GTQ Lab 2 VM ID Examination Protocols Sept 2017

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GTQ 342 Fall 2017

Procedure for Visual & Manual Examination of Fine-grained Soils

Adapted from ASTM Standard D2488 – 09a for Educational Purposes.

Use the following methods for examining fine-grained soil samples.

1. Obtain a portion of the sample, enough to fit within your palm. Add water to form a
thick paste (so the material is not tacky) and flatten the sample. Draw the flat surface of
a spatula blade across the surface of the sample and record the appearance of the
sample surface.
2. Remould the sample and then flatten it in the palm of your hand. With your hand open,
jar the side of your hand several times with your other hand. Record the appearance of
the surface of the sample. Deform the sample by cupping your palm and note what
change occurs to the sample surface. Refer to Table 9 from the ASTM standard for
describing the response.
3. Add water to form a thick paste (not tacky) if necessary. Make the sample into a ball,
roll it in your palm or on the glass plate, form a 3 mm-thick thread, and then repeat the
procedure. Repeat until the material begins to crumble when forming the thread.
Reform the pieces and note their ability to form a cohesive mass. Refer to Tables 10
and 11 from the ASTM standard to apply the proper adjective.
4. Rub a portion of the sample between your thumb and forefinger. Note the presence or
absence of grittiness.
5. Squeeze a portion of the dry sample between thumb and forefinger. Record the ease of
crushing each sample relative to the other samples. Refer to Table 8 from the ASTM
standard to apply the proper adjective.
6. Should the presence of carbonates be demonstrated by the instructor using dilute HCl,
please note the reaction as per Table 4 criteria.

Brief Written Description

Refer to all five field tests for fine-grained samples and identify each soil sample (X, Y and Z) as
Clay, Silt, Silt and Clay, Silty Clay or Clayey Silt. If sand was detected in any sample, modify your
description using “with sand”. Following this identification, provide a summary statement of
the observations taken from the lab tests. Be sure to note the colour of the soil in this
summary statement. Use the proper vocabulary as stated in Tables 8, 9, 10 and 11 of ASTM
D2488 to express your observations. Suggest a group symbol from Table 12 that most closely
characterizes your results.

GTQ 342 Fall 2017
ASTM D2488-09a selected reference tables.

“M” means Silt, “C” means Clay
“L” means low plasticity and “H” means high plasticity

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