Weekly Displays
Weekly Displays
Weekly Displays
Dear Members,
A. Narayanan, HR Facilitator
Abraham Lincoln: I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not
bound to succeed, but I am bound to live up to what light I have.
Viktor E. Frankl: I became acquainted with those martyrs whose behavior in camp,
whose suffering and death, bore witness to the fact that the last inner freedom
cannot be lost.
Leland Bartlett: I believe life is to be lived, not worked, enjoyed, not agonized,
loved, not hated.
Anonymous: I can alter my life by altering the attitude of my mind.
Neil Simon: I love living. I have some problems with my life, but living is the best
thing they've come up with so far.
H. Jackson Browne: I never expect to lose. Even when I'm the underdog, I still
prepare a victory speech.
General Dwight David Eisenhower: I never saw a pessimistic general win a
Helen Adams Keller: I seldom think about my limitations, and they never make me
sad. Perhaps there is just a touch of yearning at times; but it is vague, like a breeze
among flowers.
Lance Armstrong: I take nothing for granted. I now have only good days, or great
Kahlil Gibran: I wash my hands of those who imagine chattering to be knowledge,
silence to be ignorance, and affection to be art.
Florence Scovel Shinn: We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control
our words, and repetition impresses the subconscious, and we are then master of the
T. S. Eliot: We must not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will
be to arrive where we began and to know the place for the first time.
Eleanor Roosevelt: We must want for others, not ourselves alone.
Abraham Lincoln: We should be too big to take offense and too noble to give it.
Earl Nightingale: We tend to live up to our expectations.
Albert Einstein: Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.
Japanese proverb: We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well
Nick Saban: What happened yesterday is history. What happens tomorrow is a
mystery. What we do today makes a difference - the precious present moment.
Thaddeus Golas: What happens is not as important as how you react to what
Ralph Waldo Emerson: What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny
matters compared to what lies within us.
John C. Granville: Obstinacy in opinions holds the dogmatist in the chains of error,
without the hope of emancipation.
Zig Ziglar: Of all the attitudes we can acquire, surely the attitude of gratitude is the
most important and by far the most life-changing.
Louis E. Le Bar: Often attitudes are kindled in the flame of others’ convictions.
Robert Collier: One comes to believe whatever one repeats to oneself sufficiently
often, whether the statement be true of false. It comes to be dominating thought in
one's mind.
Robert F. Kennedy: Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.
Brian Tracy: Optimism is the one quality more associated with success and
happiness than any other.
The Zurich Axioms: Optimism means expecting the best, but confidence means
knowing how to handle the worst. Never make a move if you are merely optimistic.
Ambrose Bierce: Optimism. The doctrine or belief that everything is beautiful,
including what is ugly.
Earl Nightingale: Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us.
Tom Blandi: Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working
twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we
know how to harness and control this great force.
Victor E. Frankl: ... Everything can be taken from a man but one thing; the last of
the human freedoms-to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to
choose one’s own way.
George Washington Carver: 99% of the failures come from people who have the
habit of making excuses.
John C. Maxwell: A big man is one who makes us feel bigger when we are with
Chris Evert: A champion hates to lose even more than she loves to win.
Earl Nightingale:A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our
worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities
that were somehow absent before the change.
Hugh Downs: A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but
rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.
Anonymous: A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others.
Be a carrier.
Harry Truman:A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an
optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties.
Leonard Louis Levinson: A pessimist sees only the dark side of the clouds, and
mopes; a philosopher sees both sides, and shrugs; an optimist doesn't see the
clouds at all - he's walking on them.
Herm Albright: A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy
enough people to make it worth the effort.
2.The Monkey with the Wooden Apples
There once was a happy monkey wandering the jungle, eating delicious fruit when
hungry, and resting when tired. One day he came upon a house, where he saw a bowl of
the most beautiful apples. He took one in each hand and ran back into the forest.
He sniffed the apples and smelled nothing. He tried to eat them, but hurt his teeth. They
were made of wood, but they were beautiful, and when the other monkeys saw them, he
held onto them even tighter.
He admired his new possessions proudly as he wandered the jungle. They glistened red in
the sun, and seemed perfect to him. He became so attached to them, that he didn't even
notice his hunger at first. A fruit tree reminded him, but he felt the apples in his hands.
He couldn't bear to set them down to reach for the fruit. In fact, he couldn't relax, either,
if he was to defend his apples. A proud, but less happy monkey continued to walk along
the forest trails.
The apples became heavier, and the poor little monkey thought about leaving them
behind. He was tired, hungry, and he couldn't climb trees or collect fruit with his hands
full. What if he just let go?
Letting go of such valuable things seemed crazy, but what else could he do? He was so
tired. Seeing the next fruit tree, and smelling it's fruit was enough. He dropped the
wooden apples and reached up for his meal. He was happy again.
Like that little monkey, we sometimes carry things that seem too valuable to let go. A
man carries an image of himself as "productive" - carries it like a shiny wooden apple.
But in reality, his busyness leaves him tired, and hungry for a better life. Still, letting go
seems crazy. Even his worries are sacred apples - they prove he's "doing everything he
can." He holds onto them compulsively.
This is a hard thing to see. We identify so strongly with our things even, feeling pain
when our cars are dented. How much more powerfully do we identify with our beliefs
and self-ideas? Yet they don't always feed our souls, do they? And we become tired of
defending them.
The monkey might be found dead of hunger, under a beautiful tree, with fruit within
reach, but still grasping his wooden apples.
I chose to end it with him letting go, because only with open hands can we receive.
3.Writing Worthwhile Objectives
Learning objectives, performance objectives, behavioral objectives–we call them by many names.
Whatever you or your organization calls them, we are all talking about the formation of clear
statements of what we intend the learner to be able to do as a result of instruction.
The trick is to not only make the statement clear, but also to make sure our objectives are
worthwhile– that is, they describe the actual competencies needed by the learner to perform at
the level needed. Below are some tips that should help both in developing objectives and in
writing worthwhile objectives.
1. Realize that the learning objectives for an instructional program are different than job
objectives. For example, a job objective for a sales organization might be to increase sales by 5%
in the next corporate year. The learning objectives would have to do with acquiring knowledge
and skills that would increase the likelihood of increasing sales by 5%. Determining this
knowledge and skills should come from a careful needs analysis to determine either what is
lacking or what can be learned to increase the probability that the sales people will be able to
increase sales by 5%. In one case, for example, sales people did not know how to take
customers through the discovery process. Therefore, the learning objectives had to do with
acquiring the skills of asking questions of the customers to discover their needs related to the
services provided by the supplier.
3. When writing objectives, it is often hard to know where to begin and how to write objectives at
the right level. Here’s are two suggestions:
While keeping the business need and content analysis close at hand, ask yourself at what level
do you want the students to be performing when they return to or go to their new job? Do you
want them merely to comprehend certain concepts or do you want them to actually be apply the
concepts and skills you have to teach them? This thought process can be assisted by looking at
the different levels of the cognitive, psychomotor or sometimes affective learning domains. Chose
a high enough level and write your objective to match that level of knowledge and performance.
Many standard textbooks in instructional development have action verbs listed that are
associated with each of the different levels of performance.
Another way help get started writing worthwhile objectives is to look at what the learner is
expected to do on the job and think about how to write an objective that calls for simulating their
work. In other words, write the objectives of the training in ways that mimic the job they
perform. For example, if the job involves order processing then the objectives of the program
should include providing the learner product request and having the learner process orders. If
learners are to produce sales presentation on the job, then the objectives should include
planning. designing, and producing sales presentation given a real a world scenario (see our last
two month’s tips newsletter s on authentic learning activities by Peter Honebein).
4. Objectives should be validated against the content analysis and business need once written,
since they will serve as the basis for presentation strategy, providing appropriate practice, and
assessment of what has been learned. Because objectives are the basis for targeting the
outcomes of the training program, considerable time and effort should be spent in this area. In
fact, moving a training development project through the necessary stages of needs analysis,
content analysis and formulating the learning objectives may take as much as 40% of the project
4.E i g h t y F l o o r s
There were once 2 brothers who lived on the 80th floor of a tall building.
On coming home one day, they realized to their dismay that the lifts were not working and that
they have to climb the stairs home. After struggling to the 20th level, panting and tired, they
decided to abandon their bags and come back for them the next day. They left their bags then
and climbed on............
When they have struggled to the 40th level by this time they had gone sufficiently mad and
irritated. The younger brother started to grumble and both of them began to quarrel. They
continued to climb the flights of steps, quarreling all the way to the 60th floor.
They then realized that they have only 20 levels more to climb and decided to stop quarreling
and continue climbing in peace. They silently climbed on and reached their home at long last.
Each stood calmly before the door and waited for the other to open the door. And they realized
that the key was in their bags which were left on the 20th floor.........
This story is a reflection on our life and times. All of us climb the tall building called life.. .some
till all the 80 floors and some less. Many of us climb under the expectations of our companion.
Time to time these are our friends and parents till the 20th floor, then our spouse and our dear
ones till the next level of the building. We seldom get to do the things that we really like and love
and are under so much pressure and stress so that by the age of 20, we get tired and decided to
dump this load. Being free of the stress and pressure, we work enthusiastically and dream
ambitious wishes.
By the time we reach 40 years old, we start to lose our vision and dreams. We began to feel
unsatisfied and start to complain and criticize. We live life as a misery as we are never satisfied.
Reaching 60, we realize that we have little left for complaining anymore, and we began to walk
the final episode in peace and calmness. We think that there is nothing left to disappoint us, only
to realize that we could not rest in peace we have an unfulfilled dream..........a dream we abandon
60 years ago. So what's your dream.....?
Know your dreams and follow it so that you will not live with regrets.
Help others and thank God.
Accept yourself...
Believe in yourself...
Like yourself... Inside each of us are powers so strong, treasures so rich, possibilities
so endless, that to command them all to action would change the history of
the world.
Celebrate LIFE!!!
Santa and his toys into their vehicle. Soon they were driving
along delivering the toys. Unfortunately, the driving conditions
deteriorated and the perfect couple and Santa Claus had an
accident. Only one of them survived the accident.
The perfect woman survived. She's the only one who really existed in the
first place. Everyone knows there is no Santa Claus and there is no such
thing as a perfect man.
**** Women stop reading here, that is the end of the joke.
**** Men keep scrolling.
So, if there is no perfect man and no Santa Claus, the woman
must have been driving. This explains why there was a car
By the way, if you're a woman and you're still reading, this
illustrates another point: Women never listen!!!
Whatever you may dream, there is a path that will lead you to
1. Maintain Balance. Your life consists of Seven Vital Areas: Health, Family, Financial,
Intellectual, Social, Professional, and Spiritual. You will not spend equal amounts of time in
each area or time every day in each area.
But, if in the long run, you are spending a sufficient quantity and quality of time in each area,
then your life will be balanced. But ignore any one of your areas, (never mind two or three!)
and you will get out of balance and potentially sabotage your success.
Fail to take time now for your health and you will have to take time for illness later on. Ignore
your family and then may leave you and cost you a lot of time to re-establish relationships.
2. Get the Power of the Pen. A faint pen has more power than the keenest mind. Get into the
habit of writing things to do down using one tool (a Day-Timer, pad of paper, Palm Pilot, etc.)
Your mind is best used for the big picture rather than all the details.
The details are important, but manage them with the pen. If you want to manage it you have
to measure it first. Writing things down helps you to more easily remember all that you need to
3. Do Daily Planning. It is said that people do not plan to fail but a lot of people fail to plan.
Take the time each night to take control of the most precious resource at your command, the
next twenty-four hours.
Plan your work and then work your plan each day. Write up a To Do list with all you have to's
and all of your want to's for your next day. Without a plan for the day, you can easily get
distracted, spending your time serving the loudest voice rather than attending to the most
important things for your day that will enhance your productivity.
4. Prioritize It. Your To Do list will have crucial and not crucial items on it. Despite the fact
most people want to be productive, when given the choice between crucial and not crucial
items, we will most often end up doing the not crucial items. They are generally easier and
quicker than crucial items.
Prioritize your To Do list each night. Put the #1 next to the most important item on your list.
Place the #2 next to the second most important item on your list, etc. Then tackle the items on
your list in order of their importance.
You may not get everything done on your list, but you will get the most important things done.
This is working smarter, not harder, and getting more done in less time.
5. Control Procrastination. The most effective planning in the world does not substitute for
doing what needs to be done. We procrastinate and put off important things because we don't
sense enough pain for not doing it or enough pleasure to do it.
To get going on something you have been putting off, create in your mind enough pain for not
doing it or enough pleasure to do it. I prefer the pleasure approach. Take a procrastinated
project and turn it into to a game.
Work with one thing in front of you at a time so other things won't distract you. ("Out of sight,
out of mind.") Break it down to little bite-sized, manageable pieces. Get it started, take the
first step and you will likely continue it to completion.
7."Sharpen Your Pencil."
"Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day
when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you had everything to do,
and you've done it."
--Margaret Thatcher
I realize that I'm in my 40's and that I haven't really gone back to school - truly I do. I mean, I
don't have a shiny new David Cassidy lunchbox or anything.
But, come autumn, the feeling in the pit of my stomach is the same as it was when I was a
school girl choosing a new outfit, notebook, folders and pencil pouch -- and it's one that I've
not only come to depend on after a summer of chasing sunsets, I thrive on it as well. A new
beginning. A deeply ingrained feeling of motivation.
Most people see New Year's Eve as the time to resolve to do more... do better... do something
that will move them closer to where they want to be in life. Not me. When school buses fire up
their engines and start to rumble down the street, I sharpen my proverbial pencil and prepare
to dig into whatever lies ahead.
After summer has slipped away, I find that it's easier to go to bed on time and get up on time.
Suddenly, I noticed that I'm eating a real breakfast that will last me until lunch and even my
wardrobe somehow takes on a more serious attitude.
When I'm dressed and ready to take on my day, I look at my schedule and marvel at how much I
hope to achieve by the time the sun goes down. And, all the while, I love the newness of it all -
no matter how many "first days" of fall I've had the pleasure of living through.
Maybe it's easier for me to dig in and get busy this time of year because no matter how old I
get, symbols of fall transport me back to my days of homework and lockers. Football is in the
air and even though I can't remember the last time I actually watched an entire game, I still
get excited at the very sound of a whistle on a faraway field. And don't even get me started on
I've finally put my finger on why this season brings such a feeling of getting busy again. What
lies between the first kickoff and pumpkin carving? Nothing. No distractions, no three-day
weekends, nothing to make you want to "blow off" the task at hand.
Instead, we can inhale the cooler air and focus for a while. If that sounds like a long haul and
nothing to get excited over, try changing your perspective. Consider how great Thanksgiving
will feel if you're able to look back to Labor Day and realize how much you've accomplished.
Fall Journal Exercise: Go ahead, make a list and keep it in a place where you can look at it
often to check your progress. Put everything on it that you'd love to finish by the time turkeys
get nervous.
Look beyond the mere fleeting pleasures and set your sights on real, substantive
enjoyment. Enjoy yourself in a way that says yes to life and to those things that are
deeply important to you.
Don't fall into the trap of thinking that you must feel guilty about enjoying each moment.
For the more you truly enjoy and find real fulfillment in what you're doing, the more you
will contribute value and goodness to the world around you.
The most consistently enjoyable and fulfilling activities are those that make a positive
difference. The more earnestly you seek real enjoyment, the more you'll find that you're
giving of yourself.
Though the world has many problems, so too does life offer boundless possibilities for
true enjoyment. Enjoy being a part of it all, and in so doing you'll make it all that much
10.Personal Responsibility:
Responsibility means being accountable for what we think, say, and do. Personal
responsibility involves working on our own character and skill development rather than
blaming others for situations and circumstances. It means choosing to design a life that
honors our values and purpose.
3. Every choice can benefit humanity or harm it. Even avoiding choices is
a choice, and each choice will have consequences.
5. People waste precious years while believing that there will be more
time tomorrow than there is today. Today is the perfect day to accept and
develop our gifts and talents.
7. Only our choices and actions today will bring the rainbow's end with
any gold it might contain.
8. The richest blessings follow those who follow the rules and honor the
universal laws for abundant living: laws for wellness, success,
relationships, prosperity, spirituality, and service to others.
9. When you follow the rules, life works. If you think you ever really get by
with breaking the rules, you are only fooling yourself.
11. The Creator knows what it is we need to be doing and will provide us
with plenty of chances to show up. However, we will not get an unlimited
number of chances, and we cannot ever assume that we will have
12. Living serenely does not mean that we deny problems or avoid the
responsibility for solving them. Just the opposite 梬 e find the clarity and
presence of mind to deal with the issues of daily living in positive
constructive ways.
You cannot control all the circumstances in life; however, you can learn from them. You
can choose to allow every circumstance to make you stronger, wiser, more
knowledgeable, more skillful, and more loving.
You can control your ability to design your life and your philosophies. A philosophy of
personal responsibility allows you to live from an inner core of integrity. It will bring a
sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.
(Readable Materials)
Here s a simple exercise that will make moving forward toward your
goals and getting past obstacles, rejections, setbacks, and
disappointments exactly one hundred times easier.
3) Now set out to do your goal or task. When you receive your first
obstacle, rejection, disappointment or setback, put a checkmark next
to number 1. When you hit your second obstacle, put a checkmark
next to space number 2. The third, a checkmark on space number 3,
and so on.
When you start your project or goal, expect it may take 100 attempts
to accomplish it! No, this is not a negative mindset. It simply
acknowledges that you may need to try a number of approaches
before you get something to work, or someone to accept you or your
offer. Acknowledging beforehand that you re ready to put your all
into at least 100 tries gives you the mindset of unstoppability.
Guess what? By the time she had gotten to number 3, she found the
perfect one! A "compassionate bulldog" who immediately lifted 95
percent of the stress off her shoulders of handling her incorrigible
What would her life been like had she not made that list? How many
candles would we be burning a day to light our homes if Thomas
Edison had stopped at failed experiment number 10,000, 20,000 or
30,000 instead of going on to do the 50,000 it required to invent the
light bulb?
Don t hesitate. Make your photocopied 1-100 lists now. If you don t
obert Dunham, a former Vice President of Motorola Computer Systems, has identified
the 14 top mistakes made by senior management, regardless of industry.
Your people are not listened to, only spoken at, resulting in a lack of engagement,
loyalty, and ownership, in addition to increasing staff resentment and negative morale.
2)Indulging in Overcommitment
Not producing a staff that can say "no" results in overwork, underachievement, customer
dissatisfaction, and "dead heroes" ?never a winning strategy.
The numbers are only a by-product; taking actions to change the numbers without
managing what generates the numbers - valuable offers, excellent execution, customer
satisfaction, and employee passion - is ultimately destructive.
Fuzzy agreements and lack of standards for generating and managing commitments (the
"C" word) produces waste and resignation.
Working on "tasks" without remembering, being aware of, or caring, about the reaction
of customers to what is done and how it is done, killing customer satisfaction.
Speaking honestly and directly is a skill, and requires some courage. Senior managers
must learn to provide direct and timely feedback on performance.
Teams are not just groups of people working together, and the skills of building real
teams that have trust and effective performance seems to be rare - they must be learned.
Effective management requires a range of skills, and most managers do not have the
complete set: team building, ability to evoke commitment, ability to listen, managing
morale, coping with breakdowns, managing customer satisfaction, effective planning and
projects, clear shared standards, clear ethics, presence, and not being reactive are key
Ownership and excellence do not come from order takers, and usually ordering produces
resentful avoidance, when what we really want is the ownership, pride, and passion that
comes when people commit to what they are doing.
Trust is not some vague background feeling, and trust building, repair, and sustaining
are skills, skills that too few have ?it must be learned.
A quantitative objective or vision statement are only pieces of a game plan, which also
requires a clear strategy, clear roles and responsibilities, explicit value for customers,
and a team able to execute.
12)Because I Said So
Arrogance of office leads to just giving orders, not gaining the respect and commitment
of others, and erodes the strength and vitality of the organization, leaving only the weak
and beaten.
We must learn or be passed by -- learn from our mistakes, successes, and experiences,
and learn from others in the world, particularly from those who have risked and have
experience in success and failure.
Management is often viewed in a highly cynical and derisive manner by its practitioners,
by those they manage, and by the culture as a whole. Seen as vague and idiosyncratic, a
role that cannot be learned or taught, with management education, like the MBA, seen as
ineffective. There must be a commitment to clear standards for management skills and
effective programs to produce them.
14.Dear Team
have discovered
know-but many
nebulous defeats.
fake it.
respect and
director. Don't
ever be patronizing.
customer or your
course of human
tend to be unplanned.
from now.
not hard-working;
he or she is boring.
thank-you notes as
well as proposals.
political fantasy.
benefits, and
to the
at the company
Christmas party.
28. Avoid working at weekends. Work longer during the
wait it out.
whenever you
have an opportunity.
say in boxing,
being original.
10. When you take a day off sick, you're always sick.
11. When you apply for leave, you must be going for an
"If you want the rainbow in life, you got to be willing to put up with
the rain!"
What do the "Golden Arches", "Light Bulb" and "Chicken" have in common?
Well, read on and I'll describe the common denominators of success that
these ideas originate from.
Ray Kroc was a simple man with a simple plan to achieve huge
success. His formula is:
#2 Always persevere.
#3 Don't forget # 1.
Chances are you're reading this article in a room with the use of
lighting. Well, you can thank Thomas Edison for that. Did you know that
Edison failed over 9000 (that's thousand) times before perfecting the
light bulb! How many of us would have thrown in the "proverbial" towel
at 20 failures, 150 failures or at the 8000th failure. In my opinion,
Thomas Edison's picture should be under the definition "perseverance" in
Webster's dictionary! Don't you agree? After Edison had invented and
produced the light-bulb a reporter asked him how it felt to fail over
9000 times. Edison replied, "I was glad I found 9000 ways not to invent
the light bulb! From this point forward Edison went on to receive 1,093
patents, more than any other person in U.S. history. Wow!! Edison's
formula for success:
#2 Be patient
#3 Persistence is key.
#1 Never quit.
#4 Be positive.
As you can see, the common traits between Ray Kroc, Thomas Edison and
Colonel Sanders are simple and direct. Perseverance. Patience. Time.
"If you learn to appreciate more of what you already have, you'll find yourself having more to
An attitude of gratitude brings the angels near. When we are appreciated, we tend to give more
to the person appreciating us. The angels are not different. So this day of Thanksgiving is an
appropriate time to give thanks for all we have in our lives. The things we appreciate grow. What
our mind dwells on is what grows into fruition in our lives. We reap what we sow.
In this time of rushing through life it is easy to not stop and take time to appreciate what we
already have. We are so goal oriented, we are always living in the future. We cannot live the
future now. The only power we have is in this moment. Once one realizes the truth of this
statement, then and only then can they begin to live in the now and be grateful for what they
already have. It's vitally important that we not lose sight of the things that are near and dear-
things we all too easily take for granted.
What we hold in our minds, meditate on, increases. If we focus on our problems they grow. If we
thank the angels and our Higher Power even for what we call problems then they, too, become
blessings -- a challenge maybe, but a chance to overcome and grow. After all, you created what
you call problems; you and only you know exactly what you need to grow.
If you focus on where you want to be in life, while being grateful for where you are now, you will
expand the opportunities to create your life just as you would like it to be. I see meditating on our
problems as another form of prayer. When we worry and fret over things, we make them bigger
than they really are, as well as attract more of the same. That's negative prayer-prayer in reverse.
Focus today, no matter what is happening in your life, on the here and now. Be grateful for what
you do have and be grateful you are growing toward where you want to be. Before going to sleep
tonight spend time thinking of three things you are grateful for. This is a powerful time of day you
are in - that half wakeful and half sleep stage. The mind is easy to program at this time of day.
Gratefulness is a state of mind that should be practiced daily instead of yearly. Make everyday
20.Build Self-esteem before Self-confidence
Simona Nielsen tells us why we should build self-esteem
before we build self confidence
Self-confidence isn’t always what we think it is. Many experts distinguish between self-confidence
on one side and self-esteem on the other. Self-confidence is about what we can do by virtue of
our efforts. What we are good and bad at. The self-confidence grows along with the quality of the
Self-esteem is more fundamental and is about the feeling of being worth something, just because
we are who we are, and not because we have done something. A good sports man can have a
huge success and self-confidence, because he’s good at his sport. In the same time his self-
esteem can be low, if his parents have never acknowledged and treasured him for the person he
is deep inside, but only for his sporty performances.
To recognize a healthy and well-developed self-confidence is when you feel well-balanced and
comfortable. A bad self-confidence shows as a constant feeling of insecurity, self-criticism and
sense of guilt. If you have a healthy self-esteem, it’s very rare you’ll have problems with a low
Some people just have it, as if they were born to it. To talk in front of a crowd of people, sell
themselves at job interviews or to start an interesting conversation with people they’ve never met
before. There is comfort for you, if you don’t belong to this category.
Self-confidence isn’t something you receive as a birth gift. It’s something you develop gradually
as you turn over the pages of the thick book of life. If you work goal-directed to improve your
belief in yourself, you’ll eventually built up your courage to do what self-assured people find
natural, instead of generating heart throb, breathing difficulties and sweaty hands.
Self-confidence is an important part of your baggage. Without it, life will be a constant evasive
action controlled by fear and inferiority complexes. It’ll be harder to archive what you want, just
because the thought of how impossible it might seem, will make you turn in the wrong direction.
Many people have such an ill self-confidence that they - through life - avoid doing things they
dream about and need. Some of them have always been told “You can’t do it” or “take care, it will
fail.” If it’s some of the most important people in your life, i.e. your parents, who has been the
negative judges in your life, it’s especially bad.
A child with a yet so blank identity has blind confidence that the parents are fantastic and always
right. The child will very fast take over the parents “You can’t do it”- tune and play it over and over
in the mind as if it’s a forever truth. If we don’t believe that we can and dare, we avoid certain
situations because of the fear to fail. Then we will never proof to ourselves and to others that we
actually can.
Many aim lower than they actually should in their career. They avoid an exam because they are
afraid of bad grades and hereby prove that they can’t do it. Or they search for a job with a lower
risk. Our way of thinking is very important. If we constantly think in failures there’s a huge risk that
we unconsciously head straight for it.
People with low self-esteem listen to other people’s opinions and rules, instead of listening to
their own needs and wishes. Perhaps they do something to please others. Perhaps they don’t do
anything because they fear the reactions from others. Or they might be individualists and will
rather do things on their own.
If you’re ‘invisible’ you’ll never get the chance to say what you mean, who you are, and what you
can. Then others have to guess and that creates misunderstandings. You won’t receive very
much feedback from your surroundings. It creates insecurity about what others think of you and
again there is a high breeding ground for guessing and ghost images.
Regardless of fear and shyness you’ll have to get out of your hiding to improve your self-
confidence. Be more visible to your surroundings. Do something else, than you use to. Break the
vicious circle of negative, self-fulfilling prophecies and try yourself in different situations. We have
all many great abilities that just have to be exposed
21.The Qualities of Skillful Leadership
by Jim Rohn
What to Do
Instead of reacting impulsively, train yourself to
keep a lid on angry feelings until you have cooled
down. Then confront the situation -- or person --
calmly. When flooded with negative emotions, the
ability to hear, think and speak are severely
impaired. Taking a "time out" can be enormously
constructive. However, 5 minutes are not enough;
research suggests that people need at least 20 minutes
to recover from intense psychological arousal. During
those minutes (and at other times, too), try some of
these techniques for coping with and defusing anger:
1 Become Aware of what precipitates your anger. Most
of us have identifiable triggers. Once you know the
roots of your anger, you can deal with it more
2. Monitor the feelings and bodily sensations you
experience when you're becoming angry.
Learn to use these sensations as cues to stop and
consider what is happening and what to do about it.
3. Change the thoughts that trigger anger,
interpreting the situation from a different (less
provocative) point of view.
Often, this involves looking at the situation from the
other person's perspective. Instead of, "Sue's
deliberately trying to make me look bad," think "Sue
must be having a bad day." Instead of "How dare you
cut me off, you damn homicidal idiot!" think "Maybe
that driver didn't see me." Changing thoughts produces
new feelings which displace the anger.
The quicker you can reinterpret a situation the
better. Brooding fuels anger, but seeing things
differently quells it. Reframing a situation is one of
the most potent ways of controlling anger.
4. Write down angry thoughts.
Once you have them on paper, challenge and reappraise
them. Or write a letter to the person you're angry
with and then tear it into a hundred pieces. But be
careful: The longer you dwell on what made you angry,
the more reasons and self-justifications you can find
for being angry. Try not to fan your own fire.
6. Respond assertively.
The goal isn't to suppress anger, but to express it in
non-aggressive ways. Blaming, accusations, threats and
name-calling are aggressive responses. Calmly and
assertively stating your thoughts and feelings about a
situation, without blaming, is a far more powerful way
to respond in conflict.
7. Relax.
Anger is a high-arousal state, so one of the most
helpful things you can do is engage in an activity
that lowers blood pressure and heart rate, like yoga,
stretching, deep breathing, massage, visualization,
guided imagery or meditation. Activities like
gardening, painting, and woodworking may also be very
helpful. Running, walking, dancing, swimming and other
forms of aerobic exercise "work off" anger and leave
you feeling relaxed.
Do you remember how, once upon a time, you used to have a dream? Maybe you wanted to be
a movie star, a doctor, or an athlete. Maybe you wanted to cross the ocean in a sailboat. Or
maybe you just wanted to chisel sculptures out of a mountain rock.
Truth be told, you probably have already worked hard toward achieving that dream. It was the
center of your conversation with acquaintances and relatives. You were excited about it! But
somehow, you lost interest and passion and slowly drifted away. Why?
Go ahead, think about it. Let me ask you again, why did you stop pursuing that dream? I know
the answer. You got distracted! You got confused! It could be that your friends enticed you into
joining their parade. Perhaps you hit a stumbling block or someone said something that became
a distraction. Suddenly, you lost momentum.
In physics, the law of momentum says that a body in motion tends to remain in motion until an
outside force acts upon it. That force in your case is distraction. It could be that your friends or
family members acted upon you by overtly discouraging you, or by encouraging you to follow a
more "sensible" path.
So you stopped practicing, stopped reading and studying, stopped working toward your highest
ambition. Those distractions hypnotized you into taking a detour. Your grand dream gradually
became just a footnote in the history of your life.
Have you ever heard the truism that says "used-to bees make no honey"? Do you know people
who are always talking about what they used to do? They usually say, "Someday I will."
And that someday never comes. Excuses, excuses, and more excuses. Those of you who have
read my book know this already. Besides my poverty and disease-stricken life in a tiny Haitian
village, I came to America with only $5 and unable to speak any English. My first job was
digging holes for less than minimum wage on the streets of Miami.
But I had a dream. And I NEVER lost focus or momentum. I let nothing deter me. I was resilient
and determined. Nothing anybody could say would stop me, not even the obstacles. Yes, they
may have slowed me down, but I kept pressing on.
Shakespeare wrote, "This above all, to thine own self be true." Bravo, Mr. Shakespeare! Being
true to yourself means you promise yourself something and you commit to it no matter what. I
was a doorman carrying bags in Atlanta--a porter. I met some of the top motivational speakers.
I shook their hands as a doorman, but I told them that one day I will share a platform with
them. What audacity? Well, it was because I knew that nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing,
would stop me. And I kept taking action daily.
It is said that motion creates emotion. When you take action toward that which you most
desire, your self-confidence soars. On the other hand, distractions shift you off-course
or slow you down. But actions accelerate you forward along your chosen course. Every action
strengthens you to take another.
When you become a person of action, you become unstoppable! You liberate yourself from
guilt and self-pity. You become the envy of the world.
Many people never commit to anything. They have interests and hobbies, but no passion or
driving ambition. I know you are one of those people who can commit and follow through;
otherwise you wouldn't be reading this article.
Life is like a bicycle. The moment we stop pedaling, we start losing momentum. If we coast for
too long, we fall. Resolve to press on in spite of all your distractions, problems, or challenges.
So, my friend, it's time to go back to that dream that is gathering dust on the shelves of your
life. But this time, write it down. Marry that dream and say, "until death do us part."
24. Basics/Fundamentals
"Report on the deals, handle the details." -- Patricia
"It's good to have money and the things money can buy,
but it's good, too, to check up once in a while and
make sure that you haven't lost the things money can't
buy." -- George Horace Lormier
"It takes less time to do things right than to explain
why you did it wrong." -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
"Morale and attitude are the fundamental ingredients
to success." -- Bud Wilkinson
Action Steps:
Here are two things you can do immediately to practice
these principles in your day to day life:
What color is an apple? If you said red, yellow, or green, you were thinking of just the surface of
the apple and ignored most of it, which is white. Although there are big differences between
apples and people, we often think about both in the same way. That is, we too often see only the
surface of others. Our view of them is shallow and one-dimensional. No wonder we are not
impressed by most of the people we meet. Yet, if plunge into the depths of those we encounter,
we will discover hidden treasures.
Real or fictional people are not only valuable, but are necessary, for their words and deeds
instruct us. They reflect our own weaknesses and faults, as well as our own strength and
potential. For example, let's see what we can learn from the characters in this ancient Hindu
Lord Krishna ordered a wicked king to search the world for one good person and bring that
person before him. After a long search, the wicked king returned and said, "I have looked far and
wide. Yet, everyone I met was deceitful, untrustworthy, and selfish. There is not a single good
person that I can bring before you."
Lord Krishna then asked a kind and gentle king to search the world for one wicked person and to
bring that person before him. After a long absence, the kind king returned and said, "Lord, I have
failed you. Although I could find many that were misguided, misled, or misinformed, none were
truly evil. When they act ruthlessly, it is out of ignorance; they are all good at heart."
See how easy it is to learn from others? I'm sure you weren't surprised the evil king couldn't find a
good person and the kind king couldn't find a wicked person. After all, when we explore the world,
we see what we ARE. We see what we BELIEVE. And we find what we EXPECT to find. Pierre
Mac Orlan understood we find what we look for because he wrote, "When you have a taste for
exceptional people, you always end up meeting them everywhere."
The evil king was blinded by his own prejudices and saw only the surface of others. The good
king's mind was unclouded by preconceptions, so he was able to dive into the hearts of everyone
he met and discover their true nature. Yes, there is a great deal we can learn from others.
However, learning isn't enough. We must apply what we learn if we wish to benefit from it.
People are treasures. But as long as they are strangers, they are undiscovered treasures. It is
only after making friends that we have the chance to open the lid of the treasure chest and
discover the glittering gems it contains. Anais Nin writes about the value of friendship: "Each
friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this
meeting that a new world is born." Although friendship may not be necessary for survival, survival
is meaningless without it.
The more friends we have the richer our lives. But, the number of friends we make is limited
because of many impediments that block our way. The first roadblock was already mentioned. It
is our prejudices, which obscure our vision. So, we need to become aware of our narrow-
mindedness and destroy it. Here's how Victor Hugo makes the same point, "Superstition, bigotry
and prejudice, ghosts though they are, cling tenaciously to life; they are shades (shadows) armed
with tooth and claw. They must be grappled with unceasingly, for it is a fateful part of human
destiny that it is condemned to wage perpetual war against ghosts. A shade is not easily taken by
the throat and destroyed." Yes, destroying our prejudices isn't easy, but it is a worthwhile and
necessary struggle.
Another impediment to friendship is our differences. After all, birds of a kind flock together and
those that are different are usually unwelcome. Our differences are like the pits in an apple, minor
irritants at first, but they are the seeds of a lasting relationship. For though it is our similarities that
unite us, it is our differences that we learn from.
Yet another impediment is self-centeredness or conceit. If we are engrossed in our own imagined
magnificence, how can we see the splendor of others? A pompous attitude is hardly a recipe for
friendship, for as Francois De La Rochefoucauld wrote, "A person well satisfied with themselves
is seldom satisfied with others, and others, rarely are with them."
Friendships that are won can easily be lost because of misunderstandings and disputes.
Being angry with a friend is like burning down your own house to kill a rat. Rebuild
damaged relationships with forgiveness and realistic expectations. After all, people are
imperfect; and that includes us. If we are to be accepted with all our faults, don't we owe
others the same courtesy?
In this regard, the Greek philosopher Epictetus offers some good advice, "Everything has two
handles; the one soft and manageable, the other such as will not endure to be touched. If then
your brother do you an injury, do not take it by the hot hard handle, by representing to yourself all
the aggravating circumstances of the fact; but look rather on the soft side, and extenuate it as
much as is possible, by considering the nearness of the relation, and the long friendship and
familiarity between you - obligations to kindness which a single provocation ought not to dissolve.
And thus you will take the accident by the manageable handle."
If we are easily hurt by the insensitive remarks of our friends, imagine how they feel when
we do the same. The truth is, we make more enemies by what we say than friends by what
we do. We can win a few friends with our mouths, more with our ears, and the most with
our hearts. As long as we communicate in a thoughtful and caring way, we will maintain
our friendships.
Friendship is to people what sunshine is to flowers. People need nurturing. They need our
friendship, so don't wait for them to be friendly, but show them how. Just as one seed will yield
countless apples, one friendship will sprout countless joys. Sir John Bowring instructs us how to
become good gardeners, "There is in every human heart / Some not completely barren part, /
Where seeds of truth and love might grow, / And flowers of generous virtue flow; / To plant, to
watch, to water there, / This be our duty, be our care."
One of the mistakes we make is to forget that everyone we see will die. Because of this lapse of
memory, many words and feeling that should be expressed are left unsaid. Don't save your
thoughts for your friend's eulogy, but express them today. And like Benjamin Disraeli, let's
remember that, "The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches,
but to reveal to him, his own."
29.Self-Actualization: How Do You Get It?
Denise Hamilton shares the secrets of her happiness:
choosing careers for self-actualization.
Make real: “The realization of one’s talents and potentialities, especially considered as a drive or
need present in anyone” (Oxford Canadian Dictionary 1998)—in other words, self-actualization.
A self-actualized person is a happy person. The trick is to understand just what makes you
happy: that is, to understand what you are and what your talents are, then marry those talents
with your interests. When you have combined the two, you have a greater chance of having an
exciting, fulfilling life and career.
The path to self-actualization can be short and direct if you know your talents and personality at a
young age, but for most of us, the path is actually long and convoluted. For me, the path was
indeed a meandering course. Like so many people, in my youth I chose a career that was
available, achievable and provided the means for self-support: I became a nurse.
That is not to say that I didn’t enjoy being a nurse. Quite the opposite—my career as a nurse
matched one half of my personality—the nurturing, caring, amiable, patient me. However, the
other side of me, the competitive, determined, creative, purposeful me had to be suppressed
while working in health care. Gradually, though, the need for self-actualization forced me to
evaluate what I was doing and forced me to conclude that part of me was hiding and ready to
Strangely, or not so strangely, I left nursing and partnered in the writing of a cookbook. The
nurturing side of me authored not just another cookbook, but a healthy eating/healthy lifestyle
book. The determined side of me self-published the book so that it could be done my way: this
was helping me. Within two years, I had sold over 250,000 copies of Fit to Cook, learning in the
process that the marketing of the book was far more exciting than the writing of the book.
Isn’t it interesting how life presents new opportunities if you just grab on to them when you are
ready? All that I learned from being an author to being a publisher to being a marketer launched
me into a new venture. By watching other authors in the struggle to find markets for their books, I
saw a need and a void. Not every author has a determined, competitive side—some are just too
cautious or analytical or complacent or busy. In a “light bulb” moment, I saw their need. This was
the inspiration for Ink Tree Ltd., my co-venture in marketing and publicizing books for other
authors and self-publishers.
Now, going to work is exciting. Every day is a new challenge that fulfills both sides of me. I can be
all of myself—nurturing and caring while at the same time competitive and creative. And what is
the end result? Every day I am happy.
As Oprah Winfrey says, “Dream big—dream very big. You are the only person alive who
can see your big picture—and even you can’t see it all.”
"You don't have to buy from anyone. You don't have to work at any particular job. You don't have
to participate in any given relationship. You can choose." -- Harry Browne
Choice. It's all about freedom--the freedom to pick one thing over another. Are you
choosing what you want from life?
"Oh no," comes the reply. "I can't because… I haven't got enough education. …I need to look
after my family. …I don't have enough money. …I don't have the time." What's your excuse? The
truth is that we have choice in every single moment of our lives. For those who are destitute, the
choices in life are fewer. But the rest of us often think we don't have freedom when we simply
haven't claimed our power to choose differently.
How do you typically make decisions? Do you do so based on-
"shoulds" – doing what you believe you should do
pleasing others – doing what others want or expect you to do
fear – choosing the safe route for fear of doing something different.
habit and reaction – you don't even think about what you're doing--you've always done it
this way?
On the other hand, you own your power to choose when you decide on the basis of:
desire – choosing something you want.
need – responding to deeper desires.
authenticity – you know who you are and what you stand for.
creative _expression – you strive to be more.
31.So what life choice will you make?
Empowerment arises from the three Cs: choice, courage and change. They are yours to
claim. You'll be astounded at how easy it will be to take charge once you've made up your mind
to do so. You have the opportunity to create a future that's very different from your past. And
remember: not choosing is also a choice.
"It is always your next move." -- Napoleon Hill
Vic Johnson
Life is what me make it, always has been, always will be...
33. How to do Everything !!!
"I guess I'm going to have to get used to the idea that I can't do everything I want to do,"
my coaching client said.
At first, I didn't say anything about this, and we continued talking. His statement stuck in
my mind, so much so that, a few seconds later, I stopped him in mid-sentence. "Wait a
minute," I said, "why, exactly, can't you do everything?"
The question startled us both, really, but as we discussed it, we discovered that it is
possible to do "everything" you want to do, if you keep the following points in mind...
The biggest obstacle I find keeping individuals from accomplishing all that they want to
do, is that they try to do too much all at once. Their wish-list of goals and activities gets
longer and longer, and each item is given the same priority: ASAP!
Despite what we've been led to believe in our modern age of multi-tasking computers and
mega-time-saving devices, gizmos, and gadgets, most people can only do one thing at a
When reviewing people's lists of "everything" they want to do, I find that many of us have
items and activities that ended up on our lists by default. We added them because
somebody else said we should do them or because we thought, at the time, they'd be
important... only now they're not.
If it's truly important to you, you'll find the time and way to do it. If it's not important,
you'll keep avoiding, postponing and procrastinating about it. If that's the case, scratch it
off your list and move on.
3. You can do everything, but you may not be the BEST at everything.
If your goal is to be the BEST in every field of endeavor you're trying to pursue then
chances are you're setting yourself up for disappointment. This is especially true if you
have many diverse areas of interest.
For example, you may have goals in the areas of entrepreneurship, writing, politics, and
singing. While it's possible you might create a very successful retail business while
writing a best-selling novel, getting elected a state senator, and releasing a top-of-the-
charts album of your favorite t.v. theme show songs, it's not very probable.
Strive, work hard, and apply yourself at every activity, but keep in mind that being the
best requires a great deal of time, focus, and energy that you may not be able to commit
if you're going in 100 different directions.
Every activity, every goal, brings it's own set of limiting factors that will effect your
participation. Things like time, health, money, age, sex, weather, policies, etc. Some of
these are changeable, some are not.
Oh, you can try to do it all on your own, but the more you attempt to do, the more help
you'll need to get it all done.
Success is rarely a solo adventure. Surround yourself with successful, encouraging, and
uplifting people who will inspire and support you as you pursue your dreams. After all,
once you make your dreams come you, you'll want to share them with someone.
34. One of the worst days of my life:
At first, I didn't say anything about this, and we continued talking. His statement stuck in
my mind, so much so that, a few seconds later, I stopped him in mid-sentence. "Wait a
minute," I said, "why, exactly, can't you do everything?"
The question startled us both, really, but as we discussed it, we discovered that it is
possible to do "everything" you want to do, if you keep the following points in mind...
The biggest obstacle I find keeping individuals from accomplishing all that they want to
do, is that they try to do too much all at once. Their wish-list of goals and activities gets
longer and longer, and each item is given the same priority: ASAP!
Despite what we've been led to believe in our modern age of multi-tasking computers and
mega-time-saving devices, gizmos, and gadgets, most people can only do one thing at a
When reviewing people's lists of "everything" they want to do, I find that many of us have
items and activities that ended up on our lists by default. We added them because
somebody else said we should do them or because we thought, at the time, they'd be
important... only now they're not.
If it's truly important to you, you'll find the time and way to do it. If it's not important,
you'll keep avoiding, postponing and procrastinating about it. If that's the case, scratch it
off your list and move on.
3. You can do everything, but you may not be the BEST at everything.
If your goal is to be the BEST in every field of endeavor you're trying to pursue then
chances are you're setting yourself up for disappointment. This is especially true if you
have many diverse areas of interest.
For example, you may have goals in the areas of entrepreneurship, writing, politics, and
singing. While it's possible you might create a very successful retail business while
writing a best-selling novel, getting elected a state senator, and releasing a top-of-the-
charts album of your favorite t.v. theme show songs, it's not very probable.
Strive, work hard, and apply yourself at every activity, but keep in mind that being the
best requires a great deal of time, focus, and energy that you may not be able to commit
if you're going in 100 different directions.
Every activity, every goal, brings it's own set of limiting factors that will effect your
participation. Things like time, health, money, age, sex, weather, policies, etc. Some of
these are changeable, some are not.
Oh, you can try to do it all on your own, but the more you attempt to do, the more help
you'll need to get it all done.
Success is rarely a solo adventure. Surround yourself with successful, encouraging, and
uplifting people who will inspire and support you as you pursue your dreams. After all,
once you make your dreams come you, you'll want to share them with someone.
Gita is revealed by Shiva, the Supreme Soul, not by Sri Krishna,the First Prince of Satyug
Absolute Truth are the Words spoken by God Himself.Bhagwad Gita is called Saromani of
Sastras, the only Truth meant for the welfare of Mankind.
But We are following the Gita written by Sage Vyasa during Copper Age, who has wrongly
mentioned Sri Krishna has spoken Bhagwad Gita.
In fact Gita was spoken by the Supreme Soul at the end of Kaliyug (Iron Age) before the Dawn of
Satyug (Golden Age).
By The Supreme Gita, Supreme God keeps the promise of coming to the rescue of devotees to
save them from vices of Lust, Anger, Greed, Ego and Atachment and make them Sato pradhan
(Pure), so that we are eligible to come and live with Sri Krishna in the Goloka - which in reality is
called as Satyug.
Sri Krishna and Sri Radha were the Prince and Princess of Satyug and they were ruling the
Kingdom in the name of Vishnu - Combined form of Sri Lakshmi and Sri Narayan,
Since Sage Vyasa (During Copper Age) was not aware of Supreme Almighty authority by his
limited intellect, the teachings whatever being taught by the Supreme Soul was compiled
according to the limited intellect of Sage Vyasa and used the name Sri Krishna as the sermonizer
of Gita.
The Truth is, the Supreme Soul, Almighty God, the Ocean of Knowledge, who has got the
complete Knowledge of Beginning to the end of the World Cycle, is the One who revealed Gita
and the present Bhagwad Gita has got truth only like a pinch of salt in the sackful of flour.
If Bhagwad Gita has contained 100% Truth, there would have been a Kingdom of peace
immediately after the Knowledge given to humanity, But in actual it is not so. Instead there was
only destruction including the death of Pandavas.
The Supreme Soul is also called as Doer of Good - Kalyankari and is known as Shiv.
So, Shiv is the Supreme God who revealed Gita.
The Supreme Soul, Shiv's only request is Consider yourself as soul, and remember
Supreme Soul, who is Ocean of Knowledge , Ocean of Mercy etc..,so that our past and
present sins get incinerated and by following Shiv's Teachings as Father, Teacher and
Satguru., we will go to Paramdham (Soul World) and we will come in to Satyug - the
Golden Age without any difficulty
Note: 1) Supreme Soul Shiv is Soul without body, different from the Shankar who is
shown as doing Tapasya with Snake in the neck. 2) Since this World Cycle of 5000 yrs.,
(with 4 Ages of 1250 yrs. each) keep on repeating, the Supreme Soul who never comes
into Birth and Death, has got the knowledge of Past, Present and Future.
37 Destructive Habits of Incompetent People
If you want to have a fantastic life, never engage yourself in these 7 deadly
habits that incompetent people do by Michael Lee .
They complain that the sun is too hot. They cursed the rain for ruining their
plans for the day. They blame the wind for ruining their hair.
They think that everyone is against them. They see the problems but never the
Every little bit of difficulty is exaggerated to the point of tragedy. They regard
failures as catastrophes. They become discouraged easily instead of learning
from their mistakes.
They never seem to move forward because they're always afraid to come out of
their comfort zones.
They move based on instinst or impulse. If they see something they like, they
buy at once without any second thought.
Then they see something better. They regret & curse for not able to take
advantage of the bargain.
Then they spend & spend again until nothing's left. They don't think about the
future. What they're after is the pleasure they will experience at present.
They don't think about the consequenses. Those who engage in unsafe sex,
criminality, and the like are included in this group.
They want to be the star of the show. So they always engage in talks that would
make them heroes, even to the point of lying.
Oftentimes they are not aware that what they're saying is not sensible anymore.
When other people advise them, they close their ears because they're too proud
to admit their mistakes.
In their mind they're always correct. They reject suggestions because that will
make them feel inferior.
Incompetent ones call it quits upon recognizing the first signs of failure.
At first, they may be excited to start an endeavor. But then they lose interest
fairly quickly, especially when they encounter errors.
Then they go & search for a new one. Same story & same results. Incompetent
people don't have the persistence to go on and fulfill their dreams.
They could've asked these successful ones nicely. But no, they're too proud.
They don't want to ask advise. Moreover, they're too negative to accomplish
They don't know what to do next. They may just be contented on eating, getting
drunk, watching TV, or worse, staring at the blank wall with no thoughts
whatsoever to improve their lives.
It's perfectly fine to enjoy once in a while. But time should be managed
efficiently in order to succeed. There should be a proper balance between work
& pleasure.
If there are two roads to choose from, incompetent people would choose the
wider road with less rewards than the narrower road with much better rewards
at the end.
They don't want any suffering or hardship. They want a good life.
What these people don't know is that what you reap is what you sow. Efforts &
action will not go unnoticed.
If only they would be willing to sacrifice a little, they would be much better off.
Successful people made it through trials & error. They never give up. They are
willing to do everything necessary to achieve what they aspire for in life.
Each of us has his own concept of greatness. Take a moment to think of the first three people
whom you consider to possess greatness. [Are you thinking?]
The first three that immediately came to my mind (I consciously excluded my personal religious
heroes) were Anne Frank, Gandhi (I read his biography not long ago), and Albert Schweitzer. I
asked my wife to do the same. Her responses included John Adams (she recently finished
reading his biography), and Martin Luther King, Jr.
As I ponder this question of greatness, I“m struck by my own compartmental thinking. I thought of
general public great ones like those mentioned above, religious great ones: Jesus Christ, ancient
and modern prophets (yes modern prophets), and family.
I find that the famous great ones contributed something to society. Their views and actions
served and lifted others. Their lives counted. They followed their “callings“. Their influences
ranged the whole earth and have lasted for generations. They stirred our souls and lifted our
Each had a cause for which he devoted his life and maybe even sacrificed it. Each endured
difficulties but prevailed.
The religious heroes achieved greatness by spreading truth and virtue. They sacrificed by living
consistent with their beliefs. They, too, subdued their natural tendencies to become more Godlike.
They lifted others.
Did Gandhi live a perfect life? No, but much of his greatness came from his striving for perfection.
He worked at it. He pushed himself to improve. He lived the very best life he could live. And he
encouraged others to do the same. He taught by the example of his life.
Like Gandhi, we need not live perfect lives to live great lives; we only need to lift those in our
circles of influence and constantly strive for improvement.
What about you and me? What can we do to live with greatness? You will have some ideas. Mine
.Care about your reputation, but care more about your character
·Strive for success by bringing others with you, not by stomping on others
·Face challenges squarely and bravely
·Find a way to serve” sacrifice in your service
·Stir the hearts of others as you lift them
·Adopt a cause that can excite your passion
·Have a vision of your potential
·Knock off the rough edges of your character, don“t give in to them
·See the greatness in those close to you
·Identify the gaps between your potential and your current reality and work to narrow that gap
·Recognize that life consists not of a series of circumstances but of a series of choices
As I write to you each week, I visualize your greatness. As the number of readers grows, I feel a
wonderful responsibility to help you better yourselves. I cherish the opportunity.
We do not need fame to live with greatness. We only need to influence the sphere of our
Yet, I strongly believe the following,
"A man filled with the love of God, is not content with blessing his family alone, but ranges
through the whole world, anxious to bless the whole human race." Joseph Smith
You should avert eyes to show respect. Blocking screen can also add
IX. Thou shalt not skip slides in a long talk
You prepared the slides; people came for your whole talk; so just
talk faster. Skip your summary and conclusions if necessary.
What is important in the message is the reality that, despite having opportunities of
choosing, we continue to remain helpless and keep wasting time in managing the
Dear Friends,
I came across this article and I realised how true it is that all of us do not realise that
every moment we CAN make a choice in our lives, and we do, only we do not realise that
we have made a chice by not choosing
"You don't have to buy from anyone. You don't have to work at any particular job. You
don't have to participate in any given relationship. You can choose." -- Harry Browne
Choice. It's all about freedom--the freedom to pick one thing over another. Are you
choosing what you want from life? "Oh no," comes the reply. "I can't because... I haven't
got enough education... I need to look after my family... I don't have enough money... I
don't have the time." What's your excuse?
The truth is that we have choice in every single moment of our lives. For those who are
destitute, the choices in life are fewer. But the rest of us often think we don't have
freedom when we simply haven't claimed our power to choose differently. How do you
typically make decisions? Do you do so based on:
·"shoulds" - doing what you believe you should do.
·pleasing others - doing what others want or expect you to do.
·fear - choosing the safe route for fear of doing something different.
·habit and reaction - you don't even think about what you're doing–you've always done it
this way?
On the other hand, you own your power to choose when you decide on the basis of:
·desire - choosing something you want
·need - responding to deeper desires
·authenticity - you know who you are and what you stand for
·creative _expression - you strive to be more.
So how can you open to choosing differently?
1.Be clear about what you want. Have a sense of purpose. With a target to aim for, you'll
know what will serve you best.
2.Stop and ask yourself questions: "Why am I doing this? What do I want to achieve?"
Write down your answers. Be more conscious of how you are spending your precious
time, because this is your life passing by. This will help you say, "Wait! I don't want to
do this anymore!"
3.Never allow yourself to play the victim. Victims have given away their power. You
alone are responsible for your life. When you fully accept this, you will claim your inner
power to make better choices. Change often comes from nothing more than a shift in
4.Be open to possibilities for yourself. Select one area of your life where you are
unsatisfied, and choose something new, something more for yourself. Do different things
and do things differently. Risk more.
Empowerment arises from the three Cs: Choice, Courage and Change. They are yours to
claim. You'll be astounded at how easy it will be to take charge once you've made up
your mind to do so. You have the opportunity to create a future that's very different from
your past. And remember: not choosing is also a choice.
Thought-- let us have the Courage to Choose the Change in our Live
You can't find a more powerful medium of communication than
yourself -- your character, your personality and your
A sense of security.
A sense of identity.
A sense of belonging.
A sense of purpose.
A sense of personal competence.
Secure people are comfortable with who they are and with
what others think about them. They know their roles in the
organization and are confident that they can fill them.
People with a sense of identity know how they fit into the
work place and how the work place fits into their lives. To
them, work takes its place among family, friends and
community as an important and fulfilling component of their
"How would you feel if someone asked you what you did for a
living and you had to answer, 'I'm a popcorn maker'?" he
asked me.
Find out what you can do to rectify matters, let the employees
with our eyes, our facial expressions, our posture, our clothes,
our grooming, our lifestyles, and many other aspects of our persons.
with words.
What happens if we train our people, and they leave? Wrong question.
Daily life can be made happier. It is a matter of choice. It is our attitude that makes us
feel happy or unhappy. It is true, we meet all kinds of situations during the day, and
some of them may not be conductive to happiness. We can choose to keep thinking about
the unhappy events, and we can choose to refuse to think about them, and instead, relish
the happy moments. All of us constantly go through various situations and
circumstances, but we do not have to let them influence our reactions and feelings.
If we let outer events influence our moods, we become their slaves. We lose our freedom.
We let our happiness be determined by outer forces. On the other hand, we can free
ourselves from outer influences. We can choose to be happy, and we can do a lot to add
happiness to our lives.
What is happiness?
It is a feeling of inner peace and satisfaction. It is usually experienced when there are no
worries, fears or obsessing thoughts, and this usually happens, when we do something we
love to do or when we get, win, gain or achieve something that we value. It seems to be
the outcome of positive events, but it actually comes from the inside, triggered by outer
For most people happiness seems fleeting, because they let changing outer circumstances
affect it. One of the best ways to keep it, is by gaining inner peace through daily
meditation. As the mind becomes more peaceful, it becomes easier to choose the
happiness habit.
Here are a few tips for increasing happiness in daily life, by performing some simple
1) Endeavor to change the way you look at things. Always look at the bright side. The
mind may drag you to think about negativity and difficulties. Don't let it. Look at the
good and positive side of every situation.
5) Each day, devote some time to reading a few pages of an inspiring book or article.
6) Watch your thoughts. Whenever you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, start
thinking of pleasant things.
7) Always look at what you have done and not at what you haven't.
Sometimes you may begin the day with the desire to accomplish several objectives. At the
end of the day you might feel frustrated and unhappy, because you haven't been able to
do all of those things.
Look at what you have done, not at what you have not been able to do. You may have
accomplished a lot during the day, and yet you let yourself become frustrated, because of
some small things that you did not accomplish. You have spent all day successfully
carrying out many plans, and instead of feeling happy and satisfied, you look at what
was not accomplished and feel unhappy. It is unfair toward yourself.
8) Each day do something good for yourself. It can be something small, such buying a
book, eating something you love, watching you favorite program on TV, going to a
movie, or just having a stroll on the beach.
9) Each day do at least one act to make others happy. This can be a kind word, helping
your colleagues, stopping your car at the crossroad to let people cross, giving your seat
in a bus to someone else, or giving a small present to someone you love. The possibilities
are infinite. When you make someone happy, you become happy, and then people try to
make you happy.
11) Do not envy people who are happy. On the contrary, be happy for their happiness.
12) Associate with happy people, and try to learn from them to be happy. Remember,
happiness is contagious.
13) Do your best to stay detached, when things do not proceed as intended and desired.
Detachment will help you stay calm and control your moods and reactions. Detachment
is not indifference. It is the acceptance of the good and the bad and staying balanced.
Detachment has much to do with inner peace, and inner peace is conductive to
'Oh, hello, hello! How are you? Nice meeting you. How have you been?' And then I
am at a loss what to say next as I just can't place him. Situation is made even more
embarrassing when he so elaborately informs me about my deeds (or, misdeeds). I
quickly run through the alphabets in my mind hoping that one will pull the right
chord and 'twang' will reverberate the name. It works; but just about 5 pc of the
time. Then try another charade.
'So how is Business?’ Hoping that if he mentioned his vocation, it shall open up some
association. But people are so uncooperative - 'Not bad, but you know what? With
tight money market and inflation it is not as good as one would have liked.' How
informative! Why for love of God he would not say that cloth was down or electronics
were so competitive?
'But you are right in the hub of the market and must be a drawing a lots of
customers,' l say.
Again the blighter does not come out clean and talks incoherently, 'no yaar, now
people avoid big market coming up in every colony, they prefer to shop there.' He
hopefully offers.
How discouraging! Instead of babbling about big markets and so on why he just
would not say that people were no more thronging to Ganj or Aminabad. This is
really very upsetting .The art of communication or conversation, I tell you, is dying
out. People age so vague and have no power of _expression.
Then I get a flash, cursing myself that why I did not think of it before, I pull out my
visiting card, look, why don't you give me a ring sometime, or come over? Then we
will talk at length. '
Brightening up he says. 'Yes, that's right. I will do that. I will give you my number
too.' That is exactly what I have been waiting for. Then he picks up a floating piece
of paper, borrows my pen and scribbles a number. Great! Sometimes though I
hastily goad him, 'put down your name too, otherwise I shall wonder later whose
number it could be'. But mostly I sheepishly take it being no wiser in the process
than when we shook hands first.
To cut the whole rigmarole short, I have made it a practice, when in doubt, to
straightaway say, I am so and so,' while shaking hands. Most of the times people
respond by speaking out theirs, even if they add 'I am ........ , u ting fool ' But trust
me I have often met people who just say, ' of course, I know you are.......' Period!
I like best the people who sensing slightest hesitant place me. Arre yaar, I am....'
They are darlings. I feel like hugging and kissing them. Of course, you can't always
do it. Most certainly not if the person happens to be a lady. Still!
In what way must God be looking at the child who is following shrimat (God’s Words)?
He looks with great love and regard. He looks at the forehead. And the one
who follows shrimat - what does He look at? He can see only the One and,
through seeing only the One, he attains everything.
For us, the words of the song; We have seen and we have attained the
Innocent Lord, are true. Not only that; we have seen Him and we have also
got to know Him. We have seen Him very, very clearly. How innocent is that
One. How beautiful? Words cannot express these things.
Rakhi is the time to experience the fortune of the meeting with God. On
the day of Rakshabandhan - the full moon day, we keep the aim of becoming
complete and then tie the rakhi. God ties our rakhi for all time because
He is protecting us for all time. He protects in such a way that there is
no other shadow on the soul; so that there is no other shadow in the form of
desire cast on the soul. He ties rakhi on our wrist but He looks at our
forehead. He gives us the tilak - the sign of victory. He gives us a sweet
to convey 'may you always be sweet' and He gives the blessing of 'may you
always be immortal'.
How much should such a God be loved? Love God immensely because it is
that love that makes the soul pure. In fact, we are not interested in
kaliyug any more. My job is now with God. Learn to chit chat with God .
God tells us that now there should be no difference between the desires of
the Father and the desires of the child. This is the last birth, so there
should be no other desire other than that of wanting to claim your
inheritance from God. From our faces that honour of being with God, of
being God's own, should be visible. Whatever I have received, it is from
Sangamyug (Confluence Age) is the best, but for how long will we continue? We have
to now become intense effort makers. We have to become sweet. We have to become
Author- Unknown
A good sense of humor may well be called as the sixth essential. A total want of it
may be as good an affliction as the absence of any other five essential senses.
Hippocrates recognized four main "humors" (phlegm, blood, choler and black bile) in
the human body. These were also called “streams" or "currents”. If all the four
"streams" flowed normally, one was said to be in good humor.
Humor has been defined variously by various people but everybody agrees that its
physical manifestation is a smile or laughter. Kant said that the cause of laughter
was "the sudden transformation of a tense expectation into nothing. Henri Bergson
says it is "the feeling of relief." With humor, we can establish a congenial
atmosphere for ourselves as well as others who come in contact with us. This helps
greatly in times of stress and enables us to come out of many a crisis unscarred.
The fact is that life is too serious to be taken seriously, unless we can
develop the lighter side of our natures, the tragedy of life will overwhelm
us. The flippant are to balance grief. Laughter is needed to atone for tears. A sense
of humor prevents a man from inflating himself with an absurd dignity. It saves him
from being laughed at. It enables him to be a man among men. The man who
conceives of himself as an idol has few worshippers.
"Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep, and you alone weep" No one would pay
to see the most dignified man in the world, but people pay hundreds of millions to
see comedians. In the handling of audiences (it can even be people whom
you are working with), every effective speaker has found that by the use of
humor a crowd of people can be welded into a unit. An audience, too, can be
"heated". It must be relaxed and warmed into sympathy with the speaker by his wit
and humor. A cold audience sits critical and unconvinced. People are brightened up.
They begin to give attrition. They forget their suspicions. They cease being on their
Their natures are changed as much as the nature of iron is when it is made red-hot.
Man is said to be the crown of creation for he is widowed with several faculties which
distinguish him from the lower species. One such faculty is his ability to laugh. A
smiling nature increases our strength. It also adds to our efficiency. A man who
"sings" at his work accomplishes more in the same time and does it better than the
A sense of humor acts like a wine in social life. It increases warmth and
lubricates our relationship with other human beings. Thus, it enriches social
life. "There is nothing like fun, is there? We need all the counter-weights we can
muster to balance sad relations of life. God has made sunny spots in the hearts;
why should we exclude the light from them?" asks Haliburton. THE
Author- Unknown
It were Gods who started this concept of birthdays. A few Gods like Vishnu
condescend to come and live humans once in a million years or so. That
certainly is a date to remember, gratefully. Amongst the trinity in Hindus, Shiva
never incarnated and hence no birthday. Shaivites did not like it and decided to
celebrate his wedding anniversary as Maha Shivratri and demanded as much
importance for it as Krishna Janamashtami. They got it too. Ishwar and Allah did
not like to assume human forms and get involved in their squabbles. Still they
were as concerned about their devotees as Vishnu. So they sent their
messengers - prophets in the name of Christ and Mohammed respectively. They
were bestowed with full powers too. Hence their birthdays have a rightful place
alongside Krishna.
Still, what egoist concept motivated humans to celebrate their own birthdays?
Who the devil they think they are? One can understand parents celebrating
children's birthday because, at least till the age of thirteen, each year is a
milestone and they are changing. To record these is an understandable human
weakness. But thirteen onwards it has no meaning. In case of girls, if they like
they can go up to sweet sixteen. Beyond that, in any case, no woman likes to be
reminded of her having put on another year. So why force a birthday on her. A
husband, I knew, once complained he was growing old alone. I reminded him
that he has his wife keeping him a company. "What nonsense!" he retorted. "She
never put on a year since she was thirty five."
Why old people shall celebrate their birthdays? What pessimism is this? Why
they want to remind themselves that another year is gone and they are another
step nearer to exit! Unless they are using these celebrations as countdown. It is
macabre. And the people around them who insist on celebrating it definitely have
weird sense of humor - be it their relatives, friends or sycophants. When as such
celebrations they sing eulogies and recall his/her past achievements, they
actually tell them, "you are over the hill, old chap (or old girl)! Lump it!"
Same way it goes for anniversaries. Which man, in his proper sense, wants to
remember how long he has been in captivity? Or to celebrate the date on which
he lost his independence. A gentleman during the silver jubilee of his wedding
has remarked, "if I were in jail serving a life term, I would have been a free man
eleven years back." For a woman, of course, it's milestone celebrating her
successful tenure as a jailor. Once at such party, I wished the old man, "many
happy returns of the day." Resignedly he said, "it's alright, what can you do." I
have a suspicion that Maha Shivratri perpetuated the idea of anniversaries.
So should one, or should one not celebrate a birthday? Oh, have it your own
way! I think all the people I know should celebrate their birthdays with a grand
party, where the toast is raised with the best spirits. I love it!
48.Success Quote - HR Defined
Dear Team
IN LOGISTICS - it is HUMAN DISTANCE - People travel and gain new exposure and
avenues and get new orders
NB: Sure. There are two issues there. Huge success may
not be a person’s goal or he or she may have some
unresolved conflict that may stand in the way of him
or her rising as high as their potential. Self-esteem
does not mean that you are going to dance from ecstasy
to ecstasy and triumph to triumph. You can have very
good self-esteem and have some mistaken premises that
get in the way of a fulfilled life. You can have
pretty good self-esteem and still have days where you
feel anxious, depressed or miserable. The difference
between a person with high self-esteem and a person
with low self-esteem is that if the person with high
self-esteem has a bad day, they will bounce back much
RD: In your book you say that someone can develop his
or her sense of self-esteem.
You say, “It is a possession that over time represents
an achievement.” Tell us more about why this belief is
important in the world of business.
Tip 1:
Don’t worry about stagnation when it is not yet a
Tip 2:
Look for signs that indicate that change will sustain
Tip 3:
Normalize it when it happens
When stagnation and setbacks happen it is often useful
to apply the technique of normalizing. This means that
you help people to see that what happens is normal.
This helps to keep people from getting discouraged and
losing confidence in the feasibility of the change.
One manager applies normalizing by making the
comparison with the stock exchange.
Tip 4:
Focus on what has been achieved so far
Tip 5:
Apply again what worked before
When you talk about culture change what you are doing
is changing the definition and culture that helped to
put the leaders in the position they are in. That is
why change is so difficult. The current culture has
worked for them so why would they want to change it?
It is a unique organizational and human behavior
dynamic that you need to focus your time and energy
on. I would encourage HR executives to understand why
their leaders might be resistant to corporate culture
HR.com: What about the role of measurement? Have you
seen organizations measuring changes in culture that
impact performance?
"You don't have to buy from anyone. You don't have to work at any particular job. You don't have
to participate in any given relationship. You can choose." -- Harry Browne
Choice. It's all about freedom--the freedom to pick one thing over another. Are you choosing what
you want from life? "Oh no," comes the reply. "I can't because... I haven't got enough education...
I need to look after my family... I don't have enough money... I don't have the time." What's your
The truth is that we have choice in every single moment of our lives. For those who are destitute,
the choices in life are fewer. But the rest of us often think we don't have freedom when we simply
haven't claimed our power to choose differently. How do you typically make decisions? Do you do
so based on:
·"shoulds" - doing what you believe you should do.
·pleasing others - doing what others want or expect you to do.
·fear - choosing the safe route for fear of doing something different.
·habit and reaction - you don't even think about what you're doing–you've always done it this
On the other hand, you own your power to choose when you decide on the basis of:
·desire - choosing something you want
·need - responding to deeper desires
·authenticity - you know who you are and what you stand for
·creative _expression - you strive to be more.
So how can you open to choosing differently?
1.Be clear about what you want. Have a sense of purpose. With a target to aim for, you'll know
what will serve you best.
2.Stop and ask yourself questions: "Why am I doing this? What do I want to achieve?" Write
down your answers. Be more conscious of how you are spending your precious time, because
this is your life passing by. This will help you say, "Wait! I don't want to do this anymore!"
3.Never allow yourself to play the victim. Victims have given away their power. You alone are
responsible for your life. When you fully accept this, you will claim your inner power to make
better choices. Change often comes from nothing more than a shift in perspective.
4.Be open to possibilities for yourself. Select one area of your life where you are unsatisfied, and
choose something new, something more for yourself. Do different things and do things differently.
Risk more.
Empowerment arises from the three Cs: Choice, Courage and Change. They are yours to claim.
You'll be astounded at how easy it will be to take charge once you've made up your mind to do
so. You have the opportunity to create a future that's very different from your past. And
remember: not choosing is also a choice.
Thought-- let us have the Courage to Choose the Change in our Lives.
54. Dear All
Following are some good quotes. Enjoy.
If you are setting new goals for yourself, be sure to put enjoyment of life at the top of the
Being a good listener requires humility; but it’s often the source of a fresh thought that
can help you solve a problem of your own.
Honesty is a fundamental requirement for positive change.
If you want to see the beauty in people, don't stare them in the face. Look into their heart.
A smart mind answers questions. A wise mind questions answers.
Micro-management is the trademark of a micro-mind.
If you cannot change your life, then why not change the way you live it?
The mark of good leader is his or her ability to lead the team to success!
"The secret of joy in work is contained in one word - excellence. To know how to do
something well is to enjoy it.” --Pearl Buck
"One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one
extraordinary man." --Elbert Hubbard
"In order that people may be happy in their work, these three things are needed: They
must be fit for it. They must not do too much of it. And they must have a sense of success
in it." --John Ruskin
The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority." --Ken Blanchard
"A good leader is not the person who does things right, but the person who finds the right
things to do." --Anthony T. Dadovano
"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you
are a leader." --John Quincy Adams
A child’s life is like a piece of paper on which every passerby leaves a mark.
If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right.
To fly, we have to have resistance.
Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can.
Ideas are great arrows, but there has to be a bow.
You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created.
There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly.
Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the
thrill of creative effort.
Work is either fun or drudgery. It depends on your attitude.
It's important to know that words don't move mountains. Work, exacting work moves
The secret of joy in work is contained in one word - excellence. To know how to do
something well is to enjoy it.
Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.
The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously.
To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also
1. You are able to create beauty even with a weak foundation if you have an
attitude of constructive creativity.
The marble Michelangelo was given to create "David" was substandard and he
worked with it, anyway. What in your life has both a weak foundation and seems to
be calling you to create something with it?
2. You can make the "same thing" as other people AND do it from a different
perspective to produce a completely different texture and experience.
Michelangelo created David before his big battle, while traditionally he had been
sculpted as the victor, post battle. What have you been thinking about taking action
upon that "Everyone else has already done before"? How can you look at your idea
3. You can adopt a project that originally belonged to someone else and make it
100% your own through both your passion and your unique inventiveness.
Michelangelo's "David" began its life as the work of Agostino di Duccio. What a loss
for the world if Michelangelo had not taken the unfinished work of di Duccio to form
the timeless, classic, heart speaking "David". Are there any intriguing, unfinished
projects abandoned by a colleague, friend or family member that you would like to
take on as your own?
4. Craft your life and your life work with the people you live with (or in terms of a
business or project, the reader, participant, audience, student) at the forefront of
your mind.
The eyes of "David" are not formed anatomically correct: they are actually looking
in directions that are not possible for human eyes to simultaneously look.
Michelangelo knew that when people looked at his work "from profile" they would
see one profile and one eye, and when they looked from the other side, they would
see the other side....which would look more impressive with the eye peering slightly
differently. Not a huge tweak, and not noticeable unless you are eye to eye with the
sculpture, which is physically impossible unless on scaffolding. It is almost like the
special effects in today's movies.
What tiny tweaks, special effects, would attract and engage people with your life and
5. Your life and work may bring about different meanings for different people.
What would a scientist say about your life and work? What about an artist? How
about a child?
6. When your life and work is appealing to a wide audience and it gains fame and
notoriety, other people will capitalize on both you and the project.
Reproductions of "David" are available in many forms. Even garden sculptures are
available for purchase. You can perch David right next to your roses or daffodils or
cactus if you choose to do so.
What might people choose to capture about your life or work to launch their
7. Michelangelo crafted "David" in response to his patriotic love for his home city
of Firenze (Florence).
The sculpture whispered "Freedom" into his ears, as his city had recently become
What in your life or work is whispering "Freedom" to you? How can you take that
raw, heartfelt emotion and use it as a component of your work, project and/or life?
Do you feel a sense of patriotism for your home? How can people observe your
__expression of patriotism?
8. The sheer physical size of "David" is amazing: beyond words, really. To say
"Larger than life" is almost amusing...except there is no other way to express it!
In what ways does your work, life or project have a "larger than life" feeling to it?
How does this inspire you? If you feel fear in relationship to the largeness of it, how
can you step away from that emotion and get grounded in the sheer joy of it rather
than the fear of it?
Are you committed to a big project in your life enough so you can allow three years
to pass from start to completion? Expecting a masterpiece to be crafted with
microwave speed is simply not always a possibility. How can you remain open and
committed to the time it takes to create a masterpiece?
10. "David" was borne from Michelangelo's vision and passionate action to
transform that vision from his own experience to a tangible experience for all.
His famous words about his work are "I saw the angel in the marble and carved
until I set him free".
What vision are you seeing that is waiting for your special touch and guidance to set
it free? What passionate action are you willing to take to set it free?
A work of art can teach us, reach us, in ways we don't always notice at first glance.
May "David" inspire you to think differently, live transformatively, and create
56. Self Improvement and Dealing with Challenges !!
Throughout our lives we all constantly face problems that can be caused either by
events beyond our control our through our own decisions. The way we deal with these
setbacks will have a great impact on our Self Improvement and success.
It can be very easy to become disheartened and discouraged. Setbacks can dent our
confidence and make us question our beliefs. Sometimes we can even feel there is no
alternative but to give up on our plans and goals.
However, it’s critical to remember that it is not the actual obstacles and problems
themselves that determine our results. What really matters is how we react and respond
to our obstacles and problems.
Highly successful people have just as many problems as anyone else, but usually react
to them differently to other people. They have the ability to turn their problems into
challenges or even opportunities. There is something to be gained from almost every
problem we encounter. If we maintain an optimistic attitude no matter what happens, it
is usually possible to find something positive in any event, if we will look hard enough.
There is one thing that we can be guaranteed to gain – experience. Very often what
may seem a disaster at the time can turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to
us. It can cause us to rethink our plans and often leads us to our greatest successes.
Learning from mistakes and problems is important aspect of self improvement and
personal growth. This gives us the strength, experience and the wisdom that allows us
to make better choices and achieve greater success in the future. And as long as we
don’t give up there is no such thing as failure.
By Garry Zancanaro
“The important thing about a problem is not its solution, but the strength we gain in
finding the solution" - Anonymous
57.Attitude is Everything !!
Dear Friends,
All of us at one time or another needed some inspiration and if that inspiration is thru "change
of attitude", then nothin like it.
Falling on those lines, let me share with you the story of Jerry who always lived positively in an all
problematic life always...
Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had
something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I
were any better, I would be twins!"
He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who had followed him around from
restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was because of his attitude. He
was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was there telling the
employee how to look on the positive side of the situation. Seeing this style really made me
curious, so one day I went up to Jerry and asked him, "I don't get it! You can't be a positive
person all of the time. How do you do it?" Jerry replied, "Each morning I wake up and say to
myself, Jerry, you have two choices today.
You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.' I choose to be in
a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to
learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can
choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive
side of life." "Yeah, right, it's not that easy," I protested. "Yes it is," Jerry said.
"Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose
how you react to situations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a
good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: It's your choice how you live life." I reflected on what
Jerry said. Soon thereafter, I left the restaurant industry to start my own business. We lost touch,
but often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it.
Several years later, I heard that Jerry did something you are never supposed to do in a
restaurant business: he left the back door open one morning and was held up at gunpoint by
three armed robbers. While trying to open the safe, his hand, shaking from nervousness, slipped
off the combination. The robbers panicked and shot him. Luckily, Jerry was found relatively
quickly and rushed to the local trauma center. After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive
care, Jerry was released from the hospital with fragments of the bullets still in his body.
I saw Jerry about six months after the accident. When I asked him how he was, he replied, "If I
were any better, I'd be twins. Wanna see my scars?" I declined to see his wounds, but did ask
him what had gone through his mind as the robbery took place. "The first thing that went through
my mind was that I should have locked the back door," Jerry replied. "Then, as I lay on the floor, I
remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live, or I could choose to die. I chose to
live. "Weren't you scared? Did you lose consciousness?" I asked. Jerry continued, "The
paramedics were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine.
But when they wheeled me into the emergency room and I saw the expressions on the faces of
the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read, 'He's a dead man. " I knew I
needed to take action." "The Nurse asked if I was allergic to anything. 'Yes,' I replied. The doctors
and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply... I took a deep breath and yelled,
'Bullets!' Over their laughter, I told them, 'I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not
dead." Jerry lived thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude.
Ilearned from him that every day we have the choice to live fully. Attitude,
after all, is everything.
Once upon a time, a king, who read in a remote pattern of the scattered stars that a great
calamity would overtake him on a certain day and at a particular hour. He, therefore, ordered a
rock stronghold to be constructed, and when it was completed he had numerous armed guards
posted outside.
On the day that the stars foretold his fate, he entered his fortress. But when he got inside, he
found that he could still see daylight. He located the gap in the wall and filled it immediately to
prevent misfortune from entering. He enclosed himself completely, but by blocking out the last
opening against disaster, he also imprisoned himself without light or air. Needless to say, without
air the king soon died. The stars had not lied, after all.
There are countless building blocks that our minds use to construct our personal prisons: anger,
resentment, hate, feelings of inferiority, guilt, impatience, prejudice, anticipation of calamities. And
our spirits can be suffocated by the fortresses of fear that we build around ourselves.
What happens if we train our people, and they leave? Wrong question.
The son says, "No I don't ever want to, and I have
three solid reason for that. First because it is so
dull. Second the kids tease me. Third I hate going to
school because of the first two reasons."
So friends are you really enjoying this gift of god, “The Present” or are You still waiting for the “Right
Time to Come” or that special day .. to come.
To do something special…
Are you saving something for the special occasion??? But who knows whether you will be Present for that
“Special Occasion”?
To give you all an example, during my training of Time Management Program in one of the organizations,
I came across a Manager who appeared very busy and stressed out. I asked, Sir, why are you working so
hard? He replied for my Family, for my sons. I asked, how much time do you give to your family and your
sons? For a moment he paused and replied, every Sunday 1 hour – quality time. I asked, but sir, your sons
need quantity too, what about more time to your family and he smiled and replied “I have planned for my
retirement”, “I will be there all the time for them after my retirement.” To this I inquired further, “Sir, What
if you retire from this world, before you retire from your job???”, won’t you feel regretted that you did not
spend quantity time with your sons and family.
Friends, I’m not saying lavish out and freak out totally, but atleast enjoy the life your love to live. But why
compromise – when you can afford something today, why wait for the special day..
So friends, ask this question to your self today, “Am I living the life I love to live, am I spending my time,
money and energy in the right direction today or am I waiting for some special day….the right time to
Here is a brief list of some thing we keep waiting to do on that special day..