Applying Filters and Inverse FFT in MAGMAP
Applying Filters and Inverse FFT in MAGMAP
Applying Filters and Inverse FFT in MAGMAP
Defining Filters
After computing the transform file, you are ready to apply filters in the wavenumber domain. Technically, you can apply
any number of filters in any order, as the filters in the wavenumber domain are commutative. However, combining too
many filters prevents you from clearly identifying the effect of each individual filter. In practice, you likely would not apply
more than three filters at a time, however, for practical reasons, we limited the number to six filters.
Following is the list of available filters: 1
BPAS Bandpass Filter GAUS Gaussian regional/residual filter
COSNB Cosine Roll-off Bandpass Filter DRTP Differential Reduction to the Pole
For the purpose of this How-To Guide, as an example, we will apply a Downward Continuation paired with a low-pass
Butterworth filter.
In practice, you might downward continue to the surface or to the top of a known geological horizon because the
downward continuation sharpens the anomalies and moves the magnetic data closer to the causative bodies. Together with
the downward continuation you would apply a low pass filter such as the Butterworth filter, which will help attenuate the
noise accentuated by the downward continuation. Set the wavelength of the Butterworth filer to four times the downward
continuation distance but not less than two grid cells. You can then adjust the Butterworth cutoff wavelength to further
attenuate any noise in the data.
2. Specify a new Control file name. Note that you can also use the Browse button to select a previously created
control file (*.con).
3. From the Filter 1 dropdown list, select the Downward
Continuation. The Downward Continuation parameter field
4. Specify the Distance to downward continue (in ground units).
5. From the Filter 2 dropdown list, select
Butterworth. The Butterworth parameter fields
The Butterworth filter is excellent for applying straightforward high-pass or low-pass filters to data
because you can easily control the degree of filter roll-off while leaving the central wavenumber fixed. If
ringing is observed, the degree can be reduced until the results are acceptable.
6. Specify the Cutoff wavelength (in ground units). We will leave the Filter order to the default value of 8.
7. Select Lowpass.
8. Click the OK button.
The system sets the filter parameters. You are now ready to apply the filter (Step-by-Step-Filtering | Apply Filter) and
inverse transform to obtain an output grid.
You can add additional filters by clicking the plus button ( ) and additional filters (e.g., Filter 4) will be
added to the dialog.
Inverse FFT
In the Step-By-Step method, you use the Define Filters menu option to select the filters and define their parameters and
the Apply Filters menu option to apply the filters to the transform file. Depending on the processing option you select on
the FFT2FLT dialog, you can (i) apply the selected filter, (ii) apply the Inverse FFT (converts the transform file from the
wavenumber domain back to the original space domain) and (iii) apply post-processing (returns the grid to the original
dimensions with the trend information restored).
The three options for controlling the final results you obtain following the Apply Filters option are detailed below:
1 Filtered grid with OK Filtered, space-domain GRD file with original grid
post-processing dimensions and trend information restored (i.e., post-
processing is added to output file).
2 Filtered grid with Flt-Inv Only Filtered, space-domain GRD file as output file with grid-
no post- filled dimensions and trend information NOT restored
processing (i.e., no post-processing is added to output file).
3 Filter only – no Filter Only Filtered transform (*.TRN) file as output file.
inverse transform
When you select the first processing option (OK) the transform grid is filtered, the Inverse FFT is applied (returning the
transform file from the wavenumber domain back to the space domain) and then post-processing restores the square
and periodic grid to its original dimensions and restores the trend information.
When you select the second processing option (Flt-Inv Only) the transform grid is filtered and the Inverse FFT is applied
(returning the transform file from the wavenumber domain back to the space domain). No post-processing is applied.
When you select the third processing option (Filter Only) the transform grid is filtered. The Inverse FFT and post-
processing is not applied.
70 /geomagnetic inclination
0 /geomagnetic declination
The control file must contain 6 or more lines with the following information:
line 1: Optional title line for reference only.
line 2: Optional nominal height of the magnetic sensor above the ground (normally, the flying height),
or above the level of magnetic sources. This information is used as the default height for some
of the filters, and is not always necessary or relevant.
line 3: The magnetic inclination (negative in the Southern hemisphere). The inclination is only used by
the reduction to the pole (REDP), reduction to the equator (REDE), susceptibility (SUSC), and
Weiner optimum (OPTM) filters.
line 4: The magnetic declination in degrees of azimuth relative to true North. The inclination is only
used by the reduction to the pole (REDP), reduction to the equator (REDE), susceptibility
(SUSC) and Weiner optimum (OPTM) filters. Note that grid files contain the direction of the grid’s
Y axis in the grid header as the rotation parameter. Filter takes this direction into account so that
the Line 4 parameter can be the true declination. The grid header must be correct. Very often,
the grid rotation is reported as 0 in the grid header, in which case the declination specified here
must be the declination of magnetic North relative to the grid’s Y axis.
line 5: The nominal total magnetic field strength in nano-Tesla (gammas). This value is only used by
the apparent susceptibility map filter (SUSC) in order to derive susceptibility from magnetization.
line 6+ One or more lines specifying the filters to be applied and their parameters. The following section
documents the available filters.
The forward slash character (/) must terminate a line (with the exception of the title line), and user comments may follow
the slash. After the fifth line, all lines must start either with a forward slash or a filter name.
Each filter option occupies one or more lines and consists of a four-letter mnemonic followed by the optional parameter
settings. Parameters (if provided) must be separated by a space. Any number of filters may be applied in a single
filtering run. However, only one output transform is produced. Note that because multiplication is commutative, the order
in which filters are applied is not relevant.
Filter Examples
This section provides examples of filter application.
Susceptibility Map
The following control file (susc.con) applies an optimum depth filter and creates a magnetic susceptibility map
calculated at a depth of 200 metres below the survey elevation.
susceptibility map
72 /magnetic inclination
The susceptibility map filter includes a downward continuation to the source depth. Because a downward continuation
filter magnitude increases with wavenumber, it tends to also amplify high-wavenumber noise in the data. To prevent this
noise from entering the final map, you often need to remove high wavenumbers that are considered noise in the data. This
is the function of the Weiner Optimum filter applied by the OPTM option.
72 /magnetic inclination
Given a grid surveyed with a nominal line spacing of 150 metres, which has a line-to-line levelling problem, the following
control file produces a grid that contains the levelling error only. Following a rule of thumb, the Butterworth high-pass filter
is set to four times the line separation in order to only pass frequencies on the order of the line separation. The directional
cosine filter is set to pass wavelengths only in the direction of the lines (note that North-South line levelling error produces
wavenumbers in the East-West direction, hence DCOS 90). Because levelling error is very directional, you can tighten the
directional cosine function to an energy value of 0.5.
de-corr., 150m line separation, N-S lines
72 /magnetic inclination
The resulting grid can be subtracted from the original grid to remove the levelling error.
Some tuning of both the center wavenumber of the Butterworth filter and the energy of the directional cosine may be
required. To remove the more directional signal, increase the energy of the cosine filter. To remove wider features,
decrease the Butterworth cut-off point. If you see ringing in the data, decrease the order of the Butterworth filter.
MAGMAP Filters
This section describes the available filters. In each filter-specific subsection, filter options are listed in alphabetical order.
Each description shows the mathematical expression of the filter followed by a figure if appropriate, then the control file
parameters, and usage notes. The filter expressions use the following basic expressions:
µ Horizontal axis (abscissa) variable in the wavenumber domain (complex, radians/ground_unit)
ν Vertical axis (ordinate) variable in the wavenumber domain (complex, radians/ground_unit)
2 2 Wavenumber (radians/ground_unit)
r= µ +ν
θ = tan
(ν ) Wavenumber direction
The horizontal axis of the figures represents wavenumbers between 0 and the Nyquist frequency. All distance references
are multiples of the grid cell size. For example, referring to the filter response drawing for upward continuation (CNUP)
filter, if the grid cell size is 25 ground_units, the Nyquist wavenumber is 0.02 cycles/ground_unit, the filter response
curves would represent upward continuation distances of 50, 100, 200 and 400 ground_units.
BPAS – Bandpass Filter
L(k ) = 0 for k < k 0
L(k ) = 1 for k 0 ≤ k ≤ k1
k0 The low wavenumber cut-off in cycles/ground_unit.
0/1 If 1, pass the defined band; if 0, reject the defined band. The default is to pass the band.
Ground_ The survey ground units used in your grid (e.g., metre, foot, etc.). If your “ground units” are in
unit metre, the low and high wavelength cutoff is in cycles/metre.
BPAS can be used to pass or reject a range of wavenumbers from the data. Applying such a simple cut-off filter to an
energy spectrum almost invariably introduces a significant amount of ringing (otherwise known as Gibb's Phenomena).
We recommend that you use a smoother filter, such as the Butterworth filter (BTWR).
k0 The central wavenumber of the filter.
0/1 A flag (0 or 1). Specifies if a residual (0) high pass or a regional (1) low pass is required. By default, a regional
filter is applied.
Ground_ The survey ground units used in your grid (e.g., metre, foot, etc.). If your “ground units” are in metre, the low
unit and high wavelength cutoff is in cycles/metre.
The Butterworth filter is excellent for applying straight forward high-pass and low-pass filters to data because you can
easily control the degree of filter roll-off while leaving the central wavenumber fixed. If ringing is observed, the degree
can be reduced until the result acceptable. A common but more complicated alternative is the Cosine filter (COSN).
h The distance, in ground units, to continue down relative to the plane of observation.
r Wavenumber (radians/ground_unit). Note: r = 2πk where k is cycles/ground_unit
Ground_unit The survey ground units used in your grid (e.g., metre, foot, etc.).
Downward continuation is used to enhance the responses from sources at a depth by effectively bringing the plane of
measurement closer to the sources. Note that it is not theoretically possible to continue through a potential field source.
Since short-wavelength signal can appear to be from shallow sources, it must be removed to prevent high magnitude
and short wavelength noise in the processed data. To do this, you usually apply some type of low-pass filter, such as the
Butterworth or Weiner Optimum filter. You should use a low-pass filter to remove the short wavelength noise (as
determined by the radially averaged energy spectrum) before applying the downward continuation filter. The energy
spectrum is also a good guide for determining the depth to which the data can be continued downward.
h The distance, in ground units, to continue up relative to the plane of observation.
r Wavenumber (radians/ground_unit). Note: r = 2πk where k is cycles/ground_unit
Ground_unit The survey ground units used in your grid (e.g., metre, foot, etc.).
Upward continuation is considered a “clean” filter because it produces almost no side effects that may require application
of other filters or processes to correct. Because of this, this filter is often used to remove or minimize the effects of
shallow sources and noise in grids.
Also, upward continued data may be interpreted numerically and with modeling programs. This is not the case for many
other filter processes.
( )
L(k ) = cos
n π for k 0 ≤ k ≤ k1
2 k1 − k 0
k1 High wavenumber end point of the filter (start of roll off for high pass or cut-off wavenumber for low pass.
n The degree of the cosine function. The default is a degree of 2 for a cosine squared roll off.
0/1 0 for residual (high-pass) filter; 1 for regional (low-pass) filter. The default is a low-pass filter.
Ground_unit The survey ground units used in your grid (e.g., metre, foot, etc.).
Because this filter has a smooth shape, and it does not alter the energy spectrum below the start of roll off (or after the
end of roll off in high-pass mode), it is commonly used for simple high-pass or low-pass operations. To reduce ringing,
the separation between r1 and r0 can be increased.
0/1 If 1, apply the filter to pass the specified direction; if 0, apply the filter to reject the specified direction. By default,
the direction is rejected.
The directional cosine filter is very good for removing directional features from a grid. The cosine function makes the
filter smooth, so directional ringing effects are usually not a problem. The rejection (or pass) notch can be narrowed or
widened by setting the degree of the cosine function, so that highly directional features can be isolated. De-corrugation
of poorly levelled magnetic data is a common application for this filter (see examples).
G Gravitational constant.
r Wavenumber (radians/ground_unit). Note: r = 2πk , where k is cycles/unit.
t Thickness, in ground units, of the earth model.
d Background density in g/cm3, to be added to the density contrast map. The default is 0, so the density map is
produced relative to the average density.
Ground_ The survey ground units used in your grid (e.g., metre, foot, etc.).
The data must also be downward continued using the CNDN filter to be close to the top surface of the source model.
Apparent density mapping assumes that an observed gravity field can be explained by a simple model layer of fixed
thickness and varying density. This is a poor model in most cases.
θ0 The low cut-off angle in degrees of azimuth (0-360 from North).
0/1 If 1, pass the defined band; if 0, reject the defined band. The default is to pass the band.
As with the band-pass filter, the directional-pass often suffers from Gibb's Phenomena (ringing) because the spectrum
is cut quite abruptly. We recommend using the directional cosine filter (DCOS) instead.
i i = −1
The horizontal derivative can be used for creating shaded images, and is required for some modeling algorithms, such
as Euler de-convolution.
n Order of differentiation.
ν The Y component of the wavenumber.
i i = −1
The horizontal derivative can be used for creating shaded images, and is required for some modeling algorithms, such
as Euler de-convolution.
n Order of differentiation.
r Wavenumber (radians/unit). Note: r = 2πk , where k is cycles/unit.
The vertical derivative is commonly applied to total magnetic field data to enhance the shallowest geologic sources in the
data. As with other filters that enhance the high-wavenumber components of the spectrum, you must often also apply low-
pass filters to remove high-wavenumber noise.
When r=0:
L(r ) = 2πG(z 2 − z 1)
G Gravitational constant.
r Wavenumber (radians/ground_unit). Note: r = 2πk , where k is cycles/unit.
z1 Depth to the top of the density layer, in ground units. Must be positive for layers above calculation level.
z2 Depth to the bottom of the density layer, in ground units. Must be positive for layers above calculation
Ground_unit The survey ground units used in your grid (e.g., metre, foot, etc.).
k0 Standard deviation of the Gaussian function in cycles/ground_unit (similar to a cut-off point, except that the
function magnitude at this point is only 0.39).
0/1 If 0, the residual component is produced; if 1, the regional component is produced. The default is 0.
Ground_ The survey ground units used in your grid (e.g., metre, foot, etc.).
The Gaussian filter is another smooth filter that is often used for low-pass or high-pass applications.
GNRL – General Radially Symmetric Filter
L(0) = l 0
L(dk ) = l 1
L(2dk ) = l 2
L(n − dk ) = ln
L(k ) = ln for (k ≥ n d k )
dk The wavenumber increment (cycles/ground_unit), starting from zero wavenumber, at which the following filter
coefficients are applied.
li The coefficients of the filter function at each wavenumber increment, starting at zero wavenumber. The last
value given is used for all higher wavenumbers. More than one line can be used to give the coefficients. A
slash character (/) must follow the last coefficient.
Ground_ The survey ground units used in your grid (e.g., metre, foot, etc.).
The general filter is used when a special-purpose filter must be applied to the data. Normally, filter coefficients are
between 0 and 1.
For example, the following defines a low-pass filter that starts at a wavenumber of 0.003 and rolls off to remove all
wavenumbers above 0.007:
L(0) = 1
L(0.001) = 1
L(0.002) = 1
L(0.003) = 1
L(0.004) = 0.8
L(0.005) = 0.5
L(0.006) = 0.2
L(0.007) = 0
gnrl 0.001 1. 1. 1. 1. .8 .5 .2 0
GPSD – Pseudo-Gravity Filter
Lθ = J
[sin(Ia) + icos(I) cos(D − θ)]
, if ( Ia < I ), Ia = I
I Geomagnetic inclination
Ia Inclination for magnitude correction (never less than I ). The default is ± 20 degrees. If Ia is specified to be less than
I , it is set to I .
d Density contrast in g .
J Magnetization in Gauss.
D Geomagnetic declination.
θ Direction of wavenumber in degrees of azimuth.
r Wavenumber (radians/ground_unit). Note: r = 2πk , where k is cycles/unit.
Ground_unit The survey ground units used in your grid (e.g., metre, foot, etc.).
L(k ) = 1 for k ≥ k 0
k0 The cut-off wavenumber in cycles/ground_unit. All wavenumbers below this value are removed.
Ground_unit The survey ground units used in your grid (e.g., metre, foot, etc.).
As with the band-pass filter, the high-pass filter is seldom used because the results usually suffer from Gibb's Phenomena
r Wavenumber (radians/ground_unit). Note: r = 2πk , where k is cycles/unit.
Ground_unit The survey ground units used in your grid (e.g., metre, foot, etc.).
This filter calculates the vertical integral of the input transform. This is the inverse of the vertical derivative. The zero
wavenumber is set to 0.
k0 The cut-off wavenumber in cycles/ground_unit. All wavenumbers above this value are removed.
Ground_unit The survey ground units used in your grid (e.g., metre, foot, etc.).
As with the band-pass filter, the low-pass filter is seldom used because the results usually suffer from Gibb's Phenomena
OPTM – Weiner Optimum Filter
The Weiner optimum filter is intended to remove the effect of white noise from the magnetic data. White noise is high-
wavenumber background noise present in the data. Because magnetic signal is stronger in the direction of the
inducing field, the signal-to-noise ratio varies as a function of both inclination and declination. The Weiner optimum
filter takes the variation of signal-to-noise ratio into account when applying the filter.
ϕ (k, θ ) = sin
(I) + cos (I) cos (D +
−ϕ )
() () 2 4 k 0
sin I + sin I cos I + 0.375cos (I)
I Geomagnetic inclination
D Geomagnetic declination.
k0 The wavenumber (cycles/ground_unit) at which to start the high-wavenumber roll off. This parameter must be
given together with 0. By default, this point is the point at which the slope of the observed energy spectrum
rises above the slope defined by the depth (1/4h).
k1 The wavenumber (cycles/ground_unit) at which to end the high wavenumber roll off. By default, this point is set
to be two times k0.
ϕ0 Spectral density estimate of noise to be removed by the Weiner filter. This is in terms of the log of spectral dens-
ity as reported in the second column of the energy spectrum. By default, this is calculated as the average of the
spectral density between k0 and k1.
Ground_ The survey ground units used in your grid (e.g., metre, foot, etc.).
The optimum filter is most often used to remove the theoretical effect of all sources that lie above a specified depth. The
filter parameters can be specified or calculated automatically based on analysis of the energy spectrum.
Although this filter can calculate the parameters of the filter, we recommend that you confirm that the calculated
parameters are reasonable. When the energy spectrum is not smooth, the filter can choose the wrong point at which to
start the noise calculation. Most often, this point is chosen to be too low, and the resulting maps appear too smooth.
The optimum filter can be quite complex to use and understand. A good alternative is using the Butterworth filter as a
low- pass filter. Determine the wavenumber at which sources appear too shallow by interpreting the depth estimate in
the energy-spectrum plot.
(I ) a a
, if
I Geomagnetic inclination
D Geomagnetic declination.
(I ) a a
, if
I Geomagnetic inclination
D Geomagnetic declination.
Ia Inclination for magnitude correction. The default is ± 20 degrees. If Ia is specified to be less than I , it is set I.
H(r ) = e
Γ(θ ) = [sin(Ia) + i cos(I ) cos(D − θ )]
I Geomagnetic inclination
D Geomagnetic declination
h Depth in ground units, relative to the observation level at which to calculate the susceptibility. By default, the fly-
ing altitude reported in line 2 of the MAGMAP Control File is used.
Ia Inclination to which to use the phase component only in the reduction to the pole. The default is ± 20 degrees.
If Ia is specified to be less than I , it is set to I .
Ground_ The survey ground units used in your grid (e.g., metre, foot, etc.).
The susceptibility filter calculates the apparent magnetic susceptibility of the magnetic sources using the following
The IGRF is removed from the magnetic field
There is no remnant magnetization
All magnetic responses are caused by a collection of vertical, square-ended prisms of infinite depth extent
The result is in the e.m.u. units
The validity of the results depends on how well the actual observed field conforms to these assumptions.
To X To Y To Z To T
From X 1 v/u r / iu P / iu
From Y u/v 1 r / iv P / iv
From Z iu / r iv / r 1 P/r
From T iu / P iv / P r/P 1
i −1
u The X wavenumber
v The Y wavenumber
r 2 2
The radial wavenumber = u + v
P i (α u + β ν ) + γ r
Theoretically, any one directional component can be used to calculate any other component. In reality, only the T and Z
fields work well as inputs for this conversion because the formulas for conversion from X or Y contain singularities, i.e.,
u can go to zero while v is large, or vice versa, causing the filter coefficient to become infinite.