Module 2
Module 2
Module 2
Lesson 1 of module 2 is about culture and moral behavior. Have you ever visited a place you find so strange
because of the actions or practices of the people you found out .In this lesson , we will discuss about culture
and its characteristics, the cultures that influence the person’s moral behavior and the providers of moral
behavior in a culture. At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:
a. Articulate what culture means
b. Attribute facets of personal behavior to culture
c. Recognize differences in moral behavior of different cultures
d. Describe the characteristic of culture
II – INSTRUCTIONS (same instructions stated in module 1)
a. Introduction of the lesson
Culture reflects the moral values and ethical norms governing how people should behave and interact
with others. Different cultures have different moral codes. In Lesson 1 let us find out how different
cultures influence moral behavior , recognize different cultures and how would you react with and
describe the characteristics of culture.
b. Instructions: (same instructions stated in module 1)
c. Discussion:
● What is culture?
⮚ The word "culture" derives from the Latin word “cultus” which means care – a care and attention
provided to a human person as he grows into a mature person
⮚ Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, encompassing language,
religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts.
⮚ Culture is dynamic medium through which societies create a collective way of life reflected in such
things as beliefs, values, music, literary, arts, dance, science, religion, rituals, technology and others. It
is a social heritage of a society which is transmitted from one generation to another through language.
● What are those cultures that influence the person’s moral behavior?
1. Material culture that refers to the concrete and tangible things that man creates and uses. This
include dwelling units, tools, weapons, clothing, books, machines, artifacts, relics, fossils, etc.
2. Non-material culture which refers to things or intangible objects which the person uses, follows,
professes, or strives to conform. It includes knowledge, laws, lifestyles, teachings, ideas, customs,
moral behavior, mores values, language, sanctions, etc.
● Functions of Culture
Here are some of the functions of culture which are significant in understanding our moral behavior:
1. Culture provides identity to the people in the society. This is what separates communal groups
from each other. They are known by their distinct traditions and beliefs that they hold dear.
2. Culture mirrors the laws of the land. Laws in one society is born out of the norms which are the
socially acceptable behavioral patterns in the community. These norms are held with supreme
importance, and so the people make sure that they are systematized and followed by all.
3. Culture unifies people in ways that only those who belong in that society understands. It is
always what the communal group invokes in matters of decision, practices and traditions.
4. Culture influences our concept of morality. Culture provides the rules of the games in the society
through our cultural norms. It is very much perspective of what is morally right or wrong, what is
respectful or not, affecting our patterns of behavior.
1. It is learned through the interaction among members of the culture.
2. It provides for appropriate and acceptable behavior in the form of values, beliefs and norms. It also
identifies desirable behavior for the members.
3. It provides means of organizing and classifying the environment in distinctive ways. It also
structures daily life.
4. It gives meaning and reality to one’s existence.
5. It is transmitted and passed on from generation to generation giving consistency and tradition to
the group.
6. Its common code is language that is used in rituals, education, institutions, politics, religion and
myths for example.
e. Evaluation/Assessment
1. How does culture define moral behavior?
2. How do you think your community influences your behavior?
3. Why is culture a very powerful force that influence the lives and moral behavior of the members of
4. Tell about your culture and the traditions of your family. Use the format below to answer
Language my family and I speak
2. ___________________
3. ____________________
2. ________________
3. _________________
1. _____________________
2. _____________________
3. _____________________
My favorite tradition/s and why?
1. ________________________
2. ________________________
f. References
1. Roman D. Leaño , Ethics for College students ;Mindshapers Co. Inc. Manila 2018
2. Reynaldo A. Padilla ;Ethics ,Books ATBP. Publishing Corp.2019
3. Erland de Vera Palean, Ethics Exploring moral Philosophy, Books ATBP.Publishing Corp. 2019
The cross-cultural relationship is the idea that people from different cultures can have different moral
codes. One way of knowing which ethical views works in certain context is by understanding the cultures of
different people. In lesson 2 is all about the dynamics of culture and we will focus our discussion on cultural
relativism a theory of the nature of morality. At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
a. Define cultural relativism
b. Differentiate cultural relativism and ethnocentrism
c. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of cultural relativism
d. Recognize the claims of cultural relativists
e. Understand the cultural differences arguments
II – INSTRUCTIONS (same instructions stated in module 1)
a. Introduction of the lesson
Cultural relativism is the idea that a person’s beliefs, values and practices should be understood based
on that person’s own culture. In this lesson let us find out what would be the impressions of an
individual to different cultures of the society where he/she lives in.
b. Instructions: (Follow the same instructions stated in module 1)
Cultural Relativism
⮚ Is the idea that a person beliefs, values, practices should be understood based on the
person’s own culture rather than be judged against the criteria, of another culture. In other
words cultural relativism is not judging a culture to our own standards of what is right or wrong,
strange or normal, instead, we should try to understand cultural practices, values and beliefs of
other groups in its own cultural context. In other words, what is practiced and valued as good in
one place may not be good in another place.
⮚ Cultural relativism is the view that moral beliefs and practices vary with and depend on the
human needs and social conditions of particular cultures.
Ethnocentrism – is the practice of talking one’s own people, society and culture to be the
vantage point from which all else is viewed and judge.
-Ethnocentric individuals are prone to misreading context, therefore, misjudging individuals
from other cultures
Xenocentrism – a belief that one’s own cultural features are downgrade in comparison to those
-Xenocentric individuals value commodities, style, culture or even ideas from another
country or culture other than their own.
d. Summary
From the lesson, we can say that cultural relativism is the ability to understand culture on its own terms
and not to make judgement using the standards of one’s own culture. The goal of this is to promote
understanding of cultural practices that are not typically part of one’s culture. No one has the right to question
the culture of different people living in a society where he lives instead he/she should respect them. It is
improper to teach them what to do and what not to do on the basis of one’s belief. On the other we should be
aware of our moral standards for us not to become an ethnocentric or xenocentric.
Answer the following questions briefly but substantially
1. Cultural bucket list. List four countries which are included in your bucket list. Research on the following
cultural practices and contrast how in the Philippines these are exercised . Complete the table below.
Country Greetings Table manners Marriage Dating Burial
2. List down three examples of cultural relativism which are bad in our society but good in other
3. Why are Filipinos more of xenocentrics than ethnocentrics?
f. References
1. Roman D. Leaño , Ethics for College students ;Mindshapers Co. Inc. Manila 2018
2. Reynaldo A. Padilla ;Ethics ,Books ATBP. Publishing Corp.2019
3. Erland de Vera Palean, Ethics Exploring moral Philosophy, Books ATBP.Publishing Corp. 2019
4. Rachel, James “What is Morality,4th ed. New York:McGraw-Hill College,2004
5. (
4. Religion
The Philippines is one of two predominantly Roman Catholic nations in Asia Pacific. Their habit of
going to church and often praying reflects that Filipinos have a deep faith and belief when it comes
to religion. Filipinos believe that having a strong devotion may lead to a better life and their
guidance to face everyday life.
5. Superstition
In the Philippines superstitious beliefs have grown throughout the country. These beliefs have
come from the different sayings and beliefs of our ancestors that aim to prevent danger from
happening or to make a person refrain from doing something in particular.
6. Marriage and Wedding Customs
In the country, marriage is a sacred union of man and woman after a period of courtship and
engagement. It is a sacrament between two people who love each other. For many Filipinos, the
eternal quality of dedication to God pervades a truly sacred marriage.
7. Death
Death in the Philippines is one of the most important occasions in the family life. For many
Filipinos, a death of a relative is an opportunity strengthen ties in the family. To pat respect and
honor the relationship to the deceased, long lost relatives, friends and even relatives working
abroad are united.
8. Society
The Philippines is a combined society, it is divided between Christians, Muslims, and other
religious-ethno-linguistic groups, between urban and rural people between upland and low land
people and between the rich and the poor. Although different in numerous ways, the Filipinos are
very hospitable and give appropriate respect to everybody regardless of race, culture and belief.
9. Christmas in the Philippines
It is considered as one of the biggest holidays in the archipelago starts early as September until
Epiphany or there are some they celebrate until the feast of Nazarene or the Feast of Santo Niño de
Cebu on the third Sunday of January.
10. Fiestas
Every town and city in the Philippines has a fiesta of its own; whatever time of the year it is,
There sure to be a fiesta going on somewhere. Fiestas in the Philippines are held to celebrate a
patron saint. It is part and parcel of Filipino culture through good times and bad times, it must go
on because this a way to celebrate their blessings, commemorate their past and observed solemn
religious rituals.
Positive Filipino Values
1. Bayanihan system
2. Damayan system
3. Familism or close Family relation
4. Fun-loving trait
5. Hospitality
6. Compassionate
7. Regionalism
8. Friendly
9. Flexible
10. Religious
11. Respect to elders
12. Remedyo attitude
13. Matiyaga
14. Utang na loob
c. Summary
From the lesson we can say that Filipino culture is unique compared to other Asian countries, Filipinos
are known to be hospitable that’s why a lot of foreigners love to spend their vacation here especially
during fiestas, and holidays and they are treated with utmost respect. Filipinos always have an open
door to welcome their visitors no matter what’s their status in life. Filipinos are known to be as family
oriented meaning they have a very close family ties, they are respectful that even young people knows
how to respect their elders by kissing their hands known as “Mano po” or by saying “po” and
“opo”.They value their customs and traditions so much .Filipinos are fun loving individuals who have a
passion for festivals, indeed a lot of festivals such as the “Sinulog Festival” in Cebu, The“Panagbenga
Festival” in Baguio city and other festivals. A lot of tourist enjoy watching these festivals that makes it
more fun in the Philippines. Wherever you go, Filipino culture is evident and has largely been
appreciated in many parts of the world.
b. ________________________________________________________________________________________________