Libro 5
Libro 5
Libro 5
• Ask your child. 'Where do you think this story is set?' l'-·-·-----------./
• Tolk with your child obout whot kinds of food you both like to eot.
Practise phonics
Your child should be o ble to reod most of the words in this book by soying the
letter sounds then blending them together. Your child is leorning thct there ore
olternative pronunciotions forsome letters. e.g. the 'o: in 'cpron' is pronounced
/ai/. Ask your child to practise their phonic skills by reoding these words:
Common words
Common words (sometimes called 'high-frequency words') are words that
children will use in everyday speech or will come ocross regularly while
reading. Sorne words ('tricky' ar 'cornmon exception' words) hove letters
which do not sound os your child might expect. e.g. the letters 'eir' in 'their'
moke the /oir/ sound. Encouroge your child to reod these words by soying and
blending the letter sounds os much as they con. then help them with the tricky
po rt if needed.
I'm don't
Challenge words
These words may be tricky far your child toread using their phonic skills but
they ore importont for the meoning of the story. Encourage your child to read
these words by soying ond blending the letter sounds os muchas they con.
then help them with the tricky port. or simply read the word to them.
During reading OWL
for schoot
Encourage your child toread at their awn pace. pointing under üiscovcr eBool<.s. inspirotionol
each word if it helps. resources, edvice cnd support
Forhome ...
• If your child gets stuck on o word. prompt thern to soy the Helpi.rtg your child's teorr,ir19 • ,•
with íree eBn(tk<., essentrcl ·�·:·:·
letter sounds then blend them together to moke the word. tlps cnd fun ccüvttlcs
e.g. s-i-s-t-er becomes 'sister'.
• If your child is still struggling with the word, reod the word to them.
This is perfectly OK ond allows them to move on quickly with the story.
Nok's Lunch
Jan Burchett ond Soro Vogler • Jonotronix
In this story .. . X
( Nok
L waitress J
Cat was having lunch with her mum and
sister. She went to get sorne salad.
Cat put sorne tornato on her plate.
She put sorne potato salad on a
plate for her sister.
Nok poked his head out.
"Can I toste sorne of thot?" asked Nok.
"OK," said Cat. "Just don't let the waitress
see you."
Nok sniffed the food on the plate. He ate
sorne cucurnber. Then he tasted sorne
patato salad.
Just then, the waitress picked up the plate.
She carried it away. Nok was still on it!
"Nok!" Cat said m alarm. She had to
find him.
She hid behind a big fern and shrank.
l ......
( J
Cat followed the waitress. She went into
a room full of people rushing around.
Cat spotted Nok next to the sink.
Cat found an apron string and pulled
herself up.
Nok was smelling sorne pepper.
"Don't, Nok!" shrieked Cat.
It was too late.
A-tish-oo! Nok went tumbling over into
the sink.
Cat got a strip of pasta from a bowl.
"Hold this," she shouted. "I will pull
you up."
The pasta began to rip.
"Help!" called Nok. "I'rn not go1ng to
make it!"
Cat grabbed hold of Nok's hand just in time.
She pulled him up. She pulled too hard!
They fell on to a big cream cake.
"Yum, yum!" said Nok, Licking his fingers.
Retell the story X
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After reading
• Using the story mop on poge 16. osk your child to retel! the story in their
own words. Whot hoppened ot the beginning? Whot hoppened next? etc.
• Which port of the story did they like the most?
Tolk with your child obout the book. Here ore sorne questions you could usk:
• Whot food did Nok toste?
• How did Nok get into the kitchen? How did he foil into the sink?
• How did Cot sove Nok?
Encouroge your child to reod the story ogoin. This will build their reoding
confidence ond reoding fluency.
Other things to do
Help your child to moke o solad using ingredients thot begin with the
following sounds: /!/. /ti. /pi. Id.
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Pnnred in Hong Kong by P.iraoKX101
Illust.raúons by Jonao-onix Lid
Cover tille o.rb Bellenixe/Shuu=ock
Projccr X conccpc by Rod Thcodorou .md Emma cynch
Teaching notes by linda Tollroc
Blast off
on the BIGGEST
micro-adventure yet ...
it's out of this world!
Nok's Lunch
What will happen when
Cat and Nok go out
for lunch?
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