P&ID - Chemical Processes

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The key takeaways are that the book introduces important diagrams like BFD, PFD and P&ID that are used to design and understand chemical processes. It also discusses the evolutionary process of design and methods to trace chemicals through a process.

The three principal diagrams presented in Chapter 1 are the block flow diagram (BFD), the process flow diagram (PFD), and the piping and instrument diagram (P&ID).

The six elements of the generic block flow process diagram are: raw materials, reaction, separation, purification, recycling, and products.


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and Analysis of
Chemical Processes

The first section of this book consists of Chapters 1–4. Chapter 1 covers the im-
portant diagrams that are routinely used by chemical engineers to help design
and understand chemical processes. The book commences with this section and
chapter because nearly all the technical information that is presented in the re-
mainder of the book is, in some way, related to the three principal diagrams that
are presented in Chapter 1. These three diagrams are the block flow diagram
(BFD), process flow diagram (PFD), and the piping and instrument diagram
(P&ID). In addition, the three-dimensional representation of a process is intro-
duced, and some of the basic issues regarding equipment location are addressed.
In Chapter 2 the evolutionary process of design is investigated. The input-
output structure of a process is presented, and the basic building blocks that are
common to all processes are introduced. The different recycle structures of
processes are illustrated, and the rationale for adding inert material to the feed is
also explained.
In Chapter 3, methods for tracing chemical species through a process flow di-
agram are given. By following the paths of feed chemicals and reactants, it is pos-
sible to obtain a much clearer picture of what is happening in an existing process.
Finally, in Chapter 4, the conditions at which different equipment operate
are discussed and explained. The concept of conditions of special concern is ex-
plained, and examples of such conditions are identified and explained in the con-
text of the toluene hydrodealkylation process.

Chapter 1: Diagrams for Understanding Chemical Processes

The technical diagrams commonly used by chemical engineers are pre-
sented. These diagrams include the block flow diagram (BFD), the process
flow diagram (PFD), and the process and instrumentation diagram (P&ID).

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10 Section 1 Conceptualization and Analysis of Chemical Processes

A standard method for presenting a PFD is given and illustrated using a

process to produce benzene via the catalytic hydrodealkylation of toluene.
The 3D topology of chemical processes is introduced, and some basic infor-
mation on the spacing and elevation of equipment is presented. These con-
cepts are further illustrated in the Virtual Plant Tour AVI file on the CD ac-
companying the textbook.

Chapter 2: The Structure and Synthesis of Process Flow Diagrams

The evolutionary process of design is investigated. This evolution begins with
the process concept diagram that shows the input-output structure of all
processes. From this simple starting point, the engineer can estimate the gross
profit margins of competing processes and of processes that use different
chemical synthesis routes to produce the same product. In this chapter, it is
shown that all processes have a similar input/output structure whereby raw
materials enter a process and are reacted to form products and by-products.
These products are separated from unreacted feed, which is usually recycled.
The product streams are then purified to yield products that are acceptable to
the market place. All equipment in a process can be categorized into one of the
six elements of the generic block flow process diagram. The process of process
design continues by building preliminary flowsheets from these basic func-
tional elements that are common to all processes.

Chapter 3: Tracing Chemicals through the Process Flow Diagram

In order to gain a better understanding of a PFD, it is often necessary to fol-
low the flow of key chemical components through the diagram. This chap-
ter presents two different methods to accomplish this. The tracing of chemi-
cals through the process reinforces our understanding of the role that each
piece of equipment plays. In most cases, the major chemical species can be
followed throughout the flow diagram using simple logic without referring
to the flow summary table.

Chapter 4: Understanding Process Conditions

Once the connectivity or topology of the PFD has been understood, it is nec-
essary to understand why a piece of equipment is operated at a given pressure
and temperature. The idea of conditions of special concern is introduced.
These conditions are either expensive to implement (due to special materials
of construction and/or the use of thick-walled vessels) or use expensive utili-
ties. The reasons for using these conditions are introduced and explained.
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for Understanding
Chemical Processes

The chemical process industry (CPI) is involved in the production of a wide vari-
ety of products that improve the quality of our lives and generate income for the
companies and their stockholders. In general, chemical processes are complex,
and chemical engineers in industry encounter a variety of chemical process flow
diagrams. These processes often involve substances of high chemical reactivity,
high toxicity, and high corrosivity operating at high pressures and temperatures.
These characteristics can lead to a variety of potentially serious consequences, in-
cluding explosions, environmental damage, and threats to people’s health. It is
essential that errors or omissions resulting from missed communication between
persons and/or groups involved in the design and operation do not occur when
dealing with chemical processes. Visual information is the clearest way to present
material and is least likely to be misinterpreted. For these reasons, it is essential
that chemical engineers be able to formulate appropriate process diagrams and
be skilled in analyzing and interpreting diagrams prepared by others.

The most effective way of communicating information about a

process is through the use of flow diagrams.

This chapter presents and discusses the more common flow diagrams en-
countered in the chemical process industry. These diagrams evolve from the time
a process is conceived in the laboratory through the design, construction, and the
many years of plant operation. The most important of these diagrams are de-
scribed and discussed in this chapter.

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12 Section 1 Conceptualization and Analysis of Chemical Processes

The following narrative is taken from Kauffman [1] (adapted by permission

of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, AIChE copyright © 1986, all
rights reserved) and describes a representative case history related to the devel-
opment of a new chemical process. It shows how teams of engineers work to-
gether to provide a plant design and introduces the types of diagrams that will be
explored in this chapter.

The research and development group at ABC Chemicals Company worked out a way
to produce alpha-beta souptol (ABS). Process engineers assigned to work with the de-
velopment group have pieced together a continuous process for making ABS in com-
mercial quantities and have tested key parts of it. This work involved hundreds of
block flow diagrams, some more complex than others. Based on information de-
rived from these block flow diagrams, a decision was made to proceed with
this process.
A process engineering team from ABC’s central office carries out the detailed
process calculations, material and energy balances, equipment sizing, etc. Working
with their drafting department, they produced a series of PFDs (Process Flow Dia-
grams) for the process. As problems arise and are solved, the team may revise and re-
draw the PFDs. Often the work requires several rounds of drawing, checking, and
Specialists in distillation, process control, kinetics, and heat transfer are
brought in to help the process team in key areas. Some are company employees and
others are consultants.
Since ABC is only a moderate-sized company, it does not have sufficient staff to
prepare the 120 P&IDs (Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams) needed for the
new ABS plant. ABC hires a well-known engineering and construction firm (E&C
Company), DEFCo, to do this work for them. The company assigns two of the ABC
process teams to work at DEFCo to coordinate the job. DEFCo’s process engineers,
specialists, and drafting department prepare the P&IDs. They do much of the detailed
engineering (pipe sizes, valve specifications, etc.) as well as the actual drawing. The
job may take two to six months. Every drawing is reviewed by DEFCo’s project team
and by ABC’s team. If there are disagreements, the engineers and specialists from the
companies must resolve them.
Finally, all the PFDs and the P&IDs are completed and approved. ABC can
now go ahead with the construction. They may extend their contract with DEFCo to
include this phase, or they may go out for construction bids from a number of sources.

This narrative describes a typical sequence of events taking a project from

its initial stages through plant construction. If DEFCo had carried out the con-
struction, ABC could go ahead and take over the plant or DEFCo could be con-
tracted to carry out the start-up and to commission the plant. Once satisfactory
performance specifications have been met, ABC would take over the operation of
the plant and commercial production would begin.
From conception of the process to the time the plant starts up, two or more
years will have elapsed and millions of dollars will have been spent with no rev-
enue from the plant. The plant must operate successfully for many years to pro-
duce sufficient income to pay for all plant operations and to repay the costs
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Chapter 1 Diagrams for Understanding Chemical Processes 13

associated with designing and building the plant. During this operating period,
many unforeseen changes are likely to take place. The quality of the raw materials
used by the plant may change, product specifications may be raised, production
rates may need to be increased, the equipment performance will decrease because
of wear, the development of new and better catalysts will occur, the costs of utili-
ties will change, new environmental regulations may be introduced, or improved
equipment may appear on the market.
As a result of these unplanned changes, plant operations must be modified.
Although the operating information on the original process diagrams remains in-
formative, the actual performance taken from the operating plant will be differ-
ent. The current operating conditions will appear on updated versions of the
various process diagrams, which will act as a primary basis for understanding
the changes taking place in the plant. These process diagrams are essential to an
engineer who has been asked to diagnose operating problems, to solve problems
in operations, to debottleneck systems for increased capacity, and to predict the
effects of making changes in operating conditions. All these activities are essen-
tial in order to maintain profitable plant operation.
In this chapter, we concentrate on three diagrams that are important to
chemical engineers: block flow, process flow, and piping and instrumentation
diagrams. Of these three diagrams, we will find that the most useful to chemical
engineers is the PFD. The understanding of the PFD represents a central goal of
this textbook.


The block flow diagram is introduced early in the education of chemical engi-
neers. In the first courses in material and energy balances, often the initial step
was to convert a word problem into a simple visual block flow diagram. This dia-
gram was a series of blocks connected with input and output flow streams. It
included operating conditions (temperature and pressure) and other important
information such as conversion and recovery, given in the problem statement. It
did not provide details regarding what was involved within the blocks, but con-
centrated on the main flow of streams through the process.
The block flow diagram can take one of two forms. First, a block flow dia-
gram may be drawn for a single process. Alternatively, a block flow diagram may
be drawn for a complete chemical complex involving many different chemical
processes. We differentiate between these two types of diagram by calling the
first a block flow process diagram and the second a block flow plant diagram.

1.1.1 Block Flow Process Diagram

An example of a block flow process diagram is shown in Figure 1.1, and the
process illustrated is described below.
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14 Section 1 Conceptualization and Analysis of Chemical Processes

Mixed Gas
(2,610 kg/h)
(10,000 kg/h) Reactor Gas
(8,210 kg/h)

(820 kg/h) Conversion Mixed Liquids
75% Toluene Still


Reaction : C 7 H8 + H 2 → C 6 H6 + C H4

Figure 1.1 Block Flow Process Diagram for the Production of Benzene

Toluene and hydrogen are converted in a reactor to produce benzene and methane. The
reaction does not go to completion, and excess toluene is required. The noncondensable
gases are separated and discharged. The benzene product and the unreacted toluene are
then separated by distillation. The toluene is then recycled back to the reactor and the
benzene removed in the product stream.

This block flow diagram gives a clear overview of the production of ben-
zene, unobstructed by the many details related to the process. Each block in the
diagram represents a process function and may, in reality, consist of several
pieces of equipment. The general format and conventions used in preparing
block flow process diagrams are presented in Table 1.1.
Although much information is missing from Figure 1.1, it is clear that such a
diagram is very useful for “getting a feel” for the process. Block flow process dia-
grams often form the starting point for developing a PFD. They are also very
helpful in conceptualizing new processes and explaining the main features of the
process without getting bogged down in the details.

1.1.2 Block Flow Plant Diagrams

An example of a block flow plant diagram for a complete chemical complex is il-
lustrated in Figure 1.2. This block flow plant diagram is for a coal to higher alco-
hol fuels plant. Clearly, this is a complicated process in which there are a number
of alcohol fuel products produced from a feedstock of coal. Each block in this dia-
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Chapter 1 Diagrams for Understanding Chemical Processes 15

Table 1.1 Conventions and Format Recommended for Laying Out a Block Flow
Process Diagram
1. Operations shown by blocks
2. Major flow lines shown with arrows giving direction of flow
3. Flow goes from left to right whenever possible
4. Light stream (gases) toward top with heavy stream (liquids and solids) toward
5. Critical information unique to process supplied
6. If lines cross, then the horizontal line is continuous and the vertical line is broken.
(hierarchy for all drawings in this book)
7. Simplified material balance provided

gram represents a complete chemical process (compressors and turbines are also
shown as trapezoids), and we could, if we wished, draw a block flow process dia-
gram for each block in Figure 1.2. The advantage of a diagram such as Figure 1.2
is that it allows us to get a complete picture of what this plant does and how all
the different processes interact. On the other hand, in order to keep the diagram
relatively uncluttered, only limited information is available about each process
unit. The conventions for drawing block flow plant diagrams are essentially the
same as given in Table 1.1.
Both types of block flow diagrams are useful for explaining the overall op-
eration of chemical plants. For example, consider that you have just joined a large
chemical manufacturing company that produces a wide range of chemical prod-
ucts from the site to which you have been assigned. You would most likely be
given a block flow plant diagram to orient you to the products and important areas
of operation. Once assigned to one of these areas, you would again likely be pro-
vided with a block flow process diagram describing the operations in your particular
In addition to the orientation function described earlier, block flow dia-
grams are used to sketch out and screen potential process alternatives. Thus, they
are used to convey information necessary to make early comparisons and elimi-
nate competing alternatives without having to make detailed and costly com-

1.2 Process Flow Diagram (PFD)

The process flow diagram (PFD) represents a quantum step up from the BFD in
terms of the amount of information that it contains. The PFD contains the bulk of
the chemical engineering data necessary for the design of a chemical process. For
all of the diagrams discussed in this chapter, there are no universally accepted
standards. The PFD from one company will probably contain slightly different

water vent to
48 47
50 atmosphere

air 41 42 45
COS Claus Beavon
39 hydrolysis plant plant water to sws
67 54
46 51 sulfur
25 38 23
11:40 AM

co2 rich stream

co2 + n2
22A 64
Page 16

Sour Gas Rectisol 4 alcohol alcohol
mixed alcohols
Shift 22 synthesis separation
59 ww
17A water hydrocarbon
19 27 separation
20 8A 56B 56A
methanol 5 co2 57
make up 56
co2 purge
water 67
71 bfw 73
11 70 65
10 13
coal 75
coal Texaco syn. gas syn gas
limestone gas turbine
preparation Gasifier heat recov combust’n exhaust gases
12 water
2 33
2 8 37 slag product
34 9 74
water make-up water 68 76
purge steam to sc
handling 36 steam
1 3 4 6 turbine nitrogen
1 cryogenic argon
O2 plant
28 + CO2

Figure 1.2 Block Flow Plant Diagram of a Coal to Higher Alcohol Fuels Process
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Chapter 1 Diagrams for Understanding Chemical Processes 17

information than the PFD for the same process from another company. Having
made this point, it is fair to say that most PFDs convey very similar information.
A typical commercial PFD will contain the following information:

1. All the major pieces of equipment in the process will be represented on the
diagram along with a description of the equipment. Each piece of equip-
ment will have assigned a unique equipment number and a descriptive
2. All process flow streams will be shown and identified by a number. A de-
scription of the process conditions and chemical composition of each stream
will be included. These data will be displayed either directly on the PFD or
included in an accompanying flow summary table.
3. All utility streams supplied to major equipment that provides a process
function will be shown.
4. Basic control loops, illustrating the control strategy used to operate the
process during normal operations, will be shown.

It is clear that the PFD is a complex diagram that requires a substantial ef-
fort to prepare. It is essential that to avoid errors in presentation and interpreta-
tion it should remain uncluttered and be easy to follow. Often PFDs are drawn on
large sheets of paper (Size D: 24” × 36”), and several connected sheets may be re-
quired for a complex process. Because of the page size limitations associated with
this text, complete PFDs cannot be presented here. Consequently, certain liberties
have been taken in the presentation of the PFDs in this text. Specifically, certain
information will be presented in accompanying tables and only the essential
process information will be included on the PFD. The resulting PFDs will retain
clarity of presentation, but the reader must refer to the flow summary and equip-
ment summary tables in order to extract all the required information about the
Before we discuss the various aspects of the PFD, it should be noted that the
PFD and the process that we describe in this chapter will be used throughout the
book. The process is the hydrodealkylation of toluene to produce benzene. This is
a well-studied and well-understood commercial process that is still used today.
The PFD that we present in this chapter for this process is technically feasible but
is in no way optimized. In fact, there are many improvements to the process tech-
nology and economic performance that can be made. Many of these improve-
ments will become evident when the appropriate material is presented. This al-
lows the techniques provided throughout this text to be applied to identify both
technical and economic problems in the process and to make the necessary
process improvements. Therefore, as we proceed through the text, we will iden-
tify weak spots in the design, make improvements, and move toward an opti-
mized process flow diagram.
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18 Section 1 Conceptualization and Analysis of Chemical Processes

The basic information provided by a PFD can be categorized into one of the

1. Process topology
2. Stream information
3. Equipment information

We will look at each aspect of the PFD separately. After we have addressed
each of the three topics, we will bring all the information together and present the
PFD for the benzene process.

1.2.1 Process Topology

Figure 1.3 is a skeleton process flow diagram for the production of benzene (see
also the block flow process diagram in Figure 1.1). This skeleton diagram illus-
trates the location of the major pieces of equipment and the connections that the
process streams make between equipment. The location of and interaction be-
tween equipment and process streams is referred to as the process topology.
Equipment is represented symbolically by “icons” that identify specific unit
operations. Although the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) [2]
publishes a set of symbols to use in preparing flowsheets, it is not uncommon for
companies to use in-house symbols. A comprehensive set of symbols is also given
by Austin [3]. Whatever set of symbols is used, there is seldom a problem in iden-
tifying the operation represented by each icon. Figure 1.4 contains a list of the
symbols used in process diagrams presented in this text. This list covers over 90%
of those needed in fluid (gas or liquid) processes.
Figure 1.3 shows that each major piece of process equipment is identified by
a number on the diagram. A list of the equipment numbers along with a brief de-
scriptive name for the equipment is printed along the top of the diagram. The lo-
cation of these equipment numbers and names roughly corresponds to the hori-
zontal location of the corresponding piece of equipment. The convention for
formatting and identifying the process equipment is given in Table 1.2.
Table 1.2 provides the information necessary for the identification of the
process equipment icons shown in a PFD. As an example of how to use this infor-
mation, consider the unit operation P-101A/B and what each number or letter

P-101A/B identifies the equipment as a pump

P-101A/B indicates that the pump is located in area 100 of the plant
P-101A/B indicates that this specific pump is number 01 in unit 100.
P-101A/B indicates that a back-up pump is installed. Thus, there are two
identical pumps P-101A and P-101B. One pump will be operating while the
other is idle.

E-101 E-102 V-102 V-103 E-103 E-106 T-101 E-104 V-104 P-102A/B E-105

V-101 P-101A/B H-101 R-101 C-101A/B

Toluene Toluene Feed Feed Reactor RecycleGas Reactor HighPres. Low Pres. Tower Benzene Benzene Benzene Reflux Reflux Product
Storage Feed Pumps Preheater Heater Compressor Effluent Phase Sep. Phase Sep. Feed Reboiler Column Condenser Drum Pumps Cooler
Drum Cooler Heater
11:40 AM

fuel gas
E-101 combustion
Page 19

Toluene hps products 13

1 2
E-104 19
4 C-101A/B 17 E-103
V-101 6 8
10 14

7 lps
Hydrogen P-101A/B fuel cw
air 9 E-105
3 gas
R-101 cw 15
H-101 18
mps benzene

Figure 1.3 Skeleton Process Flow Diagram (PFD) for the Production of Benzene via the Hydrodealkylation of Toluene

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20 Section 1 Conceptualization and Analysis of Chemical Processes









Figure 1.4 Symbols for Drawing Process Flow Diagrams

The 100 area designation will be used for the benzene process throughout
this text. Other processes presented in the text will carry other area designations.
Along the top of the PFD, each piece of process equipment is assigned a descrip-
tive name. From Figure 1.3 it can be seen that Pump P-101 is called the “toluene
feed pump.” This name will be commonly used in discussions about the process
and is synonymous with P-101.
During the life of the plant, many modifications will be made to the process;
often it will be necessary to replace or eliminate process equipment. When a piece
of equipment wears out and is replaced by a new unit that provides essentially
the same process function as the old unit, then it is not uncommon for the new
piece of equipment to inherit the old equipment’s name and number (often an ad-
ditional letter suffix will be used, e.g., H-101 might become H-101A). On the other
hand, if a significant process modification takes place, then it is usual to use new
equipment numbers and names. The following example, taken from Figure 1.3, il-
lustrates this concept.
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Chapter 1 Diagrams for Understanding Chemical Processes 21

Table 1.2 Conventions Used for Identifying Process Equipment

Process Equipment General Format XX-YZZ A/B
XX are the identification letters for the equipment classification
C - Compressor or Turbine
E - Heat Exchanger
H - Fired Heater
P - Pump
R - Reactor
T - Tower
TK - Storage Tank
V - Vessel
Y designates an area within the plant
ZZ is the number designation for each item in an equipment class
A/B identifies parallel units or backup units not shown on a PFD
Supplemental Information Additional description of equipment given on top of PFD

Example 1.1
Operators report frequent problems with E-102, which are to be investigated. The PFD for
the plant’s 100 area is reviewed, and E-102 is identified as the “Reactor Effluent Cooler.”
The process stream entering the cooler is a mixture of condensable and non-condensable
gases at 654°C that are partially condensed to form a two-phase mixture. The coolant is
water at 30°C. These conditions characterize a complex heat transfer problem. In addition,
operators have noticed that the pressure drop across E-102 fluctuates wildly at certain
times, making control of the process difficult. Because of the frequent problems with this
exchanger, it is recommended that E-102 be replaced by two separate heat exchangers. The
first exchanger cools the effluent gas and generates steam needed in the plant. The second
exchanger uses cooling water to reach the desired exit temperature of 38°C. These ex-
changers are to be designated as E-107 (reactor effluent boiler) and E-108 (reactor effluent

The E-102 designation is retired and not reassigned to the new equipment. There
can be no mistake that E-107 and E-108 are new units in this process and that
E-102 no longer exists.
Referring back to Figure 1.3, it can be seen that each of the process streams
is identified by a number in a diamond box located on the stream. The direction
of the stream is identified by one or more arrowheads. The process stream num-
bers are used to identify streams on the PFD, and the type of information that is
typically given for each stream is discussed in the next section.
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22 Section 1 Conceptualization and Analysis of Chemical Processes

Also identified in Figure 1.3 are utility streams. Utilities are needed services
that are available at the plant. Chemical plants are provided with a range of cen-
tral utilities that include electricity, compressed air, cooling water, refrigerated
water, steam, condensate return, inert gas for blanketing, chemical sewer, waste
water treatment, and flares. A list of the common services is given in Table 1.3,
which also provides a guide for the identification of process streams.
Each utility is identified by the initials provided in Table 1.3. As an example,
let us locate E-102 in Figure 1.3. The notation, cw, associated with the nonprocess
stream flowing into E-102 indicates that cooling water is used as a coolant.
Electricity used to power motors and generators is an additional utility that
is not identified directly on the PFD or in Table 1.3 but is treated separately. Most
of the utilities shown are related to equipment that add or remove heat within the

Table 1.3 Conventions for Identifying Process and Utility Streams

Process Streams
All conventions shown in Table 1.1 apply.
Diamond symbol located in flow lines.
Numerical identification (unique for that stream) inserted in diamond.
Flow direction shown by arrows on flow lines.

Utility Streams
lps Low-pressure Steam: 3–5 barg (sat) ‡
mps Medium-pressure Steam: 10–15 barg (sat) ‡
hps High-pressure Steam: 40–50 barg (sat) ‡
htm Heat Transfer Media (Organic): to 400°C
cw Cooling Water: From cooling tower 30°C returned at less than 45°C†
wr River Water: From river 25°C returned at less than 35°C
rw Refrigerated Water: In at 5°C returned at less than 15°C
rb Refrigerated Brine: In at −45°C returned at less than 0°C
cs Chemical Waste Water with high COD
ss Sanitary Waste Water with high BOD, etc.
el Electric Heat (specify 220, 440, 660V service)
ng Natural Gas
fg Fuel Gas
fo Fuel Oil
fw Fire Water

These pressures are set during the preliminary design stages and typical values vary within the
ranges shown.

Above 45°C, significant scaling occurs.
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Chapter 1 Diagrams for Understanding Chemical Processes 23

process in order to control temperatures. This is common for most chemical


1.2.2 Stream Information

From the process flow diagram, Figure 1.3, the identification of the process
streams is clear. For small diagrams containing only a few operations, the charac-
teristics of the streams such as temperatures, pressures, compositions, and
flowrates can be shown directly on the figure, adjacent to the stream. This is not
practical for a more complex diagram. In this case, only the stream number is
provided on the diagram. This indexes the stream to information on a flow sum-
mary or stream table, which is often provided below the process flow diagram. In
this text the flow summary table is provided as a separate attachment to the PFD.
The stream information that is normally given in a flow summary table is
given in Table 1.4. It is divided into two groups—required information and op-
tional information—that may be important to specific processes. The flow sum-

Table 1.4 Information Provided in a Flow Summary

Essential Information
Stream Number
Temperature (°C)
Pressure (bar)
Vapor Fraction
Total Mass Flowrate (kg/h)
Total Mole Flowrate (kmol/h)
Individual Component Flowrates (kmol/h)

Optional Information
Component Mole Fractions
Component Mass Fractions
Individual Component Flowrates (kg/h)
Volumetric Flowrates (m3/h)
Significant Physical Properties
Thermodynamic Data
Heat Capacity
Stream Enthalpy
Stream Name
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24 Section 1 Conceptualization and Analysis of Chemical Processes

Table 1.5 Flow Summary Table for the Benzene Process Shown in Figure 1.3 (and Figure 1.5)
Stream Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Temperature (°C) 25 59 25 225 41 600 41 38
Pressure (bar) 1.90 25.8 25.5 25.2 25.5 25.0 25.5 23.9
Vapor Fraction 0.0 0.0 1.00 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Mass Flow (tonne/h) 10.0 13.3 0.82 20.5 6.41 20.5 0.36 9.2
Mole Flow (kmol/h) 108.7 144.2 301.0 1204.4 758.8 1204.4 42.6 1100.8
Component Mole Flow
Hydrogen 0.0 0.0 286.0 735.4 449.4 735.4 25.2 651.9
Methane 0.0 0.0 15.0 317.3 302.2 317.3 16.95 438.3
Benzene 0.0 1.0 0.0 7.6 6.6 7.6 0.37 9.55
Toluene 108.7 143.2 0.0 144.0 0.7 144.0 0.04 1.05

mary table for the benzene process, Figure 1.3, is given in Table 1.5 and contains
all the required information listed in Table 1.4.
With information from the PFD (Figure 1.3) and the flow summary table
(Table 1.5), problems regarding material balances and other problems are easily
analyzed. To start gaining experience in working with information from the PFD,
the following examples are provided.

Example 1.2
Check the overall material balance for the benzene process shown in Figure 1.3. From the
figure, we identify the input streams as Stream 1 (toluene feed) and Stream 3 (hydrogen
feed) and the output streams as Stream 15 (product benzene) and Stream 16 (fuel gas).
From the flow summary table, these flows are listed as (units are in (103 kg)/h):

Input: Output:
Stream 3 0.82 Stream 15 8.21
Stream 1 10.00 Stream 16 2.61
Total 10.82×103 kg/h Total 10.82×103 kg/h
Balance is achieved since Output = Input.

Example 1.3
Determine the conversion per pass of toluene to benzene in R-101 in Figure 1.3. Conver-
sion is defined as

ε = (benzene produced)/(total toluene introduced)

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Chapter 1 Diagrams for Understanding Chemical Processes 25

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
654 90 147 112 112 112 38 38 38 38 112
24.0 2.6 2.8 3.3 2.5 3.3 2.3 2.5 2.8 2.9 2.5
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
20.9 11.6 3.27 14.0 22.7 22.7 8.21 2.61 0.07 11.5 0.01
1247.0 142.2 35.7 185.2 290.7 290.7 105.6 304.2 4.06 142.2 0.90

652.6 0.02 0.0 0.0 0.02 0.0 0.0 178.0 0.67 0.02 0.02
442.3 0.88 0.0 0.0 0.88 0.0 0.0 123.05 3.10 0.88 0.88
116.0 106.3 1.1 184.3 289.46 289.46 105.2 2.85 0.26 106.3 0.0
36.0 35.0 34.6 0.88 1.22 1.22 0.4 0.31 0.03 35.0 0.0

From the PFD, the input streams to R-101 are shown as Stream 6 (reactor feed) and Stream
7 (recycle gas quench), and the output stream is Stream 9 (reactor effluent stream). From
the information in Table 1.5 (units are kmol/h):

toluene introduced = 144 (Stream 6) + 0.04 (Stream 7) = 144.04 kmol/h

benzene produced = 116 (Stream 9) − 7.6 (Stream 6) − 0.37 (Stream 7)
= 108.03 kmol/h

ε = 108.03/144.04 = 0.75

Alternatively, we can write

moles of benzene produced = toluene in − toluene out = 144.04 − 36.00

= 108.04 kmol/h
ε = 108.04/144.04 = 0.75

1.2.3 Equipment Information

The final element of the PFD is the equipment summary. This summary provides
the information necessary to estimate the costs of equipment and furnish the
basis for the detailed design of equipment. Table 1.6 provides the information
needed for the equipment summary for most of the equipment encountered in
fluid processes.
The information presented in Table 1.6 is used in preparing the equip-
ment summary portion of the PFD for the benzene process. The equipment sum-
mary for the benzene process is presented in Table 1.7, and details of how we
estimate and choose the various equipment parameters are discussed in Chap-
ter 9.
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26 Section 1 Conceptualization and Analysis of Chemical Processes

Table 1.6 Equipment Descriptions for PFD and PIDs

Equipment Type
Description of Equipment

Size (height and diameter), Pressure, Temperature
Number and Type of Trays
Height and Type of Packing
Materials of Construction

Heat Exchangers
Type: Gas-Gas, Gas-Liquid, Liquid-Liquid, Condenser, Vaporizer
Process: Duty, Area, Temperature, and Pressure for both streams
No. of Shell and Tube Passes
Materials of Construction: Tubes and Shell

See vessels

Height, Diameter, Orientation, Pressure, Temperature, Materials of Construction

Flow, Discharge Pressure, Temperature, P, Driver Type, Shaft Power, Materials of Construction

Actual Inlet Flow Rate, Temperature, Pressure, Driver Type, Shaft Power,
Materials of Construction

Heaters (Fired)
Type, Tube Pressure, Tube Temperature, Duty, Fuel, Material of Construction

Provide Critical Information
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Chapter 1 Diagrams for Understanding Chemical Processes 27

Table 1.7 Equipment Summary for Toluene Hydrodealkylation PFD

Heat Exchangers E-101 E-102 E-103 E-104 E-105 E-106
Type Fl.H. Fl.H. MDP Fl.H. MDP Fl.H.
Area (m ) 36 763 11 35 12 80
Duty (MJ/h) 15,190 46,660 1055 8335 1085 9045

Temp. (°C) 225 654 160 112 112 185
Pres. (bar) 26 24 6 3 3 11
Phase Vap. Par. Cond. Cond. Cond. l Cond.

Temp. (°C) 258 40 90 40 40 147
Pres. (bar) 42 3 3 3 3 3
Phase Cond. l l l l Vap.

Reactors V-101 V-102 V-103 V-104 T-101 R-101
Temperature (°C) 55 38 38 112 147 660
Pressure (bar) 2.0 24 3.0 2.5 3.0 25
Orientation Horizn'l Vertical Vertical Horizn'l Vertical Vertical

Height/Length (m) 5.9 3.5 3.5 3.9 29 14.2
Diameter (m) 1.9 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.5 2.3
Internals s.p. s.p. 42 sieve trays catalyst
316SS packed

P-101 P-102 C-101

Pumps/Compressors (A/B) (A/B) (A/B) Heater H-101
Flow (kg/h) 13,000 22,700 6770 Type Fired
Fluid Density (kg/m ) 870 880 8.02 MOC 316SS
Power (shaft) (kW) 14.2 3.2 49.1 Duty (MJ/h) 27,040

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28 Section 1 Conceptualization and Analysis of Chemical Processes

Table 1.7 Equipment Summary for Toluene Hydrodealkylation PFD (continued)

P-101 P-102 C-101

Pumps/Compressors (A/B) (A/B) (A/B) Heater H-101
Type/Drive Recip./ Centrf./ Centrf./ Radiant Area (m2) 106.8
Electric Electric Electric
Efficiency (Fluid 0.75 0.50 0.75 Convective Area (m2) 320.2
Power/Shaft Power)
MOC CS CS CS Tube P (bar) 26.0
Temp. (in) (°C) 55 112 38
Pres. (in) (bar) 1.2 2.2 23.9
Pres. (out) (bar) 27.0 4.4 25.5
MOC Materials of construction Par Partial
316SS Stainless steel type 316 F.H. Fixed head
CS Carbon steel Fl.H. Floating head
Vap Stream being vaporized Rbl Reboiler
Cond Stream being condensed s.p. Splash plate
Recipr. Reciprocating l Liquid
Centrf. Centrifugal MDP Multiple double pipe

1.2.4 Combining Topology, Stream Data, and Control Strategy

to Give a PFD
Up to this point, we have kept the amount of process information displayed on
the PFD to a minimum. A more representative example of a PFD for the benzene
process is shown in Figure 1.5. This diagram includes all of the elements found in
Figure 1.3, some of the information found in Table 1.5, plus additional informa-
tion on the major control loops used in the process.
Stream information is added to the diagram by attaching “information
flags.” The shape of the flags indicates the specific information provided on the
flag. Figure 1.6 illustrates all the flags used in this text. These information flags
play a dual role. They provide information needed in the plant design leading to
plant construction and in the analysis of operating problems during the life of the
plant. Flags are mounted on a staff connected to the appropriate process stream.
More than one flag may be mounted on a staff. An example illustrating the differ-
ent information displayed on the PFD is given below.

Example 1.4
We locate Stream 1 in Figure 1.5 and note that immediately following the stream identifi-
cation diamond a staff is affixed. This staff carries three flags containing the following
stream data:
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Chapter 1 Diagrams for Understanding Chemical Processes 29

1. Temperature of 25 °C
2. Pressure of 1.9 bar
3. Mass flow rate of 10.0 x 103 kg/h
The units for each process variable are indicated in the key provided at the left-hand
side of Figure 1.5.

With the addition of the process control loops and the information flags, the
PFD starts to become cluttered. Therefore, in order to preserve clarity, it is neces-
sary to limit what data are presented with these information flags. Fortunately,
flags on a PFD are easy to add, remove, and change, and even temporary flags
may be provided from time to time.
The information provided on the flags is also included in the flow summary
table. However, often it is far more convenient when analyzing the PFD to have
certain data directly on the diagram.
Not all process information is of equal importance. General guidelines for
what data should be included in information flags on the PFD are difficult to de-
fine. However, as a minimum, information critical to the safety and operation of
the plant should be given. This includes temperatures and pressures associated
with the reactor, flowrates of feed and product streams, and stream pressures
and temperatures that are substantially higher than the rest of the process. Addi-
tional needs are process specific. Some examples of where and why information
should be included directly on a PFD are given below.

Example 1.5
Acrylic acid is temperature sensitive and polymerizes at 90°C when present in high con-
centration. It is separated by distillation and leaves from the bottom of the tower. In this
case, a temperature and pressure flag would be provided for the stream leaving the re-

Example 1.6
In the benzene process, the feed to the reactor is substantially hotter than the rest of the
process and is crucial to the operation of the process. In addition, the reaction is exother-
mic, and the reactor effluent temperature must be carefully monitored. For this reason
Stream 6 (entering) and Stream 9 (leaving) have temperature flags.

Example 1.7
The pressures of the streams to and from R-101 in the benzene process are also important.
The difference in pressure between the two streams gives the pressure drop across the re-
actor. This, in turn, gives an indication of any maldistribution of gas through the catalyst
beds. For this reason, pressure flags are also included on Streams 6 and 9.
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30 Section 1 Conceptualization and Analysis of Chemical Processes

V-101 P-101A/B E-101 H-101 R-101 C-101A/B E-102

Toluene Toluene Feed Heater Reactor Recycle Gas Reactor Effluent
Feed Drum Feed Pumps Preheater Compressor Cooler




Figure 1.5 Benzene Process Flow Diagram (PFD) for the Production of Benzene
via the Hydrodealkylation of Toluene







Figure 1.6 Symbols for Stream

MASS FLOWRATE Identification
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Chapter 1 Diagrams for Understanding Chemical Processes 31

V-102 V-103 E-103 E-106 T-101 E-104 V-104 P-102A/B E-105

High Pres. Low Pres. Feed Benzene Benzene Benzene Reflux Reflux Pump Product
Phase Sep. Phase Sep. Preheater Reboiler Column Condenser Drum Cooler


Benzene via the Hydrodealkylation of Toluene

Of secondary importance is the fact that flags are useful in reducing the size
of the flow summary table. For pumps, compressors, and heat exchangers, the
mass flows are the same for the input and output streams, and complete entries
in the stream table are not necessary. If the input (or output) stream is included in
the stream table, and a flag is added to provide the temperature (in the case of a
heat exchanger) or the pressure (in the case of a pump) for the other stream, then
there is no need to present this stream in the flow summary table.

Example 1.8
Follow Stream 13 leaving the top of the benzene column in the benzene PFD given in Fig-
ure 1.5 and in Table 1.5. This stream passes through the benzene condenser, E-104, into the
reflux drum, V-102. The majority of this stream then flows into the reflux pump, P-102,
and leaves as Stream 14, while the remaining noncondensables leave the reflux drum in
Stream 19. The mass flowrate and component flowrates of all these streams are given in
Table 1.5. The stream leaving E-104 is not included in the stream table. Instead, a flag giv-
ing the temperature (112°C) was provided on the diagram (indicating condensation with-
out sub-cooling). An additional flag, showing the pressure following the pump, is also
shown. In this case the entry for Stream 14 could be omitted from the stream table, because
it is simply the sum of Streams 12 and 15, and no information would be lost.

More information could be included in Figure 1.5 had space for the dia-
gram not been limited by text format. It is most important that the PFD remains
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32 Section 1 Conceptualization and Analysis of Chemical Processes

uncluttered and easy to follow in order to avoid errors and misunderstandings.

Adding additional material to Figure 1.5 risks sacrificing clarity.
The flow table presented in Table 1.5, the equipment summary presented in
Table 1.7, and Figure 1.5 taken together constitute all the information contained
on a commercially produced PFD.
The PFD is the first comprehensive diagram drawn for any new plant or
process. It provides all of the information needed to understand the chemical
process. In addition, sufficient information is given on the equipment, energy,
and material balances to establish process control protocol and to prepare cost es-
timates to determine the economic viability of the process.
Many additional drawings are needed to build the plant. All the process in-
formation required can be taken from this PFD. As described in the narrative at
the beginning of this chapter, the development of the PFD is most often carried
out by the operating company. Subsequent activities in the design of the plant are
often contracted out.
The value of the PFD does not end with the construction of the plant. It re-
mains the document that best describes the process, and it is used in the training
of operators and new engineers. It is consulted regularly to diagnose operating
problems that arise and to predict the effects of changes on the process.


The piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID) or mechanical flow diagram

(MFD) provides information needed by engineers to begin planning for the con-
struction of the plant. The P&ID includes every mechanical aspect of the plant ex-
cept the information given in Table 1.8. The general conventions used in drawing
P&IDs are given in Table 1.9.
Each PFD will require many P&IDs to provide the necessary data. Figure
1.7 is a representative P&ID for the distillation section of the benzene process
shown in Figure 1.5. The P&ID presented in Figure 1.7 provides information on
the piping, and this is included as part of the diagram. As an alternative, each
pipe can be numbered, and the specifics of every line can be provided in a
separate table accompanying this diagram. When possible, the physical size of

Table 1.8 Exclusions from Piping and Instrumentation Diagram

1. Operating conditions T, P
2. Stream flows
3. Equipment locations
4. Pipe routing
a. Pipe lengths
b. Pipe fittings
5. Supports, structures, and foundations
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Chapter 1 Diagrams for Understanding Chemical Processes 33

Table 1.9 Conventions in Constructing Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams

For Equipment—Show Every Piece Including
Spare units
Parallel units
Summary details of each unit

For Piping—Include All Lines Including Drains, Sample Connections and Specify
Size (use standard sizes)
Schedule (thickness)
Materials of construction
Insulation (thickness and type)

For Instruments—Identify
Show instrument lines

For Utilities—Identify
Entrance utilities
Exit utilities
Exit to waste treatment facilities

the larger-sized unit operations is reflected by the size of the symbol in the dia-
Utility connections are identified by a numbered box in the P&ID. The num-
ber within the box identifies the specific utility. The key identifying the utility
connections is shown in a table on the P&ID.
All process information that can be measured in the plant is shown on the
P&ID by circular flags. This includes the information to be recorded and used in
process control loops. The circular flags on the diagram indicate where the infor-
mation is obtained in the process and identifies the measurements taken and how
the information is dealt with. Table 1.10 summarizes the conventions used to
identify information related to instrumentation and control. The following exam-
ple illustrates the interpretation of instrumentation and control symbols.

Example 1.9
Consider the benzene product line leaving the right-hand side of the P&ID in Figure 1.7.
The flowrate of this stream is controlled by a control valve that receives a signal from a
level measuring element placed on V-104. The sequence of instrumentation is as follows:

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Figure 1.7 Piping and Instrumentation Diagram for Benzene Distillation (adapted from Kauffman, D, Flow Sheets and Diagrams,” AIChE Modular
Instruction, Series G: Design of Equipment, series editor J. Beckman, AIChE, New York, 1986, vol 1, Chapter G.1.5, AIChE copyright © 1986 AIChE, all
rights reserved)
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Chapter 1 Diagrams for Understanding Chemical Processes 35

Table 1.10 Conventions Used for Identifying Instrumentation on P&IDs

(ISA standard ISA-S5-1, [4])

Location of Instrumentation

Instrument located in plant

Instrument located on front of panel in control room

...... Instrument located on back of panel in control room

Meanings of Identification Letters XYY

First Letter (X) Second or Third Letter (Y)
A Analysis Alarm
B Burner flame
C Conductivity Control
D Density or specific gravity
E Voltage Element
F Flowrate
H Hand (manually initiated) High
I Current Indicate
J Power
K Time or time schedule Control station
L Level Light or low
M Moisture or humidity Middle or intermediate
O Orifice
P Pressure or vacuum Point
Q Quantity or event
R Radioactivity or ratio Record or print
S Speed or frequency Switch
T Temperature Transmit
V Viscosity Valve, damper, or louver
W Weight Well
Y Relay or compute
Z Position Drive

Identification of Instrument Connections

............................ Electrical
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36 Section 1 Conceptualization and Analysis of Chemical Processes

A level sensing element (LE) is located on the reflux drum V-104. A level transmitter (LT)
also located on V-104 sends an electrical signal (designated by a dashed line) to a level in-
dicator and controller (LIC). This LIC is located in the control room on the control panel or
console (as indicated by the horizontal line under LIC) and can be observed by the opera-
tors. From the LIC, an electrical signal is sent to an instrument (LY) that computes the cor-
rect valve position and in turn sends a pneumatic signal (designated by a solid line with
cross hatching) to activate the control valve (LCV). In order to warn operators of potential
problems, two alarms are placed in the control room. These are a high-level alarm (LAH)
and a low-level alarm (LAL), and they receive the same signal from the level transmitter as
does the controller.
This control loop is also indicated on the PFD of Figure 1.5. However, the details of
all the instrumentation are condensed into a single symbol (LIC), which adequately de-
scribes the essential process control function being performed. The control action that
takes place is not described explicitly in either drawing. However, it is a simple matter to
infer that if there is an increase in the level of liquid in V-104, the control valve will open
slightly and the flow of benzene product will increase, tending to lower the level in V-104.
For a decrease in the level of liquid, the valve will close slightly.

The details of the other control loops in Figures 1.5 and 1.7 are left to problems at
the end of this chapter. It is worth mentioning that in virtually all cases of process
control in chemical processes, the final control element is a valve. Thus, all con-
trol logic is based on the effect that a change in a given flowrate has on a given
variable. The key to understanding the control logic is to identify which flowrate
is being manipulated to control which variable. Once this has been done, it is a
relatively simple matter to see in which direction the valve should change in
order to make the desired change in the control variable. The response time of the
system and type of control action used—for example, proportional, integral, or
differential—is left to the instrument engineers and is not covered in this text.

The final control element in nearly all chemical process control

loops is a valve.

The P&ID is the last stage of process design and serves as a guide by those
who will be responsible for the final design and construction. Based on this

1. Mechanical engineers and civil engineers will design and install pieces of
2. Instrument engineers will specify, install, and check control systems.
3. Piping engineers will develop plant layout and elevation drawings.
4. Project engineers will develop plant and construction schedules.
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Chapter 1 Diagrams for Understanding Chemical Processes 37

Before final acceptance, the P&IDs serve as a checklist against which each
item in the plant is checked.
The P&ID is also used to train operators. Once the plant is built and is oper-
ational, there are limits to what operators can do. About all that can be done to
correct or alter performance of the plant is to open, close, or change the position
of a valve. Part of the training would pose situations and require the operators to
be able to describe what specific valve should be changed, how it should be
changed, and what to observe in order to monitor the effects of the change. Plant
simulators (similar to flight simulators) are sometimes involved in operator train-
ing. These programs are sophisticated, real-time process simulators that show a
trainee operator how quickly changes in controlled variables propagate through
the process. It is also possible for such programs to display scenarios of process
upsets so that operators can get training in recognizing and correcting such situa-
tions. These types of programs are very useful and cost-effective in initial opera-
tor training. However, the use of P&IDs is still very important in this regard.
The P&ID is particularly important for the development of start-up proce-
dures where the plant is not under the influence of the installed process control

Example 1.10
Consider the start-up of the distillation column shown in Figure 1.7. What sequence would
be followed? The procedure is beyond the scope of this text, but it would be developed
from a series of questions such as

a. What valve should be opened first?

b. What should be done when the temperature of . . . reaches . . . ?
c. To what value should the controller be set?
d. When can the system be put on automatic control?

These last three sections have followed the development of a process from a
simple BFD through the PFD and finally to the P&ID. Each step showed addi-
tional information. This can be seen by following the progress of the distillation
unit as it moves through the three diagrams described.

1. Block Flow Diagram (BFD) (see Figure 1.1): The column was shown as a
part of one of the three process blocks.
2. Process Flow Diagram (PFD) (see Figure 1.5): The column was shown as the
following set of individual equipment: a tower, condenser, reflux drum, re-
boiler, reflux pumps, and associated process controls.
3. Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) (see Figure 1.7): The column
was shown as a comprehensive diagram that includes additional details
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38 Section 1 Conceptualization and Analysis of Chemical Processes

such as pipe sizes, utility streams, sample taps, numerous indicators, and so
on. It is the only unit operation on the diagram.

The value of these diagrams does not end with the start-up of the plant. The
design values on the diagram are changed to represent the actual values deter-
mined under normal operating conditions. These conditions form a “base case”
and are used to compare operations throughout the life of the plant.


During the planning and construction phases of a new project, many additional
diagrams are needed. Although these diagrams do not possess additional process
information, they are essential to the successful completion of the project. Com-
puters are being used more and more to do the tedious work associated with all
of these drawing details. The creative work comes in the development of the con-
cepts provided in the BFD and the process development required to produce the
PFD. The computer can help with the drawings but cannot create a new process.
Computers are valuable in many aspects of the design process where the size of
equipment to do a specific task is to be determined. Computers may also be used
when considering performance problems that deal with the operation of existing
equipment. However, they are severely limited in dealing with diagnostic prob-
lems that are required throughout the life of the plant.
The diagrams presented here are in both American Engineering and SI
units. The most noticeable exception is in the sizing of piping, where pipes are
specified in inches and pipe schedule. This remains the way they are produced
and purchased in the United States. A process engineer today must be comfort-
able with SI, conventional metric, and American (formerly British, who now use
SI exclusively) Engineering units.
We discuss these additional diagrams briefly below.
A utility flowsheet may be provided which shows all the headers for utility
inputs and outputs available along with the connections needed to the process. It
provides information on the flows and characteristics of the utilities used by the
Vessel sketches, logic ladder diagrams, wiring diagrams, site plans, struc-
tural support diagrams, and many other drawings are routinely used but add lit-
tle to our understanding of the basic chemical processes that take place.
Additional drawings are necessary to locate all of the equipment in the
plant. Plot plans and elevation diagrams are provided that locate the placement
and elevation of all of the major pieces of equipment such as towers, vessels,
pumps, heat exchangers, and so on. When constructing these drawings, it is nec-
essary to consider and to provide for access for repairing equipment, removing
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Chapter 1 Diagrams for Understanding Chemical Processes 39

tube bundles from heat exchangers, replacement of units, and so on. What re-
mains to be shown is the addition of the structural support and piping.
Piping isometrics are drawn for every piece of pipe required in the plant.
These drawings are 3-D sketches of the pipe run, indicating the elevations and
orientation of each section of pipe. In the past, it was also common for compre-
hensive plants to build a scale model so the system could be viewed in three di-
mensions and modified to remove any potential problems. Over the past twenty
years, scale models have been replaced by 3-dimensional computer aided design
(CAD) programs that are capable of representing the plant as-built in three di-
mensions. They provide an opportunity to view the local equipment topology
from any angle at any location inside the plant. One can actually “walk through”
the plant and preview what will be seen when the plant is built. The ability to
“view” the plant before construction will be made even more realistic with the
help of virtual reality software. With this new tool, it is possible not only to
“walk through” the plant but also to “touch” the equipment, turn valves, and
climb to the top of distillation columns, and so on. In the next section, the infor-
mation needed to complete a preliminary plant layout design is reviewed, and
the logic used to locate the process units in the plant and how the elevations of
different equipment are determined are briefly explained.


As mentioned earlier, the major design work products, both chemical and me-
chanical, are recorded on 2-dimensional diagrams (PFD, P&ID, etc.). However,
when it comes to the construction of the plant, there are many issues that require
a 3-dimensional representation of the process. For example, the location of shell
and tube exchangers must allow for tube bundle removal for cleaning and repair.
Locations of pumps must allow for access for maintenance and replacement. For
compressors, this access may also require that a crane be able to remove and re-
place a damaged drive. Control valves must be located at elevations that allow
operator access. Sample ports and instrumentation must also be located con-
veniently. For anyone who has toured a moderate-to-large chemical facility, the
complexity of the piping and equipment layout is immediately apparent. Even
for experienced engineers, the review of equipment and piping topology is far
easier to accomplish in 3-D than 2-D. Due to the rapid increase in computer
power and advanced software, such representations are now done routinely
using the computer. In order to “build” an electronic representation of the plant
in 3-D, all the information in the previously mentioned diagrams must be ac-
cessed and synthesized. This in itself is a daunting task, and a complete account-
ing of this process is well beyond the scope of this text. However, in order to give
the reader a flavor of what can now be accomplished using such software, a brief
review of the principles of plant layout design will be given. A more detailed
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40 Section 1 Conceptualization and Analysis of Chemical Processes

account involving a virtual plant tour of the dimethyl ether (DME) plant (Appen-
dix B.1) is given on the CD accompanying this book.
For a complete, detailed analysis of the plant layout, all equipment sizes,
piping sizes, PFDs, P&IDs, and all other information should be known. However,
for this description, a preliminary plant layout based on information given in the
PFD of Figure B.1 is considered. Using this figure and the accompanying stream
tables and equipment summary table (Tables B.1 and B.2), the following steps are

1. The PFD is divided into logical subsystems. For the DME process, there are
three logical subsections, namely, the feed and reactor section, the DME pu-
rification section, and the methanol separation and recycle section. These
sections are shown as dotted lines on Figure 1.8.
2. For each subsystem, a preliminary plot plan is created. The topology of the plot
plan depends on many factors, the most important of which are discussed
In general, the layout of the plot plan can take one of two basic config-
urations: the grade-level, horizontal, in-line arrangement and the structure-
mounted vertical arrangement [5]. The grade-level, horizontal, in-line
arrangement will be used for the DME facility. In this arrangement, the
process equipment units are aligned on either side of a pipe rack that runs
through the middle of the process unit. The purpose of the pipe rack is to
carry piping for utilities, product, and feed to and from the process unit.
Equipment is located on either side of the pipe rack, which allows for easy
access. In addition, vertical mounting of equipment is usually limited to a
single level. This arrangement generally requires a larger “footprint” and,
hence, more land than does the structure-mounted vertical arrangement.
The general arrangement for these layout types is shown in Figure 1.9.
The minimum spacing between equipment should be set early on in
the design. These distances are set for safety purposes and should be set
with both local and national codes in mind. A comprehensive list of the rec-
ommended minimum distances between process equipment is given by
Bausbacher and Hunt [5]. The values for some basic process equipment are
listed in Table 1.11.
The sizing of process equipment should be completed and the approx-
imate location on the plot plan determined. Referring to Table B.1 for equip-
ment specifications gives some idea of key equipment sizes. For example,
the data given for the reflux drums V-202 and V-203, reactor R-201, and
towers T-201 and T-202 are sufficient to sketch these units on the plot plan.
However, pump sizes must be obtained from vendors or previous jobs, and
additional calculations for heat exchangers must be done to estimate their
required “footprint” on the plot plan.

P-201A/B V-201 E-201 R-201 E-202 E-203 T-201 E-204 E-205 V-202 P-202A/B E-206 T-202 E-207 V-203 P-203A/B E-208
Feed Pump Feed Methanol Reactor Reactor DME DME DME DME DME DME Reflux Methanol Methanol Methanol Methanol Methanol Wastewater
Vessel Preheater Cooler Cooler Tower Reboiler Condenser Reflux Pumps Reboiler Tower Condenser Reflux Pumps Cooler
Drum Drum

Methanol 10
11:40 AM

1 E-205
V-201 T-201
cw 13
Page 41

16 V-202

6 P-202A/B
3 5 cw
T-202 E-207
17 V-203
cw 11 14
mps 12
E-204 P-203A/B
4 7 26

DME Purification
cw Waste-
Feed and Reactor Subsystem Subsystem
mps 14 15

Methanol Separation

Figure 1.8 Subsystems for Preliminary Plan Layout for DME Process
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42 Section 1 Conceptualization and Analysis of Chemical Processes


Second and third floor stacked above grade-level


Figure 1.9 Different Types of Plant Layout: (a) Grade-Mounted Horizontal Inline
Arrangement, and (b) Structure-Mounted Vertical Arrangement (Source: Process Plant Lay-
out and Piping Design, by E. Bausbacher and R. Hunt, © 1994, reprinted by permission of
Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ)
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Chapter 1 Diagrams for Understanding Chemical Processes 43

Table 1.11 Recommended Minimum Spacing (in feet) between Process Equipment
for Refinery, Chemical, and Petrochemical Plants

Pumps Compressors Reactors Towers and Vessels Exchangers

Pumps M 25 M M M
Compressors M 30 M M
Reactors M 15 M
Towers M M
Exchangers M
M = minimum for maintenance access
Source: Process Plant Layout and Piping Design, by E. Bausbacher and R. Hunt, © 1994, reprinted by
permission of Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ.

Example 1.11
Estimate the footprint for E-202 in the DME process.
From Table B.1 we have the following information:
Floating Head Shell-and-Tube design
Area = 171 m2
Hot Side—Temperatures: in at 364ºC and out at 281ºC
Cold Side—Temperatures: in at 154ºC and out at 250ºC
Choose a 2-shell pass and 4-tube pass exchanger
Area per shell = 171/2 = 85.5 m2
Using 12 ft, 1-inch OD tubes, 293 tubes per shell are needed
Assuming the tubes are laid out on a 11⁄4-inch square pitch, a 27-inch ID shell is required.
Assume that the front and rear heads (where the tube fluid turns at the end of the ex-
changer) are 30 inches in diameter and require 2 feet each (including flanges), and that the
two shells are stacked on top of each other. The footprint of the exchanger is given in Fig-
ure E1.11.

Next, the size of the major process lines must be determined. In order to es-
timate these pipe sizes, it is necessary to make use of some heuristics. A
heuristic is a simple algorithm or hint that allows an approximate answer to
be calculated. The preliminary design of a piece of equipment might well
use many such heuristics, and some of these might conflict with each other.
Like any simplifying procedure, the result from a heuristic must be re-
viewed carefully. For preliminary purposes, the heuristics from Chapter 9
can be used to estimate approximate pipe sizes.
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44 Section 1 Conceptualization and Analysis of Chemical Processes

End Elevation Side Elevation

2 ft 6 in

Plot plan view (from above looking down) showing approximate size of footprint

2 feet 6 inches
(30 inches)

16 feet

Figure E1.11 Approximate Dimensions and Footprint

of Exchanger E-202

Example 1.12
Consider the suction line to P-202 A/B, what should be the pipe diameter?
From Table 9.8, 1(b) for liquid pump suction, the recommended liquid velocity and pipe
diameter are related by u = (1.3 + D (inch)/6) ft/s.

From Table B.2, the mass flowrate of the stream entering P-202, ṁ = Stream 16 + Stream 10
= 2170 + 5970 = 8140 kg/h and the density is found to be 800 kg/m3.
The volumetric flowrate is = 8140/800 = 10.2 m3/h = 0.00283 m3/s= 0.0998 ft3/s

The procedure is to calculate the velocity in the suction line and compare it to the heuristic.
Using this approach, the following table is constructed:

Nominal Pipe Velocity = Vol Velocity from u =

Diameter (inch) Flow / Flow Area (1.3 + D/6)

1.0 18.30 1.47

1.5 8.13 1.55
2.0 4.58 1.63
3.0 2.03 1.80
4.0 1.14 1.97
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Chapter 1 Diagrams for Understanding Chemical Processes 45

Therefore, the pipe diameter that satisfies both the heuristic and the continuity equation
lies between 3 and 4 inches. Taking a conservative estimate, a 4-inch suction line is chosen
for P-202.

The next step to consider is the placement of equipment within the plot
plan. This placement must be made considering the required access for
maintenance of the equipment and also the initial installation. Although this
step may seem elementary, there are many cases [5] where the incorrect
placement of equipment subsequently led to considerable cost overruns and
major problems both during the construction of the plant and during main-
tenance operations. Consider the example shown in Figure 1.10(a) where
two vessels, a tower, and a heat exchanger are shown in the plot plan.
Clearly, V-1 blocks the access to the exchanger’s tube bundle, which often
requires removal to change leaking tubes or to remove scale on the outside
of the tubes. With this arrangement, the exchanger would have to be lifted

Road Road
Rearrangement of equipment makes
tube bundle removal easy

Space required for Location of V-2 and T-1

tube bundle removal make removal of E-1
very difficult

V-2 V-2
E-1 V-1
T-1 T-1
V-1 E-1
Pipe Rack

Pipe Rack

Pipe Rack Pipe Rack

Location of V-1 obstructs

tube bundle removal

Battery limits of process unit

(a) (b)

Figure 1.10 The Effect of Equipment Location on the Ease of Access for Maintenance, Installation
and Removal
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46 Section 1 Conceptualization and Analysis of Chemical Processes

up vertically and placed somewhere where there was enough clearance so

that the tube bundle could be removed. However, the second vessel, V-2
and the tower T-1 are located such that crane access is severely limited and
a very tall (and expensive) crane would be required. The relocation of these
same pieces of equipment, as shown in Figure 1.10(b), alleviates both these
problems. There are too many considerations of this type to cover in detail
in this text, and the reader is referred to Bausbacher and Hunt [5] for a more
in-depth coverage of these types of problems. Considering the DME facility,
a possible arrangement for the feed and reactor subsection is shown in Fig-
ure 1.11.
3. The elevation of all major equipment is established. In general, equipment lo-
cated at grade (ground) level is easier to access and maintain, and is cheaper
to install. However, there are circumstances that dictate that equipment be
elevated in order to provide acceptable operation. For example, the bottom
product of a distillation column is a liquid at its bubble point. If this liquid is
fed to a pump, then, as the pressure drops in the suction line due to friction,
the liquid boils and causes the pumps to cavitate. To alleviate this problem,
it is necessary to elevate the bottom of the column relative to the pump inlet,
in order to increase the Net Positive Suction Head Available (for more detail
about NPSHA see Chapter 16). This can be done by digging a pit below
grade for the pump or by elevating the tower. Pump pits have a tendency to
accumulate denser-than-air gases, and maintenance of equipment in such
pits is dangerous due to the possibility of suffocation and poisoning (if the

Pipe Rack




24 ft

36 ft

Figure 1.11 Possible Equipment Arrangement for the Reactor and

Feed Section of DME Facility, Unit 200
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Chapter 1 Diagrams for Understanding Chemical Processes 47

gas is poisonous). For this reason, towers are generally elevated between
3 to 5 m (10 and 15 feet) above ground level by using a “skirt.” This is illus-
trated in Figure 1.12. Another reason for elevating a distillation column is
also illustrated in Figure 1.12. Often a thermosiphon reboiler is used. These
reboilers use the difference in density between the liquid fed to the reboiler
and the two-phase mixture (saturated liquid-vapor) that leaves the reboiler
to “drive” the circulation of bottoms liquid through the reboiler. In order to
obtain an acceptable driving force for this circulation, the static head of the
liquid must be substantial, and a 3–5 m height differential between the liq-
uid level in the column and the liquid inlet to the reboiler is typically suf-
ficient. Examples of when equipment elevation is required are given in
Table 1.12.
4. Major process and utility piping are sketched in. The final step in this prelimi-
nary plant layout is to sketch in where the major process (and utility) pipes
(lines) go. Again, there are no set rules to do this. However, the most direct
route between equipment that avoids clashes with other equipment and
piping is usually desirable. It should be noted that utility lines originate and
usually terminate in headers located on the pipe rack. When process piping
must be run from one side to the process to another, it may be convenient to
run the pipe on the pipe rack. All control valves, sampling ports, and major

Distillation Tower

Lowest Operating Level in Column

3–5m of static head to avoid pump cavitation

or to provide driving force for thermosiphon

Bottoms Product Pump

Horizontal (or Vertical)
Thermosiphon Reboiler Column Skirt

Figure 1.12 Sketch Illustrating Reasons for Elevating Distilling Column

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48 Section 1 Conceptualization and Analysis of Chemical Processes

Table 1.12 Reasons for Elevating Equipment

Equipment to Be Elevated Reason for Elevation

Columns or vessels When the NPSH available is too low to avoid
cavitation in the discharge pump, equipment
must be elevated.
Columns To provide driving head for thermosiphon re-
Any equipment containing suspended To provide gravity flow of liquids containing
solids or slurries solids that avoids the use of problematic slurry
Contact barometric condensers This equipment is used to produce vacuum by
expanding high-pressure steam through an
ejector. The condensables in the vapor are re-
moved by direct contact with a cold-water
spray. The tail pipe of such a condenser is
sealed with a 34-foot leg of water.
Critical fire-water tank (or cooling water In some instances, flow of water is absolutely
holding tank) critical, for example, in firefighting or critical
cooling operations, the main water supply tank
for these operations may be elevated to provide
enough water pressure to eliminate the need for
feed pumps.

instrumentation must be located conveniently for the operators. This usu-

ally means that they should be located close to grade or a steel access plat-
form. This is also true for equipment isolation valves.


The best way to see how all the above elements fit together is to view the
Virtual_Plant_Tour.AVI file on the CD that accompanies this text. The quality
and level of detail that 3-D software is capable of giving depends on the system
used and the level of detailed engineering that is used to produce the model. Fig-
ures 1.13–1.15 were generated for the DME facility using the PDMS software
package from Cadcentre, Inc. (These figures and the Virtual_Plant_Tour.AVI file
are presented here with permission of Cadcentre, Inc.) In Figure 1.13, an isomet-
ric view of the DME facility is shown. All major process equipment, major
process and utility piping, and basic steel structures are shown. The pipe rack is
shown running through the center of the process, and steel platforms are shown
where support of elevated process equipment is required. The distillation sec-
tions are shown to the rear of the figure on the far side of the pipe rack. The reac-
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Chapter 1 Diagrams for Understanding Chemical Processes 49

Figure 1.13 Isometric View of Preliminary 3-D Plant Layout Model

for DME Process (Reproduced by Permission of Cadcentre, an Aveva
Group Company, from their Vantage/PDMS Software)

tor and feed section is shown on the near side of the pipe rack. The elevation of
the process equipment is better illustrated in Figure 1.14, where the piping and
structural steel have been removed. The only elevated equipment apparent from
this figure are the overhead condensers and reflux drums for the distillation
columns. The overhead condensers are located vertically above their respective
reflux drums to allow for the gravity flow of condensate from the exchangers to
the drums. Figure 1.15 shows the arrangement of process equipment and piping
for the feed and reactor sections. The layout of equipment corresponds to that
shown in Figure 1.11. It should be noted that the control valve on the discharge of
the methanol feed pumps is located close to grade level for easy access.


In this chapter, you have learned that the three principal types of diagrams used
to describe the flow of chemical streams through a process are the block flow dia-
gram (BFD), the process flow diagram (PFD), and the piping and instrumentation
diagram (P&ID). These diagrams describe a process in increasing detail.
ch01.qxd 9/11/2002 11:40 AM Page 50

Figure 1.14 3-D Representation of Preliminary Equip-

ment Layout for the DME Process (Reproduced by Permis-
sion of Cadcentre, an Aveva Group Company, from their
Vantage/PDMS Software)

Figure 1.15 3-D Representation of the Reactor and Feed Sections of the DME Process
Model (Reproduced by Permission of Cadcentre, an Aveva Group Company, from their
Vantage/PDMS Software)

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Chapter 1 Diagrams for Understanding Chemical Processes 51

Each diagram serves a different purpose. The block flow diagram is useful
in conceptualizing a process or a number of processes in a large complex. Little
stream information is given, but a clear overview of the process is presented. The
process flow diagram contains all the necessary information to complete material
and energy balances on the process. In addition, important information such as
stream pressures, equipment sizes, and major control loops are included. Finally,
the piping and instrumentation diagram contains all the process information nec-
essary for the construction of the plant. These data include pipe sizes and the lo-
cation of all instrumentation for both the process and utility streams.
In addition to the three diagrams, there are a number of other diagrams
used in the construction and engineering phase of a project. However, these dia-
grams contain little additional information about the process.
Finally, the logic for equipment placement and layout within the process
was discussed. The reasons for elevating equipment and providing access were
discussed, and the 3-D representation of the plant was presented.
The PFD is the single most important diagram for the chemical/process en-
gineer and will form the basis of much of the discussion covered in this book.


1. Kauffman, D., “Flow Sheets and Diagrams,” AIChE Modular Instruction, Se-
ries G: Design of Equipment, series editor J. Beckman, American Institute of
Chemical Engineers, New York, 1986, vol. 1, Chapter G.1.5. Reproduced by
permission of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, AIChE copy-
right  1986, all rights reserved.
2. Graphical Symbols for Process Flow Diagrams, ASA Y32.11 (New York: Ameri-
can Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1961).
3. Austin, D. G. Chemical Engineering Drawing Symbols (London: George
Godwin, 1979).
4. Instrument Symbols and Identification Research Triangle Park, NC: Instrument
Society of America, Standard ISA-S5-1, 1975.
5. Bausbacher, E. and R. Hunt, Process Plant Layout and Piping Design (Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall PTR, 1998).


Note: Problems 1–9 are from Kauffman [1] and are reproduced by permission of
the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, AIChE copyright © 1986, all rights
1. What are the three principal types of flowsheets used in the chemical process
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52 Section 1 Conceptualization and Analysis of Chemical Processes

2. Which of the three principal types of flowsheets would one use to:
a. give a group of visiting chemical engineering students an overview of a
plant’s process?
b. make a preliminary capital cost estimate?
c. trace down a fault in a control loop?
3. In what type of flowsheet could one expect to find pipe diameters and mate-
rials of construction?
4. To what extent are instruments and controls indicated in each of the three
types of flowsheets?
5. On which of the three principal types of flowsheets would one expect to find:
a. relief valves?
b. which pipe lines need insulation?
c. which control loops are needed for normal operation?
d. rectangles shown, rather than symbols, that resemble pieces of equipment?
e. whether a controller is to be located in the control room or in the plant?
6. Would you expect the process design to include more PFDs or P&IDs?
7. Prepare the simplest principal type of flowsheet for the following process,
and indicate the flowrates of the principal chemical components:
A refinery stream containing paraffins and a mixture of aromatics (benzene,
toluene, xylene, and heavier aromatics) is extracted with a liquid solvent to re-
cover the aromatics. The solvent and aromatics are separated by distillation, with
the solvent recycled to the extraction column. The aromatics are separated in
three columns, recovering benzene, toluene, and mixed xylenes, in that order.
The feed stream consists of the following:

paraffins 300,000 kg/h

benzene 100,000 kg/h
toluene 180,000 kg/h
xylene 70,000 kg/h
heavy aromatics 40,000 kg/h

A 3-to-1 weight ratio of solvent to aromatics is used.

8. Liquid is pumped from an elevated vessel through the tube side of a water
cooled heat exchanger. The fluid flow is controlled by a flowrate controller in
the control room. The pump has a spare. Sketch a portion of the most de-
tailed principal type of flow diagram that would be used to illustrate this
9. Figure P1.9 is a portion of a P&ID. Find at least six errors in it. All errors are
in items actually shown on the drawing. Do not cite “errors of omission”
(“such and such not shown”), as this is only a portion of the P&ID.
10. In a process to separate and purify propane from a mixture of propane and
heavier straight-chain saturated hydrocarbons (e.g., n-butane, n-pentane,
etc.), the feed stream is fed to the 18th tray of a 24-tray distillation column.
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Chapter 1 Diagrams for Understanding Chemical Processes 53


4" Sch 40

8" Sch 40


Chemical Chemical
Sewer Sewer

Figure P1.9 A Portion of a P&ID Containing Several Errors

The overhead vapor stream from the column is totally condensed in a water-
cooled heat exchanger prior to being fed to an overhead reflux drum. The
liquid product from the drum is sent to the reflux pump (which has a spare),
and the discharge from the pump is split into two streams. One of these
streams is the overhead reflux to the column and is fed back to the column on
Tray 1. The second liquid stream from the pump discharge is the overhead
product and is sent to storage.
The bottom of the distillation column is used to store the liquid leaving the
bottom plate. From the bottom of the column a liquid stream leaves and is
immediately split into two. One stream is the bottom product, which is sent
for further processing in Unit 400. The other stream is sent to a ther-
mosyphon reboiler where a portion of the stream is vaporized by condensing
low pressure steam on the other side of the exchanger. The partially vapor-
ized stream from the reboiler is returned to the column just below the
twenty-fourth tray. The two-phase mixture separates, with the vapor portion
passing upward through the bottom plate to provide the vapor flow in the
column. The liquid portion returns to the liquid accumulated at the bottom
of the column.
For the process described above, draw a PFD. You may assume that the
process is Unit 200, and you should identify and number all the equipment
11. For the process described in Problem 10, the following control scheme has
been suggested for the overhead portion of the column:
The flow of overhead product going to storage is controlled by a signal
from the liquid level indicator on the reflux drum, which is used to control
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54 Section 1 Conceptualization and Analysis of Chemical Processes

the position of a pneumatic control valve in the product line (pipe). The flow
of reflux back to the column is also regulated by a pneumatic control valve,
which uses the signal (electrical) from a flow indicator on the overhead prod-
uct line to adjust the valve such that the flow of reflux is always in a certain
proportion to the product flow.
On the PFD developed in Problem 10, add the controls to give the desired
control action described above.
Bonus Points: Can you describe how the control scheme should operate,
that is, what valve opens or closes, and so on, when the level of liquid rises
above or falls below its set-point value?
12. For the process described in Problem 10, the flow of bottom product sent to
Unit 400 is controlled by a pneumatic valve that receives a signal from a liquid
level indicator that senses the level of accumulated liquid in the bottom of the
column. Add this control loop to the PFD developed in Problem 10.
13. For the process described in Problem 10, it is desired to control the purity of
the top product. If we assume that the pressure of the column does not vary
(not necessarily a good assumption), we may infer the product purity from
the temperature of the top tray. Devise a control scheme to implement a feed-
back loop to control the top product purity. Draw this control loop on the
PFD for Problem 10.
14. Drying oil (DO) is produced by thermally decomposing acetylated castor oil
(ACO) according to the following reaction:
ACO1l2 340°C
: DO1l2 + CH3COOH1g2

The process to produce DO is fairly straightforward and is described below:

ACO is fed from storage (off site) to a small horizontal storage vessel,
V-101. From V-101, ACO liquid at 30°C is fed to a feed pump (P-101 A/B)
where it is pressurized to 2 barg. The flow of ACO is controlled by a flow
control valve situated on the discharge side of the pump. The ACO is fed to a
reactor feed furnace (H-101) where the temperature is increased to 340°C,
and the stream leaving the furnace is sent directly to a reactor (R-101), con-
taining inert ceramic packing, where the decomposition reaction takes place.
The single-pass conversion of ACO to DO in the reactor is 40%. The stream
leaving the reactor is then fed to a gas-liquid separator (V-102) where the
acetic acid flashes off and leaves in the overhead vapor stream. The heavy
DO and ACO liquids have very low vapor pressures and consequently do
not vaporize appreciably and leave the vessel as hot liquid product. This hot
liquid stream, at 310°C, leaves V-102 and is then fed to a waste heat boiler
(E-101) where the hot oil is cooled to 160°C by exchanging heat with boiler
feed water to produce medium-pressure steam at 10 barg. The temperature of
the cooled oil stream is controlled by adjusting the set point on the level con-
troller on E-101. This level controller in turn regulates the level of water in
E-101 by adjusting the flowrate of boiler feed water. The cooled oil stream, at
a pressure of 1.3 barg, is sent to Unit 200 for further processing.
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Chapter 1 Diagrams for Understanding Chemical Processes 55

For the process described above, draw a PFD showing the following
Equipment numbers and description
Basic control loops
Temperature and pressure flags
15. A preliminary plant layout (plot plan) for a new process is shown in Figure
P1.15. List and explain all the potential problems with the equipment layout
that you can find.


T-1 Battery limits of process unit



R-1 bottom at grade +15 ft
T-1 bottom at grade
Pipe Rack

V-1 bottom at grade +30 ft

E-1 bottom at grade + 2 ft
Pipe Rack P-1A&B at grade
R-1 L = 10 ft, Diam = 5 ft
T-1 L = 90 ft, Diam = 9 ft
V-1 L = 12 ft, Diam = 5 ft
E-1 L = 18 ft, Diam = 4 ft
12 ft P-1A&B L = 5 ft. W = 2.5 ft

Figure P1.15 Preliminary Plot Plan for Problem 1.15

16. The elevation of equipment above ground level is expensive because addi-
tional structural steel is required. However, it is normal practice in chemical
plants to elevate the bottom of a distillation column by 10 to 15 feet, using a
metal “skirt.” Why is such extra expense justified?
17. What are the advantages and disadvantages of placing a pump in a pit below
ground level?
18. A compressor, reactor, tower, condenser, and overhead reflux drum and re-
flux pump must be added to an existing process. The plot plan of the existing
process and the available space for the new equipment is shown in Figure
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56 Section 1 Conceptualization and Analysis of Chemical Processes


Battery limits of existing process unit

Existing equipment


Existing Process Unit


6 ft
Pipe Rack
Battery limits of new process unit
Elevations Dimensions
C-305 at grade C-305 L = 10 ft, W = 6 ft
R-307 bottom at grade R-307 L = 35 ft, Diam = 5 ft
T-311 bottom at grade T-311 L = 80 ft, Diam = 4 ft
V-317 bottom at grade +30 ft V-317 L = 6 ft, Diam = 3 ft
E-323 bottom at grade +41 ft E-323 L = 18 ft, Diam = 4 ft
P-322A&B at grade P-322 A&B L = 5 ft. W = 2.5 ft

Figure P1.18 Plot Plan for Problem 1.18 (Data for New Equipment
Given in Table)

P1.18. Based on the recommended minimum spacing between process equip-

ment given in section 1.5, sketch a layout of the new equipment.
19. Estimate the “footprint” of the following equipment for the toluene HDA
process (Table 1.7).
• E-101
• R-101
• T-101

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