Catalytic Converters For Vehicle Exhaust: Fundamental Aspects and Technology Overview For Newcomers To The Field
Catalytic Converters For Vehicle Exhaust: Fundamental Aspects and Technology Overview For Newcomers To The Field
Catalytic Converters For Vehicle Exhaust: Fundamental Aspects and Technology Overview For Newcomers To The Field
1 Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH, UK;
[email protected]
2 Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department, Technical School of Engineering, University of Seville,
C/Camino de los Descubrimientos s/n, 41092 Sevilla, Spain
* Correspondence: [email protected] (F.M.B.-M.); [email protected] (T.R.R.)
Abstract: This works aims to provide an understanding on basic chemical kinetics pertaining to
three-way catalytic (TWC) converters from an educational perspective, aimed at those novel readers
in this field. Rate of reactions and its factors are explained, showcasing that the chosen catalyst is
the main factor affecting the overall rate of reaction. Furthermore, this overview revisit insights of
the catalytic converter structure and the environmental issues that come along with it. Lastly, the
chemical and physical properties of the reactants and products-pollutant and less-toxic gases—are
discussed, in order to gather a better understanding of the reactants and products that enters a
catalytic converter.
is used. The main reason is that it allows the best possible contact between the flowing
exhaust gas and the catalyst surface [12]. The honeycomb ceramic structure is a catalyst
support that provides a large surface area, in order for redox reactions to take place at
a higher rate and efficiency. A large surface area, along as temperature and pressure, is
one of the main factors that provides a higher rate of reaction [13]. The structure is then
coated with a solution containing different noble metal nitrates such as palladium nitrate,
rhodium nitrate and platinum nitrate [14]. The honeycomb structure facilitates the flow of
gas through the converter and controls any pressure drops.
Even though TWC converters are widely used commercially, and fundamental aspects
and technology have been described [15–20], a review from an educational perspective
is still missing. Hence this work is a useful initial resource for newcomers to the field to
familiarize them in a direct and clear manner with the main concepts and characteristics
of TWC technology. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to offer an overview of the main
fundamental working principles of TWC from an educational perspective. To this end, this
work is organised as follows. First, the working principles of TWC converters are explained.
Afterwards, the most common structures used for the devices are reviewed, along with the
typical working conditions for a TWC. The rates of reaction are subsequently provided,
focusing finally on pollutant gases reduction.
Figure 2. Reactants passing through a single monolith channel and exiting as products. Monolith wall = solid grey colour,
secondary support = black and catalyst layer = green. Adapted from [34,35].
Figure 2. Reactants passing through a single monolith channel and exiting as products. Monolith wall = solid grey colour,
secondary support = black and catalyst layer = green. Adapted from [34,35].
Chemistry 2021, 3 634
Chemistry 2021, 3, FOR PEER REVIEW 5
(2) Washcoat
material, which contains alumina as well as different metal oxides or zeolites [36]. The
A coat of supported catalysts is applied to the surface of the honeycomb ceramic
honeycomb ceramic structure is usually coated with γ-Al2O3, due to its high resistance
structure. A thin coating of a wet-based slurry is directly applied on the highly porous
material, higher temperatures
which contains alumina [14], which
as well containsmetal
as different the oxides
catalyst or materials
zeolites [36].of The
about 0.1–
0.15%, 20% cerium
honeycomb ceramic oxide,
structure and stabilisers
is usually coatedsuchwithas γ-Al
barium oxide. Rare earth and alkaline
2 O3 , due to its high resistance
ions can improve stabilisation [14]. Cerium oxide is
towards higher temperatures [14], which contains the catalyst materials mixed with oftheabout
catalyst materials as
is used
cerium tooxide,
improve the thermal
and stabilisers suchstability
as barium of oxide.
alumina, Rareand
earthcanandstore andions
alkaline release
can O2 in,
improve stabilisation
respectively, lean and[14].richCerium
is mixed
thin the catalyst
coating materials
of the as it isslurry
wet based used is then
to improve
dried up and the calcined,
thermal stability
which ofisalumina,
the heatingand can store and
of solids to release
a high Otemperature
2 in, respectively,
to remove
lean and rich conditions
volatile substances. [37]. This thin coating of the wet based slurry is then dried up and
calcined, which is the heating of solids to a high temperature to remove volatile substances.
There has been research done to directly apply the metal catalysts onto the surface of
There has been research done to directly apply the metal catalysts onto the surface
the honeycomb ceramic without the involvement of drying and calcination. According to
of the honeycomb ceramic without the involvement of drying and calcination. According
[38], thisthis
to [38], method
involves the use of
the use ofelectrolysis
electrolysis (the
(the electroplating
electroplating technique),
technique), wherewhere a
a washcoatofofγ-Alγ-Al22OO33 on nickel oxide
on nickel oxide(NiO)
(NiO) catalyst
catalyst is electroplated
is electroplated onto theonto the FeCrAl
substrate; the honeycomb
honeycombceramic ceramic is submerged
is submerged intointo a solution
a solution and alumina
and alumina ions areions are
directly transferred
directly transferred totothe thehoneycomb
honeycomb surface.
surface.A schematic
A schematic diagram showing
diagram the set-up
showing the set-up
of the experiment is shown in Figure 3. As a result, [38] concluded
of the experiment is shown in Figure 3. As a result, [38] concluded that the that the CO emissions
CO emissions
were below
were below 77ppmppmwhen whena catalytic
a catalytic converter
converterof this
of experiment
this experiment was used.
was used.
Table 1. Chemical and physical properties of PGM metals. Adapted from [42].
Table 1. Chemical and physical properties of PGM metals. Adapted from [42].
Chemical Name (Symbol) Platinum (Pt) Palladium (Pd) Rhodium (Rh)
Chemical Name (Symbol) Platinum (Pt) Palladium (Pd) Rhodium (Rh)
Density (g/cm3) 21.45 12.02 12.41
Density (g/cm3 ) 21.45 12.02 12.41
Point Point
(°C) (◦ C) 1769 1769 15541554
Vickers Vickers
Hardness No. No.
Hardness 40 40 40 40 101101
Thermal Conductivity(W/M/ C)
Thermal Conductivity 73 75 150
Tensile Strength (kg/mm )2 73 14 75 17 71150
(W/M/°C) Soft, ductile and resistant to oxidation and high
Tensile Strength Properties
(kg/mm 2) 14 Excellent performance
temperature corrosion 17 71
Soft, ductile and resistant to oxidation and high
Physical Properties Excellent performance
The quantitytemperature corrosion and rhodium used in auto catalysts depends
of platinum, palladium
on the vehicle type, manufacturer, country, year and additional factors [40]. In TWC
As demand the ratio
for ofTWC
is 5 to 1, andare
the increasing,
ratio of Pd/Rh theis 7demand
to 1 [40]. for PGM is also
As demand for TWC converters are increasing,
increasing [40]. About 15–20% of the world demand for platinum the demand for PGM is also
comes increas-
with recycling
ing [40]. About 15–20% of the world demand for platinum comes with
from used catalytic converters, however, the amount of platinum required is not enough recycling from
used catalytic converters, however, the amount of platinum required is not enough to meet
to meet the growing world demand, hence the shrinking in platinum reserves and the
the growing world demand, hence the shrinking in platinum reserves and the increase in
platinumin platinum price. Therefore,
price. Therefore, the high valuethe of
has of PGM hasthe
stimulated stimulated
recovery of the
of from
PGMusedfrom used catalytic converters [40], and it is widely practiced. One
catalytic converters [40], and it is widely practiced. One of the common methods of the common
of PGMof PGM recovery
recovery is shown inis shown
Figure 4.inRecovering
Figure 4. Recovering
PGM is very PGM is very
important as itimportant
provides as it
provides supplementary
supplementary source
source to the miningto of
the mining
these oftherefore
metals, these metals, therefore
protecting protecting the
the environment
by limiting the
environment bynumber of waste
limiting the disposal,
number saving
of wastenatural resourcessaving
disposal, exploitation,
electricity consumption
exploitation, and diminishing
limiting electricity pollutant
consumption andemission [40]. pollutant emission [40].
Figure 4. Main
Figure steps
4. Main totorecover
steps recoverPGM
PGM from usedcatalytic
from used catalytic converters.
converters. Adapted
Adapted fromfrom
[40]. [40].
(4)(4) Metal
Metal Casing
vibrations inside
thermal stresses,
metal casing
metal casing is
essential [43]. Furthermore, a metal casing is used to direct the exhaust gas flow,since
is essential [43]. Furthermore, a metal casing is used to direct the exhaust gas flow, since gas
gas flow is a scalar quantity (only has a magnitude but no direction). High thermal stress
flow is a scalar quantity (only has a magnitude but no direction). High thermal stress can
can alter the shape of the substrate easily, so a metal casing is required to hold the ceramic
alter the shape of the substrate easily, so a metal casing is required to hold the ceramic
together. At high thermal stress, this can result in permanent plastic deformations [43]. The
together. At high
metal casing thermal
can be producedstress, this the
through cancanning
result in permanent
process. A thinnedplastic
metal casing [43].
The metal casing can be produced through the canning process.
is desired [44], as this can allow better heat transfer to the surroundings, to prevent A thinned wall
the metal
casing is desired
catalytic converter [44],
fromas reaching
this can allow better heat
temperatures of uptransfer
to 1000 to◦ C. the surroundings,
However, the questionto prevent
catalyticand efficiencyfrom
converter is considered,
reachingas temperatures
high temperatures of can
up result
to 1000in deformation
°C. However, of the
the catalytic
question converter [45,46].
of durability and efficiency is considered, as high temperatures can result in
In another
deformation of the design, the option
catalytic of using
converter a support mat is considered, where it is placed
in between the honeycomb ceramic and the steel casing acting as thermal insulation. A
In another design, the option of using a support mat is considered, where it is placed
schematic diagram is shown in Figure 5. A support mat purpose is to act as a mechanical
in support
betweenofthe honeycomb ceramic and the steel casing acting as thermal insulation. A
the monolith, provide thermal insulation and minimize the potential for shell
deformation diagram is shown
[45]. Shells mayin beFigure 5. A
a variety of support
grades ofmat purpose
stainless steelis to are
and act an
as integral
a mechanical
support of the monolith, provide thermal insulation and minimize
part of the exhaust system. Therefore, the designer should take the thermal expansion the potential for shell
differences [45]. Shells
and yield may beofa various
strengths variety materials
of gradesinto of stainless steel [45].
consideration and are an integral
andofthethe exhaust
steel shell ofsystem. Therefore,
the catalytic thehave
converter designer
thermal take the thermal
coefficients expansion
of thermal
expansion, so there is a gap present between both sections. The gap expands
differences and yield strengths of various materials into consideration [45]. Substrate and and contracts
the converter
shell ofcycles in temperature
the catalytic duringhave
converter its usedifferent
[45]. Gapthermal
can be minimized
of thermal
by adjusting the material of the stainless-steel shell, where it is suggested to use ferritic steel
expansion, so there is a gap present between both sections. The gap expands and contracts
shells (SS409), where is has about 50% lower thermal expansion compared to austenitic
as (SS310)
the converter
cycles in temperature during its use [45]. Gap expansion can be
minimized by adjusting the material of the stainless-steel shell, where it is suggested to
use ferritic steel shells (SS409), where is has about 50% lower thermal expansion compared
to austenitic (SS310) [45,47].
Chemistry 2021, 3, FOR PEER REVIEW 7
Chemistry 2021, 3 636
Figure 5. DiagraminofCatalytic
4. Conditions converterConverters
with the mat. Adapted from [45].
4.1. Temperature
4. Conditions in Catalytic
The temperature Converters
conditions inside the catalytic converter must be able to minimize
cold-start emissions, as well as maintain a high conversion efficiency of pollutant gases
to non-pollutant gases. A summary of the catalyst light-off temperature and operating
The temperature conditions inside the catalytic converter must be able to minimize
temperature can be shown in Table 2 below.
the cold-start emissions, as well as maintain a high conversion efficiency of pollutant gases
to Table
2. Summarygases. A summary
of temperature of athe
ranges for catalyst
specific light-off
condition temperature
in a catalytic converter.and operating
temperature can
from [37,48–50]. be shown in Table 2 below.
Table 2. Summary of temperature ranges forConditions Temperature
a specific condition in a catalytic converter. ( C) [37,48–50].
Adapted from
Catalyst Light-Off Temperature 250–300
Conditions Operating Temperature Temperature (°C)
Catalyst Light-Off Temperature Pt sinters 250–300 700
Operating Temperature Pt-Rd and Pt-Rh Alloy forms 700–800
Alumina Sinters
Pt sinters 700800–900
Ceramic monolith softens 1300–1400
Pt-Rd and Pt-Rh Alloy forms Metal Monolith melts 700–800
Alumina Sinters Pellet Melting 800–900>1900
Ceramic monolith softens 1300–1400
Metal Monolith4.2.melts
Cold Start Emissions 1500–1600
Pellet Melting An automobile engine usually begins from a cold start;
therefore, the catalytic con-
verter is starting up from a cold start, i.e., the catalytic converter is at the same tempera-
asStart Emissions and the catalyst conversion efficiency is effectively zero at this
its surroundings
An The catalytic converter
automobile is not working
engine usually beginstofrom
the specified
a cold operating temperature
start; therefore, the (op-
timum temperature) [24], where the operating temperature is suggested
converter ◦is starting up from a cold start, i.e., the catalytic converter is at the same to be around
400–800 C [37,51]. Above this range the thermal aging process begins to accelerate and
temperature as its surroundings and the catalyst conversion efficiency is effectively zero
the noble metals and the carrier begins to sinter, thus shrinking down the active surface
at this
area point. The catalytic
[51]. Therefore, thereconverter
is a certainistime
working to isthe
that specified
required operating
for the temperaturetemperature
(optimum temperature)
the catalytic converter to[24], where
increase fromthe
theoperating temperature
ambient temperature is suggested
(15–25 to be around
◦ C), to its optimum
400–800 °C [37,51].
temperature. Above
During this range
this period, the thermal
cold-start emissions aging process Cold-start
are present. begins to emissions
accelerate and
definedmetals and
as the the carrier
emissions beginsbytoan
produced sinter,
engine thus shrinking
during down
the initial the active
warm-up surface
area a sufficiently
[51]. Therefore,long thereperiod of non-use,
is a certain time and before
interval theis
that engine,
for the converter, or
temperature of
any other emission reduction systems would reach their optimum
the catalytic converter to increase from the ambient temperature (15–25 °C), to its operating condition [52].
optimum to [48] and [50],
temperature. the so-called
During light-off
this period, temperature,
cold-start which isare
emissions thepresent.
certain thresh-
old temperature for the catalyst to convert harmful emissions, normally exists at around
emissions are defined as the emissions produced by an engine during the initial warm-up
250–300 ◦ C. The term ‘light-off temperature’ is also used to describe the temperature at
period, after a sufficiently long period of non-use, and before the engine, catalytic
which the catalyst becomes more than 50% effective [50]. Therefore, high levels of exhaust
emissionor areany other emission
transferred reduction systems
into the atmosphere when thewould
exhaust reach their optimum
temperature operating
is low [48].
condition [52]. According to [48] and [50], the so-called light-off temperature, which is the
certain threshold temperature for the catalyst to convert harmful emissions, normally
exists at around 250–300 °C. The term ‘light-off temperature’ is also used to describe the
temperature at which the catalyst becomes more than 50% effective [50]. Therefore, high
Chemistry 2021, 3 637
Cold start emissions are considered a problem in the automobile industry because
pollutant gases are emitted to the surroundings when the catalytic converter is starting
up [48,49,53]. In a study recently conducted [48], it was found that the maximum concen-
trations of CO and unburned hydrocarbons that we emitted out of the exhaust engine
ranged from 950 ppm to 8400 ppm and from 220 ppm to 28,000 ppm, respectively. High
emissions of these pollutant gas were caused by poor cylinder combustion and catalyst
efficiency. These two aspects were improved in [48]. Various techniques such as using the
retard ignition timing method, adjusting the air/fuel ratio inside the catalytic converter
and the use of thermal insultation materials were used, as one of the few key thermal
management techniques to control the emission of exhaust gases. Table 3 summarises just a
few key thermal management methods to minimize the light-off period and the cumulative
emission of exhaust gases.
Table 3. Overview of catalyst light-off time reductions and the cumulative emission reductions with different thermal
management methods. Adapted from [48].
The main methods to shorten the warm-up period would be heating with electrical
power, heating with an external combustion chamber, and installing an auxiliary small-
capacity catalytic converter [54]. However, they all employ active means which would
require an external energy source along with a control unit.
Figure 6 shows a positive trend as the temperature increases, the catalyst conversion
efficiency increases. At high enough temperatures of around 350 to 450 ◦ C as shown on the
graph, the steady-state conversion efficiencies of CO and HC are typically 98–99 percent
and 95 percent or above, respectively [50].
High temperatures were once the limiting factor for converter designs, as higher
temperatures can lead to sintering, resulting in a decrease in fraction of metal available
for catalytic reactions to occur as well as increased aging of coating when the gas inlet
temperatures into the converter is above 850 ◦ C [49]. As a result, new washcoat formula-
tions were developed, where gas inlet temperatures of 1050 ◦ C can be attained without the
impairment of the coating; high temperature coating of 1050 ◦ C for 24 h can still maintain a
very high conversion efficiency for hydrocarbons at 98% [49].
Chemistry 2021, 3 638
Chemistry 2021, 3, FOR PEER REVIEW 9
Figure Conversion efficiency
function of
typical oxidizing
catalytic converter. Adapted from [50].
catalytic converter. Adapted from [50].
Figure 6 shows
Furthermore, froma positive
[48], in trend
order as to the temperature
maintain increases, of
the temperature thethecatalyst
to work
at its optimum, increases. At highofenough
suggestions improving temperatures
the insulatingof around
material350was to 450 °C as shown
discussed. A study on
the graph,
from this paperthe showed
steady-statethat theconversion efficiencies
effect of partially of CO
ceramic and pistons
coated HC areontypically 98–99
the cold-start
percent and
emissions of 95 percent
engine or above,
would increase respectively [50]. by around 100 ◦ C, as well as reduce
the temperature
the peak values of Hydrocarbon emission by up tofactor
High temperatures were once the limiting 15%. for converter designs,
Furthermore, as higher
the efficiency of a
precious can lead to sintering,
metal-containing resulting
catalyst declines in steeply
very a decrease for in fraction of metal
a temperature 350 ◦ C,
for catalytic
and reactions toofoccur
cites the importance usingasphase-change-material,
well as increased aging of coating
so some of thewhen thermal theenergy
gas inletof
exhaust gases are into the within
stored converter is above 850 °C
the phase-changing [49]. As
material wherea result,
the catalystnew would
washcoat be
formulations [54].were developed, where gas inlet temperatures of 1050 °C can be attained
In summary,
without the impairment if the catalysts is at itshigh
of the coating; optimum at a lower
temperature operating
coating of 1050temperature
°C for 24 h can of
around 300 ◦ C, then a washcoat applied must be improved to withstand higher tem-
still maintain a very high conversion efficiency for hydrocarbons at 98% [49].
peratures during the
Furthermore, fromcold start
[48], in period
order toi.e., the wash
maintain the coat needs toof
temperature bethe able to withstand
catalyst to work
at its optimum, of suggestions
around 950 of 1050 ◦ C [24].
to improving the Furthermore,
insulating material since was
it is discussed.
expected that cat-
A study
alysts work
from this at a showed
paper lower temperature,
that the effect expensive
of partiallystainless
ceramicsteel is not
coated required
pistons on theduring the
construction of the catalytic converter [24].
emissions of engine would increase the temperature by around 100 °C, as well as reduce
the peak values of Hydrocarbon emission by up to 15%. Furthermore, the efficiency of a
4.4. Pressure
precious metal-containing catalyst declines very steeply for a temperature below 350 °C,
and The
citespressure drop is considered
the importance an important design parameter
of using phase-change-material, so some as ofittherepresents
thermal energy
loss [38], and
of exhaust an increase
gases are stored in pressure
within the drop can be an indication
phase-changing material that catalyst
where pluggingwould
the catalyst may
occur [31]. When
be embedded [54]. designing the monolithic substrates, there must be a trade-off between
the pressure
In summary, drop if andthethe total geometric
catalysts surface. atThis
is at its optimum is because
a lower operating duetemperature
to increasing of
around 300 °C, then a washcoat applied must be improved to withstandand
drop is a major issue as there is significant engine loss in terms of power fuel
temperatures [55]. during
According to [55],
the cold anperiod
start enginei.e.,
needs oftopower
be able perto1000 Pa of
pressure loss. However, increasing the total geometric surface area
temperatures of around 950 to 1050 °C [24]. Furthermore, since it is expected that catalysts i.e., the higher the cpsi,
the higher the conversion is [31]. Studies and experiments
work at a lower temperature, expensive stainless steel is not required during the have been conducted to minimize
the pressure drop,
construction of theusually
catalytic to converter
adjust the[24]. substrate geometry and the flow distribution.
Experiments to adjust the geometry of the honeycomb ceramic were done to optimize
4.4.flow distribution inside the catalytic converter so the pressure drop remains low. Before
catalytic converter technologies were improved, substrate geometry inside the catalytic
The used
converter pressure to bedrop is considered
in a pellet form using anspherical
important design parameter
particular of aluminum as oxide,
it represents
energy loss [38], and an increase in pressure
being replaced with a honeycomb monolith structure, as having a honeycomb drop can be an indication that catalyst
structure may occur ensure[31]. When
a lower designing
pressure dropthe monolithic
of over 70% bysubstrates,
having a high thereopenmust be a
area (where between the pressure
it is defined drop and
as a function of the
walltotal geometric
thickness, cellsurface.
spacingThis andiscell
to increasing pressure drop is
which results in little resistance to flow [56]. a major issue as there is significant engine loss in terms of
power and fuel economy [55]. According to [55], an engine
The geometry structure of the monolith would affect the pressure drop, where theirwill lose about 300W of power
per 1000 Pastates
hypothesis of pressurethat theloss. However,
channel increasing
geometry wouldthe affect
total geometric
the pressure surfacedrop area
higher the cpsi, the higher the conversion is [31]. Studies
monolith honeycomb [57]. An experiment was conducted and assumed that the flow of gas and experiments have been
Chemistry 2021, 3 639
would follow the Poiseuille flow and constant apparent permeability. Data of the channel
velocity and the pressure drop was plotted for different void fractions of 0.60, 0.66, 0.73,
0.84. The channel velocity of the gas was in m/s and was increased from 1 m/s to 6 m/s.
For all void fractions, as the channel velocity increases, the pressure drop entering and
leaving the monolith increases.
As stated in the opening paragraph of the section, another factor that can be directly
adjusted would be the flow distribution. The flow distribution would have a significant
effect on the pressure drop of the catalytic converter [58]. Adjusting the flow distribution
would improve power consumption and can also provide higher conversion efficiency.
Adjusting the geometry of the honeycomb ceramic by using square and hexagonal cells
was carried out in [55]. The authors pursued improving the pressure drop and therefore
the conversion efficiency. Dimensions of 600 cells per square inch (cpsi) and a thickness of
0.114 mm and 400 cpsi and a thickness of 0.089 mm for square and hexagonal shaped cells
were compared, respectively. Air at uniform velocities of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 m/s were
used, with an air inlet temperature of 293K and an outlet pressure at atmospheric pressure.
Assuming a constant hydraulic diameter was present, it was found that the hexagonal
cell geometry would reduce the pressure drop more than the square cell geometry. It
is suggested in [55] that the hexagonal-shaped cell gives better mechanical performance
(lower pressure drop), which proves that it would be better for flow distribution, so less
energy consumption is needed for the catalytic converter. Experimental and Simulation
pressure drops were recorded, and the root-square (RS) and root mean square (RMS) was
calculated for each inlet air velocity. Tables 4–6 show that for both a square and hexagonal
shaped cell, with increasing air velocity, there is an increasing pressure drop. From Table 4,
a hexagonal shaped cell would generate less pressure drop. However, there has been
indication that the monolith (honeycomb ceramic) would act as a flow resistance zone,
creating a high-pressure area in the centre of the catalytic converter which would force flow
redistribution to the sides. A simulation of airflow inside the catalytic converter suggests
that there is a significant pressure drop inside the catalytic converter, and that backpressure
can occur at large pressure drops [58]. The larger the backpressure, the higher the resistance
to flow of pollutant gas there is.
It is known that backpressure can be a good indication of a clogged catalytic converter.
If there is higher back pressure, there is a larger resistance to gas flow and the mass flow
rate, which could indicate that the catalytic converter is clogged. This can result in pressure
build-up inside, and the catalytic converter can explode. It is indicated that a back-pressure
of 3 psi is the maximum backpressure that could exist inside a catalytic converter.
Another suggestion was to use a metallic honeycomb instead of the usual ceramic
monolith honeycomb, where it is manufactured using Fecralloy, a ferritic stainless steel with
aluminium, which comes in a broader range of shapes and cpsi than the ceramic, depending
on the structure. Using metallic monoliths would provide thinner walls with open frontal
areas approaching 90%, resulting in larger channel diameters [56], therefore resulting in
lower pressure drop [31]. However, factors such as cost, weight, and maximum temp.
would outweigh the change of material from a ceramic type to a metallic honeycomb [56].
Table 4. Geometries
4. Geometries of single
of single channel
channel forfor a square
a square andand hexagonal
hexagonal shaped
shaped cell,
cell, andand validation
validation of experiments.
of experiments. Adapted
from [55].
Table 4. Geometries of single channel for a square and hexagonal shaped cell, and validation of experiments. Adapted from [55].
ShapeShape Square
Square Hexagonal
Cell Shape Square Hexagonal
A (mm)
(mm) (mm) 0.950.95 1
A 0.95 11
B (mm)
B (mm) 0.950.95 0.575
Cell Length
Cell Length (mm) (mm) 118118 69.869.8
Cell density
Cell density (cpsi) (cpsi) 600600 400400
Wall thickness
thickness (mm)
(mm)(mm) 0.114
0.114 0.089
Air velocity
velocity for
velocity validation
forfor validation
validation of
of square
of square
square Experimental pressure
Experimental drop
pressure (Pa)(Pa)
drop Simulation pressure
Simulation drop
pressure (Pa)(Pa)
shaped cell Experimental pressure drop (Pa) Simulation pressure drop (Pa)
shaped cellcell
5 5 417417 476476
5 417 476
10 10 857857 987987
15 857
1339 987
15 15
20 20
Air velocity for validation of square 1857
1857 2132
Air velocity for validation of square Experimental pressure drop (Pa) Simulation pressure drop (Pa)
Air velocity shaped
for validation
cell of square Experimental pressure drop (Pa) Simulation pressure drop (Pa)
shaped cell Experimental pressure drop (Pa) Simulation pressure drop (Pa)
shaped cell 152 153
5 5
10 152152
318 153153
OR PEER REVIEW 15 512 576 12
10 10 318318 364364
20 15 747512 822576
15 512 576
20 20 747747 822822
Another suggestion
suggestion waswas
to to
useuse a metallic
a metallic honeycomb
honeycomb instead
instead of of
thethe usual
usual ceramic
monolith honeycomb,
honeycomb, where
where it manufactured
it is is manufactured using
using Fecralloy,
Fecralloy, a ferritic
a ferritic stainless
stainless steel
with aluminium, which comes in a broader range of shapes and cpsi
with aluminium, which comes in a broader range of shapes and cpsi than the ceramic, than the ceramic,
depending ononthethe structure.
structure. Using
Using metallic
metallic monoliths
monoliths would
would provide
provide thinner
thinner walls
walls with
open frontal areas approaching 90%, resulting in larger channel diameters
open frontal areas approaching 90%, resulting in larger channel diameters [56], therefore [56], therefore
resulting in in lower
lower pressure
pressure dropdrop [31].
[31]. However,
However, factors
factors such
such as as cost,
cost, weight,
weight, andand
maximum temp.
temp. would
would outweigh
outweigh thethe change
change of material
of material from
from a ceramic
a ceramic typetype
to atometallic
a metallic
honeycomb [56]. [56]. Surface
Surface Areas
AnAn experiment
experiment byby Amirnordin,
Amirnordin, et. al
et al . [55]
[55] indicates
indicates that
that at aathigher
a higher surface
surface area,
area, there
would be a significant improvement in chemical properties on
would be a significant improvement in chemical properties on the monolith structure the monolith structure
(Figure 7).7). Another
Another reference
reference [30]
[30] suggests
suggests that that a higher
a higher surface
surface area
area andand open
open frontal
frontal area
areare needed,
needed, as as it would
it would allow
allow more
more active
active components
components (in(in
thisthis case,
case, thethe catalysts)
catalysts) to to
be be
present on the surface of the monolith
present on the surface of the monolith [59]. [59].
Figure 7. Comparison
7. Comparison of a monolith
of a monolith with particulate
with particulate as a catalyst
as a catalyst support support
at equivalent at equivalent
surface surface
areas. Adapted from [56].
areas. Adapted from [56].
The reciprocal, the Fuel/Air Ratio, can be defined as shown in Eqn. (6):
Fuel − Air ratio = . (6)
A ma
Typical values of the A/F ratio in spark-ignited engines using gasoline fuel is between
12 and 18 (for the F/A ratio, values ranged between 0.056 and 0.083).
The stoichiometric air to fuel ratio, also defined as λ = 1, where λ is defined as
the air/fuel equivalence ratio, is when all three pollutants can be converted [14]. A
mathematical relationship can be used to define the air/fuel equivalence ratio [60].
λ= (7)
where AFR is the actual air/fuel ratio, and AFRStoichio is the stoichiometric air/fuel ratio.
Rich air-fuel mixtures have λ < 1, and lean air/fuel mixtures have λ > 1 [60].
For oxidation reactions of CO and unburned hydrocarbons, they require an envi-
ronment of excess air i.e., more oxygen is required so they must operate in lean air/fuel
mixture settings, where λ > 1 [51]. This is done in a single-bed oxidation catalyst converter,
and the NOx remain practically unaffected.
NOX reduction is conducted in a dual-bed catalytic converter, where the exhaust gases
flow through a reduction catalyst, where the nitrogen oxides are converted into N2 , CO2
and water vapour, then the unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide are converted
in a second bed [51]. Its schematic diagram is shown on Figure 8. Air is provided between
the two beds [51]. A rich air-fuel mixture is required for the reduction of NOx , where λ < 1.
However, as the mixture enriches further, small reduction in conversion efficiency occurs,
but for leaner mixtures the conversion efficiency is large. For a mixture that is 1.5 percent
lean from the stoichiometric, the conversion efficiency goes down by 20 percent. Therefore,
the use of catalytic converters for NOx reduction require tight control of any lean-burn
combustion [14].
For a three-way catalytic converter, it allows for the air-fuel ratio to operate close
to stoichiometric. When combined with a lambda closed-loop control, it provides the
most effective pollutant reduction possible [51]. Figure 9 shows the optimum conversion
efficiency of all three exhaust gases at different air-fuel ratio equivalents.
Furthermore, the fuel/air equivalence ratio, φ, can also be defined as the inverse of
the actual fuel/air ratio and the stoichiometric fuel/air ratio in Equation (8):
φ = actual (8)
A stoichio
Therefore, a graph showing the relationship between the catalyst conversion efficiency
and the fuel/air equivalence ratio can be shown in Figure 9 for all three types of exhaust
gases. It shows that at the fuel/air equivalence ratios of 0.995 and 1.008, where it is
0.5 percent lean and 0.8 percent rich, respectively, the conversion efficiencies of all three
gases are much greater than 80 percent [14]. Hence, the main criterion for the use of the
𝜙= (8)
Therefore, a graph showing the relationship between the catalyst conversion
Chemistry 2021, 3
efficiency and the fuel/air equivalence ratio can be shown in Figure 9 for all three types of
exhaust gases. It shows that at the fuel/air equivalence ratios of 0.995 and 1.008, where it
is 0.5 percent lean and 0.8 percent rich , respectively, the conversion efficiencies of all three
gases are much greater than 80 percent [14]. Hence, the main criterion for the use of the
Figure Installationofofdifferent
Figure Windowfor
rateofofreaction is defined
reaction is definedas the change
as the in the
change inconcentration of reactants
the concentration and prod-
of reactants and
ucts in a certain amount of time, or in simpler terms, the speed of a chemical
products in a certain amount of time, or in simpler terms, the speed of a chemical reaction reaction [12].
[12].reactants, whichwhich
The reactants, in the incase
a catalytic converter,
of a catalytic would be
converter, the exhaust
would gas thatgas
be the exhaust is
directly emitted from
that is directly the from
emitted combustion engine areengine
the combustion conducted inside the catalytic
are conducted inside theconverter,
where thesewhere
converter, reactions produce
these the products,
reactions produce thewhich produces
products, the non-toxic
which producesgases.
the non-toxic
gases.To determine how each reaction happens and the conditions that are required to
optimize the reaction,
To determine howtheeach
factors that affect
reaction the rate
happens and ofthereaction needthat
conditions to be
optimize the reaction, the factors that affect the rate of reaction need to be known. The key
factors that would affect the rate of reaction would be the temperature of the reaction,
pressure, the concentration of reactants, surface area, and catalysts [12].
If the temperature of the reaction is increased, the kinetic energy of the molecules
(moving energy) would increase. An increase in kinetic energy means that the molecules
Chemistry 2021, 3 643
key factors that would affect the rate of reaction would be the temperature of the reaction,
pressure, the concentration of reactants, surface area, and catalysts [12].
If the temperature of the reaction is increased, the kinetic energy of the molecules
(moving energy) would increase. An increase in kinetic energy means that the molecules
would gain more energy to move around, as kinetic energy is the energy of an object has
because of its motion. This would allow for molecules to move around more frequently
and collide with each other at faster speeds, so the reaction rate would increase. So, a high
temperature is more favorable for a chemical reaction if the reaction needs to be sped up.
When the exhaust gas temperature is between 450 K and 500 K, NO conversion
efficiency of less than 10% and concentration of N2 O generated is less than 0.01% [61].
It is because as there is a lower temperature in under these temperature conditions, the
activity of the catalyst inside the porous medium is too low, so the reaction progresses
slowly, making the reaction progress slowly. However, at a temperature at 600K, the
NOx conversion efficiency reaches 68%—highlighting the fact that as the temperature
increases, the activity of the catalyst i.e., the kinetic energy of the catalyst increases. A high
temperature is favourable.
For a general gaseous reaction, if the pressure increases, this would force the gas
particles closer together and so there are more gas molecules in a given volume; allowing
for more frequent collisions to occur. Since the rate of reaction is dependent on the number
of collisions, the rate of reaction would increase. Therefore, the products of a reaction are
produced in a much shorter amount of time. The chances of collision occurring are greater.
The effect of pressure on the catalytic activity is investigated by changing the pressure
and observing the methane and CO2 conversion. Rising the pressure from 1 to 2 to 4 Bar
leads to an increase in methane, CO and HCHO conversions, and there is higher residence
time. This makes sense as the residence time is the time required to process one (reactor)
volume of feed under specific feed conditions. Therefore, if the pressure increases, the gas
concentration in a given volume increases, giving a higher residence time [62].
Table 5. Key pollutant gas components, their properties and effect on human health. Adapted from [63].
Table 6. The emissions (mg/km) of CO, NOX and HC in a gasoline exhaust from vehicles without
catalysts and a TWC. Adapted from [63].
Concerning the surface area, as it increases, ‘more molecules are exposed’ to the
surroundings, so collisions between molecules inside the catalytic converter would occur
more frequently, so more products are produced at a higher rate, meaning that the rate of
reaction would increase [62].
Chemistry 2021, 3 644
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, E.K. and T.R.R.; methodology, E.K. and F.M.B.-M.; valida-
tion, F.M.B.-M. and T.R.R.; formal analysis, E.K., F.M.B.-M. and T.R.R.; investigation, E.K., F.M.B.-M.
and T.R.R.; resources, T.R.R.; data curation, E.K.; writing—original draft preparation, E.K. and F.M.B.-
M.; writing—review and editing, E.K., F.M.B.-M. and T.R.R.; visualization, T.R.R.; supervision, T.R.R.;
project administration, T.R.R.; funding acquisition, T.R.R. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: Financial support was provided by the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering
at the University of Surrey.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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