CQF Module 2 Examination: Instructions
CQF Module 2 Examination: Instructions
CQF Module 2 Examination: Instructions
All questions must be attempted. Complete workings must be provided to obtain maximum credit.
Each plot must have a brief explanation.
Books and lecture notes may be referred to. Help from others is not permitted. If you are unclear
about any question or what is required, contact the tutor only on [email protected].
2. To hedge a Binary Call option B, a trader creates a call spread by short-selling a vanilla call option
with the lower strike (below Binary’s) λ1 < 0 and buying a call option with the higher strike λ2 > 0.
B + λ1 C1 + λ2 C2 = 0
(a) Construct a payoff diagram for a call spread that offsets a Binary Call with the strike $100.
Note: use λ1 = −1 and λ2 = 1 to see the shape of the payoff.
(b) For the option prices listed in the table below, find symmetric values |λ1 | = |λ2 | that offset a
payoff of exactly one Binary Call quoted in the market at B = $0.5.
Construct a payoff diagram for a basket of all three options using the updated values of λ1 , λ2 .
3. Implement the multi-step Binomial Method to price a European put with the following parameters:
strike K = 100 and maturity T = 1. Asset price level S0 = 100 and interest rate r = 0.05.
(a) For the constant number of time steps in the tree NTS=4, calculate the value of the option
for a range of volatilities and plot the result.
(b) Then, fix volatility at σ = 0.2 and plot the value of the option as a function of the number of
time steps in the tree, NTS=1, 2, . . . , 50. You will need a different tree for each NTS value.
Note: This is a computational task. Preferred solution method is a function written in VBA but
Excel spreadsheets with binomial trees will be accepted given the plots are correct. For simplicity,
use compound rate as a substitute to simple (discrete) rate.
B. Portfolio Optimisation and Risk [44%]
Note: Part of this task is computational. It is best to present matrix manipulations on a spreadsheet.
You can use the necessary Excel functions such as MMULT(), MINV() and TRANSPOSE(). Alterna-
tively, you can use MATLAB or R if familiar with those environments.
Asset µ σ
A 0.04 0.07
B 0.08 0.12
C 0.12 0.18
D 0.15 0.26
1. Compute the covariance matrix Σ = SRS, where S is a diagonal matrix of standard deviations.
subject to constraints
wT 1 = 1
w µ = 0.1
3. Use the optimal allocations w∗ to estimate the Analytical VaR for the portfolio with c = 99%
VaR(X) = wT µ + wT Σw × Factor
where for the Factor is drawn from
Student’s t distribution allows more realistic modelling of ‘fatter tails’ of returns distribution.
The distribution changes its shape depending on the degrees of freedom parameter ν. You can
use Excel function TINV() but note that it provides an answer for the two-tail Factor.
4. Calculate contributions of individual assets to Value at Risk, estimated with Student’s t Factor,
using wT VaR(X). Construct and bar chart.
5. Download the spreadsheet built during the Value at Risk lecture. For the column with the Estimated
P&L result, find the numerical answer to the Value at Risk by the following method:
(a) Sort the column in an ascending order. Create a parallel column with an index number from
1 to the N , i.e., i = 1, 2, ..., 1009
(b) represents the cumulative probability of each P&L figure Pr(X ≤ Sorted P&L). Use this
property to find the first percentile (i.e., 99% VaR figure).
(c) Check your result using Excel’s PERCENTILE() function.
1 ∂2F
∂F ∂F
dY (t) = + dt + dX(t)
∂t 2 ∂X 2 ∂X
Assume that all Y (t) satisfy the integrability condition.
1 2
1. (a) Construct an SDE for the process Y (t) = eσX(t)− 2 σ t
and (b) show that the process is, in fact,
an Exponential Martingale.
Note: if the generic Exponential Martingale follows dZ(t) = Z(t)g(t)dX(t) as defined in Martin-
gales Fundamentals lecture, to show (b) identify the g(t) and Z(t) for this expression Y (t).
2. Y (t) = wX1 (t) + 1 − w2 X2 (t) is an expression to create a correlated BM from two uncorre-
lated BMs, where w is factor loading that links to correlation. Assume that X1 (t) and X2 (t) are
independent Brownian Motions with drifts, such that
3. A Poisson random variable N (t) ∼ P o(λ) creates a jump process with the fixed increment ∆. The
probability of the jump between times s and t is Pr(∆) ≈ λ(t − s).
Now, consider a compensated Poisson process M (t) = N (t) − λt where E [N (t)] = λt. Use this
property in order to provide a discrete-time proof that M (t) is a martingale.
Note: to explain both conditions,