Weekly Home Learning Plan For Grade 11 Week 2, Quarter 1, September
Weekly Home Learning Plan For Grade 11 Week 2, Quarter 1, September
Weekly Home Learning Plan For Grade 11 Week 2, Quarter 1, September
Humms A PHILIPPINE POLITICS Differentiate the political ideologies Answer the ff. set of Activities on a long- Personal submission by the
AND GOVERNANCE Identify the basic tenets of Major Political sized bond paper. parent to the teacher in school
ideologies Module 2-The Concept of Politics and on the scheduled date of
Humms B Explain the main features of each of the Governance submission.
Political ideologies Let’s Find What You Know page 4-5
Examine the relationship between political Engagement 3 “ Help me Identify” Digitized modules will be sent on
ideologies and configurations of political page 9 the Facebook GC of each
Communities Engagement 7 : Artist in Me ! Page digitized modular class.
Analyze how political ideologies impact on 14 Instructions will follow.
the social and political life of Filipino
“Lets check it “- Page 17 -18
Have a separate sheet for each
Make sure to label each activity
with its corresponding activity title
and activity number.
All outputs must be arranged and
No need to copy the questions, just
provide the answers to each
activity legibly.
Please use your time wisely. Copy-
paste answers will be marked zero
For consultation, follow strictly the
subject schedule.
All outputs should have the
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
Submitted by:
Grade and Section:
Submitted to: John Joseph F. Negapatan