazards and disasters are used interchangeably, a
looked into the integration of DRR competencies in other hazard is a precursor to a disaster. Republic Act No. 10121
countries [1,28-33]. [34] or the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management (DRRM) Act of 2010 defines hazard as a
For this study, the focus is on the numerous efforts to dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition
integrate DRR in the curriculum of educational institutions in that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts,
the Philippines. Based on the literature and interview with property damage, loss of livelihood and services, social and
experts, the following contents emerged: overview of DRR, economic disruption, or environmental damage. Disaster
and initiatives of Philippine schools in mainstreaming DRR in normally occurs unexpectedly after a hazard. As described by
the curriculum of basic and tertiary levels. the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster
Reduction (UNISDR) [35], disaster pertains to “a serious
II. METHODOLOGY disruption of the functioning of a society, causing widespread
human, material, or environmental losses which exceed the
A. Research Design/Method ability of the affected society to cope on its own resources.”
Using a qualitative content analysis, this study examined There are instances, however, when a hazard happens in a
the various initiatives to integrate DRR in the curriculum of sparsely populated area and is not considered a disaster if it
Philippine educational institutions. Most of the data from this does not pose as a threat to humanity.
study were obtained through a review of DRR literature. The While the occurrence of natural hazards is inevitable, there
latter consisted of DRR laws and executive orders enacted by are ways to prevent or reduce their deleterious effects. One
international organizations and the Philippine government, mitigating measure is through the involvement of educational
department orders and memoranda passed by education institutions in the entire agenda of DRR.
agencies, reports from concerned agencies, and related studies.
Data from the literature were enhanced and validated from According to the UNISDR, DRR pertains to “the concept
interviews with concerned faculty members, and experts on and practice of reducing disaster risks through systematic
education, DRR and social development. efforts to analyze and manage the causal factors of disasters,
including through reduced exposure to hazards, lessened
vulnerability of people and property, wise management of land
and the environment, and improved preparedness for adverse

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 253

events.” In short, it is a systematic approach to identifying, In 2010, the government signed Executive Order No. 888
assessing and reducing the risk during a disaster [35]. [41] or Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction in the
Philippines: Strategic National Action Plan (SNAP) 2009 –
DRR is also concerned with areas such as disaster 2019). The SNAP functions as the roadmap, denoting the
management, disaster mitigation, disaster preparedness, and country's vision and strategic objectives with regard to DRR in
sustainable development. Natural disasters certainly affect the next 10 years. This document has been instrumental for the
development. As such, for gains and process development to be integration of DRR education in the school curricula for both
sustainable, policies and programs from all sectors, including secondary and tertiary levels, including the National Service
the educational institutions must espouse DRR management. Training Program (NSTP) comprising private or public, formal
The crucial role of education as a decisive component in and non-formal, technical-vocational, indigenous learning and
realizing DRR has been highlighted with the United Nations’ out-of-school youth courses and programs.
(UN) adoption of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) Moreover, the government has enacted Republic Act No.
2005-2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and 9729 [42] or the Climate Change Act of 2009, and Republic
Communities to Disasters at the World Conference on Disaster Act No. 10121 [34] or the Philippine (DRRM) Act of 2010.
in Kobe, Japan in 2005 [36,37]. Generally, the HFA is a joint The latter institutionalizes the National DRRM Plan and
framework for actions on DRR by various nations.
Framework which serves as guide in implementing various
Noteworthy is Priority Action 3 of HFA which highlights the efforts on DRRM in the country. DRRM Act has also all the
“use of knowledge, innovation, and education to build a culture more bolstered the integration of DRR education in the school
of safety and resilience at all levels” [37]. curricula of basic and tertiary levels.
Building on the HFA, the Sendai Framework for Disaster
1) Disaster risk reduction at the basic education level:
Risk Reduction 2015-2030 was adopted at the Third UN World
Conference on DRR in Sendai, Miyagi, Japan in March 2015 The Philippine Department of Education (DepEd), the agency
[38,39]. The Framework specifically states the need to in charge of basic education, has issued memoranda and
mainstream and integrate DRR within and across all sectors department orders to implement the international and national
and that the “academia, scientific and research entities and laws on DRR, and to prepare its stakeholders and the
networks to focus on the disaster risk factors and scenarios, community with competencies and right mindset about DRR.
including emerging disaster risks,... increase research for In 2007, the DepEd [43] passed Department Order No. 55,
regional, national and local application...” [38]. It is therefore entitled “Prioritizing the Mainstreaming of Disaster Risk
imperative for concerned institutions to enhance the scientific Reduction Management in the School System and
and technical work or evidence based on DRR. Implementation of Programs and Projects Relative Therefor.”
Both the HFA and the Sendai Agreement uphold that This report mandates the development of modules, lesson
education and training are priority activities and strategies for exemplars and materials on DRR and climate change for use
DRR [36-38]. The management of effective DRR is essential in at the basic education level. This policy is supplemented by
achieving sustainable development and can only be done with DepEd Memorandum No. 175 that pushes for the “Creation of
the cooperation of all sectors including the educational a Technical Working Group (TWG) on the Preparation of
institutions. The latter certainly plays a crucial role in
DepEd Calamity, Disaster, and Risk Management and Control
implementing a DRR education program which will not only
benefit the students and teachers but also the community. Operations Manual” [44].

In 2008, the DepEd’s TWG published the Risk Reduction

B. Disaster Risk Reduction in Philippine Education
Resource Manual, which is a broad compilation of DRR
Institutions information from various experts. The document contain
In line with the international mandates on DRR and the information on the nature of hazards and disasters, the
frequent disaster occurrences, the Philippine government has Philippines’ risk profile, the Philippine disaster risk
crafted its own policies. In fact, long before the adoption of the management system, and the mechanisms for disaster
Hyogo and Sendai Frameworks, the government has enacted a monitoring and evaluation. Also in 2008, DepEd [45] released
plan to prevent or mitigate the adverse impact of disasters in Memorandum No. 297, entitled “Utilization of the Disaster
the country. In 1941, Executive Order (EO) No. 335 was Risk Reduction and Resource Manual in the School System
passed creating the National Emergency Commission (NEC) Effective SY 2008-2009.” The said policies are consistent with
and implementing measures to control and coordinate civilian the HFA goals to build disaster-resilient schools, nations and
participation during crises [40]. Since then, various legislations communities, and ease disaster losses.
on disaster management have been enacted. Notable was the
passage of Presidential Decree (PD) 1566 in 1978 establishing In 2013, the DepEd dispatched a document titled,
the National Disaster Coordinating Council (NDCC) as the “Reiterating School Disaster Risk Reduction Measures,”
highest policy-making body and the focal organization for highlighting its obligation to institutionalize DRR practices in
disaster management in the country. This law set up the the schools by citing the policy direction of RA 1012 [46]. To
disaster coordinating councils at the regional, provincial, city, further strengthen its policies on DRR, DepEd issued
municipal and barangay levels. Barangay is the smallest Department Order No. 37 which presents a “Comprehensive
administrative division in the Philippines. Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) in Basic
Education Framework.” This framework provides a more all-

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 253

encompassing and organized DRR programs and activities than 2) Disaster risk reduction at the tertiary level: The
those done in the past [47]. frequency of disasters has actually resulted in the
The Philippines’ strategy of DRR mainstreaming is strengthening of the country’s DRR and management system.
competency-based or that there is a given list of competencies Republic Act No. 9163 [50] or the National Service Training
determined by the school curriculum committee [1]. The latter Program (NSTP) Act of 2001 calls for efficient, resilient, and
would first identify the DRR core messages, then develop the responsive volunteer citizens, who are prepared to help the
key concepts, and the modules. The curriculum committee country and its constituents to reduce or prevent disaster risks.
would then decide the hazards which should be included in the The law provides that all tertiary students will take up NSTP
content and finally, develop the exemplars. These are taught as an academic subject. One of the areas in the NSTP course
with the aid of teaching and learning support materials. outline is DRR. Through the NSTP, all students in the tertiary
Prior to the approval of the K to 12 Basic Education level are thus provided with vital information about disaster,
Curriculum in 2013, the DRR components were incorporated and acquire the necessary skills on DRR.
in both the natural sciences and social studies in Grade 7. For In the case of the Philippine Normal University (PNU), a
elementary and high school students, DRR education was not a teacher education institution (TEI), “Disaster Risk Reduction
separate subject but only a component of subjects such as and Management” is being offered as one of the elective
science and technology and social studies. courses in the Outcomes-Based Teacher Education Curriculum.
The PNU’s Faculty of Science, Technology and Mathematics
With the adoption of the K to 12 curriculums, DepEd has
(FSTEM) handles the subject. The core competence of science
offered DRR as one of the topics in “Araling Panlipunan” or
teachers is heavily theoretical rather than the solution of
Social Studies in Grade 10. In the curriculum of senior high
practical problems during disasters.
school or Grades 11 and 12, DRR education is also integrated
in “Earth and Life Science” which is a core subject to all The PNU’s FSTEM also currently offers a “Certificate
academic tracks. In the science track, however, DRR is taught Program in Teaching Disaster Management” (CPTDM). The
as a single subject in senior high school. This core course, customized program aims to equip disaster volunteers, trainers,
“Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Education (DRRRE), coordinators, and teachers with content and pedagogical
aims to educate students about hazards and disasters, the knowledge in teaching disaster management. One group of
principles and importance of DRR, and community-based identified target clienteles are teachers from various disciplines
practices for managing disaster risks [48]. (e.g. Physical Education, Health, and Biology). Noteworthy is
that teachers from the social sciences are not included in the
Noteworthy is that DRR in Grade 10 is handled by social
target clientele [51].
studies teachers while DRR in Grades 11 and 12 is taught
mostly by science teachers. It was reported that sometimes the With regard to social science subjects in PNU, DRR is
subject is taught by whoever is available to teach the subject discussed as just one of the issues in geography subjects.
matter. The issue is if the concerned teachers have the However, there is no single subject devoted to a comprehensive
academic preparation and competencies to discuss DRR. It is discussion of DRR.
thus recommended that DRR teachers be capacitated by
undergoing continuous in-service trainings. Other universities such as the Ateneo de Manila University
offers a master’s degree program on Disaster Risk and
The foregoing also shows that DRR is invariably integrated Resilience (MDRR). The program, which is handled by the
at the basic education level. Since the DRR topic is merely Departments of Environmental Science, and Sociology and
integrated in the course offerings, a comprehensive discussion Anthropology, aims to train experts to manage and implement
might be wanting. In addition, much of DRR discussion are at DRR concerns in local and global arena. Aside from the
the secondary level, particularly those under the science strand. theories and concepts, the MDDR provides innovative and
A recent study about the impact of disaster education among practical learning opportunities for students.
Grade 11 students in selected schools in Metro Manila reveal
that they have high levels of disaster-related knowledge, The above-mentioned shows that at the tertiary level, DRR
preparedness and readiness, adaptation, and awareness but low discussion is merely one of the many areas examined under the
level of disaster risk perception [49]. It was surmised that this NSTP. There might not be enough time to extensively discuss
could be due to the effect of the integration of disaster DRR. Unless one is enrolled in a specialization course on
education in the senior high school science curriculum. As DRR, not everybody has the chance to have a holistic grasp
such, there should be a move to make the DRR subject about the subject. There should thus be a mandatory DRR
mandatory not only for those in the science track but for all subject or course, which should be taken up by all students at
academic strands such as those taking up Humanities and the tertiary level.
Social Sciences (HUMSS) and Accounting and Business In the case of TEIs, which train future teachers in the basic
Management (ABM), among others. This is to ensure that all education level, there should be a DRR subject which will be
high school students are capacitated on DRR and would required for all pre-service teachers. As explained by Luna
respond appropriately when disaster strikes. Related to this is [52], all would be teachers should be familiar with DRR and
that learners should be provided with accurate, adequate and have the capability to teach elementary and high school
updated resource materials about the subject matter. students. Hence, all teacher educators should also be
capacitated and equipped to teach DRR.

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