Honorees 19 20
Honorees 19 20
Honorees 19 20
Francesca Arrigoni
2019 - 2020
25 Under 25
Emily Dachs
Recognition Program
Maria Ghulam
William Atterbury, Master of Science in Entrepreneurship & Applied Technologies
William Atterbury knows that determination and hard work leads to future choices and opportunities.
Determination led him to obtain an undergraduate degree in finance followed by a pursuit of a master’s
degree in entrepreneurship, all while serving in a leadership role with USF’s football team.The offensive
guard was three-year starter for the Bulls and eventually served as team captain. Balancing a 40-plus-
hour practice schedule with a loaded academic schedule takes dedication and strict time-management
skills. Even with this schedule, Atterbury frequently travels to elementary schools and attends events
hosted by USF Athletics to promote athletics to kids. He also meets with high school football teams to talk
about his experience and challenges in pursuing football in college.
Hard work led Atterbury to two exceptional internships. He interned alongside a financial advisor at
Westshore Financial, where he learned about the financial planning industry, sat in on client meetings
and attended job training seminars. Atterbury later served as an intern with Dais Analytic Corporation.
There, he worked with both the finance department and the research and development department. He
conducted in-depth research into a new product line and organized a marketing strategy for the product
line. With his exceptional communication skills, Atterbury also created a marketing pitch for various
manufacturers, proving that he has a willingness to take on new challenges and succeed in doing so.
Now, a full two months before graduation, Atterbury has a choice to make. He has been offered a full-
time position with Fortune 500 insurance firm Western & Southern, pending 215 licensure. Two football
teams have also reached out to him to talk about potential opportunities in the NFL.
The 25 Under 25 program recognizes outstanding students from the University Struggle doesn’t define a person; triumph does. Brittanie Bakken took her hardships and turned them
into lessons, using them to strengthen her character. Growing up in a financially insecure household, she
of South Florida Muma College of Business. Students selected for this honor knew that attending college wasn’t going to be easy. Nevertheless, her perseverance and dedication to her
goals allowed her to triumph.
are individuals who are under 25 years of age and have demonstrated She participated in a dual-enrollment program in high school and earned an associate’s degree in
leadership development from Valencia Community College. She was the first dual-enrollment student to
excellence in at least two of the following four areas: scholarship, professional have ever been accepted into the school’s Seneff Honors College, paving the way for future high school
students. In this program, Bakken was frequently on the dean’s list and was quickly accepted into Phi Beta
development, leadership and community/campus service. Kappa, all while accumulating around 200 hours of volunteer service.
At USF, Bakken has jumped right into student life. She has been involved in a variety of campus
organizations, including Women in Business Society, the American Marketing Association, USF Council
of Supply Chain Management Professionals student roundtable, Sigma Alpha Lambda Honors Society,
The goal of this program is to highlight the positive impact students have on the National Society of Leadership and Success and Phi Sigma Theta National Honors Society. Due to
her strong work ethic and professional growth, Bakken was awarded both the Francis Elvidge Memorial
campus as well as in the regional community and to recognize their leadership Scholarship and the Joel Reedy Memorial Scholarship. This aid helped her to become the first college
graduate in her family to graduate debt-free.
and academic achievements. Bakken is in her final semester of graduate school. She serves as the senior marketing chair for the
USF Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals student roundtable. She also works as a graduate
teaching assistant for Principles of Management. She will earn the MBA in May.
Francesca Arrigoni, Finance and Personal Financial Planning Igor Bampa Schattan, Finance Brittanie Bakken
Being both a first-generation American and a first-generation college student, Francesca Arrigoni At age five, he got his first tennis racket. At age ten, he won his first national championship. As an
knows what it means to be self-sufficient. Understanding that she was limited in her initial resources, she international student athlete, Igor Bampa Schattan followed his love for tennis to the United States to
decided she was going to investigate almost every professional development program offered by USF and pursue a degree in finance with a concentration in asset management.
the Muma College of Business. Through her grit and hard work, Arrigoni took advantage of every opportunity His undergraduate career began at Lee University, a small liberal arts campus located in Cleveland,
presented to her, one of the first ones being in the Corporate Mentor Program, where she was paired with a
regional business leader and learned what it takes to be successful -- beyond the technical skills. Tennessee. At LU, Schattan helped organize and run a tennis summer camp for 200 children with
disabilities, a role that put on full display the lack of opportunities for children who are disabled. This
Arrigoni has held numerous leadership roles in the American Marketing Association. From director of challenged him to find innovative ways to teach the game to enthusiastic young athletes.
social impact to vice president of technology to treasurer, she continues to show growth. In these roles she
helped facilitate the organization’s ranking as a Top 20 International Collegiate Chapter and obtainment of After two years at LU, Schattan transferred to USF. Soon, he found himself teaching his peers about
the Collegiate Website Award at the 2018 international conference. business and professional development through the game of tennis. As a Corporate Mentor Program
With a craving to learn and a willingness to take on new challenges, Arrigoni sought out and was participant, he met with his program coordinator and USF’s director of tennis to propose a tennis workshop
accepted into a study abroad internship in Italy as well as one in Switzerland. As an intern at the U.S. for fellow students in the program. With nearly 20 attendees in the fall, he is excited to expand the project
Embassy in Bern, Switzerland, she was involved in the Embassy’s everyday affairs, interacted with Swiss in the spring semester.
businesses interested in foreign investments, and acted as a direct representative of the United States The networking that the Corporate Mentor Program provided led him to an internship opportunity at
when arranging visits with political officials. Franklin Templeton and the mentoring helped him become a more well-rounded business student.
As one of only nine students selected for the rigorous two-semester Applied Securities Analysis course, Schattan was one of students in the Student Management Investment Fund in Fall 2019. Through the
Arrigoni oversaw the $600,000 USF Student Managed Investment Fund, allowing her to showcase her program, he learned to make smart investment decisions and gained hands-on experience that will help
skills by pitching stock analysis and projections to a panel of 25 professional investors.
him achieve his goals of working in investment banking or private wealth management.
Raymond Cordova, Marketing Timothy Ernest, Marketing and Biomedical Sciences
While Raymond Cordova knew he wanted to go to college, he had no idea what he wanted to be Timothy Ernest is a servant leader who is an honor student in two colleges, a student researcher, a
or what major to declare. He started out in USF’s Zimmerman Advertising Program, though family teaching assistant and an active community volunteer. He aspires to be a physician, so he became a
members suggested he study accounting since he had an aptitude with numbers. Neither was a fit. Certified Nursing Assistant while pursuing a degree in biomedical sciences, conducting research and
Fortunately, Cordova discovered the U.S. Air Force ROTC. Though Cordova had no military shadowing doctors. He believes that doctors must also understand business, so he decided to pursue a
background, the program appealed to him. He liked the leadership training concept. He liked the idea second degree in marketing.
of service. He liked the idea of rising to meet challenges. Cordova says that field training was physically As an undergraduate research assistant in the Natural Products Discovery Lab, Ernest worked for
and intellectually challenging. It was overwhelming and stressful and it tested one’s ability to lead in a team dedicated to lead gene999ration for new medicines. He worked alongside faculty on several
demanding training scenarios. biomedical research projects. He has submitted a handful of papers for publication in the Permanente
It was a whole new world. Cordova was all in. Journal.
Cordova received the Commander’s Leadership Scholarship, a full scholarship awarded to two Ernest also served as a research assistant at Shriners Hospital for Children,scientific research
cadets in his first year (with the understanding of military service upon graduation). He moved into conducting scientific research related to quality improvement. He was able to present his findings related
the ROTC living-learning community and served as a resident assistant for two years, planning events, to service barriers to the hospital’s leadership team and will present his work with pediatric outpatient
dealing with crises, enabling student success. clinic appointments at the Academy of Health’s conference in June.
Cordova was awarded the George Washington Purple Heart Leadership medal (a national leadership On campus, Ernest landed a spot on a student advisory board for College of Arts & Sciences, serves
award given annually for displaying exemplary leadership). He received the AFROTC achievement as a GloBull Ambassador and has served as the campus president for Relay for Life, a fundraising event
award and the AFROTC academic honors award. Cordova also received a Military Order of the World that honors cancer survivors and provides an avenue to remember loved ones who died from cancer.
Wars bronze medal, which recognizes those who embody the characteristics of an honorable cadet. An Eagle Scout who calls community service “cherished opportunities,” Ernest has volunteered with
Now a deputy operations commander, Cordova says he discovered that the skills needed for success Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, the American Cancer Society’s Hope Lodge, the Humane Society
in the ROTC program are the same skills marketing sales leaders need. His immediate career goal is to and Moffitt Cancer Center. The cancer center named him its Student Volunteer of the Year in 2019.
obtain a commission as a second lieutenant. He was selected to fly remotely piloted aircraft. Ernest says that such service helped him see what effective, compassionate medicine looks like.
Emily Dachs, Sport & Entertainment Management Cristiano Fernandes Filho, Finance
Google Emily Dachs’ name and a few things become apparent: She is passionate about the Tampa A senior majoring in finance with a minor in economics, Cristiano Fernandes Filho is a tutor at the USF
Bay Lightning, she loves USF and she has been preparing herself for a career with the National Hockey Academic Success Center, helping others succeed in often-dreaded economics, finance and statistics
League since, well, forever. courses. He says the chance to help his peers was challenging and rewarding.
Before enrolling in the Vinik Sport & Entertainment Management Program, Dachs earned two USF That experience gave Fernandes a taste of service and student involvement. He wanted more.
undergraduate degrees, one in mass communications with a public relations concentration and one in Fernandes joined the USF Brazilian Student Association aiming to connect with fellow Brazilian
marketing with an emphasis on sport and entertainment management. She had six internships under students and help others excel academically and grow professionally. In his first semester with the
her belt before graduation, including stints as a PR/communications intern for the Hillsborough County association, Fernandes helped plan and organize the first Brazil-Florida Student Conference, an
Bar Association, as a marketing director for the HOT band (where she also played the baritone) and as a event that joined students from Florida universities with guest speakers to discuss the importance of
communications intern for the business school. entrepreneurship, health, and professional development. His important contributions to the conference
were such that, just one month later, Fernandes was elected the president of the largest Brazilian student
Additionally, Dachs worked for the USF Ice Bulls hockey team, handling social media and graphic organization in the country.
design, and held a job in digital marketing with Color Clutch, a local small business. That company was
sold and her supervisor moved on to a new role at Hanlon Acoustical Ceilings. She brought Dachs along The following summer, Fernandes completed an internship with Citi on its financial planning
and analysis team. This fast-paced, dynamic environment demanded critical thinking and excellent
with her to the fast-growing company, tasking Dachs with marketing strategy. Few things speak louder communication skills, qualities he perfected with the Brazilian Student Association. After his internship,
about a supervisor’s trust in one’s abilities. Fernandes joined the USF Student Managed Investment Fund. As one of nine student analysts co-
Now a first-year graduate student in USF’s dual-degree MBA and MS in the Vinik Sport & Entertainment managing the fund, he has pitched stocks to Raymond James portfolio managers, USF leaders and board
Management Program, Dachs still works part-time at the ceiling company. She is a member of Women in members from the USF Foundation. Fernandes has discovered a cornucopia of resources to give back to
Sport & Entertainment Tampa Bay, a group that focuses on the professional development of women in the his community while developing academic and professional skills. He will graduate as one of a handful of
male-dominated industry. And she is still working toward her dream of a corporate career with the NHL. students to receive the CFA Program Student Scholarship. Fernandes will sit for the CFA Level I exam in
Maria Ghulam
Anuar Khamzin, MBA with a concentration in Supply Chain Management Madison Masterson, Marketing
When INTO USF awarded Anuar Khamzin a full scholarship to USF, the expectation was that he would If there’s one word to describe Madison Masterson, it’s resilience. Masterson didn’t just attend college,
do well here. But no one expected that he would graduate as a King O’Neal Scholar, a designation given to she excelled.
those who earn a bachelor’s degree with a 4.0 GPA throughout the undergraduate career.
She was dealt a difficult hand in life, having to leave her high school to attend hospital-homebound
Now an MBA student who works full-time while attending classes at night, Khamzin aims to graduate schooling due to epilepsy. Attending college was a far-away dream until she spent a summer studying at
from the MBA program with the same GPA. Harvard University. There, she decided, she would strive for higher education despite the challenges her
While in school, he participated in three competitive corporate internships in four years. He served disability would cause.
as a supply chain analyst at Weldon Industries, a management trainee at FedEx Freight and a global Masterson will graduate in May, with a degree in marketing as well as five internships and two jobs
procurement market intelligence intern at Bristol-Myers Squibb. He mastered sought-after technical skills under her belt. She’s had experience ranging from management to social media to design, and she
and software programs along the way, becoming proficient in Excel, SAP, Ariba, Sharepoint, Tableau and continues to push herself to learn more. She has already earned seven certifications and plans to expand
Watson. He has achieved Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, SCPro and CPSD certifications, too. After graduation, her skill set even further before graduation.
Bristol-Myers Squibb offered him a job as a global procurement specialist. Now he manages a six-person
procure-to-pay operations team. Aside from her academics and professional development, she has also been heavily involved on
campus as a leader in Student Government, Zeta Tau Alpha and Delta Sigma Pi. She also founded one
Khamzin also conducts different types of research related to global supply chain management and of USF’s largest organizations, Bulls Against Bullying. During her four years as president, the organization
sustainability, which, he says, motivates him to wake up every morning. grew from 10 members to several hundred. She took on numerous tasks, planning events, budgeting and
As an undergraduate, Khamzin was president of the Kazakhstan Student Association, sponsorship marketing, all while working and being a student. It’s clear how passionate Masterson is about the topic of
chair of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, and a member of Beta Gamma Sigma. bullying by the fact that she is currently writing a research-based thesis on how marketing can be utilized
He improved his public speaking skills through Toastmasters. He played on USF’s club soccer team and to prevent and reduce bullying.
participated in six consecutive Stampede of Service events. She is passionate about community service, too. She has volunteered for five different non-profit
A native of Kazakhstan, Khamzin speaks five languages: English, Russian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz and Uzbek. organizations and Masterson dreams of opening her own non-profit in the future, aiming to increase
In his spare time, he enjoys putting his private pilot license to use. awareness of the impact of bullying and change community behaviors.
Renata Gomes Martins, Global Business - Marketing Maria Morales Ferrebus, Business Analytics and Information Systems
When Renata Gomes Martins spoke at the college’s scholarship luncheon, the Brazilian native For many, immigrating to the United States to start a new life and attend college in the United States is
described what it was like to head to America solo, in high school, in order to get an American a remarkable dream. Maria Lorena Morales Ferrebus has made it a reality.
education. Her story was not one of tragedy, loss or sadness. It was one of perseverance, hard work
and determination. She had to learn English first. She did. Challenging herself through dual enrollment and AP courses
during her senior year after moving to America just two years prior, she graduated high school with straight
Martins shared what it was like to navigate cumbersome processes to get the United States and As. Proving dreams come true with discipline, courage and determination, Morales received several USF
what it was like to be a student-athlete at a boarding school while also mastering English and taking and community scholarships.
honors classes. She described what it was like to earn an honors degree and, then, later, an associate’s
degree from Lake-Sumter State College, both thanks to a athletic scholarships. A resident assistant, Columbia Restaurant flamenco dancer, Corporate Mentor Program participant
and climate activist, Morales will soon graduate with a degree in business analytics and information
At USF, the global business major was awarded an academic scholarship and currently has a systems and a minor in environmental policy.
4.0 GPA - earned while supporting herself financially. She worked part-time at the Small Business
Development Center and, before that, as a sales intern at Florida Golf. Morales’ devotion to the environment began after witnessing the effects of oil spills on her hometown,
Maracaibo, Venezuela. At USF, she has found her passion and learned how she can make a difference
Thanks to scholarships, Martins has also been able to study abroad twice, traveling to Europe and advocating for the planet while encouraging people to take climate action. In the past year, she has
to Africa. The experiences clearly align with her global view and spurred Martins to get involved in the traveled to Washington, D.C. and Tallahassee to lobby for environmental concerns. She has also attended
Global Citizens Project, and she eventually served as president of the group. She later cofounded the conferences addressing sustainability, carbon pricing, climate action and climate policy. Notably, she has
Global Business Society and helped bring the inaugural World Without Waste Sustain-A-Bull Challenge, been an invited panel speaker for two conferences.
supported by Coca-Cola, to campus, giving students a chance to pitch sustainable business ideas to
the firm’s leaders. One of her proudest accomplishments at USF is her founding of the Climate Action Coalition, a
student organization with 88 active members that has hosted lobbying trips, professional speaker series
Martins also finished near the top in several professional development programs, such as Selling and environmental awareness campaigns. Ultimately, Morales’ objectives is the building of sustainable,
with the Bulls and the Elevator Pitch Competition. It is no surprise that she has received a full-time job resilient grids for communities with the capability of reducing CO2 emissions and increasing quality of life.
offer from Cintas several months prior to graduation.
Ayse Ongan, Finance Courtney Powers, MBA
Born into a family of teachers, Ayse Ongan always knew she wanted to continue the family tradition. Courtney Powers is a triple-threat: smart, kind and industrious. And she is one of three kids from a
Raised in Turkey and fluent in Turkish and English, Ongan credits her father for her academic ambition. family that bleeds green and gold. So much so, in fact, that the USF Alumni Association named them
She will graduate this summer with a 3.93 grade point average. “Family of the Year” in 2018.
On campus, Ongan is in the Judy Genshaft Honors College and serves on the Honors College Student She earned her undergraduate degree in management with honors. And she currently has a
Council. She is also on the volunteer committee, which allows her to pursue her love for event planning 4.0 GPA in the MBA program, earning these grades while working full-time and volunteering in the
and working with others. Ongan has planned events with Relay for Life, Making Strides for Breast Cancer community.
and the American Cancer Society. Further, she is a philanthropy and fundraising committee member in Powers has a servant’s heart and can often be found helping out behind the scenes at events on
Phi Chi Theta, a professional business fraternity. Her experience on the Honors College Student Council campus, such as the Young University Summit, an Open House for potential freshmen and the USF
and in Phi Chi Theta have allowed her to develop and practice the professional leadership skills needed Presidential Investiture Reception. At each of these events, she served as an informal ambassador for
to succeed in the industry while meeting others who are interested in a future career in finance. Ongan the college. She also helps tutor student-athletes.
is also active in the Women in Business Society and the Student Finance Association.
At PricewaterhouseCoopers, Powers rose from an intern to a full-time associate on the Big Four
While serving in several organizations, Ongan finds time to fuel her passion for teaching as she firm’s Idea2Innovation team. Due to her strong critical thinking skills and willingness to learn, Powers
tutors peers in algebra, economics and statistics. was able to travel to Boston to represent her team in conducting usability testing for an internal tool
In 2019, Ongan returned to Turkey, the country she left as a young girl, as a financial professional. that would be rolled out to 50,000 employees nationwide. Though it was new to her, Powers quickly
She interned at Ernst & Young and helped audit the factoring department of a large private Turkish bank picked up the skills necessary for user interface and user experience design.
while translating financial tables. PwC leaders know how to spot talent and Powers was recently chosen to be a member of an
This summer, Ongan will begin the master’s degree program in finance at Vanderbilt University. enablement team which is a cross-functional team focused on tackling and delivering on Controller
Ultimately, she aspires to become a professor, following her father’s footsteps in sharing her knowledge Operations opportunities through automation. She was also tasked with coordinating and planning
with others and helping them learn. the PwC stage at the Synapse Summit in Tampa.
Jesus Parada Perla, MBA Tyler Schulman, Finance - Asset Management & Personal Financial Planning
As a second-semester junior, Tyler Schulman has found out how to become a big fish in a large pond.
Jesus Parada Perla exemplifies values USF holds dear: inclusion, diversity, academic excellence. Double majoring in finance with a concentration in asset management and personal financial planning,
A native of El Salvador, Parada graduated with an undergraduate business degree in 2017, cum Schulman has maintained a 3.92 GPA while accomplishing many of the goals he set for himself as a
laude, earning these honors while racking up an impressive list of extracurricular activities. Now Parada freshman.
aims to earn a second USF degree -- an MBA, with honors. However, his academic dedication surpasses his GPA.
When Parada first arrived at USF, he joined the Latin American Student Association but found it to Schulman is the founding president of the Zeta Rho chapter of Phi Chi Theta at USF, an organization
be somewhat insular. It did not collaborate with other multicultural organizations. Parada thought the that has grown to over 60 members and has remained successful in multiple professional development
organization was missing opportunities. A firm believer in inclusion, Parada proposed opportunities for and philanthropic efforts since September 2018. In their first year, the chapter raised more than $2,000
several multicultural clubs to collaborate. He coordinated the inaugural Noche Latina during Hispanic for the American Cancer Society through Relay for Life while coordinating development workshops
Heritage Month and worked with other organizations to create the Mr. & Ms. Latinx contest. Parada and arranging corporate visits to Raymond James and Tech Data. Schulman has also volunteered at
went on to become president of LASA and soon the group became a de facto umbrella organization Metropolitan Ministries, Feeding Tampa Bay and Habitat for Humanity with the Zeta Rho chapter.
for several multicultural clubs. Under his leadership, the association received USF’s Outstanding
Organizational Collaboration Award. On campus, Schulman is a student in the Judy Genshaft Honors College and the Business Honors
Program. In 2019, he was recognized as the Business Honors Ethical Scholars Award recipient, an award
Parada served as a student assistant for USF’s Center for Leadership Civic Engagement and was sponsored by the dean and awarded to one exceptional business honors student annually. This award
named 2018 Student Assistant of the Year. He helped the Association of Future Professionals in is one of the most prestigious awards for business honors students, recognizing academic excellence,
Business Management grow by 100 members. And he is in his second term as president of LASA. leadership, ethical accomplishments and societal achievements.
Outside of campus, Parada took on a sales job at American Freight/Sears Outlet. Parada was Professionally, Schulman has completed two internships at well-respected financial service firms,
recognized as “Best of Outlet” for three consecutive months as he brought in 600 new leasing accounts. Morgan Stanley and Raymond James Financial. He has landed a third internship at JPMorgan Chase and
He briefly served as acting manager, filling in for a to-be-hired leadership post. He now works as a will work as a wealth management analyst in its private banking sector this summer. After graduation,
supervisor there, working full-time while pursuing the MBA in the evenings. Schulman plans to obtain both his CFA and CFP designations while pursuing a career in wealth
Raj Patel, MBA in Health Care Management Jessica Senatus, Business Analytics and Information Systems with a Concentration in Cybersecurity
Raj Patel lives in two worlds: business and medicine. At USF, Patel has risen to leadership roles in just Passionate for ensuring universal success, business honors student Jessica Senatus is determined
about everything he undertakes.
to consistently put her best foot forward and blaze trails for others. One of the first women in her family
As an undergraduate, Patel served as a two-term senator of the College of Arts and Sciences, to attend college, Senatus has maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout her undergraduate career thus far and
representing more than 17,000 students. He was later elected as president of the Students of India she aims to have the same when she graduates in 2021. Senatus competed in USF’s annual Elevator
Association, USF’s largest multicultural organization. Through SIA, Patel worked closely with USF World
to provide airport pickups and temporary housing for international students. Competition as a freshman and earned second place out of 200 students.
Patel has helped start many successful student organizations and was inducted into the CAS Dean’s She is a USF Student Government senator for the Muma College of Business, serving the student
Student Leadership Society. By serving in some of the most influential roles at USF, Patel has advocated body by working on the Senate Policy Committee, Activity and Service Fee Recommendation Committee,
for a better student life by addressing student needs while bridging the gap between students and Finance Committee and the Grants Committee. She has authored memorials commemorating the lives
administration. In 2018, Patel graduated summa cum laude from USF with a bachelor’s in biomedical of USF students to be presented before their families and encourages students to continue paying their
sciences and was lauded at graduation by then-USF President Judy Genshaft. service forward to the USF community. Through her senate work, Senatus has learned the importance of
But he didn’t stop there. working with others -- despite not seeing eye-to-eye on issues -- the value of fairness and impartiality and
Patel returned to USF to pursue an MBA in Health Care Management, where he is now in his final the joy of supporting the values she holds close to her heart.
semester. He continues to develop future leaders as president of The Order of the Golden Brahman, an A resident of the invitation-only Bulls Business Community and part of the Business Honors Program,
exclusive organization uniting campus leaders to serve the USF community for a lifetime. Patel has also Senatus has worked on service projects for Habitat for Humanity. As a child, Habitat for Humanity extended
been passionately involved with clinical and biomedical engineering research. He is a published author its helping hand to her own family and Senatus was honored to repay them by helping create welcome
in peer-reviewed journals and has presented at local, regional, and national conferences. In 2019, he home gifts for families to receive during their home dedications. This serves as a reminder of how much
received The Florida High Tech Corridor Student Research Award. Habitat for Humanity’s work had radically transformed her own life.
Equipped with strong business acumen and a heart to serve, he begins medical school this summer.
He aims to become a physician-leader.
Adriana Steiner, Global Business Jacobo Zacapa, Finance
Even though she won’t earn her bachelor’s degree until 2022, Salvadoran student Adriana Steiner Honduran native Jacobo Zacapa never felt the urge to emigrate. However, in 2016, he realized his
has already done more than many graduate students. limited ability to advance academically in his homeland. Zacapa made the decision to move to the United
States to complete his college career.
Pursuing a major in global business and a certificate in visualization and design, Steiner has been a
three-time dean’s list recipient and was granted the Burman Family Scholarship from the Muma College At USF, Zacapa was awarded the USF International Scholarship due to his academic merit and has
of Business during the 2019-20 academic year. renewed the scholarship yearly by meeting academic performance requirements. This year, he received
the Raymond James Employee Endowed Scholarship in Business. Zacapa thought he had reached his
Despite the time it takes to achieve academic excellence, she had an itch to give back. She began academic pinnacle. To his surprise, he was later invited to join Beta Gamma Sigma, an exclusive invitation
working as an involvement consultant at the Center for Student Involvement and was quickly promoted. offered only to the top ten percent of the graduating class.
Today, she serves as vice president of involvement for the Campus Activities Board. These positions
have given her the chance to provide meaningful and transformational experiences for USF students A first-generation college student, Zacapa joined the Corporate Mentor Program, which has helped
while leading event planners, staff members and volunteers. She is also the professional development him develop professionally, offering interviewing skills and resume critiques as well as corporate tours
chair for the National Scholars Collegiate Society, responsible for leading students towards realizing and networking events.
and achieving their career goals. Steiner develops workshops, creates content for social media and On campus, Zacapa has worked alongside the dean and faculty of the Muma College of Business
executes professional development activities for members. In the business school, she is a member of as a front desk and financial management student assistant. He felt he could do more. In 2018 and
the Women in Business and Society, an organization that has allowed her to enhance business skills, 2019, Zacapa returned to Honduras to work as an administrative assistant at INVERCOSA, SA de CV, a
learn from guest speakers and develop her professional network. grocery and candy import firm. In 2019, he interned at Dinant Corporation, one of the largest Honduran
Next year, Steiner will participate in a summer study abroad program. This opportunity will allow her manufacturing companies. With Dinant, Zacapa had the opportunity to work as a cost analyst intern,
to pursue career development and cultural growth along with gaining experience in the professional trusted with reconciling more than $300,000 worth of materials used per day.
world. She’s looking forward to expanding her knowledge, developing as an individual and acquiring Zacapa remains humble through volunteerism. The seven-time dean’s list scholar participates in USF’s
vast cultural insights. Stampede of Service and is currently volunteering at Junior Achievement. Despite his accomplishments,
he believes there is nothing more rewarding than making people smile.
Few students understand perseverance like Taylor Torres. Torres’ grandparents, both Cuban
immigrants, dreamed of seeing their granddaughter become the first person in the family to earn a college
2019-2020 Judges
degree. Torres worked diligently and earned full college scholarships. She lost both grandparents shortly
before she headed to college but she made a commitment to herself that she wouldn’t stop working
toward their shared goal.
Just a few weeks into her studies, Torres learned her father was ill. His health and time at home
with family became her top priority. She maintained involvement in school and continued excelling in
coursework. As her father recovered and as she headed into her first finals week, she learned of a dear
friend’s sucicide. Sayandeb Basu Thomas Feindt
Despite the stress, the self-described “fearlessly unstoppable” student persevered. She remained
focused on her big picture goal,which is to land a job where such drive and determination is required. Director CEO
That’s why she chose to major in marketing and sales. She is an excellent student, evidenced by her
3.96 GPA. And she is a highly engaged campus leader. She has served in leadership roles for the USF USF Office of National Scholarships Grow Financial
Professional Sales Club; she is now the club’s vice president. She participated in the Selling with the
Bulls competition, taking first place in two segments, second in another and landing near the top in two
additional categories. Torres was the first USF student to make it to the semi-finals at the Northeastern
Intercollegiate Sales Competition. Beyond campus, Torres served as a sales intern at Cintas Corporation,
worked as a marketing coordinator for a local dance school, handled operations tasks at an insurance Adam Bishop Scott Noonan
company and participated in Domino’s Australia’s international internship program.
Claims Director SVP of Engagement
USAA ReliaQuest
Zimmerman Advertising. During fall 2019, she worked as a
Nations chapter in Orlando, Florida. Directly following
digital marketing intern with Outback Steakhouse (Bloomin’
graduation, she worked at Enterprise Holdings.
Brands). Junkins was accepted into the professional business
Pietro Carillo is in his final semester, double majoring in fraternity, Phi Chi Theta, and is currently the chair of
finance and business analytics & information systems. He is advertising. Recently, she accepted a position as a sales and
a statistics and calculus tutor at the USF Academic Success marketing coordinator with Busch Gardens.
Center and has accepted an offer to join Goldman Sachs in
Jessica Kelso is a financial advisor at Jaffe Tilchin Wealth
Salt Lake City as a full-time analyst upon graduation.
Management in Tampa.
Destiney Copeland is traveling the country in a renovated
Shaquille Kent works at Deloitte, a Big Four accounting
are they
RV with her husband while working as an entrepreneur and
firm. He hopes to provide access to education through a
blogger. She runs a resell retail business and visits national
scholarship that will provide financial support and mentorship
parks full-time.
opportunities to students.
Henrique Faria Brito Martini Correa received a summer 2019
Gregory Klug is set to graduate this May with a degree in
internship position at Zoox Smart Data in Rio de Janeiro,
finance. He interned at JPMorgan Chase as an analyst and
Brazil working in data science. Afterwards, he worked as a bid
has previously interned at Foresters Financial in its financial
desk coordinator intern for Tech Data in Clearwater, Florida.
services department. In 2017, he started his own business,
Recently, he secured a full-time post-graduation position as a
Carstats4u, an online service that provides car enthusiasts
data science solution analyst for Deloitte.
with statistics on more than 200 vehicles. As the founder, he
Sonia Duraimurugan will graduate this May and she is is responsible for budgeting for the website, which has now
planning to work with the marketing department of Feeding expanded onto social media sites.
Tampa Bay. She has also applied for the MBA program at USF.
Emmanuel Fernando Martes is currently working with Citi in
Zakaria El Jbari is currently pursuing his master’s degree in Tampa, Florida as a business analyst. He is looking to transfer
business analytics and information systems at USF. He is a to his home country of Colombia with the firm in order to gain
teaching assistant, assisting undergraduate students with international experience. Furthermore, he is looking to pursue
statistics. a master’s in finance in fall 2021 at either Columbia University
or Boston College.
Sarah L. Gimbel is graduating this May with a degree
in marketing, a concentration in sales and a minor in Thomas McLaughlin II was promoted from executive director
entrepreneurship. She will start as an account manager for of the University Lecture Series to president of the Campus
Gartner in Fort Meyers, Florida this July. As an alumna, she Activities Board. He oversees promotions and programming,
plans to host the fourth annual event in memory of her dad including Homecoming and USF Week.
and will donate the funds back to USF to be awarded as
Sofia Tejera Moran is currently pursuing her master’s in
marketing at USF. She works a graduate assistant at the
Frank Harris is working at Raymond James Financial, using Collier Student Success Center at the Muma College of
his skills to advise clients and cover stocks. He served as a Business.
corporate banking intern prior to becoming an equity research
Karina Rao is currently working full time at Raymond James
intern in spring 2019.
as an account coordinator and ADP marketing associate.
Marina Jankovic is an associate marketing manager of She has started volunteering with its affiliated “Lunch Pals”
program, where she eats lunch with a student who would Samantha Whyte was accepted into the University of Florida’s Squibb in its Research and Development and Order to Cash Ireana Ugarte Uzcategui has recently completed an
benefit from having a mentor once a week. Levin College of Law for the fall 2020 semester. departments. She also serves as an ambassador for Free the internship at Bank of America. She is also part of the
Facts. Corporate Mentor Program.
Mariam Raza is an audit specialist for Julianne Woodard is in her last semester at USF. This year
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP in Tampa. she is the co-director of Camp Kesem USF. She is also the Aleksandra Olearska traveled to Brazil, Bolivia and Peru upon Garrett Walker graduated in May of 2018. Last June, he
vice president of the USF Ambassadors and is working on graduating in 2018. She plans to start a foundation that aims rose to senior research associate at Jaffe Tilchin Wealth
Frances Rice is attends Baylor University working on his MBA. to reform education systems in South America in hopes of Management. He manages all research operations at the
her undergraduate thesis, which focuses on the effects the
She is also completing his last year of track and field on the making a meaningful difference in the crime and poverty firm. He has spent time as a junior advisor and portfolio
triple bottom line has on various financial statements. After
team at Baylor. He is currently searching for an internship. rates within these countries. manager at the firm. He also dedicates a large portion of his
graduation, she will relocate to Seattle, Washington to begin
Maria Garzon Rincon is working at Goldman Sachs as an working at Microsoft as a financial analyst in its finance time giving back to USF. He is a member of the Muma College
Maithilee Pagay interned at Raymond James as a corporate
analyst in Salt Lake City, Utah. rotation program. of Business Alumni Advisory Board and is in the process
and executive services intern for almost a year. She is now
of launching a new scholarship fund for the Bulls Business
Sharleen Kiana So graduated in December with a bachelor’s a graduate student at the London School of Economics and
degree in accounting from USF. She works as an assurance Political Science.
associate (auditor) for PricewaterhouseCoopers. While Adam Wortman graduated in December 2019 and has begun
Kirby Powers is currently in her last semester of her MBA
working full-time, she is also studying for the CPA exams. a position as a consultant with Protiviti in Tampa in its Internal
program and she will graduate in May. She is an intern with
Audit and Financial Advisory solution.
the Department of Justice and an academic tutor at USF
Athletics. Wei Yang Yap is now currently working as a graduate assistant
and pursuing an MS in marketing at USF.
2014 - 2015 Honorees all the sections of the CPA exam and now plans to apply
for licensure. She currently works as a tax associate at
Marketing Department in the USF Muma College of Business.
Jose Alvarez lives in New York, New York and works for
Natixis CIB Americas as an investment banking analyst.
Santiago Iguaran has started his own real estate company as
well as a perfume business.
2013 - 2014 Honorees
Amanda Atanga completed a post-graduate diploma in John Lindsey is currently working at Publix as a full-stack
Business Intelligence Systems Infrastructure and is based in software developer on the teams responsible for the privately
the Ottawa area. She is currently completing her co-op term held stock and warehouse payroll systems. He earned his Joseph Adam is an audit senior assistant at Deloitte and Kayla Jacobson is working as a marketing and business
as a business intelligence analyst with the Canada Revenue CPA license during his time at Ernst & Young. He married Touche, LLP. development specialist for Community Health Centers of
Agency. Amber West, another former 25 Under 25 honoree, earlier Pinellas.
this year. Sophia Benjelloun is working as a dynamics 365 CRM
Alexandra Bogovic is a paid search analyst for Universal consultant for SA Global. Oumie Jallow is working as an audit senior at Deloitte. She
Orlando Resort. She works on marketing the theme parks and Michael Malanga is currently working as a senior corporate has recently moved to the corporate office in New York and is
seasonal events like Mardi Gras and Rock the Universe. She accountant for JBG Smith, a public real estate development Sarah Bolick is an audit senior at Deloitte in Tampa, Florida
in her fourth year at the firm.
enjoys mentoring students, visiting other theme parks and company and pursuing an MBA at Georgetown University. and remains involved with recruiting at USF.
traveling internationally. Jose Jarquin is a technical lead on the Archivum platform
Joseph Marquis now works as an investment officer at Cassandra Coolidge is a corporate attorney at Nelson Mullins
for the USF Information Technology department. He leads
Bethany Dawson has completed her first year working for Raymond James. Broad and Cassel in Orlando, Florida where she represents
the technical design and implementation of student-related
Deloitte and Touche, LLP in the Tampa Audit practice within clients in general corporate matters and mergers and
Kevin McKeon continues to work as a project manager for applications.
the healthcare industry. She has become a CPA and enjoys acquisitions.
Cloud 9 Adventures based out of Delray Beach. He works Katelyn Leal is an intelligence analyst stationed at Fort Bragg,
being involved with her firm’s recruiting of students from
to produce international concert vacations at all-inclusive Bianca Echtler joined RBC Wealth Management as a financial
the Muma College of Business programs including the Lynn North Carolina, in the 82nd Airborne Division. She plans to go
resorts and on chartered cruise ships. Specifically, he advisor in Sarasota. She uses a rules-based investment
Pippenger School of Accountancy and Beta Alphi Psi, both back to school to earn an MBA.
coordinates all operational aspects of Cloud 9 Adventures process to create personalized solutions and help clients
of which she was involved in as a student. She will marry
events, including food and beverage, hotel and ship achieve their financial goals at the Suncoast Pearl Wealth Michael Mauerer is a documentary wedding photographer
Jacoobi Rodriguez, another former 25 Under 25 honoree, in
operations, port logistics, international shipping, production Group. who runs his own photography business in Richmond,
elements, guest safety, brand collateral, event décor and Greater London.
Giampiero Fuentes obtained his master’s degree in finance
Harmelle Davis works for Deloitte as a senior assistant design, activities and merchandise.
from Harvard University in May 2018. He works full time on Jodi McFarlane is a marketing campaign specialist at
in Tampa, where she is currently focusing on Fortegra, a
Shayda Milani is currently an attorney at Mayer Brown in the investment strategy team for Raymond James, where ConnectWise. She ise pursuing a master’s in marketing at
Jacksonville-based insurance client. She received the King
the corporate and securities group in New York City. She he analyzes capital market and macroeconomic trends USF.
O’Neal Scholar Award at the end of her undergraduate
graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Law School in collaboratively with the CIO. He also authors and publishes
career. She earned a Master of Accountancy with a Harrison Milanian completed his master’s degree in
May 2019. the firm-wide investment strategy research, analysis and
cumulative 4.0 GPA in summer 2018. She is currently in the educational leadership. He has recently changed his career
commentary for both retail and institutional clientele.
process of taking her CPA exams. Joseph Nestor is going into his sixth year at JPMorgan Chase path and is now working at Vology as a sales administrator.
and will graduate from the MBA program in May. He has Francis Gelormini relocated to Seattle, Washington
Marcus Ellis graduated with a master’s degree from USF Thang “Ryan” Nguyen is the product marketing manager at
recently been involved with the Bulls of the Last Decade where he is working in the core assurance practice with
and has passed the CPA exam. He works for Deloitte, where Quoine, operator of Liquid.com, one of the world’s largest
(BOLD) organization, where he helps enhance young alumni PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP.
he continues to build is technical and analytical skills, while cryptocurrency exchanges.
engagement in university events and initiatives.
developing an understanding of their auditing methodology. Marcos Gonzalez worked at WeatherFord Capital for more
Shivam Patel worked at Raymond James for about four
Duy Nguyen works for Deloitte Consulting as an SAP than two years.
Ryan Gandolfo is currently living in Guangzhou, China and is years. He is now an MBA candidate at the University of North
working as the digital editor for a national magazine called
Carolina. John Tuy is a tax experience associate for Yanin Nanakorn is currently working as a mid-market account Tyler Rehm graduated from Harvard University with a
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP. executive at Yelp in Chicago. master’s degree in computer software engineering in
Natalie Pearson is an alumnae engagement manager for the 2017. He is now working as a senior software engineer at
Gamma Phi Beta sorority. She oversees the alumnae of the Vanessa Williams is an AdvisorChoice consultant at Raymond George Papadeas works in St. Petersburg, Florida as chief
InterDesign Inc.
organization. James. She’s been a huge part of the firm’s recruiting operating officer for the Hittem Over the Head, which
success. recently made the INC 5000 List as well as the Fast 50 list in Cassandra Sanchez has worked at LeverPoint Management,
Brian Rohl is an audit assistant at Deloitte in Boca Raton, the Tampa Bay Business Journal. LLC in Clifton Park, New York, for the past five years. She is
Florida. Jeannine Yawn has recently moved to Nashville, Tennessee now the associate manager.
after spending several years in New York City. In Nashville, Charles Poliseno is currently pursuing his master’s degree
Matthew Smallbach graduated from Northeastern University in agricultural education and communication with a focus Melissa Stewart lives in North Carolina with her husband and
she works as an account manager at Osborn Barr Paramore
in 2016 and is working as a quantitative strategist at EPFR on leadership development at the University of Florida works as an assistant vice president at Bank of America in its
managing advertising campaigns.
Informa Financial Intelligence. College of Agriculture and Life Science. He is working as pricing strategy and analytics group.
Ashley Young recently accepted a job as a lead youth the Hillsborough County youth development agent for
Shelby Thomas is a cartographer at Leidos. Shalicia Torbert continues to work in budget and acquisition
organizer at Alliance for Climate Change in Tampa, Florida. the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural
finance, while studying to get her master’s degree in non-
profit management. She is also working on attaining a life
Krystyn Ramdial passed her candidacy exams last year and is coach certification.
Mary Babcock-Perryman has accepted a new position at associate who covers the technology sector at Manning and
Rachel Albright is completing her fellowship at Dartmouth & Southern Life, where he manages mutual funds, life William Brewer recently traveled to Kenya and South Africa brokerage specializing in industrial products and relationship
College and pursuing a master’s degree in Public Health. insurance and annuities. as a GBO Gives Ambassador with Bristol Myers Squibb, building.
After finishing her fellowship, she plans to pursue a career in where he is currently the Manager of the Data Analytics and
Tiffany Eveld Roberts has joined Morgan & Morgan as an Brittany Grossfield recently accomplished two huge life goals,
academic medicine. Global Internal Audit departments. While in Africa, Brewer
attorney in the firm’s Orlando office. becoming a mother and attaining the position as the Bob
spent three weeks volunteering with two non-governmental
Frank Cabano lives in El Paso, Texas and is an assistant Sierra YMCA’s Senior Program Director over summer camp
Kari Ferguson Grecco is works as a senior financial analyst for organizations in the healthcare space, where he assisted
professor of marketing at the University of Texas. and afterschool, an accomplishment she has worked for over
TECO. with developing their organizations and policies to be able to
ten years. Grossfield serves on the Fraternity Housing Council
Ashley Ciccarello Miller is a licensed CPA who serves as a better execute on their missions.
Hefgine FIls-Aime has recently begun working as assurance as USF’s Zeta Tau Alpha Chapter housing advisor. Grossfield
senior in the assurance practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers Jennifer Brody is working as an ESL Teacher for VIPKID. In and her husband are also foster parents licensed through the
manager for the Tampa-St. Petersburg branch of the global
LLP in Tampa. her position she teaches English to students in China online. Children’s Home Network.
accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.
Luqmaan Dawoodjee is a software developer at Ordoro Inc, Justin Fries works at Presence Incorporation as a full stack James Hansen continues to work as an assurance manager at
Ben Gasparini works as a financial controller and economist
a computer software company that focuses on e-commerce software developer. EY in Orlando, Florida.
in the Tampa-St. Petersburg area.
logistics based in Austin, Texas.
Demelza Hays is the founder of www.cryptoresearch. Richard Grieder is currently in commercial real estate Joshua Horn continues to work in strategic development and
Makis Denis is a registered representative with Western
strategic assessments for Lockheed Martin. Stephanie Wagenfohr is a senior external reporting analyst at
Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E).
Torell Jackson is a marketing manager for Danaher
Corporation. Elizabeth Wilhelm is the demand manager for Intertape
Polymer Group. She is helping her department forge a
Ryan Kania is the founder and CEO of Advocates for World
relationship with the Center of Supply Chain Management at
Health, a non-profit organization that redistributes medical
supplies to relief agencies in developing countries where
resources may be limited. In doing this, Advocates for World Anthony Zanella is an IT audit experienced manager at
Health aims to reduce medical waste. Carnival Corporation.
Carolina Romero is now the owner and lead trainer for Silver
Strong Fitness in Delray Beach, FL. She is a TPI certified gold
fitness specialist, a NASM personal trainer, a FAI functional
aging specialist and a social media influencer and consultant
in the golf industry
Lindsay (Skillman) Singh is now the director for the center for
academic achievement at Florida Gulf Coast University.
USF Muma College of Business
Student Team
The University of South Florida is a global research university dedicated to student Alyssa England Blake Parry
success. One of its largest colleges, the Muma College of Business boasts one of the Marketing Marketing
America’s best accounting schools, a top ranked entrepreneurship center, a nationally Class of 2021 Class of 2020
ranked MBA program, world-class research faculty, and a comprehensive portfolio of
business-education programs. Kaylynn Kennedy Emily Popson
Business students explore the world as part of their USF educational experience. Advertising Integrated Public Relations and Advertising
More than a quarter of all USF students who took advantage of summer study abroad Class of 2022 Class of 2020
excursions were business majors. Some of these trips gave students the chance to
explore established marketplaces and visit with global business leaders in distant Naomi Microcznik Wladimirski Shelby Weininger
locations such as England, Panama, Prague, and India. Some students took part in Mass Communication - Advertising Integrated Public Relations and Advertising
semester-long exchange programs at internationally respected institutions. Class of 2020 Class of 2021
University of South Florida Muma College of Business
4202 E. Fowler Ave., BSN 3403 • Tampa, FL 33620