Owning & Operating Costs: Hourly Fuel Consumption Tables Wheel Tractor-Scrapers

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Owning & Operating Costs 8 Hourly Fuel Consumption Tables

● Wheel Tractor-Scrapers

Model Low Medium High
liter U.S. gal liter U.S. gal liter U.S. gal
621K* 28.0-39.4 7.4-10.4 39.4-50.7 10.4-13.4 50.7-62.1 13.4-16.4
623K* 32.2-43.2 8.5-11.4 43.2-54.5 11.4-14.4 54.5-68.1 14.4-18.0
627K* 42.0-61.7 11.1-16.3 61.7-81.4 16.3-21.5 81.4-106.7 21.5-28.2
631G** 34.1-48.5 9.0-12.8 48.5-62.8 12.8-16.6 62.8-77.6 16.6-20.5
637G** 48.8-72.1 12.9-19.1 72.3-95.8 19.1-25.3 95.8-125.3 25.3-33.1
6257G** 66.6-98.8 17.6-26.1 98.8-131.0 26.1-34.6 131.0-163.2 34.6-43.1
*Meets Tier 4 Final/Stage IV/Japan 2014 (Tier 4 Final) emission standards. Machine requires the use of DEF fluid with consumption rate approximately 2-3%
of diesel fuel.
**Meets Tier 3/Stage IIIA/Japan 2006 (Tier 3) equivalent emission standards.

Typical Application Description

(relative to work application)
Low Level or favorable grades on good haul roads and low rolling resistance. Easy-loading materials,
partial loads. No impact. Average use, but with considerable idling.
Medium Adverse and favorable grades with varying loading and haul road conditions. Long and
short hauls, near full. Some impact. Typical road building use.
High Rough haul roads. Loading heavy clay, continuous high total resistance conditions with
steady cycling. Overloading. High impact conditions, such as loading ripped rock.
Load Factor Guide
(average engine load factor based on application description for each range)
Low 35%-50%
Medium 50%-65%
High 65%-80%

25-22 Edition 46

PHB-Sec25-16.indd 22 12/4/15 11:16 AM

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