School of Business, Management and Accountancy: Aldersgate College, Inc. Solano, Nueva Vizcaya
School of Business, Management and Accountancy: Aldersgate College, Inc. Solano, Nueva Vizcaya
School of Business, Management and Accountancy: Aldersgate College, Inc. Solano, Nueva Vizcaya
As of December 31, 2020
Current Assets
Cash and Cash Equivalent 7 8,921,353,159.75 7,312,724,787.71
Receivables 8 8,590,937,999.08 6,924,116,794.08
Inventories 9 8,111,129.12 6,929,218.97
Investments 10 363,933,931.17 361,407,180.94
Other Assets 11 22,217,930.10 53,802,999.45
Total Current Assets 17,906,554,149.22 14,658,980,981.15
Non-Current Assets
Property, Plant and Equipment 12 588,079,096.34 553,557,069.68
Total Non-Current Assets 588,079,096.34 553,557,069.68
Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities
Payables 13 1,346,224,247.85 529,121,510.68
Inter-Agency Payables 14 2,975,108,154.87 3,300,327,358.13
Intra-Agency Payables 15 24,081,770.22 2,412,636.12
Other Payables 16 107,963,054.94 139,974,896.72
Total Current Liabilities 4,453,377,227.88 3,971,836,401.65
Non-Current Liabilites
Deferred Credits/Unearned Income 17 24,739,254.76 25,148,718.37
Total Non-Current Liabilities 24,739,254.76 25,148,718.37
TOTAL LIABILITIES 4,478,116,482.64 3,996,985,120.02
Equity 14,016,516,762.92 11,215,552,930.81
Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit) 14,016,516,762.92 11,215,552,930.81
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET 18,494,633,245.56 15,212,538,050.83
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya
School of Business, Management and Accountancy
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Solano, Nueva Vizcaya
School of Business, Management and Accountancy
Cash Outflows
Remittance to National Treasury 23 105,086,869.52 265,943,179.62
Payment of Expenses 3,846,046,398.98 2,306,256,283.21
Payment of Inventories 4,929,249.37 6,843,102.06
Grant of Cash Advances 11,245,553.73 -
Payment of Accounts Payables 578,656,617.09 169,344,974.53
Remittance of Personnel Benefit Contributions and
Mandatory Deductions 33,246,788.06 17,825,923.96
Release of Inter-Agency Fund Transfers 2,698,848,346.30 1,262,929,067.67
Release of Intra-Agency Fund Transfers 3,197,034,434.40 3,679,716,512.59
Reversal of Unutilized NCA 23 1,392,929,126.81 4,575,502,906.69
Other Disbursements 24,530,336.60 2,389,811.37
Adjustments 28 203,225,358.40 119,309,040.15
Total Cash Outflows 12,095,779,079.26 12,406,060,801.85
Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Operating Activities 1,655,114,023.41 6,899,798,191.07
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Cash Outflows
Purchase/Construction of Property, Plant and 46,485,651.37 32,481,145.36
Total Cash Outflows 46,485,651.37 32,481,145.36
Services and Business Income 14,002,554.16 16,641,454.16 65,669,874.69 (49,028,420.53)
Gains -
Other Non-Operating Income 1,229,600.00 1,229,600.00 932,570.41 297,029.59
Other Non-Operating Receipts -
Total Receipts 15,232,154.16 17,871,054.16 66,602,445.10 (48,731,390.94)
Personnel Services 264,445,743.00 315,392,570.00 303,963,823.02 11,428,746.98
Maintenance and Other
Operating Expenses 2,135,286,000.00 5,477,681,850.78 2,538,898,975.96 2,938,782,874.82
Capital Outlay - 518,032,655.62 246,823,613.64 271,209,041.98
Financial Expenses -
Other Disbursements -
Total Payments 2,399,731,743.00 6,311,107,076.40 3,089,686,412.62 3,221,420,663.78
For FY 2020, CHED had a budget of P40. 78 billion, which is 22.22% lower than its
current budget of P52.44 billion, as provided in the General Appropriations Act (GAA) for
Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 or the RA No. 11465.
On another note, CHED’s total liabilities also increased by 482 million or 12 percent.
Total liabilities was composed of: 4,453,377,227.88 Current Liabilities, 24% of Total Assets,
and 24,739,254.76 Non-current Liabilities, 0.13% of Total Assets. Such figures were due to
significant increase on inter-agency and intra-agency’s payables; primarily, unpaid scholarship
grants, amount due to officers and employees, unclaimed checks in the Regional Offices, etc.
Thus, accumulated surplus pulled up with a figure of 14 billion, totaling to 18,494,633,245.56
total liabilities and net equity, balanced with 18,494,633,245.56 Total Assets.
For FY 2020, total revenues of CHED amounted to 2.35 billion, posting an increment of
8.55 percent from FY 2019 of 2.16 billion. Total current operating expenses amounting to 3.55
Solano, Nueva Vizcaya
School of Business, Management and
billion increased by 33.81 percent compared to previous year’s 2.65 billion; resulting in a deficit
from current operations of 1.198 billion. A net surplus of 4.410 billion was realized after adding
the positive Net Financial Assistance/Subsidy of 5.608 billion. This surplus is higher by 1.369
billion or 45 percent more than the FY 2019 balance of 3.040 billion.
On the other hand, net cash provided by operating activities and net cash used in
financing activities in FY 2020 amounted to 1.655 billion and 46.486 million, respectively;
resulting in a net increase in cash and cash equivalents of 1.609 billion. After adding the
beginning balance of 7.313 billion, the cash and cash equivalents of CHED at the end of the FY
2020 amounted to 8.921 billion.
Moreover, the restated positive balance of the net assets/equity on January 1, 2020
amounted to 11.216 billion. After adding the surplus for the period of 4.410 billion and
deducting the adjustment of net revenue recognized directly in net assets/equity of 60.132
million and prior period adjustments of 1.549 billion, the net assets/equity as of December 31,
2020 resulted in a positive balance of 14.017 billion.
For FY 2020, the final budgeted receipts of 17.871 million increased by 2.639 million
compared to the original budgeted receipts of 15.232 million. In the same way, actual receipts of
66.602 million were higher by 48.731 million than the final budgeted receipts.
The final budgeted payments of 6.311 billion increased by 3.911 billion from the original
budgeted payments of 2.400 billion. Actual payments of 3.090 billion were significantly lower
by 3.221 billion.