Production and Marketing Practices of Bunching Onion (Allium Fistulosum L.) Farmers in Pangil, Laguna

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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res.

9(10), 01-15

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Article DOI:10.21474/IJAR01/13511


Darwin D. Alejandrino and Lolita L. Beato

Laguna State Polytechnic University, College of Agriculture.
Manuscript Info Abstract
……………………. ………………………………………………………………
Manuscript History Bunching onion cultivation is becoming a popular enterprise in the 4 th
Received: 05 August 2021 District of Laguna. A survey was conducted to evaluate the production
Final Accepted: 09 September 2021 and marketing practices of bunching onion farmers in Pangil, Laguna.
Published: October 2021 A total of 200 managers and caretakers of bunching onion farms in the
study area were identified through purposive sampling. Questionnaire
Key words:-
Bunching Onion, Allium, Macao, Semi with a combination of close and open-ended questions was used in the
Macao, Tenurial, Fistulosum interview. Chi- Square was used for testing the correlation and
association.Results show that majority of the respondents, who have an
average age of 51 years, indicate that bunching onion production is
their primary source of income and they have been in farming for no
less than 15 years. Less than 50% of the respondents have an average
farm size of .5 hectare and majority of them are tenants. Most of the
producers were not able to go beyond secondary education and
majority, and has no affiliation to any farmers’ organization. Also,
majority of the respondents have not attended any seminar on bunching
onion production.Apart from the demographic profile, the respondents’
production and operation management of their bunching onion farms
were documented. Marketing management, which includes pricing and
selling, was recorded. Results reveal that both growers and viajeros are
the ones who decide on the price of bunching onions.Based on the data,
an average income of Php 436,450.00 can be earned from .5 hectare in
one cropping. Return on Sales (ROS) of 90.93% shows that every peso
earned from the sale of the product there is a corresponding Php 0.91
centavos net return. Return on Investment (ROI) of 10.02% shows that
for every Php 1.00 invested there is a corresponding Php 0.10 centavos
net return.The study revealed that the level of yield and profit per
hectare per cycle isinfluenced by the educational attainment, household
size, and farm size, but are not influenced by age of the respondents.
The major problems of the bunching onion farmers are the high price of
seeds, insufficient capital, insect pests and diseases. Data revealed that
growing bunching onions is profitable and a considerable income can
be obtained in 2 to 3 months. Conduct of similar studies on bunching
onion production in other towns is recommended to compare the
profitability and the practices. Encouraging the farmers to practice
companion cropping or any cropping system with higher biodiversity
on order to enhance productivity per unit area is likewise
recommended. Further, the bunching onion farmers must be organized

Corresponding Author:- Darwin D. Alejandrino 1

Address:- Laguna State Polytechnic University, College of Agriculture.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(10), 01-15

and be extended with applicable trainings and assistance by concerned

agencies and entities in order to improve their status and productivity.

Copy Right, IJAR, 2021,. All rights reserved.

The “Bunching onion (Allium fistulosum L.) Or “murangsibuyas” is a perennial herb member of the onion family,
Alliaceae. Usually cultivated as an annual or biennial. It either develops a small, elongated bulb that is similar to
leek, or grow slender, elongated pseudostems or tillers to form a vigorous clump. It requires a cool climate, but can
also grow in areas without extremes of heat and cold, and excessive rainfall.

It is also commonly known as Welsh onion, green onion, Japanese bunching onion, spring onion, scallion, and salad
onion. The species are very similar in taste and odor to the related garden onion, Allium cepa, and hybrids between
the two exist. Bunching onion does not form a real bulb and possesses fistulosum leaves. Oriental bunching onion
has a green leaf portion and a long blanched white stalk portion. The blanched portion can be from a few inches to
20 inches, depending on the varieties. The long-stalk onions are blanched by earthling up during growth. Plants can
be harvested for vegetable use at any growing stage. Many Bunching onions can multiply by forming perennial
evergreen clumps.(PCARRD), 2013)

Hence, this study was conducted in order to determine the production and marketing strategies employed by the
respondent, to analyze the financial status of farmers engaged in bunching onion production, to determine the
significant relationship between the level of profitability and demographic profile of the respondents, and to
determine the problems encountered in bunching onions production and suggest possible solution.

The Oriental uses of this onion are being used almost daily in the cooking to bring out the sweet and delicious flavor
of stir-fry food and soup mostly in Asian, especially in East and Southeast Asia. The long-stalk onions are very
tender and well flavored, excellent for stir-fry, sukiyaki, tempura and many Japanese dishes. In Russia, these are
commonly added to salad, while in the Philippines, these are used as spices in many Filipino dishes. Aside from
culinary use, it is also grown in a bunch as an ornamental plant. Bunching onion is said to reduce or prevent white
ant infestation in gardens. In China, diluted pressed juice of bunching is being used as biopesticides against aphids.
In addition, the therapeutic qualities attributed to bunching onion are many, especially in Chinese medicine, where it
is known to improve eyesight and promote longevity. It is also believed to enhance metabolism, and the function of
internal organs. It is further reported to enhance recovery from common colds, headaches, wounds and festering
sores. The bunching onions are mostly being planted in a cool climate, but can also grow in areas without extremes
of heat, cold and excessive rainfall. Since this is a shallow rooted crop, soils with high inorganic matter give much
better results, unless irrigation is available. (Delbert Hemphill, 2012.)

Green bunching onions are known by several names depending on the region of the country. Some of the names
used are "scallions," "green onions," and "spring onions". All these terms can be used for immature onions, but in
reality, it is called the "green bunching onion" of commerce that one purchases in the store in the Northwest. Today,
it is most likely a different species from that of the bulb onion. Green onions today are most often called Allium
fistulosum, which is further classified into four taxonomic groups. (Rabinowitch and D. Brewster, 2011)

Methods and Materials:-

This study utilized the descriptive-survey method of research thatis suitable wherever the subjects vary among
themselves and one is interested to know the extent to which different condition and situation are detained among
these subjects. It also signifies the gathering of data regarding present conditions. A survey is useful in providing the
value of facts and focusing attention on the most important things to be reported (Calmorin2007).

This research was conducted at Pangil, Laguna. The bunching onion farmers served as the respondents in this study.
Purposive sampling under non-probability sampling was used in different Barangays of Pangil, Laguna. Purposive
sampling determines the target populationand the total population to be interviewed by the researcher. The area was
comprised of 200 respondents who are manager or caretakers of the production and marketing of bunching onion.
Those who was involved in the study were chosen in basis of their knowledge of the information desired and needed
by the researcher. Questionnaires was prepared for gathering necessary data in conducting this study.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(10), 01-15

The questionnaire is written in Filipino. A combination of close and open-ended question was used to gather
necessary information regarding the production and marketing practices of the bunching onion farmers. The
questionnaires have four parts where first part contains the demographic profile of the respondents, second and third
part is about the production management and marketing practices of bunching onion farmers, and the last part
pertains to the problems encountered in the production and marketing of bunching onion in their areas as well as the
possible solutions that may be implemented to resolve the difficulties being faced by the producers of bunching
onion. Interview schedule started from May to June 2016. Selected respondents from Pangil, Laguna and all located
Onion producer available in the area was interviewed. For their responses, respondents were given the following 5-
point rating scale in the last part of questioner and the corresponding verbal interpretation in frequency and extent of
problems encountered of onion farmers.

Raw Score Range of Score Verbal Interpretation

5 4.21-5.00 Always / very high extent
4 3.41-4.20 Often / high extent
3 2.61-3.40 Sometimes / average extent
2 1.81-2.60 Rarely / low extent
1 1 - 1.80 Never / very low extent

The descriptive tools used in the study were average, frequency, percentage, and rank. Data was tabulated and
statistically analyzedusing Minitab software17. It was then organized, presented and analyzed using simple
statistical tools such as mean, percentage, frequency and chi-square and correlation to test the relationship. The yield
and income were expressed on per hectare basis and then tested the relationship with the demographic and business
variables with the use of simple correlation. The profitability of the business was determined by data gathered.using
profitability ratio such as return on investment (ROI) and return on sales (ROS). The formulas were as follows:

Return on Sales Return on Investment:

ROS = __Net Income x 100 ROI = ___Net Income x 100
Total Sales Total Expenses

Results and Discussion:-

This section presents the distribution of the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of their age, gender,
civil status, residence, family size, educational attainment, other source of income, and organizational affiliation.

Table 1 presents the distribution of the respondents by age. Majority of the respondents’ age ranged from 51 to 57
years old which has a frequency of 40 while few has age ranging from 28 to 36 years old which has a frequency of
13.5. The mean age of respondents is 29.6 years. On the distribution of the respondents by gendershowed that the
majority of the respondents are male which has frequency of 99 while the remaining are female which has a
frequency of 49. As to the distribution of the respondents by civil status revealed that the majority of the respondents
are married which has a frequency of 132 (89%), seven (7) were single, six (6) are widow/widower and three (3)
were separated. For the distribution of the respondents by residence, respondents were distributed from different
barangays but the highest numbers were from the Barangay Sulib, which has a frequency of 51 (34.5%). On the
distribution of the respondents by family size, majority of the respondents have family members ranging from 1 to 3
which has a frequency of 83 while the least have family member ranging from 13 to 14 which has a frequency of 2.
The distribution of the respondents by educational attainment showed that majority are secondary level which has a
frequency of 71(48%) while the College level having frequency of 43(29%) and elementary level with frequency of
34(23%) educational attainment.

For the other source of income, majority of the respondents have no other source of income which has frequency of
62 (42%) while frequency of 28(19%) respondents involved in driving and 21 (14%) are engaged in fishing.

Table 1:- Profile of the respondents.

58 – 64 years old 23 15.5 4
51 - 57 years old 40 27.0 1

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44 – 50 years old 39 26.4 2

37 – 43 years old 26 17.6 3
28 – 36 years old 20 13.5 5
Mean= 29.6 TOTAL 148 100.00
Male 99 67.0 1
Female 49 33.0 2
TOTAL 148 100.00
Civil Status
Single 7 5.0 2
Married 132 89.0 1
Widow/Widower 6 4.0 3
Separated 3 2.0 4
TOTAL 148 100.00
Barangay Sulib 51 34.5 1
SitioHalang 48 32.4 3
SitioLamao 49 33.1 2
TOTAL 148 100.00
Family Size
1 - 3 Family members 83 56.0 1
4 - 6 Family members 19 13.0 3
7 - 9 Family members 26 18.0 2
10 – 12 Family members 18 12.0 4
13 – 15 Family members 2 1.0 5
TOTAL 148 100.00

Educational Attainment
Elementary Level 34 23.0 3
Secondary Level 71 48.0 1
College level 43 29.0 2
TOTAL 148 100.00
Other source of Income
Businessman 15 10.0 4
Carpentry 13 9.0 5
Driving 28 19.0 2
Employment 4 3.0 6.5
Fishing 21 14.0 3
Livestock raising 5 3.0 6.5
No other source of income 62 42.0 1

TOTAL 148 100.00

Organizational affiliation
Table 6 presents the distribution of the respondents by organizational affiliation. Majority of the
respondents have noaffiliated organization which has a frequency of 81, while the rest have are affiliated to
organizations. These organizations are Spring Onion Farmers with frequency of 37(25%), Samahan ng
Magkakalabaw(8%), Samahan ng Magbubukid(7%), and Samahan ng Magtatanim(5%)

Organization Affiliation Frequency Percentage Rank

Spring Onion Farmers 37 25.0 2
Samahan ng Magbubukid 10 7.0 4

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(10), 01-15

Samahan ng Magtatanim 8 5.0 5

Samahan ng Magkakalabaw 12 8.0 3
Without organization affiliation 81 55.0 1
Total 148 100
Table 6:- Distribution of the respondents by organizations there are affiliated.

Farming Experience
Table 7 presents the distribution of the respondents by farming experience. Data show that most of the respondents
have farming experience ranging from 20 to 22 years which has a frequency of 33, while the fewest have farming
experience ranging from 1 to 5 with frequency of 10 (8 %).

Table 7:- Distribution of the respondents by farming experience.

No. of years’ Experience Frequency Percentage Rank
20 to 22 49 33.0 1
16 to 19 25 17.0 3
11 to 15 41 27.0 2
6 to 10 23 15.0 4
1 to 5 10 8.0 5
Total 148 100

Farm Size
Table 8 shows the distribution of the respondents by farm size. Data revealed that the majority of the respondents
have a farm size ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 square hectares which has a frequency of 86, while few of them have farm
size ranging from 0.6 to 0.8 square hectares with frequency of 8 (5.4%).

Table 8:- Distribution of the respondents by farm size.

Farm Size (Ha) Frequency Percentage Rank
1.4 to 1.5 33 22.3 2
1.1 to 1.3 12 8.10 3
0.9 to 1.0 9 6.1 4
0.6 to 0.8 8 5.4 5
0.2 to 0.5 86 58.1 1
Total 148 100

Number of Labor/s
Most of the respondents have no hired laborer, which has a frequency of 73 (49%) while few have a frequency of 4
(3%). Hiring of laborers depends on the farm size in terms of land preparation, fertilizer application, weeds control,
irrigation, spray chemicals, harvesting and other maintenance. Because growing of bunching onions is the main
source of family income, the usual helpers in the farm are members of the family.

Table 9:- Distribution of the respondents by farm size in hire labors.

No hired labor Frequency Percentage Rank
5 to 8 20 14.0 3
3 to 4 4 3.0 5
2 to 3 17 11.0 4
1 to 2 34 23.0 2
0 73 49.0 1
Total 148 100

Tenurial Status
Table 10 presents the distribution of the respondents by tenurial status. Data show that the majority of the
respondents are tenants, which have a frequency of 102, while the least are lease which has a frequency of 21.

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Table 10:- Distribution of the respondents by tenurial status.

Tenurial StatusFrequency Percentage Percentage Rank
Lease 21 14.19 3
Tenants 102 68.92 1
Land Owners 25 16.89 2
Total 148 100

Crops Raised
Table 11 presents the distribution of the respondents by crop raised. Aside from bunching onions, farmers’ also plant
other crops. Data show that majority of the respondents planted rice as the main crop,while the least planted

Table 11:- Distribution of the respondents by crops raised.

Crop Frequency Percentage Rank
Rice 98 66.22 1
Ornamentals 8 28.38 3
Vegetables 42 5.40 2
Total 148 100

Farm Site
Figure 4 presents the distribution of the respondents by farm site. It shows that majority of the respondents’ farm site
is located in the rice field, while the others are near the house and public road.



Rice field Near in house and public road

Figure 4:- Distribution of the respondents by farm site.

Extension Exposure
Figure 5 presents the distribution of the respondents in terms of their extension exposure like training and seminars.
Majority of the respondents have no seminars attended which have a frequency of 112 and while the others have
seminars attended having frequency of 36.

These seminars include Agriculture Extension Summit/Rice Production, Bamboo Production, Bio-natural
inputs/Bio-organic inputs, OA Training, fertilizer application, IPM, Vermi composting, Vermi culture, and others.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(10), 01-15


with seminars attended no seminars attended

Figure 5:- Distribution of the respondents by extension exposure.

Production and Management Practices

Variety Selection
Out of 148 respondents, 111(75%) chose Semi macao variety that can be used in both dry and wet season as this
variety were able to produce 12-16’ tall stalks in an approximate of 1500-2000 seeds in packet and reaches its
maturity within 60 – 90 days.On the contrary, only 37(25%) chose the Macao variety during the same seasons
because it produce tender leaves with 10-12’ stalks inapproximate of 1600-1700 seeds in packet and reaches its
maturity within 60-80 days or 2 ½ months.

Table 14:- Distribution of the respondents by variety of onion raised.

Varieties Frequency Percentage (%)Rank
Macao 37 25.0 2
Semi Macao 111 75.0 1
Total 148 100

Seedling Production
For seedling production, use seeds or basal tillers as planting materials. A 350-500 m2 seedbed can produce enough
seedlings for one hectare. Incorporate 1 kg/m2 animal manure, and rice hull or rice straw on top of seedbed to
control harmful microorganisms. Line sow 2-4 kg seeds in rows set across the bed 5 cm apart. Distribute seeds
thinly and evenly to control damping off. Cover seeds slightly with compost. Mulch with rice straw or grass
clippings. Maintain adequate soil moisture. Do not over-irrigate. Protect seedbed from direct sunlight and rain with
nylon net or removable plastic tunnels.

Plate 2:- Actual photo of bunching onions seed.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(10), 01-15

Land Preparation
Thorough land preparation requires 1-2 plowing and harrowing operations. One month prior to land preparation,
apply about 30 cm layer of rice hull over entire field and burn for about two weeks. Incorporate burnt rice
straw/hull during land preparation. Burnt rice straw/hull reduces occurrence of weeds and diseases, and improves
soil texture. Apply 10-15 bags animal manure prior to bed preparation. Prepare 1 m wide beds. Fertilize and mulch
with rice straw prior to transplanting.

Plate 3:- The land preparation of bunching onions in Sulib, Pangil, Laguna( a. after harvesting of rice, b. burning
the rice field,c. land cultivation, d. ready for making plot or onions bed).

Water the seedbeds well prior to transplanting. Gently uproot seedlings to prevent root damage. Apply 5-7 bags 14-
14-14 as basal fertilizer. Trim top portion of the leaves prior to transplanting to reduce transpiration and increase
plant survival. Transplant in seedbeds at a distance of 10 cm x 15 cm. Use markers to provide proper spacing and
to facilitate transplanting. Two finger or index finger may be used to make holes and plant deep enough. Care must
be taken not to damage the basal portion of the plant. Press the soil lightly around the basal portion. Make sure that
the root is in full contact with the soil. Irrigate the field before and after transplanting.

Plate 4:- Mrs. Carlota transplanting bunching onions at 6:00 o’clock a. m.planting bunching onions, B. sorting of
planting material).

The practice of fertilizer application was observed in bunching onions production to ensure regular and good
harvest. The distribution of respondents according to fertilizer used is shown in Table 15 which indicate that most of
the respondents used urea and complete with frequency of 125(84.4%) while the rest of the farmers used urea only
with the frequency of 23(16%). Apply three bags of urea (46-0-0) three weeks after transplanting. Repeat two
weeks thereafter if soil fertility is low.

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Table 15:-Distribution of respondents according to fertilize used.

Fertilizers Frequency Percentage Rank
Urea and complete fertilizer 125 84.4 1
Urea only 23 16.0 2
Total 148 100

Onion farmers practice irrigation so that the crops would grow regularly. Bunching onion is irrigated early in the
morning. Table 16 shows that most of the respondents, 98 or 66.22% get their water supply through deep wells,
while 29 (19.59%) get from irrigation and 14% used river as a source of water. Bunching onion requires adequate
moisture to obtain steady, continuous and desirable growth. Irrigate daily during dry seas.

Table 16:- Distribution of the respondents by source of water in onion.

Sources of water Frequency Percentage Rank
Deep well 98 66.22 1
River 21 14.19 3
Irrigation 29 19.59 2
Total 148 100

Weeds and Pest Control

Table 17 presents the distribution of the respondents by controlling weeds, pest and diseases Data show that the
majority of the respondents chose chemicals for controlling weeds, pests and diseases which have a frequency of 97
(65.54%) while the least have a 51(34.46%) for Physical, Mechanical, Biological and Cultural Control.

Table 17:- Distribution of the respondents by weeds and pests control in onions.
Weeds and pest control Frequency Percentage Rank
Biological and Cultural control 51 34.46 2

Chemical control 97 65.54 1

Total 148 100

Pest and disease Management

Although generally a healthy crop, bunching onion is affected by diseases common to alliums, such as purple blotch
and downy mildew. To minimize occurrence, the following is recommended: proper irrigation to regulate humidity
within the field; eliminate debris from previous crop; remove infectedleaves; practice crop rotation; and spray
compost tea. Compost tea is prepared by fermenting compost for 10-14 days. The effluent is sprayed to control
foliar diseases. The beet army worm and the American bollworm are the more serious pests. To control, spread rice
hull ash over the field and spray hot pepper extract. For onion thrips, use agricultural spreader, or spray with
insecticidal soap. Practice strict sanitation and cultivation to reduce damaging effects of pests and diseases.

Plate 7:- The pests and diseases that attack bunching onions (a. beet armyworm, b. American bollworm, c. spider
mite d. black fly (Aphids).

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(10), 01-15

Aside from these, Department of Agriculture suggests to control pests and diseases to some farmers apply the
chemical pest control. Almost half of respondents continue to use chemical control to weeds, pest and diseases
which have frequency of 97(65.54%). Used insecticides includeSevin, Karate, Machete, Malathion, Lannate, Actara,
Decis and Selectron, 2,4-D Ester and Triple-8.

Plate 8:- Chemicals used in weeds, pest and disease control.

Harvest Maturity
Bunching onions are typically ready for harvest 50 to 60 days or 2½ months after planting, after seeding, depending
on market preference. The most commonly used measure of harvest maturity are size of the plant and bulb diameter.
The plant should have fully grown crisp green leaves with a minimum length of 30 cm (12 in). In some cultivars, the
leaf length may extend up to 60 cm (24 in). Green onions should be harvested when they reach the proper bulb
diameter for the particular market. Bunching onions should be harvested prior to bulb formation, with at least 5 cm
(2 in) of white shank. The stem thickness should be slightly larger than the diameter of a pencil. Shallots should be
harvested when the bulb at the base of the plant is 0.6 cm to 1.3 cm (¼ in to ½ in) in diameter and for the tillering
type, planting material for the next cropping season can be left in the field.

Harvest Methods
Green onions should be carefully harvested by hand pulling the plant from the soil with the thumb, forefinger, and
index finger clasped around the base of the plant. They should not be pulled by the leaves, as tearing and tissue
damage will occur. The onions should be put directly into the field container and ideal harvest containers are well-
ventilated plastic crates. Reed baskets or wooden crates can be used if they are lined with newspaper to protect
against abrasion damage to the delicate leaves. Field sacks should not be used for collection of green onions as
tissue damage and over-heating may occur. Green onions that are injured, diseased, or unmarketable shouldbe culled
and not mixed with the marketable ones.

Preparation for Market

Bunching onions are highly perishable and should be prepared for market within several hours after harvest.

Damaged, broken, or partially yellow leaves should be removed from the green onion bunch prior to washing. For
some market destinations, the green tops are trimmed to a length of 30 cm (12 in). Trimming should be done gently
to avoid crushing of the leaf tissue. Bunching onions should be washed in clean, properly sanitized water to remove
soil particles, dirt, and surface stains.

There are no grade standards for bunching onions in the domestic market. However, the plants should be sorted into
different quality classes. Green onion quality is best based on size, thickness of the stem or bulb, straightness, leaf
color, amount of surface blemishes, and uniformity of plants within the bunch. Additional quality indices are the
amount of insect damage, tissue injury, and incidence of decay. High quality green onions should be fresh and
turgid, and have an appropriate leaf length.

Green onions are usually bunched prior to packing. The number of individual plants per bunch depends on the
market destination and type of green onion (bunching or scallion). For domestic markets, green onions are usually

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(10), 01-15

wrapped into large bunches of 25 to 30 plants per bunch. Either soft textured string or rubber bands can be used as
wrapping material, and there are usually two wraps per bunch.

Marketing Management
Marketing management includes pricing, selling and distribution through marketing channel.

Most of the respondents said that in terms of pricing the viajeros and growers meet and bargain on price until a price
acceptable to both of them in reached. Price depends on the season. A month of September to November is when
price of bunching onions production are highest. This is also the reason of the high production. Bunching onion
prices usually ranges from 100.00 to Php 120.00 per kilo. The lowest price is in December, where bunching onion
are usually sold at 10-25 per kilo.

All of the respondents have their contact buyers, which are the viajeros who transport and sell the bunching onions
in Divisoria and/or Balintawak markets. Respondents set aside some harvest, usually the rejects for family and
relatives consumption. The viajeros and the growers have their meeting place, which is the waiting shed. The grower
waits for the contact buyer to pick-up the products.

Marketing Channel
The marketing channel for bunching onions is shown in Figure 6. It shows how the product from producers reaches
the consumers. The arrows indicate the direction of movement.

The producer does the planting up to the harvesting handling. The viajeros is the bulk buyer where the retailers or
final consumers can buy products. Retailer is the convenient person where final consumer can buy in small amount
of the product. Final consumer is the final destination of the product. They buy the product for consumption

Figure 6:- Marketing channel for bunching onions.

Problems encountered by farmers in bunching onion productions

Table 18 and 19 shows the frequency and the extent of the problems encountered by the farmers in production,
marketing and finance. Based on the respondents’ frequency, problems encountered are the highest price of
seeds/seedlings, many competitors and lack of capital at a frequency of always. The extent problems encountered by
the farmers are the highest price of seeds/seedlings, the place of buyers is very far and lack of capital at an above
average extent.

The overall frequency and extent of problems encountered by the farmers by production, marketing and finance
were at average with grand mean score are 3.9 in frequency. Problem encountered by farmers level is sometimes and
grand mean extent problem encountered by the farmers level was 3.51 for above average extent.

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Table 18:- The frequency of problems encountered by the farmers by production, marketing and finance.
Production Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation Rank
1.1 Price of seed/seedlings 4.89 Always 1
1.2 Availability of seeds 3.27 Sometimes 5
1.3 Pest and diseases 4.56 Always 3
1.4 Calamity/disaster 4.68 Always 2
1.5 Lack of fertilizer, water and 4.08 Often 4
Average Weighted Mean 4.28 Always

Marketing Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation Rank

2.1 There are few customers/buyers 3.15 Sometimes 4
2.2 There are many competitors
2.3 The price are changing 4.57 Always 1
2.4 The place of buyers is very far
2.5 The buyers are cheating 3.93 Often 2

3.19 Sometimes 3

2.19 Seldom 5
Average Weighted Mean 3.41 Often

Financial Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation Rank

3.1 Insufficiency of capital 4.91 Always 1
3.2 Capital shortage 4.29 Always 3
3.3 it is very difficult to look for a
financer 4.88 Always 2
3.4 There is no financer
3.5 High interest of loan 2.44 Seldom 5
3.53 Often 4

Average Weighted Mean 4.01 Often

Table 19:- The extent of problems encountered by the farmers by production, marketing and finance.

Production Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation Rank

1.6 Price of seed/seedlings 4.10 Above average extent 1
1.7 Availability of seeds 2.95 Average extent 5
1.8 Pest and diseases 4.79 Very high extent 3
1.9 Calamity/disaster 4.62 Very high extent 2
1.10 Lack of fertilizer, water and 4.90 Above average extent 4
Average Weighted Mean 4.07 Above average extent

Financial Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation Rank

3.1 Insufficiency of capital 4.28 Very high extent 1
3.2 Capital shortage 3.08 Average extent 3
3.3 It is very difficult to look for a 2.11 Below average extent 4
financer 2.02 Below average extent 5
3.4 There is no financer 3.57 Above average extent 2
3.5 High interest of loan
Average Weighted Mean 4.01 Above average extent

Marketing Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation Rank

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(10), 01-15

2.1 There are few customers/buyers 2.16 Below average extent 4

2.2 There are many competitors 2.91 Average extent 3
2.3 The price are changing 2.94 Average extent 2
2.4 The place of buyers is very far 3.05 Average extent 1
2.5 The buyers are cheating 1.18 Very low extent 5
Average Weighted Mean 2.45 Below average extent

Financial Management
This section presents the financial management that includes the cost and return analysis for bunching onions.
Assumptions and the test of relationship using correlation are also presented.

Cost and return of producing bunching onions

The cost and return were based on the data and assumption gathered from the respondents.Table 20 shows the
average of bunching onion per hectare and per cycle. One cycle of bunching onions isconsisting of 2 ½ months or 3
months. This showsthat the average harvest per cycle in the field is 6,200 kg. Average income of bunching onions is
Php 589,000.00 per cycle, average of total cost/expenses of bunching onion is Php 65,887.50 and the average net
income per cycle in the field is Php 532,290.00 of bunching onion production.

Table 20:- Distribution of the respondents by average volume of harvest per ha/per cycle.

Farm Size (Ha) Volume harvest per Total sales Total owner cost
cycle(kg) in peso per cycle in peso or expenses per hectare Net Income

1 to 1.5 8500-10,000t/ha 950,000.00 100,000.00 850,000.00

0.8 to 0.9 7500-8000 kg 760,000.00 70,000.00 690,000.00
0.6 to 0.7 6000-7000 kg 665,000.00 50,000.00 615,000.00
0.4 to 0.5 2500-5000 kg 475,000.00 43,550.00 431,450.00
0.2 to 0.3 700 - 1000 kg 95,000.00 20.000.00 75,000.00
Average 6,200kg 589,000.00 65,887.50 532,290.00

Cost and return of producing bunching onions in half hectare

Table 21 shows the average cost and return of 0.5/ half-hectare-producing bunching onions per cycle. The
production gives the respondents a reasonable profit. Based on the data, the average sale of bunching onions is
Php480, 000.00 per cycle is expected to be realized average expenses of Php 43,550 was incurred and averaged
income of Php 436,450.00. Return on Sale (ROS) of 90.92% shows that every peso sale attained, there is a
corresponding Php 0.91 centavos net return. Return on Investment (ROI) of 10.02% shows that every Php 1.00 total
investment there is a corresponding Php 0.10 centavos net return.

Table 21:- Income statement of Bunching Onion (One cropping in 0.5/half hectare).

Influence of Demographic Profile of the Farmers to Yield and Profitability

To determine if profit level is affected by the demographic characteristics, test of relationship between age,
household size, farm size, and educational attainment and yield and profit per ha per cycle in the field was tested.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(10), 01-15

Result of analyses in Tables 22 and 23 revealed that the amount of yield per hectare per cycle of the respondents is
influenced by the household size and farm size. The bigger household size results a lower yield because the capital
is short for every day needs in a bigger household size while the smaller household size results a higher yield and
not influenced by age and educational attainment in yield per hectare per cycle. While the amount of profit per
hectare per cycle of the respondents is influenced by the educational attainment and also influenced by household,
size and farm size in profit per hectare per cycle because bigger household size and small farm size result a lower
yield that result also a lower profit. However, if if the farmers have bigger household size and have smaller farm size
in terms by educational attainment in college level influence in terms of profit because they have strong ability to
market or deal with the buyers that result to high profit and not influence by age of the respondents.

This result shows that the principles of economies of scale operate in bunching onions productions. It means that it
can produce one unit of output at lower cost than when a smaller business is operated.

Table 22:- Relationship between demographic characteristics and yield per hectare per cycle.

Table 23:- Relationship between demographic characteristics and profit per hectare per cycle.

Based on the study, it is therefore concluded that growing ofbunching onions is profitable and a good source of
income in short period of time about 2 to 3 months. This is because they practice water supply through deep well
farming. There is a high demand or production for bunching onion in the months of September and November. this
is also when prices are in maximum. It is further concluded that the age of the respondents has no significant
influence on the yield and income of bunching onions growers except educational attainment, household size and
farm size that directly affects in yield and profit on per cycle per hectare basis. The bigger the farm size, the higher
the yield and profit. It was suggested that individuals who want to engage in this kind of business should have more

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(10), 01-15

knowledge in the production and profitability of growing bunching onions. Further studies regarding bunching
onions in other towns are also recommended to compare the profitability and the practices.

The researcher takes this opportunity to express his deepest gratitude to the following person who have made my
study more meaningful and who contributed much in the fulfillment of this study.

1. Dr. Rodel G. Maghirang and Ms. Marisa B. Miranda, 2012 IPB, UPLB.Published by: Philippine Council for
Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCARRD), DOST. – (Information
Bulletin No. 162).
2. Samonte, P, Dantes P.M. 2010 “Farmers Make Big Money from spring Onions”. Agriculture. Manina Bulletin
Publishing Corporation, Intramuros, Manila. XIV (11):18-19.
3. Pablico, M.A. Sosimo 2009. “What the real score on Organic and InorganicFertilizer For green onion. Manina
Bulletin Publishing Corporation, IntramurosManila.XIII (9): 50-5
4. Valenzuela, M.E.F.2014. Growth and Yield of Green Onion (Allium fistulosum) Fertilized with Pureganic,
Vermicompost and Inorganic fertilizer. Published Undergraduate Thesis, Laguna State Polytechnic University,
Siniloan, Laguna.
5. Gonzales, A.P. 2010. Performance of Green Onion (Allium fistulosum) inHydroponics Culture in Different
Intervals off Natural Foliar FertilizerApplication With and Without Aerotion. Published Undergraduate
Thesis,Laguna State Polytechnic University, Siniloan, Laguna.
6. Maghirang, R. G. and M. B. Miranda. 2009 Bunching Onion Production Guide.Bulletin of Philippine Council
for Agriulture, Forestry and NaturalResources Research and Development Los Banos, Laguna.
7. Mercado, Leilani Joy. 2011. Performance of Green Onion (Allium fistulosum)Fertilized with Vermicompost and
Vermitea. Publish BSA UndergraduateThesis, Laguna State Polytechnic University, Siniloan, Laguna
8. Quirino Z. 2010. Green onion technology Sarawak.˂[email protected]˃March 1, 2010.


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