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Bioremediation of Polluted Kamla River Water by Physical, Biological and Ecological Processes

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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res.

9(10), 31-36

Journal Homepage: -www.journalijar.com

Article DOI:10.21474/IJAR01/13514
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/13514


Dr. Ravindra Kumar

P.G. Department Botany, Lalit Narayan Mithila University Darbhanga.
Manuscript Info Abstract
……………………. ………………………………………………………………
Manuscript History The increasing need for remediation of contaminated sites has led to the
Received: 05 August 2021 development of new technologies that emphasize on the biological
Final Accepted: 09 September 2021 detoxification
Published: October 2021 anddestructionofthe(organic)contaminants.Bioremediationisamongthes
Key words:-
Aeration, Bioreactors, Bioremediation, biologicalactivityofcertainmicroorganisms[1].Needlesstosaythatasbiore
Biosurfactants, Bioventing, Biofilm, mediationactuallyreliesonthemicrobialgrowthandactivity,itseffectivenes
Composting, Electroremediation, sishighlydependentontheappliedenvironmentalparametersthatinfluencet
Microbial Surfactants,
Mycoremediation, Phytoremediation,
Sewage anbeclassifiedintotwogeneralcategories:exsituandinsitu.Theexsitutechni
quesarethosethatrequirethe physical removal of the contaminated
material and its transportation to another area for further treatment, for
example, by bioreactors, landfarming and composting. The insitute
chnologies are those that involve treatment of contaminated material in
place, for example, by bioventing, biostimulation and biopiling.
Overall, bioremediation

Copy Right, IJAR, 2021,. All rights reserved.

Principles of Bioremediation

Corresponding Author:- Dr. Ravindra Kumar
Address:- P.G . Department Botany, Lalit Narayan Mithila University Darbhanga.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(10), 31-36


Sources of River Water Pollution

Uncontrolled, unplanned, rapid and extensive growth of urbanisation and factories activities generate large amounts
of solid and liquid waste in town areas. Disposal of untreated solid waste, storm water and agricultural runoff,
alongwith town and factories waste water into the Kamla river is the main cause of physical, chemical (nutrients,
metals, organic matters, nanomaterials, etc.) and biological (microbial) contamination of river water [1,3]. Sources
of these wastes include factory production, sewage, domestic waste, town waste, shopping markets, restaurants,
agricultural waste, etc. [4]. In India, about 50% of total human waste is discharged into the rivers and other water
bodies without proper treatment [5]. In developing countries, agricultural crop production is practiced on vast land
areas in order to meet the food demand of the increasing population. Agrochemicals (fertilizers, pesticides,
herbicides, etc.) used in agricultural activities discharge different chemicals, including nutrients (Nitrate and
Phosphate), into the river water. These contaminants originate from both point and non-point sources. Stormwater
runoff is another major contamination transport route, which brings treated and untreated sewage, industrial waste,
petroleum hydro-chemicals and road dust into the river water [6].


Physical Techniques
Mechanical Aeration Processes, Water transfer or Diversion and Dilution, Mechanical Algae Removal, Building
Hydraulic Structures, Dredging River Sediment, Riverbank filtration, etc.

Biological & Ecological Techniques

Microbial Bioremediation, Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Ecological Ponds, Ecological Floating Beds, Plant
Purification Treatment, Constructed Wetlands, Biofilms, Contact Oxidation etc.

Result and Discussion:-

Physical Techniques
Mechanical Aeration ProcessesAir flow into river water increases microbial diversity and degrades organic
compounds in water[7]. This process remove the black colour, odour, COD and BOD of Kamla river water.

Figure 1:- Schematic diagram of aeration technique in ecological treatment of river water.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(10), 31-36

Water transfer or Diversion and Dilution

Mixing of clean water with polluted river water and dilution of Pollution[10]. Water transfer provides multiple
benefits, such as irrigation, water supply, navigation, flood control, power generation, reducing water crisis,
increasing water security, reducing the concentration of nutrients and phytoplankton and improving water
quality[10,14]. This method demonstrated the explicit evidence of reduction in the concentrations of NH 4, other
N2containing compounds and COD in Kamla river water.

Mechanical Algae Removal

Removal of algae by mechanical process. It minimizes dissolved inorganic Carbon, pH and DO level of Kamla
river water[7].

Building Hydraulic Structures

The construction of hydraulic structures such as irrigation weirs or irrigation infrastructure reduces water flow
velocity but increases hydraulic retention time, which facilitate sedimentation, aeration, sunlight irradiation and
anaerobic reactions, resulting in improving water quality of river[6,8].

Dredging River Sediment

Removal of polluted sediment those sattled down at bottom are picked out by dredgingmachine. This process is also
help in creating waterways, removing trash and debris, reopening channels, reconfiguring waterways, restoring
banklines, increasing waterways depth, maintaining ecosystem and more of Kamla river.

Riverbank filtration
Riverbank filtration processes remove organic and inorganic contaminants (COD, NH 4 and NO3) from river water,
particularly when water flows through the river-bed and groundwater aquifer to the pumping wells[9,10,12].

Table 1:- Efficiency, advantages, and disadvantages of different physical/engineering-based treatment methods of
river water.
Treatment/ Techniques Process/ Description Advantages Disadvantages
Artificial aeration Air flow into river water Effectively improve Cost intensive during
increases microbial water quality, simple and operation and maintenance
diversity and degrades easy to apply, sustainable phase.
organic compounds in and widely applicable
Water transfer/diversion Mixing of clean water with Improve river water Potential destruction of
polluted river water and quality, water supply, ecosystem, cost and labour
dilution of pollution river pollution control, intensive
promote self-purification
Mechanical algae removal Removal of algae by Improve river water and Cost intensive during
mechanical process sediment quality operation and maintenance
Dredging river sediment Removal of polluted Improve sediment and Potential increase of
sediment by dredging river water environment pollution, cost intensive
machine mechanical process
Building hydraulic Irrigation weirs or Improve river water Potential destruction of
structures infrastructure built on the quality for irrigation ecosystem health, cost
river purposes intensive
Riverbank filtration Flow through riverbed and Remove organic and Slow process
groundwater aquifer to the inorganic contaminants
pumping wells through natural filtration

Biological & Ecological Techniques

Microbial Bioremediation
The treatment of polluted Kamla river water by application of microbial agents/photosynthetic bacteria and
microalgae-bacteria media significantly degrades organic matter and removes COD and BOD (about 70%) and

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(10), 31-36


Biofilm Reactors
The treatment system exhibited very high efficiency to remove Ammonia Nitrogen, BOD, TDS and COD from
Kamla river water by using biomembrane[15].

Ecological floating bed

Ecological floating beds use ecological processes and the removal mechanisms involve phytoremediation (heavy
metal uptake by plants), microbial biodegradation of organic chemicals and removal of N and P by absorption and
sedimentation processes[3,5].

Phytoremediation Process
The most widely used aquatic plants for wastewater treatment are reed (Phragmites australis), water hyacinth
(Eichhornia crassipes), alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides), water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes), duckweed
(Lemna gibba) and canna (Canna indica). These plants exhibited significant capacity to remove nutrients such as
total N and P from water bodies[13].

Constructed Wetlands
Constructed floating bed wetland, horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland and surface flow constructed
wetland are effectively removed COD, NH4, TN (total Nitrogen), TP (total Phosphorus) and Suspended Solids from
river water[2,9].

Table 2:- Plant species used in ecological restoration of river ecosystems and remediation of river water.
Techniques ProcessesorSystems PlantSpecies
Wetland Removal of nutrients and organic matter Pontederia cordata
by aquatic plants and aeration
Constructed wetlands, floating bed Reed (Phragmites communis), E.
systems crassipes (water hyacinth), A.
philoxeroides Water lettuce (Pistia
stratiotes) Watermilfoil (M.
verticillatum), pondweed
(Potamogeton spp.), cattail (T.
latifolia), duckweed (L. gibba),
canna (C. indica)
Hydroponic floating bed Removal of TN and TP; Water spinach Water spinach, sticky rice
performs better than sticky rice.
Revetment Ecological revetment plants Goosegrass, sedges, and water
Floating bed Removal of BOD, COD, nutrient, metal Polygonum hydropiper bagen,
Multistage floating-bed system reeds, bulrushes.
Enhanced ecological floating beds Macrophytes.
Ecological floating bed for removal of Canna indica L., Iris pseudacorus
nutrients L.
Canna indica, Accords calamus,
Cyperus alternifolius, Vetiveria
Floating wetland Endophyte-assisted floating wetlands Typha domingensis, Leptochloa
Floating treatment wetland fusca.
Elodea nuttallii Carex spp.,
Lythrum salicaria.

The random disposal of treated and untreated solid and liquid wastes into water pollutes the receiving river water
with nutrients, organic chemicals, metals and nanomaterials[15]. The most widely applied physical processes are
aeration, water transfer, mechanical algae removal, building hydraulic structures and dredging river sediment.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(10), 31-36

Aeration is an effective, sustainable and widely applicable technique that plays an important role in increasing the
diversity of the microbial community and degrading organic chemicals in river water. Riverbank filtration is a
natural, slow and self-sustainable process which removes organic and inorganic contaminants from river water
without any adverse effects. The microbial agents, ecological floating beds, constructed wetlands and biofilm reactor
techniques use microorganisms and plant-based bioremediation processes to decompose organic chemicals and
remove nutrients and metals from river water[13,16]. The hybrid, integrated, sequential and engineering-based
floating bed wetlands can demonstrate the maximum water purification efficiency and overcome the drawbacks of
single constructed floating beds or wetland. However, All the techniques and processes which have been applied on
Kamla river water reduce maximum level of inorganic nutrients, organic chemicals, metals and nanomaterials.

Biofilm reactors are highly efficient at remediating polluted river water through the growth of microbial
communities in biofilms. The efficiency and stability of the biofilm-based systems are dependent on water flow
velocity, hydraulic loading rate, temperature, components of media and water depth. The gravel contact oxidation
method is applicable to shallow creeks, but not to deep river water. The moving bed biofilm reactors show high
efficiency in the removal of COD and organic matter. The direct mixing of microbial agents with river water
moderately removes NH3-N, COD and TP, whereas engineering-based applications of microbial agents significantly
degrades organic matter and removes COD, BOD and nutrients[1,6,10,12]. However, their application should be
monitored cautiously to avoid microbial contamination. Ecological floating bed techniques are more widely
applicable for the treatment of river water. Water fluctuation, river waves and inundation do not affect their
treatment performances. The appropriate selection of plant species is the key influential parameter for them.
Inclusion of high capacity adsorbent materials in the matrix of floating mats enhances their contaminant removal
efficiency. The hybrid, integrated, sequential and engineering-based floating bed wetlands can demonstrate the
maximum water purification, efficiency and overcome the drawbacks of single constructed floating beds or



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