Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design by Noel M. Morris
Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design by Noel M. Morris
Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design by Noel M. Morris
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Electrical Circuit
Analysis and Design
N oel M. Morris
formerly Principal Lecturer
Staffordshire University
© Noel M. Morris 1993
Preface xii
Acknowledgements xv
2 Circuit Analysis 28
2.1 Introduction 28
2.2 Definitions and terminology 28
2.3 Mesh analysis 31
VI Contents
3 Circuit Theorems 61
3.1 Introduction 61
3.2 Linearity 61
3.3 Principle of superposition 61
3.4 Thevenin's theorem 63
3.5 Norton's theorem 65
3.6 Relationship between Thevenin's and Norton's
circuits 67
3.7 Reciprocity theorem 67
3.8 The maximum power transfer theorem 69
3.9 The parallel-generator (Millman's) theorem 70
3.10 Rosen's theorem or the general star-mesh
transformation 72
3.11 The star-delta, tee-wye or tee-pi transformation 73
3.12 The delta-star, wye-tee or pi-tee transformation 74
3.13 Summary of star-delta and delta-star transformations 74
Unworked problems 75
Contents vii
viii Contents
Contents ix
x Contents
12 Resonance 299
12.1 Introduction 299
12.2 The resonant condition 299
12.3 Series resonance 300
12.3.1 Resonant frequency and frequency response 300
12.3.2 The quality factor, Q s, of the series circuit 302
12.3.3 The peak voltage across R, Land C 305
12.3.4 Bandwidth and selectivity of aseries RLC
circuit 305
12.4 Parallel resonance 308
12.4.1 Resonant frequency and frequency response
of an ideal parallel circuit 308
12.4.2 The quality factor, Q p' of an ideal parallel
circuit 310
12.4.3 Bandwidth and selectivity of a parallel
circuit 311
12.4.4 Resonance in a practical parallel circuit 311
12.5 Scaling electrical circuits 315
12.5.1 Impedance or magnitude scaling 315
12.5.2 Frequency scaling 316
12.5.3 Combined scaling 317
12.5.4 Universal resonant circuits 317
12.6 Passive and active filters 318
12.6.1 Passive band-pass filter 318
12.6.2 Passive band-stop filter 319
12.6.3 Active RC filters 320
12.7 Selective resonance 320
12.8 Tuned coupled circuits 321
Unworked problems 323
Contents xi
Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design is intended for use with the early
years of a first degree course in Electrical, Electronic and Control En-
gineering, and for Higher National Diploma and Certificate courses in
Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
The main prerequisite to its use is a knowledge of the basic concepts of
electricity, magnetism and mathematics; an introduction to calculus is
more in the nature of a corequisite than aprerequisite.
The book has primarily been written for the student, and it is intended
that readers should be able to teach themselves the analytical techniques
involved. To this end, many fully worked examples are included in the
body of the text, and a large number of unworked problems (with solu-
tions) are included at the end of chapters. Throughout the book, both
'power' and 'electronic' circuit examples and problems have been included.
A 'plus' feature of the book is a chapter on the use of SPICE software
(Simulated Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) for circuit analysis.
Examples in this chapter range from resistive d.c. networks to a.c. solu-
tions and transient analysis, and illustrate the practical advantages of this
software, which is pre-eminent in the field of circuit analysis.
When writing the book, I decided that it should be written from a logical
teaching viewpoint. That is, as with a conventional course, the more
understandable parts of circuit theory are treated first, after which the less
easy but, technically, more interesting topics are covered.
Chapter 1 covers d.c. circuits and intro duces the concept of basic
elements and laws, including Kirchhoff's laws together with simple circuit
analysis, and described dependent and independent sources.
In chapter 2, we take a first look at network analysis using mesh, nodal
and loop analysis. In undergraduate and so me HND courses, the latter
usually involves a knowledge of network topology, which is also in-
troduced. Finally, an introduction to the duality between circuits having
similar mesh and nodal equations is given.
Preface xiii
xiv Preface
Noel M. Morris
I acknowledge with thanks the assistance I have received from Derek
Hopewell of Nottingham Polytechnic, Mr F. W. Senior, M.Sc., former
Senior Lecturer at the Staffordshire University and, in particular for his not
inconsiderable assistance, Lionel Warnes of Loughborough University. I
would also like to thank Mr A. Lewis, Director of the Open Terminal
Computer Centre, Stevenage.
Finally, grateful thanks are due to my wife, without whose assistance
and support the book would not have been possible.
Elements and Laws
1.1 Introduction
In this chapter the basic relations in electric circuits are reviewed, including
current, voltage, resistance, Ohm's law, electric power, etc. Additionally,
other topics including the application of Kirchhoff's laws to circuits are
The concepts of independent and dependent voltage and current
sources, are introduced, some of which may be new to some readers. One
application of dependent sources is in the operation al amplifier, which is
used in every sphere of electrical and electronic engineering. So vital is this
to all engineers it is introduced in this, the first chapter of the book.
We are all familiar with electrostatic charge - and its most dramatic effect,
namely lightning discharge. It is the latter effect, namely the electrical
charge in motion or electric current which attracts our attention here.
The current in a circuit is a measure of the rate at which electric charge
passes through the circuit, and we define the instantaneous value of the
current, i, as
. dq
The charge in motion is, gene rally , carried by electrons which move from a
low (that is, negative) potential to a higher potential (that is, a positive
potential). In this book, however, we adopt the more usual convention that
current flows trom a point ot positive potential to a point ot negative
2 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
4 2
E '"Q;
;; c.
0 E t (s)
t (s) 2 6
% "
-4 -2-
(a) (b)
Figure 1.1 (a) The charge passing a point in a circuit, and (b) the corresponding current in
the circuit.
5A -5A
Supply Circuit
Elements and Laws 3
Figure 1.3 Representation 0/ voltage. In each case, terminal A is 8 V positive with respect
to terminal B.
4 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
Power is the rate of transfer of energy; the unit of power is the watt (W) or
joule per second (J s -1). Since voltage has the dimensions of joules per
coulomb, and current has the dimensions of coulombs per second, then
power, p = vi
Once again, Iower-case pis reserved for the instantaneous value of power
in the circuit, and upper-case Pis reserved for average power. That is
P = VI
Figure 1.4 illustrates various combinations of electrical source and power
absorbing element (or load). In general, current ftows out 01 the positive
terminal 01 apower source, and into the positive terminal 01 a load (see
figure 1.4(a)).
In diagram (b), current flows out of the positive terminal of the left-
hand block and into the positive terminal of the right-hand block. Conse-
quently, the left-hand block is the power source and the right-hand block is
the load. The power transferred from the source to the load is 10 x 5 =
In figure 1. 4( c) the lower line is - 7 V with respect to the upper line,
and the power transferred from the source (the right-hand block) to
the load is 7 x 3 = 21 W. In diagram (d) the power absorbed by the load is
8 x 4 = 32 W.
+A A
(a) :i:'"-
a..5l ....J
- B B
+5A - 3A -4A
.,0 .,0 Gl
ts v
~- 7 V
~ 'tJ 'tJ ~ 'tJ
t10 V ....J ....J '0"
(b) (c) (d)
Figure 1.4 Block diagrams showing apower source and its load.
The major part of electric circuits comprises passive elements, which can
only dissipate or store electrical energy. A linear circuit element is one in
Elements and Laws 5
which the voltage across the element varies linearly with the current
through it. A number of elements are non-linear, in which case the voltage
across the element does not vary linearly with the current through it.
There are two broad categories of passive element, namely those which
dissipate energy and those which store energy. The former include resist-
ance, which is the subject matter of this chapter, and the latter include
inductance and capacitance which are described in chapter 4.
An ideal circuit element is one which is both linear and either dissipates
energy or stores it. U nfortunately, most practical circuit elements have
some degree non-linearity.
The outer electrons in the atoms of metallic conductors are loosely bound
to the parent atom, and are relatively 'free' to move around the lattice
structure at normal room temperature. When a p.d. is applied to the
conductor, free electrons drift towards the positive pole of the supply,
resulting in current flow in the conductor.
As the electrons move through the crystallattice, they collide with other
electrons and lose so me of their energy. That is, there is some 'resistance'
to current flow, and the resulting loss of energy is usually converted to
heat. The resistance of the element enables us to broadly classify materials
as folIows:
Conductors: these have a low resistance, and include met als such as
copper , brass, manganin, etc.
Insulators: these have a high resistance to current flow, and include
wood, plastic and glass.
Semiconductors: these have resistance between that of conductors and
insulators but, as students of electronics will know, it is not quite that
simple! These include germanium, silicon, cadmium sulphide, etc.
Superconductors: when the temperature is within a few degrees of
absolute zero, the resistance of these materials falls to zero (or nearly
so). These m&terials include tin, lead, thallium, etc.
In 1827 George Simon Ohm published a pamphlet describing the result of
experiments in electrical circuits, one relationship in the pamphlet being
what we know as Ohm's law, and is
v = iR or V = IR
where v is the p.d. in volts across the linear element, i is the current in
amperes through the element and R is a constant of proportionality called
the resistance. The unit of resistance is the ohm (symbol Q). An alternative
form of Ohm's law is
6 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
i = vG or 1= VG
where G is the conductance of the element or circuit, and has the unit of
the siemens (symbol S).
A resistance (or a conductance) is represented in a circuit by means of a
rectangular box as shown in figure 1.5.
In a linear resistive circuit the voltage is given by v = iR, and the power
consumed is
or, alternatively
p = vi = vZG = iZ/G W
In many installations the power is measured in kilowatts (1 kW = 1000 W),
and in large systems it is measured in megawatts (1 MW = 10 6 W = 1000
kW). In electronic circuits the power may be measured in milliwatts (1 mW
= 10- 3 W) or in microwatts (1 I-lW = 10- 6 W).
Worked example 1.7.1
Elements and Laws 7
f' pdt
and energy is given by
8 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
(a) (b) (c)
Elements and Laws 9
Figure 1.7 Diagrams (a) and (b) represent dependent or eontrolled voltage sourees, (e)
and (d) represent dependent eurrent sourees.
exists at another point in the eireuit. Diagrams (e) and (d) respeetively
show a voltage-controlled current source and a current-controlled current
The reader should note, onee again, that dependent sourees are ideal
I "
v, I "
I ", v,
v, IR , Vo
Vo = Kv"
- v""""
(a) (b)
10 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
and antiphase with VI' We can, in fact, connect a signal of any potential
(either positive or negative) to either input terminal.
The voltage gain of the amplifier is K, and the output voltage is V o =
K(v 2 - VI) = Kv x . The value of K approaches infinity in an ideal op-amp
and, if V 0 is to be finite then the value of V x = V 2 - V I must approach zero.
That is, in an ideal op-amp, v 2 = V I which implies that the input current
must be practically zero! Also, in an ideal op-amp, the input resistance R is
infinite, so that the input current can be regarded as being zero (this also
confirms that v x must be zero!). The reader will also observe that the
output from the op-amp is provided by a voltage-controlled voltage source,
whose output resistance is zero (or nearly so!).
Since the op-amp is ideal, we can make the simplifying assumptions that
v x = 0 and i = 0, hence
that is
Elements and Laws 11
that is
Vo =
R R+ R2v
2 =
[1 +/i;
R2] V2
V2 R1
At about the same time as Ohm was carrying out his experimental work,
Gustav Robert Kirchhoffwas born in Germany; he was to revolutionise the
work on electric circuit theory.
It is a simple fact that the rate of ftow of charge into any point or node
(a formal definition of anode is given in section 2.2) in a circuit is equal to
the rate of ftow of charge out of it. That is, charge cannot accumulate at a
given point in the circuit. This is not a mathematical proof, but is the basis
of Kirchhoff's current law, or KCL. That is
the algebraic sum of currents entering any node is zero
At the node in figure 1.10, KCL states that
L = 1
in = 0
12 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
the algebraic sum 01 the current entering any node is equal to the
algebraic sum 01 the current leaving the node
which, in figure 1.10 gives
Also, if we proceed around the complete circuit, and return to the starting
point, there is no change in electrical potential. This is the basis of Kirch-
hoff's voltage law or KVL, and can be stated in the form
the algebraic sum 01 the e.m.fs. and p.d.s around any closed
circuit is zero
If, for example, we proceed around the closed path ABCA in figure 1.11
we get
which, effectively, gives the same equation. A simple way of writing this is
~v = 0 or, expressed in mathematical form, KVL says
~ Vn = 0
n = 1
Elements and Laws 13
12 A
12 A 12 A
R, @ 10 Q I. R, @ 100
@ G) @l
120 V t VA BA
(a) (b)
10 Q @ le --®
14 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
- - - V NC
If node N is the reference node (whose potential may be regarded as zero),
we can define V AN simply as VA. Thus
V AS = V AN - V SN = (VA - V N) - (V S - V N) = VA - VS
V SA = V SN - V AN = (V S - V N) - (VA - V N) = - V AS
If in figure 1.13 V AN = 10 V, V BN = 20 V, V CN = 30 V and V AS = -10 V,
Elements and Laws 15
V SN = V AN - V AS = 10 - (-10) = 20 V
Alternatively, we may say V SA = - V AS = 10 V, and
V SN = V AN + V SA = 10 + 10 = 20V
If we need to calculate the voltage between two nodes, say node A and
node B, then
V AB = voltage of node A with respect to node B
= V AN - VBN = 10-20= -lOV
V BA = V BN - V AN = 20 - 10 = 10 V
that is
V AB = -V BA
Also V AB =V AS - V BS =V AS - (V BN - V SN)
=-10 - (20 - 20) = -10 V
In this case there are two closed meshes (a formal definition of a mesh
is given in section 2.2) linked by a 4 Q resistor. Since there is no return
path for the current through the 4 Q resistor, no current can ftow in it, and
V 2 = O. The current 1 1 circulating around the left-hand mesh is
A -- v, --v,
16 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
_ _10_ _ = 1 A
hence VI = 2/ = 2 V
u r-------.
Idea I sou rce
~r ____
-=-:- - - - -- I
o I _____ ...l
(al (bl
Figure 1.15 (a) v-i characteristic of ideal and practical voltage sources, (b) an equivalent
circuit of a practical voltage source.
Elements and Laws 17
u r-------..,
G, r
I _ _ _ _ _ _ -l
(a) (b)
Figure 1.16 (a) v-i characteristic of ideal and practical current sourees, (b) an equivalent
circuit of a practical current source.
(a) (b)
18 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
Rs = l/G s
es = islGst
The current flowing in the load connected to the current source is (figure
1. 17(b))
. . . . VL isr s - V L
lL = ls - l = ls - - =
rs rs
Since the two sources are identical, we can equate the voltage across the
load in the two cases as follows
That is, the voltage source and the current source in diagrams (a) and (b)
are equivalentas far as measurements of voltage and current at the
terminals are concerned.
When converting sources, the reader should be careful to ensure that
the polarity of the voltage source acts in the correct direction to produce
the correct current in the current source, and vice versa.
Elements and Laws 19
Initially, we will convert the 3 A practical current source into its equivalent
voltage source. The result is shown in diagram (b). The equivalent voltage
source has an intern al resistance of 1/0.2 = 5 Q, and a source voltage of
[slG s = 310.2 = 15 V.
The net voltage in figure 1.19(b) acting in the direction of [is 10 - 15 =
-5 V, so that
[ = -5/(10 + 5) = -0.333 A
that is, its value is 0.333 A flowing in the opposite direction to that shown in
figure 1. 19(a).
f ·3
10 Q 10 Q , 5 Q
3A1ov t
(a) (b)
Elements which carry the same current are connected in series; the three
resistors in figure 1.20 are connected in series.
Since the current, [, is common to each resistor, then
v, V, V3
R, R, R3
20 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
Es = V l + V2 + V3 = I(R l + R2 + R 3 ) = IRE
where RE = R l + R2 + R3
and is the equivalent resistance of the series circuit. If there are n resistors
in series, the equivalent resistance of the circuit is
RE = R l + R 2 + ... + Rn
To summarise, the equivalent resistance 01 a series-connected circuit is
always greater than the largest value 01 individual resistance in the circuit.
Resistors in series are often described as a string of resistors.
If there are n resistors in series, the voltage across the nth resistor is
V n = IRn> where I is the current flowing through the resistors. If the voltage
across the series circuit is V s, then V s = IRE, where RE is the equivalent
resistance of the circuit. That is
Vn IR n Rn
Calculate the equivalent resistance of the series circuit in figure 1.21, and
determine I, V l1 V 2 and V 3 •
Elements and Laws 21
RE = R I + R 2 + R 3 = 10 + 20 + 70 = 100 Q
Applying KVL to the circuit shows that
V s = 20 - 10 = 10 V
where V s produces I in the direction shown in the figure, hence
1= VS/R E = 10/100 = 0.1 A
= IR I = 0.1 X 10 = 1 V
V 2 = IR 2 = 0.1 x 20 = 2 V
V 3 = IR 3 = 0.1 x 70 = 7 V
and from KVL, V s = VI + V 2 + V 3 = 1 + 2 + 7 = 10 Vor, alternatively,
from the theory developed above we can say
VI = VsR/R E = 10 x 10/100 = 1V
V2 = VsRiR E = 10 x 20/100 = 2 V
V3 = VsR/R E = 10 x 70/100 = 7 V
It can be seen from the above results that the value of the voltage across any
resistance in aseries circuit is proportional to the value of the resistance.
Elements are said to be connected in parallel with one another when they
are connected between the same pair of terminals in a circuit. The resistors
in figure 1.22 are connected in parallel.
The solution of parallel circuits can be approached either by considering
resistances in parallel or conductances in parallel. Since the former is the
most popular approach, we will adopt it here.
By definition, each branch in a parallel circuit supports the same
voltage, and the current in the nth branch is
" "
R, R, R3
22 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
In = VrJR n
that is 1 1 = V rJR}> V2 = V rJR 2, etc. Applying KCL to the circuit gives
Vp Vp Vp
I = I 1 + I 2 + I 3 =-
R 1 + -R 2 + -R 3
R 1
+ 1...
+ 1...]
R 2 3
Elements and Laws 23
1 = 1 Gn
n GE
where REis the equivalent resistance of the parallel circuit. In the special
case of a two-branch parallel circuit
II = 1 = I---=--
GI + G2 RI + R2
The total current entering the top node of the parallel circuit is (14 - 4) =
10 A, and this divides between the three branches. The total conductance
of the parallel circuit is
1 1 1 1 1 1
E I 2 3 R R R 2 4 5 I 2 3
24 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
Unworked problems
t (ms)
o 100 200
Figure 1.24
1.2. The electrical charge ente ring a terminal in a circuit is 10 sin 100:n:t
mC. (a) What charge has ente red between -3 ms and 3 ms? (b)
Calculate the current at t = 2 ms.
[Ca) 16.18 mC; (b) 2.54 A]
1.3. In figure 1.25 calculate V BC ' V CA ' V BD , V EB and V DC •
[30.93 V; -20.93 V; -20 V; -110 V; -9.07 V]
1.4. Calculate the power consumed by each resistor in figure 1.25.
[10 0 resistor 95.7 W; 200 resistor 4.11 W; 25 0 resistor 250 W; 40
o resistor 10.95 W]
1.5. Calculate the power absorbed by each of the circuit elements in
figure 1.26.
[Ca) 2.4 W; (b) -180e- St ; (c) -20 W; (d) 30 W]
Elements and Laws 25
10 V
B 10 Q
D 20 Q
-100 V
E 25 Q
40 Q
Figure 1.25
12 V
0.2 A
--- tQ
20 V
Figure 1.26
26 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
Figure 1.27
t 10V
Figure 1.28
- v
2 kQ
Figure 1.29
Figure 1.30
Elements and Laws 27
Circuit Analysis
2.1 Introduction
By now the reader is familiar with the use of Ohm's and Kirchhoff's laws in
the analysis of simple d.c. circuits. One of the primary goals of circuit
theory is the attainment of knowledge and experience of analysing more
practical systems. Among the methods adopted are mesh analysis, nodal
analysis and loop analysis.
Any one of these methods can be applied to almost any circuit and, in
many cases there is no simple way of saying which is the 'best' method of
solution; we cannot lay down simple roles to determine the 'best'
approach. A knowledge of each method can only by gained by acquiring a
sound understanding of the features of each type of solution.
Circuit Analysis 29
(a) (b)
30 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
(j) ....--{==t---.......
figure 2.2 is a loop (that is, the loop passing through nodes 0, 1, 2, 3 and
back to node 0)
An element which can be connected in a circuit in either direction (this
assumes that it is a two-terminal element) without changing the electrical
performance of the circuit is known as a bilateral element. Examples,
include resistors, inductors and capacitors. The majority of networks are
bilateral networks, that is, they contain only bilateral elements. Certain
network theorems, such as the reciprocity theorem (see chapter 3 for
details), are only applicable to bilateral networks.
A planar network is one which may be drawn on a ftat surface, so that
none of the branches passes over or under any other branch. When this
cannot be done, the network is non-planar. The circuit drawn in fullline in
figure 2.3 is a planar network but, if the branch containing R 6 is introduced
(shown broken), it becomes a non-planar circuit.
A mesh is a loop wh ich does not contain any other loops within it. For
example, the circuit in fulliine in figure 2.3 contains the meshes ABCDA
(R 1 , R 2 , R 3 , V s ), BCDB (R 2 , R 3 , R 4 ) and ABDA (RH R 4 , Vs ). The loop
containing, for example, R 1 R 2 R 3 V s in figure 2.3 is not a mesh because it
contains two loops. However, the reader should note that, in some cases
....-~j_~._-~J_-.© I
R3 I
L -_ _......_ _ _ _ _. . . ._ _ _ _- - J __ JI
Circuit Analysis 31
Let us apply KVL to eaeh mesh in turn. For mesh 1 (the left-hand mesh),
the equation is (proeeeding in the direetion of 11 )
20 - 101\ - 3011 + 3012 = 0
20 = 1011 + 3011 - 3012 = 4011 - 3017
and for mesh 2 the equation is (proeeeding in the direetion of 12 )
-10 + 3011 - 3012 - 2012 = 0
-10 = - 3011 + 3012 + 2012 = -3011 + 5012
The equations to be solved are, therefore
20 = 4011 3012
-10 = -3011 + 5012
Node 2
Node 1 10 Q IA 18 20 Q Node 3
:0 ::0
20 V t 30Q
Node 4
32 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
V 1 + V 2 = (R 1 + R 4 )11 - R 112 - R 413 (2.1)
Similarly for mesh 2 (in wh ich 12 circulates), the equation is
- V2 + l 1R 1 -:- 12R 1 - 12R 2 - 12R 3 + 13R 3 = 0
- V2 = -RJ1 + (R 1 + R 2 + R 3)12 - Ri3 (2.2)
and for mesh 3 the equation is
l 1R 4 - 13R 4 + 12 R 3 - 13R 3 - 13R s = 0
that is
The equations (2.1) to (2.3), inclusive, allow us to solve the circuit, and
are grouped below
Circuit Analysis 33
V 1 + V 2 = (R 1 + R 4 ) /1 - Ri2 R 4/ 3
- V2 - Ri1 + (R 1 + R 2 + R 3)/2 - R 3/ 3
o -R 4/ 1 R 3/ 2 + (R 3 + R 4 + R 5 ) /3
The equations can be written in the following generalised form
E1 R n / 1 + R 12/ 2 + R 13/ 3
E2 R 21 / 1 + R 22/ 2 + R 2i3
E3 R 3i1 + R 32/ 2 + R 33/ 3
where E 1 is the sum of the source voltages driving 11 in a clockwise
direction, that is, E 1 = V 1 + V 2 ; E 2 is the sum of the source voltages driving
12in a clockwise direction, that is, E 2 = - V 2 (that is, V 2tries to drive 12in a
counterclockwise direction); E 3 is the sum of the source voltages driving 13
in a clockwise direction, that is, E 3 = O.
R w R 22 and R 33 are, respectively, the self-resistances of the mesh in
which 11 , 12 and 13 ftow. That is, Rn is the sum of all the resistances around
the perimeter of mesh 1, that is Rn = R 1 + R 4 ; R 22 is the sum of the
resistances around the perimeter of mesh 2, that is R 22 = R 1 + R 2 + R 3, etc.
If we write down R ij as the resistance in row i and column j of the matrix
containing the resistance elements, we see that R ij is (for =F j)
( -1) x the resistance in the branch
which is mutual to the meshes in
which li and I j ftow
that is, R 13 = - R 4 , R 23 = - R 3, etc.
We can write down the resistance values in the above equation in wh at is
known as matrix form as follows; the square brackets around the symbols
tell us that we are dealing with a matrix (see chapter 15 for details).
R 23
R 33
The resistance matrix is a square matrix, that is it has as many rows as it
has columns. For a bilateral network it is symmetrical about the major
diagonal, that is R ij = Rji , for example R 23 = R 32 , R 13 = R 31> etc. In the case
of abilateral network, that is, a resistive network, all elements on the
major diagonal of the resistance matrix are positive; elements not on the
major diagonal are either zero or negative.
These comments do not always apply to a non-bilateral network or to
networks containing sources other than independent voltage sources, for
example, current sources (see worked example 2.6.2).
34 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
Depending on the circuit, there are either three or four general rules which
need to be followed:
1. Draw a carefully labe lIed circuit diagram.
2. Assign mesh currents II> 12 , • • • , Im to each mesh flowing in a clockwise
direction in the circuit.
3. If the circuit contains only voltage sources, apply KVL to each mesh
and solve the resulting simultaneous equations for the unknown mesh
currents (if there are m meshes, there are m equations). If the circuit
contains dependent voltage sources, relate the dependent source volt-
ages to the unknown mesh currents.
4. If the circuit contains one or more current sources, we cannot deal with
it in the normal way because the internal resistance of these sources is
infinity. The following rule explains how to deal with it. However, since
it is fairly technical, the reader should study worked example 2.6.2 in
association with the following.
It is first necessary to replace each such source by an open-circuit (note: the
mesh currents assigned in step 2 must not be changed). Each source
current should then be related to the mesh currents assigned in step 2. The
resulting simultaneous equations should then be solved
Where a circuit contains practical current sources (see the work on
Thevenin's and Norton's theorems in chapter 3), each can be converted
into its equivalent practical voltage source, and the problem solved as
outlined in step 3 above.
Circuit Analysis 35
solving two simultaneous equations, but it simply involves a few more steps
and takes a little longer. We will list the general procedure here, and then
solve a set of three simultaneous equations.
1. Eliminate one of the variables (say X) from, say, the 1st and 2nd
2. Eliminate the same variable (X) from two other equations (say the 1st
and the 3rd). This leaves two simultaneous equations with two un-
knowns (Y and Z).
3. Solve for Yand Z from these two equations.
4. Insert the values of Y and Z into one of the original equations to
determine the value of X.
Consider the equations
-20 = + 2Y - 4Z
3X (2.4)
32 = 1.5X - 3Y + 4Z (2.5)
-11 = X + Y - 2Z (2.6)
Step 1: Eliminate X from equations (2.4) and (2.5) by multiplying equation
(2.5) by 2 and subtracting it from equation (2.4).
-20 = 3X + 2Y - 4Z «2.4) re-written)
64 = 3X - 6Y + 8Z «2.5) x 2)
SUBTRACT -84 = 8Y -12Z (2.7)
Step 2: Eliminate X from equations (2.4) and (2.6) by multiplying equation
(2.6) by 3 and subtracting it from equation (2.4).
-20 = 3X + 2Y - 4Z «2.4) re-written)
-33 = 3X + 3Y - 6Z «2.6) x 3)
SUBTRACT 13= Y +2Z (2.8)
Step 3: Solving between equations (2.7) and (2.8) for Yand Z gives Y = -3
and Z = 5.
Step 4: Re-writing equation (2.4) in terms of X gives
X = (-20 - 2Y + 4Z)/3 = (-20 -2(-3) + 4(5))/3
Alternatively, we can solve the simultaneous equations by determinants
(which are fully described in chapter 15).
Yet another method is to solve three simultaneous equations by means
ofthe BASIC language program given in listing 2.1. This also uses determi-
nants to solve the equations. Some versions of BASIC do not use line
numbers but, generally speaking, they are advanced forms of the language
and will accept this program directly (including the line numbers) ..
36 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
Listing 2.1
BASIC program for the solution of three simultaneous equations.
10 CLS
20 PRINT TAB(3); "Solution of three simultaneous equations"
30 PRINT TAB (15) ; "of the form": PRINT
40 PRINT TAB (11); "V1 A*X + B*Y + C*Z"
45 PRINT TAB (11) ; "V2 D*X + E*Y + F*Z"
50 PRINT TAB(11); "V3 G*X + H*Y + J*Z": PRINT
60 PRINT TAB(3); "Where V1, V2 and V3 are numerical values, "
70 PRINT TAB (3) ; "A to H and J are numerical coefficients,"
80 PRINT TAB(3); "and X, Y and Z are the variables."
100 INPUT "Vl = ", V1
110 INPUT "A = " , A
120 INPUT "B ", B
130 INPUT "C = " , C
150 INPUT "V2 = ", V2
160 INPUT "D ", D
170 INPUT "E ", E
180 INPUT "F ", F
200 INPUT "V3 = ", V3
210 INPUT "G ", G
220 INPUT "H = ", H
230 INPUT "J = ", J: PRINT
240 D1 = (A * E * J) + (B * F * G) + (C * D * H)
250 D2 = (G * E * C) + (H * F * A) + (J * D * B)
260 Det = D1 - D2
270 REM ** There is no solution if Det = 0 **
280 IF Det = 0 'IHEN PRINr TAB(3); '''lbe equatioos cannJt be solved.": E2ID
290 REM ** Calculate Det X, Det Y and Det Z **
300 D1 = (V1 * E * J) + (B * F * V3) + (C * V2 * H)
310 D2 = (V3 * E * C) + (H * F * V1) + (J * V2 * B)
320 DetX = D1 - D2
330 D1 = (A * V2 * J) + (V1 * F * G) + (C * D * V3)
340 D2 = (G * V2 * C) + (V3 * F * A) + (J * D * V1)
350 DetY = D1 - D2
360 D1 = (A * E * V3) + (B * V2 * G) + (V1 * D * H)
370 D2 = (G * E * V1) + (H * V2 * A) + (V3 * D * B)
380 DetZ = D1 - D2
390 REM ** Calculate the value of the variables **
400 PRINT TAB(3); "X "., DetX / Det
410 PRINT TAB (3) ; "Y "; DetY / Det
420 PRINT TAB(3); "z "; DetZ / Det
430 END
Circuit Analysis 37
In this section we look at four examples - three of them using the same
basic network - respectively involving independent voltage sources only,
mixed voltage and current sources, and independent and dependent volt-
age sources. The fourth involves an operational amplifier circuit.
Since the circuit contains independent voltage sources only, a solution can
be obtained using the first three steps outlined in section 2.4. The first two
steps are already performed in figure 2.6. Next, we need to write down the
three mesh equations, which we may do by observation in the manner
outlined in section 2.3. The three equations are
10 13/1 - 6/2
-8 -6/1 + 16/2
o -5/1 - 7/2 + 16/3
We can solve for the three unknown mesh currents by any of the methods
outlined in section 2.5, and the answers are
/1 0.789 A
/2 -0.119A
/3 0.195 A
(a) (b)
The reader will note that 12 is negative. This merely means that the current
in mesh 2 circulates in a counterclockwise direction.
In this case we use the basic circuit in figure 2.6, but have inserted a 0.5 A
independent source in the branch containing the 6 ohm resistor, as shown
in figure 2.7(a). The mesh currents can be evaluated as shown in the
Figure 2.8 Mesh analysis 01 a circuit containing independent and dependent voltage
40 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
The operation al amplifier in the circuit in figure 2.9(a) has infinite input
resistance, a voltage gain of -100, and an output resistance of 20 kilohms.
Calculate the voltage gain (ViVI) of the circuit.
Since the voltage gain and the output resistance of the operational ampli-
fier differ from that of an 'ideal' op-amp, we need to solve the circuit
completely. The equivalent circuit is shown in diagram 2.9(b); since there
is only one mesh, its solution is
1 + 100Vx = (1000 + 10 000 + 20000)1
Cireuit Analysis 41
10 kQ 10 kQ
I v,
(a) (b)
Nodal analysis uses KCL to evaluate the voltage at each principal node in
the circuit, and is valid for all circuits, both planar and non-planar. In this
case we write down and solve a set of simultaneous equations in terms of
the unknown voltage at each node. We will illustrate this initially by means
of the simple three-node example in figure 2.10.
Of the three principal nodes in the circuit, we must choose one to be a
reference or datum node; we select node O. Generally speaking, if the
circuit has n principal nodes, we need (n - 1) simultaneous equations to
solve the circuit. Applying KCL to each non-reference node in turn,
starting with node 1, we get
2 = 2Vl + 3V 12 = 2Vl + 3(Vl - V 2 ) = 5Vl - 3V2
42 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
- ---
-. V21
node ~
Figure 2.10 Simple example o[ nodal analysis.
In the above equation, the current entering the node appears on the
left-hand side of the equals sign, and the current leaving the node appears
on the right-hand side. For node 2 we have
-3 = 3V2I + 4V2 = 3(V2 - VI) + 4V2 = -3VI + 7V2
Solving the resulting pair of simultaneous equations gives VI and V2,
enabling other data to be calculated. We merely quote the solutions VI =
0.192 V and V 2 = -0.346 V here, and will proceed to a more useful circuit
which enables us to write down the circuit equations by observation.
Consider the circuit in figure 2.11. When applying KCL to node 1, we
see that JA ftows towards it and a current of (GE (VI - Vo) + GA (VI - V2))
ftows away from it. Since Vo = 0, the node equation is
Circuit Analysis 43
I A = (GA + GE)VI - G A V 2
At node 2, a current of (ID - I A - le) enters the node and (G A (V2 - VI)
+ G D(V2 - V o) + G e(V2 - V 3» leaves it. As before, V o = 0, hence the
equation at this node is
ID- IA - le = -GAVI + (GA + GD + Ge)V2 - G eV 3
The current entering node 3 is le, and the current leaving it is (Ge(V3 - V2 )
+ G D (V3 - Vo». The equation for node 3 is, therefore
le = -GeV 2 + (Ge + G D )V3
The three node voltage equations describing the circuit are therefore
IA = (GA + GE)VI - G A V 2
ID - IA - le = -GAVI + (GA + GD + Ge)V2 - G eV 3
le - G eV 2 + (Ge + G D )V3
These can, conveniently, be written in the following generalised form
I1 G ll VI + G 12 V2 + G 13 V 3
12 G21 VI + G22 V 2 + G23 V 3
13 = G31 VI + G32 V 2 + G33 V 3
where I 1 (= I A ) is the current entering node 1, 12 (= I D - I A - Ie) is the
current entering node 2, and 13 (= Je) is the current entering node 3.
We may write the conductance elements in matrix form (see chapter 15
for details) as folIows.
Gu G 12 G13]
[ G 21 G 22 G 23
G 31 G 32 G 33
Each of the terms on the major diagonal of the conductance matrix
(which is a square matrix) is the sum of the conductances terminating on
node 1, 2 and 3, respeetively. That is G l l (= GA + GE) is the total
eonduetanee terminating on node 1, G 22 (= GA + GD + Ge) is the total
eonduetanee terminating on node 2, etc.
The voltages VI> V2 and V3 are, respeetively, the unknown voltage at
node 1, 2 and 3.
If G ij is the eonductance in row i and column j of the matrix eontaining
the conductanee elements, we see that Gij (for i -:1= j) is
(- 1) x the eonduetanee linking node i
to node j
That is, G 12 = -GA' G 32 = - Ge, ete.
The conductance matrix is a square matrix, and is symmetrical about the
44 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
major diagonal, that is for all ij (i =1= j), G;j = G j;, that is, G 12 = G w G 23 =
G32 , etc.
In the case of abilateral network, all the elements on the major diagonal
of the conductance matrix are positive: elements not on the major diagonal
are negative or zero.
Depending on the circuit, there are either three or four steps to be carried
1. Draw a carefully labelIed circuit diagram.
2. Mark the principal nodes on the circuit, and select a reference node. If
there are n principal nodes, (n - 1) simultaneous equations are needed
to solve the circuit.
3. If the circuit contains only independent current sources, apply KCL to
each non-reference node. If the circuit contains dependent current
sources, relate the source current to the unknown node voltages.
4. If the circuit contains voltage sources, we cannot deal with it in the
normal way because its internal resistance is zero. The following rule
explains how to handle it, and is fairly technical; the reader should study
worked example 2.9.2 in association with the following.
Replace each voltage source by a short-circuit; the voltages assigned in step
2 should not be changed. Each source voltage should then be related to the
unknown node voltages. If the circuit contains a practical voltage source, it
can be converted to its equivalent practical current source (see chapter 3)
and dealt with as anormal current source
In the following we analyse a circuit and illustrate its solution firstly when it
contains only independent current sources, secondly when it contains
independent current and voltage sources and, thirdly, when it contains
independent and dependent current sources. Finally we will analyse an
operation al amplifier circuit.
Since the nodal analysis deals with current sources, it is not possible to
handle voltage sources directly. In order to deal with this type of circuit
element, the notion of a supernode is introduced. What we do in this case is
to regard nodes which are connected by the voltage source as though they
were connected by the internal resistance of the voltage source, namely
zero ohms. That is, nodes 1 and 3 in figure 2.13 become a supernode
(which is enclosed by a broken line). The total current flowing towards the
supernode is 3 A, and the total current leaving it is
2(V! - V z) + 6(V! - Vo) + 3(V3 - V z) + 5(V3 - Vo)
The reader should note that although nodes 1 and 3 are combined in the
supernode, the voltage of both nodes is maintained in the above equation.
The nodal equation (remember, node 0 is the reference node, so that
Vo = 0) for the supernode is therefore
3 = 2(V! - V z) + 6V! + 3(V3 - V z) + 5V3
= 8V! - 5Vz + 8V3
2A t 1~
I Supernode
Since all sources in the circuit are current sources, we can apply KLC
directly to each node. At node 1 we have
-1.5V32 = 12Vl - 2V2 - 4V3
However V 32 = V 3 - V 2 • Inserting this into the above equation gives, for
node 1
o= 12Vl - 3.5V2 - 2.5V3
Applying KCL to node 2 gives
-1 = -2Vl + 5V2 - 3V3
Finally, at node 3
48 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
2A t
3 = -4V j - 1.5V2 + 1O.5V3
and the circuit equations are
o= 12VI - 3.5V2 - 2.5V3
-1 = -2VI + 5V2 - 3V3
3 = -4VI - 1.5V2 + 1O.5V3
and the solution is
VI = 0.0707 V
V 2 = 0.0174 V
V 3 = 0.3151 V
The operation al amplifier in the circuit in figure 2.15(a) has the following
input resistance = 50 kilohms
voltage gain = -1000
output resistance = 1.5 kilohms
Calculate the overall gain (V/VI) of the circuit.
Circuit Analysis 49
v, = 0.3 V,
(a) (b)
The equivalent circuit of the amplifier is shown in figure 2.15(b); since the
values differ from those of an ideal operation al amplifier, we will analyse
the circuit using nodal analysis.
In this case, we place the 0.3 V independent source and the 1000Vx
dependent source (corresponding to the amplifier gain) in the supernode in
diagram (b), thereby reducing the number of nodes by two. Applying KCL
to node 2 yields
It was stated earlier that mesh current analysis is applicable only to planar
networks. However there is a similar approach - known as loop analysis
50 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
W 30
(a) (b)
, b
I d b
\ ,
c c c c
Figure 2.17 Examples oftrees and cotrees within the graph offigure 2.16(b).
Since adding a link to the tree forms a loop, the number of links is equal
to the number of independent voltage equations we need to form the loop
equations of the network. For example, the six-node nonplanar network in
figure 2.18 contains a number of trees, each having five branches, and we
need L = 9 - (6 - 1) = 4 independent equations to solve the network. In
some cases, however, the situation is not always that difficult because (as
we shall see from an example in section 2.11) the number of equations
needed to solve the circuit is reduced when there are current sources in the
52 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
The following steps allow us to write a set of loop current equations for a
1. Draw a graph of the network and identify anormal tree.
2. Ensure that all voltage sources and, if possible, all control-voltage
branches for voltage-controUed dependent sources are in the tree.
3. Ensure that all current sources and, if possible, aU control-current
branches for current-controUed dependent sources are in the cotree.
4. Reposition in the tree, one at a time, each link in the cotree. Using
KVL, write down for each loop the associated loop current equation;
solve the equations.
To illustrate the general principles involved we will solve, using loop
analysis, the non-plan ar circuit in figure 2.19. The circuit has six nodes and
nine branches, and requires a set of four loop current equations for its
solution. Since the circuit is non-planar, it cannot be solved by mesh
analysis. The selected normal tree is shown in fuUline in diagram (b).
Since the voltage source must be included in the tree, the branch be
must be included in the tree. Thereafter we can select any four other
connected nodes (provided that they do not include the current source) to
complete the tree.
Next we insert the links (shown broken in figure 2.19(b», one at a time,
from the cotree into the tree in order to produce four fundamentalloops in
the graph; these will provide us with the required equations. These loops
are shown in figure 2.20 for loop currents I A , I B , Ie. and 10 • We have
decided that each current shaU ftow in a clockwise direction; we need not
choose this direction for loop analysis and can, alternatively, be counter-
clockwise, or in either direction. The currents are also shown on the
branches of the circuit in figure 2.19(a). We now write down the loop
current equations.
For loop I B (the loop abcda)
It will be seen that, in figure 2.19(a), each branch ofthe normal tree carries
more than one loop current, and that each link of the cotree carries only
one loop current. Since the 3 A current source is in link da, we can simply
say that
IA = 3 A
This has the effect of reducing by unity the number of equations required
to solve the circuit.
For loop IB (the loop abcfa)
The equation is
0= 7IB + 5(IA + I B - 10 ) + 4(IA + I B + I e ) + 3(IB + I e )
Circuit Analysis 53
W 40 W
IA + 10 + le
le + 10 /
10 + le
10 I
~ I I
\7 70
IA - 10
60 (b)
[Y ~
91A = -27 = 191B + 71e - 51D
For loop 1e (the loop abefa)
0=5 + 4(IA + 1B + 1e) + 3(IB + 1e) + 2Ie
54 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
-5 - 4/A = -17 = 7/B + 9/e
For loop 10 (the loop bedca)
o= 5 - 5(/A + I B - 10 ) - 6(/A - 10 ) + 8/0
-5 + 11IA = 28 = -5/B + 19/0
The equations are regrouped below
-27 = 19/B + 7/e - 5/0
-17 = 7/ + 9/e B
28 = -5/B + 19/0
Solving gives
I B = -0.5236 A
le = -1.4816 A
10 = 1.336 A
2.12 Duality
Two eireuits are duals if the mesh equations of one eireuit have the same
mathematieal form as the nodal equations of the other. They are exact
duals if the mesh equations of one cireuit are numerieally identical to the
nodal equations of the other. A limitation of duality is that it is only
possible to produee the dual of a network if it is a planar network.
Consider the cireuit in figure 2.21; the equations for the two cireuits are
Circuit 2.21(a) Circuit 2.21(b)
d· dv
= Ri + L....!:.. = Gv + C-
dt dt
where R is a resistanee, G is a eonduetance, L is an induetanee* , and Cis a
The cireuits are duals of one another beeause the mesh eurrent equation
of cireuit (a) has the same form as the node voltage equation of cireuit (b).
(al (bl
The two would be exact duals if the voltage of v in volts in circuit (a) was
equal to the current i in circuit (b), and if the value of R in ohms in (a) was
equal to the value of G in siemens in (b), and if the value of L in henrys in
(a) was the same as the capacitance of C in farads.
Clearly, once the (say) mesh equations of one circuit have been solved,
then the nodal equations of the exact dual have also been solved.
The relationship between a circuit and its dual are summarised in table
2.1. Multiples and submultiples are also exchanged between the cireuit and
its dual; for example, mV in a eireuit beeome mA in the dual, !J,F in the
eireuit beeome !J,H in the dual, ete.
Table 2.1
Circuit element Dual circuit element
The reader should note that the dual is not the equivalent 0/ the original
circuit. That is, if a eurrent of 5 A in an element in the original eireuit produees
a voltage of 2 V aeross that element then, in the dual eireuit, a voltage of 5 V
aeross the dual of the element produces a eurrent of 2 A in it.
We will now study how a planar eircuit in figure 2.22(a) is eonverted into
its dual. The steps followed are:
1. Plaee anode (we use node 0) in the spaee outside the eireuit.
2. Place anode (no des 1-4) inside eaeh mesh of the cireuit.
56 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
I Q volts I I
4f:~-~4-~13~Q--~13F I I
L ____ ~'::'__ e&---":::-.J___ ...JI
\} )
Unworked problems
2.1. Calculate the currents 11 and 12 in figure 2.4, and determine the total
power consumed.
[11 = 0.636 A; 12 = 0.182 A; 10.9 W]
2.2. If, in figure 2.5, VI = 10 V, V 2 = 20 V, R 1 = 1 ohm, R 2 = 2 ohm, R 3
= 3 ohm, R 4 = 4 ohm and R 5 = 5 ohm, calculate the mesh currents.
[11 = 7.7 A; 12 = -0.875 A; 13 = 2.35 A]
2.3. Calculate VI and V 2 in figure 2.10, and compute the total power
[VI = 0.192 V; V 2 = - 0.346 V; 1.42 W]
2.4. Using mesh analysis, calculate 11 and 12 in figure 2.23.
[11 = 0.555 A; 12 = - 0.803 A]
v, 6Q v, 4Q
5Q :0
Figure 2.23
58 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
Figure 2.24
30 50
Figure 2.25
I, 40 50
Figure 2.26
v, = 0.1 vf
50 !!S 10 kQ
c c
Figure 2.27
I, 4fl 13
5fl ~v,
Figure 2.28
Figure 2.29
2.16. Use nodal analysis to calculate 1}> 12 and 13 in the circuit in figure
[11 = -0.87 A; 12 = -1.128 A; 13 = 0.071 A]
3.2 Linearity
62 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
v, , /, /, v,t /, + /,
v,t v, t
(a) (b) (c)
re-connected in the circuit (diagram (c», the current in the circuit is (V} +
V 2 )!R = I} + 12 , and
Vs = R(I} + 12 ) = V} + V2
That is, the response is the sum of the stimulating signals.
Moreover, if the stimulus is scaled by a factor K, then the response is
also scaled by the same factor. That is, if the applied voltage is KV, then
the response is KI, where KV = R(Kl). The principle of superposition can
be stated as folIows:
In any linear bilateral network containing several independent sources, the
voltage across (or the current in) any element or source is the sum 0/ the
individual voltages (ar currents) produced by each individual source
acting alone (other sources in the network meanwhile being replaced by
their internal resistance)
While the principle of superposition can be applied to many d.c. circuits, it
is particularly useful in its application to a.c. circuits where, for example,
sources of differing frequencies are involved.
Figure 3.3 Curren! 11 produced in the 10 Q resistor by the 10 V source acting alone.
This theorem states that any two-terminal active network, no matter how
complex, can be replaced by a practical voltage source of the type de-
scribed in section 1.12 (see figure 3.5). Thevenin's theorem may be summa-
rised as folIows:
64 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
I I 20 5V
I 50
L Effective source
(a) (b)
11-......-o----1D--L-{) A
L - - _....._ _ _ _-Cl B
(c) (d)
Initially we will calculate E T when the load is disconnected from the circuit
(see figure 3.6(b». Applying KCL to the bottom node in figure 3.6(b), by
observation we note that 1 = 3 A, hence
ET = -41 + 5 = -(3 X 4) + 5 = -7 V
Next, with the load disconnected, we replace each source in the circuit by
its internal resistance, leaving the circuit in diagram (c). Hence
RT = 4Q
That is, Tbevenin's equivalent circuit for this problem consists of a
E T = V AB = -7 V source in se ries with a 4 Q resistor, so that the circuit in
diagram (d) is equivalent to the original circuit in diagram (a). Hence
IL = EAR T + 5) = -7/(4 + 5)
= -0.7778 A
This theorem states that any two-terminal active network, no matter how
complex, can be replaced by a practical current source of the type
described in section 1.12 and illustrated in figure 3.7. Norton's theorem
may be summarised as folIows:
Any active network, having terminals A and B to which a load may be
connected, behaves as though it contains a current source, IN, of internal
conductance G N • The current IN is the current which would flow from
terminal A to B when they are short-circuited, and G N is the conductance
measured between A and B with the load disconnected and each source
within the network replaced by its internal conductance
L . . - -.....---oB
~ ~
20 V load 'N
(a) (b)
,.---o--c=-.J--o A
0.5 S
(c) (d)
The mesh currents 11> 12 and Iyare shown in diagram (a), and the corre-
sponding mesh equations are
68 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
20 30 40
20 30 40
10 = 8/1 - 6/2
o= -6/1 + 16/2 - 71 y
o= - 7/2 + 161y
Solving for I y by one of the methods outlined earlier gives
I y = 0.389 A
We now demonstrate the reciprocity theorem by interchanging the excita-
tion voltage and the response current, as shown in figure 3.9(b). The
reader should note that V x is connected so that it acts in the same direction
as I y in figure 3.9(a). The mesh equations for the latter circuit are
o= 81 y - 6/3
o= -61 y + 16/3 - 714
10= -7/3 +16/4
and solving for I y (see section 2.5) yields
I y = 0.389 A
Since the value of I y is the same in both cases, the reciprocity theorem is
demonstrated to be correct.
Circuit Theorems 69
If, in figure 3.8(a), the 2 Q load resistor (see also worked example 3.5.1) is
replaced by a variable resistor Ru wh at value of R L absorbs maximum
power, and wh at is the value of this power?
70 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
..-VBA -----tl
A l--__--t_J-e B
E3 ----
If there are n practical voltage sources in parallel with one another, we may
L EkGk f Ek
k~1 Rk
VBA = k~1
n n
L Gk
lIR k
= -0.6667 = -3.077 V
If 11> 12 and 13 ftow towards node B (see figure 3 .1O( a», then
11 = (- EI + VBA)/R I = (-10 - 3.077)/20
= -0.654 A
72 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
/2 = (- E 2 + V BA )/R 2 = (- 20 - 3.077)/15
= -1.538 A
/3 = (- E 3 + V BA )/R 3 = (25 - 3.077)/10
= 2.192 A
= E G I G2 + E G I G3 +
12 LG 13 LG
This is the same value of eurrent that would flow into node 1 if it were
eonneeted to node 2 by a eonduetanee G I2 = GIG/LG, and to node 3 by a
eonduetanee G 13 = GIG/LG, ete. That is, the star and mesh cireuits in
___"",-_ _z:-N
(a) (b)
diagrams (a) and (b), respectively, of figure 3.12 are equivalent if the
conductance connected between, say, nodes fand g is
G fg = - n - g-
L Gk
2 2
(a) (b)
G = G;Gj
I] ~G
that is
G = G 2 G3 R R
= R2 + R3 + - -
2 3
or R 23 (3.2)
23 ~G R1
G = G I G3 R IR
= R I + R3 + - -
or R\3 (3.3)
\3 ~G Rz
74 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
R = R 13R 23
3 "LR
where "LR = R I2 + R23 + R 13 • Similarly it may be shown that
R = R I2 R 13
1 "LR
R = R 12R 23
2 "LR
G = Gpj
1J "LG
R = RjjR jk
1 'LR
Unworked problems
Figure 3.14
10 V
Figure 3.15
Figure 3.16
Figure 3.17
1-.....- ....--oA
L . . - _ -......- .......---O B
Figure 3.18
-- 10 V
--10 V
--10 V "
Figure 3.19
o A
c B
Figure 3.20
Figure 3.21
78· Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
Figure 3.22
So far, our discussions have covered elements which are either energy
sources or energy dissipators. However, elements such as capacitors and
inductors have the property of being able to store energy, whose V-I
relationships contain either time integrals or derivatives of voltage or
current. As one would suspect, this means that the response of these
elements is not instantaneous.
4.2 Capacitors
i = C dv = 3d [1O] = 0A
dt dt
that is, an ideal capacitor is an open-circuit to a d.c. source. Using this
relationship in the circuit in figure 4.2(a), and assuming that the capacitors
80 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
2 F
(a) (b)
are fully charged, the circuit can be reduced to that in figure 4.2(b) for the
purpose of the calculation of the steady-state current, I, in the 4 Q resistor.
That is
I = 5 x 6/(4 + 6) = 3A
Worked example 4.2.1
3vi J\
o 2 4
(C)-+-+--r--t (5)
Energy is stored in the electric field of the capacitor, and the instantaneous
energy supplied to a capacitor of capacitance C in time dt is
dW = P dt = vi dt = vC dv dt = Cv dv
The total energy supplied to the capacitor is the time integral of this
expression, as follows
w = fV Cv dv = l.cv 2
o 2
For worked example 4.2.1, sketch to a base of time the graph of energy
stored in the capacitor.
....,~---r-_.....::::!.,...-t (s)
o 2 4
When n ideal capacitors are connected in parallel with one another, each
supports the supply voltage, V s , between its terminals - see figure 4.5. That
is, the charge stored by each capacitor is
QI = CIVs , Q2 = C2V S , Qn = CnVs
and the total charge, Q, stored by the parallel-connected capacitors is
Q = QI + Q2 + ... + Qn = V s ( Cl + C2 + ... + Cn)
If the parallel-connected capacitors are replaced by an equivalent capaci-
tor, CE' then
Q = CEVS = (Cl + C2 + ... + Cn)Vs
That is, the effective capacitance of the parallel circuit is
CE = Cl + C2 + ... + Cn
For a parallel circuit, the effective capacitance is always greater than the
largest value 0/ capacitance in the circuit.
Vs t.L
Figure 4.5 Capacitors in parallel.
Vs = VI + V 2 + ... + Vn = -Q + -Q + ... + -Q
Cl C2 Cn
V =-
1 1 1 1
-=-+-+ ... +-
CE Cl C2 Cn
For the special case of two capacitors in parallel
C - C t C2
E - Cl + C2
84 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
Consequent upon this piece of theory, the capacitor with the smallest value
o[ capacitance supports the largest voltage!
Calculate the effective capacitance of the circuit in figure 4.7 and the value
of Vt.
V = V CE = 10 12.5 = 2.5 V
n Scn 50
4.7 Inductance
When current flows in a wire, it produces a magnetic field around the wire;
when the wire is wound into a coi! or inductor, the resulting magnetic field
Energy Storage Elements 85
e = L di = 3 d[2] = 0 V
dt dt
____ •
Pure inductor
Figure 4.9 The steady-state self-induced e.m.[. in an ideal inductor in a d.c. circuit.
86 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
10 Q
5H 3Q
v = 15 vt
(al (bl
That is, under steady-state conditions in a d.c. circuit, an ideal inductor acts
as though it were a short-circuit.
Looking now at the so me wh at more complex d.c. circuit in figure
4.1O(a) involving both capacitors and inductors, we will calculate the
steady-state value of the current I. For this calculation we replace inductors
by short-circuits and capacitors by open-circuits, leaving the 'steady-state'
d.c. circuit in figure 4. 9(b). Clearly, the steady-state value of I is
I = 15/(10 + 3 + 2) = 1 A
While the above discussion is in order for steady-state d.c. conditions,
there may be other factors operating in the circuit because we have two
types of energy storage elements in the circuit. We will discuss these factors
in chapter 10.
(cl -+-+---r-- t (5)
o for t < 0
t for 0 ~ t< 3
(6 - t) for 3 ~ t < 6
o for 6 ~ t< 00
Determine the waveshape of the voltage across the inductor.
W = fI Li di = l.Li 1
o 2
LE = LI + L 2 + ... + Ln
That is, the effective inductance 01 aseries circuit is greater than the largest
individual inductance in the circuit.
v = L di l = L di2 =
1 dt 2 dt
that is
dis v V
dt LI L2
1 1 1 1
-=-+-+ ... +-
In the case of parallel-connected inductors, the effective inductance is
always less than the lowest value 01 inductance in the circuit.
For the special case of two inductors in parallel
L _ L IL 2
E - LI + L z
We must begin to analyse this circuit at the point which is most remote
from the input terminals, and then work towards the input. For the parallel
combination of 5 Hand 6 Hinductors
L pl = 5 x 6/(5 + 6) = 2.727 H
= 3 x 6.727 = 2.075 H
L p2 3 + 6.727
and the effective inductance between A and B is
LE = 2 +L p2 = 4.075 H
Two circuits are said to be the dual of one another if the mesh current
equations of one circuit have the same mathematical form as the node
voltage equations of the other.
The differential equations for inductors and capacitors are
Inductors Capacitors
di . C -dv
v = L- 1=
dt dt
1 ft 1 ft
i =- v dt v=- idt
L 0 C 0
That is, inductors and capacitors are dual quantities. An inductor of 3 H is
the exact dual of a 3 F capacitor (see also seetion 2.12).
L = NiP
Now, the magnetic flux produced is
iP = BA = IlHA = 1l- A = -
where B is the magnetic flux density, A is the cross-sectional area of the
magnetic circuit, His the magnetic field intensity, N is the number of turns
on the coil, I is the current in the coil, II is the permeability of the magnetic
path, I is the length of the magnetic circuit and S is the reluctance of the
magnetic path. Hence
L = ~/S
That is, if the reluctance of the magnetic path is constant then doubling the
number of turns on the coil quadrupies the inductance.
Energy Storage Elements 91
_ _ _ _ _ _~A~_ _ _ _~
- v, ---
Figure 4.15 Magnetically coupled circuits; 11>1 is the ftux leaving coill and 11>2 is the ftux
reaching coil 2.
In figure 4.15, the current i 1 is produced by the applied voltage VI> which
has the polarity shown. The direction of the current induced in coil 2 is
deduced as folIows.
Lenz's law states that the direction of the induced e.m.f. (whether self
or mutually induced) opposes the change producing it. Consequently, the
current induced in coil 2 must produce a magnetic flux which opposes the
flux developed by coill. Since, in figure 4.15, the flux enters coil2 from
the left, the current induced in coil 2 must produce a magnetic flux which
leaves the left-hand side of coil 2. The result is that the mutually induced
e.m.f., V 2 , has the polarity shown in the figure.
Engineers have developed the concept of the dot notation which allows
us to specify ends of coils having similar polarity as folIows. One end (any
end) of the primary coil is marked with a dot, and the end of each
secondary coil (there may be several of these) having the same instan-
taneous polarity as the 'dotted' end of the primary coil is also marked with
a dot.
Thus, in figure 4.15, if we mark the left-hand end of the left-hand coil
with a dot, then we must mark the left-hand end of the right-hand coil with
a dot since they both have the same instantaneous polarity (one polarity
arising from the forcing voltage, and the other being the induced polarity).
If we apply this reasoning to the coupled circuit in figure 4.16(a), we will
quickly be able to deduce a set of mesh equations to solve the circuit.
Lenz's law enables us to say that, for each mutually coupled coil, there is a
mutually induced e.m.f. in that coil. Since each winding carries a current,
there is a mutually induced e.m.f. (a current-controlled voltage source) in
each coupled coil. Thus we can separate the two magnetically coupled
circuits in figure 4.16(a) into two separate circuits, as shown in diagram (b).
We now investigate a method of deducing the direction of the mutually
induced e.m.f.s. When drawing diagram (b), we transfer a copy of the 'dots'
t t di,
(a) (b)
Figure 4.16 (a) Coupled circuits energised by independent sourees, (b) an equivalent
Energy Storage Elements 93
from diagram (a), and insert adependent voltage source in each winding
for each mutually coupled coil (there is one such voltage source Jor each
mutually coupled coi/). The possibility always exists for the introduction of
errors at this point; from experience, the author suggests that the depen-
dent voltage source(s) should be drawn at the opposite end to the dot on
the coil- see figure 4.15(b). The value of the mutually induced e.m.f. is
M din/dt
where in is, in this case, either i1 or i2 • At this point the reader should note
that a mutually induced e.m.f. only exists so long as the current is changing
in the exciting coil.
Since we have assumed that i 1 enters the dotted end of LI, that is, the
dotted end of LI is assumed to be connected to the positive pole of the
forcing voltage, the magnitude of the mutually induced e.m.f. in coil 2 is
M di/dt, and this acts to make the dotted end of coil 2 positive.
By applying a similar reasoning to the mutually induced e.m.f. in coil1,
the reader will confirm that the direction of the e.m.f. is as shown in figure
4.16(b), and that its value is M di/dt. In addition to the mutually induced
e.m.f. in each coil, there is also a self induced e.m.f. of value Ln din/dt in
each coil. The mesh equations for the two circuit are therefore
VI = L di 1 + M di2
1 dt dt
V = M di 1 + L di 2
2 dt 2 dt
Suppose that coil1 (of inductance LI) in figure 4.15 produces ftux <PI' and
that a proportion k<P 1 links with coil2 (of inductance L 2 ). The parameter k
is known as the magnetic coupling coefficient, where 0 :::::; k :::::; 1. Also, if a
current ftows in L 2 and produced ftux <P2 , then a ftux k<P 2 links with LI.
- v
Series-connected coils
Using the work on the dot notation, the circuit in figure 4.17(a) can be
re-drawn as shown in figure 4.17(b), the equation for wh ich is
di di di di
v = L I- + M-+ L z - + M -
dt dt dt dt
= (LI + L z + 2M) -
That is, the effective inductance of the circuit is LI + L z + 2M H. In the
connection shown, the coils are said to be series-aiding since the flux from
one coil assists or aids the flux produced by the second coil.
If the coils are re-connected so that the flux produced by the coils
oppose one another, they are said to be series-opposing, and the effective
inductance of the circuit is LI + L z - 2M H.
Parallel-connected coils
L, dt
vt vf di,
M- M~
dt dt
(a) (b)
L L 2 - M 2 di
j di j j
v = - - - - - = L'-
L 2 - M dt dt j
Unworked problems
(a) (b)
Figure 4.19
4.4. The voltage across a 20 IlF capacitor during the time interval
o ~ t ~ 3.333 s is given by v(t) = 50t 2 (5 - t) V. Deduce an expres-
sion for i(t), and calculate the maximum current and the instant at
which it occurs.
[t(lO - 3t) mA; 8.333 mA; 1.6667 s]
Energy Storage Elements 97
Figure 4.20
Figure 4.21
VA t ! VB
VAt V;t
(a) (b)
Figure 4.22
Figure 4.23
__ D <---
( -p <_D
2" 4
Figure 4.24
• •
• ~.
5H 6H
Figure 4.25
4.11. What are the possible alternative locations for the dot notation for
the coupled circuit in figure 4.24?
[1 and 4 or 2 and 3]
4.12. Calculate the effective inductance of the circuit in figure 4.25.
[12 H]
The Sinewave, Phasors
and Power
5.1 Introduction
The Sinewave, Phasors and Power 101
(a) 0 II------>,------/------l..-
(b) 0 f----->r-------r------->-
(c) 0 "'------~-----""-'<.------"'-
Figure 5.1 Sinusoidal (a) voltage and (b) current waveforms associated with a resistive
element. (c) Power waveform in a resistive element.
where w is the angular frequency in radis. The current, from Ohm's law is
. v rnV •
l = - = -- sm wt
Since both the voltage and the current waves are sinusoidal, the area under
the positive half-cycle is equal to the area under the negative half-cycle.
That is, the mathematical average value of both of them over one complete
cycle is zero!
In cases such as the sinewave, electrical engineers take a special view-
point about the average or mean value of the wave. It is, in fact, taken to
be the average value of the rectified wave; that is, the negative part of the
wave is inverted so that it appears in the positive half. The average value of
the sinewave is then taken to be the average value of the rectified sinewave
over the complete cycle; since both positive and 'negative' half-cycles in
this case have the same shape, we may either calculate the average value
102 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
over the complete cyc1e, or over the first half-cyc1e! We will do the latter. If
a = A sin wt, then the average value (A av ) or mean value (A mean ) is
1 fT'2
A av or A mean = -- A sin wt dt
TI2 0
A [1 2n ]TI2 A[ 2n ]T12
- T/2 2nlT cos T
t 0 = - -; cos t 0 T
= 2Aln = 0.637A
The frequency of the wave in hertz (Hz) is given by the number of cyc1es
per second, and is
f = lITHz
P =-
1 fT
i 2R dt = -
RfT F dt
ToT 0
and similarly
The values I eff and V eff , respeetively, are the root-mean-square value (or
r.m.s. value, meaning the square root of the mean of the sum of the
instantaneous square values) of the eurrent and the voltage waves. When
dealing with periodie waves, the subseript 'eff' is usually dropped, and the
symbols I and V are taken to me an the r.m.s. or effeetive value of the
eurrent and voltage wave, respeetively.
w radIs
I ~ \ I
I 8 \ / \
I 0 7[\
/ \
.......... _-,./
A sin (wt + 8)
(a) (b)
-I j
30° 3D"
(c) (d)
100Ln/4 V or as 100L45° V
Suppose that we represent the current and voltage waveforrns in figure
5.4(b) by the pair of rotating lines in diagram (a). If we choose to 'freeze'
or 'fix' the rotating lines at wt = 0, the voltage is represented by line AI and
the current by BI. Since these lines represent the maximum value of the
respective quantities, the phasor diagram at t = 0 is obtained by scaling the
length of each line by a factor of 1/Y2 to give the corresponding r.m.s.
phasors, shown in diagram (c).
Alternatively, we can select so me other angle at wh ich to 'freeze' or
look at the phasors. If we choose wt = 5n/6 rad or 150°, we get the phasor
diagram in figure 5.4(d). The reader will note that in both cases I leads V
by 90° (or V lags behind I by 90°).
Since phasors are complex quantities, that is, they embody magnitude and
phase angle, they are printed in boldface type.
In addition, the maximum value is converted to its r.m.s. value, I, and
the whole is written in its polar form as follows
1= IL<jJ
The quantity i(t) varies sinusoidally, and contains amplitude and phase
information as a function of time and, accordingly, it is known as the
The Sinewave, Phasors and Power 107
Transform the current i(t) 150 sin (300t - rr/6) A into its frequency-
domain complex polar value.
5.7.1 Resistance
A resistance does not store energy, and a change in the voltage across the
resistor gives rise to an instantaneous change in current in the resistor.
That is the sinusoidal waveform of the voltage across the resistor is in phase
with the current in the resistor. The impedance of the resistor is, therefore
v = RL0 = R + jO Q
V = ~2 L-50° = 7.071L-50° V
Since a capacitor stores energy in its electric field, a change in the voltage
between the capacitor terminals causes the stored energy to change; when
the energy changes, the current ftowing through the capacitor changes.
That is, the voltage between the capacitor terminals and the current
ftowing through it are not in phase with one another. The phase re la-
tionship between the voltage and the current can be deduced as folIows.
The v-i relationship for a capacitor is i = C dvc/dt, and if the capacitor
voltage is vc = V rn sin wt, then
110 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
X =_1_
c wC
Morever , since the current has a eosine form, it leads the voltage across the
capacitor by 90° (alternatively, we may say that the voltage lags behind the
current by 90°).
The impedance of the capacitor is given by Ohm's law as follows
in C. I leads V
V leads I in L
Y =~ = G + jB
where G is the conductance and B is admittance.
For a resistance
Y =_1_=!+J'O=G +J'B
R R + jO R R R
For a capacitance
y =0
c . - j/Xe
=0+ j/Xe = Ge + jBe
If n elements Zl' Zz, ... , Zn are connected in series, and current I flows
through them, by KVL
Vs = Z.I + ZJ + ... + ZJ = I(ZI + Zz + ... + Zn)
where Vs is the supply voltage. The effective complex impedance of the
circuit is
ZE = Zl + Zz + ... + Zn = L Zk Q
Calculate the current in the circuit and the voltage across Zz.
Z2 = lOLO° = 10 + jO Q
Z, = 15L-80° = 2.605 - j14.772 Q
and ZE =~ Z = 19.676 - j7.071 = 21.13 L - 21.37° Q
From Ohm's law
V lOL20°
1= - = = 0.473L41.37°A
ZE 21.13 L - 21.37°
and the voltage across Z2 is
114 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
ZE =
Z. + Zl
The current in each of the two branches is
Y. Zl
I. = I. = I. ---=--
Y. +Y 1 Z. + Zl
Y1 Z.
11 = I. = I. ---
Y. +Y 1 Z. + Zl
Worked example 5.11.1
1 = 0.lL-20 = 0.094 0
- jO.0342 S
Y2 = -l-S-L-O-o = 0.0667 - jO S
1 1
Y = = 0.OSL30°
3 17.32 - jlO 20L-30°
= 0.0433 + jO.02S S
and YE = ~Y = 0.204 - jO.OO92 = 0.2042L-2.S8° S
ZE = lIYE = 4.9L2.S8° = 4.89 + jO.22 g
(b) From Ohm's law
I s = VSYE = 100L30° + 0.2042L-2.S8° = 20.42L27.42° V
(c) Since the third branch has a negative value of reactance, it must contain
the capacitance. From the theory outlined in section S.10
The Sinewave, Phasors and Power 115
Y O.05L30°
13 = I s _ 3 = 20.42L27.420-----
YE O.2042L-2.58°
= 5L60° A
Alternatively, 13 could have been worked out as follows
13 = VS /Z 3 = lOOL30oI20L-30° = 5L60° A
P = VI cas <p
where V and I are the r.m.s. value of the voltage across and the current in
the element, respectively. The angle cp is the phase angle between the
voltage and the current.
The situation in an a.c. circuit is illustrated by the power triangle in
figure 5.5. The average power (or actual power), P, absorbed by the circuit
or element is
P = VI cos cp W
As measured on an ammeter and a voltmeter, the apparent power
absorbed by the circuit is
S = VI volt-amperes (VA)
In the above equation for power, cos cp is known as the power Jactor of the
circuit, where
P power
power factor = cos cp = - = -----
VI volt amperes
apparent power
Since cos cp has a positive mathematical sign for either +cp or -cp, it is
customary to define the power factor as follows. In engineering it is usual
to think of the voltage as being the reference phasor, and to state whether I
lags or leads V. If I lags behind V, we say that the circuit has a lagging
power Jactor and, if I leads V we say that the circuit has a leading power
The third side of the power triangle is the reactive VA (V Ar) or reactive
power, Q, as follows
Q = VI sin cp volt-amperes reactive (VAr)
and, finally
The Sinewave, Phasors and Power 117
In the following we will assume that the r.m.s. voltage across an element is
V, the current in it is I, and the phase angle quoted assume that V lies in the
reference direction.
SL = VI = IXL x I = PXL
hence SL = Qu and an ideal inductor does not absorb power.
Sc = VI = IXc X 1= J2Xc
From work in earlier sections we know tbat, in a resistor, tbe voltage and
current are in pb ase witb one anotber. Tbese waveforms, togetber witb
tbat of tbe vi product are sbown in diagrams (a) and (b), respectively, of
figure 5.6. Tbe instantaneous value of tbe vi product wave is eitber positive
or zero at all times, and tbe average power consumed is finite. Tbe reader
will note tbat tbe v-i wave is a sinusoid of twice tbe supply frequency (as it
is for tbe otber cases considered bere).
In tbe case of a pure inductor, tbe current lags bebind tbe voltage by 90°
as sbown in figure 5.6(c). Tbe corresponding v-i product wave is drawn in
diagram (d), and its average value over tbe complete cycle is zero! Tbis
confirms tbe work in section 5.14, wbere we sbowed tbat tbe average
power consumed by an inductor is zero. Tbe pbysical reason is tb at tbe
energy absorbed by tbe inductor during tbe period wben tbe magnetic field
is being built up is returned to tbe supply wben tbe magnetic field collapses.
Similarly for a pure capacitor, tbe average power consumed is zero (see
diagrams (e) and (f) of figure 5.6).
Wben tbere is a pbase difference of <p between tbe v and i waveforms, as
sbown in figure 5.7 (a), tbe corresponding v-i product wave is as sbown in
diagram (b). In tbis case, more energy is consumed by tbe circuit tban is
returned to tbe supply, resulting in a net average power consumption by
tbe circuit, wbicb is
P = VI cos <p W
- see also section 5.13.
1- T - - . - . l a1
VV~i a~sorbed
Y/A //;/A /
1 2 4 - - . IEnergy
by reslstor
1- T ~I
~ 'o"gy "",,d by L
\SJ~ t
Energy released by L
~ ~ Energy stored by C
Figure 5.6 v, i and p wave[orms (a) and (b) tor a pure resistor, (e) and (d) tor a pure
induetor and (e) and (f) tor a pure eapaeitor.
120 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
~~ t
Energy released
by circuit
Figure 5.7 WaveJorms Jor v, i and v-i product when i tags behind v by <p.
= 2.828L-45° A
The power consumed by the 2 Q resistor is
T:R = 3.1622 X 2 = 20 W
Neither of the resistors consumes reactive VA. Also, since the inductor
and the capacitor are both pure elements, they do not consume any power.
The reactive VA consumed by the inductor is
QL = T:X L = 3.1622 X 4 = 40 V Ar lagging
the second term in the square brackets is not the current phasor. To correct
this, we make use of conjugate notation (see chapter 15 for details) as
1* = Ie- iß
where 1* is the complex conjugate of the current. That is
P = Re[VI*]
and we can let the apparent power become complex by defining it as
S = VI* = Vlej(a - ß) = Vle i</> = P + jQ
where P is the power absorbed by the circuit, Q is the reactive power, and
the apparent power is ISI. The power factor is given by cos 4>.
If the current lags behind the voltage, 4> has a negative sign, with the
result that the complex part of VI* has a positive value. By international
agreement, complex lagging VA is given a positive sign and leading VA is
given a negative sign.
We will now apply this method of calculation to the problem in section
5.16 in which V s = 20LO° V, / 1 = 3.162L-18.44° A, 12 = 2.828L-45° A
and 13 = 1.414L45° A. The complex power absorbed by the circuit is
S = Vs/; = 20LO° x 3.162LI8.44° = 63.24LI8.44°
= 60 + j20 VA
That is, the circuit absorbs 63.24 VA, 60 Wand 20 VAr (lagging). Refer-
ring to the solution in section 5.16, the reader will note that the 2 Q resistor
consumes 20 W, and the 5 Q resistor consumes 40 W, giving a total power
consumption of 60 W. Moreover, the inductor receives 40 VAr (Iagging),
and the capacitor receives 20 VAr (Ieading). In the notation adopted in this
method of calculation these respectively correspond tO + 40 V Ar and - 20
VAr, giving a total reactive power consumption of + 20 VAr, as calculated
Unworked problems
0, nl6 and n12.
ra.(mra.sd.) 0
V mv'(7/9)
V mv'(l/3)
average Vm 5Vm/6 V m/2
5.3. A sinusoidal eurrent of 20 A (r.m.s.) at a frequeney of 50 Hz is
added to a eurrent of the same magnitude whose frequeney is 60 Hz.
Write down an expression for the instantaneous eurrent in the
eireuit, and ealculate its value at t = 10 ms.
[28.28(sin 100 nt + sin 120 nt); -16.62 A]
5.4. Convert the following values into their reet angular eomplex form:
(a) 20L150°,
(b) 9 LlO° - lOLllO°,
(e) (5 - j3) x (6 + j2),
(d) 5L2000/7 L90°,
(e) 8.7 LlO° + (8 - j12).
[Ca) -17.32 + jlO; (b) 12.28 - j 7.83; (e) 36 - j8;
(d) - 0.244 + j 0.671; (e) 16.57 - j 10.49]
5.5. Convert the following eomplex values into polar form: (a) -6 - j8,
(b) (7 + j6) + (-8 - jlO), (e) (-7 + j9)/(5 + j3),
(d) 4L-170° + (2 - j3).
[(a)lOL -126.9°; (b)4.123L -104°; (e)1.96L -96.9°;
(d)4.173 L -117.7°]
5.6. A two-terminal blaek box eontains (a) a 50 Q resistor, (b) a 50 IlF
eapaeitor, (e) a 0.5 H induetor. If the eurrent flowing into the box is
5ej(IOOOt - 30°) A, ealculate the voltage between the terminals of the box
in eaeh ease.
[( a) 250ej(1000t - 30°) V; (b) 250ej(1000t - 12(0) V; 2500ej(1000t + 60°) V]
5.7.. Three wires are eonneeted to anode in a eireuit; the wires earry
eurrents i}> i 2 and i 3 , respeetively. (a) If i 1(t) = 10 sin (300t + 40°) A
and i 2 (t) = 15 eos (300t - 60°) A, ealculate i 3 (t); (b) if 11 =
15L-20° A and 13 = 20L40° A, ealculate 12 ,
«a) 24.9 sin (300t - 146°) A; (b) 30.42L-165.3° A]
5.8. + 40°) mV and
If v AB(t) = 50 sin (50t - 30°) mV, vBC(t) = 25 sin (50t
VAD(t) = 90 sin (SOt - 10°) mV, ealculate VCD and VBD •
124 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
Figure 5.9
5.14. A resistor and a coil are connected in series to a 240 V supply. If the
current drawn from the supply lags the supply voitage by 37°, and its
r.m.s. value is 3 A, calculate (given that the r.m.s. voitage across the
coil is 171.4 V) the resistance and reactance of the inductor, and the
resistance of the resistor. Calculate also the power and V Ar con-
sumed by the circuit.
[30.74 Q, 48.15 Q; 33.26 Q; 575 W; 433 VAr (lagging)]
5.15. A 3-branch parallel circuit contains a 4 kQ resistor in one branch, a 5
kQ inductive reactance in the second branch and a 7 kQ capacitive
reactance in the third branch. Calculate the effective admittance and
impedance of the circuit. If it is energised by a 200 V r.m.s. supply,
calculate the current in each branch, the total current drawn
by the circuit and the phase angle of the circuit. Determine also the
apparent power, the power and the VAr consumed, together with
the power factor of the circuit.
[0.2564 L -12.87° mS, 3.9 L12.87° kQ; I. = 0.05 LO° A; 12 =
0.04L-90° A; 13 = 0.0286L90° A; -12.87°; 10.26 VA; 10 W; 2.29
VAr (lagging); 0.975 (lagging)]
5.16. A two-branch parallel circuit contains impedances of (8 - j7) Q and
(5 + j6) Q, respectively. If the current in the (8 - j7) Q branch is
9.41 L41.2° A, calculate the current in the other branch, and the
supply voitage. Also evaluate the complex admittance of the circuit.
What is the phase angle of the circuit? What apparent power, power
and VAr are consumed?
[12.8L-50.1° A; 100LO° V; 0.157 L-13.41° S; 13.41° (lagging);
1570 VA; 1527.2 W; 364.1 VAr (lagging)]
Sinusoidal Steady-state
6.1 Introduction
This chapter not only deals with a.c. applications of techniques dealt with
in the work on d.c. circuits, but deals with other circuit theorems particu-
larly appropriate to a.c. circuit analysis. In particular, the application of
complex numbers to electric circuits; the theory of complex numbers is
covered in chapter 15, where the reader can study this and other math-
ematical techniques appropriate to electrical and electronic engineering.
We commence by analysing the circuit in figure 6.1(a), which is specified
in terms of time-domain data. Following the concepts developed in earlier
chapters, the frequency-domain equivalent circuit is drawn in diagram (b).
We shall retain ohmic values in kQ, so that the resulting currents are in
mA. The impedance of the series branch is
Zs = 2 + j1 kQ
and the impedance of the parallel branch of the circuit is
1 kQ
i.(t) I.
-j1 kQ
Figure 6.1 The circuit in diagram (a) contains time-domain tiata which, in diagram (b), is
converted into its co"esponding frequency-domain equivalent.
Sinusoidal Steady-state Analysis 127
1 = 1
= 9.7 L 75.96°
x -----''------
3 1 Z2 + Z3 j2 + (1 - j1)
= 9.7 L 75.96° x = 13.72L120.96° mA
1 = 1
2 1 Z2 + Z =9.7L-14.04° mA
X = 50LO° = 2.83L8.12°
Substituting this value into equation (6.2) gives
Y= -5L90° x 2.83L8.12° = -14.15L98.12°
3.162L -18.43° 3.162L-18.43°
=-4.47 L116.55° = 4.47 L-63.45°
Alternatively, the equations can be solved by determinants which, in the
opinion of the author, is an easier and more reliable routine. As with other
mathematical processes, this is dealt with in chapter 15.
Yet another method of solving a pair of simultaneous equations with
complex values in polar form is given by the computer program in listing 6.1.
The main program is in lines 10 to 610, inclusive; the input of data is
complete by line 290, and lines 310 to 590, inclusive, make computations
on each of the determinants. Two subroutines are used; the one commenc-
ing at line 1000 calculates the magnitude and phase angle of the determi-
nants, and that commencing at line 2000 keeps the final phase angle within
the limits ± 180°.
Listing 6.1
Solution of two simultaneous equations having complex values.
10 CLS
20 PRINT TAB (3) ; "Solution of two CCIlplex siIrultaneous equations"
30 PRINT TAB(18); "of the form"
40 PRINT TAB(15); "V1 = A*X + B*Y"
50 PRINT TAB(15); "V2 = c*x + D*Y"
60 PRINT TAB(3); "Where V1 and V2 are corcplex values,"
70 PRINT TAB(3); "A,B,C and D are corcplex coefficients,"
80 PRINT TAB(3); "and X and Y are the variables."
Sinusoidal Steady-state Analysis 129
100 INPUT "Magnitude of VI = ", VI
110 INPUT "Phase of VI (degrees) = ", PI
120 REM ** Convert degrees to radians **
130 PI = PI * .01745
140 INPUT "Magnitude of A = ", A
150 INPUT "Phase of A (degrees) = ", PA
160 PA = PA * .01745
170 INPUT "Magnitude of B = ", B
180 INPUT "Phase of B (degrees) = ", PB
190 PB = PB * .01745
210 INPUT "Magnitude of V2 = ", V2
220 INPUT "Phase of V2 (degrees) ", P2
230 P2 = P2 * .01745
240 INPUT "Magnitude of C = ", C
250 INPUT "Phase of C (degrees) = ", PC
260 PC = PC * .01745
270 INPUT "Magnitude of D = ", D
280 INPUT "Phase of D (degrees) = ", PD
290 PD = PD * .01745
310 REM ** Ca1culations for main determinant **
320 Mag = A * D: PH = PA + PD
330 Re1 Mag * COS(PH): Iml = Mag * SIN(PH)
340 Mag C * B: PH = PC + PB
350 Re2 Mag * COS(PH): 1m2 = Mag * SIN(PH)
360 GOSUB 1000
370 Det = Mag: DetP = PH * 57.3066
380 REM ** Calculations for determinant X **
390 Mag VI * D: PH = PI + PD
400 Re1 Mag * COS(PH): Iml = Mag * SIN(PH)
410 Mag V2 * B: PH = P2 + PB
420 Re2 Mag * COS(PH): 1m2 = Mag * SIN(PH)
430 GOSUB 1000
440 DetX = Mag: DetXP = PH * 57.3066
450 REM ** Calculations for determinant 'Y **
460 Mag = A * V2: PH = PA + P2
470 Re1 = Mag * COS(PH): Iml = Mag * SIN(PH)
480 Mag VI * C: PH = PI + PC
490 Re2 = Mag * COS(PH): 1m2 = Mag * SIN(PH)
500 GOSUB 1000
510 DetY = Mag: DetYP = PH * 57.3066
520 REM ** There is no solution of Det = 0 **
530 IF Det = 0 'IHEN PRINr TAB (3) ; '''Ihe equations cannot be solved": END
540 REM ** Calculate and print the value of the variables **
550 PRINT TAB(3); "X = "; DetX / Det
560 Phi = DetXP - DetP: GOSUB 2000
130 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
In the first example in this section, we apply nodal analysis to the solution
of the cireuit in figure 6.2.
2L20° A 4L40° A
V, 4 + j5 Q
Thevenin's and Norton's theorems (see also chapter 3) may be used for
frequency-domain circuits, the only difference being that we need to re-
place the term resistance by impedance, and conductance by admittance.
We will illustrate their use in a.c. circuits by way of examples.
Firstly, we must replace the source by its internal impedance (zero in this
case), and determine the impedance between terminals A and B as folIows.
134 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
j40 Q
'---e---o A
Z = 20 X j40
16 + j8 Q
TH 20 + j40
Next we calculate the voltage VAB , which is the Thevenin source voltage as
We can avoid some work simply by saying that the Norton internal admit-
tance is equal to the reciprocal of the Thevenin internal impedance, that is
YN = l/ZTH = 1/(16 + j8) = 0.0559 L - 26.56°
= 0.05 - jO.025 S
The value of the Norton internal source current is equal to the current
which ftows from A to B when these terminals are short-circuited. That is
Sinusoidal Steady-state Analysis 135
Consider the system in figure 6.6, in which an unbalanced load (see chapter
7 for a description of the term unbalanced) is supplied by an unbalanced
three-phase supply. We need to calculate the current in each line, together
with the voltage VSN '
100LO° V
'A 10LO° g
110L-130° V
18 20L20° g
120L 110° V
Figure 6.6 Millman's theorem applied to an unbalanced 3-phase, 3-wire power system.
=------ 17.6L-25.71°
= 15.86 - j7.64 V
The current in line A is
100LO° - 17.6L-25.71°
= 8.45L5.19° A
Similarly, it may be shown that
lB = 5.79L-158.4° A and le = 3.33L155.4° A
= (6 + j3) + (7 - j5) + (6 + jO) = 19 - j2
= 19.1L-6° Q
(6 + j3)(6 + jO) 40.25 L26.57°
19.1L-6° 19.1L-6°
= 2.11L32.57° Q
Zzs = Z21Z,jLZ = 3.02L-2.96° Q
100 kQ
I H--'-'~r~~----'---ö
110Loot '1.,..
I mV I
I Signal souLrc-e--T,-......- - - - - - - -.....- - O
L _ _ _ _ _ ...J
Node 2:
1 + j 100 X 103WC)
0= ( 8- V+
100 X 103 I
Unworked problems
A ~--Lj-"B
Figure 6.8
3 Q j4Q
-j3 Q
Figure 6.9
200 Q -jl00 Q
30 Q 1 kQ tV,
Figure 6.10
j20 Q
L..-.....---o A
50L45° V t 10 Q
Figure 6.11
1 LO° V
jl000 Q
Figure 6.12
, - - - -.....- - - 0 A
Figure 6.13
Polyphase Circuits 145
(b) (c)
Figure 7.1 (a) Three-phase valtage wavefarms, (b) star-eanneeted valtages and (e) a
typical phasar diagram.
A balanced polyphase supply is one having phase voltages which are equal
in magnitude, and which are phase displaced from one another by an equal
angle; in a three-phase system, this angle is 120°. If either of the conditions
is not met, the supply is said to be unbalanced.
A balanced polyphase load is one in which the impedance of each phase
of the load has the same magnitude and the same phase angle. If either
condition is not met, the load is said to be unbalanced.
In the majority of large industrial loads, both the supply and the load
are balanced, but in domestic situations and sm all industries, we meet with
unbalanced supplies connected to unbalanced loads.
While we have already met with many analytical tools which allow us to
deal with most polyphase circuits, one of the most powerful techniques
(symmetrical components) has yet to be introduced (see section 7.17).
V BC = voltage of line B with respect to line C
VCA = voltage of line C with respect to li ne A
In the case of a balanced system, the phase voltages are equal in magni-
tude, and each is called V p • The way in which the line voltage V AB can be
related to V p is shown below (see also figure 7.3).
In a balanced system
VAB = VpLO° - V pL-120° = Y3 V p L30° V
That is the magnitude, Vu of the voltage between a pair of lines (the Une
voltage) in a balanced star-connected supply system is
V L = Y3 V p
Referring to figures 7.2 and 7.3 we see that
VAB = Y3 V pL30° V
VCA = Y3 V pL150° V
VBC = Y3 V pL-90° V
That is, the fine voltages in a balanced 3-phase supply are equal in magni-
tude, and are phase displaced tram one another by 120".
If VAN = 400 L20° V, VBN = 350 L-130° V and VCN 450 LllO° V,
determine a complex expression for each line voltage.
In this case we are dealing with an unbalanced set of voltages and, more-
over, V AN is not in the reference direction.
V AB = VAN - VBN = 400L20° - 350L-130°
= (375.88 + j136.8) - (-224.98 - j268.12)
= 600.86 + j404.92 = 724.6L33.98° V
There are two points the reader should note. Firstly, it is necessary to
convert the polar complex values ·to rectangular complex values before
they can be subtracted. Secondly, the answer is given in polar form, which
is more usual form for practical purposes since most engineering instru-
ments give readings in this form rather than in rectangular complex form.
VCA = V CN - VAN = 450LllO° - 400L20°
+ j422.86) - (375.88 + j136.8)
= (-153.9
V = V
BC V = 350L-130° - 450L11O°
c c
(a) (b)
Figure 7.4 (a) A 3-phase delta-connected generator, and (b) its phasor diagram.
A typical system is illustrated in figure 7.5; the neutral point (N) of the
supply is connected to the star point (S) of the load by a line of zero
Figure 7.5 A three-phase, four-wire, star-star system.
In this case each phase voltage has the same value, and each is separated
from the next phase voltage by 120°. Also, a balanced load is one in which
the magnitude of the impedance in each phase of the load has the same
value, and each has the same phase angle. That is for each load
Zp = ZpLcJ> Q
The current l BA ftowing from node a of the supply to node A of the load is
l BA = - = - p - - = - p L cJ> = - p (cos cJ> + j sin cJ»
Zp ZpLcJ> Zp Zp
VbN V L-120° V
I bR = - - = P = - p L(-120° + cJ»
Zp ZpLcJ> Zp
= -p «-0.5 cos cJ> + 0.866 sin cJ» +
= « -0.5 cos cp - 0.866 sin cp)
With an unbalanced load, it is gene rally the case that IN is non-zero, and is
illustrated in the following example,
The circuit is gene rally as shown in figure 7.5, and the current in line A is
I A = VAN/ZAS = 290Loo/lOLO° = 29LO° = 29 + jO A
in line B is
I B = VBN/ZBS = 290L-120o/lOL20° = 29L-140°
= -22.22 - j18.64 A
I c = VCN/ZCS = 290L120o/lOL-40° = 29L160°
= -27.25 + j9.92 A
Polyphase Circuits 153
In many industrial systems, both the supply and the load are balanced, so
that the neutral wire current is zero; in this case the neutral wire may be
removed without any effect on the voltages and currents in the system.
However, if either the supply or the load is unbalanced, or both are
unbalanced, then it is usually the case that the neutral point of the supply is
not at the same potential as the star point of the load. This is iIIustrated in
the following example, in wh ich both the supply and the load are unba-
Calculate the star-to-neutral voltage, the voltage across each phase of the
load, and the current in each phase of the load in the following 3-phase,
3-wire, star-star system.
VAN = 200LlO° V, VBN = 220L-140° V, VCN = 180LlOO° V
ZAS = lOLO° Q, ZBS = 15LlO° Q, Zcs = 5L-20° Q
154 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
In this case we can use Millman's theorem to calculate the voltage between
the star point of the load and the neutral point of the supply as folIows.
----= 82.23 L 102.9°
= -18.36 + j80.15 V
That is to say, a voltage exists between the neutral point of the supply and
the star point of the load.
Using this value, we can ca1culate the voltage across each phase of the
load as folIows.
VAS = VAN - VSN = 200LlO° - 82.23L102.9°
= 220L-11.9° V
VBS = VBN - VSN = 220L-140° - 82.23L102.9°
= 267.63L-124.1° V
VCS = VCN - VSN = 180L100° - 82.23L102.9°
= 97.97 L97.57° V
The current in each line can be calculated as follows.
. VAS 220L-11.9°
I =--
ZAS 22L-11.9° A
VBS 267.63L-124.1°
IB =--= 17.84L-134.1° A
ZBS 15LlO°
Polyphase Circuits 155
Star point
V cs 97.97 L97.57°
Ic =-- 19.59L117.6° A
Zcs 5L-20°
The corresponding phasor diagram is shown in figure 7.7.
Note: The problem can, alternatively, be solved either by using mesh
current or node voltage analysis.
c le C
v. e ~
f'\., z.e A
The above equations are gene rally applicable to any delta-connected sys-
tem, whether balanced or unbalanced.
In this case
The magnitude of the phase current, I p , flowing in each phase of the load is
p Zp Zp
That is, each phase current has the same value. Now (see also figure
Polyphase Circuits 157
Z V L150° V
ICA = ~= L =~L(150° - lj»
ZCA ZpLlj> Vp
The line current lA is calculated from
lA = lAB - ICA = ZL (L(30° -lj» - L(150° - lj>))
~/ VL VL
v3 -(cos lj> + j sin lj» = V3- Llj>
Zp Zp
= V3 IpLlj>
Similarly it may be shown that the magnitude of the other line currents (IB
and le) is V3Ip , and the phase angle between each phase current and the
associated phase voltage at the load (which is one of the line voltages) is lj>.
- - - = 33.33L-60° = 16.67 - j28.86 A
Polyphase Circuits 159
VCA 500L150°
-- o - = 25 L 150° = -21.65 + j 12.5 A
The solution of this type of circuit is gene rally similar to that outlined in
worked example 7.10.2, with the exception that the unbalanced line vol-
tages are used in the calculation.
This situation generally presents no problem if the supply and load are
both balanced, since it can be dealt with as though the load is supplied by a
3-phase, 4-wire supply (even though the neutral wire is absent). The reason
is that, since the load is balanced, the neutral wire current is zero and the
voltage across each phase of the load is VL tv'3.
If either the supply or the load is unbalanced, a convenient method of
dealing with the problem is to convert the load into its equivalent delta
network (see chapter 6), and deal with the circuit as described in section
Delta Vp = V V = Vp
L L Ip = I /Y3L IL = Y Jl p
Unbalanced load
The total power eonsumed is the sum of the power in eaeh of the three
phases. That is, the total power PT is
where PA' PB and Pe are the power eonsumed, respeetively, in the A-, B-
and C-phases.
Onee again, the total power is the sum of the individual value of power in
the three phases but, in this ease, an equal value of power is eonsumed by
eaeh phase so that
PT = 3V pI p eos cp
In a Y-eonneeted load, V L = Y3V p and I L = I p and
PT = Y3V L I L eos cp
In a delta-connected load, V L = V p and I L = Y3I p, henee
PT = Y3V L I L eos cp
That is, in any balanced 3-phase load the total power eonsumed is
PT = Y3V L I L eos cp
Moreover, in a balaneed system, eaeh phase eonsumes not only the same
value of VA but also the same value of VAr, so that
Polyphase Circuits 161
ST = V3V L I L
PT = V3V L I L cos <p
QT = V3V L I L sin <p
Calculate the VA, the power and the VAr consumed by the balanced
delta-connected load in worked example 7.10.1.
We are dealing here with a system with a balanced 500 V supply, whose
line current is 135.32 A and the phase angle of the load is -51.34°.
ST = V3V L I L = V3 x 500 x 135.32 W = 117.19 kVA
PT = V3V L I L cos <p = 117.19 X 10 3 x 0.6247 W
=73.2 kW
QT = V3V L I L sin <p = 117.19 X 10 3 x 0.781 VAr
= 91.51 kVAr lagging
Alternatively, we may say that in the A-phase of the load
V AB = 500 ,L 30° V and I AB = 78.125 L (30° - 51.34°)
= 78.125 L -21.34° A, so that
S AB = V Auf tB = 500 L 30° x 78.125 L 21.34°
= 39.06 L 51.34° kV A
ST = 3 x 39.06 L 51.34° = 117.18 L 51.34°
= (73.2 + j91.5) kV A
ST = 117.18 kVA
PT =73.2 kW
QT = 91.5 kVAr (lagging)
162 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
w, Cu rrent coi I
v+ u:
'- _~_ J
v_ Iv..
Potential coil
v+rt- t
B (star
Potential coil
V_ delta)
--I V<'
M I_ _ ~_:.JL le
have one instrument, which measures the power consumed by one phase.
The total power is three times the reading of the instrument.
In general (both for balanced and unbalanced loads) it is necessary to
connect correctly (N - 1) wattmeters, where N is the number of lines used
to supply power to the load. That is, a 3-phase, 4-wire system requires
(4 - 1) = 3 wattmeters to measure the total power, and a 3-phase, 3-wire
system needs two wattmeters to measure the total power.
where v AS is the instantaneous volta ge between line A and the star point of
the load (assurning for the moment that the load is star-connected), i A is
the current in line A, etc. Since the load is supplied by a 3-wire system
164 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
iB = -(i A + ic)
that is, the instantaneous power consumed is
PT = (v AS - vBs)i A + (v cs - vBs)i c
(a) (b)
VA = V A+ + V A- + V AO' etc.
166 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
I A = I A+ + I A- + I AO
IB = h 21 B+ + hI B- + IBO
Ic = hl c+ + h 21 c- + I co
I A+ = (lA + hl B + h 21 c)/3
I A- = (lA + h 21 B + hl c)/3
I AO = (I + I + I c)/3
The reader should note that in a 3-phase, 4-wire system, the current in the
neutral wire is (lA + I B + I c) = 31 AO; that is to say, the current in the
neutral wire is entirely ZPS current. Similarly, we may conclude that in a
'healthy' 3-phase, 3-wire system, none of the lines carries ZPS current.
However, should a fault occur on the system (such as, for example, an
earth fault when the system has a supply with an earthed neutral point),
then ZPS current may flow in the supply lines.
In an unbalanced but 'healthy' delta-connected system, ZPS current
does not flow in the supply lines, but may flow inside the mesh. This
situation can arise, for example, in the case of a delta-star connected
transformer when current flows in the neutral wire of the secondary circuit.
A corresponding component of ZPS current flows around the closed
delta-connected primary winding in order to maintain m.mJ. balance
between the two windings.
The total average power consumed in a system is the sum of the individual
powers due to the PPS, NPS and ZPS components. No average power is
associated with the voltage from one phase sequence and the current from
another phase sequence.
Polyphase Circuits 167
Unworked problems
40 0 j40 0 M L -j40 0
v+ L..: __ .J
200 200
Figure 7.12
150 -j200
Figure 7.13
Figure 7.14
172 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
input voltage V.
Z in = -.-=-___c:..-.
mput current I.
Similarly, we may define the input admittance as
input current I.
y. = =-
m input voltage V.
r - - - - - - - - .....,
1 2-port network I
'J Load
L ________ ---l
VI = 101 1 101 3
o -101 1 + 351 3 + 5(-1 2 )
o - 51 3 - 7( - 12 )
If we let VI = 1 V, and solve the equations for I}> we get 11 = 0.1467 A.
Zin = V/lI = 1/0.1467 = 6.82 Q
Y in = 1/Zin = 0.1467 S
Output impedance
V 20C , (ii) the short-eireuit output eurrent 1 2SC ; the output impedanee is the
ratio of these two values. If 1 2SC is assumed to flow out of the network,
V oltage gain
Current gain
G - Re[-V 2 /*]
P -
Re V.I.
[ *]
The negative sign in the numerator arises from the fact that the output
current is assumed to ftow into the output terminals of the 2-port net-
There are several ways of calculating the power gain, one of the simplest
176 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
" "
Y12 V, Y21 V,
" '2
1.5 kn
" "
V,!600 n
voltage gain and the current gain of the 2-port network when a 2 kQ
resistor is connected to the output terminals.
Once again, input and output voltages and currents are assigned as in
section 8.1. The impedance parameters are specified by the following
VI zn/l + Zl2 / 2
V2 zu/l + z22 / 2
12 = 0
Zl2 =--
II = 0
12 = 0
Z22 =--
II = 0
Since the parameter values are calculated for zero current at either input or
output, the z-parameters are known as open-circuit impedance parameters,
all having dimensions of ohms. More specifically
Two-port Networks 181
I, I,
Zu = V.lV2 = 2 n
Similarly, Z21 is calculated with 12 = 0; V2 is equal to the voltage across the
2 n resistor, hence
Z21 = V/li = 2 n
Since the circuit contains only bilateral elements, it is a reciprocal network,
and one would expect that Z12 = ZZl"
The parameter ~2 is the impedance between the output temlinals when
the input is open-circuited. That is
Z22 = 2 + j5 n
The z-parameter equations which apply to figure 8.6 are therefore
Two-port Networks 183
VI = (2 - j4)/, + 212
V2 = 21 + (2 + j5)/2
To determine the current and voltage gain of the complete circuit, we must
connect the 10 n load and apply a voltage of, say, 1 V to the input port. In
this case
VI = 1LO° V V 2 = -10/2
The equations which apply to the complete circuit therefore are
VI 1 = (2 - j4)/, + 212
V2 -101 2 = 211 + (2 + j5)/2
The second equation yields
12 2
G =- - - = 0.154L157.4°
I I 12 + j5
hll = ;'1 IV
2 = 0
h 12
= ~: I 11 = 0
h 21 (dimensionless)
= ;: I V2 = 0
h 22
= ;21 1
1 = 0
I, I,
h21 I,
r---------- ---,
E, h,/,
r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --.J
This is fairly easy to calculate in this case because VI is the voltage across
the 10 n resistor in a chain containing a 10 n and a 20 n resistor between
the output terminals. That is
h 12 = 1 x 10/(10 + 20) = 0.333
h 21 is the short-circuit forward current gain, and can be calculated by
short-circuiting the output terminals, and applying a current of 1 LO° A to
the input terminals. The value of h21 is the ratio of the current in the
short-circuit which ftows in the direction of 12 in figure 8.2 to the input
current. With 1 A at the input, the current in the short-circuit is
- /2 = 1 x 10/(10 + 20) = 0.3333 A
h 21 = 12 / / 1 = -0.3333
Finally, we calculate h22 by open-circuiting the input terminals and evaluate
the admittance between the output terminals, that is
1 1
h = - + 20+10 = 0.2333 S
22 5
That is
The negative sign associated with Gv implies that there is a phase shift of
1800 between the input and the output. This value of phase shift will, of
course, be modified at differing values of frequency if ZL contains a reactive
element (see also chapters 11 and 12).
2-port network
v·DAi~D Dv.
" "
with transmission lines (but are also useful in other applications including
control systems). Consequently, we are concerned with current which
leaves the output port (figure 8.10), and we define the parameters as
VI = t 11 V2 + t1212
11 = t21 V 2 + 122 12
t11 = ~: I (dimensionless)
t22 = -1-
I (dimensionless)
12 V2 = 0
The reciprocity theorem can be used to find the relations hip between the
t-parameters of a passive two-port as follows. If we apply voltage V T to the
input terminals of the two-port, as shown in figure 8.11(a) then, since the
output terminals are short-circuited (V2 = 0), the circuit equations are
(a) VT t
L..---o------l t2 , t 22 I-----O----J
I' , I'2
..---0------1 t" t'2 1 - -__-0-----,
L..---O-----I t2 , t 22 1----o----.J
From equation (8.2) we see that
I~ = tu V -rltiZ
and from equation (8.3)
111 = V.1V2 = 1/(1/5) =5
We calculate 112 by short-circuiting the output (V2 = 0) and applying
1 LO° V to the input. The current in the short-circuit (which leaves the top
output terminal) is
12 = V/20 = 1120 = 0.05 A
that is
112 = = 20 n
V/1 2 = 1/0.05
To determine 12 • we open-circuit the output (/ 2 = 0) and apply a current of
1LO° A at the input. By current division, the current in the 5 n resistor is
1 x 10/(10 + (20 + 5)) = 0.286 A
and V 2 = 5 x 0.286 = 1.43 V, giving
12 • = I/V2 = 1/1.43 = 0.7
122 = 1./1 = 2 1/0.333 =3
tl l t22 - t 12 t21 = (5 x 3) - (20 x 0.7) =.1
-Z12 1
-h 12 t
Yu YI2 --
-- -- -- -22- --
Az Az hu hu t 12 t 12
-Z21 Zu h 21 Ah -1 t ll
Y21 Y22 -- -- -- -- -- --
Az Az h ll h ll t 12 t 12
Ah h l2 At
Zll Z 12 --
h 22
h 22
-tu- --
t 21
t 21
-Y21 Yu -h 21 1 1 t 22
-- -- Z21 Z22 -- -- -- --
Ay Ay h 22 h 22 t 21 t 21
1 -Y12 Az Z12 t 12 At
-- -- -- -- h ll h 12 -- --
Yll Yu Z22 Z 22 t 22 t 22
1 -1
~ - -t 21-
Y21 -Z21
-- - -- h 21 h 22 --
Yu Yu Z22 Z22 t 22 t 22
-Y22 -1 Zu Az -A h -h u
-- -- -- -- -- -- tu t 12
Y21 Y21 Z21 Z21 h 21 h 21
-A -Yll 1 -h 22 -1
--y- -- -- -Z22- - - -- t 21 t 22
Y21 Y21 Z21 Z2l h 21 h 21
VI =
V = Y22 I _ Y12 I
I ~ I ~ 2
Y22 -Y12
Z =-- and Z =--
11 li 12
-Y21 Y11
and Z
y y
As mentioned at the outset of this chapter, each parameter set has its own
advantages for a given application. One of these advantages is that each set
of parameters allows other 2-port networks using the same parameter set
to be interconnected in a particular way, thereby simplifying the math-
ematics involved. We look at the interconnections here.
These are particularly useful when ports are connected in parallel both at
the input and at the output, as shown in figure 8.12. For network L
and [YLl are the y-parameters for network L. Similarly for network M
That is
The z-parameters are useful where the 2-port networks are connected in
se ries both at the input and at the output, as shown in figure 8.13.
In this case
[V) = [VL + V M] = [zL][IL] + [zM][IM]
= ([ZL] + [zM])[I] = [z][l]
so that ZlI = ZlIL + ZlIM' etc.
The primary advantage of h-parameters is the ease with which they may be
measured in transistors. An analysis of 2-port networks similar to that
undertaken above shows that the h-parameters of two 2-ports may be
I, = 11l I, = I"
t Network L
t V'L
= 11l =1" V,
= I'M = I'M
v,J Network M
/, = I'M I, = I'M
Figure 8.13 Series connection of two 2-port networks at the input and at the output.
Two-port Networks 193
V, DL-N,_twor_k t
L J--I :,_v-----L~tI_Net_work---,M 0 V,
added together if the two networks are connected in series at the input (see
figure 8.13) and in parallel at the output (see figure 8.12). This is an
unusual configuration, and is little used.
That is
When the two are cascaded, as shown in figure 8.15(a), we may write
Unworked problems
so 40
Figure 8.16
, kO
Figure 8.17
Figure 8.18
8.3. If all the resistance values in figure 8.16 are doubled, calculate the
input admittance of the circuit.
[0.057 S]
8.4. Determine the y-parameters of the circuit in figure 8.18 at a fre-
quency of 50 Hz.
[Y11 = 0.062L-29.8° S; Yll = 0.028L-146.4° S;
Yll = 0.028L-146.4° S; Yll = 0.039L-11.3° S]
8.5. If, in problem 8.4, VI = 10 V at 50 Hz, calculate (a) the voltage gain,
(b) the current gain, (c) Ztn, and (d) the power gain of the network if
a capacitor of reactance 20 0 is connected between the output
[(a) 0.486L-14.2°; (b) 0.44L-63S; (c) 18.5L40.7° 0; (d) 0]
196 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
I 1 1000 5000 12
y,1 500
Figure 8.19
Figure 8.20
8.8. Repeat problem 8.5, but for the circuit in figure 8.20 and the
associated z-parameters.
[(a) 0.262L-50.1°; (b) 0.067 L-141.1°; (c) 5.05L-1°; (d) 0]
8.9. Calculate the z-parameters for the circuit in figure 8.21 at a fre-
quency of 50 Hz. .
[ZI1 = 5.93L-90° 0; Z12 = 5.07 L57.3° 0; Zn = 4.08L90° 0;
Z22 = 13.63L17.4° 0]
8.10. Repeat problem 8.5 but for the circuit in figure 8.21 and the associ-
ated z-parameters.
[(a) 0.69L131°; (b) 0.2L-39.2°; (c) 5.75L-80.2°; (d) 0]
8.11. If the value of each resistor in figure 8.20 is changed to 10 0,
calculate the h-parameters for the circuit.
[h ll = 160; h 12 = 0.2; h 21 = -0.2; h n = 0.06 S]
8.12. A transistor has the following h-parameters: h ll = 1200 0, h 12 =
5 x 10-\ h21 = 50, h 22 = 20 !lS. If the load connected to its out-
put terminals is 10 kO, calculate the voltage gain and the current
ga in of the transistor amplifier.
[Gy = -420.2; GI = 41.69]
Two-port Networks 197
/ 318/-LF 100 /,
~ I--"""--Lj---o
v, v,
Figure 8.21
Figure 8.22
The Transformer 199
(a) (b)
It was shown in seetion 9.2 that the voltage aeross eaeh winding on the
transformer were all in phase with one another and, with a sinusoidal ftux
waveform, the voltage has a eosine waveform. That is, the valtage across
each winding leads the flux wavefarm by 90°. Consequently, the phasor
diagram for the primary and seeondary winding for a transformer on
no-load is as shown in figure 9.2.
The phasor diagrams for the primary and seeondary windings are shown
separately in figure 9.2 beeause the two windings are eleetrieally isolated
from one another.
To maintain the magnetie ftux in the eore, the primary winding earries a
na-Iaad current, 10 , This eurrent eonsists of two eomponents:
(1) The magnetising current campanent, I mag , whieh lags behind the eur-
rent by 90° and produces the ftux qJ.
(2) The care lass campanent, le, whieh is in phase with V, and supplies the
power loss dissipated in the magnetie co re (known as the care lass or
iran lass).
The phase angle of 10 is ct>o whieh, in an ideal transformer, approaehes 90°,
that is
"""-_ _ _ _ _ _.1.-_______ <P
(a) (b)
Figure 9.2 No-load phasor diagram for an ideal transformer (a) primary winding, and (b)
secondary winding.
202 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
------ --,
v, I,
I: _- I I,
'I o
Figure 9.3 Phasor diagram Jor a transJormer with an inductive load (a) primary winding,
(b) secondary winding.
V, Re Xm V, Load
'Ideal' transformer
Figure 9.4 Simplijied equivalent circuit 0/ apower trans/ormer taking account 0/ the
no-load current.
,-- -1
I, I r\
(\ I ('\
I 1
As mentioned above, the leakage flux has the effect of inducing a back
e.m.f. in the winding which produced it. We regard this voltage drop as
being due to a leakage reactance, which can be thought of as being in series
with each winding of the transformer. That is, in figure 9.6, we have a
primary winding leakage reactance Xl> and a secondary winding leakage
reactance X 2 •
A 'practical' transformer can be thought of as an ideal transformer
together with circuit elements which allow for no-load current, winding
resistance, leakage reactance, etc. The sole function of the ideal trans-
former is to carry the main flux and to provide a 'turns ratio'; it neither
stores nor dissipates energy, so that it does not draw magnetising current,
has no hysteresis loss, and has no PR loss in its windings.
A fairly complete form of equivalent circuit for the transformer discus-
sed so far is shown in figure 9.6, in which Xl and X 2 are the respective
primary and secondary winding leakage reactances, R l and R 2 are the
primary and secondary winding resistance, and Re and X m are as described
N, V, Load
'Ideal' transformer
Figure 9.7 (a) A dass Apower amplijier and (b) an equivalent circuit.
The transformer wh ich couples the amplifier to the load has a voltage
step-down ratio of 15:1 (a = 1/15), and is replaced in figure 9.7(b) by an
equivalent circuit (see also figure 9.1(a». The equation for the mesh
containing 11 is
0.5 = 500/ + 40(1 +
1 25)/1 = 1540/1
or 11 = 3.25 X 1O~4 A
and the input power to the circuit is
0.5 x 3.25 X 1O~4 = 1.625 X 1O~4 W
In the mesh in which 12 flows we have
13 /15 = 25/ 1
The Trans/ormer 207
or 13 = 375/1 = 0.122 A
with a corresponding output power of
0.1222 x 8 = 0.119 W
Hence Gp = 0.119/1.625 X 10-4 = 732.3
Smce a = -N z = -V 2 = -,
II t h e V - I reIatlOns
' f or
NI VI 12
the transformer are VI = V 2 /a and I I = a12 , so that the t-parameter equa-
tions for the ideal transformer are as follows
= [lla
that is
VI = V4 /a
I. = Y L aV4 + al4
Figure 9.8 A loaded transformer.
208 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
V2 = aV~ = IIZLla
Similarly, we can 'reftect' the primary circuit values into the secondary
circuit as folIows. From figure 9. 9(b)
1I = Vs/(ZI + Z Lla 2 )
and since 12 = lila, then
a = ~
' v L - -- - - "
Figure 9.9 An ideal transfarmer with an impedance in the primary and in the secandary
The Transformer 209
a2Z 1 + ZL
The corresponding equivalent circuit for values reflected into the sec-
ondary circuit is shown in figure 9.9(c).
Power engineers are concerned with maintaining the electrical voltage
at the consumers terminals. The variation in voltage at the terminals of the
consumer is often quoted in terms of the voltage regulation as foBows
V' = V
+ Z'L
1 S Z1
= 3300 108.9L36.9°
(3 + j12) + (87.1 + j65.39)
= 3026L-3.76° V
. 3300 - 3026
Voltage regulation = 3300
= 0.083 per unit (p.u.) or 8.3 per cent
That is, the secondary voltage is reduced by 8.3 per cent when full load
(lagging) is connected.
The Trans/ormer 211
. 3300 - 3431
Voltage regulatiOn = 3300 = - 0.04 or - 4 per cent
That is, the secondary voltage rises by 4 per cent when the leading load is
9.8 The linear transformer
The windings on a linear transformer are wound on an air core, and the
magnetic coupling coefficient between the windings usually has a low
value. The linear transformer is widely used in electronic and communica-
tions circuits, possibly with both primary and secondary circuits being
tuned or resonant.
Figure 9.1O(a) shows a two-winding linear transforrner, having primary
and secondary winding resistance together with a load impedance. Using
the dot notation, outlined in chapter 4, the equivalent circuit of diagram
(a) is shown in diagram (b). The mesh equations are
VI = (R 1 + jwL1)II - jwMI2
o = - jwMII + (R 2 + jwL 2 + ZL)I2
R, R, R, R,
(a) (b)
Using the notation adopted for mesh analysis, we may say that
Zn = R I + jwL I and Z22 = R 2 + jwL 2 + ZL
The mesh equations can therefore be re-written in the form
VI = Zn I I - jwMI2
o - jwM/ I + Z2J2
hence 12 = - jwM/I/Zn , or
VI = Zn/l + w2~/2/Zn
That is, if the secondary circuit has a net inductive reactance, it refleets a
capacitive reactance into the primary circuit. However, Zn has a sufficient-
ly large inductive reactance for Zin to remain inductive (this is illustated in
worked example 9.8.1). Similarly, it may be shown that if the secondary
circuit has a net capacitive reactance, it reflects an inductive reactance into
the primary winding.
The reader should note that when an 'ideal' transformer is loaded with a
reactance of any kind, the reflected reactance is of the same kind.
The circuit values for a linear transformer of the type in figure 9.1O(a) are
LI = 75 mH, L 2 = 150 mH, M = 80 mH and R I = R 2 = 10 Q. Calculate
the input impedance of the circuit at a frequency of 1000 radis for a load of
(a) 0.4 H inductance, (b) a 2.5 I-lF capacitance.
The Trans/ormer 213
(b) L,L,-M'
" "
L,L,-M' L,L,-M'
v'l L,-M L,-M (d)
Figure 9.11 (a) Idealised linear transformer, (b) an equivalent circuit, (c) the electrically
connected T-equivalent circuit and (d) the TT-equivalent circuit.
Unworked problems
Figure 9.12
- v, L R, /,
L, R, /,
Figure 9.13
Figure 9.14
Figure 9.15
Figure 9.16
9.7. Calculate the current I in figure 9.16 if the supply frequency is 1000
[O.03LO° A]
9.8. The primary winding of a coupled circuit has a resistance of 20 Q and
a self-inductance of 6 mH. The corresponding values for the sec-
ondary circuit are 10 Q and 4 mH, respectively. If the mutual
inductance between the two windings is 2 mH, and a pure resistive
load of 40 Q is connected to the terminals of the secondary winding,
calculate th~ input impedance if the supply frequency is 5000 radis.
[36.49 L53S Q]
9.9. Calculate the load current in problem 9.8 if (a) a voltage source of 10
L 0° V, (b) a current source of 1 L 0° A is connected to the primary
[Ca) 5.09L14.74° mA; (b) 0.186L68.2° A]
9.10. The primary inductance of a coupled circuit is 0.5 H, that of the
secondary is 0.1 H, and the mutual inductance is 60 mH; the primary
winding resistance is 12 Q and that of the secondary is 20 Q. If a
capacitor of capacitance 1 IlF is connected in series with the primary
winding, and a capacitor of 0.2 IlF is connected between the ter-
minals of the secondary winding, calculate the input impedance at
(a) 5000 radis, (b) 800 radis.
[Ca) 2478L89.2° Q; (b) 850L-89.2° Q]
The Transformer 217
Transient Solution 0/ Electrical Circuits 219
The circuits in figures 10.1 and 10.2 contain a single energy storage element
(see chapter 4), in which Vs is the supply voltage and i is the circuit current
at time t seconds after closing the switch. At this time voltages VR , VL and Vc
are across the components.
t = 0 ---Vs
Figure 10.1 Simple first-order R-L system. Figure 10.2 Simple first-order R-C system.
Inductive circuit
V = L-
L dt
and therefore
Vs = iR + L
Vs . L di
-=1+-- (10.1)
R R dt
220 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
Capacitive circuit
= iR + Vc
Now, since
dv c
V s = RC--+ v (10.2)
dt c
In general
F=x+r- (10.3)
where F = driving function = steady-state value of x, in which x = circuit
variable, r = circuit time constant and dx/dt is the first derivative.
Using the 0 operator, where 0 = d/dt, then F = x + rOx.
The solution of linear, first-order equations of this type, where the
variables can be se para ted on the two sides of the equation consists of two
For the inductive circuit shown in figure 10.1, from equation (10.1)
L di E
R dt R
or i + rDi = final current where r = UR
Since the inductor has no voltage across it when the CUTTent is steady,
iss = -
hence the complete solution for the current in the circuit in figure 10.1 is
i = Ae-t/~ +- (10.5)
For the capacitive circuit shown in figure 13.2, from equation (10.2)
dv c
Vc + RC-= E
vc + rDv c = final voltage
Since the capacitor is fully charged in the steady state, no current ftows
in it and V ss = E.
The complete solution for the capacitor voltage in the circuit in figure
10.2 is
Vc = Ae- tiT + E (10.6)
Initial conditions
Substitute the values of i and v at the instant the switches are closed in the
two circuits. Let these be zero and VI volts respectively.
Since the current through the inductor and the voltage across a capacitor
cannot be changed instantly, then, at t = 0, in equation 10.5 for the
inductive circuit in figure 10.1
0= A +
that is
222 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
i = -(1 - e- RtIL ) (10.7)
In equation 10.6 for the capacitive circuit in figure 10.2
Vl =A +E
v =E - (E - Vl)e-tIRC (10.8)
In both cases the solution is of the form:
instantaneous value = final value - step size x e -tiT
which is illustrated graphically for two cases in figure 10.3. In diagram (a),
final value > initial value, while in diagram (b), final value < initial
Final value
Initial value
variable Step
- - - - - _.=-::=-=.--_ _-1
Final value
Circuits which have a single energy storage element may be solved by first
obtaining Thevenin's equivalent circuit. The circuit time constants then
become LlR Th or CR Th •
224 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
The voltage equation for the series RLC circuit in figure 10.4 is given by
that is
iR + L - +-
f idt = v s
t =
0 - Vs
The highest derivative in the output variable, i, is second order and the
solution is again made up of two parts: namely
Initial conditions
Steady-state solution
(E - V)
i= 'te- Wnl
. (E - V,) .
1 = sm wnt
As with first-order systems, the solution can be very involved if the
circuit is excited by a sinusoidal signal or complex wave, particularly when
initial conditions are involved.
just less than zero. We generally denote this as t = 0 -. The integral then
F(s) = L~ f(t)e-S'dt
Thus the operator2'[f(t)] transforms a functionf(t) in the time domain into
a function F(s) in the s-domain or complex frequency domain. Also, given
F(s), we can obtain f(t) by the inverse process as follows
f(t) =2'-1 [f(t)]
However, because the direct use of this method needs results from com-
plex-variable theory, we shall (at alm ost any cost!) avoid employing it.
Instead, we will develop a table of Laplace transforms together with the
functions from which they are derived, and use it whenever we need to find
the inverse of a transform. Trust an engineer to find an easier solution!
After investigating a number of special functions associated with electri-
cal circuits, we will devote so me time to the derivation of a few basic
Laplace transforms before we move on to circuit analysis.
The simplest step signal is the unit step (u(t», which is illustrated in figure
1O.5(a), and is mathematically described as follows
0 for - 00 < t< 0
u(t) = (
1 for 0 ~ t< 00
(a) (b)
Figure 10.5 (a) The unit step function, (b) a shifted unit step.
228 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
u(t - T) = jo for
1 for
< t< T
~ t< 00
This is illustrated in figure 1O.5(b) and, in this case, the function is not
continuous at t = T.
The unit step function can also be amplitude-scaled to represent a step
of any magnitude merely by multiplying the unit step by a factor K, that is
Ku(t) or Ku(t - t I).
A forcing function frequently encountered in electrical circuits is the
unit voltage pulse; this can be represented by two shifted unit steps as
folIows. Consider the shifted unit step functions u(t - t l ) and -u(t - t 2 );
these are illustrated in figure 1O.6(a), and their sum (the unit pulse)
(u(t - t l ) - u(t - t 2 is shown in figure 1O.6(b). The equivalent electrical
circuit wh ich produces the unit pulse is illustrated in figure 1O.6(c).
o I--...L---.--- j,-----,--O----L.-
t, t2
-1 Vu(t-t2 )
-u(t-t2 )
Figure 10.6 (a) The shifted unit step junetions u(t - t l ) and u(t - t 2 ) together generate the
unit pulse jorcing funetion in (b). The eorresponding equivalent eleetrieal
eireuit is shown in (e).
The unit pulse is often used in electrical circuits as a sampling pulse. For
example, if we wish to apply a burst of high-frequency oscillations to an
electronic system for, say 0.2 !!S, we can represent the resulting wave as
v(t) = [u(t - t l ) - u(t - t 2 )]V m sin rot V
where t 2 = t l + 0.2 x 10 -6. A typical resulting waveform may be as shown
in figure 10.7.
We can also use the delayed step function to describe the operation of a
switch which closes at time t = t l as folIows. If the voltage source KV 1
shown in figure 1O.8(a) is connected to an external circuit when t = t l , the
Transient Solution of Electrical Circuits 229
t, t, + 0.2x 10-<
t = t,
(a) (b)
Figure 10.8 (a) Actual switching circuit, (b) its equivalent circuit.
If we differentiate the unit step function, u(t), with respect to time, its
value is zero for all time except at t = O. At the latter time u(t) is
mathematically indeterminate, and its differential is infinity, that is, the
differential is a pulse of infinite value and of zero width. However, all is not
lost, for we can look more closely at the unit step function.
A practical unit step cannot change its value from zero to unity in zero
time, so let us assurne that its change in value occurs over the period -D./2
to D./2 (see figure 1O.9(a». The derivative of the practical unit step function
is shown in figure 1O.9(b), and we see that its amplitude is lID.. Clearly, as
D. approaches zero, the amplitude of the pulse approaches infinity, thereby
approximating to the ideal impulse. Moreover, the area of the impulse in
diagram (b) is unity, hence mathematically
m, A
(a) (b) (c)
~ o ~ _~
0 ~
- -~ +~
2 2 2 2
Figure 10.9 (a) A praetieal unit step funetion, (b) the derivative of the praetieal unit step,
(e) a triangular pulse with similar eharaeteristies to pulse (b).
(a) (b)
Figure 10.10 (a) The unit ramp funetion r(t), (b) the magnitude-sealed and time-shifted
ramp funetion Kr(t - t 1).
The reader should note that, in many texts, it is assumed thafthe slope of
the practical unit step function commences at t = 0, and completes the
slope at t = ~. The overall result is the same as that outlined above, other
than the unit step function is time shifted by ~/2.
As with the unit step, we can scale the unit impulse to any magnitude
simply by multiplying by the factor K, that is, it becomes Kc5(t).
As with the other 'unit' functions, we can both magnitude-scale and time-
shift the ramp function, as shown in figure lO.lO(b).
Relationship between the unit step, unit impulse and unit ramp functions
[r(t)] = u(t) r(t) = f~o u(t) dt
- [u(t)] = ö(t)
u(t) = f~o ö(t) dt
The lower limit associated with the integral may be, in fact, any value less
than zero.
The voltage
v(t) = -2u(t) + 4r(t) - 4r(t - 8) - 2u(t - 8) V
is applied to a capacitor of 1.5 F capacitance. Determine an expression for
the current in the circuit, and sketch its waveshape.
d d 1
i = 1.5 [ -[ -2u(t)] +- br(t)] + -d [-2r(t
1 - 8)] + -d [-2u(t - 8)]
dt dt dt dt
and, using the relationships deduced earlier
= 1.5 [-2ö(t) + 4u(t) - 4u(t - 8) - 2ö(t - 8)]
= -3ö(t) + O.75u(t) - 0.75u(t - 8) - 3ö(t - 8)
232 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
I I I I l........L.-t
-2 2u(tl
0 8
0 8 12
(cl I I~t
-2- - - - - - - - : = : = t t i t - 8 1
0 8
(dl I
-2- 2u(t-81
(eI i
_2 0 4 8
0 2 4 6 8 10
(al I I
(bI I
0 8
0 8
(cl I
-0.75----- f
0 8
(dl I
(eI 07:1 ,I
Figure 10.12 Construction of the current waveform through the 1.5 F capaeitor.
sF(s) - f(O)
d 2f(t)
s2F(s) - sf'(O) - f(O)
dt 2
sin rot ro/(S2 + r( 2)
cos rot S/(S2 + r( 2 )
= 0
ntn -
+ [ - - - e-s ,
1 ]00
f 00 n(n - l)t n - 2
e-s , dt
S2 0 0 -S2
00 ,
= 0 + 0 + ... - f --n e-s ' dt
o -s
!i' [
tn - 1] - -1
(n - I)! sn
!i' [t] = l/s 2
The above example allows us to write down the Laplace transform of the
ramp voltage v(t) = kt. Its Laplace transform is
!i' [kt] = k/s 2
= [ - (s ~ a) e-(s-a)t 1: -~-a
This assumes, of course that the real part of s is greater than a. It also
follows from the above that
!i' [e- at] = 1/(s + a)
The function e -at occurs frequently in electrical circuits where l/a is the
time constant, 1', of the circuit. The function is a decaying exponential
which falls to slightly less than 1 per cent of its initial value when t = 51'
= 5/a. Similarly, the function (1 - e -at) is the equation of a rising
exponential curve, which rises to slightly more than 99 per cent of its final
value when t = 51' = 5/a.
For exponential curves of this kind, the period 51' is known as the settling
time, which is the time taken for the transient period to have practically
settled out.
Writing sin rot as - (e irut - e-iwl) we get
236 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
f oo
d d ro
- (sin rot e- SI ) dt = - - - - -
ds ds (S2 + ro 2)
- f OO
sin rot e- sl dt = - - - -
(S2 + ro 2 )2
1( 1
s- a- s+a
1) = S2 -
Transient Solution oJ Electrical Circuits 237
s sin e + w cos e
Scalar multiplication
2 [k J(t)] = kF(s)
For ex am pie
2 [10 cos wt] = 10 2[cos wt] = - - -
S2 + w2
For example
2 [lOt + 3e -21 - 5 sin 4t]
= 102[t] + 32[e -21] - 52 [sin 4t]
10 3 20
S2 s + 2 S2 + 16
238 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
Time differentiation
fi' [ dt 1=
sF(s) - f(O)
Time integration
ff [ [I\t) dt 1 ~ : F(s)
Time shift
00 00
Figure 10.13 (a) The rectangular pulse shown can be considered to be the sum of the unit
step functions in (b) and (c).
v~"1 I 0 [,
OrT T+r 2T
Frequency shi[t
Frequency differentiation
~[-tf(t)] = -
240 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
ff [t sin rot]
Frequency integration
For example
sin rot]
ff [ - - =
Frequency scaling
For k ~ 0
ff [f(ft)] = 1F ( ~ )
This theorem allows us to obtain the frequency-scaled version of a function
of time whose Laplace transform exists. For example, since the transform
of a 1 radis sinewave is
ff [sin t] = lI(s2 + 1)
then the transform of a 2 kHz (4000n radis) sinewave is
1 1
4000n (_S_)2
ff [sin 4000t] = - - - - - - - - - : : - - -
Transient Solution of Electrical Circuits 241
where f(O+) is the value of f(t) when t is zero (or, strictly speaking,
marginally greater than zero!). This theorem states that the initial value of
the function f(t) is obtained by putting s = 00 in the equation for sF(s).
We shall illustrate this by using a function for wh ich the initial value of
f(t) is known. One example is the cosine wave, where f(O+) = 1. In this
Provided that all the poles of sF(s) are completely within the left-hand part
of the complex frequency plane (see chapter 11 for details), then the final
value of the function is given by
f( 00) = s~o
lim sF(s)
where f( 00) is the value off(t) when t approached infinity. That is, the final
value of f(t) is obtained by letting s be zero in sF(s).
If f(t) is a pure sinusoid, F(s) has poles on the jw axis, and use of the
final value theorem would lead us to the conclusion that the final value is
zero! However, we know that the final value of a sinusoid is indeterminate,
so beware of poles on the jw axis. The only exception is a simple pole at
s = O.
Once again, to illustrate this theorem, we will consider a function of time
whose final value we know. Such a function is f(t) = 1 - e-ar, whose final
value is unity. In this ca se
f(oo) = s~o
lim sF(s) = lim - - = 1
s~o s + a
242 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
L 5L
i(t) 1(5) 1(5)
~')1 i(O)
~')1 ~')1 5L
Figure 10.15 (a) Induetor L with initial eurrent i(O) in the time-domain, (b) s-domain
Thevenin equivalent cireuit, and (e) the Norton equivalent cireuit.
Transient Solution of Electrical Circuits 243
V(s) = 2' [ L dt = sLI(s) - Li(O)
The resulting equivalent circuit for the inductor is shown in figure 1O.15(b).
Re-writing the equation in the form
V(s) i(O)
I(s) = -+-
sL s
gives the s-domain equivalent circuit in figure 1O.15(c).
If no initial current ftows in the inductor then, in the case of figure
1O.15(b), the initial condition generator is short-circuited and, in the case
of figure 1O.15(c), it is open-circuited.
i(t) C
Figure 10.16 (a) Time-domain circuit [or a capacitor with an initial voltage v(O) between
its terminals, (b) the Norton s-domain equivalent circuit and (e) the s-domain
Thevenin cireuit.
that is
I(s) = sCV(s) - Cv(O)
from which the equivalent circuit in figure 1O.16(b) is drawn. Re-writing
the equation in the form
I(s) v(O)
V(s) = -+-
sC s
from which we may deduce the equivalent circuit in figure 1O.16(c).
244 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
Determine for figure 1O.17(a) an expression for i(t) and vL(t) if (a) EI = 0,
(b) EI = -20 V. In both cases, calculate i(t) when t = 0.01 s. The blade of
the switch changes from A to B when t = 0; in both cases it can be assumed
that the switch is ideal, and the changeover occurs instantaneously.
(a) (b)
Figure 10.17 (a) Circuit [or worked example 10.9.1, (b) a s-domain equivalent circuit.
This example will illustrate how easy it is with Laplace transforms to insert
initial conditions into the circuit.
Assuming that steady-state conditions have been reached before the
switch blade changes from A to B, the initial current in the circuit is
i(O) = E/R. The circuit equation (see figure 1O.17(b)), when t ~ 0 in the
s-domain, is
lOu(t) + Li(O) = (R + sL)/(s)
lOu(t) = (20 + O.ls)/(s) - O.li(O)
(a) In this case 1(0) = 0/20 = 0 and the s-domain equation for the circuit is
-; = (20 + O.ls)/(s)
Transient Solution of Electrical Circuits 245
= 0 5 ( -.l _ _
1 _)
s 200+s
final value lim s/(s) = 0.5 A
HOO 200 + s
100 10
VL(s) = L(s/(s) - f(O» = L 200 + s = -20-0-+-s
0.4 8
0.3 6
0.2 4
0.1 2
Figure 10.18 (a) i(t) and (h) vL(t) [ar part (a) o[ worked example 10.9.1.
100 1
s(200 + s) 200 + s
i(t) =g>-l [fes)] = 0.5 - 1.5e-2OOt A
and the eurrent when t = 0.01 s is
i O.01 = 0.5 - 1.5e-2 = 0.297 A
Onee again we ean ealculate the initial and final value of the eurrent as
initial value lim sF(s) = 0.5 - -1 A
...... 00 200 + s
final value = lim sF(s) = 0.5 - = 0.5 A
...... 0 200 + s
1.5s )
VL(s) = L(sF(s) - t(O» = 0.1 ( 0.5 - - (-1)
200 + s
Transient Solution 01 Electrical Circuits 247
200 +s
VL(t) =!i'-l [VL(s)] = 30e-2OOt V
A diagram showing i(t) and vL(t) for the initial condition in the problem is
given in figure 1O.19(a) and (b), respectively.
O+--...J7fI.:.....-...1..-_...1..--....L..._ _. t (msl 20
-0.5 10
--+--,---,---,--=-r--t (msl
5 10 15 20
(al (bi
Figure 10.19 (a) i(t) and (b) vL(t) for part (b) of worked example 10.9.1.
i(t) 10
(a) (b)
the initial. voltage across the capacitor is converted to its initial current
source. The latter corresponds to a current source of Cv(O) = 80 A. The
nodal equation for diagram (b) is
10 + 80 __ 1 + 20s
- - - V((s)
s 10
100 800
V((s) = s(1 + 20s) + 1 + 20s
5 40
s(0.05 + s) 0.05 + s
0.05 + s
)+ __ 4_0_
0.05 + s
v(t) v
,,-/ .....
/<100(1-e- 005t )
- v
40 'f. / 40e- 005' V
20 I '-....c
-+----r-----:;:=-=--.---..,......----I_ t(5)
o 20 40 60 80
5 40s )
=2 ( + -40
0.05 + s 0.05 + s
= (5 + 40s - 40(0.05 + s»
0.05 +s
0.05 +s
that is
i(t) = 6e-D05t A
20 sin 2t.u(t) t
15 V 40
(a) (b)
v(O)/s = 15/s
The loop current equation for the circuit is
I(s) ( 10 + 10 ) = ~ _ 15
s r +4 s
where (10 + lO/s) is the s-domain impedance of the circuit. The first part of
the right-hand side of the above equation is the result of the a.c. source,
and the second part is produced by the initial charge on the capacitor. We
will keep the two parts separate during the early section of the solution so
that we can study the individual results.
s 40 s 15
I(s) = - - - - - - - -
(lOs + 10) (S2 + 4) (lOs + 10) s
4s 1.5
(s + 1)(r + 4) s+1
The bracketed part of the solution was obtained by partial fractions (see
chapter 15 for details), and relates to the effect ofthe a.c. source. From the
table of Laplace transforms, the solution is
i(t) = (-0.8e- t + 0.8 cos 2t + 1.6 sin 2t) - 1.5 e-t
= (-0.8e- t + 1.789 sin(2t + 26.57°» - 1.5 e-t
At this point, the reader will observe that the action of connecting the a.c.
source appears to produce a 'd.c.' transient current (-0.8e- t ) with a time
constant of 1 s, which will decay to zero in about 51' = 5 s. The time
constant is the natural time constant of the circuit (liRe), and the initial
'd.c.' current of -0.8 A just compensates for the value of 1.789 sin(2t +
26.57°) A when t = 0; the net result is an initial a.c. current of zero! The
complete equation is therefore
i(t) = -2.3e-t + 1.789 sin(2t + 26.57°) A
The reader should note that the steady-state a.c. component of i(t) can be
predicted quickly using conventional theory as folIows. The impedance of
the circuit is
Z(jw) = R - j/wC = 10 - j/(2 x 0.1) = 10 - j5
= 11.18L-26.57° Q
Transient Solution 01 Electrical Circuits 251
l(jw) = V(jw)/Z(jw) = 20/11.18L-26.57°
= 1.789L26.57° A
The value of current calculated here is the peak value because we have
used the peak value of the alternating voltage.
Figure 10.23 Double-energy series circuit.
Z(s) = R + sL + 1/sC
and the current in the circuit is determined from the expression
l(s) = !l' (Vl(t)]/Z(s)
The s-domain expression for the current depends, of course, on the nature
of the supply voltage. For the moment, we will assume that a step function
of voltage is applied to the circuit, that is !l'(Vl(t)] = V/s; in this cast;, the
equation for l(s) is
V/s V/L
l(s) = ---=---- = ---=----
R + sL + s~ r + f + lc
natural frequency, and , is the damping factor of the circuit, which may be
zero or any positive value. From the denominator of the above equations
Wo = l/\I(LC)
and 2'wo = R/ L
or ,= ~ V[~ ]
The response of the circuit is generally described in terms of the value of ,
1. ,= ° (undamped response)
° < ,< 1 (underdamped response)
3. 1 (critically damped response)
4. 1 (overdamped response)
The underdamped response is of particular interest to engineers because
it corresponds to many practical systems. In this case < , < 1, that is
~ V[ ~ ]< 1 or R < 2 \I(LlC). In this case, the coefficient of s in
the equation for I(s) is finite. Completing the square in the donominator
of equation (10.11) gives
I(s) = - - - - - - ' - - - -
(s + 'woY + (w~ - '2W~)
If w~ = w~ (1 - '2) or Wo = Wo \1(1 - '2) where Wo is the damped
oscillatory frequency or the oscillatory frequency, then
I(s) = - - - - -
(s + 'w
o )2 + w~ wo[(s + 'woY + w~]
and, from the table of Laplace transforms, we see that
VI .
sm w
i(t) = -- e-~wnt t
woL 0
Also, from the equation for Wo, we see that when , = 1 then Wo = 0, that is,
sin wot = 0. That is, when the damping factor is unity, the output variable
Transient Solution of Electrical Circuits 253
i(t) i(t)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 10.24 Response of the circuit in figure 10.23 to a step change in applied voltage for
(a) undamped response, (b) underdamped response, (c) critical response,
(d) overdamped response.
(i(t) in this case) just reaches its steady-state value without either over-
shoot or undershoot (see also figure 1O.24(c)).
We will look at each of the four types of response in worked exarnple
V/L 10/2
I(s) = - - ----=
r + w~ r + 0.25 0.5 (S2 + w~)
10/2 5
I(s) =
r + (2 x 0.5 x 0.5s) + 0.5 2 r + O.5s + 0.25
Completing the square in the denominator gives
I(s) - - - - - - - - - -
(s + 0.25)2 + (0.25 - 0.25 2 )
(s + 0.25)2 + 0.1875
5 0.433
=-- --------
0.433 [(s + 0.25)2 + 0.433 2]
= 11.55
[(s + a)2 + w~]
5 5 [ ß ]
fes) = (s + 0.75Y - 0.3125 = 0.559 (s + aY - fP
t= 0
We can assume that the points are dosed long enough for the current to
have reached its steady-state value of 12 V/2 Q = 6 A, before the points are
The s-domain equivalent circuit is shown in figure 10.26, in which the
initial condition source has a value of U(O) = 1 x 6 = 6 V (assisting the
battery) and the corresponding mesh current equation is
+ 6 = l(s)(2 + s + 106 /s)
s 12 + 6s
(s + 1)2 + [(103)2 - 1]
6 ------ - 6 X 10-3 - - - - - -
(s + 1)2 + (10 3 )2 (s + 1)2 + (10 3 )2
Transient Solution o[ Electrical Circuits 257
~ Li(O) = 6
t VL(s)
= 6
s+a - 6 X 10-3 - _ _ __
(s + a)2 + w 2 (s + a)2 + w 2
Taking the inverse transform gives
i(t) = 6e-t cos loo0t - 6 x 1O-3e-t sin l000t
For all practical purposes we may ignore the second term, hence
i(t) = 6e-t cos loo0t
The voltage across the ignition coil is, therefore
vL(t) = L - - = 6 x (-1000) x 6e-t sin 1OO0t
= -6000 e- sin 1000t V
A transfer function is the ratio of the response of the circuit to the forcing
function applied to the circuit. Having obtained the transfer function of the
circuit or system, it is a matter of applying circuit analysis to obtain the
The technique for obtaining the s-domain transfer function follows the
same general lines as in the frequency domain, and worked example
10.12.1 illustrates the general method.
Determine the s-domain transfer function H(s) = Vo(s)IV)(s) for the circuit
in figure 10.27. Assume that the operational amplifier is ideal.
258 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
Since the op-amp is ideal we may assurne, for the purpose of analysis, that
vx(t) = O. That is
i1(t) = vl(t)/R I or I.(s) = V.(s)/R I
and or Iz(s) = I.(s)
V.(s) I.(s)R 2
The time-domain equations for the coupled circuit in figure 1O.28(a) are
di1(t) di2 (t)
v1(t) = LI d(+ Md(
Transient Solution 01 Electrical Circuits 259
-- + Mi,(O)
L,i,(O) + Mi,(O)
V,(s) V,(s)
(a) (b)
Figure 10.28 (a) Basic two-winding magnetically coupled circuit, (h) s-domain equivalent
circuit with isolated windings.
Derive expressions for the current in the primary and secondary winding of
the transformer in figure 1O.29(a). There are no initial conditions in the
(a) (b)
0.17s2 + 84s + 8000
S2 + 494s + 47 059
whence W n = V47 059 = 216.9 radis, and 2Cw n = 494 or C= 1.14. That is,
i 2 (t) has an overdamped response. Completing the square in the denomina-
tor of the equation gives
58.82 0.498 X 118.2
I(s) - =------
2 - (s + 247)2 - 118.2 2 (s + 247)2 - 118.22
Transient Solution 0/ Electrical Circuits 261
= 0.498 ß
(s + a)2 - {f
The table of transforms gives
iit) = 0.498e-247t sinh 118.2t
= 0.498e-247t(e118.21 - e- 118 •21)/2
= 0.249(e- I28 .8t - e- 36S ·2t)
The longest time constant is 1/128.8 = 7.76 ms, andthe transient will have
died away in 5 x 7.76 = 38.8 ms (say 40 ms).
The transform of the primary current is obtained by inserting the ex-
pression for 11 (s) into the mesh equation of the secondary as follows
I 1 ()
S = 20(20 + O.l1s) 11 ()
20(20 + O.l1s)
= -'------'- - - - - - - -
S S2 + 494s + 216.92
= 1176.4 [ 20 + 0.11 ]
s(r + 494s + 216.92) r + 494s + 216.92
The first expression inside the brackets is reduced into partial fraction form
(see chapter 15 for details) to give the following
494 x 20 20s
1764[ 20 216.92 216.92 0.11]
Ms) = 1 . 216.92s - s(r + 494s + 216.92) + r + 494s + 216.92
The primary steady-state current is 0.5 A (as could be observed from the
d.c. conditions in the Circuit) and, once again, the longest time constant in
the expression for i1(t) is 1/128.8 = 7.76 ms so that the transient part of i1(t)
will have died away after 38.8 ms (say 40 ms).
Unworked Problems
20u(t) t
Figure 10.30
10.8. Calculate the time taken for i(t) in figure 10.30 to fall to 4 mA.
[0.035 s]
10.9. A direct voltage, VI' is applied to a coil of resistance 10 Q and
inductance 1 H, and is maintained constant until all transients have
settled out. At this time the voltage is changed to V 2 • (a) Derive an
expression for the current in the coil after the voltage has changed
to V2. If (b) VI = 200 V and V2 = 100 V, (c) VI = 100 V and
V2 = 200 V, calculate the current in the coil at (i) 0.1 s, (ii) 0.3 s
after the voltage has changed.
[(a) (V2 + (VI - V2)e-Rt'L)/R; (b) (i) 16.32 A, (ii) 19.5 A;
(c) (i) 13.68 A, (ii) 10.5 A]
10.10. A surge generator used for testing high-voltage electrical apparatus
produces its voltage by initially charging a number of parallel-
connected capacitors to a very high voltage. To produce the voltage
surge, the capacitors are connected in se ries giving, in this case, a
total voltage across the series-connected capacitors of 300 kV ..
The equivalent circuit of the surge generator is shown in figure
10.31; the spark gap merely acts as a switch and, for the purpose of
analysis, can be regarded as a short-circuit. The apparatus under
test, connected between terminals A and B, can be regarded as
having an infinite impedance. Determine an expression for the
voltage across the apparatus under test.
[242(e-O· 02t - e-498t) kV (t in IlS)]
1 mH
Figure 10.31
264 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
Figure 10.32
Transient Solution of Electrical Circuits 265
R, R,
Figure 10.33
t= 0 t= 0
Figure 10.34
Complex Frequency, the s-Plane and Bode Diagrams 267
= (1 _!!.-+!!.--
2! 4!
... ) + j (() -~+~- ... )
3! 5!
= cos () + j sin ()
It mayaiso be shown that
e- iß = cos () - j sin ()
That is to say, eiß is a complex number, and can be represented by a point
which is unit distance from the origin and subtending an angle () with the
real axis. Hence any point v, at distance V from the origin and subtending
angle () with the real axis can be represented in the form
v = Veiß = V(cos () + j sin ()
The reader should note that for any point v, there is an infinite number of
other corresponding points, but differing from one another by an angle
which is an integral number of 2Jt radians, that is their angle is «() + 2Jtn),
where n is an integer.
(1) v(t) = 10 S = 0 + jO
(2) v(t) = 8e-51 S = -5 + jO
(3) v(t) = 4 cos 20t SI = 0 + j20
S2 = sr= 0 - j20
(4) v(t) = 7e-2tcos 40t SI = -2 + j40
S2 = sr = - 2 - j40
(5) v(t) = 6e71 cos (9t + 30°) = 7 + j9
S2 = 7 - j9
Expression (1) corresponds to a 'd.c.' term in which there is no growth or
decay of the function, nor is there any sinusoidal oscillation. Expression (2)
is an exponentially decaying function in which u = -5; the larger the
negative value of u, the more rapid the decay of the function. A positive
value of u corresponds to a function which grows exponentially.
The third expression is that of a sinusoid with no growth or decay in its
magnitude. In this case, there is a pair of values of s, one being the
conjugate of the other. Since each value of S possesses both real and
imaginary parts, the sum of the two values identifies areal sinusoidal
frequency; in this case the angular frequency is 20 radis.
In a similar manner there are, in expression (4), a pair of conjugate
values; in this case there is an exponential decay associated with the
u = - 2 component. Finally, expression (5) is related to a sinusoid which
grows exponentially with time.
It is interesting to note that, in each conjugate pair of values, one has a
negative value of w! Such a value does, in fact, exist. For example, if we
look at the expression for the compound angle
cos (- 40t + 4J) = cos (-40t).cos 4J - sin (-40t).sin 4J
= cos 40t. cos 4J + sin 40t. sin 4J
= cos (40t - 4J)
This implies that it has the same frequency as the function cos (40t - 4J),
but it has a different numerical value at time t.
Where there is a product term such as 9 sin 8t.cos 5t, the roots contain
the sum and difference of the frequencies. In this case the roots are SI =
j(8 + 5) = j13, S2 = -j (8 + 5) = -j13, S3 = j(8 - 5) = j3, S4 = -j(8 - 5) =
Generally speaking, the larger the value of u, the more rapid the rate of
growth or decay of the quantity; the greater the value of w, the higher is
the frequency.
c ___ \ _
s=:+ja>, V"
-o-.----~~-------- __----~------------._---------4~+a
-ja> ---.r-
Figure 11.1 Waveforms for complex frequencies in the s-plane.
Just as we have associated the sinusoid I cos (wt + </J) with phasor I = lei</>,
we can relate an impedance with its s-domain equivalent as folIows.
The relation between the voltage applied to a resistor and the current
through it is given by Ohm's law as follows
270 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
v = Ri
If i = Ieutei(rut + 4» = st
Iei4>e , then the voltage aeross the resistor is
v = Veutei(rut + 4» = Vei4>est
That is
R IL 4>
and YR(s) = lIR
Ve i8est = L~(Iei4>est)
= Lslei8est
or Vei8 Lslei8
henee VL8 LsIL 8
That is v= LsI
The s-domain impedanee of a pure induetor therefore is
ZL(S) =-= Ls
and YL(s) = l/Ls
or CsVe j9
hence IL cp CsV L cP
that is I CsV
and the s-domain impedance of a pure capacitance is
V 1
Z (s) = - = -
C I Cs
Figure 11.2 A simple Re parallel circuit.
272 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
-w -----j---->t<~-t---- w
Re -450
1 o 1
Re Re
(a) (b)
Figure 11.3 (a) Magnitude-trequency plot tor +00 and -w ot the impedance tor figure
11.2, and (b) the phase-trequency plot.
R(lICs) R
R + lICs 1 + RCs
Alternatively, we can evaluate Z(jw) simply by replacing s by jw as
') R(lIjwC) R
Z(Jw = =----
R + lIjwC 1 + jwRC
1 1
I --------
R + lIjw1 C 1 + jw1CR 1+j
1 =_1_ L _ 45o
V2L45° V2
and the power consumed at frequency w 1 is
P = 1~12 R = 1l12R = Po
1 V2 2 2
That is, the power consumed when w 1 = lIRC is one-half the maximum
power. Consequently, we say that w 1 is the half-power frequency, or the
half-power point, or (for reasons given later) the cut-off frequency. In
general, a frequency (and there may be more than one of these) which
gives a power response which is one-half of the maximum response is
known by one of the above names.
In the above case, the phase shift at the half-power frequency is -45°.
In general, depending on the circuit, the phase shift at a half-power point is
±45no, where n is an integer.
We will now look at two simple examples which are of particular interest
when we study resonance (see chapter 12).
Worked example 11.6.1
Sketch the frequency response curve for the impedance of a two-branch
parallel circuit which has a pure inductor, L, in one branch, and a pure
capacitor, C, in the other.
Although this is an idealised situation (strictly speaking, there is no such
thing as a 'pure' Land a 'pure' C), it will be very helpful in giving an
overall view of the frequency response of this type of circuit. The complex
frequency impedance is
Ls(lICs) Ls
Ls + lICs 1 + LCs2
or, replacing s by jw
(. ) jwL wLL90°
Z )w = 1 + LC(jwY = 1 - w2 LC
- 90 0 -1------.....,
-W _--+-------+------+-____ (j)
'---____-I - -90 0
Figure 11.4 (a) Parallel LC eireuit, (b) the magnitude response and (e) the phase response.
Wo = l/V(LC)
This is shown in figure 11.4.
At this frequency, which is known as the resonant [requency, Wo, the
denominator of the impedance equation is zero, and the magnitude of the
impedance is infinity. When W > Wo, then 01 LC > 1 and the magnitude of
the impedance begins to diminish until, at W = 00, IZ(jw)1 = o.
Also, when w2 LC > 1 the sign of the denominator of Z(jw) becomes
negative, resulting in the phase shift becoming - 90°.
The corresponding values for - ware shown in figure 11.4.
At this point we will define two critical values of complex frequency s, one
being known as a zero and the other as a pole, which determine both the
transient and the steady-state behaviour of a circuit. A zero is a value of s
which makes the value o[ a complex function equal to zero, and a pole is a
value of s which makes the value o[ a complex function equal to infinity.
Complex Frequency, the s-Plane and Bode Diagrams 275
-w w
-Wo 0 Wo
-900 ;---
_ -90 -I--_...J
Figure 11.5 (a) Series resistaneeless LC cireuit, (b) the magnitude response o[ the
impedanee o[ the cireuit and (e) the phase response.
Zeros occur in the numerator of the expression, and poles occur in the
den ominator . Since the complex impedance in this problem is
Z(s) - - - -
1 + LC~
there is a zero at s = 0, and a pair of poles at s = Wo = lIv'(LC) and
s = - Wo = -lIv'(LC). The two poles form conjugate points on the
s-plane (see section 11.4).
Repeat worked example 11.6.1 but for aseries circuit containing a pure
inductor and a pure capacitor.
Z(s) =Ls+-
or, replacing s by jw
= (~C - wL ) L - 90° Q
Clearly, when w = 0, IZ(jw)1 = 00 (see diagram (b», and the phase shift is
-90°, as shown in diagram (e) of figure 11.5. As the frequeney (+ w)
inereases, IZ(jw)1 deereases in value and the phase angle remains eonstant
at -90° until some frequeney Wo, when woL = lIwoC. At this frequeney
(wo = lIV(LC», whieh is the resonant frequency of the series cireuit, the
modulus of the eireuit impedanee is zero.
When w > wo, Z(jw)1 inereases with w, finally approaehing infinity as w
approaehes infinity. At the same time, the phase shift beeomes +90°, as
shown in figure 10.5.
Corresponding values for -ware also shown in the figure.
Often we need to look at the frequeney response of the ratio of the foreed
funetion, for example, the output voltage or eurrent, to the foreing fune-
tion whieh produees it, whieh mayaiso be a voltage or eurrent. The ratio of
the foreed funetion to the foreing funetion is known as the transfer function
H(s) or H(jw). That is
H(s) = response (s) = output (s)
foreing funetion (s) input (s)
. ) response (jw) output (jw)
H ( JW = ---=---";';;""-'---
foreing funetion (jw) input (jw)
We ean, for example, look on impedanee as a transfer funetion in which
H(s) = Z(s) = - (s)
Evaluate the transfer function V1(s) for the circuit in figure 11.6.
Bearing in mind that the two 1 F capacitors are connected in series (giving
an effective capacitance of 0.5 F), the transfer function is
=- - -+-lIs- -
- = - -0.8
VI(s) 1 + 8s + 1I0.5s
0.125(1 + 0.8s)
S2 + 0.125s + 0.25
0.125(1 + 0.8s)
(s + 0.0625 + jO.5)(s + 0.0625 - jO.5)
H(s) = V o = - YI Y3
VI YS(YI + Y2 + Y3 + Y.) + Y 3 Y.
At this stage we are dealing with an academic exercise, and the reader
should note that the admittance values should be of an electrically accept-
able form. The reader should refer to problem 11.11 for typical values for a
practical circuit.
Complex Frequency, the s-Plane and Bode Diagrams 279
V, V3 V. I. V.
I, Z, 13 Z3 Z. I.
Derive an expression for the input impedance, ZIn(s), for the generalised
impedance convertor (GIC) in figure 11.8. The op-amps are ideal.
v = V ( 1 _ Z;Z4 )
2 I Z;Zs
The input impedance of the circuit is
Zin(S) =1= (V - V)/Z
I I 2 I
Z2 Z4
If ZI = Z2 = Z3 = Zs = Rand Z4 = lIsC, then
Zin(s) = R/sC = (R 2 C)s = Ls
In order to understand more fully the way in which the magnitude and
phase shift of a transfer function of a given circuit changes with frequency,
we need a simple method of estimating the shape of the curves. Accurate
curves can be plotted after so me more-or-Iess frantic manipulations with a
calculator (or a programmable calculator), or they can be obtained directly
by an all-out assault using a computer (see also chapter 14, where the
SPIeE package is described). However, in the short term, we need a fairly
quick method of obtaining the response curves; one method has been
provided by Hendrik Bode of the Bell Telephone Laboratories, and is
described here.
We have already met with frequency response in section 11.6, where
simple frequency response diagrams were described. Here we look in a
little detail at the frequency response of more general forms of transfer
function in electrical circuits.
Many transfer functions combine elements having an equation similar to
the following
First, we must look at the way in which we can estimate the overall
magnitude and phase response from the many parts of the transfer function
of the system.
A Bode diagram is an asymptotic plot of the magnitude and phase of the
transfer function to a base of frequency, so that we can write the above
equation as a function of w in the following form
H(jw) = IH(jw)1 LH(jw)
IHI(jw)1 LHI(jw) X IHz(jw) I LHz(jw) .. .
IH3 (jw)1 LH3 (jw) X IHljw)1 LHljw) .. .
IHII X IHzl X . . . (
= IH I X IH I X arg LHI +LHz + ... - {LH3 +LH4 + ... })
3 4 ...
20 log 18 = 25.1 dB
Figure 11.9 Bode diagram (a) magnitude plot, (b) phase plot tor H(joo) = K.
Normally both graphs are drawn on the same sheet of log-linear paper.
In this way it is possible, at a glance, to review the frequency response of
the system.
Table 11.1
roT H dB Slope o[ graph
0.1 -20
1.0 0
10.0 20
20 dB/decade
100.0 40
40 180· n=2
20 90- n=l
0 w~ 0 w~
n =-1
Figure 11.10 (a) Magnitude plot ofH(joo) = (jOO't)D for n = -1, 1 and 2,
(b) corresponding phase plot.
20 Low-frequency
~ asymptote
o +"':"""'T'"-"'T'"-+
0.01 0.1 /1
-20 / Corner
/ frequency
asymptote (b)
1. (wr)2 « 1
In this case H dB = 20 log v' (1 + w2 r 2 ) :::= 20 log 1 = 0 dB for all w within
this frequency range. This results in the low-frequency asymptote in
figure 11.11(a), which lies on the 0 dB axis.
2. (wr)2» 1
Here H dB = 20 log v' (1 + w2 r 2 ) :::= 20 log wr, which is a straight line of
slope 20 dB/decade cutting the 0 dB axis when wr = 1 (see also section
10.11). This gives the high-frequency asymptote (see figure 11.11(a))
which cuts the Wi axis at Wi = 1 or where W = 1Ii.
Clearly, the two asymptotes intersect when the high-frequency asymp-
tote has the value H dB = 0, that is, when wr = 1. This frequency is known
as a corner frequency, wC '
Occasionally the asymptotes do not give sufficiently accurate informa-
tion to sketch the curve in the region of the corner frequency, and it is
necessary to plot a few more points. In particular, values at the corner
frequency together with frequencies which are one-half and double the
corner frequency are usually sufficient to allow a fairly accurate curve to be
sketched, as folIows.
Magnitude at w = W c
The actual gain at this frequency is
H dB = 20 log v' (1 + 1) = 3 dB (strictly 3.01 dB)
Magnitude at w = w c /2 and w = 2wc
The dB gain at wc /2 is 1 dB (wh ich is 1 dB away from the low-frequency
Complex Frequency, the s-Plane and Bode Diagrams 285
Phase-frequency plot
Actual ~/
curve I
I ~-- Asymptotic
I plot
0.01 0.1 10 100
Figure 11.12 The simplijied asymptotic phase angle response tor H(joo) = (1 + joJ't). The
actual curve is shown dotted.
20 log 25 = 28 dB
/ 40
-'" Linearised
20 / 20
(1 + 0.01 jw) /
~r---I""--f_-r__-~w (radis) -t-,---,---,---r__-~ w (radis)
10 100 1000 10000 10 100 1000 10000
(a) (b)
Figure 11.13 (a) Plot of the magnitude factors ofH(jw) = 25(1 + jwO.01), (b) the
complete Bode magnitude plot.
-+-r--='T---,---,,---"--W (radis)
10 100 1000 10000
expression imparts zero phase shift, so that the overall phase shift is equal
to that of the (1 + jroO.01) term. This produces corner frequency on the
asymptotic phase plot (see figure 11.14) at 100 radis. If necessary, the
asymptotic phase plot can be corrected to give an accurate curve, as shown
in broken line in the figure.
Normally, both the magnitude and phase plots are shown on one dia-
n=3 n=2
60 270° ~--n=3
40 180° ._--n=2
20 90°
ror 0
-20 _90° 0.01 100
Figure 11.15 (a) The magnitude-frequency and (b) the phase-frequency asymptotic
response for H(jw) = (1 + jw"t)n.
The phase shift (see figure 11.15(b)) is, as might be expeeted, n times
greater at eaeh frequeney than it was for the H(jw) = (1 + jwr) eurve.
Onee again, the angular deviation of the aetual eurve from the start of the
low-frequeney phase asymptote, and the end of the high-frequeney asymp-
tote in figure 11.15 is 5n°.
A reasonably aeeurate phase eurve (to within about 10 aeeuraey) ean be
obtained with a little more trouble, by drawing straight-line segments
between the points listed in table 11.2.
Table 11.2
(Ur Phase angle
0.01 00
0.1 5n°
0.5 25n°
2.0 65n o
10.0 85n°
100.0 90n°
The expression for the voltage gain can be written in the form
. Vout . -0.5jw
H(Jw) = Vin (Jw) = (1 + O.Oljw)(l + lO-Sjw)
We can look at the solution in terms of the factors -0.5, JW, (1 +
O.Oljw)-\ and (1 + 1O- 5 jw)-I, as follows:
1. The gain associated with the constant factor is
H dB = 20 log 1-0.51 = -6 dB
and is shown as the broken li ne (1) in figure 11.16(a). The reader should
note that the negative sign associated with the numerator is a 'phase'
factor of 1800 rather than a 'gain' factor.
2. The factor jw results in a gain which increases at a constant rate of 20 dB
per decade, and passes through 0 dB at w = 1 radis, shown by broken
line (2) in figure 11.16(a).
3. The factor (1 + O.Oljw)-1 gives a corner frequency at w = 110.01 = 100
radis, shown in broken line (3) in figure 11.16(a).
4. The broken line (4) in figure 1l.16(a) corresponds to the factor
(1 + 1O- 5 jw)-\ and has a corner frequency of 1110- 5 = lOS radis.
HdB /'
40 /
(a) //(2)
20 /'
1 /' 10 100 103 10' 10' 10· 10'
o / w (radIs)
(1)· - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - . . . , . - -(1)
/ ~
/-- .......
Total asymptotic
phase curve
Actual curve ~
The overall magnitude response is the sum of the four separate elements,
and is shown in figure 11.16(b). The corrections to the corner frequencies
are shown in broken lines in figure 1l.16(b). The mid-band gain is seen to
be 34 dB, corresponding to a numerical gain of 50.
When dealing with the phase shift, we can divide the transfer function
into three factors, namely (-0.5jw), (1 + O.Oljw)-l and (1 + lO-Sjw)-l, as
a. The phase shift associated with the factor (-0.5jw) isL-j = -90°,
shown as broken line (1) in figure 11.17.
b. Tbe term (1 + O.Oljw)-l gives a phase lag which increases from zero (or
thereabouts) to -90° (or thereabouts) over the range 10 radis to 1()3
radis, shown as broken line (2) in figure 11.17.
c. This is similar to (2), but the phase shift occurs over the frequency range
1()4 to 1()6 radis, shown as broken line (3) in the figure.
The total phase shift is the sum of the three phase shifts, and is drawn in
full line in figure 11.17. The linearised phase plot can be corrected at the
corner frequencies, as outlined earlier, and is shown in broken line in the
40 40
o~ ______+-____ ~_w
0.1 10
(a) (b)
Figure 11.18 (a) Bode asymptotic magnitude plot for H dB = 20 log 1 + j2'r" [~ _ [~21
(b) Details at the corner frequency for different values of damping factor.
Magnitude Response
1. When w/wo « 1
H dB "'" 20 log 1 = 0 dB
Table 11.3
~ H dB
0.1 -14
0.25 -6
0.5 0
1 6
Phase response
2~ w/wo
LH(jw) = tan- 1 ---~
1 - (w/WO)2
1. When w/wo < < 1
LH(jw) = tan- 1 (2~(w/wo» = 0°
This gives the low-frequency asymptote, which lies on the 0° axis. Within
reasonable accuracy, this can be through to span from a very low
frequency up to about w/w o = 0.1.
2. When w/wo > > 1
LH(jw) = tan- 1 (-2~/(w/wo» = 180°
That is, the high-frequency asymptote is a straight line at a phase shift of
180°. This spans from about w/w o = 10 up to infinite frequency.
3. When w/wo = 1
LH(jw) = Lj2~ = 90°
The asymptotic phase curve therefore consists of three straight lines, as
shown in figure 11.19(a); the mid-frequency line which joins the low- and
high-frequency asymptotes has a slope of 900 /decade, and has a phase shift
of 90° when w/wo = 1.
Finally, we need to calculate a few values of w/wo which will allow us,
Complex Frequency, the s-Plane and Bode Diagrams 293
O'-tT---'~---,r-----,r-----,_ !!!.
0.01 0.1 10 100
(a) LH(jw)
~ ~ 1
0' '::-e/ !!!.
0·.01 0.1 w,
10 100
Figure 11.19 (a) Linearised approximation to the phase response ofH(jw) =
1+ 2~ [:::) + 2
and (b) the estimated curves for a range of
selected values of damping factor.
with a reasonable degree of accuracy, to sketch the phase curve for any
selected value of ;;. We will seleet the values w/wo = 0.5, 1 and 2.
1. When w/wo = 0.5, the overall phase shift is
LH(jw) = tan- 1 (1.3333;;)
2. When w/wo = 1, the overall phase shift is 90°.
3. When w/wo = 2, the overall phase shift is
LH(jw) = tan- 1 (-1.3333~)
The corresponding values for various values of ~ are listed in table 11.4.
The corresponding phase curves are drawn in broken Hne in figure
11.19(b); the points in table 11.4 are shown on the curves as large dots.
If the quadratic expression is in the denominator of the transfer function
(see, for example, worked example 11.13.1), both the gain and phase
curves are inverted or reversed. That is, the high-frequency asymptotic
gain curve has a slope of -40 dB/decade, commencing at w/wo = 1; the
asymptotic phase plot has a slope of -900 /decade, commencing at w/wo
= 0.1, causing the phase to change from 0° to -180° by w/wo = 10.
294 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
Table 11.4
Damping factar Phase shift (deg.) at
20 dBldecade /
40 ,~V/
20 /
/ / (3) ,-,14 dB
/ I
o -Fr=.=.;;t'/==r=/:::.,./--,-1r----r- w (radis)
0.1 / 1 10 100\ 1000
-14- -L-------- L _ -(1)
-20 / \
-40 dBldecade \
Figure 11.20 (a) Gain plots for the individual factors of the transfer [unction in worked
example 11.13.1 and (b) the overall gain plot.
(3) in figure 11.20(a). The maximum gain for a damping factor ofO.1 is + 14
dB in the region of the corner frequency of 100 radis.
The three asymptotic plots in figure 11.20(a) are combined to give the
complete magnitude plot in figure 11.20(b). The maximum is 40 dB at the
corner frequency of 100 rad/so
The phase curve is plotted in two parts. The - j (= 1/j) term in the
numerator contributes a constant phase shift of -90° (see broken line (1) in
figure 11.21), and the quadratic term in the denominator gives a phase shift
which increases from a low value (about _5°) to about -180° between the
frequencies of 100 radis and 1Q4 radis (see broken line (2)). The overall
phase shift is the sum of the two; the asymptotic phase curve is shown in
fulliine in figure 11.21, and the actual phase curve is in broken line.
0° -F"F"==t-----,r---,---,- w (radis)
10 100', 103 10' 10'
-90° +---""'tO<:",-~------(l)
" ,
\ " ' -_____ (2)
\ . .
\ _ _ Total asymptotlc phase
-270° /'_::"---
Total phase
Unworked problems
Figure 11.22
v, I
Figure 11.23
Figure 11.24
300 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
R jwL 1/jwC
When wL = lIwC, that is, when XL = Xc, the impedance of the circuit is
purely resistive. This occurs at the resonant Irequency, wo, when woL
= lIwoC or
Wo = l/'v'(LC) radis
10 = wcl2n: = lI(2n:v'(LC» Hz
At resonance, the circuit impedance is
Zo = R + jO = RLO° n
and is the minimum impedance of the circuit. The current at resonance is
10 = EJR A
Resonance 301
~ ~------~----------------
~ Or-------~r---------·w·
Figure 12.2 The effect 01 frequency change in aseries circuit on (a) reactance and
impedance, (b) phase angle and (c) cu"ent and modulus 01 admittance.
900 Es = VR
Figure 12.3 Phasor diagram for aseries circuit containing ideal elements at resonance.
The quality factor of aseries circuit may be defined in any one of several
ways, including the following
energy stored in a given time
Qs = -----=~------==------
energy dissipated in the same time
power in a reactive element
power in the resistance
A high value of Qs indicates a low level of energy dissipated for a given
energy stored in a reactive element. If we use the inductor as the reactive
element, then
J2X L XL woL
Q =-=-=-
s PR R R
or, using the capacitive element
J2X e Xe 1
Qs = PR = R = woCR
Resonance 303
If, in worked example 12.3.1, the whole resistance of the circuit is in the
coil, calculate the voltage across the coil at resonance.
Since all the resistance is in the coil, the impedance of the coil is (4 + j 10)
= 10.77 L68.2° Q. At the re sonant frequency the current is 2.5 A, and the
voltage across the coil is
10Zcoil = 2.5LO° x 10.77 L68.2° = 26.93L68.2° V
That is, the voltage across the coil at resonance does not lead the current
by 90°; this is due to the effect of the resistance of the coil. However, the
quadrature voltage across the coil is 25L90° V, wh ich is of opposite phase
angle but equal magnitude to the voltage across the capacitor.
Resonance 305
One would imagine from the foregoing that, since the current rises to its
peak value at Wo, the p.d. across R, L, and Cwould peak at this frequency.
However, it is shown in the following that this is not quite the case.
Since the voltage across R is proportional to the current then, in fact, VR
does peak at Wo. However, since the capacitive reactance commences at a
high value and reduces with increasing frequency, I rises at a faster rate
than Xc falls. It can be shown that IVcl peaks just before resonance, and
IvLI peaks at a frequency just above resonance (the reader will find it an
interesting exercise to verify this fact). The two voltages are equal in value
at Wo.
For values of Qs greater than about 5, the frequency difference at which
the peak voltage occurs across R, Land Cis generally insignificant.
The smaller the bandwidth, the 'sharper' the amplitude response. The
values of (VI and W 2 can be calculated as folIows. At a half-power frequency
I/ol2R 0 ]2
power consumed
= '2 = -2- = [/
v'2 R = [Rv'2
Es ]2
Bandwidth, B
IL-_+-.........-t-_ _ _ w
Figure 12.4 Variation in power with frequency in aseries RLC circuit.
306 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
=R+J. [ w LwoL
x - - -1- x -WoC]
woL wC woC
- Wo) = -1 or Qsw + 000 00 - QsWo =0
000 00
Solving the quadratic equation for 00 gives a positive value and a negative
value. Selecting the positive value of 00 gives the half-power frequency
The reader is reminded, in worked example 12.3.1, that Wo = 100 000 radis
and Qs = 2.5. From the foregoing
w\ = w\ [ - 2~s + V([2~J 2 + 1) ]
=100000 [ 1 '\ /( [
+V 1 ] 2 +1 ) ]
2 X 2.5 2 X 2.5
= 100 000 [-0.2 + V1.04] = 81 980 radis
Z = 4 [1 + j2.5( 0.9w Wo
o - ~)]
308 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
Z = 4 [1 . (-
+ )2.5 1.2w
-o - -Wo)
- ] = 5.44L42S Q
Wo 1.2wo
In this case, the attention of the reader is directed towards circuits contain-
ing G, Land C in parallel.
Y G + j(B c - B L )
= G +j ( wC - W~) S
Once again, the circuit is resonant when the reactive element 01 the admitt-
ance is zero, wh ich occurs at the resonant Irequency Wo, when woC = lIwoL,
that is
Wo = 1/V(LC) radis or 10 = 1I(23tV(LC» Hz
Since, at resonance, the reactive element of the admittance is zero, the
current at resonance is
Resonance 309
,. ,,"
..- ...
+90 0
~ 0 r----~~-----w ..
-90 0
Q [2X X R
2 L R
__ 1
= __
P [iR E; R XL woL GwoL
R 2
Also at resonanee
modulus of the eurrent in L or C
Qp = -----~-------
supply eurrent
If we seleet the induetor
y=.!.R + j (wc-
1 ) = .!. [ 1 + j Qp (~ _ Wo)]
R Wo w
where G = l/R, and at each half-power frequency Iyl = Y2JR, which occurs
when the quadrat ure term has unity value, that is Qp (:0 -:0 )= ± l.
Considering the case for + 1 and - 1 separately, we obtain the two half-
power frequencies
Wo [ - 2~pvi([ 2~p +
w1 + 1) ]
W2 = Wo [2~p + vi ([ 2~p + 1) ]
The reader should note that W 1 and W 2 are given by the same formulas as
for the series circuit (see section 12.3.4). The bandwidth of the circuit is
B =W 2 - W1 = wo/Qp = woXL/R = woXe/R
selectivity = Qp
A simple practical parallel circuit has two branches (see figure 12.8(a»,
each containing a reactive element and some resistance (the resistance in
the capacitive branch may, alternatively, be shown as a leakage resistance
in parallel with the capacitor). A typical phasor diagram at resonance is
shown in figure 12.8(b).
If we convert the circuit in figure 12.8(a) into the equivalent ideal circuit
in figure 12.8(c), we can use the equations developed earlier to determine
various factors associated with the circuit.
Initially we will convert the capacitive branch of figure 12.8(a) into its
equivalent parallel circuit. The admittance of this branch at frequency w is
1 jwC
_......::...._--= jwC(1 - jwCR e
y =-----
I Re + l/jwC 1 + jwCR e 1 + (WCR e)2
312 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
(a) (b)
y- G'
Figure 12.8 (a) A practical parallel circuit, (b) a typical phasor diagram at resonance and
(c) the equivalent ideal parallel circuit.
:::..0...._"--_+ j wC = G~ + jwe
1 + (wCRcY 1 + (wCRcY
where e = C/[l + (WCRc)2] and G~ is the equivalent conductance in
parallel with e. In the case of the inductive branch of figure 12.8(a) we get
1 R L - jwL
RJ + jwL R L 2 + w2L 2
RL wL G' ,1
= - j = J WL'
R~ + w2V R~ + w2L 2 L -
WO = 1/v'(L'C') = 1
V[LlC -
LlC -
R 2L] radis
VL- [ L
and if, at the same time R~ « (WOL)2 (or QL » 1), the dynamic im-
pedance at resonance is
Q = frJ R = 60 000/3000 = 20
= 50 kO
c 50 kO c
(a) (b)
Figure 12.9 (a) The equivalent output circuit for worked example 12.4.1 and (b) the
idealised circuit.
314 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
r--- ------,
I 40kO 142.25 kO 7.02 nF
L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .J ~
Q~ = w~L'IR' = 100000 x 1/(4 X 104 ) = 2.5
both of wh ich are unchanged by magnitude scaling.
W~ =1/Y(L'C') = l/Y(10 x 0.1) = 1 radis
That is, the re sonant frequency has been multiplied by K f = 10-5 • The
Q-factor of the circuit is
Q' = XUR' = w~L'IR' =1x 10/4 = 2.5
which is unchanged.
Many problems involve both magnitude and frequency scaling, and the
result involved both scaling factors. For R, Land C the effect is as follows
R becomes KmR
L becomes KmLl K f
C becomes CI KmKf
Calculate the impedance and frequency scaling factors for a parallel res-
onant circuit, in which the resonant frequency is 10 000 radis, and the LC
section is shunted by a 10 kQ resistor.
~ R
f, f,
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 12.11 (a) A band-pass filter characteristic, (b) and (c) simple passive circuits.
R, L
v11lv. v'l
1/ Y2
o I 0
f, f,
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 12.12 (a) Band-stop filter characteristic, (b) and (c) simple passive circuits.
320 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
c, c,
(a) (b)
Figure 12.13 (a) Inductively coupled tuned circuits, (b) an equivalent circuit.
322 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
Substituting the value of 12 from the second equation into the first equation
Critical coupling
that is when
Me = V(R I R 2 )/wO
If the magnetic coupling coefficient which gives critical coupling is k e , then
Me = k e V(L IL 2), hence
Unworked problems
13.2 Harmonics
Sinusoids are, by far, the most frequent form in which periodie waveforms
are met, that is, waveforms in which f(t) = f(T + t), where T is the
periodie time of the wave.
A waveform which is both periodic and non-sinusoidal is said to be a
complex wave. A complex wave may be shown to be built up from a
zero-frequeney term (or d.c. term) and aseries of sinusoids or harmonie
waves whose frequency is an integral multiple of the fundamental frequeney
(or first harmonic frequency). The fundamental frequency is the basic
waveform which establishes the general periodic time of the complex wave.
326 Eleetrieal Cireuit Analysis and Design
Complex waveform
Third harmonie
Figure 13.1 A complex waveform which is the sum of the fundamental frequency and the
third harmonic.
Thus the second harmonie has a frequeney whieh is twice the fundamental
frequeney, the third harmonie frequeney is three times the fundamental, ete.
A complex wave whieh is the sum of a fundamental frequency and a third
harmonie frequeney is shown in figure 13.1. In this ease the third harmonie
is in phase with the fundamental, and has a lower amplitude. In general,
harmonies frequeneies are not in phase with the fundamental, and do not
have the same amplitude as the fundamental.
Harmonics are gene rally produeed in eleetrical eireuits by equipment
having a non-linear eharaeteristic. The simplest ease iS,for example, an
iron-eored eoil whose B-H eurve is non-liriear. A more eomplex ease is a
reetifier cireuit, whieh allows ftow of eurrent in one-half of the supply
voltage wave, but prevents it in the other half-eyde. Eleetronic deviees
sueh as thyristors and triaes give rise to even more eomplex waves.
The resulting harmonies produee problems in eleetrieal cireuits ranging
from meter-reading errors to seleetive resonanee.
A periodic waveform for whieh f(t) = f(T + t), where T is the periodic
time of the wave, ean be represented by the trigonometrie Fourier series of
f(t) in the form
f(t) = ao + a 1 eos wt + a2 eos 2wt + .. .
+ b1 sin wt + b2 sin 2wt + .. .
or in the generalised form
[ sin wt dt = 0
[ coswtdt=O
[ sin2 nwt dt = ;
[ cos2 nwt dt = ;
The reader should note that the integration period can be any range of T,
for example, the integration could be over the range 0 to T (as it is above),
or from - T/2 to T/2, or from - T/4 to 3T/4, etc.
328 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
The value of ao
ao = ~ [f(t) dt
That is, the eoeffieient ao is the average value of f(t) over one complete
cycle. It is therefore the d.c. component of f(t).
The value of an
[ n~l (an eos kwt eos nwt dt + bn eos kwt sin nwt dt)
Every term on the right-hand side of the equation is zero exeept for the
ease where k = n, when
That is
an = twiee the average value of (f(t) eos nwt) over one eyde
The value 01 bn
The proeedure for evaluating bn is generally similar to that for an> with the
exeeption that we multiply both si des of the Fourier series by sin kwt
before integration. The final result is
Determine the Fourier series for the reetangular wave in figure 13.2.
ri2 i
- -1 -
In this ease the graph is plotted to a base of time, and the integral will be
evaluated over a range of T seeonds. The equation of the wave is
V rn for - T/4 < t < T/4
v(t) = -Vrn for T/4< t< 3T/4
By observation, the area above the axis in eaeh eyde is equal to the area
below it, henee
330 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
= i{T fmV
m cos 2nnt/T dt +
fm - V
m cos 2nnt/T dt}
= 4Vm . nn/2
If n is even, an = O. For odd values of n, an is finite. The value of b n can be
calculated as folIows.
2 fT'2
bn = - J(t) sin nwt dt
T/2 0
4 JT/4 JTI2
= -{ V m sin (2nJrt/T) d( wt) + - V m sin (2nJrt/T) dt }
T o m
= 0 for all n
That is, there are no sine terms in the series. Hence, the Fourier series is of
the form
v (t) = -
- cos wt - -cos
3wt 1
+ -cos
5wt - ... )
Worked example 13.3.2
r-----t------4~---_\. __ t (5)
o 0.05 0.1 0.15
1-- 1 cycle .. I
ao = -
1 fT !(t) dt
T °
1 Jo.t}
= - Im sin 20ret dt + 0 dt
0.1 ° 0.05
= Im/re
The reader should note that the integration is broken down into intervals
for which the functional form of i(t) is known.
The value of an can be calculated as folIows.
an = -
2 fT!(t) cos nwt dt
T °
an = m[
- -1- cos (n
+ 1)20ret + --cos (n - 1)20ret ]~
n-1 °
332 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
bn = -
2 fT f(t) sin nwt dt
T °
~ {f
oo05 fool }
= Im sin 20:rrt sin 20:rrnt dt + 0 dt
0.1 ° 0005
= 201m f°
b = 201
1 m
f° o o05
sin 2 20:rrt dt =
If n =1= 1, the calculation proceeds as follows
certain cases) to simplify the calculations involved. If more than one form
of symmetry exists, there will be more than one factor missing from the
When investigating the symmetry of a waveform, and if a d.c. compo-
nent exists, the reader will find it useful to visualise the wave without its
d.c. component.
The two most readily recognisable forms of symmetry are evenjunction
symmetry (or even symmetry) and odd-function symmetry (or odd sym-
Even symmetry
An even function is defined as one for which f(t) = f( - t), that is, it is
symmetrical about the y-axis, as shown in figure 13.4(a). The Fourier series
for the function contains only cosine terms (no sine terms exist): ao may
exist, an exists and b n = 0. The series is of the form
f(t) = a o + a t cos wt + a2 cos 2wt + ...
Odd symmetry
This is a wave in which f(t) = f(t + T/2), as shown in figure 13.4(c). The
Fourier se ries for this type of repetition contains only even terms; to
summarise, ao may exist, and only even terms exist in an and b n as folIows.
If the series has the general form
f(t) = Co + Ct sin( wt + <Pt) + C2 sin(2wt + <P2) + C3 sin(3wt + <P3) + ...
f(t + T/2) = Co - C t sin( wt + <Pt) + C2 sin(2wt + <P2) - C3 sin(3wt + <P3)
+ ...
Hence if f(t) = f(t + T/2), then the Fourier series for f(t) contains only
even harmonics.
334 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
o TI2 T Time
t- -t "'
y y
I f(t) ~ T/2
f(t + T/2)
T Time
t I TI2
(c) (d)
Half-wave inversion
v(t) i(t)
-...,f---------'l:-------;t-t- wt
o T/2 T
If we replaee the eosine and sine terms in the Fourier series by their
exponential equivalent, we get the following simplified series (showing
onlyao and the nth harmonie).
f(t) = ao + ... + an eos nwt + ... + bn sin nwt + ...
10 10
3 3
I---+---,----t-<- w . .~--,---~--~---+---.--~--~+w
o 2 3 -2 -1 o 2 3
(a) (b)
Figure 13.6 Amplitude speetrum 01 a eomplex wave using (a) the trigonometrie Fourier
series, (b) the exponential Fourier series.
Draw the phase and magnitude speetra for a waveform with the following
Fourier analysis
v(t) = 10 - 3 eos t + 2 eos 2t - 5 eos 3t
+ 4 sin t - 6 sin 2t + 2 sin 3t - 12 sin 4t
Harmonics and Fourier Analysis 337
5 5.4
"tJ :.c., 3
'ae: I---+---+---+----t- w ~--+--+---+---+ __ w
:6'0 2 3 4 ~ 0
2 4
a, cos wt'
a 2 cos 2wt'
b 2 sin 2wt'~
0.01 H
i(t) 100 v(t)
~" ot------'1T'----2.J..P-
. .W-t
- -eos 4wt - -2 eos 6wt - ... )
15 35
Sinee the terms in the series diminish rapidly as the order of the harmonie
increases, we shall eonsider only terms up to and including the seeond
harmonie. Converting the seeond harmonie cosine term into a sine term,
the expression for v(t) is
v(t) = 31.83 + 50 sin wt - 21.22 sin (2wt + 90°) V
When the maximum a.c. values are converted into r.m.s. values, the eircuit
diagram for the first three terms in the series is as shown in figure 13.9(e).
We now consider each component in turn.
d.c. term
11 = V';ZI = 35.36Loo/14.14L45° = 2.5L-45° A
and 11max = 3.54 A. Hence
VR1 = RI =
1 10 X 2.5L-45° = 25L-45° V
VLl = jX.Il = j10 X 2.5L-45° = 25L45° V
1 f2Jt
= - VnIn sin nwt sin(nwt - cfJn) d(wt)
2Jt 0
Calculate, for worked example 13.6.1, (a) the r.m.s. current in the load,
(b) the r.m.s. voltage across the load, (c) the power supplied by each
component of the complex wave, (d) the total power supplied and (e) the
power factor.
PT = Po + PI + Pz = 168.3 W
or PT = PR = 4.F x 10 = 168.1 W
(e) The power faetor of the eireuit ean be ealculated from
power faetor = power/(r.m.s. volt-amperes)
= 168.3/(49.88 x 4.1) = 0.823
If we are provided with numerical data for a waveform (as we may from an
oseillogram) then, using the theory in section 13.3, we can ealculate the
Fourier eoeffieients of the wave. The eoeffieients are ealculated from ordin-
ates taken at fixed intervals along the wave.
However, the reader should note that this method ean, on oeeasions,
give misleading results; for example, if the spacing of the ordinates is sueh
that they are placed at the nodes of the nth harmonie, then the nth
harmonie will apparently have zero value! Moreover, errors will arise if
one tries to extend the theory to predieting high-order harmonies.
344 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
A eurrent waveform has the values in table 13.1 in its first half-eyde; they
are repeated with a negative sign in the seeond half-eyde.
Calculate the maximum value of the fundamental frequeney, together
with the seeond and the third harmonies, and determine the phase angle
between the fundamental and the third harmonie.
In this type of problem, the solution ean be obtained in tabular form (see
table 13.2) and, in so doing, the risk or error is redueed.
Table 13.1
(f' 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
i (A) -17.3 16.9 64.3 103.9 115.8 94.5 69.3 47 30.2
Table 13.2
(f' f(t) f(t)cos 0 f(t)sin 0 f(t)cos 20 f(t)sin 20 f(t)cos 30 f(t)sin 30
0 -17.3 -17.3 0 -17.3 0 -17.3 0
20 16.9 15.9 5.8 12.9 10.9 8.5 14.6
40 64.3 49.3 41.3 11.2 63.3 -32.15 55.7
60 103.9 52.0 90.0 -52.0 90.0 -103.9 0
80 115.8 20.1 114.0 -108.8 39.6 -57.9 -100.3
100 94.5 -16.4 93.1 -88.8 -32.3 47.25 -81.8
120 69.3 -34.7 60.0 -34.7 -60.0 69.3 0
140 47.0 -36.0 30.2 8.2 -46.3 23.5 40.7
160 30.2 -28.4 10.3 23.1 -19.4 -15.1 26.2
The ealculations for the first half-eyde are shown in table 13.2, and for the
seeond half-eyde the eorresponding total values are
f(t) f(t) eos 8 f(t) sin 8 f(t) eos 28 f(t) sin 28 f(t) eos 38 f(t) sin 38
-524.6 4.5 444.7 246.2 -45.8 -77.8 -44.9
The totals for the eomplete eyde are
f(t) f(t) eos 8 f(t) sin 8 f(t) eos 28 f(t) sin 28 f(t) eos 38 f(t) sin 38
o 9 889.4 0 0 -155.6 - 89.9
Thus ao = mean value of l:.f(t) = 0118 = 0
Harmonics and Fourier Analysis 345
Unworked problems
-+--r--+--r-......--+---r-~_ t (s)
2 4
Figure 13.10
346 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
o~t - -rr+----:::-2rr--+-- wt
Figure 13.11
Figure 13.12
,!k. /'
I wt
-rr 0 rr 2rr
Figure 13.13
13.3. Evaluate the trigonometrie Fourier series for the square wave in
figure 13.11 and (b) draw the line speetrum for the wave.
[ Vm
(1 +.!Jt2 eos wt + _8_
(3Jt) 2
eos 3wt + _8_eos 5wt + ... )
(5Jt) 2
13.5. A voltage waveform is defined by the following
Harmonics and Fourier Analysis 347
:rt :rt
v(t) = 200 eos rot for - - ~ rot ~-
2 2
:rt 3:rt
v(t) = 0 for -~ rot~-
2 2
Deduee the Fourier series for the wave.
I200 (
:rt 2 2
1 +-eos rot + - eos 2rot - - eos 4rot
2 3 15
+ :SCOS6wt- ... l]
13.6. If the periodie frequeney of the wave in problem 13.5 is 300 rad/s,
and is applied to aseries eireuit eontaining a 1 kQ resistanee and a
0.8 IlF eapaeitanee, determine the Fourier se ries up to the 6th
harmonie for the eurrent in the cireuit.
[23.3 eos (rot + 76S) + 18.4 eos (2rot + 64.4°) +
5.9 eos (4rot + 46.2°) + 3 eos (6rot + 34.8°) mAl
13.7. For problem 13.6, ealculate (a) the r.m.s. value of the voltage and
the eurrent, (b) the power supplied by eaeh harmonie, (e) the total
power supplied and (d) the power faetor .
[(a) 99.84 V, 21.5 mA; (b) d.e. power == 0, fundamental power =
0.271 W, 2nd harmonie power = 0.169 W, 4th harmonie power =
17 mW, 6th harmonie power = 4.5 mW; (e) 0.462 W; (d) 0.215]
13.8. Write down the Fourier series for eaeh of the following pe rio die
funetions, and determine the periodie time of the wave in eaeh
ease: (a) 6 sin 2 20t, (b) 5 eos 2 lOt,
(e) 5 + 4 sin 100t + 8 sin 2 100t + 10 eos 2 100t.
[(a) 3(1 - eos 40t), 0.05:rt s; (b) 2.5(1 + eos 20t), 0.1:rt s;
(e) 14 + 4 sin 100t + eos 200t, 0.02:rt s]
[The table is
Order Modulus <p
0 5 0°
1 10.77 -68.2°
3 15.81 18.4°
5 10.06 -116.6°
7 8 0°
; 17.05]
13.10. A Fourier series expressed in the form
has magnitude and phase angle speetrum for the first five terms as
Order of harmonie o 1 3 5 7
Magnitude 10 8 10 4 3
<po o 0 -45 135 90
Deduce the Fourier se ries for the wave.
[10 + 8 eos wt + 7.07 eos 3wt - 2.83 eos 5wt + 7.07 sin 3wt
- 2.83 sin 5wt - 3 sin 7wt]
13.11. The following values were obtained from measurements on a
voltage wave.
cJ>0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330
voltage (V) -134-444 -326 -106 -94-144 -66 144 126 306 494 344
Calculate the value of the parameters of the Fourier series up to
and inciuding the third harmonie.
[- 100 eos 2wt - 34 eos 3wt - 300 sin wt - 173 sin 2wt
- 94 sin 3wt]
Computer Solution of
Electric Circuits
14.1 Introduction
350 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
Simple Circuit
V1 1 0 DC 10; 10 V d.c. source
R1 1 2 5', R1 connected between nodes 1 and 2
R2 2 0 15; R2 connected between no des 2 and 0
.END this line MUST be included
Each input file MUST either commence with a 'title line' ('Simple Circuit'
in this case), or a blank line; the purpose of this li ne is to enable the
function of the file to be described in one line. This is followed by aseries
of 'element' lines, which may be written in any order. In this case we have
chosen the order V1, R1, R2; we could have chosen the order R2, R1, V1,
or R1, V1, R1, etc. The finalline must be a '.END' line; the '.' at the
beginning of the line teIls SPICE that this line contains a control function.
Other controllines are introduced in sections 14.3 and 14.4 and, apart from
'.END', controllines may be included at any stage in the file (but before
In-line comments can be added following a ';' at the end of each line. A
complete line of comments can be included in the file by commencing the
'comment' line with a ,*, (see worked example 14.1).
Computer Solution 0/ Electric Circuits 351
Coupled circuits
For a constant (d.c.) source the general specification has the form
for example 15 1 0 OC 5.3
and for an a.c. source it has the form
for example 142 5 3 AC 5.6
IYYYYYYY designates the current source within the circuit, and
the arrow designating the direction of current flow through the source is
from node N + to N -. VALUE is the value of the current. In the case of an
a.c. souree, if ACMAG is omitted a eurrent of 1 A is assumed, and if
ACPHASE is omitted a phase angle of zero is assumed.
Computer Solution o[ Electric Circuits 355
Print-out analysis
and the current in the voltage source can be printed, for example
A voltage source must be present in a branch before the current in the
branch can be printed; it is sometimes useful to insert an independent
voltage source of zero volts in a branch in order to determine the current in
that branch.
Transient analysis
.PRINT TRAN and .PLOT TRAN are two lines which are respectively
used to print out a table of node voltages, and to plot a graph of these as a
function of time. For example, the lines
.PLOT TRAN V(4) V(l)
produce a graph of the voltages at no des 4 and 1 in a network, starting at
zero time and incrementing in steps of 0.1 ms for a duration of 5 ms. The
graph abscissa points will be those of time, with the corresponding values
of node 4 voltages at these times. The scales of both voltages will be
calculated and marked automatically.
Calculate the value of 11> 12 , 13 and V p in figure 1.23 using the SPICE
circuit analysis package (see also worked example 1.17.1, page 23).
358 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
Since this is the first example of the use of SPICE, we will describe the
program in a little more detail than usual.
The input file in table 14.1 contains a description of the circuit; the first
line in the input file is a title Une, which does not contain program data.
Following the title line are aseries of comment lines which commence with
a '*'; the purpose of these lines is to make the program readable. The
reader should note that SPICE assurnes that current ftows inside any source
from a '+' node to a '-' node.
The reader should refer to figure 1.23 when studying the input file.
SPICE does not include an 'ammeter' as a circuit element, but it does
evaluate the current ftowing through each voltage source. We can there-
fore insert a zero-value voltage source at any point in the circuit where an
ammeter is needed; voltage sources VI, V2 and V3 are used as 'ammeters'
in this example. The reader will recall that the positive direction of current
through such a source is from the '+' node to the '-' node inside the
Each element line describes one element in the circuit; circuit elements
can be given in any order. In this case, the circuit elements are taken from
left to right as figure 1.23 is viewed. A current source is an 'I' element, a
resistor is an 'R' element, and a voltage source a 'V' element.
At the end of the input file, it is usual to specify the type of analysis
required. Each analysis type is preceded by a 'dot', for example '.DC' or
'.AC', etc. In this case we have not specified an analysis type, since the
information provided in the input file will be sufficient to allow SPICE to
give the required output, namely the voltage at each node and the current
in the voltage sources VI, V2 and V3.
The '.OPTIONS' controlline enables the user to specify one or more
options which will apply to his circuit and/or input file. The .OPTIONS
controlline is itself optional, and can be omitted. In this case (as in other
cases in the book), we have included the NOPAGE option, which causes
page ejects to be suppressed, concatinating the print-out, and saving
considerable amount of waste paper being produced. Finally, the input file
is terminated by a '.END' command line.
The reader will find it an interesting exercise to draw the circuit using
the nodes listed in the input file because, in fact, we have added the three
voltage sources VI, V2 and V3 for the reason given earlier.
Each independent current source is described as an 'I' element, and
characters are added to the 'I' to describe the source, that is, 11 and 12.
Each current source line is as follows
where IXXXXXX is the circuit definition ofthe source, such as 11, etc. The
Computer Solution 0/ Electric Circuits 359
Tab1e 14.1
current ftows within the source from node Nt to node N2. The 'De'
statement is optional, but is included in this case to remind us that it is a
d.c. source. If it is an a.c. current source, it would be defined as an 'AC'
source, the 'AC' being mandatory. Finally, we include the VALUE of the
Resistors are defined as 'R' elements, the two numbers following the
element definition are the nodes between which the resistor is connected.
For example, the line
360 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
R2 3 0 4
teUs us that resistor R2 is connected between no des 3 and 0, and its value is
4 Q. SPICE uses node 0 as the reference or zero-voltage node.
Most versions of SPIeE do not have 'ammeters' , but they can give
details of the current flowing in an independent voltage source. In this
case, we insert zero-value voltage sources VI, V2 and V3 in series with
resistors Rl, R2 and R3, respectively, in order to determine the current in
each of the resistors. The independent voltage sources are defined as 'V'
sources as foUows
where VXXXXXX is the name given in the circuit to the source. Node N +
is the positive terminal of the source, and N - is the negative terminal.
Once again, 'oC' is optional and, in each ca se here, the value of the source
is zero. When SPIeE was written, it was decided that positive current enters
the positive terminal of an independent voltage source. If the reader draws
the circuit using the node numbering in the input file, he will see that the
current in each voltage source enters the positive node. Should the node
numbering be reversed, the corresponding value of current printed in the
output file has a negative sign!
The output file in table 14.2 shows that the voltage at each node is
10.526 V, which corresponds to the result in worked example 1.17.1 and,
likewise, the current in resistors Rl, R2 and R3, corresponding to the
current in voltage sources VI, V2 and V3.
Table 14.2
Table 14.3
.PARAM current = 10
Il 0 1 DC {1.4*current}
Rl 2 0 2
R2 3 0 4
I2 1 0 DC {0.4*current}
R3 4 0 5
Computer Solution o[ Electric Circuits 361
Calculate the voltage at each node in figure 2.14 using the SPICE pro gram-
ming language (see also worked example 2.9.3 on page 46).
The input file describing the circuit is given in table 14.4 SPICE cannot
accept conductance values, and each is converted into its equivalent
resistance value. To specify each resistance in this case, each has been
numbered by the nodes it is connected to. For example, the 4 S conduc-
tance in figure 2.14 is described as resistance RB of value a 0.25 Q (SPICE
only accepts resistance values), connected between node 1 and 3. Similarly
with the current sources; the 3 A source which drives current from node 2
to node 3 is described as 123, etc.
This problem introduces us to the SPICE version of the voltage-
controlled current source, which is a 'G' source. Using the above conven-
tion, we call it G 13, wh ich drives current from node 1 to node 3. The
voltage-controlled current source is defined as follows
where GXXXXXX is the circuit 'name' of the source, and current is driven
within the source from N + to N -, that is, current leaves terminal N -.
Node NC+ is the positive controlling node, NC- is the negative control-
ling node and VALUE is the transconductance in Siemens of the
362 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
Table 14.4
Table 14.5
( 1) .0707 ( 2) .0174 ( 3) .3151
The relevant part of the output file is given in table 14.5, and the voltage
at each node is seen to agree with the results of worked example 2.9.3
Determine V AB and the current in each generator in figure 3.11 (a ) (see also
worked example 3.9.1 on page 71).
The circuit in figure 3.11 is described in the SPICE input file in table 14.6.
The first three element lines specify the three independent direct voltage
sources and the nodes to which they are connected. In this case we have
chosen to enter the 'positive' direction of the voltage in the input file. That
is, the positive terminal of V3 is listed in table 14.6 as being connected to
node O. The next three element lines describe the value and circuit
connections of each resistor. The reader should draw the corresponding
circuit diagram, and note that the common point to which the resistors are
connected is node 4 (corresponding to node Bin figure 3.11(a».
Once again, it is not necessary to specify the type of analysis needed,
because SPICE will perform an operating point analysis and will calculate
Computer Solution 0/ Electric Circuits 363
the voltage at eaeh node in the output file, whieh is given in table 14.7.
The reader will note that the voltage at nodes 1, 2 and 3 eorrespond to
the voltage of the respeetive independent sourees, and the voltage at node
4 eorresponds to V BA in worked example 3.9.1. SPI CE also outputs the
eurrent in eaeh voltage souree but, as deseribed in worked example 14.1, it
is the eurrent jiowing into the positive terminal 0/ the corresponding voltage
source. That is, we need to multiply eaeh eurrent in table 14.7 by -1 to get
the eonventional eurrent.
The eurrent ftowing in the voltage souree V3 is also given a negative
value but, sinee the positive node of V3 is eonneeted to node 0, the eurrent
ftows through this souree from node 0 to node 1. Onee again, we see that
an engineering vision is neeessary when interpreting the results of
Table 14.6
Table 14.7
Using SPICE software, plot the waveforms of voltage aeross and eurrent
through the induetor in figure 4.11(a) (see also worked example 4.7.1 on
page 86).
364 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
Table 14.8
Table 14.9
*: V(2)
+: I(VZER»
TnE V(2)
(*)-- -l.OOOOE+Ol -5.0000E+OO O.OOOOE+OO 5.0000E+OO 1.OOOOE+Ol
(+)-- -4.121IE-30 1.OOOOE+OO 2.0000E+OO 3.0000E+OO 4.0000E+OO
3.000E-Ol 6.000E+OO • + *
6.000E-Ol 6.000E+OO + *
9.000E-Ql 6.000E+OO• +. *
1.200E+OO 6.000E+OO• + *
1.500E+OO 6.000E+OO• + *
1.800E+OO 6.000E+OO• + *
2.100E+OO 6.000E+OO• .+ *
2.400E+OO 6.000E+OO• + *
2.700E+OO 6.000E+OO • + *
3.000E+OO 6.000E+OO • + *
3.300E+OO -6.000E+OO • * +
3.60OE+OO -6.000E+OO • * +
3.90OE+OO -6.000E+OO • * .+
4.200E+OO -6.000E+OO • * +
4.500E+OO -6.000E+OO • * +
4.800E+OO -6.000E+OO • * +
5.100E+OO -6.000E+OO • * +.
5.400E+OO -6.000E+OO • + *
5.700E+OO -6.000E+OO • + *
6.000E+OO -6.000E+OO + *
6.300E+OO 5.673E-20 + *
6.60OE+OO O.OOOE+OO + *
366 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
The corresponding section of the output file is shown in table 14.9. The
reader will note that we have not specified the range over which the results
are to be plotted, and we have left it to SPICE to decide. With the form of
print-out used here, it is not possible to show the sudden transition in
voltage across the inductor when the current changes in value, and the
reader should not think that the current changes linearly between the
points on the graph. Several suppliers of versions of SPICE offer a graphics
post-processor to provide an accurate, high-quality graphics output.
Solve the a.c. series circuit in worked example 5.10.1 (see page 112) using
The input file is given in table 14.10, and it is left as an exercise for the
reader to draw the corresponding circuit diagram. SPICE can accept
voltages and currents in polar complex form, and can output data in either
polar or rectangular form. The first element line in table 14.10 describes
the voltage source as an a.c. source connected between node 1 and node 0,
and having a magnitude of 10 V and a phase angle of 20°.
Unfortunately, SPICE can only accept information about inductance
and capacitance, and cannot accept reactance data. However, there are
several ways round this problem, and one is as follows. If we use a
frequency of 1 radis (or 0.1592 Hz), then we get the correct result ifwe let
L = XL> and C = 1/Xc . This is done here.
Consider impedance Zl, which comprises a resistance of 7.071 Q in
series with an inductor Li == XLl = 7.071 H. We therefore show a
resistance of 7.071 Q connected between nodes 1 and 2, and an inductor of
7.071 H connected between nodes 2 and 3. The latter has a reactance of
7.071 Q at the excitation frequency of 1 radis or 0.1592 Hz. Similarly for
impedance Z3, where we have a resistance of 2.605 Q in se ries with
a capacitive reactance of 14.77 Q. The corresponding 'capacitance' is
C 3 = 1/XC3 = 1/14.77 = 0.0677 F = 67.7 mF. Finally we use an indepen-
dent zero-value voltage source, Vam, as an ammeter.
The method of dealing with the frequency of the source is shown in the
'.AC' controlline, and is specified in the following line .
This control line is, strictly speaking, intended to deal with a range of
frequencies for frequency response calculations; in this case we only need
one frequency. Where the word DIST appears we enter the way in which
Computer Solution 0/ Electric Circuits 367
Table 14.10
The first of these lines asks for the data in polar form as follows
IM(Vam) = current Magnitude through Vam
IP(Vam) = current Phase angle, etc.
and the second line asks for
IR(Vam) = Real part of the current through Vam
II(Vam) = Imaginary part of the current through Vam
The relevant parts of the output file are given in table 14.11.
Table 14.11
Use SPICE computer software to calculate the voltage gain of the transis-
tor amplifier equivalent circuit in figure 6.7(a) at a frequency of (a) 1 kHz
and (b) 200 kHz (see worked example 6.8.1 on page 139).
The circuit is fairly straightforward, with the exception that the transistor is
simulated by a voltage-controlled current source. The input file is shown in
table 14.12, and the appropriate section of the output file in table 14.13.
The reader will note that the results agree with those of worked example
The reader is advised at this point of a difficulty which may arise in some
a.c. problems, although it does not occur here, and that is SPICE is
organised (for many types of solution) only to deal with angles which lie in
the range ±180°. If the angle is (for example) less than -180°, it will
be shown as the corresponding positive angle; similarly, positive angles
greater than + 180° are shown as negative angles. That is, once again,
engineering judgement must be applied to the results.
Also, this analysis (and that of worked example 6.8.1) is based on
sm all-signal analysis, and does not allow for practical features such as the
effect of 'saturation' of the transistor if too large a voltage is applied to the
Computer Solution o[ Electric Circuits 369
Table 14.12
Table 14.13
In this case, using the techniques described earlier in the book, we specify a
set of unbalanced voltages and unbalanced loads. The input file is given in
table 14.14, and the first three lines specify the unbalanced phase voltages
as follows
V an = 200 L 10 V 0
V bn = 220 L - 140 V 0
370 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
V cn = 180 L 100° V
where node 0 is the neutral point and lines a, band c are connected to
SPICE nodes 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Three zero-value voltage sources
Va, Vb and Vc are used as 'arnrneters' to measure the three line currents.
As with worked example 14.5, we use a frequency of 1 radis (0.1592
Hz), so that the 'inductance' in phase B is equal to the value of the
inductive reactance in phase B, and the capacitance in phase Cis equal to
lIX c. The '.AC' line specifies that we are using a single frequency of 0.1592
Hz or 1 radis.
Finally there is a set of '.PRINT' control lines causing the results
obtained to be output; these are listed in table 14.15. Each '.PRINT' line in
the input file is seen to produce its own set of results and, in the absence of
the '.OPTIONS NOPAGE' line, each will generate a separate page of
Tab1e 14.14
Tab1e 14.15
FREQ VM(6) VP (6)
l.592E-01 8.224E+01 1.028E+02
FREQ VM(7,6) VP(7,6) VM(8,6) VP (8, 6)
1.592E-01 2.200E+02 -l.193E+01 2. 678E+02 -l.241E+02
FREQ VM(9,6) VP(9,6)
l.592E-01 9.794E+01 9.764E+01
FREQ IM (Va) IP(Va) IM (Vb) IP(Vb)
1.592E-Ol 2.200E+Ol -l.193E+Ol 1.785E+Ol -1.341E+02
1. 592E-Ol 1.959E+Ol 1.176E+02
paper! When the results are compared with those ofworked example 7.9.1,
the reader will note that they are the same and will, of course, appreciate
that while the computer analysis is straightforward, it does not necessarily
give a dear understanding either of the processes involved or of the
practicability of the results. Only an experienced 'engineering eye' can give
the latter.
Using SPIeE software, caIculate the value of the parameter Y2t in the
circuit in worked example 8.3.1 (see page 178).
Strictly speaking, SPIeE was not developed for this type of problem, but it
is so versatile that it can be used to solve most problems. The only
limitation to its use is in our own mind! The reader will recall that
V2 =0
All we need to do is to apply a 1 V source to the input, and measure 1 2 with
the output short-circuited. This is a simple matter to implement with
The input file is shown in table 14.16, in which node 0 is the node
common to the input and the output, node 1 being the input node, and
node 2 is the output node. In this case, V2 acts as an 'ammeter' , with
'positive' current ftowing into node 2. The appropriate part of the output
file is given in table 14.17.
As with earlier SPIeE files, we do not need to specify the type of
372 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
Table 14.16
Table 14.17
analysis to be performed, since we only need the current flowing into the
output node, which is 0.03933 A, hence Y21 = 1 2 /V 1 = 39.33 mS.
In this ca se we will drive the circuit with a 1 L 0° A a.c. source (11), whose
current flows from node 0 to node 1; the magnitude and the phase angle of
the source are given following the 'AC' expression. The default phase
angle is zero and can be omitted, but is included in the specification of 11
for completeness.
The reason for selecting a 1 A current source is that the input impedance
of the circuit is equal to the voltage at the input terminals. The SPICE
primary circuit consists of a 10 Q res ist an ce R1, connected between nodes
1 and 2, and a 75 mH inductance L1, connected between nodes 2 and O.
The secondary circuit contains the following: a 10 Q resistance R2 between
nodes 4 a.nd 5, a 150 mH inductance L2 between nodes 4 and 3 together
Computer Solution of Electric Circuits 373
* I
K1 L1 L2 0.75425
* Extra resistance to 'electrically' link the * primary winding to the
secondary winding.
Rextra 0 3 1MEG
* Inductive load
Llqad 5 3 0.4
* Calculate values at 500, 1000 and 1500 radis
.AC LIN 3 79.58 238.7
* Print the rectangular form of the input voltage
374 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
with the load. The latter is a 0.4 H inductance Lload connected between
nodes 3 and 5. Coils L1 and L2 are magnetically coupled with a coupling
coefficient of
k = M/V(Ll x L2) = 80 x 1O- 3/V (75 x 10- 3 x 150 x 10- 3 )
= 0.75425
Since SPICE demands that all nodes must have a 'd.c. link' to node 0, a
large value of resistance, Rextra, is used to connect the primary and
secondary windings together. Since current does not flow in this resistor, it
has no significant effect on the result of the analysis.
The '.AC' controlline calls for calculations at three frequencies, namely
500,1000 and 1500 radis, whose values are converted into Hz in the .AC line.
In worked example 9.8.1, the results were presented in rectangular
form, and this is wh at we have done here. The .PRINT control line
requests the 'real' part of the voltage at node 1, i.e., (VR(l)), and the
'imaginary' part (VI(l)) to be printed. The reader should compare the
value of the input impedance at 159.2 Hz (1000 radIs) with that obtained
above. It is, of course, a simple process to repeat the calculation for a
capacitive load.
The relevant part of the output file is as folIows.
FREQ VR(l) VI(l)
7.958E + 01 l.021E + 01 3.169E + 01
l.592E + 02 l.021E + 01 6.337E + 01
2.387E + 02 l.021E + 01 9.505E + 01
Worked example 14.10
Plot graphs of it(t) and ilt) in figure 1O.29(a) - see also worked example
10.13.1 on page 259.
In this case we will choose to excite the circuit with a PULSE, as described
in the V1line in the input file (see table 14.18). A reason for selecting this
form of driving function is that we need to do a transient response (see the
'. TRAN' controlline) on the output, and, for this purpose it is necessary to
energise the system by a time-dependent function, the repetitive PULSE
being one example. The PULSE function has the following variables
Computer Solution of Electric Circuits 375
Table 14.18
Tc:Ible 14.19
*: I(Vsec)
+: I(Vpri)
TnE I(Vsec)
(*)-- O. ()()()(E+OO 2 .5OQ(E-<l2 5. ()()()(E-()2 7 •5OQ(E-<l2 1. ()()()(E-<l1
(+)-- O.()()()(E+OO 1.2SO<E-<l1 2.5OQ(E-<l1 3.7SO<E-<l1 5.()()()(E-<l1
O. ()()()E+OO O.OOCE+OO X
2.00CE-<l3 7.193E-<l2 • + *
4.()()()E-<l3 9.129E-<l2 • + *
6. ()()()E-<l3 8.735E-<l2 • +. *
8.00CE-<l3 7.56lE-<l2 • * +
1.00CE-<l2 6.229E-<l2 • * +
1.200E-<l2 4.996E-<l2 • * +
1.400E-<l2 3.95lE-<l2 • * +
1.6OOE-<l2 3.093E-<l2 • * +
1.BO<E-<l2 2.41lE-<l2 • * + .
2.00CE-<l2 1. 87lE-<l2 • * + .
2.200E-<l2 1. 452E-<l2 • * +.
2.400E-<l2 1.!23E-<l2 • * +.
2.6OOE-<l2 8.693E-<l3 • * +.
2.BO<E-<l2 6.717E-<l3 • * +.
3.()()()E-<l2 5.196E-<l3 • * +
3.200E-<l2 4.013E-<l3 • * +
3.400E-<l2 3.103E-<l3 • * +
3.6OOE-<l2 2.396E-<l3 •* +
3.8OOE-<l2 1. 853E-<l3 •* +
4.00CE-<l2 1.43OE-<l3 •* +
used between the circuit element field and the comment field. The electri-
cal circuit and the magnetically coupled circuit are defined in the input file
in the manner described earlier in the book. Once again, all nodes must
have a 'd.c.' link to node 0, so that a large value of linking resistor, Rlink,
connects one point in the primary circuit to one point in the secondary circuit.
Finally, we will take a look at the method of displaying the output data
(see also table 14.19). The '.PLOT' controlline calls on SPICE to PLOT
the current through the voltage source Vsec and through Vpri, in that
order. However, the .PLOT controlline used here differs from that used
hitherto, since we use it to set limiting values to the range over which the
current is plotted. As a general rule, if the user does not know the range
over which the results will appear, it is advisable to let SPICE itself make
the decision. A dis advantage which sometimes occurs with this arrange-
ment is that the resulting graphs do not quite appear in the position that
one would like!
Computer Solution 0/ Electric Circuits 377
In this case, we'have a general idea of the values involved, and we can
specify them in the .PLOT line. The limits are quoted in parenthesis, with
the minimum value first and the maximum value second. That is, the
secondary current is to be plotted between values of zero and 0.1 A, and
the primary current between zero and 0.5 A. The output from the printer is
shown in table 14.19, with each point on the graph of the first named
variable, namely I(Vsec), being plotted with a '*', and each of the points
on the graph of the second named variable, I(Vpri), being plotted with
a '+'.
When I(Vsec) and I(Vpri) have the same value (as they both do
initially), the point is marked with an upper-case 'X'.
The table of results on the left of the graphs shows, in the first column
the time in ms and, in the second column the value of the first named
variable, namely I(Vsec). A print-out of all the values of all variables could
have been obtained had we included a '.PRINT' control line in the input
file. Once again, we see that the transients have practically reached their
final value in about 40 ms.
The circuit is described in the input file in table 14.20 in standard SPIeE
format. In this case we have chosen to drive the circuit using an a.c. current
source of 1 L 0° A, so that the voltage at node 1 (the input) is equal to the
input impedance of the circuit. The '.AC' controlline requests the compu-
ter to calculate the results in frequency decades, five points per decade,
from 0.1592 Hz (1 radis) to 1592 Hz (10 000 radis), that is, over 4
The '.PRINT' and '.PLOT' controllines request the computer to output
the magnitude in dB and the phase shift (in degrees). The relevant sections
of the output file are shown in tables 14.21 and 14.22.
The .PRINT controlline causes both the decibel value of the voltage at
node 1 and the corresponding phase angle to be printed for each frequency
(see also table 14.11).
The .PLOT line does not specify the range over which the results are to
be plotted and (see table 14.22) SPIeE chose the following
VDB(1): 20 dB to 100 dB, and marks points with a ,*,
VP(1): -50° to 150°, and marks points with a '+'.
However, the .PLOT control line only results in the value of the first
378 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
named variable in the line to be printed, that is, VDB(l). The first column
of results in table 14.22 corresponds to the frequencies at wh ich the
calculations occur, and the second column contains the corresponding
values of VDB(1).
Tab1e 14.20
Tab1e 14.21
Table 14.22
*: vrB(l)
+: W(l)
1.592E-Dl 2.796E+Ol • * +
2.523E:-Dl 2.796E+Ol • * +
3. 999E-Dl 2.796E+Ol • * +
6.338E-D1 2.797E+01 • * .+
1.004E+OO 2.798E+Ol • * .+
1. 592E+OO 2.8OCE+Ol • * .+
2.523E:+OO 2.807E+Ol • * . +
3. 999E+OO 2.822E+01 • * +
6.338E+OO 2.86OE+Ol • * +
1.004E+Ol 2.94lE+01 • * +
1. 592E+01 3.097E+01 • * +.
2.523E:+Ol 3.342E+Ol • * . +
3. 999E+Ol 3.66OE+01 • * +
6. 338E+01 4.023E+01 • * +
1.004E+02 4.407E+01 • * +
1. 592E+02 4.8OOE+01 • * +
2.523E+02 5.l98E+Ol • * +
3. 999E+02 5.597E+Ol • * +
6. 338E+02 5.996E+Ol • * +
1.004E+03 6.396E+01 • * +
1. 592E+03 6.796E+Ol . * +
Using PSpice software, plot the gain and phase response of the generalised
quadratic transfer function
Table 14.23
corresponding to the gain in dB are plotted using '*', and the phase angles
are plotted using '+'. The values on the left oftable 14.24 are, firstly, a list
of frequencies (in Hz) and, secondly, corresponding gain values (in dB) of
the transfer function.
When evaluating phase angles using SPICE, the reader should be aware
that some versions output angles for certain solutions only in the range
±180°. That is, if the phase angle associated with a given transfer function
slowly changes from, say, -90° to -270°, then SPICE may convert phase
angles in excess of -180° into their 'positive' phase angle equivalent, that
is, - 190° becomes + 170°.
The graph in table 14.24 should be compared with those in section
'Iable 14.24
*: Vffi(2)
+: VP(2)
rnm Vffi(2)
(*)-- -2 •()()()()E+<l1 O. OOOOE+OO 2. ()()()()E+<l1 4 • ()()()()E+<l1 6 •0000E+<l1
(+)-- O. OOOOE+OO 5. 0000E+<l1 1. ()()()()E+<l2 1. SOOOE+<l2 2. 0000E+<l2
1.592E-02 -8.557E-02 + *
2. 004E-02 -1. 36<E-01 + *
2.523E-02 -2.165E-01 + *
3.176E-02 -3.456E-01 .+ *
3.999E-02 -5. 54OE-01 •+ *
5.034E-02 -8. 943E-Ql .+ *
6.338E-Q2 -1.461E+OO .+ *
7.979E-02 -2.437E+OO • + *
1.004E-01 -4.226E+OO. + *
1.265E-01 -7.927E+OO. + *
1.592E-01 -1.398E+<l1 • * +
2. 004E-01 -3. 909E+OO • * • +
2.523E-01 3.785E+OO • * +
3. 176E-01 9.57lE+OO • * +
3. 999E-01 1. 455E+<l1 * +
5.034E-01 1. 91lE+<l1 . * +
6. 338E-01 2.345E+<l1 • * +
7. 979E-01 2.766E+<l1 • * +
1.004E+OO 3. 179E+<l1 * +
1.265E+OO 3. 587E+<l1 * +
1. 592E+OO 3. 992E+<l1 * +
382 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
Table 14.25
Tab1e 14.26
FREQ VM(1) VP (1)
1. 273E+04 6.024E+OO -4.839E+01
1.432E+04 4.524E+OO -2.785E+01
1. 592E+04 4.000E+OO -8.898E-03
1.751E+04 4.432E+OO 2.552E+01
1. 910E+04 5.427E+OO 4.252E+01
The '.PRINT' control line requests the magnitude (VM(l» and the
phase (VP(l» of the voltage across the current source to be output. These
values are, incidentally, the magnitude and the phase of impedance of the
circuit at the respective frequencies.
The reader will note that the results in table 14.26 (wh ich is the relevant
part of the output file) at 1.432E+04 Hz (approx. 80000 radis) and
1.91OE+04 Hz (approx. 120 000 radis) generally agree with the results
obtained in worked example 12.3.3. The impedance at the re sonant fre-
quency of 1592 Hz (100000 radis) is seen to be 4 Q.
Solve the Fourier analysis problem in worked example 13.3.1 (see page
329) using SPIeE software.
Fourier analysis (that is, a '.FOUR' controlline appears in the input file in
table 14.27) can be performed by SPIeE in conjunction with a transient
('.TRAN') analysis of the waveshape; that is, a '.TRAN' controlline must
appear in the same input file as a '.FOUR' control line.
SPIeE performs FOURier analysis on waveforms which exist for t > 0,
that is, the va lues exist only in positive time. The rectangular waveform is
therefore described in this case for the time interval 0 < t< 1 s by means of
a piece-wise linear stimulus 'Vpwl', which is applied to a resistor R of value
1 Q. Each point on the waveform is defined by two values, namely by its
time in seconds and its value, as follows (see also worked example 14.4)
PWL(O,l 0.25,1 0.25001, -1 0.75, -1 0.75001,1 1,1)
That is, at t = 0 the voltage has a value 1 V, and remains at that value until
t = 0.25 s. SPIeE only accepts a practical waveform, that is it must have
a practical value of fall time from 1 V to -1 V. A fall time of 0.01 ms
has been assumed; similarly, a rise time of 0.01 ms has been adopted at
t = 0.75 ms. The points specified on the waveform are joined linearly. That
384 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
Table 14.27
Table 14.28
Complex Numbers, Matrices, Determinants and Partial Fractions 387
where r = V(a 2 + b 2 ) and 8 = tan ~I(b/a).
If V = 3 + j4 = 5L53.13°, then V* = 3 - j4 = 5 L - 53.13°. Also
(V*)* = V. A complex number and its conjugate are said to form a
conjugate complex pair of numbers. Other useful praperties are
(V,V 2 )* = VW~
(V, ± V 2 )* = V~± V~
When the numbers are expressed in polar form, the multiplieation pro-
eeeds as follows
r 1 L8 1 X r 2 L8 2 = r 1r 2 L(8 1 + ( 2 )
In general, it is far more eonvenient to earry out multiplication of
eomplex numbers using the polar form than it is using rectangular form.
However, when numbers are expressed in reet angular form, the multipliea-
tion ean be earried out as follows.
= (ac + j 2bd) + j(ad + bc)
(a + jb)(c + jd)
= (ac - bd) + j(ad + bc)
V x V* = (3 + j4)(3 - j4) = 9 + 16 = 25
V x V* = 5L53.13° x 5L-53.13° = 25LO°
If V and I are eomplex numbers then, using polar values, division is earried
out as follows
V r 1 L8 r1
- = = - L (8 - cj»
I r 2 Lcj> r2
A rectangular matrix is one having M rows and N columns (M";: N), and
is described as an M by N or M x N matrix, as shown below.
all a 12 a lN
a 21 a 22 a 2N
aMI a M2 a MN
Two matrices can either be added together or subtracted from one another
if they are of the same order. If A = [aij] and B = [biJ are two M x N
matrices, their sum (or difference) is the matrix C = [c ij]' where each
element of C is the sum (or difference) of the corresponding elements of A
and B. That is
A ± B = [a ij ± b ij]
~ ] and B = [: -:]
[ -3 4 4
IfA = 0 then
-6 -7
[-3 + 3 4+4 8
A+B= 5-5]=[0
0+6 -6 -7 7+ 8 6 -13 ]
[-3 - 3 4-4 5 - (-5) ] = [ -6 0
0-6 -6 - (-7) 7- 8 -6 1 -1
The matrix product AB (which must be carried out in that order) can be
computed only if the number of columns in A is equal to the number of
rows in B. B is not necessarily conformable to A for multiplication, that is,
the product BA may not be defined. The following should be observed:
1. AB ,,;: BA generally .
2. AB = 0 does not always imply A = 0 or B = O.
3. AB = AC does not always imply B = C.
Complex Numbers, Matrices, Determinants and Partial Fractions 393
= [ k ~ 1 a Ikb kl ]
a ll b 11 + a l2 b 21 a l1 b 12 + a 12b 22
AB = a 2l b 11 + a 22b 21 a 21 b l2 + a 22b 22
a 3l b 11 + a 32b 21 a 31 b l2 + a 32 b 22
Note: BA is not defined.
-1 0 4 5
Suppose that A = 3 -4 andB = then
5 6 -6 7
AB =
-1(4) + 0(-6) -1(5) + 0(7)
3(4) + (-4)(-6) 3(5) + (-4)(7) =
36 -5]
5(4) + 6(-6) 5(5) + 6(7) -16 67
394 Electrical Circuit Analysis and Design
5 -3 0 I.
Also, if R = -3 12 -5 andl = 12 then
0 -5 11 13
5/ 1 -3/z -0/ 3
RI = -3/ 1 12/ 2 -5/ 3
-011 -5/z 111 3
For example
I-~ 41
= 2(-3) - 4(-5) = 14
all a 12 a \3
a 21 a 22 a 23 = alla2Za33 + alZaZ2a31 + a\3a 2.a 32 - a\3a 22a 31 - a12a21a33
a 31 a 32 a 33 -allaZ3a3Z
For example
= I a 31 aa 33 1
M 22
a l1 a 13 a l1 a 13
~22 = (_1)2+21 a 31 a 33 1=+ I a 31 a 33 1=
+ a Ha 33 - a 13a 31
a 11 a 12 a 13
a 21 a 22 a 23 = al1~l1 + aI2~12 + a13~13
a 31 a 32 a 33
= a 11 I a 22 a 23 1_ a 12 1 a 21 a 23 1+ a 13 1
a 32 a 33 a 31 a 33
The determinant is written down, and the first two columns are repeated
to the right of the determinant. Diagonal lines are drawn joining sets of
three elements together; the product of the diagonally downwards terms
are given a positive sign, and the product of the diagonally upwards terms
are given a negative sign. The value of the determinant is the sum of these
products. For example, by the rule of Sarrus
5 6 7
2 -3 4 = 5.(-3).3 + 6.4.1. + 7.2.(-2) -7.(-3).1- 6.2.3 - 5.4.(-2)
1 -2 3 = -45 + 24 - 28 + 21 - 36 + .40 = -24
a iN
a ZN
aMI a MZ a MN
a I(K - 1) Y 1 a I(K + 1) a iN
aZ(K-I) Yz aZ(K+I) a ZN
10 = [~~ -~ ~
-15 -5 -4 9
From Cramer's rule
10 5 -5 10 -3 -5
12 =
= - = 0.638
F(s) = - -
where N(s) and D(s) are polynomials in s, and the degree of N(s) is less
than the degree of D(s), then:
1. For every linear factor (As + B) in D(s) there is a corresponding partial
+B As
2. For every quadratic factor (As 2 + Bs + C)2 in D(s) which has real roots,
there is a corresponding partial fraction
Ps +Q
As 2 + Bs + C
3. For every repeated factor (As + B)2 in D(s) there is a corresponding
partial fraction
As + B (As + B)2
4. For every repeated quadratic factor (As 2 + Bs + C)2 in D(s) there is a
corresponding partial fraction
Ps + Q Rs + T
------+ ------
As 2 + Bs +C (As 2 + Bs + C)2
5. For every thrice-repeated character (As + B)3 in D(s) there is a
corresponding partial fraction
---+ +----
As + B (As + B) 2 (As + B) 3
6. For every cubic factor As 3 + Bs 2 + Cs + D in D(s) there is a corre-
sponding partial fraction
Ps 2 + Qs + R
200 200
B = -200
s(s + 2) s = -1
(-1)«-1) + 2)
200 200
C=--- - - - - - = 100
s(s + 1) s = -2
(-2)« -2) + 1)
That is
200 100 200 100
------= -- - - - +--
s(s + l)(s + 2) s s +1 s+2
Worked example 15.2
54 54
B=--- ----=6
(1 - 4S)2 (1 - 4(1»2
s = 1
54 54
D=--- ----=96
(1-S)2s~O.25 (1 - 0.25)2
ABCD- parameters 186-9 Conduetor 5
Active element 8 Conjugate complex pair 388
Admittanee 111 Conjugate of complex number 388
Admittance parameters 176-80 Controlled source 8
Alternating eurrent (a.e.) 100 Corner frequeney 284
Angular frequeney 101, 102 Cotree 50
a-parameters 186-9 link in 50
Apparent power 116 Cramer's rule 396, 397
Average value 100 Critical damping 225, 252
Current 1
Balanced polyphase load 147 Current division in a parallel
Balanced polyphase supply 147, 148 cireuit 22
Band-pass filter 318 Current gain 175
Bandwidth 305,311 Current source 8
BASIC programs 36, 129, 130 Cut-off frequency 273
Bilateral element 30
Bilateral network 30 Damping, eritieal 225,252
Bode diagram 280-95 Damping faetor 225
Braneh 29 Decibel 281
Delta eonneetion 150, 155--60
Capacitive reactance 110 Delta funetion 229
Capacitor 79 Delta-star transformation 74, 136,
Capaeitors in parallel 82 137
Capacitors in series 82, 83 Dependent souree 8, 138-40
voltage division between 83,84 Determinant 394
Cartesian· form of complex Distributed-eonstant element 29
number 387 Dot notation 92, 93
Cireuit 28 Double-energy cireuit 218
CIVIL, mnemonie 110 Double-suffix eonvention 14
Coefficient of magnetie coupling 93 Dual 54
Complex eonjugate 112 Duality 54, 90
Complex frequeney 266, 267 Dynamie impedance 309
Complex number 106, 267, 387 Dynamie resistanee 309
conjugate 388
manipulation of 388-90
Complex power 121 Effeetive value 102
Complex value 106 e.m.f. 3
Complex wave 325 Energy 7
circuit response to 338-40 in eapacitor 81, 82
power factor of 341 in induetor 67
power supplied by 340,341 Excitation eurrent 85
Conduetance 6 Exponential form of complex
Conduetance matrix 43 number 387
Index 403