Improved Grappling: A 5E Rules Guide
Improved Grappling: A 5E Rules Guide
Improved Grappling: A 5E Rules Guide
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Improved Grappling Rules
Grappling is a great form of battlefield manipulation, allowing Silence. Covering the creature’s mouth, you try to stop it
strong melee based characters an additional option to from making any noise. Make a grapple check. If you succeed,
manipulate the flow of the battle. the creature suffers the silence effect until your next turn.
The rules contained within the Player’s Handbook on Pound. Make an unarmed attack, or an attack with a light
page 195, whilst adequate we feel sometimes do not offer weapon, with advantage
players a large amount of choice, and can often feel like Moving a Grappled Creature. When you move, you can drag
a suboptimal move. We have attempted to remedy this by or carry the grappled creature with you, but your speed is halved,
offering additional options, and bolstering the ‘Grappler’ feat unless the creature is two or more sizes smaller than you.
to expand upon this option. Throw Prone. You attempt to throw a creature grappled by
It is important to remember that while these changes were you to the ground. Make a grapple check, if you succeed, the
designed for players foremost, they are also extremely strong creature is no longer grappled, but is knocked prone.
roleplay tools for enemy creatures attempting to disrupt the Disarm. Target an item held by the grappled creature, and
parties plans. make a grapple check. If you succeed, the defender drops the
item. You have disadvantage if the defender is holding the item
with two or more hands. The target has advantage if it is larger
G rappling than you, or disadvantage if it is smaller.
When you want to grab a creature or wrestle with it, you
can use the Attack action to make a special melee attack, a
Additionally, allies can attempt to subdue an enemy creature
grapple. If you’re able to make multiple attacks with the Attack
that your are grappling:
action, this attack replaces one of them.
Subdue. Whilst grappled, an ally can attempt to subdue the
The target of your grapple must be no more than one size
target using ropes/manacles. The friendly creature uses their
larger than you and must be within your reach.
action to make a grapple check to inflict the incapacitated effect
Using at least one free hand, you try to seize the target by
on the target. Whilst incapacitated this way, a creature may
making a grapple check instead of an attack roll: a Strength
attempt to break the equipment subduing them but may take
(Athletics) check contested by the target’s Strength (Athletics)
no other actions or reactions. This effect lasts until another
or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (the target chooses the ability
creature frees the subdued creatures, or they break the
to use). If you succeed, you subject the target to the grappled
equipment used.
condition (see appendix A of the Player’s Handbook).
If you move at least 20 feet before grappling a target creature,
you can instead use the your action to make a special melee A dditional C hanges
attack, as described above, with advantage. In addition you can Due to the changes above, the Grappler feat should be
use your bonus action to make the pound action this turn. amended as follows:
The condition specifies the things that end it, and you can
release the target whenever you like (no action required). Grappler
Escaping a Grapple. A grappled creature can use its action Prerequisite: Strength 13 or higher
to escape. To do so, it must succeed on a Strength (Athletics) A skilled wrestler or veteran of barroom brawls you gain the
or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check contested by your Strength following benefits:
(Athletics) check. • Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20
Breaking Free. A grappled creature may attempt to cause
• You gain proficiency in the Athletics skill.
harm to the grappler instead, attempting to cause it to lose
focus. When making an attack whilst grappled the creature • When grappling, your unarmed strikes deal d6 damage.
may spend it’s bonus action to try and break free. The attack has • You have advantage on Constitution saving throws that you
disadvantage but if successful the grappler must make a CON make when resolving the ‘Breaking Free’ action.
save at DC 10 + Strength Modifier (or half the attacks damage,
whichever is higher) in order to maintain the grapple.