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PerDev Q1 W1 KnowingOneself-1

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Department of Education

Knowing and Understanding Oneself
during Middle and Late Adolescence

Module 1
Marinell A. Lorica
Marvin M. Lunar
Mariel Eugene L. Luna
Reviewer/ Layout Artist

Schools Division Office – Muntinlupa City

Student Center for Life Skills Bldg., Centennial Ave., Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
(02) 8805-9935 / (02) 8805-9940

What I Need to Know

Welcome to this course, PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, or PERDEV for short.

This is a very interesting course because the subject matter for this course is YOU!
As a senior high school student, you have entered a new educational level, as well as
a new psychological and social level, called the middle and late adolescence. You may
feel that you are no longer the rapidly growing and awkward teenager, but you also
feel you are not quite ready to call yourself a mature adult either.

This course shall make you take a deeper look at yourself and analyze your
developmental changes, your skills and traits which can help you meet the various
tasks that you must undertake at this point in your life. It shall provide you with
some techniques to meet stress and other mental health issues with one’s strengths
and coping powers.

The course shall also give you the chance to analyze your relationships with
your family, friends and significant others. Finally, the PERDEV course shall help
you take stock of where you are in your career development and how to get to where
you want to be.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Explain that knowing oneself can make a person accept his/her

strengths and limitations and dealing with others better.
2. Share his/her unique characteristics, habits and experience

What I Know

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of
1. It is the self that you aspire to be. It is the one that you hope will possess
characteristic similar to that of a mentor or some other wordly figure.
a. Actual Self c. Self - Concept
b. Ideal Self d. Self - Development

2. It refers to your awareness of yourself. An Idea of the one self constructed from
the beliefs one holds about oneself and the responses of others.
a. Actual Self c. Self - Concept
b. Ideal Self d. Self - Development

3. It is derived from social interactions that provide insight into how others react
with you.
a. Self - Development c. Self - Knowledge
b. Self - Image d. Social Roles

4. It is the one that you actually see. It is the self that has characteristic that you
were nurtured or, in some cases, born to have.
a. Actual Self c. Self Image
b. Ideal Self d. Social Roles

5. This exist between the two selves which is complex because there are numerous
exchanges between the ideal and actual self.
a. Aspect of Personal Development c. Negotiation
b. Career Development d. Personal Effectiveness

6. It is a lifelong process of managing learning, work, leisure and transition in order

to move toward a personality determined and evolving preferred future.
a. Career Awareness c. Career Pathing
b. Career Development d. Self - Assessment

7. It is taking steps to making yourself better, such as by learning new skills or

overcoming bad habits.
a. Career Development c. Self - Image
b. Personal Development d. Self - Development

8. It is a way for people to assess their skills and qualities consider their aims in life
and set goals in order to realize and maximize their potential.
a. Creativity c. Personal Development
b. Determination d. Self-confidence

9. Making use of all the personal resources such as talents skills, energy and time,
to enable you to achieve life goals.
a. Personal Effectiveness c. Self-knowledge
b. Self - Assessment d. Motivation

10. It allows you to find extraordinary ways to carry out a specific action that no one
has tried to use.
a. Creativity c. Persistence
b. Determination d. Self-confidence

11. It makes you keep moving forward regardless of emerging obstacles, problems,
laziness, and bad emotional state etc.
a. Creativity c. Persistence
b. Managing stress d. Problem-solving skills

12. It helps combat stress that arises in daily life from the environment and other
a. Determination c. Persistence
b. Generating Ideas d. Problem-solving skills

13. This person does not only watch, and doesn’t only act, but actually creates the
entire movie from her mind.
a. Actor c. Journal Writing
b. Moviegoer d. Scriptwriter

14. This person watches the movie of their lives, admires some parts and criticizes
a. Actor c. Producer
b. Moviegoer d. Scriptwriter

15. It appears in the process of personal development, as a result of getting aware of

yourself, your actions and their consequences.
a. Determination c. Persistence
b. Creativity d. Self-confidence

Lesson Knowing and Understanding

1 Oneself during Middles and Late


What’s In

Draw a self-portrait that best represents yourself and list down your various
strengths and weaknesses.


Processing Questions:

1. How did you find out your strength and weaknesses?

2. How does your weaknesses affect you as a students in dealing with everyday

3. What do you feel when you are doing what you loved to do?

4. After knowing your strengths and weaknesses, how does it affect you as a

What is It


Imagine yourself looking into a mirror.

What do you see?

Do you see your ideal self or your actual self?

Source: https://tinyurl.com/y74oocn2

Your ideal self is an idealized vision of who you think and say you are.
It’s more who you want and wish to be than who you know yourself to be.
Your actual self is what you think and believe who you are from life
experiences and how you perceived others view you. Your feeling and level of
self-esteem are based on what those perceptions are of your actual self. Your
perceived attributes are often what you think you are, as an identity.
The actual self is your representation of the attributes that you believe
you actually possess, or that you believe others believe you possess. The
“actual self” is a person’s basic self-concept. Self-knowledge is
understanding at oneself or one’s own motivates or character. The term actual
self was introduced by Tory Higgins in 1987, as part of his self-discrepancy
theory. From this perspective, the actual self is a cognitive structure (cognitive
schemata, or representation) that contains all attributes that a person believes
that are self-descriptive. Your actual self is what you think and believe who
you are from life experiences and how you perceived others view you. Your
feelings and level of self-esteem are based on what those perception are of
your actual self.
Social roles refer to the expectations, responsibilities, and behaviors we
adopt in certain situations. The ideas for expected or “normal behavior are
reinforced both by the individual and by society.
The ideal self an idealized version of yourself created out of what you
have learned from your life experiences, the demands of society, and what you
admire in your role models. Ideal self are terms used to describe personality

What’s New

Activity: PICK-A-PICT

Students will pick a picture or an image on the bag that best represents
their talents and skills as an individuals

Guide Questions:
1. What do you feel when you are sharing your talents to the class?

2. What do you feel when you do things that you loved the most?

3. What are the things you do to improve the talents that you have?


Personal effectiveness means making use of all the personal resources –

talents, skills, energy and time, to enable you to achieve life goals. Your knowledge
of yourself and how you manage yourself impacts directly on your personal
effectiveness. Being self-aware, making the most of your strengths, learning new
skills and techniques and behavioral flexibility are all keys to improving your
personal performance. Our personal effectiveness depends on our innate
characteristics – talent and experience accumulated in the process of personal

Talents first are needed to be identified and then developed to be used in a
particular subject area (science, literature, sports, politics, etc.). Experience
includes knowledge and skills that we acquire in the process of cognitive and
practical activities.
Knowledge is required for setting goals, defining an action plan to achieve them
and risk assessment. Skills also determine whether real actions are performed in
accordance with the plan. If the same ability is used many times in the same
situation, then it becomes a habit that runs automatically, subconsciously.

The Seven (7) Effective ways that will greatly increase the efficiency of a person:

1. Determination. It allows you to

focus only on achieving a specific
goal without being distracted by
less important things
or spontaneous desires. It may
be developed with the help of
selfdiscipline exercise.

2. Self-confidence. It appears in the process of

personal development, as a result of getting
aware of yourself, your actions and their
consequences. Self confidence is
manifested in speech, appearance,
dressing, gait, and physical condition. To
develop it, you need to learn yourself and your
capabilities, gain positive attitude and believe
that by performing right actions and achieving
right goals you will certainly reach success.

3. Persistence. It makes you keep
moving forward regardless of emerging
obstacles – problems, laziness, bad
emotional state, etc. It reduces the
costs of overcoming obstacles. It can
also be developed with the help of self
- discipline exercise.

4. Managing stress. It helps combat stress

that arises in daily life from the environment
and other people. Stress arise s from the
uncertainty in an unknown situation when a
lack of information creates the risk of negative
consequences of your actions. It increases
efficiency in the actively changing

5. Problem-solving skills. They help

cope with the problems encountered
with a lack of experience. It increases
efficiency by adopting new ways of
achieving goals when obtaining a new
experience. 6. Creativity. It allows you
to find extraordinary ways to carry out
a specific action that no one has tried
to use. It can lead to a decrease or an
increase of costs, but usually the
speed of action is greatly increased
when using creative tools.

6. Creativity
It allows you to find extraordinary ways to carry out
a specific action that no one has tried to use. It can
lead to a decrease or an increase in costs, but usually,
the speed of action is greatly increased when using
creative tools. It requires the ability to generate ideas.

7. Generating ideas. It helps you achieve goals
using new, original, unconventional ideas. Idea
is a mental image of an object formed by the
human mind, which can be changed before
being implemented in the real world. For
generating ideas you can use a method of
mental maps, which allows you to materialize,
visualize and scrutinize all your ideas, which in
turn contributes to the emergence of new ideas.
These are just some, but the most important
personal effectiveness skills which make the
achievement of any goal easier and less costly.

Source: https://www.learning-mind.com/7-basic-personal-effectiveness-skills/

What’s More


Using a symbol or an object Draw a picture that best described yourself as
an young individual in the society.

Be guided with this rubric:
Category Description Points Score

Content Shows a full understanding 10

in the ideas presented.
Organization Poster is well organized and 5
Promptness Student submits the activity 5
on time.
Total Score 20

What I Have Learned

Activity: I PROMISE!

Make a PLEDGE of COMMITMENT to yourself to be a unique individual and

be a better version of his/her self and influence others.

What I Can Do


“Writing is only boring to the people who are boring themselves.”
~ Anonymous

1. Self-Reflection: You attain clarity and

keep your inner space clear
Writing can be so powerful. It forces you to
crystallize your thoughts into written content,
which simultaneously forces you to think
deeper into the topic that is important to you.
I had several powerful realizations that were
the perfect solution to my challenges back
then. It is incredible what you can achieve if
you get your issues out on paper and expect
to find a solution. Of course we do this in our
head constantly, but writing it down makes it
much more easy to think through complex
issues. Sometimes it is really the only way to
dig deeper and find the underlying principle
or cause of your “problem”.

2. Write down your goals

In a personal journal you also have a fantastic place to write down your goals. I wrote
my goals, divided into personal and professional goals, at the top of my personal
journal. They are then further divided into the areas of importance and written down.
I also put down a link to these goals so I can jump directly to them from anywhere
in my journal. For instance if I write something like „Today I achieved the important
step of … for my goal …“, I can jump from there right to the goal by linking to it.

3. Review your goals

Think about it, you see your daily journal every day. What could be a better tool to
develop the habit of reviewing your goals regularly, if not daily? As said, I always can
jump to my list of goals and focus myself on it, right before I start into my day.

You can review and set your goals new every quarter just by creating a new goalpage
in your journal. I prefer this over editing your list of goals, because you can see the
old goals that you achieved later and it also prevents you from changing your goals
too often.

4. It gives you something to hold yourself responsible

If you write something down it is a different level of commitment to yourself. You can
use this fact to your advantage. Let’s face it, sometimes we all could use a small kick
in the butt to get us going into the right direction.

By using your journal in this way, you will become your own coach. You can really
say something to yourself and by writing it into your journal you can put a
commitment on yourself.

In this way you can literally lead yourself. This kind of self-leadership is a great way
to push yourself to where you want to go. Someone really cares, and that someone is
you ;)

I personally love this, it is just important to balance it fitting your own needs.

5. You write a book about yourself

This is the typical idea of a diary: you write what happens to you, you reflect a bit
about it and add your feelings and thoughts.

I also add pictures I made of the locations or of the achievements that were important
to me. It is really great to review your personal development over the time.

I remember Tony Robbins saying a life worth living is worth recording. Now I
sometimes go back to the first journal and check my goals, thoughts and ideas that
I had back then. It may also be a great document for our relatives or even be inspiring
for other people, who knows who you will reach in your life from now on?

It will give you a sense of your own personal growth and by that it will also motivate
you to grow.

6. A great place to plan

I use my personal journal to do my weekly planning. Every Sunday I sit down and
plan the next week ahead with the big tasks connected to my goals. These tasks are
divided into personal and professional tasks, put into the areas of importance and
then prioritized. It includes a list of the tasks I want to accomplish over the week and
it follows the pattern „Priority [Area] Task“. I then put these tasks into my daily tool,
which is iCal and execute them over the week.

7. Idea-Journal: You can jot down your ideas

I also collect great ideas in my personal journal. These ideas may appear out of
thoughts, of intuition, of talks with other people or out of something I read, heard or
saw anywhere. You could also use an idea-journal for this and I use one for my
profession, but you can also keep these ideas right in one place.

8. You exercise your writing skills
This is obvious but I think it is worth noticing. By writing a personal journal you get
into the habit of writing. I think without my personal journal I would not write this
blog today. It is not necessary to write the greatest poetry of the world into your
personal journal, neither is it the point unless you are a poet. But simply by writing
a personal journal writing will become a much more natural expression of yourself.
Source: https://www.myrkothum.com/the-benefits-of-writing-a-personal-journal/


1. What do you think is the importance of having a journal?

2. Does this journal helps you to more about yourself? Explain.

3. Why it is important to know yourself and to take notes all the important things
happening on your life?

4. Create a journal entry.

My Journal Entry of the Day



Let’s evaluate ourselves by taking the Multiple Intelligences and Learning Style Test
thru this link https://testyourself.psychtests.com/testid/3103 and answer the
following questions below.


1. Regarding the results what are the intelligences or talents have the highest rate?

2. Do you agree on the results?

3. What do you think is the importance of knowing oneself strength and


Additional Activities


Since you already have an idea about your self-concept. I want
you to imagine yourself what would be your job in the future, 10 years from now,
maximizing your skills full potentials to have a successful future someday.
Take a photo of the career you want to pursue and put at least 3-5 sentences
explanation about it.

My Career 10 Years from NOW

Answer Key

Sanchez, Bo. (2006). Life Dreams Success Journal: Your Powerful Tool to
Achieve and Surpass Your Dreams One Step at a Time. Shepherd’s Voice

Roldan, Amelia S. 2003. On Becoming a Winner: A Workbook on Personality

Development and Character Building. AR Skills Development and
Management Services (SDMS), Paranaque City, Metro Manila.
DepEd.(2016). Personal Development Reader Manuel. Peges 1-7

Source: http://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-self-concept-




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