Satheeshkumar Dhrithiya (NJC) - 2021-Is1-PA8.1 Tea Bag Activity - HBL (ST)
Satheeshkumar Dhrithiya (NJC) - 2021-Is1-PA8.1 Tea Bag Activity - HBL (ST)
Satheeshkumar Dhrithiya (NJC) - 2021-Is1-PA8.1 Tea Bag Activity - HBL (ST)
IS1 – The Nature of Science
Practical Activity
Name: Dhrithiya [12 ]
Class: Jh107 Date: 29June2021
1. Prepare cold water by putting water into the fridge or melting some ice in water.
2. Prepare hot water by boiling some water. Handle the hot water with care.
3. Fill the transparent cup with water at room temperature. Prepare a tea bag and place it into the cup
gently. Start the stopwatch.
4. Take a photo of the cup from the side view every 30 seconds for a total of 3 minutes (i.e. 30 secs, 1
min, 1 min 30 secs, and so on). Do not disturb the water! Insert your photos on the next page.
5. Record the time taken for the colour of the water to become uniform in the space below.
6. Repeat steps 3 to 5, replacing the water at room temperature with cold water in the second
experiment, and with hot water in the third experiment.
Recording Observations
1. Record the time taken for the tea to be dispersed uniformly in the beaker of room-temperature
water, cold water and hot water, in a suitable table below.
Junior High Year 1 PA 3.2
IS1 – The Nature of Science
Practical Activity
90 s 120 s 150 s
180 s
Junior High Year 1 PA 3.2
IS1 – The Nature of Science
Practical Activity
Cold water:
0s 30 s 60 s
90 s 120 s 150 s
180 s
Hot water:
Junior High Year 1 PA 3.2
IS1 – The Nature of Science
Practical Activity
0s 30 s 60 s
90 s 120 s 150 s
180 s
Junior High Year 1 PA 3.2
IS1 – The Nature of Science
Practical Activity
3. Describe your observations of how the tea behaves in each type of water.
Discussion Questions
1. What macroscopic evidence do you have that particles of liquids must be moving at all times?
At all temperatures, the water will absorb the tea particles and change colour but it will take time and
for each temperature, the time that the water changes colour varies.
2. What is the relationship between the behavior of the tea particles and the temperature of the water
The higher the temperature of the water, the faster the tea particles move.
3. Using the kinetic particle theory, explain the relationship between the behavior of the tea particles
and the temperature of the water. Support your explanation with evidence.
As the temperature increases, the kinetic energy of the tea particles increases. The hot water
absorbed the tea the fastest. Thus it changed colour the fastest.
4. What conclusion can be drawn about the speed of particle movement and temperature?
Junior High Year 1 PA 3.2
IS1 – The Nature of Science
Practical Activity