Type of Pest Management Insect Pests Example: Aphids Earworm Leafhopper Cutworm Corn Borer

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Name: Lean Divine R.

Coyoca Date: may 1, 2021

Year & Section: AS. A 1 Rate:

Activity 2: Fill in the chart with at least 5 examples of pests (Insects, disease pathogens, weeds,
nematodes, and other pests). If there are no examples in a particular category briefly explain why.
Type of Pest
Insect Pests
Example: Aphids Earworm leafhopper Cutworm Corn borer
Cultural particularly Earthworms are only A simple and To reduce the To
Horticultural in vegetable a concern in trees, efficient weed risk of dramatically
practices or production, green and short- control program is cutworm reduce the
environmental using a moving planting, and critical for detecting infestation, population,
modifications reflective hard soils, but they the growth of monitor quickly stalks
that limit pest silver mulch are beneficial in economically weeds in and and stubble
problems home lawns. damaging leaf around the destruction
hopper populations field before must be
on weeds. planting. carried out
on a large
Mechanical Simply There is no activity control weeds and Traps for Corn borer
Use of devices rinsing because earthworms watch during the larvae, can be
or actions that aphids off are believed to keep summer to see if transplant avoided by
physically the leaves of the soil alive. treatment is needed collars, and using a
remove the the infected hot caps fertilizer.
pests or plants is an
prevent pest efficient way
access to the to get rid of
crop or site them.
Biological Use Using less Earthworms can be A spider has been conserve Borer
of natural fertilizer reduced by using shown to predatory and population is
enemies that during the pesticides. substantially reduce parasitic reduced by a
attack and growing the population of insects that naturally
suppress pest season may leaf hoppers in small are native to occurring
populations help reduce plot studies in rice the area. pathogen.
the risk of paddies.
Chemical If a chemical Casting caused by To power leaf Chemical If we use
Purposeful insecticide is earthworms can be hoppers, use a control is most chemical
application of needed, the reduced by using a chemical spray. successful methods, we
compounds aim is to fungicide containing when used can increase
that influence choose one thiophanate methyl. late in the day crop yield.
pest success that has the to increase the
(development, least amount possibility of
growth, of effect on larvae
survival pollinators containing
and natural insecticide
enemies. emerging at
night to be

Type of Pest
Disease Pathogen
Example: Lice bugs Mosquitoes tricks fleas
Cultural During a lice pulling out Keep grassy areas Plants that are kept Using a sweep
Horticultural outbreak, it is the weeds moving and safe and free of net or
practices or important to and all of encourage breezes stress are better able inspecting
environmental emphasize the their roots to reduce the to withstand and leaves, search
modifications importance of incidence of restore damage. for the presence
that limit pest taking mosquitoes. of adult fleas.
problems preventative
Mechanical Use Anything that To keep bugs Make sure beds, Hand picking, traps, IPGs are a
of devices or can't be at bay, wash porches, and open and obstacles are all natural flea
actions that vacuumed the items door areas have used to keep people preventative
physically should be that have netting or fencing, out. drug. The
remove the wrapped in been used. and that windows normal
pests or prevent plastic bags for and door screens production of
pest access to at least 7-10 are in good working flea eggs is
the crop or site days and stored order. disrupted by
in a bright, these items.
sunny place.
Biological Use of used to monitor releasing Predators of larvae Predators are insects Several species
natural enemies biological lice insect larvae and adult that capture and of nematodes
that attack and prevention and to consume mosquitoes of consume other will keep fleas
suppress pest avoidance the weeds' naturally occurring animals, normally out of barns by
populations methods roots mosquito parasites killing and eating parasitizing flea
are among the them all in one larvae and
biological organisms sitting. causing no harm
used to monitor to plants, pests,
mosquitoes. or humans.
Chemical Chemical It is possible to Tick-killing It is possible to
Purposeful used avoid mosquito insecticides are the avoid mosquito
application of pesticide to diseases by using most powerful way diseases by
compounds that control bugs. pesticides such as to get rid of ticks. using pesticides
influence pest larvicide and such as larvicide
success adulticide. and adulticide.
growth, survival

Type of Pest
Example: Bind weed Crab grass Quack grass Bermuda nutsedges
Cultural Horticultural The use of Crab grass If done from While Removing plants
practices or cultivation or invasion is the bermudagrass tubers and shadings.
environmental hoeing has been reduced by beginning of can withstand
modifications that partially effective cultural August until some drought,
limit pest problems in reducing the practices that the ground it thrives when
bind weed's increase the freezes, watered.
proven stand. vigor of turf repeated Raking will
grasses. tilling will also aid in the
effectively removal of
regulate rhizomes and
quack grass. stolons.
Mechanical Use of Cultivators also Hand weeding Since quack bermuda grass We must use a tool
devices or actions deplete the soil and hoeing grass begins seed with any to monitor
that physically seed bank by to develop of the nutsedges because
remove the pests or reducing field earlier in the treatments they can develop
prevent pest access bindweed root spring than previously quickly.
to the crop or site reserves. While other grass described
moving will not species, early
reduce the spring
infestation of grazing
field bindweed, it should be
will reduce seed limited to
production if minimize
done at the right plant vigor.
time to avoid
Biological Use of The bindweed Regular field There are With the Regular field
natural enemies that gall mite and the monitoring currently no exception of monitoring
attack and suppress bindweed moth biological solarization, all
pest populations are two control of the
bindweed control agents previously
agents. available for described
quack grass. treatments
may be used
to monitor
Chemical Purposeful Herbicides have Because of the There are a A post Because of a lack of
application of been relatively variety of crops variety of emergent uptake, few
compounds that effective at grown and herbicides herbicide can herbicides are
influence pest suppressing cultivated in that can be be used to successful at
success bindweed, but vegetable used to manage controlling
(development, not so much at gardens, effectively bermuda grass nutsedges.
growth, survival eradicating it. chemical combat in ornamental
herbicides weeds. landscapes
should be and turf.

Type of Pest
Example: Pine wilt Soybean cyst Tomato pin Root lesion Root knot
nematode worm
Cultural Currently, the From the A host-free Planting on Many soil-borne
Horticultural treatment for vegetative stage duration is sites with a diseases can be
practices or pine wilt is the to harvest, the necessary for history of root controlled with soil
environmental removal of field should be pinworm lesion solarization.
modifications that symptomatic checked for SCN population nematode or
limit pest problems trees. every four reduction; the on soil with a
weeks. longer the light texture is
period, the not
better. recommended.
Mechanical Use of Using Using a place Nematodes Use an organically
devices or actions nematicide cultivator that is pheromone may be spread certified crrop
that physically tolerant to a traps at the between fields
remove the pests variety of SCN planting site by the
or prevent pest races. movement of
access to the crop infested soil on
or site machinery,
water, and
infected plant
Biological Use of The number of maintain soil Hold infested Green manure Only cultural method
natural enemies these pine wilt fertility balance foliage in cage at crops such as is acceptable for us
that attack and nematodes and fertilize field the room oat, on an organically
suppress pest can be as temperatre in2 sudangrass, certified crop
populations reduced by recommended to 3 weeks seasame, rape
removing by soil test seed, and
nematodes white mustard
from samples may help
that have minimize
been soaked. nematode
before dry
beans are
Chemical Pine wilt is a SCN can be Pheromone Chemical Only cultural method
Purposeful dramatic spread by mating nematicide can is acceptable
application of disease that is shifting soil from disruption can be effective
compounds that usually treated one area to be successful in
influence pest with another, as well isolated fields as
success nematicide to as by foot wear well as in areas
(development, destroy and where tomatoe
growth, survival infected pine transportation fields are
trees. vehicles. treated.

Type of Pest
Other pests
Example: Spider Rats Earwigs Beetles crickets
Cultural It is best to keep  justifies setting alterations in soil
clean up Remove
Horticultural plants well-watered, traps, improving composition and weedy vegetation and
practices or particularly during sanitation, and nutrient levels patches, debris that could
environmental times of drought. rodent proofing enter serve as
modifications that the building. plantations, a hiding place or
limit pest and cultivate breeding site
problems in the fall or near the house.
Mechanical Use Similar to aphids, Snap traps, Plant litter, using Apply
of devices or spider mites can be repeating catch- organic mulch, physical Diatomaceous
actions that rinsed off of plant all devices that and waste wood means such Earth (DE)
physically remove leaves. Rinsing capture mice, should all be as fences, between walls
the pests or treatments must be and live traps removed from barriers or and other
prevent pest done frequently are all the area because electronic places where
access to the crop enough to ensure the considered they can serve wires. It crickets hide
or site mites will not climb physical/mechan as a haven for includes also during the day as
back up the plants. ical controls for earwigs. weeding and well as to
rodents. change of areas through
temperature which crickets
to control walk.
Biological Use of One of the best  Using Reduce the use provided by Keep cricket
natural enemies preventative methods Natural predator of insecticides these living numbers down
that attack and for managing spider s such as cats thus improving organisms, outdoors by
suppress pest mite control is using can help to pest control. collectively encouraging
populations and encouraging the control rodent. called natural enemies
presence of natural populations by “natural like lizards, birds,
enemies. Most of the feeding enemies,” is and harmless
predators that feed on rats and mice especially spiders.
upon plant-damaging .  important
mites, are beneficial for reducing
mites.  the numbers
of pest
insects and
Chemical When all other control When non- Where  insecticides Boric acid or
Purposeful measures have failed chemical insecticides are were other pesticide
application of to keep the measures are desired, those applied applied to cracks
compounds that populations under inadequate, containing and holes will kill
influence pest control, a chemical rodenticides can spinosad (e.g., crickets
success miticide may be be used in a SluggoPlus baits that pass
(development, needed. The primary manner that or spinosad through the
growth, survival goal with miticide use greatly reduces sprays) are the barrier
is to choose the one potential for most effective,
with minimal impact non-target environmentally
to pollinators and exposure. Place sound products.
natural enemies, but bait-block
still be effective on the formulations on
insect causing the rods in tamper-
problem.  resistant bait
stations that are
secured so that
they cannot be
easily moved,
such as attached
to permanent
masonry or 40-
pound concrete

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