Carbon 94 (2015) 243-255 (Koh)
Carbon 94 (2015) 243-255 (Koh)
Carbon 94 (2015) 243-255 (Koh)
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Spherical carbon beads with a uniform diameter of ca. 0.6–0.8 mm and high mechanical strength can be
Received 17 March 2015 prepared by hydrothermal synthesis. To optimise the performance of these adsorbents for pulverised fuel
Received in revised form 15 June 2015 post-combustion capture, the efficacy of potassium intercalation via a KOH treatment has been investi-
Accepted 16 June 2015
gated, deliberately using nitrogen-free phenolic resin derived activated carbon (AC) beads so that the
Available online 23 June 2015
enhanced CO2 adsorption achieved by potassium intercalation could be delineated from any other effects.
At 25 °C and CO2 partial pressure of 0.15 bar, the adsorption capacity of K-intercalated ACs nearly dou-
bled from 0.79 mmol/g for the untreated carbons to 1.51 mmol/g whilst the effect on the morphology
and mechanical strength is relatively small. It was found that only slightly more than ca. 1 wt.% of K is
required to give the maximum benefit from intercalation that increases the surface polarity and the affin-
ity towards CO2. The notably increased CO2 uptake of the K-AC beads as a result of modest increase in
adsorption heat (32–40 kJ/mol compared to 27 kJ/mol for the original AC), coupled with the fast adsorp-
tion kinetics, suggest that the overall energy penalty is potentially superior to strongly basic polyethyle-
neimine and other amine-based solid adsorbent systems for carbon capture.
Ó 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://
0008-6223/Ó 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
244 J. Liu et al. / CARBON 94 (2015) 243–255
manipulating either the precursor materials and/or activation elsewhere [42]. Briefly, a solution of hexamethylenetetramine
methodologies [22–26]. Thermal or thermochemical and novolac-type phenolic resins were dissolved in methanol, fol-
post-preparation treatment has been investigated as the potential lowed by mixing in aqueous polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), and then the
means to introduce different surface functional groups such as mixture was heated to 130 °C under stirring (400 RPM) in an auto-
basic oxygen functionalities (ketone, pyrone, chromene, etc.), nitro- clave for 1 h. After washing with abundant deionised water, the
gen functional groups (–NH2–, –CN, pyridinic nitrogen, etc.), other resulted resin beads were dried at 110 °C for overnight before they
heteroatoms or even ionic liquids [27,28]. On the other hand, the were carbonised at 830 °C in N2 for 1 h followed by steam activa-
thermodynamic and kinetic properties of adsorption also play an tion for another 1 h at the same temperature to obtain the parent
important role in determining the ultimate overall performance raw AC beads (denoted as PR0).
of activated carbons materials for CO2 capture [29]. Liu and
Wilcox [30,31] evaluated how the realistic surface functional
2.2. KOH treatment
groups effected CO2 adsorption using plan-wave electronic struc-
ture calculations and found that the adsorption thermodynamics
5 g of the raw AC beads were impregnated with 50 ml aqueous
and kinetics can be effectively improved via re-addressing the sur-
solution of KOH for 24 h. After drying in a vacuum oven at 70 °C for
face chemistries of carbon materials. However, limited decisive
overnight, which ensures that all the samples were completely
progress has been achieved so far in this field.
evaporated, the samples were heated in a horizontal tube furnace
It is only recently that carbon-based materials with enhanced
from ambient to a pre-selected treatment temperature at
CO2 adsorption capacities at relatively low CO2 pressures (ca.
3 °C/min and maintained at the temperature for an hour. The sam-
1.0–1.8 mmol/g at 0.15 bar CO2 and 25 °C) have been reported
ples were then washed with deionized water until neutral filtrate
[32–37]. Most of the adsorbents in these investigations were pre-
was obtained. Different KOH/AC mass ratios for impregnation
pared by involving nitrogen-containing functionalities, and in most
and various chemical activation temperatures used in the prepara-
cases coupled with chemical activation by potassium hydroxide
tion are summarised in Table 1 along with sample designations.
(KOH) [19,38–41]. These protocols are effective in enhancing CO2
Some of the samples were further treated by exhaustive Soxhlet
adsorption capacities, but the samples obtained were typically por-
extraction using de-ionised water to obtain samples with variable
ous powders with very low bulk densities which will give low CO2
contents of intercalated potassium contents (PR3_700_xh, where x
uptakes on a volumetric basis. Further, for practical applications
stands for the extraction duration in hours). Detailed procedures of
where either moving or fluidized-bed adsorbers are used for CO2
Soxhlet extraction with deionised water include: (1) The extraction
capture, these fine powders need to be agglomerated to form pel-
thimble which contained the carbon bead sample was loaded into
lets or beads with the aid of binders or other additives, which can
the main chamber of Soxhlet extractor; (2) Connect the Soxhlet
dramatically reduce the adsorption capacities and kinetic perfor-
exactor with distillation flask and reflux condenser; (3) Heat the
mance. The use of spherical carbon beads with high physical
distillation flask to 100 °C and maintain at this temperature for dif-
strength avoids this problem where we have reported on their
ferent periods of extraction. By controlling the extraction time, car-
potential for both pre- and post-combustion capture [42] with
bons containing different levels of intercalated potassium can be
CO2 uptakes at 1 bar being similar to those of many other carbons
obtained in order to evaluate the importance of intercalated potas-
[43–45]. However, attempts to significantly increase CO2 uptakes,
sium at different levels.
both by using nitrogen precursors and post-treatment with ammo-
nia, have met with limited success [46–48].
Although the basis to enhance CO2 uptakes at relatively low 2.3. Characterization of the samples
partial pressures on carbon-based adsorbents has been established
using KOH activation [49,50], only powdered samples have been Physical adsorption of N2 at 196 °C was carried out on a
reported. In this study, the use of potassium (K) intercalation via Micromeritics ASAP 2420 analyser. Prior to any measurements,
mild KOH activation as an effective means to boost the adsorption all samples were degased at 120 °C for overnight. The apparent
performance of activated carbons for post-combustion CO2 capture surface area (SBET) was calculated according to the method sug-
has been investigated, using activated-carbon beads with desirable gested by Parra et al. [52]. The cumulative pore volumes (Vtotal)
spherical diameters (ca. 0.6–0.8 mm) suitable for direct practical were calculated from the amount of nitrogen adsorbed at P/P0 of
applications. It is noteworthy that the KOH/AC mass ratios we used ca. 0.99, and the average pore volume was calculated by
are much lower (from 0.1:1 to 1:1) than those used in typical stan- 4Vtotal/SBET. The micropore volume (Vmicro) and surface area
dard KOH activations (often 2:1 or even higher [41,51]). The nov- (Smicro) were determined by the t-plot method.
elty of this study lies in that the potentially vital role of alkaline
metal intercalation as a means to enhance the CO2 adsorption
capacity and strength of carbons have been investigated and suffi- Table 1
ciently strong K-AC beads suitable for use in practical applications Preparation conditions and designation of the AC bead samples.
are obtained for the first time, with the beneficial effects of
Number Sample Initial KOH/AC mass Chemical activation
K-intercalation being quantified free from potential interference ratio for impregnation temperature (°C)
from nitrogen functionalities by using a phenolic resin as the pre-
1 PR0 0 None
cursor and, finally, the minimum amount of K required to enhance 2 PR1_600 0.1:1 600
CO2 adsorption at a partial pressure of 0.15 bar CO2 is identified to 3 PR1_700 0.1:1 700
simulate PCC in pulverised fuel (PF) power plant. 4 PR1_800 0.1:1 800
5 PR2_600 0.3:1 600
6 PR2_700 0.3:1 700
7 PR2_800 0.3:1 800
2. Experimental 8 PR3_600 0.5:1 600
9 PR3_700 0.5:1 700
2.1. Preparation of the raw activated carbon (AC) beads 10 PR3_800 0.5:1 800
11 PR4_600 1:1 600
12 PR4_700 1:1 700
The AC beads using phenolic resins as precursor were synthe-
13 PR4_800 1:1 800
sised with a hydrothermal method which has been described
J. Liu et al. / CARBON 94 (2015) 243–255 245
X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) on selected samples was carried out on compared with coal and biomass-derived ACs [42]. Information
a Bruker S8 Tiger Spectrometer. Their morphologies were observed from XPS, SEM-EDX and XRF on the distribution of the K is pre-
on a FEI Quanta 600 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and JEOL sented in SI1 and SI2. XRF indicates that the K-AC samples acti-
2100F Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), respectively. The vated at 700 °C have concentrations of K in the range of 14–
Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) software is Esprit 1.9 by 22 wt.%. However, XPS data (SI1) suggests that the surface K con-
Bruker. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy was measured on a centrations are considerably lower, being slightly less than
Kratos Analytical Ultra-2008 spectrometer, and X-ray Diffraction 10 wt.%. This reveals that most of the K has been effectively inter-
(XRD) was carried out on a Bruker D8 instrument. To determine calated within the carbon beads. It was difficult to precisely link
the quantity of remaining potassium for K-ACs after washing, the the amount of intercalated K with the KOH/carbon mass ratios
samples were ashed using a thermogravimetric analyser (TGA, used in the preparation method as the formation of some crys-
Q600, TA instruments; samples were first dehydrated at 120 °C for talline potassium compound clusters on the outer surface of the
20 min, and then heated to 600 °C with a ramping rate of carbon beads is evident (see Fig. 1). However, it must be stressed
20 °C/min, followed by an isothermal period for 40 min). The resul- that the materials prepared using the same procedure and condi-
tant ashes were analysed by an Inductive Coupled Plasma Optical tions are fairly reproducible (SI3).
Emission Spectrometer (Perkin-Elmer Optima 33-DV ICP-OES, USA).
Fig. 2. N2 isotherms of the raw parent sample PR0 and KOH-intercalated samples PR1_600, PR2_600, PR3_600 and PR4_600. (A color version of this figure can be viewed
considerably lower surface areas obtained for most of the samples functionalities can be formed at over 700 °C and efficiently interca-
from the secondary KOH activation of the original steam-activated lated into the carbon framework structures. When washing with
carbon bead sample (PR0), which has a considerably higher surface excessive water, most of free surface potassium species, such as
area of 1128 m2 g1, tend to suggest that the potential extra micro- K2CO3 and K2O formed during the activation at high temperatures,
porosity developed from the secondary KOH activation was offset can be readily removed while intercalated potassium species or
by the even larger porosity loss as a consequence of the simultane- related functionalities (e.g. the –O–K chemical or quasi chemical
ous potassium intercalation that can potentially lead to complete bonds) remain in the carbon matrix structures. The element map-
or partial occlusion of the micropores. It was found that at the ping shown in Fig. 6 illustrates a high consistency between the sur-
same KOH/AC mass ratios, the surface areas of all the K-AC bead face distributions of K and O, further suggesting that the
samples increased significantly with increasing activation temper- intercalated K is most likely associated with the formed oxygen
atures, highlighting the temperature-dependent reactivity of car- functionalities via the formation of quasi-chemical bonds, giving
bon with KOH. At the same activation temperature, however, the rise to highly polarized carbon surfaces.
surface areas of the K-ACs were found to decline first with elevat-
ing KOH/AC mass ratios from 0.1:1 to 0.5:1 and then increase with 3.2. CO2 adsorption on the carbon beads
further rise in KOH/AC ratios from 0.5:1 to up to 1:1, indicating the
relative significance of porosity development and simultaneous
potassium intercalation during the chemical activation process. 3.2.1. Static adsorption measurement
As the most used method for adsorbent evaluation, the CO2 iso-
3.1.3. Morphology therms of the carbon beads were measured both at 0 and 25 °C by a
The morphology of the carbon beads was investigated by both Sieverts apparatus (volumetric method) to obtain the CO2 adsorp-
SEM and TEM. Fig. 3 shows some of the images from SEM and more tion capacities. According to Myers and others [66,67], absolute
can be found in SI5. Fig. 3a–c confirms that the AC samples have loadings are needed for thermodynamic processing such as iso-
well-developed spherical forms with uniform diameters of 0.6– therm fitting and adsorption enthalpy calculation, therefore the
0.8 mm. More importantly, the macroscopic morphology of the obtained excessive CO2 uptakes were converted to absolute
samples shows little change after the incorporation of K; the uptakes by using Peng–Robinson equation of state (SI7) [68,69],
desired spherical form has been preserved. Specifically, cracks and some of the results are presented in Fig. 7 while the others
and randomly distributed large holes are present on the outer sur- are provided in the Supporting information (SI8).
face. Fig. 3d–f shows the cross-sectional images for the carbon All samples display type I isotherms for CO2 adsorption with a
beads where the presence of large number of lm-scale pores and sharp uptake at the early adsorption stage in the low relative pres-
some interior hairline channels are evident. TEM images in Fig. 4 sure region, suggesting that these carbon beads are mainly micro-
and SI5 reveal the amorphous nano-structures with graphite layers porous materials. At atmospheric pressure, sample PR0 adsorbs
being observed. The fact that no crystallized K species were found 4.45 and 2.80 mmol CO2/g at 0 and 25 °C, respectively, being con-
reflects their superior uniform distribution, which is of great sistent with those reported elsewhere for phenolic resin derived
importance to form highly polarized surfaces to enhance CO2 cap- carbons not modified by nitrogen treatments [42]. For better com-
ture. This will be further discussed in the following sections. parison, the CO2 adsorption capacities measured at different tem-
peratures and partial pressures are summarised in Table 3 while
3.1.4. Element mapping a comparison with those reported in the literatures for KOH acti-
The distribution of the K species was obtained from SEM ele- vated carbons is presented in Table 4. As expected, all of the
ment mapping which is depicted in Fig. 5, where red colour repre- KOH-activated carbon bead samples showed substantially higher
sents the existence of K with the brightness indicating adsorption capacities at both temperatures, especially at relative
concentration. As can be seen from Fig. 5a, no K was detected for low pressures. It was found that at the same activation tempera-
the initial AC, PR0, as expected. As shown in Fig. 5b and c, the tures, the adsorption capacity of K-ACs ascended with increasing
K-intercalation treatment led to relatively even distributions of K KOH/AC mass ratios used in the chemical activation. However, no
with no obvious segregation, implying that the incorporated K is obvious correlation was found between the adsorption capacity
highly dispersed throughout the carbon beads. and the surface area or porosity of the carbon samples derived
For KOH activated carbons, it is generally recognised that all the from different conditions (Table 2), especially at lower CO2 partial
residual K species can be removed by subsequent washing with pressures. At 25 °C and a CO2 partial pressure of 0.15 bar, the orig-
acid (normally HCl solution), by which the porosity in the carbon inal steam-activated sample (PR0), which has the highest surface
samples can be recovered [56,62–65]. In the present case, however, area of 1128 m2/g and micropore volume of 0.43 cm3/g, adsorbed
deionised water was used as a ‘‘soft’’ washing procedure to succes- approximately only half of the amount of CO2 adsorbed by the
sively remove first the ‘‘free’’ and then the intercalated K. In other K-intercalated PR3_700 sample (1.51 mmol/g), which has a consid-
words, we are attempting to enhance the surface polarity of the erably lower surface area of 826 m2/g and micropore volume of
carbon beads by potassium intercalation into the carbon frame- 0.32 cm3/g, highlighting the importance of potassium intercalation
works as will be discussed later. Therefore, the distribution of for enhanced CO2 adsorption performance of the carbons. Similar
potassium and oxygen on the surface in microscopic scale plays phenomenon was also observed for the K-AC samples. For each ser-
an important role in promoting CO2 adsorption capacities (Fig. 5). ies of samples obtained from using the same KOH/AC ratios in acti-
To further investigate the distributions of K and O in relation to vation, the adsorption capacity of the activated samples at 800 °C
C, TEM mapping was carried out, and the results (Fig. 6) suggest was found to be considerably lower than that of the samples acti-
that the C, K and O elements are evenly distributed and appear vated at 700 °C, despite the higher surface areas of the activated
to be interlinked to each other, which confirms that the surface samples at the higher activation temperatures. For all the
modification is achieved successfully. The high distribution of KOH/AC mass ratios examined, the K-AC samples activated at
potassium species can also be evidenced by the weak diffraction 700 °C exhibit the best performance for CO2 uptake.
peak in the XRD pattern (SI6). Although carbon beads derived from a nitrogen-free phenolic
As mentioned above in Section 3.1.2, according to the chemical resin was deliberately used in this study in order to eliminate
reactions between C and KOH during the chemical activation, the effects of any other heteroatoms in the precursors, a compar-
metallic K and quasi-chemical bonds of C–O–K as new surface ison of the K-ACs with the nitrogen-enriched carbons reported in
248 J. Liu et al. / CARBON 94 (2015) 243–255
Fig. 3. SEM images of (a) original PR0, (b) PR3_700 (KOH/AC mass ratio of 0.5:1), (c) PR4_700 (KOH/AC mass ratio of 1:1), and their corresponding cross-sectional images
Fig. 5. SEM images of potassium mapping: (a) sample PR0, (b) sample PR3_700, (c) cross-section of sample PR3_700. (A color version of this figure can be viewed online.)
Fig. 6. TEM images of PR3_700, showing the distribution of different elements: (a) original image, (b) carbon mapping, (c) potassium mapping, (d) oxygen mapping. (A color
version of this figure can be viewed online.)
3.2.2. Heat of adsorption By fitting the obtained experimental isotherms at different temper-
Heat of adsorption is an important thermodynamic parameter atures with isotherms equations, one can acquire the pressure (P)
for describing the adsorption behaviour of an adsorbent and eval- needed to reach the same adsorption capacity (q) at different tem-
uating the energy performance of a process of adsorption and des- peratures (T), and then Qst can be calculated by fitting the Clausius–
orption, such as the pressure swing and temperature swing gas Clapeyron equation.
separations. Isosteric heat of adsorption (Qst) can be used to indi- In this work, the dual-site Langmuir (DSL) equation was used to
cate the surface affinity of an adsorbent towards an adsorbate. It fit the adsorption isotherms of all K-AC samples as the one-site
is usually estimated by using the Clausius–Clapeyron Eq. (1): Langmuir equation is no longer adoptable due to the surface
heterogeneity of the carbon surface as a result of potassium inter-
@ ln P
Q st ¼ RT 2 ð1Þ calation [72,73]. Indeed, recent investigations have proposed that
@T q DSL equation is a better model to fit the adsorption isotherms of
where R represents specific gas constant; q stands for the adsorp- carbons with high surface heterogeneity [74,75]. The DSL Eq. (2)
tion capacity and T, P is the temperature and pressure, respectively. can be expressed as follows:
250 J. Liu et al. / CARBON 94 (2015) 243–255
Table 4
Table 3 Comparison on the adsorption capacities of PR3_700 and other carbon adsorbents.
CO2 adsorption capacities of the carbon beads.
Materials Precursor SBET Uptake at Ref.
Sample CO2 capacity at 0 °C CO2 capacity at 25 °C (m2/g) 25 °C*
(mmol/g) (mmol/g) (mmol/g)
PR0 1.52 4.43 0.79 2.78 PC-2 Agaricus 1479 0.88 3.46 [33]
PR1_600 1.92 4.45 1.14 3.02 KNC-A-K P-diaminobenzene 614 1.81 4.04 [36]
PR1_700 2.07 4.67 1.23 3.17 IBN9- P-diaminobenzene 890 1.62 4.50 [70]
PR1_800 2.06 4.74 1.26 3.27 NCI-A
PR2_600 2.06 3.95 1.38 2.97 VR-93 Vacuum residue 2895 1.02 4.83 [32]
PR2_700 2.19 4.58 1.40 3.28 CEM-750 N-doping carbon 3360 0.98 4.38 [34]
PR2_800 1.83 4.25 1.12 2.91 RFL-500 Resorcinol, formaldehyde 467 1.50 3.21 [46]
PR3_600 2.18 4.29 1.43 3.18 and lysine
PR3_700 2.33 4.59 1.51 3.35 CSA-700 Poly (acrylonitrile-co- 1231 2.11 3.80 [37]
PR3_800 1.95 4.25 1.23 3.06 acrylamide)
PR4_600 2.16 4.68 1.36 3.35 PR3_700 Phenolic resin 826 1.51 3.35 This
PR4_700 2.35 5.13 1.52 3.72 work
PR4_800 2.00 5.07 1.25 3.47 *
All results are measured by static volumetric method.
J. Liu et al. / CARBON 94 (2015) 243–255 251
Table 6
Comparison between analytical integral heat of adsorption by DSL model and
measured DSC heat of adsorption.
Fig. 10. (a) The CO2 adsorption curve of PR0 and PR3_700; (b) 50 cycles of the adsorption and desorption for PR3_700; both under an atmosphere of 15% CO2 and 85% N2 at
25 °C. (A color version of this figure can be viewed online.)
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