Introduction To Data Science: Yevonnael Andrew

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Introduction to Data Science


Yevonnael Andrew
Data Analyst at United Nations Development Programme, Indonesia
MSc Candidate in Machine Learning & AI, Liverpool JMU, UK
Short Introduction
• Learn Data Science for the first time with DQLab (Q4 2019)
• Win 2nd position as Data Science winner at DQLab Competition (Q1 2020)
• Intern at UNDP from DQLab Job Connector (Q1 2021)
• Speaker at multiple DQLab events
Feel free to connect with me in LinkedIn
(or any other Social Media)
Feel free to ask anything ☺
• Machine Learning is way to achieve Artificial Intelligence.
• Data Science is intersection of Machine Learning, IT/CS, and Business.
• Whether you want to be a Data Scientist or ML/AI Engineer, you should
master data science!
• Data engineer and cloud knowledge would be beneficial!
Self-Driving Car needs Big Data
(Images, Sounds, Weather, Geospatial Data, etc)
Big Data & Real Time Detector
Social Distancing Detector
E-Commerce Personalization use data from
customer behaviors, interactions, purchases, etc.
Financial in The Past and Present
Trading in the future will be made by computer,
with smart algorithms, harnessing the power of Big Data
Computer can help us do Portfolio Optimization,
only with few clicks and codes
Algorithmic Trading (or Automated Trading) combines
the power of Big Data, Algorithms, and Domain Expertise
Geospatial Data (and satellites data) can be used to track
movement, traffic optimization, criminal investigation, etc
Where Deep Learning with GIS
We can create a chatbot, an automated bot that learn pattern
from text Big Data and mimic it by learning the pattern
From social media (eg Twitter), we can collect data and
create a sentiment between entities
Retweet Network untuk kata kunci Retweet Network untuk kata kunci
“BEM UI” (100 Tweets) “komunis” (1000 Tweets)

Bulatan dengan panah menuju ke dalam, artinya ketika akun tersebut tweet, akun lain akan me-retweet.
Ukuran bulatan mencerminkan seberapa sering tweet akun tersebut di-retweet oleh akun lain.
Clustering and Segmentation to
analyze ideology of voters

Arti gambar: Partai Demokrat tidak bisa merepresentasikan rakyat AS. Pemilih Demokrat memiliki opini
yang berbeda. Ketika “dipecah”, pemilih Demokrat juga terpecah.
AI vs Doctors
AI in Medical Physics
Now we know that Data is very important.
That’s why Data is called the “New Oil”
Big Data Characteristics
Industry 4.0
Big Data is characterized by 5V’s ++
Data is collected everytime and everywhere
Data is growing exponentially, faster than ever
How to Become a
Data Scientist?
Data Scientist is the sexiest jobs of the 21st century
(HBR, 2012)
But the role of Data Engineers become more important,
so you should consider become a Data Engineer too!
Data Science, ML, and AI are Interconnected
Top Ten Roles in Asia Pacific (IBM, 2020)
What degree I need to work on data industry?
From Priest to Data Engineer in Six Months
Eddie Kirkland serve for six years as the head priest at a church.
He studying data engineer for six months and finally obtain a position as Data Engineer.
Now he is a principal data scientist.
Don’t Miss the Opportunity!
• Now is still in the early phase.
• Data Science is one of the most
promising jobs in the future!
• To become a Data Scientist, you
don’t need to leave your current
field. Think about:
• Data-driven HR
• Data-driven Astronomy
• Data-driven Musician
• Data-driven Writer
• “story”, “women”, “apple”
• So, it is not limited only to IT
A L L - I N - O N E P L AT F O R M
There are two kinds of learning method.
Usually college provide you with the bottom-up method.
Step 1: Learn the Fundamental and Application
Make sure you understand what you read and what you type.
Step 2: Do Project and Challenge
Ask any data scientist, almost all of them will agree that project are the most important.
Step 3: Learn the Theory
After you know the practical, you still need to learn theory.
(Except you just want to be the mediocre)
Step 4: Compete
Win or lose is not matter. You should have this experience anyway.
Step 5: Create Portfolio
This speak a lot than bunch of certificates.
Anyone can earn certificate, but not anyone can create a meaningful project.
Step 6: Find Mentor!
A Mentor should be smarter and better than you. Use LinkedIn and other social media!
Step 7: Apply for Job (or Internship)
Expect the unexpected.
Feel free to connect with me in LinkedIn
(or any other Social Media)
Feel free to ask anything ☺
End of Presentation

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