Activity 1: Mirroring Therapy: Processing Questions
Activity 1: Mirroring Therapy: Processing Questions
Activity 1: Mirroring Therapy: Processing Questions
Processing Questions
Processing Questions
Keep In Mind
We have been dealing with a lot of drastic changes since the pandemic started. Face-to-
face classes have been cancelled and were replaced by online classes, we are required to wear
face masks and face shields, and we have been robbed of almost two years of normal lives.
I’m pretty sure I am not the only whose facing a lot of difficulties right now, I’m sure we
all are, brought to us by the pandemic. But I think as time passes by, I have learned to cope. I
have learned to deal with the challenges and not turn my back and run away from them. The
light at the end of the tunnel is not yet seen from where we are right now. So all we have to do
is still fasten our seat belts and hope for the best.
Activity 3:
Though many storms have passed,
And more will come,
But surely still – always unbreakable
Pledge of Commitment
I hereby solemnly promise, with sincerity and truthfulness, to keep on striving and to
never give up despite any challenges that may come my way. So help me God!
Not giving up
Striving hard to get it done