Programming For Problem Solving Using C Unit I: Computer Systems
Programming For Problem Solving Using C Unit I: Computer Systems
Programming For Problem Solving Using C Unit I: Computer Systems
Creating and running Programs, Computer Numbering System, Storing Integers, Storing Real
Constants, Input/output, Programming Examples, Scope, Storage Classes and Type Qualifiers,
Tips and Common Programming Errors Key Terms, Summary, Practice Seat.
Expressions, Type Conversion Statements, Simple Programs, Command Line Arguments Tips and
Computer Systems:-
A computer is a system made of two major components: hardware and
software. The computer hardware is the physical equipment. The software is the
collection of programs (instructions) that allow the hardware to do its job.
Computer Hardware: - The hardware component of the computer system
consists of five parts: input devices, central processing unit (CPU) ,primary
storage, output devices, and auxiliary storage devices.
The input device is usually a keyboard where programs and data are
entered into the computers. Examples of other input devices include
a mouse, a pen or stylus, a touch screen, or an audio input unit.
The central processing unit (CPU) is responsible for executing
instructions such as arithmetic calculations, comparisons
among data, and movement of data inside the system.
The output device is usually a monitor or a printer to show output. If
the output is shown on the monitor, we say we have a soft copy. If it is
printed on the printer, we say we have a hard copy.
Auxiliary storage, also known as secondary storage, is used for both input
and output. It is the place where the programs and data are stored
permanently. When we turn off the computer, or programs and data
remain in the secondary storage, ready for the next time we need them.
Computer Software :-
Computer software is divided in to two broad categories:
system software and application software.
System software manages the computer resources .It provides
the interface between the hardware and the users.
Application software, on the other hand is directly responsible
for helping users solve their problems.
Computing Environments:-
Computing Environment is a collection of computers / machines,
software, and networks that support the processing and exchange of
electronic information meant to support various types of computing
solutions. With the advent if technology the computing environments
have been improved.
In computing, time-sharing is the sharing of a computing resource
among many users by means of multi programming and multi-tasking at the
same time. Mam users are connected to one or more computers.
3. Client Server Computing Environment:-
A client/server system is “a networked computing model that
distributes processes between clients and servers, which supply the requested
service.” A client/server network connects many computers, called clients, to a
main computer, called a server. Whenever client requests for something,
server receives the request and process it.
4. Distributed Computing:-
A Distributed Computing Environment Provides a seamless
integration of computing functions between different servers and
clients. the servers are connected by internet all over the world.
Computer Languages:-
To write a program for a computer, we must use a computer
language. Over the years computer languages have evolved from
machine languages to natural languages.
Computer does not understand symbolic language it must be
translated to the machine language. A special program called
assembler translates symbolic code into machine language.
High Level Languages:-
Symbolic languages greatly improved programming effificiency;
they still required programmers to concentrate on the hardware that
they were using.
Working with symbolic languages was also very tedious because each
machine instruction has to be individually coded. The desire to improve
programmer efficiency and to change the focus from the computer to
the problem being solved led to the development of high-level language.
Step 1: Creating Source Code
Source code is a file with C programming instructions in high level
language. To create source code, we use any text editor to write the
program instructions. The instructions written in the source code
must follow the C programming language rules. The following
steps are used to create source code file in Windows OS…
both the object code and specified header file code and
an with extension.
generates Executable file .exe
Step 3: Executing / Running Executable File (Ctrl + F9)
After completing compilation successfully, an executable file is created
with .exe extension. The processor can understand this .exe file
content so that it can perform the task specified in the
source file.
Whenever we press Alt + F9 the source file is submitted to the
compiler. Compiler checks for the errors, if there are any errors, it
returns list of errors, otherwise generates object code in a file
with name Sample.obj and submit it to the linker.
Linker combines the code from specified header file into object
file and generates executable file as Sample.exe. With this
compilation process completes.
Now, we need to Run the executable file (Sample.exe). To run
a program we press Ctrl + F9. When we press Ctrl + F9 the
executable file is submitted to the CPU.
Then CPU performs the task according to the instructions
written in that program and place the result into UserScreen.
Then we press Alt + F5 to open UserScreen and check the
result of the program.
Overall Process:-
Type the program in C editor and save with .c extension
(Press F2 to save).
Press Alt + F9 to compile the program.
If there are errors, correct the errors and recompile the
If there are no errors, then press Ctrl + F9 to execute / run
the program.
Press Alt + F5 to open User Screen and check the result.
Computer Numbering System:-
The technique to represent and work with numbers is called number
system. Decimal number system is the most common number
system. Other popular number systems include binary number
system, octal number system, hexadecimal number system, etc.
Decimal Number System:-
Decimal number system is a base 10 number system having 10
digits from 0 to 9. This means that any numerical quantity can be
represented using these 10 digits. Decimal number system is also
a positional value system.
Decimal equivalent of any octal number is sum of product of each digit with its
positional value.
7268 = 7×8 + 2×8 + 6×8
2 1 0
= 448+16+6
= 47010
Storing Integers:-
Integers are commonly stored using a word of memory, which is 4 bytes
or 32 bits, so integers from 0 up to 4,294,967,295 (232 - 1) can be stored.
Below are the integers 1 to 5 stored as four-byte values (each
row represents one integer).
0 : 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 | 1
4 : 00000010 00000000 00000000 00000000 | 2
8 : 00000011 00000000 00000000 00000000 | 3
12 : 00000100 00000000 00000000 00000000 | 4
16 : 00000101 00000000 00000000 00000000 | 5
This may look a little strange; within each byte (each block of eight bits), the
bits are written from right to left like we are used to in normal decimal notation,
but the bytes themselves are written left to right! It turns out that the computer
does not mind which order the bytes are used (as long as we tell the computer
what the order is) and most software uses this left to right order for bytes. 7.3
Two problems should immediately be apparent: this does not allow for
negative values, and very large integers, 232 or greater, cannot be stored in
a word of memory.
Real numbers:-
Recall that k bits can represent 2k different states. For integers, the first
state can represent 0, the second state can represent 1, the third state can
represent 2, and so on. We can only go as high as the integer 2k - 1, but at
least we know that we can account for all of the integers up to that point.
Unfortunately, we cannot do the same thing for reals. We could say that
the first state represents 0, but what does the second state represent? 0.1?
0.01? 0.00000001? Suppose we chose 0.01, so the first state represents 0,
the second state represents 0.01, the third state represents 0.02, and so on.
We can now only go as high as 0.01 x (2k - 1), and we have missed all of
the numbers between 0.01 and 0.02 (and all of the numbers between 0.02
and 0.03, and infinitely many others).
C language facilitates a very efficient approach to the development and
implementation of computer programs. The History of C started in
1972 at the Bell Laboratories, USA where Dennis M. Ritchie proposed
this language. In 1983 the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
established committee whose goal was to produce “an unambiguous
and machine independent definition of the language C “ while
still retaining it’s spirit .
C is the programming language most frequently associated with UNIX.
Since the 1970s, the bulk of the UNIX operating system and its
applications have been written in C. Because the C language does not
directly rely on any specific hardware architecture, UNIX was one of
the first portable operating systems. In other words, the majority of
the code that makes up UNIX does not know and does not care which
computer it is actually running on.
C was first designed by Dennis Ritchie for use with UNIX on DEC PDP-11
computers. The language evolved from Martin Richard's BCPL, and one
of its earlier forms was the B language, which was written by Ken
Thompson for the DEC PDP-7. The first book on C was The C
Programming Language by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie,
published in 1978.
In 1983, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) established a
committee to standardize the definition of C. The resulting standard is
known as ANSI C, and it is the recognized standard for the language,
grammar, and a core set of libraries. The syntax is slightly different from
the original C language, which is frequently called K&R for Kernighan
and Ritchie. There is also an ISO (International Standards Organization)
standard that is very similar to the ANSI standard.
It appears that there will be yet another ANSI C standard officially
dated 1999 or in the early 2000 years; it is currently known as "C9X."
The program written in C language follows this basic structure. The
sequence of sections should be as they are in the basic structure. A C
program should have one or more sections but the sequence of
sections is to be followed.
1. Documentation section
2. Linking section
3. Definition section
4. Global declaration section
5. Main function section
Declaration section
Executable section
6. Sub program or function section
1. DOCUMENTATION SECTION : comes first and is used to document the use of logic or
reasons in your program. It can be used to write the program's objective, developer and
logic details. The documentation is done in C language with /* and */ . Whatever is
written between these two are called comments.
2. LINKING SECTION : This section tells the compiler to link the certain occurrences of
keywords or functions in your program to the header files specified in this section.
e.g. #include <stdio.h>
3. DEFINITION SECTION : It is used to declare some constants and assign them some value.
e.g. #define MAX 25
Here #define is a compiler directive which tells the compiler whenever MAX is found in
the program replace it with 25.
4. GLOBAL DECLARATION SECTION : Here the variables which are used through out the
program (including main and other functions) are declared so as to make them global(i.e
accessible to all parts of program)
e.g. int i; (before main())
5. MAIN FUNCTION SECTION : It tells the compiler where to start the execution from
point from execution starts
main function has two sections
1. declaration section : In this the variables and their data types are declared.
2. Executable section : This has the part of program which actually performs the task we need.
6. SUB PROGRAM OR FUNCTION SECTION : This has all the sub programs or the
functions which our program needs.
/* simple program in c */
printf(“welcome to c programming”);
} /* End of main */
Names of the variables and other program elements such as
functions, array, etc, are known as identifiers.
There are few rules that govern the way variable are named (identifiers).
1. Identifiers can be named from the combination of A-Z, a-z, 0-
9, _(Underscore).
2. The first alphabet of the identifier should be either an alphabet or
an underscore. digit are not allowed.
3. It should not be a keyword.
Eg: name, ptr, sum
After naming a variable we need to declare it to compiler of what data type
it is .
The format of declaring a variable is
where data type could be float, int, char or any of the data types.
id1, id2, id3 are the names of variable we use. In case of single variable
no commas are required.
Eg float a, b, c;
int e, f, grand total;
char present_or_absent;
To represent different types of data in C program we need different data
types. A data type is essential to identify the storage representation and
the type of operations that can be performed on that data. C supports four
different classes of data types namely
1. Basic Data types
2. Derives data types
3. User defined data types
4. Pointer data types
All arithmetic operations such as Addition , subtraction etc are possible on
basic data types.
E.g.: int a,b;
Char c;
C Provides a facility called typedef for creating new data type
names defined by the user. For Example ,the declaration ,
typedef int Integer;
makes the name Integer a synonym of int.Now the type Integer can be used
in declarations ,casts,etc,like,
Integer num1,num2;
Which will be treated by the C compiler as the declaration
of num1,num2as int variables.
“typedef” ia more useful with structures and pointers.
The getchar() is used only for one input and is not formatted. Formatted
input refers to an input data that has been arranged in a particular format, for
that we have scanf.
int a,b;
float c;
printf("Enter any number");
printf("the char is ");
printf("Exhibiting the use of scanf");
printf("Enter three numbers");
A scope in any programming is a region of the program where a
defined variable can have its existence and beyond that variable it
cannot be accessed. There are three places where variables can
be declared in C programming language −
Inside a function or a block which is called local variables.
Outside of all functions which is called global variables.
In the definition of function parameters which are called formal
Local Variables:-
Variables that are declared inside a function or block are called local
variables. They can be used only by statements that are inside that
function or block of code. Local variables are not known to functions
outside their own.
Global Variables:-
Global variables are defined outside a function, usually on top of the
program. Global variables hold their values throughout the lifetime of
your program and they can be accessed inside any of the functions
defined for the program.
A global variable can be accessed by any function.
Storage Classes:-
A storage class defines the scope (visibility) and life-time of variables
and/or functions within a C Program. They precede the type that they
modify. We have four different storage classes in a C program −
The example above defines two variables with in the same storage
class. 'auto' can only be used within functions, i.e., local variables.
The register Storage Class:-
The register storage class is used to define local variables that
should be stored in a register instead of RAM. This means that the
variable has a maximum size equal to the register size (usually one
word) and can't have the unary '&' operator applied to it (as it does
not have a memory location).
register int miles;
Type Qualifiers:-
The keywords which are used to modify the properties of a variable are
called type qualifiers.
1. const
2. volatile
Constants are also like normal variables. But, only difference is, their
values can’t be modified by the program once they are defined.
They refer to fixed values. They are also called as literals.
They may be belonging to any of the data type.
const data_type variable_name; (or) const data_type *variable_name;
When a variable is defined as volatile, the program may not change
When you start writing your code in C, C++ or any other programming
language, your first objective might be to write a program that works.
After you accomplished that, the following are few things you
should consider to enhance your program.
This article will give some high-level ideas on how to improve the
speed of your program.
In C every expression evaluates to a value i.e., every expression
results in some value of a certain type that can be assigned to a
Evaluation of Expressions:-
Expressions are evaluated using an assignment statement of the form.
Variable = expression;
Variable is any valid C variable name. When the statement is
encountered, the expression is evaluated first and then replaces the
previous value of the variable on the left hand side.
. All variables used in the expression must be assigned values before evaluation is
Example of evaluation statements are
Precedence and Associativity:-
Operator precedence determines the grouping of terms in an expression and
decides how an expression is evaluated. Certain operators have higher
precedence than others; for example, the multiplication operator has a higher
precedence than the addition operator.
Shift << >> Left to right
Typecasting is converting one data type into another one. It is also
called as data conversion or type conversion. It is one of the
important concepts introduced in 'C' programming.
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. int main(){
3. int n,i,m=0,flag=0;
4. printf("Enter the number to check prime:");
5. scanf("%d",&n);
6. m=n/2;
7. for(i=2;i<=m;i++)
8. {
9. if(n%i==0)
11.printf("Number is not prime");
17.printf("Number is prime");
18.return 0;
19. }