Health Education

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• Define health education.
• Discuss the importance of health
education in the improvement of health
• Explain the role and functions of the
nurse as a health educator.
• Describe the various strategies of
community empowerment in the three
level of care.
• Explain the importance of
communication, networking and
collaboration in community
• Differentiate between health education
&health promotion
Define health education
• Health education is any combination of learning
experiences designed to help individuals and
communities improve their health, by increasing
their knowledge or influencing their attitudes.
• Process of providing information and advice
related to healthy lifestyle and encouraging the
development of knowledge, attitudes and skills
aimed at behaviour change of individuals or
• Enables and influences controll over own´s health
leading to optimalization of attitudes and habits
related to lifestyle and increasing quality of life.(
• It is a social science that draws from
the biological, environmental, psychological,
physical and medical science to promote
health, prevent disease, disability and
premature death through education –driven
voluntary behavior change activities.
• Health education is concerned with a range of
goals, including giving information, attitude
change, behavior and social change.
• It is concerned with helping people to help
themselves and helping people work towards
creating healthier conditions for everybody
( “making healthy choices easier choices”
Ewles& simmets 1985 –Wass200)
• The development of an individual, group,
institutional, community strategies in the
improvement of their health knowledge, skills,
attitude & behavior.
• Combination of learning experience designed
to facilitate voluntary action conducive to
health. (Green & Kreauter)
• Concerned with people at all stages of health
& illness to maximize each person’spotential
for healthy living.
Objective of Health Education/Health
• As a preventative measures .
• Facilitate strategies for change.
• Dissemination of health information to those
who need help.
• The empowerment of the community with
health information.
• Change the health behavior of the community.
• Community to be able to care forthemselves.
Why Health Education?
• For the improvement of the health status of
individual, families, communities, society &
• It enhance the quality of life for everyone.
• Focus on prevention, help reduce the health
costs both for the individuals & nation spend
on medical treatment.
Health Education Main principles
• Supported by the latest knowledge from research
(medicine, sociology, psychology).
• A systematic, comprehensive and consistent
• Adapted to age, gender, education and particular
health, mental or social problems of an individual
or community (school, entreprise, city).
• Encourages personal investment of an individual.
• Respects environment of an individual.
Health Education in Communities
• Building collaborating team (physician, PH officer,
health counsellor, NGO, schools, municipality,
• Partnership and national networks (Healthy
Cities, Healthy Schools), EU projects
• Providing regular information – media, bulletins
• Motivation actions related to days acknowledged
by WHO – Health Day, Global Day without
Tobacco, Mental Health Week, International Day
of Fight against HIV/AIDS, etc.
Community Mobilization Client –
provider interaction

1. Social Capital
2. Social Marketing HEALTH CHANGE CHANGE
3. Community Mobilization LITERACY ATTITUDE BEHAVIOR
4. Policy Communication
5. Client-provider Interaction
Medtechs as a Health Educator
• The medical technologist is an AGENT for change
by helping identify and solve health related
problems by :
– Informing
– Advising
– Help in the acquisition of skills
– Clarifying beliefs and values
– Enabling the adaptation of life styles
– Promoting change in the structure &organization
which promote health.
– Provide a model of values and belief related to health.
Medtechs as a Health Educator
• Empower CLIENT about:
– Disease process sign& symptoms
– How to live with their health problem and live to
their full potential
– Diagnostic and treatment procedures
– Preventative & promotive measures
Activities of A Health Educator
• Assess individual & community needs
• Plan health education
• Develop health education program
• Coordinated health program
• Implement health education programs
• Evaluate health education programs
• Write proposal for health education
• Build coalitions
• Identify resources
• Organize & mobilize communities for action.
• Advocate for health related issues
• Develop Mass media campaign .
• Conduct research
• Encourage healthy behavior
Problems In Health Education.
• Geographical layout.
• Accessibility
• Language
• Illiteracy & literacy rate
• Cost
• Availability of resources
• Culture
Problems In Health Education.
• Health Facilities
• Health Facilitators
• Attitudes both clients and educators
• Methods, message/material
• Educators or officials who carry out the task
• The tools use for demonstration
Health Literacy
• Illiteracy & Literacy –impact on health
Health information
Health Literacy : application of literacy skills to
health& health care .
• Being able to participate individually,
publically about health prevention and
promotion & treatment , preference.
• Able to intergrade new information and
understand process require to improve health
,have access to health resources
Health literacy Levels
• Function level literacy : receiving sufficient level
of factual information on health risks& services
available that they can participate in illness
prevention and health protective activities.
• Communicative &Interactive Health Literacy:
develop personal skills – developing capacity to
influence social norms & helping others .
Understanding how organization work being able
to access services they need .Critical Health

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