Laser B2 Final Test: Name: - Date - Grade - /100 Reading

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Name: __________________________________________ Date _________________ Grade _______/100

Part 1
You are going to read an extract from an autobiography. For questions 1–8, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which
you think fits best according to the text.

There was nothing unusual about Wellington Street, or so I thought as I was growing up. The cobbled street, one of four
identical streets next to each other, was calm, apart from the occasional sound of raised voices from the pub on the corner.
Everybody said hello to each other, although rarely much more than that. It was the kind of street that in the past had
covered the whole of the north-west of England, affordable housing for the workers, the kind of street that used to be the
heart of a community. Now it was a relic, unchanged while the modern world went on around it.

The first time I got a sense that my childhood world was not going to remain the same forever was when a letter arrived
from the local council saying that a meeting was being held locally to discuss the development of the area. I remember
wondering why areas had to be developed and I asked my father. He said that people just liked changing things for the
sake of it but my mum interrupted him and explained that the houses needed modernising. Even then I could see this as
another move in their ongoing argument about money and location. Mum, with her keen sense of social position and
always very aware of what the neighbours thought, wanted to move into a better house, which Dad took to mean a more
expensive house.

The evening of the meeting came around and my dad and I went along. It had already started when we got there and one of
the councillors was trying to explain the plans, although the general reaction from the audience was far from positive. I
don’t remember the details, but I remember some shouting, until finally one of our neighbours stood up and said that he
wasn’t giving his permission for any of it. I
remember the councillor saying then, ‘We don’t need permission. We’re telling you, not asking you.’

The mood when we got home was tense. Although she tried to hide it, I think Mum was secretly quite pleased. Dad sat and
frowned at the TV for a while, before Mum brought him a cup of tea. I was surprised when it was he who broke the silence
after a minute or two and said, ‘There are one or two nice places up around Ladybridge.’ Mum said nothing. She just sipped
her tea and looked at me and smiled.

1. The writer describes the street as a place where 5. During the meeting, most people were

A everyone could afford their own house. A sympathetic to the councillor.

B people felt they were part of a community. B shocked by what they learned.
C people resisted the fast pace of modern life. C confused by the explanation.
D everyone quietly got on with their own life. D unhappy about the proposals.

2. Streets of this kind had been built in the past because 6. What was the result of the meeting on the people of
they were Wellington Street?

A cheap. A They could stay if they got permission.

B long-lasting. B They could stay if they paid some money.
C traditional. C They would have to argue at further meetings.
D comfortable. D They would have no choice but to leave.

3. What did the writer not understand when the letter 7. Why was the writer surprised by what his father said?
A He thought his mother would have made the suggestion.
A why his parents were arguing B He knew that his father was watching television.
B who had organised the meeting C He knew that what his father said was wrong.
C where they were going to live next D He thought that it would upset his mother.
D why things had to change
8. What would be the most suitable title for this extract?
4. Why did the writer's mother want to move house?
A An unhappy childhood
A She didn't like the neighbours. B A difficult marriage
B She liked to impress other people. C Changing times
C She knew it would annoy the writer's father. D The wrong decisions
D She thought the local council would help.
Part 2
You are going to read an article about going to live in another country. Seven sentences have been removed from the
article. Choose from the sentences A–H the one which fits each gap (9–15).
There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

Escape TV … a very moving story

Britons have become obsessed with the dream of moving abroad to start a new life, and TV shows telling us how to do it
are more popular than ever. Why are we so keen to leave, asks Sara Wheeler? Barely a night goes by without a television
programme showing people who either long to escape from Britain or who have already done so. Take Channel 4’s hugely
successful A Place in the Sun, for example, in which former estate agent Amanda Lamb shows potential buyers around a
range of foreign properties. 9___

These ‘escape TV’ programmes represent Britain’s most successful new theme in factual television, and, if the viewing
figures are anything to go by, a large proportion are desperate to get away. 10___

The dream of living in a rural setting somewhere in mainland Europe has long been a British national fantasy. When Peter
Mayle tapped into it with his book A Year in Provence, he sold millions of copies and the lanes around his old stone
farmhouse at the foot of the Luberon mountains were soon jammed with tourist coaches. 11___ He wrote it to earn enough
money to buy a tractor, and ended up with a bestseller.

But it’s not all lazy afternoons for people who pack up and head abroad. Many see their dreams turn into nightmares
before they’ve finished unpacking. Living the Dream featured two couples from Basildon who sold up to run a B&B in
Almeria, Spain. 12 ___ A Place in the Sun once showed a British official in Benidorm warning that British-owned bars in the
resort have a failure rate of 95 per cent.

This, of course, is the appeal of escape TV – the risk of failure, and the nasty pleasure we feel as we witness disaster
unfolding on the Costa Brava. And, according to the unwritten rules of escape TV, you must be self-employed, and
preferably want to do something fun – running a bar, for example, is ideal. 13___

The persistent appeal of finding the good life abroad begs an obvious question: Why can’t British people find the good life
in their own village or town? The weather is, of course, a key factor. You never see programmes about beginning a new life
in Finland. Similarly, the ideal new life is always to be found close to the countryside, far from traffic jams, superstores and
concrete. 14___ They had their ups and downs, but, in the end, they said that the only thing they missed was a Chinese

It seems this escape fantasy is peculiarly British. American networks are not busy producing shows about Mexican villas as
the US equivalent of 5’s Dream Holiday Home. Yet the phenomenon is not restricted to western Europe. 15___ Amanda
Lamb has even been showing people around the ‘Romanian Riviera’.

It is, of course, all based on an illusion. Change your surroundings, we think, and you can change your destiny, or at least
cast off the bits of your life that you don’t like and replace them with a few nicer ones. Well, dream on. You can go to the
very ends of the earth, to a paradise untroubled by human footprints, and you’ll still find someone vaguely familiar waiting
patiently for you there: yourself. And do you know what? You will find that it’s the same grumpy person you thought you’d
left behind.

A The cameras followed them as they ran out of cash, were Chapman, a whopping 15,000 Britons own homes in the
conned by builders and failed to get the project off the Orlando area of Florida.
E When you come back, you feel refreshed from the break,
B Similarly, a decade later, Chris Stewart wrote Driving Over and ready to carry on with your old life.
Lemons, about the joys and tribulations of setting up as a
small-time farmer in Spain. F Living the Dream regularly pulls in four million viewers,
and 90 episodes of A Place in the Sun have been screened.
C Or BBC 2’s Living the Dream, which followed the progress
of couples who have sold up and moved abroad in pursuit G In contrast, an accountancy job in Provence just wouldn’t
of the good life. make good viewing.

D According to Escape to the Sun, BBC 1’s documentary H Living the Dream featured one couple who moved to
series fronted by Pop Idol judge Nicki France, where they bought their own farm.
Part 3
You are going to read a magazine article in which people are interviewed. For questions 16–30, choose from the
people (A–H). Some of the people may be chosen more than once. When more than one answer is required, these
may be given in any order.

Making the most of your free time

What do you do when all the work is done and there's nothing on TV? What makes someone choose a particular
hobby? Tina Robinson finds out.

A Martine, 24, sales rep

For me, karate is more like a way of life. It's about much more than the time I spend in the gym practising. Karate also has a
spiritual side and that helps me to stay focused when I'm out on the road, dealing with clients. As well as keeping you fit, it
also trains your mind, and I think that's the part that's most important to me.

B Vivian, 31, plumber

I collect antique dolls. I've got around a hundred of them now, some of them actually quite valuable. It began when an aunt
of mine gave me a doll she'd had as a child. It's funny, but I think that people expect a woman in my line of work to like
manly things, like sport, but I don't see any connection. I like my job and I like my dolls. What's wrong with that?

C Destiny, 26, primary school teacher

It's not always easy to find the time to get away from work. Most of my evenings are spent preparing for the next day at
school. I try hard to make time for snowboarding, though. In fact, if I was forced to choose, then I'd probably change job
before I gave up snowboarding. There's nothing like speeding down the side of a mountain.

D Claudia, 21, trainee manager

I first took cooking lessons because I was bored with eating the same old thing every week.
I found that I'm naturally quite good at it. I like to try different cuisines from around the world. At the moment, it's Chinese.
My family love my hobby, because they get to eat what I make! We all feel a lot better now – and I've even lost some

E Tracy, 24, radio DJ

I think of it as an interest, rather than a hobby, but I love the theatre. I try to go at least once a fortnight. Since my father
took me to the local theatre to watch an amateur production, I've been in love with the whole thing. Sitting in the theatre is
like stepping into a different world.

F Lydia, 30, unemployed

I spend a lot of my time during the day looking for jobs, but in the evening I like making jewellery. It means I can look good
and it doesn't cost me a fortune. I keep trying to get friends to take it up so that we can do it together, and my best friend
has just started. It's actually very creative. We’re planning on selling our things at the flea market. If things go well, we may
start doing it full time.

G Victoria, 25, factory worker

The thing about chess is that it's a very demanding game. That's exactly why I love it. To be honest, my job can be a little bit
boring. The club meets once a week and we hold regular competitions. I've won quite a few locally, and even a couple of
national competitions. Some of the others think I could turn professional, but I know it's very difficult to make a living out
of it. Still, I'm thinking about it. It's not like I love my job!

H Stephanie, 22, actress

I started making my own clothes because I couldn't afford to buy expensive clothes. I just never stopped, even though I can
buy designer labels now. I do buy expensive clothes, but I like to wear something I've made myself and see if anybody can
tell the difference. Often, they can't!

Which of the people A–H says or say:

she doesn't always have enough time for her hobby? 16 ___
she tries to introduce other people to her hobby? 17 ___
her hobby is more important to her than her job? 18 ___ 19 ___
she is considering turning her hobby into a career? 20 ___ 21 ___
her hobby helps her at work? 22 ___
some people are surprised by her hobby? 23 ___
somebody else first introduced her to this? 24 ___ 25 ___
her hobby benefits her health? 26 ___ 27 ___
she realised she had a talent for her hobby? 28 ___
her hobby has helped her to save money? 29 ___ 30 ___
Part 4
For questions 31–42, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space. There is an
example at the beginning (0).


We cannot say for (0) A how many languages are spoken in the world today, but it has been (31) ___ that the number is
somewhere between three thousand and ten thousand. Why is it so difficult to tell? There are several reasons. Firstly, even
today in some (32) ___ parts of the world – particularly in South America and Africa – new languages are being (33) ___ by
scientists. Secondly, because languages can become extinct remarkably quickly, it is not always easy to know whether a
language which has been recorded by scientists is still being used by (34) ___ speakers. Thirdly, there is not always
agreement between linguists (35) ___ whether the language spoken by a certain group of people is a language in its own
(36) ___, or is merely a dialect of another language.

Several modern linguists believe that, although we often (37) ___ on the differences between languages, all the world’s
languages – without (38) ___ – share many fundamental similarities. (39) ___, it has been argued that if a Martian came
down to Earth, he or she would probably think that everyone in the world spoke essentially the same language, as the
similarities far (40) ___the differences. There is no
(41) ___ language in the world, for example, which makes questions by (42) ___ the word order of sentence, or which
doesn’t have subjects and verbs.

Example: A certain B accurate C clear D evident

31 A worked B valued C estimated D charged

32 A vacant B empty C discarded D remote

33 A invented B discovered C developed D created

34 A native B natural C normal D typical

35 A at B in C under D over

36 A permission B right C justice D claim

37 A direct B focus C aim D regard

38 A difference B exclusion C exception D variety

39 A Nevertheless B Lastly C Indeed D Still

40 A outweigh B outlive C outdo D outgrow

41 A distinguished B experienced C known D notorious

42 A reversing B driving C correcting D designing

Part 5
For questions 43–54, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each
space. There is an example at the beginning (0).


The native people of Australia, often referred (0) to as Aborigines, have many myths. These stories are set in a mythical
time in the past, the 'dreamtime', and most (43) ______ them concern animals, like the story of Gurukmun the frog.

Gurukmun was the biggest frog in the whole land. One day, while the rest of the animals (44) ______ drinking at the
waterhole, Gurukmun came along and started to drink. He was (45) ______ greedy that he drank all the water. He went on
to the next waterhole and drank that (46) ______ well. Soon, there was no water (47) ______ anywhere in the land.
Gurukmun climbed to the top of a mountain and sat there, looking down.

The other animals were worried. They knew they could not survive (48) ______ water. They called a meeting. The wise
wombat suggested making Gurukmun laugh so that all the water would (49) ______ returned to the land. The kookaburra
tried first and (50) ______ Gurukmun a joke, but it didn't work. Next was the emu, who did a funny walk, but that didn't
work (51) ______. Finally, the snake decided to
(52) ______ a go. He twisted and wriggled and curled, but still Gurukmun didn't laugh. Suddenly, the snake stopped. He had
tied (53) ______ into a knot! Gurukmun started to laugh! The water started to come out of his mouth and ran down the
mountain. The animals were saved and Gurukmun hasn't been seen (54) ______ that day.

Part 6
For questions 55–64, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits
in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).


What is art? At first (0) sight the answer to that question seems SEE

obvious. Art is poetry, (55) ____________, drama, sculpture, painting and LITERATE

so on. It is the (56) ____________ of an artist, designed to produce emotion, EXPRESS

to make us see the world in a certain way, or to provide (57) ____________ ENTERTAIN

We are probably all in (58) ____________, however, when it comes to AGREE

particular (59) ____________ of art. If a poet publishes his new WORK

(60) ____________ of poetry, and one of the poems appears to be COLLECT

merely a (61) ____________ list, it is quite likely that the poet will be criticised. SHOP

Many people feel uncomfortable when objects from our (62) ____________ DAY

lives are presented as art. Artists may do this to provoke a (63) ____________. REACT

They want to challenge all our (64) ____________ about art, once again to make BELIEVE

us see the world in a different way.

Part 7
For questions 65–42, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
There is an example at the beginning (0).


0 You must do exactly what the manager tells you.

You must carry out the manager’s instructions exactly.

65 Stupidly, I didn’t lock the door when I went to work this morning.
Stupidly, I ____________________________________ when I went to work this morning.

66 I got the impression that they weren’t having fun.

They ____________________________________ having fun.

67 This is the best spaghetti I’ve ever tasted.

I’ve ____________________________________ this.

68 Is it all right for Dan to come with us?

Do ____________________________________ with us?

69 Losing a little weight would be good for you.

It would do you ____________________________________ a little weight.

70 Helen’s house is quite near the train station.

Helen’s house ____________________________________ the train station.

71 Someone thought I was a famous actor yesterday!

Someone ____________________________________ a famous actor yesterday!

72 How long was your flight from Manchester to London?

How long ____________________________________ fly from Manchester to London?
Part 8
You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 73–80, choose the best answer, A, B or C.

73. You hear someone talking on the phone. What 77. You hear a woman leaving a message. Why is she late?
problem is she
talking about? A Her car has broken down.
A Her dishwasher is broken. B The traffic is very bad.
B There's no water. C She has been stopped for speeding.
C She can't find something.
78. You hear a woman talking to a librarian. What does the
74. You hear this man talking to a friend. What is he woman
planning to do? want to do?
A sell his car A use the internet
B have his car repaired B make some photocopies
C repair his car himself C join the library

75. You hear this man being interviewed on the radio. 79. You hear some men discussing a colleague. What
What job mistake did
does he do? the colleague make?
A policeman A He forgot to send the letter.
B ambulance driver B He sent the letter to the wrong person.
C fireman C He thought someone else had sent the letter.

76. You hear someone talking about a TV programme they 80. You hear a woman talking about a film. Who is Carol
saw. Mathers?
What kind of programme was it? A an actress
A a game show B a director
B a documentary C a writer
C a talk show

Part 9
You will hear part of a radio interview with a film critic. For questions 81-90, complete the sentences. You will need to
write a word or short phrase in each box.

Angela has recently attended a(n) ____________________________________ (81)

She felt slightly ____________________________________ (82) with the quality of some of the films.

‘Young at Heart’ will be released in ____________________________________ (83)

The action of the film takes place in ____________________________________(84)

Terry earns his living as ____________________________________ (85)

Terry is ____________________________________ (86) outside his place of work when he is kidnapped.

‘Young at Heart’ is a(n) ____________________________________ (87)

Terry’s wife thought that Terry needed some ____________________________________ (88)

Carrie Barker used to be in a(n) ____________________________________ (89)

Carrie had never written an ____________________________________ (90) before.

Part 10
You have decided to enter a short story competition.
The competition rules say that the story must end with the following words:

Teresa looked at her brother in amazement, and then began to laugh.

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