The Contemporary World: Topic 3: Origin and History of Globalization
The Contemporary World: Topic 3: Origin and History of Globalization
The Contemporary World: Topic 3: Origin and History of Globalization
According to Barrack Obama, Globalization is taking place, unavoidable
reality of existence. We notice how the transportation changes, the technology
continuous to upgrade and integrated global supply chain. Rather than looking
back and trying to undo what has already happened, we should focus on the
future. We should plan ahead and determine how to shape our global economy.
Yes, I agree with Barack Obama's statement. Globalization is unavoidable
because it has become an integral part of our lives. Globalization provides many benefits
to us, such as economy growth of a country and world peace. There is shade where there
is light. There is always shade where there is light. There are however some drawbacks
of globalization that some individuals believe, should be addressed rather than
attempting to reverse what has already occurred. Globalization is neither a positive nor
a negative phenomenon, it just depends how people deal with as they face the
possibilities and consequences of it.
Application-Let’s Apply (5pts. Each)
1. In not more than two sentences, state the five different perspective regarding the origins
of globalization.
The first perspective is hardwired, which stated that globalization originated in
ancestors in Africa who traveled everywhere to find food water, and other necessities to
The second perspective when the cycle of globalization is a long-term cynical process
and it also shows that finding the origin of globalization is a very daunting task to tackle.
The third perspective in the original globalization is Epoch which is also called waves
that consist of a total of six waves and those waves also have their origins.
The fourth perspective is the events where many specific events in history helped start
the globalization process.
The fifth and last perspective is broader and more recent changes that have happened
in the last half of the 20th century
Three main recent changes have molded the origin of globalization.
They are as follows:
1. The emergency of the United States as the global power
2. The emergency of multinational corporations
3. The demise of the Soviet Union and the end of the cold war
2. What do you think is the effect of a high dependency ratio in developed countries?
The high dependency ratio in industrialized countries has an impact on a
country's economic growth, perhaps resulting in a slower-than-average long-term
growth rate. When the dependency ratio is high, the economically active people and the
entire economy have a greater burden of supporting and providing social services to
children and the elderly, who are typically economically dependent. If the government
does not address concerns about a high dependency ratio, the government's finances
may be further strained, resulting in further borrowing or greater taxes, impeding
economic growth.
3. Is the heightened flow of people a unique feature of the current global era?
Yes, people have been moving all across the world long before the term
"immigration" was established. It's safe to assume that small populations were forced to
relocate. People travel for a variety of reasons nowadays, including work, pleasure,
tours, finding a companion, shopping, and so on. Because our modern culture makes
mobility of everything, including people, easy, the increased flow of people is a unique
aspect of the current global era. As we can see, the number of migrant and abroad
workers is steadily rising, therefore we decide to travel to another country to make
Yes, globalization has a greater impact on those in need of a workforce to work
in other countries. As a result of globalization, certain industrialized countries have
created more jobs, requiring more personnel from other countries. Employees from
underdeveloped nations make up the majority of those who apply. Communication and
technology advancements have also made globalization more accessible. As technology
progresses in our digital age, globalization will surely allow for greater labor migration.