FinalExam Math5332 Spring2011

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Math 5332 | Fall 2010

Final Exam for Math 5332

The final exam blends a take-home reflection on your learning in the class with in-class
discussion on the student learning outcomes stated in the syllabus.

Take-Home Reflection 70 points

Hard Deadline: Submit by email on Tuesday, May 10th at 11:59pm
Type a single 750-1000 word essay response to the following:

Reflecting on your experiences during the semester…

a. Which topics did you learn the most about in the course? Include specific discussion of at least
two topics in the course schedule.
b. In what ways do you foresee your professional use of technology changing in the near-term and
long-term? Relate the anticipated changes to your experience in the class.
c. About which course topics, if any, do you want to learn more?

In-Class Discussion of Student Learning Outcomes 30 points

Scheduled by the University for Wednesday, May 11th at 7:15pm - 9:45pm
The final exam consists of three 20-minute break-out discussions. During each discussion, you
will spend 20 minutes discussing one of the following topics in a small group. Then, your group
will discuss a second topic for 20 minutes, and so on.

Topic #1: Awareness 1. Be aware of literature related to the learning of mathematics with
technology, especially national and state technology standards
2. Know many appropriate uses of technology in mathematics
teaching and learning

Topic #2: Application 3. Understand principles for the appropriate use of technology in
mathematics instruction
4. Construct a reasoned professional position statement on the use of
technology in the teaching of mathematics that is grounded in
literature and experience

Topic #3: Projects 1. Choose an unfamiliar technology and develop basic skills to use
the technology in mathematics instruction
2. Develop expertise in using a technology in mathematics
instruction by developing and testing an instructional application
for a chosen technology

To prepare for the discussion, please collect your resources from the course (notes, relevant
website links, etc.) and be prepared to utilize these resources as well as those in a computer lab.
Final Exam Grading Guidelines
You can earn up to 70 points on the reflective essay by meeting the following criteria:

Structure 15 points
 Narrative is organized, clear, and concise 3
 Responds to each of the 5 parts of the prompt 12

Content Understanding 20 points

 Uses technical vocabulary appropriately 5
 Carefully considers the consequences of math technology use 10
 Demonstrates understanding of standards and evidence-based practices 5

Evidence of Professional Growth 20 points

 Describes needs and/or desires to learn course content 5
 Gives evidence of struggles to learn new skills 7
 Discusses new competencies in at least two course topics 8

Communication & Format 15 points

 Narrative is grammatically sound 4
 Mixes relevant personal experiences with other evidence 4
 Demonstrates professional style (headings, paragraphs, etc.) 4
 750-1000 words 3

You can earn up to 30 points during the in-class discussion by meeting the following criteria:

Preparation 10 points
 Uses in-room resources effectively 5
 Uses prepared resources (e.g., notes, sample work) effectively 5

Content Understanding 10 points

 Uses technical vocabulary appropriately 4
 References multiple resources and sources of evidence 3
 Gives clear and concise summaries of course experiences 3

Communication and Interaction with Peers 10 points

 Acknowledges the merits of alternate viewpoints 3
 Listens actively to others’ perspectives 2
 Encourages peers to add to the discussion 3
 Clearly distinguishes evidence-based statements from opinion 2

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