LDS Conference Report 1963 Annual

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APRIL 5, 6, 7, 1963


Published by
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints
Salt Lake City. Utah
The One Hundred Thirty-third Annual
Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints

The one Hundred Thirty-Third An- carried live by 56 television and radio
nual Conference of the Church of Jesus stations from Denver to the West Coast
Christ of Latter-day Saints was held in from the Tabernacle in Salt Lake City.
the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Utah, President David O. McKay was pres-
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, April 5, ent and presided at each of the sessions
6, and 7, 1963. and conducted the services of each
The general sessions of the Confer- meeting.
ence were held at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 A full report of the Sunday morning
p.m. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and Tabernacle Choir and Organ Broadcast
the General Priesthood meeting was is included in this record, as is also a

held in the Tabernacle Saturday even- full account of Columbia Broadcasting

ing, April 6, at 7:00 p.m. System's Church of the Air program.
All general sessions of the Conference (See pages 133 to 137.)
were broadcast to overflow gatherings Elder Joseph Anderson was Clerk of
in the Assembly Hall on Temple Square, the Conference.
over a loudspeaking system and by tele-
vision. Additional thousands listened to
General Authorities of the Church
the services on the Tabernacle Grounds
by means of amplifying equipment. The First Presidency: David O. Mc-
The proceedings were broadcast and Kay, Henry D. Moyle, Hugh B. Brown.
telecast over Station KSL and KSL-TV
The Quorum Twelve Apostles:
of the
at Salt Lake City, Utah and by arrange-
Joseph Fielding Smith, Harold B. Lee,
ment through KSL, stations throughout
Spencer W. Kimball, Ezra Taft Ben-
the United States, and in Canada,
son, *, Delbert L. Stapley, Marion G.
Hawaii, and Australia made available
Romney, LeGrand Richards, Richard L.
portions of the Conference sessions to
Evans, Howard W. Hunter, Gordon B.
their listening or viewing audiences.
Hinckley, Nathan Eldon Tanner.
Conference sessions were released over Patriarch to the Church: Eldred G.
International Short-wave station WRUL Smith.
near Boston, Mass. by way of its New
Assistants to the Twelve Apostles:
York studios. By this means the Con- Alma Sonne, EIRay L. Christiansen,
ference proceedings were carried in
John Longden, Sterling W. Sill, Henry
English to all parts of Europe, to Africa,
D. Taylor, William J. Critchlow, Jr.,
Central and South America, and parts
Alvin R. Dyer, Franklin D. Richards,
of Asia. A Spanish translation was car- **, Thorpe B. Isaacson, Boyd K. Packer,
ried by short wave to Central and South
Bernard P. Brockbank.
America, Mexico and the Caribbean area.
The First Council of the Seventy:
The Saturday morning session, in ad- ***, Antoine R. Ivins, Seymour Dil-
dition to being broadcast direct, was
worth Young, Milton R. Hunter, ****,
video-taped for release Sunday morning ***** ******
over 1 19 television stations in the United
States, Canada, Hawaii and Australia. *Elder Mark E. Petersen presiding over the West
European Mission.
The General Priesthood meeting was ** Elder Theodore M. Burton presiding over the
relayed by closed circuit to members of European Mission.
** 'Elder Levi Edgar Young absent because of
the Priesthood gathered in the Assembly illness.

Hall and in 359 other Church buildings ****EIder Bruce R. McConkie presiding over the
Southern Australian Mission.
from coast to coast, and in Alaska and *****Elder Marion D. Hanks presiding over the
Canada. British Mission.
***** 'Elder A. Theodore Tuttle presiding over the
The Sunday morning services were South American Mission.
Presiding Bishopric: John H. Vanden- Members of the Church Board of
berg, Robert L. Simpson, Victor L. Education and Chancellor of the Church
Brown. School System, Directors and Associate
Directors of Institutes, and Seminary
General Officers and Other Instructors.

Authorities Present Presidents of Stakes and their Coun-

selors, Presidents of Temples, Patriarchs,
Church Historian and Recorder: Jo- and quorum presidencies and mem-
seph Fielding Smith, and assistants: A. bers of the Melchizedek and Aaronic
William Lund and Preston Nibley. Priesthoods.
Members of the General Welfare Auxiliary Officers, General, Stake, and
Committee, Church Welfare Program. Ward, from all parts of the Church.
The opening session of the One Hun- Edgar Young, of the First Council of
dred Thirty-Third Annual Conference Seventy, who is ill.

of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- You will be interested in knowing

day Saints convened in the Tabernacle that by radio and television broadcast-
on Temple Sauare in Salt Lake City ing the proceedings of this conference
Friday morning, April 5, 1963 at 10:00 will reach the largest world-wide audi-
a.m., wth President David O. McKay ence in the history of the Church. As
presiding and conducting the services. it has since 1928, KSL Radio, and now

The Logan LDS Institute of Religion television, will broadcast all sessions of
Choir, Professor James L. Bradley, Con- the conference, and will be joined by
ductor, furnished the music for this ses- many of the other stations in carrying
sion. Frank W. Asper, Tabernacle all or parts of the conference. Radio
Organist, was at the organ. broadcast sessions of this conference will
President McKay made the following be carried by 27 stations, and 157 tele-
introductory remarks: vision stations coast to coast in the United
States; and for the first time television
stations in Canada, in Hawaii, and in
President David O. McKay:
Australia will be releasing portions of
This is the opening session of the the conference sessions. For the third
One Hundred Thirty-Third Annual consecutive time conference sessions
Conference of The Church of Jesus will be released over international short-
Christ of Latter-day Saints. We
are wave Station WRUL
with its five short-
convened in the historic Tabernacle on wave transmitters near Boston, Massa-
Temple Square in Salt Lake City. chusetts, by way of its New York
studios. Three short-wave channels
Yesterday and Wednesday this build-
will carry the conference to all parts of
ing was filled with the officers and
Europe, to Africa, Central and South
teachers of the Primary Association, as-
America, and parts of Asia in English,
sembled in their annual general con-
while two channels will carry a Spanish
ference. We wish to commend and to
translation by short wave to Central and
congratulate the General Primary Presi-
South America, Mexico, and the Carib-
dency and members of the General
and commend- bean area.
Board for their loyalty
able service which they render to the It is fitting for us, as we assemble this

children of the Church. morning, to express gratitude to an

Overruling Providence for having in-
Excused from this general meeting are
spired inventors and scientists throughout
the following General Authorities of
passing time, and men and women who
the Church: Elder Theodore M. Burton,
Assistant to the Twelve, presiding over
have applied these inventions and dis-
coveries for the guidance, convenience
the European Mission, Elder Bruce R.
McConkie of the First Council of and the blessing of future generations.
It iswell for us today to express appre-
Seventy, who is presiding over the
ciation of the service of such men.
Southern Australian Mission; Elder
Mark E. Petersen of the Council of the Carlyle, I think, in one of his essays
Twelve, presiding over the West Euro- said: "In this world, there is one god-

pean Mission; Elder Marion D. Hanks like virtue, the essence of all that ever
of the First Council of Seventy, presid- was or ever will be godlike in this
ing over the British Mission; Elder A. —
world the veneration done to human
Theodore Tuttle of the First Council of worth by the hearts of men."
Seventy, who is presiding over the South We should like to so express for you
American Mission; and Elder Levi appreciation of what men are doing to-

Friday, April 5 First Day

day to make possible for the repre-

it Lake Tabernacle, will be carried by di-
sentatives in Australia, parts of Europe, rect closed circuit wire to more than
and South Seas to be present this morn- 359 separate gatherings of men and boys
ing. I going to name the Board mem-
am in parts of the United States, in-
bers of the International Educational cluding Alaska, and in Canada.
Broadcasting Corporation, who are in Wehave assembled here in the Taber-
charge of short-wave Station WRUL, nacle a truly great international con-
who are making it possible for people gregation. Representatives of the Church
in Europe, South America, Australia, have come from the far-flung stakes
and other parts of the world to hear and wards of the Church, which include
these sessions "live" from Salt Lake the stakes, (stakes, mind you,) in Eng-
City: Brother James B. Conkling, land, Europe, Australia, New
President of WRUL, the short-wave Samoa, Mexico, Canada, and every-
station; Howard J. Stoddard, Chairman where United States, including
in the
of WRUL Board; Isaac M. Stewart, stakes in Hawaii and Alaska. To all
Vice-President; and other Board WRUL to those gathered here in the Tabernacle,
members —
David M. Kennedy of Chi- to the overflow gatherings in the As-
cago, Willard Marriott of Washington,
sembly Hall, and to the vast radio and
D.C., Lee S. Bickmore, Saul Haas, television audience —
in behalf of the
Frank G. Wangeman, Robert W. First Presidency, the Council of the
Barker, and Arch L. Madsen, our own Twelve, the other General Authorities, I
KSL man. For their cooperation and extend a cordial welcome.
general assistance in helping establish Any important messages that come to
Church broadcasts by way of Station us for persons attending this conference
WRUL we express appreciation. will be announced at the dismissal of
This international broadcasting is just the meetings over the public address
the beginning of a world-wide effort. system on the grounds.
Through the cooperation of our loyal These dozens of beautiful daffodils
stake presidents, mission presidents, arranged on the rostrum have come to
bishops, branch presidents, missionaries us by airplane from the Tacoma Stake
and other church members, many people through the courtesy of the Puyallup
in distant lands are increasingly able Valley Daffodil Festival, Incorporated,
to participate with us. of Tacoma, Washington. The calla lilies
Last October we re-broadcast over have also come by air from the High
KSL the sessions of conference from one Priests' Quorum of the Oakland-Berke-
o'clock to five o'clock in the morning ley Stake. Thank you, members and
following each conference day. From friends! Wedeeply appreciate this
these re-broadcasts we have received thoughtful service, and are not unmind-
nearly one thousand pieces of mail from ful of the effort that has been put forth
listeners throughout the United States, by the members in picking and ar-
including Hawaii and Alaska; in Can- ranging these lovely flowers for ship-
ada and Mexico; and from 27 foreign ment by air.
countries, including the Islands of the Weare pleased to announce that the
Pacific, and from three ships at sea in Logan Institute of Religion Choir, with
the Pacific. The response was so grati- Professor James L. Bradley as their con-
fying that all sessions of this confer- ductor, will furnish the music for this
ence will be re-broadcast by KSL Radio session today. Brother Frank W. Asper
to all these countries from one o'clock will be at the organ. We
welcome you
to five o'clock in the morning following young people and are glad to have you
each conference day, thus permitting us join with us in worship this morning.
to bring the proceedings of this confer- Wehave received the following tele-
ence into the homes of tens of thou- gram from President and Sister Mark
sands who otherwise would be unable to E. Petersen of the West European Mis-
hear the program. sion: "We join with Saints and leaders
The General Priesthood Meeting Sat- of West European Missions and Stakes
urday evening, originating in the Salt in sending greetings at conference time,

praying God's choicest blessings on you sion, already announced, will be

all and particularly that you, yourself, furnished by the Logan Institute of Re-
may be magnified in your important ligion Choir. They will now sing "Still,
calling." Still With Thee," conducted by Brother
Telegram from President and Sister James L. Bradley. The invocation will
Fred W. Schwendiman of the New be offered by Elder Douglas H. Driggs,
Zealand South Mission: "Missionaries formerly President of the Northwestern
and members of the New Zealand South States Mission.
Mission send greetings and love to the
Church Authorities, members, and our The Logan LDS Institute of Religion
representatives assembled in the Gen- Choir sang the selection, "Still, Still
eral Conference of the Church."
With Thee."
Weare especially happy to welcome,
Elder Douglas H. Driggs, formerly
and are grateful for the presence of our
President of the Northwestern States
Stake Presidencies, Temple Presidents,
Mission, offered the invocation.
Bishoprics, High Councilmen, general
auxiliary officers, and other general
officers of the Church, many of whom President David O. McKay:
have traveled long distances to be in
attendance at this conference. The invocation was just offered by
We note men, prominent men, about Elder DouglasH. Driggs, formerly
us who show their interest by their President of the Northwestern States
presence this morning: Senator Wallace Mission.
F. Bennett, United States Senator;
The Logan Institute of Religion Choir
will now sing "I Need Thee Every
Senator Frank E. Moss, United States
Senator; Laurence J. Burton, United
Hour." After the singing President
States Congressman; George D. Clyde,
Hugh B. Brown of the First Presidency
will speak to us.
our Governor of Utah; Education,
Ernest L. Wilkinson, President of Brig-
ham Young University; John L. Clarke, Singing by the Institute Choir, "I
President of Ricks College; William P. Need Thee Every Hour."
Miller, President of Weber College; M.
Lynn Bennion, Superintendent of Salt President David O. McKay:
Lak City Public Schools; and possibly
others whom Brother Kimball could not Our first speaker this morning will
see, and I cannot see you from the ros- be President Hugh B. Brown of the
trum here, but you are welcome and we First Presidency of the Church. He
are glad to have you with us. will be followed by Elder Thorpe B.
The singing for this morning's ses- Isaacson.


Second Counselor in the First Presidency

Let us quote two well-known defini- hearers only, deceiving your own
tions of religion, one from the Old selves.
Testament and one from the New; these "But whoso looketh into the perfect
might well sound the keynote or prel- law of liberty, and continueth therein, he
ude to this conference. First from the being not a forgetful hearer, but a
Prophet Micah: "He hath shewed thee, doer of the work, this man shall be
O man, what is good; and what doth blessed in his deed.
the Lord require of thee, but to do "If any man among you seem to be
and to love mercy, and to walk
justly, religious,and bridleth not his tongue,
humbly with thy God?" (Micah 6:8.) but deceiveth his own heart, this man's
And the Apostle James admonishes: religion is vain.
"But be ye doers of the word, and not "Pure religion and undefiled before
Friday, April 5 First Day
God and the Father is this, To visit the "Yet hath he not root in himself,
fatherless and widows in their affliction, but dureth for a while: for when tribu-
and to keep himself unspotted from the lation or persecution ariseth because of
world." (James 1:22, 25-27.) the word, by and by he is offended.
We pray that all who speak during "He also that received seed among the
this conference may be inspired by the thorns is he that heareth the word; and
Holy Spirit. Especially we pray that the the care of this world, and the deceit-
many thousands, seen and unseen, who fulness of riches, choke the word, and
may attend the various sessions may he becometh unfruitful.
enjoy the same inspiration. The effect "But he that received seed into the
upon the "hearers of the word" depends good ground is he that heareth the
upon their being spiritually in tune and word, and understandeth it; which also
open-mindedly responsive. beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some
As the relish with which one enjoys an hundredfold, some sixty, some
a meal depends upon the appetite he thirty." (Ibid., 13:19-23.)
brings to the table more than upon the This parable applies to all to whom
quality and variety of food placed be- the seed —the word of —
God may
fore him, so the degree of enjoyment come, whether they be lifetime mem-
and assimilation of spiritual refreshment bers of the Church, new converts, or
will depend upon whether or not we investigators seeking truth. Let us be
"hunger and thirst" as enjoined by the united in our prayers that the seeds of
Savior, and be promised the reward of truth which may be broadcast during
satisfaction. The Savior said: "Behold, this conference may take root in fertile
I stand at the door, and knock: if any soil and bear fruit. Paul said of some
man hear my voice, and open the door, to whomthe gospel was preached in
I will come in to him, and will sup his it did not profit them
day that
with him, and he with me." (Rev. 3:20.) ". .not being mixed with faith in them

We are all familiar with the parable that heard it." (Heb. 4:2.)
of the sower, where ". . .some seeds Truth is challenging and calls for
fell by the way side, and the fowls came action as is evidenced by another parable
and devoured them up: of the Savior: "Therefore whosoever
"Some fell upon stony places, where heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth
they had not much earth: . . . them, I will liken him unto a wise man,
"And when the sun was up, they which built his house upon a rock:
were scorched; and because they had no "And the rain descended, and the
root, they withered away. floods came, and the winds blew, and
"And some fell among thorns; and beat upon that house; and it fell not:
the thorns sprung up, and choked them: for it was founded upon a rock.
"But other fell into good ground, "And every one that heareth these
and brought forth fruit, . ." (Matt.
. sayings of mine, and doeth them not,
13:4-8.) shall be likened unto a foolish man,
In explanation of the meaning of which built his house upon the sand:
the parable, the Savior emphasized the "And the rain descended, and the
who hear the word,
responsibility of all floods came, and the winds blew, and
and he expressed concern for the qual- beat upon that house; and it fell: and
ity and depth of the soil in which the great was the fall of it." (Matt. 7:24-27.)
seeds are planted. Mark defines the It should be noted that the rain
seed as the word of God: "When any descended and the floods came and
one heareth the word of the kingdom, the winds blew and beat upon the house
and understandeth it not, then cometh which was built upon the rock with
the wicked one, and catcheth away that the same force as that which destroyed
which was sown in his heart. This is the other house. This house did not
he which received seed by the way side. escape the storm but, having a rock
"But he that received the seed into foundation, withstood it.
stony places, the same is he that heareth Some have thought that upon joining
the word, and anon with joy re- the Church and being faithful all trials
ceiveth it; would end, all difficulties disappear,

and all temptations cease. We are re- As this faith and knowledge develops,
minded of the young bride who, on one becomes conscious of his own weak-
her wedding day, said to her mother, nesses and shortcomings and under-
"I am the happiest girl in the world. I takes to bring his conduct up to the level
have come to the end of all my of his ideals; this is called repentance.
troubles." But if his faith is not kept radiant
And the wise mother replied, "Yes, by good works, he will be tempted to
my dear, but you don't know which lower his ideals to the level of his
end." conduct. This is retrogression.
Both the storms of nature and the In these ominous and threatening
storms of life are indiscriminate. As times, we need physical, intellectual,
the house built upon the rock survived and moral courage and sustaining faith.
the storm, so the life whose roots are It may seem trite to say the world is
firmly planted in the soil of faith will imperiled and divided and that these
endure adversity and be made stronger are times of historic decisions, but on
by the struggle. As Douglas Malloch all levels of life, from individual and
said in verse: family to national and international,
challenging situations demand attention
"Good timber does not grow in ease, and difficult problems require solution.
The stronger wind, the tougher trees, We all face a common challenge and
The further sky, the greater length, share a common cause.
The more the storm, the more the The threat of communism is sinister,
strength. and its dangers are imminent. Hun-
dreds of millions of our fellow beings
"By sun and cold, by rain and snow, are being relentlessly imbued with the
In trees or men, good timbers grow." satanic ideology that the Fatherhood
of God, the Saviorhood of Christ, and
Sometimes defeat may serve as well
the brotherhood of man are stupid
as victory to shake the soul and let the
myths, that religion is nothing but a
glory out.
tranquilizing opiate. They seek to de-
Let us not bemoan our lot in life prive men of physical, mental, and spir-
or chafe under the trials, losses, or itual freedom while endowing the state
problems which beset us. Let us rather with monstrous supremacy. This re-
enumerate and express gratitude for lentless indoctrination is but a con-
our many blessings. Some go through tinuation of the war that began when
the year or through life unappreciative Satan's plan of force was rejected by
of life's bounties because they are un- the Father. We
live in the most dan-
aware of them. One's awareness be- gerous period of all history. The sixth
comes the measure of his aliveness. All chapter of Ephesians was never more
about us we see evidences of a benevo- applicable than today: "For we wrestle
lent providence. For example, anyone not against flesh and blood, but against
who reverently looks into the starry skies principalities, against powers, against
will feel to exclaim with the Psalmist: the rulers of the darkness of this world,
"The heavens declare the glory of God; against spiritual wickedness in high
and the firmament sheweth his handy- places." (Eph. 6:12.)
work." (Psalm 19:1.) The Church is the main bulwark
As we become more aware and appre- against communism. The gospel is the
ciative of his love and of the beauty most effective rebuttal to their godless
and wisdom which are everywhere ap- ideologies. It is a spiritual force which
parent, we thank the Lord for life and can crash and overcome all physical
for its bracing trials and challenges, its barriers. Surely we must put on the
educative disciDlines and rewards. Our whole armor of God, consisting, as
faith in God deepened and sustained
is Paul said, of truth, righteousness, peace,
by life's experiences and by convincing faith, with the helmet of salvation and
evidence on every hand that our uni- the sword of the spirit, which is the
verse is governed by law under a word of God. Because of our faith in a
beneficent and omnipotent Father. living, personal, and all-powerful God,
Friday, April 5 First Day

we do not fear the final outcome in our us from the love of God, which is in
fight against the emissaries of Satan, Christ Jesus our Lord." (Rom. 8:38-39.)
though we must ever be alert, united, But this divine love elicits response
and on guard. We
are reassured by from us, not only by declarations of our
John's wonderful vision on the Isle love but by our attitude toward our
of Patmos: fellow men. Benjamin Franklin prayed,
"And I saw an angel come down from "Accept my kind offices to thy children
heaven, having the key of the bottom- as the only return in my power for
less pit and a great chain in his hand. thy continual favors to me."
"And he laid hold on the dragon, John, in his first epistle, wrote: "If a
that old serpent, which is the Devil, man say, I love God, and hateth his
and Satan, and bound him a thousand brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth
years, not his brother whom he hath seen,
"And cast him into the bottomless how can he love God whom he hath
pit, and shut him up, and set a seal not seen?
upon him, that he should deceive the "And this commandment have we
nations no more, till the thousand years from him, That he who loveth God love
should be fulfilled: and after that he his brother also." (1 John 4:20-21.)
must be loosed a little season." (Rev. How can a man have communion
20:1-3.) with God if he does not have fellowship
Nothing but the gospel of love, the with his fellow men?
restored gospel of Jesus Christ, which Jesus, when asked which was the great
we gratefully proclaim, can save the commandment, replied: "Thou shalt
world or the individual from the dan- love the Lord thy God with all thy
gers that threaten us. This is a gospel heart, and with all thy soul, and with
of character-building activity; of in- all thy mind.
vincible faith and the courage that is "This is the first and great command-
bom of faith; of repentance, the door- ment.
way to progress; of sanctification "And the second is like unto it, Thou
through baptism of water and of the shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Spirit,the doorway to the celestial king-
"On these two commandments hang
dom. Let us take courage in the
all the law and the prophets." (Matt.
knowledge that Christ, the Prince of
Peace, is at the helm. He has declared
that the worth of souls is great in the
When on another occasion the Master
sight of God; so great that he gave his
was asked who is my neighbor, he
replied with the parable of the good
only Begotten Son that whosoever be-
Samaritan, which teaches the lesson
lieveth on him should not perish but
that all who need our help, all whose
have everlasting life.
The transcendent love of God the lives we touch are our neighbors,
Father has its counterpart in Christ,
whether they live across the street, over
the fence, across the continent, or over
the Son, whose redeeming sacrifice,
which was voluntary and love inspired, the ocean. Our neighborhood has be-
loosed the bonds of death and assured
come world-wide.
to all men the blessings of the resur- Abou-Ben Adhem's name headed the
rection. He declared it to be his work list of those whom love of God had
and his glory to bring
pass the to blessed because he, apparently more
immortality and eternal life of man. than others, loved his fellow men.
The Apostle Paul gives us an appraisal The depth, direction, and quality of
of the enduring quality of God's love in our religious life depend upon our un-
his epistle to the Romans: "For I am derstanding of the nature, purposes, and
persuaded, that neither death, nor life, methods of God and our relationship
nor angels, nor principalities, nor and responsibility to him. The scrip-
powers, nor things present, nor things tures are replete with reassuring prom-
to come, ises that right will prevail over might,
"Nor height, nor depth, nor any good over evil, truth over error, Christ
other creature, shall be able to separate over anti-Christ. John the Beloved was

inspired when he wrote the rhapsody in second coming of Christ. No era in

his first epistle: history was more momentous than our
"Behold, what manner of love the own, for it heralds his coming.
Father hath bestowed upon us, that we The words of the poet are prophetic:
should be called the sons of God: There-
fore the world knoweth us not, because "You that have faith to look with fear-
it knew him not. less eyes upon the tragedy of a world
"Beloved, now are we the sons of at strife
God, and it doth not yet appear what And know that out of death and night
we shall be: but we know that, when shall rise the dawn of ampler life,
he shall appear, we shall be like him; Rejoice, whatever anguish rend the
for we shall see him as he is." heart,
(1 John 3:1-2.) That God has given you the priceless
In a book titled A Century's Change dower to live in these great times
in Religion, quoted by Dr. James L. and have your part
Barker, George Harris tells us: "There In freedom's crowning hour,
has been a change in our thought of That you may tell your sons who see the
God, from the conception of sovereignty light high in the heavens, their
to the conception of Fatherhood; speak- heritage to take,
ing broadly, it may be said, that the I saw the powers of darkness take their
Latin theology made sovereignty the flight,
central doctrine. The Roman govern- I saw the morning break."
ment was a type of the divine gov- What then shall we take home from
ernment. This theology stamped the this conference, and in what measure
doctrine of decrees, of predestination shall we take it? This depends upon
and reprobation, the mere good pleas- "patient continuance in well doing,"
ures of God as the cause of all events. upon the quality and depth of soil into
The belief engendered fear and hate which the seeds of truth may fall, and
rather than love and trust. . The
. . upon whether we become doers of the
center of doctrine has shifted from word and not hearers only. Shall the
sovereignty to fatherhood." The inspired seed be received by the wayside, in stony
concept of the actual fatherhood of God places, in shallow soil, or among the
and the concomitant brotherhood of thorns; shall the care of this world and
man is a basic doctrine of Mormonism the deceitfulness of riches choke the
and is the most profound and hopeful word that the seeds become unfruitful;
philosophy in the world today. or shall it be received into good ground
We believe in a living, personal God; and bear fruit? Each one must answer
that his glory is intelligence, which de- for himself. Let us pray for strength
notes purpose and plan; that he has the to ". do justly, and to love mercy,
. .

will and the power to realize his pur- and to walk humbly with our God" (see
poses. He is our Father, and that fact Micah 6:8) in the name of Jesus
assures love and inspires trust. Christ. Amen.
May the Holy Spirit direct all who
participate in the proceedings of this President David O. McKay:
conference, in song, prayer, or discourse,
and inspire in all who listen a desire He to whom you have just listened
for renewed dedication and activity. is President Hugh B. Brown of the First

May our lives attest our gratitude for Presidency of the Church. shall We
the priceless privilege of living in the now hear from Elder Thorpe B. Isaacson,
greatest of all dispensations and partici- Assistant to the Twelve. He will be
pating in the final preparation for the followed by Elder Antoine R. Ivins.
Friday, April 5 First Day


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

I amsure you realize that one would be nored. Debt seems to be on the con-
very humble following President Hugh stant increase. Many cities, counties,
B. Brown. I sincerely pray that what states, and the federal government are
I might say will be helpful to someone. experiencing a constant increase in debt.
I would like to speak on a principle Many people are finding it impossible
that has become somewhat old-fash- to live within their income. One writer
ioned, then also on a certain practice expressed a view that people do not
that has become rather prominent. know how to live within their income,
The principle that I should like to say and "they have lots of company."
something about, together with the There was a time when most people
practice that I feel is being followed accepted the fact that you could not
all too freely, is the subject of Thrift and spend more than your income, but this
Savings versus Debt and Spending. practice has been resisted. It would be
In the very beginning of this great well if we could resist the temptation
country, thrift was a principle that was to borrow for luxuries, and remember
accepted, practised, lived, and followed. that tomorrow does come, and tomorrow
Likewise in the beginning of the Church we will have to pay. It is estimated by
in this dispensation, our pioneer fathers one writer that seventy percent of the
from the very beginning were taught American families could not go more
thrift and saving until it became a part than sixty days without a pay check.
of their very lives. That means that they have no reserve,
Today we hear very little about thrift, and that their wages are already-
but on the opposite side we hear so obligated.
much about debt and spending, and we Thrift has become somewhat obsolete.
observe it on nearly every side until it
There are too many who do not have
is giving great concern. Credit buying any savings. They spend all they make,
has become greatly abused until we and in many cases they spend more
find many families and many indi-
than they make. Perhaps the saddest
viduals in difficulty. Bankruptcies filed
feature of all is the fact that the lack
in 1962 reached an all-time high in
of thriftand savings and the practice of
American history. An increase in debt and spending are causing very
bankruptcy is hitting the nation's busi-
many family problems. It isestimated
ness. I am quoting from Don C. Wood-
that more divorces were caused last year
ward, business editor of The Deseret
by financial problems than by any other
News: single cause or reason.
"A rising wave of personal bank- Parents used to teach their children
ruptcies is hitting the nation's business
the habit of saving. They taught them
where it really hurts. Americans
. . .
to save and to go without things until
are not only buying on time as never
they could afford some of the luxuries
before, but they are spending themselves
they wanted. There has been a theory
into bankruptcy in record numbers."
developed now with the phrase, "Buy
The bankruptcies last year were Now, and Pay Later." There are, how-
greatly increased over the year before, ever, many young people who are sav-
and the year before that was also a ing for their education and for their
record year. mission, but in the main families do
"Consumer credit has climbed more not save, and they have forgotten the
than 40 percent, but personal bank- principle of thrift.
ruptcy filings have soared to 110 per- It is difficult today to refrain from
cent. In each of the last six years buying things that we do not need be-
voluntary bankruptcies have touched a cause the temptation is great. Payments
new high." (Don C. Woodward.) are low, and in many instances things
Thrift is very often completely ig- can be purchased for nothing down.

Wise parents might try to instil the before we could have a home or an
virtue of thrift in their children. Chil- automobile. We were taught to work
dren should be taught to save. Mr. hard, to save, and to be thrifty. Yes,
Gerald R. Christensen of The Deseret we have known poverty. We knew the
News in the article, "Saving Takes only way to overcome financial diffi-
Planning," states: "Saving is not diffi- culties was by hard work, thrift, and
cult. It is just getting started that is the savings. It would have been folly to
biggest step. Once an individual gets practise the principle of spending and
over the big step, he should attempt to debt and borrow more money in order
develop the habit of thrift, which will to overcome this financial difficulty.
last his lifetime." Quoting again from Elmer R. Davis:
Skilful management of money
pro- "Today's ever-present struggle is real,
vides great satisfaction. Every individual and to meet this economic struggle, mar-
should be encouraged to put aside regu- ried couples should develop a philosophy
larly a portion, even though it may be of thrift. Without such a philosophy,
small, of that which he receives, and they usually cannot hope to achieve the
as Mr. Christensen further states, "He comfortable adjustment they expect."
will then have taken a big step toward Married couples like to feel finan-
building a nobler character and finan- cially successful. They like a sense of
cial stability." financial well-being. However, it is
Now with reference to debt and spend- hardly fair for young couples or middle-
ing, it does cause a great deal of trouble aged couples to expect all of the con-
in families. Recently I have had a veniences it has taken a lifetime for
number of men and women come and many to achieve.
talk me about their troubles. In
to Charles V. Neal, Jr. writes: "A young
nearly every instance we discovered that couple entered into married life with the
they were having trouble with their As all good consumers
best of intentions.
finances. Then quarrels started, bills do, they bought heavily on the install-
were unpaid, and estranged relation- ment plan and did not save a nickel to
ships followed. ward off emergencies or predictable
Therefore, it would be well if a man major expenditures. When payments be-
and his wife could sit down and go over came burdensome, they consolidated
their finances together, particularly per- into bigger loans. Then collection
taining to their indebtedness, and plan procedures brought on family fights,
to get out of debt and not go in any they separated and blamed each other."
deeper, unless they know there is a I also quote again from Mr. Neal, and
way in which they can repay their I wish you would please note its sig-
obligations. Women would do well nificance: "Never has a major threat to
to know more about their husbands' family life appeared on the social hori-
finances and to make sure that they have zon with less critics than has the install-
a sound fiscal policy in their own fam- ment buying, borrowing, spending
ily. They would do well if they could and debt."
save a little for the future, practise the There is no disgrace in being poor,
law of thrift, not be extravagant and but by hard work, thrift, and saving
wasteful, and save a little of what you can build an economic future. Yes,
they make and not spend it all. It would many of us have known poverty. Living
be well if a family could go without some costs and taxes perhaps contribute
things until they can afford them. greatly to this economic situation, but
Elmer R. Davis had this to say: debt and spending seem to be prevalent
"There is growing concern in this coun- on every hand. If we knew the total in-
try about the relatively few married debtedness of all the individuals of this
couples who have placed thrift and country, it would be a staggering, unbe-
savings among their economic habits." lievable amount. One writer has stated
Young married couples, even middle- that this country, as far as its national
aged couples, should not expect to have debt is concerned, is greater than all of
everything all at once. It has taken the other countries of the world put to-
many of us many years of hard work gether. This may not be completely
Friday, April 5 First Day

accurate, but it is a reliable estimate. It would be well for a father to teach

Sometimes it may not be wise to ac- his son, or a mother her daugh-
to teach
cept credit even though it is available. ter, how to live within his or her income.
Sometimes it may not be wise to make Recently I heard a mother speak at a
purchases even though you do not need large gathering. She had six sons. She
to pay for them at the time. Some- was greatly concerned about these sons
times it may not be wise to assume a because she knew someday they would
debt or an obligation, especially if there marry daughters in that same com-
is some doubt or question in your mind munity. She pleaded with the mothers
as to your honest ability to make pay- of daughters to raise their girls not to
ment when agreed upon. expect too much, to be willing to make
Security: How can you expect se- sacrifices. She pleaded with mothers to
curity without sacrifice? One
usually teach their girls how to manage, how
has to earn security. How can one feel to save, to be thrifty, and not to expect
secure when he is confronted with heavy new furniture, new home, and new auto-
debt, with large payments which he mobile until they could afford it. She
knows he cannot meet? When a per- was greatly concerned about the girls
son allows himself to get in this position, these boys would someday marry. Like-
and he has taken on debt and obliga- wise, fathers, teach your sons how to
tions he finds he cannot meet, it does manage, teach them thrift.
something to him. It may destroy his We should teach them the beauty of
self-respect, his confidence, his reputa- thrift and not the drudgery, not the un-
tion, and even his credit rating. pleasantness of thrift. Teach them the
Debt and spending have created an- self-respect and personal satisfaction of
other serious problem because of the paying their own way in life. Let them
constant increased welfare load on both know there is a reward for thrift and
the state and federal governments and saving, and there is also a penalty for
the Church. Our welfare load in all debt and spending.
three categories is on the constant up- There is a price to pay, and the price
grade, and yet we are living in a great of success, freedom, and economic inde-
country where there are many oppor- pendence is high, but not nearly so high
tunities. Thrift and savings have been as the price of failure, bankruptcy, heavy
forsaken, and many of us do not prepare indebtedness, and worry.
for our own retirement. We
have been Let us do without some of the things
living in good times these past fifteen or that we can do without until we can
twenty years, and during these same pay for them. Let us live within our
so-called good years of prosperity, our income and prepare for the future. Save
welfare load, as indicated, has in- money for an education, for your mis-
creased shamefully. Divorces caused by sion, for the day of marriage. Remem-
financial problems have increased. Debt ber that when money comes into your
and spending and extravagance have hands, regardless of the amount of it,
been practised As individuals we should do not spend all of it. Save something.
take a new look at our own financial Married couples should avoid argu-
situation and learn to live within our ments about finances, and the best way
income and to practise the law of thrift to do that is not to get into financial
and the principle of saving. difficulties in the first place.
I am not referring to a sensible credit, Prepare for your own retirement, and
because credit is necessary in the con- do not expect the state or federal govern-
duct of business affairs. Sometimes a ments or Church to take care of you.
farmer needs to buy equipment for his You owe that to yourself. Do not abuse
farm, or a man and wife may want to your credit. When you have an obliga-
buy a home and pay for it like rent. tion, and you have assumed a debt, go
That is not the kind of debt to which without anything and everything until
we refer. We
are referring to the debt that debt is paid. If you disregard finan-
of buying luxuries that we could do due time you may
cial responsibility, in
without and borrowing money to buy loseyour own self-respect.
things we do not need. Married couples, take a look at your

financial situation and see if it is sound. old-fashioned principle of thrift and

Do not try to spend yourself into pros- savings, but that we will "shy away
perity. You might land up in bankruptcy. from debt as we would a plague," as
Let us try to solve our own problems. stated by our late President J. Reuben
Then we will live better, and we will Clark, Jr. Everything is spiritual in the
We will meet our
live closer to the Lord.
obligations, and we will pay our tithing poral.

sight of the Lord yes, even the tem-
This is God's work, and may we
and our contributions, remembering al- live to obey the laws of God, the laws
ways that the money which comes into of man, and the laws of the land, I pray
our hands is not altogether our own in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
money, and it does not all belong to us.
With God's blessings and help and
with the freedom of this great country of President David O. McKay:
free enterprise, industry, and oppor-
tunity, we can make a better life for Elder Thorpe B. Isaacson has just
ourselves now and in future years. May addressed us. We shall now hear from
God bless us that we will not com- Elder Antoine R. Ivins of the First
pletely forsake that great and beautiful, Council of Seventy.


Of the First Council of the Seventy

I am happy, my brothers and sisters, and love to help them, the Lord will
for theopportunity to stand before you make us happy. In one of the scriptures
and bear my testimony. I recommend which I read, it said, "And they rejoiced
to you what I have been doing the last because they contributed with a willing
few weeks, brothers and sisters, and heart." I think that is the secret of our
that is to read in the scriptures a bit, happiness very much, brothers and sis-
in the Old Testament. I like to open ters, the attitude which we have in the
the Spanish version and read it. And in service which we render. are here We
doing so recently I was struck with the for experience, for growth and develop-
very frequent references in which, in ment, and the growth and de-
the reconstruction after the exodus velopment of the spirit is perhaps the
from Egypt they had to ask for most important element of our lives.
contributions from the people for their So, why can't we develop the habit
work. And the thing that appealed of helping each other willingly and
to me was that almost invariably they effectively and efficiently. If we
asked that the people should volun- could do that, we would be happy
tarily contribute with a willing heart. always, I believe. So I think that
I think that is a very important atti- is one of our very crucial, funda-
tude for us to take at the present mental principles.

time the voluntary contribution with We serve, we contribute, we pay our
a willing —
heart and when I say tithes and our offerings. If we pay them
contribution I don't mean contribu- because we
dare not refuse to pay them,
tions in money particularly, but con- it is of little benefit to us. If we pay
tributions of substance and service, and those things because we love the work,
you who are immediately in front of love God, love his people, and realize
us here are men all of whom, I believe, that the only way we can serve him
have particular assignments for service is to serve his children here, then we
in the Church. will grow and develop, and whether
If we serve with the idea that good we amass great wealth or not we will
service will bring promotion, we may be happy.
be disappointed. If we serve with a Man is that he may have joy, and I
willing heart because we love people think we ought to pay some attention
Friday, April 5 First Day

to it, brothers and sisters, that we be and especially to help the seventies of
happy with each other, because our the Church. Weare very proud of the
service is willing. seventies. We
are very proud of the
There are many of us, holders of the work that they accomplish, and we are
priesthood, many of us who are holders interested in the purpose for which the
of the Melchizedek Priesthood, that seventies were organized. Let us all
somewhere or another after taking on then, brothers and sisters, set to our
the obligation and the implied covenants problems with a willing heart, with
that are with it do very little in the faith, and sincere devotion to our God,
way of service. We
fail to serve our I pray, in the name of Jesus Christ.

quorums; we fail to serve our wards; Amen.

we fail to serve our stakes; we fail
pretty much, if the reports coming to
President David O. McKay:
us are true, to serve our God. ought We
not to assume those obligations, breth- Elder Antoine R. Ivins of the First
ren, if we don't feel in a measure that Council of Seventy has just spoken to us.
we can comply with the prom-
fulfil or The chorus and congregation will now
ises and and any
covenants therein, join in singing "Praise To The Man
man who has received that priesthood Who Communed With Jehovah."
should, with a willing heart, attempt Elder Milton R. Hunter of the First
to measure up to his responsibilities Council of Seventy will be our next
and opportunities. speaker.
Now if I could leave with you just
that one thought and then suggest that
The Congregation and the Logan In-
you go back into the scriptures and find
stitute of Religion Choir joined in sing-
the interesting stories connected with it,
ing the hymn, "Praise To The Man
I would feel quite happy today. The time

is so limited that I am not going to take

Who Communed With Jehovah."
more today, but I want you to
of it
understand that in the long service President David O. McKay:
that I have rendered here I have tried
to have a willing heart and serve you Elder Milton R. Hunter of the First
well. I have had no other major re- Council of Seventy will now speak to
sponsibility or interest since 1931 when us. He will be followed by Elder
I was appointed but to help this work Eldred G. Smith.


Of the First Council of the Seventy

My dear Son Michael: filled with joy, that you might be happy
With the hope that I might say some- now, in the future, and forever, it is
thing, my
son, that will help you to necessary that you understand who you
live a more complete and joyful life are and the course that you must follow
and that someday you will receive a in order to attain a fulness of joy in this
blessed exaltation in the presence of our life and in the world to come.

Lord, I am writing you this letter. You are a son of God, literally and
Deep in the heart of every human actually a child of an Eternal Father in
being is a strong desire to experience heaven. You are endowed with the
joy day by day. In fact, Father Lehi spiritual attributes of godliness that if
claimed that the achievement of a life properly cultivated will result even-
of joy was the principal purpose of our tually in your returning to the presence
existence. He said: "Adam fell that of that Divine Being and receiving
men might be; and men are, that they eternal life. Regarding this important
might have joy." (2 Nephi 2:25.) truth, the First Presidency, President
In order that you might live a life Joseph F. Smith and his Counselors,

Presidents John R. Winder and Anthon evil, eventually he will be ensnared

H. Lund, wrote: in sin.
"Man is a child of God, formed in In modern revelation, the Lord has
the divine image and endowed with commanded: "Wherefore, stand ye in
divine attributes, and even as the in- holy places, ." (D&C 87:8.) Going to
. .

fant son of an earthly father and church and doing temple work places
mother is capable in due time of be- one in holy places. The Lord thy God
coming a man, so the undeveloped off- commanded: "And that thou mayest
spring of celestial parentage is capable, more fully keep thyself unspotted from
by experience through ages of aeons, of the world, thou shalt go to the house
evolving into a God." (The Improve- of prayer and offer up thy sacraments
ment Era 13:81.) upon my holy day." (Ibid., 59:9.)
My son, in the spring of 1820, the Keep your mind and heart clean and
greatest event that ever occurred in the pure at all times. The scriptures truth-
United States took place in the Sacred fully declared: "For as [a man]
. . .

Grove in New York. God our Eternal thinketh in his heart, so is he." (Prov.
Father and his Only Begotten Son ap- 23:7.) Our thoughts are like seeds
peared to a boy just your age the — planted in a fertile garden. They take

Prophet Joseph Smith in response to root, grow, and eventually mature in
his prayer regarding which church to full bloom. Thus the very center of
join. This marvelous vision was the our character-growth is our inner
prelude to the restoration of the gospel thoughts. Our thoughts precede our
of Jesus Christ. Soon thereafter, actions. They are the underlying forces
numerous heavenly beings appeared to that shape our destiny. My son, if one
the Prophet, revealing the gospel of could look into your heart when you
Jesus Christ for the salvation of as have nothing in particular to do but
many of the human family as will be-
to live with your thoughts, one could
lieve and obey. The true church was predict your future happiness and suc-
established; namely, The Church of cesses or your future heartaches and
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. failures.
In accordance with the predictions of
It is definitely true that each person
the ancient prophets, this is the Dispen-
is the product of his own individual
sation of the Fulness of Times, ". . the

thinking. Mr. James Allen aptly de-

times of the restitution of all things,
clared: "Whatever your present en-
which God hath spoken by the mouth
vironment may be, you will fall, remain,
holy prophets since the world
of all his
or rise with your thoughts, your Vision,
began." (Acts 3:21.)
You have the tremendous blessing,
or your Ideals. You will become as
small as your controlling desire, as
my son, of being a member of the true
great as your dominating aspiration."
Church of Jesus Christ. This is an
inheritance more valuable than all of
(As A Man Thinketh, p. 42.)

the wealth of the world. Thus let me advise: my son, guard

Seekday by day throughout your your mind and your thinking continu-
life to have sufficient inspiration and ously. Do not listen to impure or
wisdom to know what the Lord our indecent stories, Never repeat a thought
Savior desires you to do; and then work or a story that you would not be proud
under that divine inspiration to do it to tell your mother. Immoral stories
at all times to the best of your ability. are insidious and degrading to one's
Jesus put it this way: "But seek ye first spiritual growth and sweetness of per-
the kingdom of God, and his righteous- sonality; therefore, remember never to
ness; and all these things shall be added let anything come from your lips that
unto you." (Matt. 6:33.) is indecent, suggestive, degrading, or of
Always select good company with an immoral nature in any respect. The
whom to associate. Your companions Savior declared: "Blessed are the pure
greatly influence the life that you live. in heart: for they shall see God."
Stay away from places of temptation. (Matt. 5:8.)
If any young man frequents places of Knowing that we are children of God,

Friday, April 5 First Day
the Apostle Paul pointed out that our Alma's divine declaration and that it

bodies are very sacred. He said: would flash strongly in their minds on
"Know ye not that ye are the temple each and every occasion that they are
of God, and that the Spirit of God tempted to do wrong. Alma declared:
dwelleth in you? "Behold I say unto you, wickedness
"If any man defile the temple of God, never was happiness." (Alma 41:10.)
him shall God
destroy; for the temple Perhaps a scripture of equal vital im-
of God holy, which temple ye are."
is portance to have ringing in your ears
(1 Cor. 3:16-17.) is Paul's firm declaration that ". the. .

On another occasion, the Apostle wages of sin is death." (Rom. 6:23.)

Paul made it very clear that each of us Your Heavenly Father has blessed
will have to answer for his own mis- you, my son, with a healthy body and
takes, and, on the other hand, each of a keen mind. Certainly he expects you
us will be rewarded for his own good to keep them that way. To help ac-
actions. To quote: complish this, he revealed the Word of
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: Wisdom. It stands to reason that wise
for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall boys and wise men will at no time
he also reap. take substances into their bodies which
are not good for them. I plead with
"For he that soweth to his flesh shall
you to refrain from taking the first
of the flesh reap corruption; but he that
smoke, and then tobacco will never be
soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit
a severe temptation to you. The same
reap life everlasting." (Gal. 6:7-8.)
truth holds for any other harmful sub-
Remember this, my son, God is no stance that you might be tempted to
respecter of persons. He will hold you take into your body. Set your standards
accountable for your sins and reward high. Be determined that you will
you for your righteous acts. The writer never break God's law of health. The
of Ecclesiastes truthfully declared: achievement of this resolution will bring
"Let us hear the conclusion of the you joy, peace, and comfort. It will
whole matter: Fear God, and keep his result in your maintaining health in
commandments: for this is the whole your body and mind; and you will re-
duty of man. ceive ". . wisdom and great treasures

"For God shall bring every work into of knowledge, even hidden treasures"
judgment, with every secret thing, (D&C 89:19) one of which treasures is
whether it be good, or whether it be a firm conviction that Jesus is the Christ
evil." (Ecc. 12:13-14.) and the Savior of the world. Also,
The justice and mercy of God in obedience to the Word of Wisdom will
blessing his children is given plainly in help you to maintain your body as a
the Doctrine and Covenants as follows: pure temple in which the Spirit of
God can dwell.
"There is a law, irrevocably decreed
in heaven before the foundations of this
My son, be prayerful. Pray to your
Heavenly Father every night before you
world, upon which all blessings are
retire to bed. Pray to him every morn-
ing before you leave your bedroom. Pray
"And when we obtain any blessing for the sick and afflicted, the poor and
from God, itis by obedience to the needy, the widows and orphans, and all
law upon which it is predicated." workers of righteousness throughout the
(D&C 130:20-21.) world. Pour out your heart in thanks-
My son, there was a divine and eternal giving to him for the numerous blessings
truth declared by Alma, that great that he gives you. Pray to him for his
Nephite prophet and teacher, which I divine guidance in your schoolwork.
wish would rise in front of your eyes He will answer your prayers by en-
in your mind as a great placard in hancing your memory and by giving
glowing letters every time temptation you strength and wisdom to complete
comes your way throughout life. I your assignments. He will help you to
would that every Latter-day Saint boy, succeed in your numerous undertakings.
girl, man, and woman would memorize Throughout life continue to call upon
— —


your Heavenly Father for divine guid- come about only to the proportion
ance in all things that you do. Great that you render service to your fellow
men such as George Washington and men. We serve our God by serving his
Abraham Lincoln round their supreme children. There is nothing sweeter in
strength in times of distress in humble allthe world than the spiritual blessings
prayer to their Divine Creator. So will which come to us as a result of service
your burdens, my son, be made lighter with the result of losing our lives for
and your heart be filled with serenity the Master's sake, with the assurance
and peace as you travel the highway of that someday we shall receive eter-
life if you continue to keep your Eternal nal life.
Father as your companion, your friend, With these thoughts and purpose in
and your guide. Surely he will take mind, live in such a way that you are
you by the hand and will give you preparing to go on a mission when the
answers to your prayers. call comes from the Lord. Save your
One of the most vital things in your money now in your own private mis-
life, if you are to have joy, is for you sionary fund. Study the scriptures.
to learn to work and to love to work. Learn the gospel doctrines and then
My son, work and work and work, for you will be prepared to serve your
herein perhaps your greatest joy.
lies —
fellow men God's children when the —
I know nothing that gives more
of call comes.
than to have
satisfaction to one's hearts My son, be honest in all of your
a job he and to do that job effi-
likes, dealings. Never tell a lie. Build a
ciently to the best of his ability. An character of high integrity. Be just and
indescribable peace and satisfaction righteous in all of your actions as you
come into one's heart through work go through life. Joy and success will
well done. When you stand before the be your reward.
judgment seat of the Lord after leav- In due time you will desire to obey
ing this mortal life, be able to report God has given to
the greatest law that
honestly that you always did a full
day's work. As you know, one of the
man —
the law of celestial marriage. My
son, while in your youth you are pre-
two first laws given to Adam and Eve paring by clean living for this great
was the commandment to earn their event. During your courtship days,
bread by the sweat of their faces. This
court on a spiritual plane; and then
law we must all obey if our lives are
when you establish a home it will be
pleasing to our Heavenly Father. The
built upon a rock foundation which
following important advice appeared in
will weather all storms.
the Salt Lake Tribune:
To live and achieve in this world of
"A police chief's advice to teen-agers
complex problems, my son, you must
—Always we hear the plaintive cry of have courage. Do away with any fear
the teen-agers
that may enter your heart. Fear is a
" 'What can we do? Where can we destroyer of success and happiness. It
go?' confuses the mind. It undermines one's
"The answeris ... go home! Hang abilities. Peace of mind comes from a
the storm windows, paint the wood- clear conscience and the conquest of
work, rake the leaves, mow the lawn, fear. Therefore, remember and do at
shovel the walk, wash the car; learn to all times as the Lord commanded
cook, scrub the floors, repair the sink, Joshua: ". Be strong and of a good
. .

build a boat, get a job, help the min- courage; be not afraid, neither be thou
ister, priest, or rabbi, the Red Cross, the dismayed: for the Lord thy God is
Salvation Army; visit the sick, assist the with thee whithersoever thou goest."
poor, study your lessons, and then (Joshua 1:9.)
when you are through and not tired And now, my son, I shall close this
. read a good book."
. .
letterby making only one more im-
My son, you are to live a life
if portant suggestion. As you travel
filled with joy and happiness, learn through life, have faith in yourself.
now while in your youth that such Have faith that you can accomplish
Friday, April 5 First Day
the things which you righteously take President David O. McKay:
into your heart to accomplish. Disap-
pointments do come in life; but also Elder Milton R. Hunter of the First
great shall be your joy with the numer- Council of Seventy has just spoken to
ous accomplishments you will make us. Elder Eldred G. Smith, Presiding
through tenaciously retaining faith in Patriarch to the Church, will now ad-
your ability to achieve. dress us. He will be followed by Elder
Affectionately, Richard L. Evans of the Council of
Your Father the Twelve.


Patriarch to the Church

A favorite song of mine, one that is faith in Christ, he will manifest the
familiar to us all goes to this effect: truth of it unto you, by the power of
the Holy Ghost.
"I have a testimony, sacred and dear
"And by the power of the Holy Ghost
to me ye may know the truth of all things."
Something that lies within my soul. . .
(Moroni 10:4-5.)
Just what is a testimony? Webster The power and function of the Holy
says: "A solemn declaration or affirma- Ghost is to testify of the truth, and
tion made to establish or prove a fact," especially to testify of the Father and
or "attestation of a fact or an event." of the Son. The Holy Ghost, being a
Could we say then that a testimony is personage of Spirit, speaks through our
knowledge of a fact? We
say we have a spirits. Each of us has a spirit body
testimony as if it were a possession. Of and a physical body. Before coming to
course it is. It is a possession of knowl- this earth we were personages of spirit,
edge. How does one obtain knowledge, yet we were individuals. We could
either secular or religious? A student walk, run, speak, see, think. Our spirit
must go through the usual process of body was made of elements not found
study, research, etc. To obtain religious in mortality. That spirit body, com-
knowledge requires additional effort. bined with our mortal body, makes a
The Lord said, ". Ask, and it shall
. . living soul. When we receive prompt-
be given you; seek, and ye shall find; ings from the Holy Ghost, it is like
knock, and it shall be opened unto opening an imaginary door between the
you." (Luke 11:9.) spirit mind and the mortal mind. When
The Prophet Joseph Smith has given this happens, we receive knowledge
us a formula: "If we are to gain a testi- which we cannot deny. We have to put
mony of anything, we must first desire ourselves in tune with the Spirit of the
a testimony, then learn to understand Lord or the Spirit of the Holy Ghost,
the truth in question, then practise that as has been mentioned here today. We
which has been learned, and before and will be held accountable for that knowl-
during the study and practice we must edge in the day of judgment. By the
be in close communication with our Holy Ghost you may know the truths
Heavenly Father and pray to him of the gospel. I'd like to mention just
for help." a few of these, and we will have heard
Moroni also gives us a formula: "And some, and we will hear more as we go
when ye shall receive these things," through this conference.
that is you have done the study
after You may know of a surety of the
and received instruction and prepared visitationof God the Father and his
yourself, "I would exhort you that ye Son Jesus Christ to the Prophet Joseph
would ask God, the Eternal Father, in Smith in the Sacred Grove. The Father,
the name of Christ, if these things are calling him by name, said, ". This
. .

not true; and if ye shall ask with a is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!" (Joseph

sincere heart, with real intent, having Smith 2:17.)


Then you may also know of the true What is that causes a bishop or a

concept of Deity. God is truly an Ex- stake president or others to spend so

alted Being. Jesus Christ is literally much time in church work without
his Begotten Son. monetary remuneration? Is it not his
Wetestify that the Book of Mormon testimony? Was it not their faith and
eame forth by divine guidance; also the testimony that brought the pioneers
Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl across the plains? Is it not testimony
of Great Price. that keeps the great missionary system
We know and accept the restoration going? President Henry D. Moyle has
of the gospel with the priesthood of God said, "It is our purpose as members of
to act name and perform the
in his the Church to consider constantly the
ordinances the gospel needed for
of place of testimony in our lives. We
salvation and exaltation. dare not become complacent or unaware
President J. Reuben Clark, Jr., has of this priceless gift which is ours."
said, "What today's world must have if When we bear our testimonies, we are
humanity is to go on climbing upward, teaching others the truths that have
is men, those wearing the cloth as well enriched our lives and made us happy.
as the laity, who know
that God lives Our testimonies are born to give thanks
and that Jesus is the Christ; men, that to God for the knowledge and assur-
having this knowledge have also the ance he has given us, to assist our
intellectual honesty not only to admit brethren and sisters in strengthening
but to proclaim it; who have further their testimonies, and to carry the con-
the moral courage and sterling character viction which is ours into the hearts
to live the righteous lives this of all other people upon the face of
demands. This knowledge must be a the earth.
living, burning knowledge of God I invite all to follow the formula
and Christ." given and obtain a testimony with us
We testify of the divine purpose of of the truths of the gospel of Jesus
temple work, the vicarious work neces- Christ. I testify to you in the name of
sary for the salvation of all, the living Jesus Christ that these things are true
and the dead. Yes, we declare the prin- and that God lives, that Jesus Christ
ciple of continued revelation through is truly the Son of God, that Joseph
his prophet, and his prophet today is Smith is a prophet of God through
President David O. McKay. whom the gospel has been restored. I
We testify of the surety that the resur- testify thatPresident David O. McKay
rection is real and will be universal, isa true prophet of God today, and I
that each shall inherit a degree of glory do this in the name of Jesus Christ.
in accordance with his faithfulness the — Amen.
celestial, terrestrial, or telestial the —
righteous to receive eternal life and ex- President David O. McKay:
altation in the celestial kingdom. The
Prophet Joseph Smith said, "If the We have just heard from Elder
resurrection from the dead be not an Eldred G. Smith, Presiding Patriarch to
important point or item in our faith, the Church. You will hear later from
we must confess we know nothing about Brother Evans.
it; for if there be no resurrection from The following telegram has been re-
the dead then Christ is not risen; and ceived from the Northeast British Mis-
if Christ is not risen he was not the sion, President Grant S. Thorn: "Our
Son of God; and if he was not the Son missionaries and members send their
of God there is not nor cannot be a love and best wishes for a glorious con-
Son of God, if the present book called ference and sustain you in this marvel-
the scriptures is true; because the time ous work."
has gone by when, according to that And one from President Tuttle of the
book, he was to make his appearance." South American Mission: "Over 1,000
(DHC. 2, 18.) missionaries, 30,000 members, nearly
There is great strength in a testimony, one-third of whom joined the Church
strength to resist evil, strength to do. last year, and seven mission presidents
Friday, April 5 First Day

send love and greetings. All missions Of Our Fathers," conducted by James
are anxiously awaiting conference broad- L. Bradley. The benediction will be
casts over short-wave. We
join in sup- offered by Elder George F. Simmons,
plicating our Father's blessings for a formerly President of the West Central
great conference." States Mission, after which this confer-
I am pleased to note that we have in ence will stand adjourned until two
our audience Congressman Ralph Hard- o'clock this afternoon.
ing of Idaho, and Dr. Russell H. Blood,
until recently captain in the United Selection by the Logan Institute of
States Navy. He is captain in the Navy, Religion Choir, "Almighty God Of Our
but in charge recently of naval installa- Fathers."
tions in the northeastern part of the Elder George F. Simmons, formerly
United States. President of the West Central States
The Logan Institute of Religion Choir Mission, offered the closing prayer.
will now favor us with "Almighty God Conference adjourned until 2:00 p.m.


The Conference reconvened at 2:00 The Choir sang the anthem, "How
p.m., Friday, April 5th. Beautiful Upon The Mountains."
choral music for this session of ElderJohn A. Buehner, formerly
the Conference was furnished by the President of the South German Mission,
Logan LDS Institute of Religion Choir, offered the opening prayer.
with James L. Bradley, Conductor. Frank
W. Asper, Tabernacle Organist, was at President David O. McKay:
the organ.
President David O. McKay, who pre- The invocation was offered by Elder
sided and conducted the services, made John A. Buehner, formerly President of
the following opening remarks: the South German Mission.
We have just received the following
President David O. McKay: cable from President Theodore Tuttle
of the South American Mission and
The Tabernacle is filled to overflow- President Ronald V. Stone of the North
ing this afternoon, and probably more Argentine Mission: "Hostilities prac-
thousands have tuned in on their radios tically over. Most public services now
and televisions. We
extend a hearty operating. Civilian population tranquil.
welcome to our unseen audience, and Missionaries and members safe in
to all who are gathered here in the North Argentine Mission."
Tabernacle and in the Assembly Hall. The Logan Institute of Religion Choir
We are favored again this afternoon will now favor us with "O My Father,"
by the presence of the Logan Institute conducted by Professor James L. Brad-
of Religion Choir, with Professor James ley. After the singing, President Joseph
L. Bradley conducting, and Frank W. Fielding Smith, President of the Quo-
Asper at the organ. We
shall begin rum of the Twelve, will give the open-
these services by the Institute of Religion ing address. He will be followed by
Choir singing "How Beautiful Upon the Elder Richard L. Evans.
The invocation will be offered by
Elder John A. Buehner, formerly Presi- The Logan Institute of Religion Choir
dent of the South German Mission. sang the hymn, "O My Father."


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My beloved brethren and sisters, I want I think we Latter-day Saints should

to talk to you briefly on our responsi- remember this fact. Now in our legis-
bilitiesin regard to the Sabbath day. lature, the session before the last, if I
In the beginning the Lord chose the remember correctly, a bill was passed
last day after the creation as the Sab- and vetoed by the governor, asking that
bath, and that continued until the businesses be closed, prohibited to oper-
resurrection of Christ. After the resur- ate, on the Sabbath day. It was
rection of our Savior, the Sabbath day defeated by veto.
was transferred to the Lord's day or the This year the legislature could not
first day of the week, contrary to the come to a conclusion, and so no action
ideas of some professed Christians. was final. But our duty is plain and
The Lord settled this matter so far clear. The Lord has decided the mat-
as we are concerned in a revelation ter for Latter-day Saints, as I think he
given by the Lord on the 7th day of did to former-day Saints, and Sunday
August 1831, which was the Sabbath is our Sabbath.

day Sunday. I am going to read a Now just a word of advice. You
few of these verses. may follow it or you may reject it, but
"And that thou mayest more fully keep it is I am doing, and Sister Smith.
thyself unspotted from the world, thou We do not patronize stores that open
shalt go to the house of prayer and offer on Sunday, and there are stores that
up thy sacraments upon my holy day; do not open on Sunday, and so they
"For verily this is a day appointed get our trade.
unto you to rest from your labors, and Brethren and sisters, all I want to say
to pay thy devotions unto the Most is that the Lord has set the time for our

High; Sabbath by revelation. We know which

"Nevertheless thy vows shall be day we should worship. W
e should fol-
offered up
in righteousness on all days low it, and we should be true and
and at times;
all faithful, and I think we should support
"But remember that on this, the those who likewise observe that day.
Lord's day, thou shalt offer thine obla- Now on Sunday in Salt Lake City
tions and thy sacraments unto the Most there will be a wonderful ball game
High, confessing thy sins unto thy played by two of the great teams. There
brethren, and before the Lord. will be, I am positive, members of the
"And on this day thou shalt do none Church who will go to the ball park
other thing, only let thy food be pre- instead of to their Sacrament meetings.
pared with singleness of heart that thy Our duty is to serve the Lord and
fasting may be perfect, or, in other to remember him and the covenants
words, that thy joy may be full." that we have made. May the Lord bless
(D&C 59:9-13.) you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Now, we have some people professing
Christianity who are very intense upon
the idea that the old Sabbath day should President David O. McKay:
be maintained. The Lord himself
changed the day. The Saints in olden He to whom we have just listened is

times, that is, after the resurrection of President Joseph Fielding Smith, Presi-
Christ, accepted the date of the resur- dent of the Council of the Twelve
rection as their Sabbath, and they called Apostles.
it the Lord's day. It was on that day Elder Richard L. Evans of the Coun-
that John, in prayer before the Lord, cil of the Twelve will now speak to us.
received the great revelation known He will be followed by Elder John
to us as the "apocalypse." Longden.

Friday, April 5 First Day


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles
Going back to the opening by President is the doing of the thing, the living of
Brown morning on doing and living
this the law, the keeping of the command-
the law and keeping the commandments ment that brings the blessings. There is
and proving it by our actions, I should ample, conclusive, objective, medical
like to talk briefly on a subject, sug- evidence that this great law of health
gested by the phrase, that "knowing is can be factually demonstrated to be what
not enough." it is said to be. But mere knowing is not

May I share with you a sentence or enough. We have to accept first the
two from Winston Churchill, who said, first of the first principles, which include
"It is no use saying 'We are doing our not only faith but also repentance.
best.' You have got to succeed in doing Now we hear much, and we are grate-
what is necessary." I'm not sure we ful for the wonderful wide-reaching of
know really when we are doing our best. the Church, for its accomplishments
I'm not sure that in most cases we world-wide, for conversions, for the
couldn't extend ourselves further in any marvelous forward moving in every
performance in life. Since eternal life field that pertains to the Church. But
is the great prize, it isn't enough just to this is made possible by people who per-
try. We have to succeed. There is form, by missionaries who go out, by

only one journey an everlasting one people who pay tithes and offerings
one time and one eternity so far as I — and building funds. And again, just
am aware, and if I may use the ver- knowing is not enough. Someone has
nacular, we can't afford to "sit this one to do everything; and wonderful as has
out." Knowing not enough!
is been and is the growth of the Church
Emerson said, "The world looks like it can be yet much more so by the per-

... a mathematical equation, which, formance of those who increase in

turn it how you will, balances itself." faithfulness. Such things are never
And then he added a sentence which I quite convenient. We
have to stretch
have often cited, "Do the thing, and ourselves and exceed ourselves and set
you shall have the power. They who aside our convenience ofttimes.
do not the thing have not the power." How many times this people have
One eminent thinker and writer, heard from this pulpit the words of
Richter, said, "Don't wait for extraor- Ralph Waldo Emerson so often uttered
dinary circumstances to do good actions; in the ringing voice of President Grant:
try to use ordinary situations." "That which we persist in doing becomes
The encouragingthing in life for all easier for us to do; not that the nature
of us is this or one of the encouraging of the thing itself has changed, but that
things, one of the realistic facts to face, our power to do is increased," although
that our Father in heaven knows us President Grant, as I remember quoted
better we know
ourselves; that he them just a bit differently from the above.
knows our capacity; that he doesn't I am thinking of our statistics per-
expect of us the unattainable, the un- taining to the active and the inactive,
reachable, or the impossible; that he all of which are needed as a measure of
hasn't given us commandments that we performance. But I am not sure that
can't keep or requirements that we can't our Father in heaven is going to be too
meet. Just to take one specific thing, much impressed with statistics per-
for example, as to our physical well- taining to the missing. I think perhaps
being: the law of health that God has he will look at us and ask, "Where are
given us. He describes it as being coun- the others?" as any father would if any
sel to "the weak and the weakest." of his family were missing. Where are
(D&C 89:3.) Nobody can be weaker the others?
than "the weakest" and he has assured Testimony is a great thing, but men
us that this counsel is for even these, who have had great testimonies have
and simply knowing is not enough. It fallen by the wayside. Men who have

had wonderful manifestations have fal- "Nothing can bring you peace but your-
len by the wayside, and the living of self. Nothing can bring you peace but
the law, the meeting of the obligation, the triumph of principles."
the rendering of the service, the doing With you, I would wish this day to
of the duty, the rising to the actual per- say to President McKay that I believe
formance is the essential thing, and the we have the courage, the devotion, the
mere knowing of our duty is not enough. dedication, and the conviction to follow
There is one thing concerning which him wherever the Lord God leads him
none of us knows enough. We don't to lead us. With you I know that he is
know enough, any of us, to be safe in a prophet. With you I bear witness of
setting any of the commandments aside. the divinity of our Lord and Savior,
We have to take someone's advice; we Jesus Christ, and with you I acknowl-
have to believe someone; and I for edge that merely knowing this is not
myself would hope to accept the counsel enough, and with you I would pray for
of my Father in heaven and not pre- strength to do increasingly well that
sume to know enough to set any of his which we know so well, which God
commandments aside. has given us to know, and I do it in
"No life," said one our eminent
of Jesus' name. Amen.
contemporary thinkers, "ever grows great
until it is focused, dedicated, and
President David O. McKay:
"And, if you keep my commandments Elder Richard L. Evans of the Coun-
and endure to the end you shall have cil of the Twelve has just spoken to us.
eternal life, which is the greatest of all Elder John Longden will be our next
the gifts of God." (D&C 14:7.) speaker. He will be followed by Elder
If I may again cite Emerson, he said, Alma Sonne.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

Being fully aware of the responsibility of spiritual values in all our homes. I
which is mine, yet duly grateful for it, ask myself the question, "Do I live in a
I am mindful of the prayers which have mere house or a beautiful spiritual
been and are being offered and the home? What am I doing to bring spirit-
thoughtful remembrance of President uality into our home?"
Brown this morning, invoking the bless- Whether it be a fale in the South
ings of the Lord upon all who should Pacific, an igloo in Alaska, a hogan on
stand here. From all this, I receive the reservation, an hacienda in Mexico,
strength. I desire the inspiration of the a tent, a trailer, a flat, an apartment,
Lord with the thought in mind that our or a house in any other part of the
hearts may be touched that we may be world, each in its own place can be a
built up in our faith and testimony of home regardless of the cost of materials
this glorious restored gospel of Jesus that went into its construction or its
Christ. furnishings. Each can be a home or a
Recently I read a survey which had castle for the family who lives therein
been made by the American Institute of by acceptance and application of the
Family Relations, a reputable research spiritual values taught by the gospel of
organization which indicated that forty Jesus Christ. In other words, it will
million homes in America need help. not be a home unless the breath of life
This survey did not refer to- the need is breathed into it through spirituality.
for financial help —
something deeper. It We have seen houses under construc-
found that there is a lack of harmony, tion which when completed, have been
unity, tranquility, and a distinct lack listed as "model homes." Recently I
of compatibility in many families. This saw an advertisement which asked, "Is
survey caused me to reflect on the need there living power in your home?" Flere
Friday, April 5 First Day
again reference to material furnish-
is such a ceremony performed in the

ings for a house extra comforts and temple and then to honor and
conveniences. Are any of these things obey the covenants which they will
the genuine requisites of a home? Victor make there.
Hugo recognized one requirement for a Parents should love and respect
happy home when he wrote: children.
Children love and honor parents.
"A house is built of sticks and stones Keep busy.
and tiles and posts and piers, Be considerate of others and be un-
But a home is built of loving deeds selfish.
that stand a thousand years." I offer these as a few suggestions which
will help make a house a home.

Love loving deeds. Victor Hugo In my travels over the Church, I have
may have had a glimpse into immor- found many homes that are truly
tality. However, he placed a time limit spiritual shrines to the families who
of a thousand years. We know that the live therein. May I tell you of one or
family unit will continue for time and two of these homes? I think of a family
all eternity, but he uttered a great truth. of eight children. The father is busy as
A home is built of love, a basic virtue a counselor in a bishopric, the mother
that must be accepted and practised if active in auxiliary work. These good
the houses we live in are to become parents have never lost sight of their
homes. responsibility to teach their children
What are some of the spiritual values spirituality, to train them in the ways of
which will help to make a house a the gospel of Jesus Christ. They know
home? this is accomplished first and foremost
All male members of our Church in the home. They attend church to-
should hold and every member gether, participate in studying the scrip-
honor the priesthood. tures together, hold family night where
Have family prayer night and all have an opportunity further to de-
morning. velop and utilize the talents God has
Honor the Sabbath day to keep it blessed them with; also the children are
holy. taught and assisted in their schoolwork.
Attend church services together as A large room in their home is designated
a family. the children's room with each child
Obey the law of tithing. Our ex- having a desk of his own. They are
ample will teach our children. taught in things virtuous, lovely, and
Fast two consecutive meals once a of good report. They are taught to sing,
month and contribute the cost to and when they become old enough,
the fast offering donation. they learn to play some musical instru-
Cultivate the habit of reading the ment. They have many fun times to-
four standard works of the Church gether as a family unit.
and the best in literature. Here is truly love at home. Theirs
Have children baptized when they is not just a house. They work together
reach the age of eight years. and for each other. They forget selfish-
By our own words and actions, ness. I was informed by the father
guide and help children early to and mother that the sons are saving so
love the Lord and to develop a they may be able to fill missions when
testimony of the restored gospel. called by their bishop.
Prepare each young man to look Recently it was my
privilege to at-
forward to a mission so that when tend the funeral service for a man who
the time comes, he will have a emigrated to the United States when he
genuine desire to go out and serve was twenty-one years of age, a non-
the Lord as a missionary. member of the Church from Germany.
Teach children to look forward to He fell in love with a faithful member
temple marriage. Through love and of the Church, and she proceeded to
encouragement, help them to un- teach him the gospel of Jesus Christ,
derstand what it means to have thus he was informed of the great prin-


After studying
ciple of eternal marriage. tory and make of our houses homes
and gaining a conviction, he was bap- where the Spirit of the Lord may dwell
tized. He loved and lived the principles and where all are unashamed to keep
taught by the gospel of Jesus Christ. and live the commandments of the gos-
In due time, he was found worthy to pel of Jesus Christ.
receive a temple recommend. They Then I pray for all who are listening
were sealed over the altar of God for in who may not have membership in
time and for all eternity. Twelve chil- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
dren were born to this union. All of day Saints. May you come to a knowl-
their children have been married in the edge and acceptance of the truths of
temple of the Lord and are serving in this glorious gospel which will bring
some capacity in the Church at the peace and harmony in your home.
present time, following the beautiful I bear you my witness that I know
example taught by the parents. that God lives. I know that Jesus is
They came through many hardships, his divine Son. I am grateful for
financial depressions, etc., yet never lost this testimony. I bear witness of the
sight of the fact that they were rich divine mission of the Prophet Joseph
with spiritual blessings. Now the love, Smith and those who have succeeded
the harmony and unity taught in this him down to President David O. McKay
one home extends to twelve other homes. whom I uphold and sustain as the
May I quote a statement from Presi- mouthpiece and prophet of the Lord,
dent McKay: "The secret of good mem- holding the keys of the kingdom and
bership in the Church or good the mantle of authority. May we be
citizenship in the nation the
lies in consistent in living the gospel of Jesus
home." (The Improvement 66:Era Christ in our homes, remembering
[April 1963] p. 252.) again that our latter-day prophet has
With these truths in mind, let us said: "The secret of good membership
stay close to our children: play, work, in the Church or good citizenship in
pray, and worship together. These the nation lies in the home."
values will truly bring living power into God bless us to this end, I pray hum-
the place we live regardless of where bly in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
it may be and will make it a worthy

home for his spirit children. Then our

house will be a home our castle — — President David O. McKay:
sacred place.
I pray that all of us here assembled Elder John Longden, Assistant to the
and all within the sound of my voice, Twelve, has just concluded speaking.
especially those having membership in Elder Alma Sonne, Assistant to the
the Church, will desire to take inven- Twelve, will now address us.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My brethren and sisters, it is a great structive throughout, and that they laid
privilege to stand here. It is also a great a solid foundation for that part of the
responsibility. It occurred to me as I vineyard which has been planted in the
was listening to the speakers today that heart of these Rocky Mountains.
there is much encouragement and much During the month of July 1847, Brig-
inspiration in the history of this Church. ham Young looked into the Salt Lake
I recall many years ago of hearing Elder Valley and remarked: "This is the
James E. Talmage deliver a bacca- place." After the lapse of 1 15 years you
laureate sermon. In his sermon he said: and I know he was right. It is still the
"The Mormon pioneers were well nigh place. It is the best place on the earth for
perfect in the work which they did." He the Church to grow, develop, and ex-
also said that their program was con- pand, and to direct its activities in the
Friday, April 5 First Day

process of building up God's kingdom. and the southern states, and 2,000 in the
I am sure Brigham Young had no Society [Tahitian] Islands.
doubts nor misgivings as he made that The Mormon Battalion numbering
famous declaration, for the work of 200 were stationed in San Diego and
colonization had already commenced. Sutter's Mill. The church membership
Fields were being plowed and irrigated. in 1847 was approximately 40,000 souls.
Crops were planted, and homes provided. Most of them were headed for the
Scarcely a week had passed before he Rocky Mountains, the place of gather-
had designated the very spot where a ing in fulfilment of prophecy, for
temple was to be built and where it according to Micah: ". . in the last

now stands. "Here we will build a days it shall come to pass, that the
temple to our God," he said. Do you mountain of the house of the Lord
catch the significance of that statement? shall be established in the top of the
mountains, and it shall be exalted above
There was so much to do to provide
the hills; and people shall flow unto
the material comfort for his people
it." (Micah 4:1.)
and for all those who were to follow.
Ordinarily his chief concern would be
The Latter-day Saints, no matter
for the physical well-being of these
where they were, knew they were a
chosen people. Their movement west-
people. They were in a desert land.
ward was not an accident. The Prophet
The hard and stern reality was before
Joseph Smith had referred to the West
them. They could not return, for they
had nowhere to go. By every law of
when he prophesied that the Saints
would become a mighty people in the
probability they should have perished
midst of the Rocky Mountains.
in the desert country, and yet this
prophet-leader thought first about the We need only review the history of

spiritual welfare of those who were to the Church to feel the importance of
come. I can think of nothing on the what was done in those early days.
pages of history to match it. These daring, venturesome men and

Brigham Young knew that no people

women believed in God. They wor-
shiped him in spirit and in truth. In
can endure permanently without God.
the desert, coming and going, they had
Nations crumble and fall when they
time to think and pray and to appraise
ignore the standards and the concepts
their new faith and make comparisons
by which they arose to power and influ-
with all they had left behind.
ence. President Young's ambition was
to lay a solid foundation that would And so they laid a foundation that
not corrode nor disintegrate; but what makes for permanency. Again I say the
was the situation when he undertook pioneer movement was not a venture. It

to lay this foundation? Where were the was a directed movement, God-inspired
Saints? Where was the body of the and sustained by an over-ruling provi-
Church? They were scattered from the dence. was a search for freedom,

British Isles to the Great Basin in the where sincere and honest men could
Rocky Mountains. worship God in their own way.
As the year 1847 closed there were May
that freedom be preserved in this
approximately 10,000 church members land of America and wherever there
in England; 2,000 in Scotland; and 4,160 isa liberty-loving people, I pray in the
scattered on a world-wide basis. The name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
church population in the Great Salt
Lake Valley was about 2,000, and be- President David O. McKay:
tween 5,000 and 13,000 were at Winter
Quarters in Nebraska, and between Elder Alma Sonne, Assistant to the
2,000 and 4,000 in the various settle- Twelve, has just spoken to us.
ments in Iowa. Less than 200 re- The congregation and chorus will
mained in Nauvoo, and between 200 now join in singing "O Say, What Is
and 300 in the city of St. Louis, Mis- Truth?" conducted by Elder James L.
souri. There were between 7,000 and Bradley.
13,000 scattered throughout the eastern After the singing Bishop John H.

Vandenberg of the Presiding Bishopric President David O. McKay:

will address us.
Bishop John H. Vandenberg, Presiding
The Choir and the congregation Bishop of the Church, will now speak
joined in singing the hymn, "O Say, to us. He will be followed by Elder
What Is Truth?" William J. Critchlow, Jr.


Presiding Bishop of the Church

At the turn of the century, President well as patient with the Saints. He has
Lorenzo Snow, in addressing the Saints set up these conferences wherein his
in general conference, said, "Seventy people might be admonished and in-
years ago this Church was organized formed concerning his kingdom.
with six members. We
commenced so Now President Snow in his observa-
to speak as an infant. Through the
. . . tions referred to some of these matters
blessings of the Lord, however, we man- after the Church had been established
aged to move along in our stage of for seventy years.
infancy, receiving support from the Today the Church having
Lord as he saw proper to give it. . . . reached the age of 133 years, we marvel
We understand very well, when we re- at its growth; and with the strength of
flect back upon our own lives, that we its leadership, we are moving forward.
did many foolish things when we were Yet as we examine ourselves, we see
boys because of our lack of experience there is much need for improvement.
and because we had not learned fully I think of the Prophet Isaiah's words
to obey the instructions of our fathers when he said: "Cry aloud, spare not,
and mothers. We
could not then lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and
comprehend that it was absolutely neces- shew my people their transgression, and
sary for our proper advancement that the house of Jacob their sins."
we should observe the counsels of our (Isa. 58:1.)
parents. Many of us learned it, but I observe a great need for the teach-
too late perhaps to correct ourselves.
ing and adherence to the principle of
Yet as we advanced, the experience of
fasting. I would like to say something
the past materially assisted us to avoid
relative toit. As a Church, we have not
such mistakes as we had made in our
reached the full benefits of this prin-
boyhood. ciple. There are some who faithfully
been so with the Church.
"It has
observe the fast and who receive the full
. . .

When we examine ourselves, we . . .

blessings. But there are many who
discover that we are still not doing ex- must yet be taught the true principle
actly as we ought to do, notwithstand-
of fasting and be converted to it and
ing all our experience. We discern that
practise it in order to receive the great
there are things which we fail to do
blessings associated with it.
that the Lord expects us to perform,
some of which he required us to do in The Prophet Isaiah clearly sets forth
an understanding of the fast. As he
our boyhood. But we feel thankful
observed the people, he was, no doubt,
and grateful that we are enabled now,
considerably upset and concerned with
. . to accomplish many things.
. . . .

the way they had abused the purpose

While we congratulate ourselves in this
and principle of fasting.
direction, we certainly ought to feel
that we have not yet arrived at perfec- He said: ". Behold, in the day of
. .

tion. There are many things to do yet." your fast ye find pleasure, and exact all
(Conf. Rep., April 1900, pp. 1-2.) your labours." (Ibid., 58:3.)
As I was reading President Snow's A writer says this scripture means
message to the Church, it was evident that they find pleasure and carry on
to me that the Lord has been good as business and oppress all their laborers.
Friday, April 5 First Day

With all their professing of self-denial "Let this be an ensample to all saints,
they are selfish. and there will never be any lack for
"Behold, ye fast for strife and debate, bread: When the poor are starving, let
and to smite with the fist of wicked- those who have, fast one day and give
ness: .
." (Ibid., 58:4.)
. what they otherwise would have eaten
Or in other words as a result they to the bishops for the poor, and every
are rewarded with strife, debate, and one will abound for a long time; and
wickedness. this is one great and important principle
Isaiah further explains the purposes of fasts, approved of the Lord. And so
and blessings concerning the fast. He long as the saints will all live to this
asks: "Is not this the fast that I have principle, with glad hearts and cheerful
chosen? to loose the bands of wicked- countenances they will always have an
ness, to undo the heavy burdens, and abundance." (DHC 7:413.)
to let the oppressed go free, and that The bishop should frequently encour-
ye break every yoke? age the members of his ward to observe
"Is it not to deal thy bread to the the fast day and voluntarily contribute a
hungry, and that thou bring the poor generous offering. The Lord knows in
that are cast out to thy house? when his wisdom that individually we are
thou seest the naked, that thou cover generally not prone to seek out the poor,
him; and that thou hide not thyself the hungry, and those in need, and
from thine own flesh?" (Ibid., 58:6-7.) individually attend to their needs on
I suppose when he speaks of "loosing a continuing basis. By fasting collec-
the bands of wickedness" of "undoing tively there is no end to the good that
the heavy burdens," and the "break- can be done; that no one need suffer;
ing of every yoke" that he is referring that such assistance as might be given
to the wickedness of people who think is rendered through the bishop in love
only of themselves in selfishness, vanity, and mercy and that full dollar value
pride, and having hearts so set upon the is rendered without any administra-
things of this world that the two great tive cost.
commandments of loving God and lov- Fasting a voluntary principle. The
ing neighbor are entirely forgotten. Lord also said: ".it is not meet that
. .

The principles of loving thy neighbor I should command in all things; for
and of loving God are encompassed in he that is compelled in all things, the
the true purpose of the fast. same is a slothful and not a wise serv-
Certainly, it takes no imagination to ant; wherefore he receiveth no reward.
understand what is meant when he "Verily I say, men should be anxiously
says, ". that thou bring the poor that
. . engaged in a good cause, and do many
are cast out to thy house? when thou things of their own free will, and bring
seest the naked, that thou cover him; to pass much righteousness"; (D8cC
and that thou hide not thyself from 58:26-27.) Fasting is a principle that all
thine own flesh?" are encouraged to live by the young —
He meant that in addition to taking and the old, the rich and the poor, the
care of the poor, that we should watch widow and the needy.
over our own kin and be responsible President Joseph F. Smith says: "The
for our father, mother, brother, and Lord has instituted the fast on a rea-
sister when they are in need. sonable and intelligent basis, and none
It is here that I would like to state of His works are vain and unwise. His
that the Lord has caused a day of fasting law is perfect in this as in other things.
and prayer to be set up in this day so Hence, those who can are required to
that collectively the Church might join comply thereto; it is a duty from which

together to fulfil the purposes of fasting. they cannot escape; but let it be remem-
In the general letter from the Council bered that the observance of the fast
of the Twelve to the Church under date by abstaining twenty-four hours from
of May 17, 1845, which Orson Pratt read food and drink is not an absolute rule,
to the Saints, these words appear: it is no iron-clad law to us, but is left
with the people as a matter of con-
The One Volume Bible Commentary, J. R. Dum-
melow, M. A. Editor, page 449. science, to exercise wisdom and dis-

cretion. Many are subject to weakness, to do with health. In the bone there is
others are in delicate health, and others marrow and marrow manufactures the
have nursing babies; of such it should blood that is vital to the strength and
not be required to fast. I have known well-being of the body.) and thou shalt
children to cry for something to eat on be like a watered garden, and like a
fast day. In such cases, going without spring of water, whose waters fail not
food will do them no good. Instead, (or inspiration and wisdom will flow
they dread the day to come, and in place from you continually).
of hailing it, dislike it; while the com- "And they that shall be of thee shall
pulsion engenders a spirit of rebellion build the old waste places: thou shalt
in them, rather than a love for the raise up the foundations of many gen-
Lord and their fellows. Better teach erations; and thou shaft be called, The
them the principle, and let them ob- repairer of the breach, The restorer of
serve it when they are old enough to paths to dwell in." (Ibid., 58:9-12.) To
choose intelligently, than to so compel me this is a promise to those working
them." (Gospel Doctrine, p. 244.) with the members of the Church who
I feel to add that those who are not are in need physically and spiritually,
physically able to abstain from food and "they that shall be of thee," or that
drink should participate on fast day to you may be able to help them to do—
the extent of prayers, offerings, and what? "Build the old waste places," and
testimony. If we abide by the word of as you help them to build "thou shalt
the Lord for the above purposes, we will raise up the foundations of (their) many
surely be blessed as God has promised generations (to follow) ; and then thou
through his prophets. I suppose there is shalt be called, The repairer of the
no physical blessing desired so much as breach." In other words, you have
being well in mind and in body. helped them overcome their weaknesses,
Listen again to Isaiah and this prom- to restore their souls, to bridge the gap
ise, "Then shall thy light break forth as through reactivating, rehabilitation, and
the morning, and thine health shall "restoring" the path for them to walk in.
spring forth speedily: . .
." (Isa. 58:8.) To those responsible for the leader-
What would this be worth to you? Think ship of the Saints in every unit of the
of what means. ".
it and thy right-
. . Church, I say, teach the people the prin-
eousness shall go before thee; the glory ciple of fasting, in love, in gentleness,
of the Lord shall be thy rereward." in firmness, and in humility. Fasting
(Idem.) will give them spiritual strength and
Further, "Then shalt thou call, and help them to develop self-control.
the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry, President Snow observed in his day a
and he shall say, Here I am. ." . . need for maturity, so we today after 133
(Ibid., 58:9.) What more assurance years should reach manhood in the fast
would we need than this as a promise offering program.
that we may call upon the Lord and Actually as a Church we are not meet-
he will answer? ing the cash needs of the sick, the naked,
Then Isaiah reiterates: ". If thou . . and the hungry as we should through
take away from . thee the yoke, (or
. . the principle of fasting. It is our obli-
wickedness) the putting forth of the gation to teach the Saints this principle
finger, (or accusing others) and speak- in order that they may break the sin
ing vanity; of selfishness that their offerings and
"And if thou draw out thy soul to the their blessings may be generous.
hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; Now brothers and sisters, I want to
then shall thy light rise in obscurity, leave with you the desire of my heart in
and thy darkness be as the noon day: the words of Omni: "... I would that
"And the Lord shall guide thee con- ye should come unto Christ, who is the
tinually, (or the Holy Ghost will direct Holy One of Israel, and partake of his
your daily life) and satisfy thy soul in salvation, and the power of his redemp-
drought, (This is your personal security tion. Yea, come unto him, and offer
in times of need and difficulty.) and your whole souls as an offering unto
make fat thy bones: (I believe this has him, and continue in fasting and pray-
— —

Friday, April 5 First Day
ing, and endure to the end; and as the address on fasting is the Presiding
Lord liveth ye will be saved." (Omni Bishop of the Church, Elder John H.
26.) In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Vandenberg.
Elder William J. Critchlow, Jr., As-
sistant to the Twelve, will now speak to
President David O. McKay:
us. He will be followed by Elder
He who has just given that excellent Delbert L. Stapley.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

In the course of my office day, at about Follow him I will,

noon of the day, but not every day, I All the way;
may see through my office window two And to wearied souls,
men, locked arm in arm, striding toward Along my way,
Hotel Utah. One is tall and slender Take opportunity each

rather easy to identify despite his dis- Day to say:
tance from the window. He is President He is God's prophet
McKay on his way, by escort, to his David O. McKay.
hotel apartment.
Some day President McKay may let President McKay opened the pasture
me walk with him to his apartment. gate, entered alone, and closed the gate.
Then, with our arms locked tightly to- He asked us to stand quietly back a
gether, he could lean on me physically, few paces. There was neither sight nor
and thus in very small measure I could sound of pastured animals brush ob- —
compensate him for the many times I scured our view. Advancing a few
have leaned on him spiritually. paces, he raised his voice and called:
Few people will ever have the privilege "Sonny Boy, Sonny Boy." For moments
of locking arms and striding with a there was silence, and in that silence
prophet, but everyone may have the I recalled that Sonny Boy was a spirited
privilege of following him. —
animal the men who shod him had
Once President McKay said to me and warned that he could give anyone a

a few others: "Come follow me." That bad time. He gave them one.
invitation came one summer evening Faintly I soon heard the sound of
several weeks after a thief or thieves hoofs thudding rapidly upon the sod.
had broken into his stable and stolen The thudding strengthened, growing
his saddles. Stake presidents in the louder and louder and still louder; and
Ogden [Utah] area, aware of his loss, then suddenly, two horses charged
purchased a fine saddle, and we had just around the brush, racing neck to neck
presented it to him that lovely evening straight toward President McKay. I
at his Huntsville home. held my breath, fearing that they would
"Put it in the trunk of my car," he trample him before they could check
said, and motioning with his hand he their speed. Doesn't he realize the

bade us, "Come follow me." danger? He did; he knew exactly what
In our several cars we followed his the horses would do; he didn't even
car across town and beyond to a pas- budge; the experience was not new to
ture gate. On the way and all the way him or to the horses.
his words, "Come —
follow me," rode Now picture this in your minds:
with me in my mind, exciting me, chal- President McKay with his arm over
lenging me, finally provoking me to Sonny Boy's neck, both horses nuzzling
make a resolution which I sincerely —
him searchingly horse kisses they may
pray I may have the courage to keep. I have been; I wouldn't know but this —
give it to you in earnest, simple rhyme, Ido know: rubbing noses is an accepted
and challenge you to follow suit: mode of greeting down New Zealand


way among the Maoris, as President kingdom until he is called. Since priest-
McKay well knows. Anyway, this hood is authority to act —even to call
greeting of man and horse portrayed for God, every call by those in authority
affection. cannot deny it I beheld it.
I — to call is tantamount to a call from him
I also beheld the President sweeten the who said, "Come, follow me." "By me
greeting with sugar lumps from his or by my word through him whom . . .

pocket. The horses liked the sugar. I I have anointed and appointed to this
think they liked the President. I am power" it is the same. "Mine house is
very sure the President loved his horses. a house of order, saith the Lord God."
His arm around the neck of Sonny Boy Once I sat at a banquet among men
was not intended as a show of affection; businessmen, industry men, professional
it half concealed a rope which he deftly

circled around the neck to make the

men, and others 462 of them Mor- — —
mons, Jews, and gentiles. The occasion
horse captive. Sonny Boy did not seem was a testimonial to President McKay.
to mind —
not much. He took the bit, These men were there expressly to honor
gently, and made no fuss about the him. One of them, not of our faith,
saddle. The President tightened the speaking for the group, said in part
new cinches, lengthened the stirrups; about President McKay:
then mounting without assistance, he "We see every day his talent for
prodded the horse into a trot which harmonizing and the inspired
broke into a gallop as they disappeared, leadership which brings and secures en-
about as the horses came, around the richment from varied cultural sources
brush and out of sight. as he has brought them together
Two thousand years ago, one greater from every people, every land, every
than a prophet said: "Come, follow me." generation. . . .

(See Matt. 4:19.) And men left their

"We have gathered that we might
nets; some left their ships; and some
have opportunity to give full expression
their work
to follow him. Two had to the respect, to the affection, to indeed
other things to do; one had a father the love and gratitude that we have for
to bury, the other had to bid his house-
him. . . .

hold farewell. To the latter, the Master

said: "No man, having put his hand
"Our gift to President McKay is an
organ to be installed in a chapel which
to the plough, and looking back, is fit
has been built in Wales to honor his
for the kingdom of God." (Luke
mother, Jeanette Evans McKay." (Joseph
Rosenblatt, The Improvement Era, 66
Men of the priesthood have set their [Feb. 1963] 111.)
hands to the plough. Many, however,
have looked back; they had other things
In accepting the gift, President McKay
to do —habits, perhaps, to bury; appe-

wish I were more worthy

tites, maybe, to say farewell to. There- "I sincerely
fore it was written: ". many are . .
of the honor you have bestowed upon
called, but few are chosen." (D&C me; and in wishing to be worthy of your
121:40.) esteem, I find myself in accord with
Portia's feelings ... as she said:
He who said, "Come, follow me,"
two thousand years ago is a busy man.
Worlds without number has he created, 'You see me, Lord Bassonio, where I

and by him and through him were they stand,

created. He must be a very busy man. Such as I am; though for myself alone,
He has placed his kingdom here on I would not be ambitious in my wish,

earth in the hands of his officers, those To wish myself much better; yet for
who —
hold the priesthood and the king- you,
dom is no stronger than its priesthood would be trebled twenty times myself;
officers. No officer
—"No man taketh
A thousand times more fair, ten thou-
this honour unto himself, but he that sand times
is called of God, aswas Aaron." (Heb. More rich;
5:4.) No man taketh any office in the That only to stand high in your account,


Friday, April 5 First Day

I might in virtues, beauties, livings, The President of The Church of Jesus

friends Christ of Latter-day Saints is that man.
Exceed account.' ". . and there is never but one on

(Merchant of Venice, Act III, Scene 1.) the earth at a time on whom this power
"... So and the keys of this priesthood are con-
as I receive this tribute from
ferred." (D&C 132:7.) President David
you, my friends, I say with sincerity in
O. McKay is that man.
my heart: For you I would be 'trebled President McKay likes a spirited
twenty times myself,' would be many
times more capable to serve you."
horse. He also likes a spirited man —
66 [Feb. 1963] 112.)
man with spirit enough to accept calls
to duty —
spirited enough to "learn his
And by that "you," he meant you and duty, and to act in the office in which
you —and all of you out there listen- he is appointed, in all diligence."
ing in. (Ibid., 107:99.)
As he stood pouring out his
there, President McKay loves youth. Here
heart, the challenging words of the is the evidence. Listen, he speaks to
poet, Josiah G. Holland, poured into youth:
my mind: "I wish I could say to every young
man in the Church, that if you would
"God give us men! A time like this be successful, if you would be happy, if
demands you would conserve your strength, intel-
Strong minds, great hearts, true faith lectual, physical, and spiritual, you will
and ready hands; . . .
resist temptation to indulge your appe-
tites and your passions." (Gospel Ideals.)
Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above "Each of us is the architect of his
the fog. ." . .
own fate, and he is unfortunate indeed
—"God Give Us Men" who will try to build himself without
realizing that he grows from within,
Employing some of the poets own
not without."
words, without giving them breath or
tongue, I accept his challenge. That "Thoughts make us what we are.As
night my acceptance poured silently
definitely and surely as the weaver
shapes his flowers and figures out of
from my heart. Right now, I give it
the warp and woof of his loom, so every
vocal status:
moment the shuttle of thought moves
There is your man. A time like this back and forth forming character and
demands even shaping the lineaments of our fea-
His strong mind, his great heart, his tures. Thoughts lift your soul heaven-
true faith and his ready hand. ward, or drag you toward hell."
(Secrets of a Life.)
A tall man, sun-crowned, he lives above "What you think about when you do
the fog. not have to think shows what you
really are."
Cultured, learned, august, affable, and
"Clean and wholesome bodies bring
joy; debauch them, and we lose hap-
Handsome, too; God blessed him with a
brilliant mind;
"Be true to those who trust you."
A spark of divinity glows brightly in his
regal soul;
"Do your best this hour, and you will
do better the next."
Help me, dear Lord, to follow him to his
celestial goal.
"True friends enrich life. If you would
have friends, be one."
And to people— all along the way, "He is a slave who will be led by
Grant —
me opportunity each day to say: his appetites."
He is —
God's prophet David O. McKay. "We should put forth every effort to
supplant the aristocracy of wealth with
Only one mortal man a time is
at the aristocracy of character and to
privileged to hold all of the priesthood awaken in the minds of the youth a
keys pertaining to the kingdom of God. realization that to be honest, to be de-


pendable, to be a loyal citizen of the of home tender words of apprecia-

country, to be true to the standards of tion and courteous acts are even more
the gospel are the noblest ideals of appreciated than during the courtship.
life." (Gospel Ideals.) It is after the ceremony, and during the
"I am not one of those who believe trials that daily arise in the home, that
that you have to be long-faced and a word of 'thank you,' 'pardon me,' 'if
pious in order to worship. Happiness you please,' contributes to the perpetua-
should come to us if there is joy in our tion of that love which brought them to
souls, for that is the source of happiness. the altar." (Secrets of a Happy Life.)
This joy of living is radiated to others. The speaking time allotted me is
Every person radiates what he is. That pressuring me to stop talking. Too
radiation comes from what he really is, briefly has it offered me the privilege
not from what he may pretend to be. of sampling our President's love and
No person can escape that radiation. To interest in youth. Let me conclude with
live is to radiate; to live is to be the a sample of my own love and esteem
recipient of radiation." for this great man:
"Lay the foundation of a happy home
in your pre-marital life."
All that I've said and read —he is, and
"The seeds of a happy married life more,
are sown in youth. Happiness does not
—A guided man.
begin at the altar; it begins during the Much more than guided missiles, the
period of youth and courtship. Self- world needs
mastery during youth
of virile
is first,
manhood; second, the crown of
the source —A guided man.
beautiful womanhood; third, the foun- That he — him then what he
is call for is,

dation of a happy home; and fourth, —A prophet—God's prophet.

the contributing factor to the strength
I love him, and believe— know
and perpetuity of the race." (Secrets of
that he is a prophet of God; that he
a Happy Life.)
holds all the priesthood keys, rights,
"Choose your mate by judgment and
powers, and authority which were con-
inspiration as well as by emotions."
ferred upon the Prophet Joseph Smith
"The highest ideal for our young girls
and upon his successors right down to
today, as for our mothers who crossed
and including President McKay.
the plains, is love as it may be expressed
In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
in marriage and home building, and this
virtue in which love finds true expres-
sion is based upon the spiritual and not President David O. McKay:
the physical side of our being." (Gospel
Ideals.) He to whom we
have just listened is
"Too many couples come to the Elder William
J. Critchlow, Jr., As-
marriage altar looking upon the cere- sistant to the Twelve, an Ogden boy.
mony as the end of courtship. They Elder Delbert L. Stapley, of the Council
should not forget that under the burdens of the Twelve, will now speak to us.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My brothers and sisters, in all humility your prayers in my behalf during my

I would like to say amen to the very illnessand convalescence. I know your
wonderful tribute paid to our beloved prayers have been heard because I
President, David O. McKay, by Elder am with you today. The Lord has
Critchlow. blessed me. My strength and health
I would be most ungrateful if I are returning.
failed to take just a moment to express As an introduction to my talk, I feel
my sincere thanks and gratitude for to quote from the teachings of Jacob,
Friday, April 5 First Day

the brother of Nephi, to the Nephites principles of honesty, truthfulness, or

concerning their sins and transgression morality.
of God's commandments. This man of Solomon expressed these two sig-
God stated his responsibility to them nificant proverbs: "As righteousness
as a teacher and expressed the anxiety tendeth to life: so he that pursueth
he had for the welfare of their souls. evil pursueth it to his own death."
He appealed to them thus: (Prov. 11:19.)
"But behold, my brethren, is it ex- "Every way of a man is right in his
pedient that I should awake you to an own eyes": (Ibid., 21:2.)
awful reality of these things? The sinner is prone to rationalize and
". ye look upon me as a teacher,
. . to justify his acts of transgression. He
it must needs be expedient that I teach frequently stands upon what he loosely
you the consequences of sin. calls"extenuating circumstances" which
"And grieveth me that I must
also it are but weak excuses for his sinful acts.
use so much boldness of speech con- Again this wise man said: "When
cerning you, before your wives and your thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not
children, many of whose feelings are to pay it; for he hath no pleasure in
exceedingly tender and chaste and fools: . .
." (Eccl. 5:4.)
delicate before God, which thing is Every member of this Church is duty
pleasing unto God; bound to keep sacred and honorably
"... I know that the words of truth fulfilevery requirement and condition
are hard against all uncleanness; but of his vows to his God; otherwise, the
the righteous fear them not, for they Lord will not have pleasure in him nor
love the truth and are not shaken." will his mercies be extended upon him.
Nephi 9:47-48; Jacob 2:7; 2 Nephi too difficult for a sinful man
It isn't
and woman
to seek forgiveness after they

The serious, distressing problems al-

take he and she want even
what —
though they may be guilty of breaking
ways difficult for brethren in presiding
up two homes by their transgressions,
positions to deal with are the immor-
causing separation of families, forsaking
ality cases which involve youth; the
children and leaving them destitute of
older unmarried and the married; the
love and care, also shirking their per-
broken homes; the dissolution of family
sonal responsibilities to loved ones for
ties which separate parents and chil-
others to fulfil.
dren. The sorrow, frustration, and un-
To take another man's wife or an-
happiness of such tragic mistakes serves
other woman's husband is stealing in its
to upset the lives, both psychologically
most ignoble form.
and spiritually, of the innocent victims
The great lawgiver, Moses, on Mount
of such unfortunate violation of
Sinai received these specific command-
God's laws.
ments from the Lord concerning man's
Far too many broken homes result obligation and regard for the welfare
from early forced marriages, unfaithful- and happiness of others:
ness,and incompatibility, the failure of "Thou shalt not steal. . . .

men and women to abide by the vows ". . . Thou

shalt not covet thy neigh-
of the marriage covenant, yielding to bour's wife, . . .

the weaknesses of the flesh, forsaking "Thou shalt not commit adultery."
the principles of righteousness, ignor- (Ex. 20:15, 17, 14.)
ing family prayers, and the guiding Even the simple can understand these
influence of the Holy Ghost in plainly stated laws, and in the light of
their lives. this knowledge, those who know and
When the light of the Spirit, because transgress the law, stand condemned be-
of transgression and hardness of heart, fore the Lord.
departs from the soul of the trans- In this last dispensation the Lord is

gressor, he is left to himself to grope just as emphatic, warning the Saints

through the darkness of temptation and against such sins. He commanded:
evil. Therefore, he does not reason "Thou shalt not steal; . . .

righteously nor act according to "Thou shalt love thy wife with all thy

heart, and shalt cleave unto her and stateand the devil hath all power over
none else. him " (Mosiah 16:5.)
"Thou shall not commit adultery; and Nephi reasoned: "And why should I
he that committeth adultery, and re- yield to sin, because of my flesh? Yea,
penteth not, shall be cast out." why should I give way to temptations,
(D&C 42:20, 22, 24.) that the evil one have place in my heart
These commandments also are very to destroy my peace and afflict my
clear, forthright, and understandable. soul? ." (2 Nephi 4:27.)
. .

What applies to the man cleaving unto The Apostle Paul, writing to the
his wife and none else applies with Roman Saints, counseled: "Let not sin
equal force also to the wife for her therefore reign in your mortal body,
husband. There is no double standard that ye should obey it in the lusts
in the Church. Both man and woman thereof.
are responsible for their personal acts. "Neither yield ye your members as
I often wonder why a man or a instruments of unrighteousness unto
woman will give up wife or husband sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as
and children for an adulterous relation- those that are alive from the dead, and
ship. When sin is the foundation of your members as instruments of right-
the marriage relationship, the chance of eousness unto God.
a secure and happy companionship is "Know ye not, that to whom ye yield
very remote. Surely the Spirit of the yourselves servants to obey, his servants
Lord, neither God's laws to man, sanc- ye are to whom
ye obey; whether of sin
tion such behavior, nor can the bless- unto death, or of obedience unto right-
ings of the Lord be expected upon such eousness?" (Rom. 6:12-13, 16.)
a union. Writing to the Corinthians he said:
It is difficult to understand how "Know ye not that the unrighteous
church members who know these com- shall not inherit the kingdom of God?
mandments can cast aside such knowl- Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor
edge and yield to the lusts of the flesh. idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate,
Small violations lead to more serious nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
and devastating sins. Those who play ". shall inherit the kingdom of
. .

with fire, ultimately, if they persist, will God

be burned. ". Now the body is not for fornica-
. .

Solomon wisely taught this truth: tion, but for the Lord; and the Lord
for the body.
"Can a man take fire in his bosom, . . .

and his clothes not be burned? . . .

"Know ye not that your bodies are
"So he that goeth into his neigh- the members of Christ? shall I then
bour's wife; whosoever toucheth her take the members of Christ, and make
shall not be innocent. . . .
them the members of an harlot? God
forbid. . . .
"But whoso committeth adultery with
Every sin that a
"Flee fornication.
a woman lacketh understanding: he that
man doeth is without the body; but he
doeth it destroyeth his own soul."
that committeth fornication sinneth
(Prov. 6:27, 29, 32.)
against his own body." (1 Cor. 6:9-10,
Yielding to the illicit enticements of 13, 15, 18.)
the flesh is the basest of human in- While I am convinced conditions in
stincts, also the cause of much sorrow,
these matters among us are much less
unhappiness, and the loss of the clean than in the world, from what I have
inward feeling of peace men should observed and know, they are not good
strive to obtain. Those who sin deny enough. We
are not free of these
their God and accept Satan, the author despicable sins; and Satan, recognizing
and the father of all sin. the weaknesses of the flesh, is vigor-
Abinadi, the Nephite prophet, cau- ously attacking the weakened armor
tioned: "But remember that he that in our defenses and far too many are
persists in hisown carnal nature, and yielding to his enticements to error
goes on in the ways of sin and rebellion and sin.
against God, remaineth in his fallen The Apostle Paul understood this
Friday, April 5 First Day

weakness of man and, writing to the forgive the woman brought to him ac-
Ephesians Saints, he admonished: "Fi- cused of adultery?" When the accusers
nally, my brethren, be strong in the challenged by the Christ departed with-
Lord, and in the power of his might. out condemning her, Jesus said unto
"Put on the whole armour of God, her, Neither do I condemn thee:
". . .

that ye may be able to stand against go, andno more." (John 8:11.) The
the wiles of the devil." (Eph. 6:10-11.) Savior didnot forgive neither did he
Our beloved President David O. condemn her, but in admonishing her
McKay has always taught members of to go and sin no more, he, in effect,
the Church to practise self-restraint and was asking her to show forth the fruits
self-mastery, not permitting themselves of repentance which would lead to
to fall to the level of the animal forgiveness.
kingdom. The Lord has commanded in this
We cannot afford, as children of God, latter-day: "Thou shalt not commit
in whose presence we someday hope to adultery; and he that committeth
be, to toss overboard the God-given adultery, and repenteth not, shall be
principles of morality and make our cast out.
bodies instruments of unrighteousness "But he that has committed adultery
by yielding to the gratification of bodily and repents with all his heart, and for-
desires. God will not hold guiltless saketh it, and doeth it no more, thou
those who succumb to such sins and shalt forgive;
forsake his laws and also abdicate re- "But if he doeth it again, he shall not
sponsibility to loved ones. be forgiven, but shall be cast out."
"For of him," said the Lord to the (D&C 42:24-26.)
Prophet Joseph Smith, "unto whom This revelation does not allow repeti-
much is given much is required; and he tive sinning with the expectation of
who sins against the greater light shall forgiveness to the transgressor.
receive the greater condemnation." Again the Lord admonished and
(D&C 82:3.) warned the Saints: ". go your ways . .

An individual who sins, and because and sin no more; but unto that soul
of transgression loses
his his church who sinneth shall the former sins re-
membership, has sacrificed privileges turn, saith the Lord your God."
and opportunities for blessings which (Ibid., 82:7.)
may be difficult to regain. The excom- "For I the Lord cannot look upon sin
municated members, nevertheless, look with the least degree of allowance;
for and hopefully expect an early rein- "Nevertheless, he that repents and
statement to church membership and a does the commandments of the Lord
restoration of former blessings; but they shall be forgiven;
fail to realize or understand that the "And he that repents not, from him
road back into church fellowship with shall be taken even the light which he
its privileges and opportunities for has received; for my Spirit shall not
blessings is long, lonely, and exacting. always strive with man, saith the Lord
The question is often asked by those of Hosts." (Ibid., 1:31-33.)
in transgression, whose sins are so There are penalties for violating the
serious that it is almost impossible for laws of God. The way of the trans-
them to make proper amends, if the gressor was never easy. The wages of
Church does not believe in forgiveness. sin is death, taught the prophets. (See
The answer, of course, is: The Church Rom. 6:23.) Mercy cannot rob justice.
does believe in the principle of forgive- (See Alma 42:25.) The Lord expects
ness to those who repent of their sins, his servants to mete out justice and
confess, and forsake them; and who can judgment according to the laws and
also make restitution to loved ones commandments given to the Church.
whose lives have been upset and their Adultery, fornication, unnatural and
future livelihood and rightful oppor- deviate practices are the most repulsive
tunities jeopardized. and reprehensible of sins which exact
They also refer to the woman taken the penalties imposed by a just God
in adultery and ask: "Did not Jesus upon the transgressor.

The members of our body war against unmindful of the serious follies of youth
each other, and if the spirit of man does and the unmarried, but what I have
not control the physical urges and said constitutes counsel and a warning
acquire self-restraint and self-mastery, to them also: counsel to live clean,
one of the tragedies of indulgent prac- treasure virtue, keep the standards of
tices is the defilement and dishonor of the gospel, love the Lord and keep his
the body which houses a spirit child commandments; also to pray earnestly
of God. The body of flesh and bone for strength to resist all evil and through
is also the eternaltabernacle of the humility seek the companionship of the
spirit. Each of us must decide what Holy Ghost as a guide in the ways of
kind of house we want to live in eter- righteousness. A warning to avoid
nally and then chart and abide the compromising ideals and standards, not
course which will lead to it. to permit the body to be used as an
One of the important elements of instrument of sin, but as an instrument
true repentance is to make restitution to of righteousness unto God.
those who have been injured or hurt Alma, the Nephite prophet, taught:
by one's derelict actions. "And he doth not dwell in unholy tem-
It isn't always possible for the trans- can filthiness or anything
ples; neither
gressor to make proper restitution to which is unclean be received into the
those hurt or injured by his acts. One kingdom of God; therefore I say unto
cannot, for example, restore virtue you the time shall come, yea, and it
when it is lost. One cannot restore a shall be at the last day, that he who is
husband or a wife acquired by breaking filthy shall remain in his filthiness."
up a home and give him or her back (Alma 7:21.)
to his or her former spouse. There are As a servant of God concerned about
many other complicated conditions and the welfare of souls, I have spoken to you
situations too numerous to spell out in about the consequences of sin. It is not
this brief talk which make restitution my purpose to be negative and only dwell
difficult to satisfy. upon judgments and penalties, but rather
There are cases where partial amends to admonish all people to be true to
can be made sufficiently to justify re- gospel standards and ideals and to forsake
baptism to the excommunicated, a sin and thus avoid its consequences.
return to fellowship, and under certain I fully understand and am not un-
conditions restoration of former bless- mindful of scriptural teachings con-
ings lost. All, however, depends upon cerning repentance and forgiveness.
complete repentance, proper restitution, Forgiveness here in mortality, as far
and manifesting faithfulness through as it is within the power of men to for-
living the truths, principles, and stand- give, may not fully satisfy the law of
ards of the gospel. justice required by the heavenly judges
A light tap on the wrist to those above. It does place the repentant
guilty of serious sins does not satisfy sinner, however, in the right way; and
justice nor does it serve as a brake or a when the penalty for the broken law is
deterrent to others who may be tempted paid, he will receive forgiveness and
to violate the moral law. When trans- obtain pardon from the Righteous Judge
gressors are dealt with too gently, peo- of all. This principle is taught by the
ple sense an apparent easing in main- Savior in his Sermon on the Mount.
taining gospel standards; therefore, the Referring to those who are cast into
bars of morality may be lowered. For prison he declared: ". . Thou shalt by

aberrant members of the Church to no means come out thence, till thou
lose its privileges and blessings may hast paid the uttermost farthing."
cause them to appreciate more what (Matt. 5:26.)
they have lost. The feeling of alone- This statement of our Lord, which is
ness and of not belonging stirs them to associated with his teachings on moral
repentance and increased faithfulness. and behavior patterns, affirms that those
Now, I have been speaking mostly who are guilty of serious sins after
concerning the tragedies and the un- receiving a knowledge of God's com-
happiness of broken homes. I am not mandments shall be cast into prison
Friday, April 5 First Day
until they pay the uttermost farthing that ye may know good from evil; and
for their sins. the way to judge is as plain, that ye may
The Savior revealed unto the Prophet know with a perfect knowledge, as the
Joseph Smith that those who enter into daylight is from the dark night.
the new and everlasting covenant of "For behold, the Spirit of Christ is
marriage and then transgress that given to every man, that he may know
covenant, ". shall be delivered unto
. . good from evil; wherefore, I show unto
the buffetings of Satan unto the day of you the way to judge; for every thing
redemption, ." (D&C 132:26.)
. . which inviteth to do good, and to per-
To be turned over to the buffetings suade to believe in Christ, is sent forth
of Satan unto the day of one's redemp- by the power and gift of Christ; where-
tion is an awful condition to contem- fore ye may know with a perfect knowl-
plate. Such confinement, to satisfy the edge it is of God." (Moroni 7:15-16.)
demands of justice, could extend over a Iearnestly pray, my
brothers and
long period of time. The only way to sisters, that God will give us the
escape such a penalty with its torments strength to faithfully live up to the
and sorrows is to serve the Lord faith- ideals, standards, and covenants of
fullyand keep his commandments from the gospel of Christ always, in the name
youth until life's course here on earth of Jesus Christ. Amen.
is finished.
We need more emphasis
the in
President David O. McKay:
Church upon ideal Latter-day
home life where love, compatibility, The Logan Institute of Religion Choir
harmony, and the sweet spirit of the will now favor us with "Sing And Re-
gospel abide to attract and hold youth joice."I will say something afterwards.
close to parents in the home. The There are people on the air who want
proper teaching of children should have to hear this choir.
more emphasis so they will acquire early
in life a love for God and develop
respect for his laws and thus cherish
anthem, "Sing And Rejoice," was
sung by the Logan Institute of Religion
virtue, uprightness, and honesty of pur-
pose in their personal lives. The chil-
dren are the church teachers and its
leaders of tomorrow. President David O. McKay:
I sincerely hope that we who are
leaders will understand that the respon- Elder Delbert L. Stapley of the Coun-
sibility of the Church and its leadership cil of the Twelve was our last speaker,

is to save and bless people. Surely we and we called on the choir to sing out
must extend to the wayward the hand of consideration for the stations that
of friendship, exhibit love, manifest in- will change at the hour. As heretofore
terest, and do all within our power to announced, the singing for this session
persuade those who have departed the has been furnished by the Logan Insti-
right way to come back into that tute of Religion Choir under the direc-
straight and narrow path which leads tion of James L. Bradley, with Frank
to life eternal. W. Asper at the organ. In behalf of all
It equally important for church
is who have listened to the singing in the
leaders to teach youth and all others General Conference, the General Au-
forthrightly to their understanding the thorities, the audience here in the Taber-
great moral concepts of the gospel and nacle, and the great radio television
create within them the desires to put audience, we express appreciation and
on the whole protective armor of right- thanks to these choice young students
eousness that they may avoid serious for the beautiful music they have ren-
mistakes and the consequences of sin. dered in these conference sessions to-
I shall close with a choice quotation day. With all my heart, I say, 'God
from the teachings of the Nephite bless you, boysand girls,' and may this
prophet, Mormon: "For behold, my day always be a sweet memory to you
brethren, it is given unto you to judge, in your lives.

Tomorrow morning's session will be o'clock. Those requestedto attend this

broadcast by 18 radio and television sta- meeting include Stake Presidents and
tions, and recorded for transmission on their counselors, and Bishops and their
Sunday morning at 10 o'clock Eastern counselors. All who want to see an
Standard Time to 1 19 television stations interesting program should attend if
in the eastern part of the United States. there is room.
Both sessions Saturday will be rebroad- There will be a Welfare Agricultural
cast over KSL
Radio Sunday morning, Meeting in the Assembly Hall tomorrow
starting at —
one o'clock that is Sunday morning, which will be at 7:30 o'clock.
morning — and
will be heard in many Stake Presidencies, Bishoprics, Agricul-
parts of the United States and in the tural Representatives from all stakes,
world, including Canada, Mexico, and all others interested in agriculture
Alaska, and the Islands of the Pacific. are invited to attend this meeting.
A delayed release will also take the Elder Joseph R. Reeder, formerly
Saturday morning session of Conference President of the French Polynesian and
to viewers in Australia and also in Rarotongan Missions, will offer the
Hawaii for the first time. A video-tape benediction.
will be flown from the Mainland and
broadcast Sunday morning in Honolulu.
Both sessions today will also be re- The closing prayer was offered by
broadcast over KSL Radio Saturday Elder Joseph R. Reeder, formerly Presi-
morning, starting at one o'clock. dent of the French Polynesian and
A special meeting under the direction Rarotongan Missions.
of the Presiding Bishopric will be held Conference adjourned until 10:00
in the Tabernacle tonight at seven a.m., Saturday, April 6.

The third session of the Conference ern Californians are in Salt Lake for
convened at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, April conference while many thousands more
6. President David O. McKay pre- will view the Sunday morning session
sided and conducted the services of on television. Weare happy to note
the meeting. the Brigham Young University Chorus
The Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir fur- and Orchestra will be in the Southland
nished the choral music for this session. soon. Such events help to emphasize
Elder Richard P. Condie conducted the the fact that members of your Church
singing of the Choir. Alexander have made distinguished contributions
Schreiner, Tabernacle Organist, was at to the growth of this City and California
the organ. ever since the arrival here 1 16 years ago
President McKay made the following last month of the Mormon Battalion.
introductory remarks: Again, on behalf of the people of our
City, I am honored to convey this ex-
pression of our appreciation and high
President David O. McKay: regard. —
Samuel William Yorty, Mayor."
The Tabernacle Choir, under the di-
At the risk of taking an extra minute rection of Richard P. Condie, with
this morning I am going to read to you Alexander Schreiner at the organ, will
the following telegram: open these services by singing "Guide
"As Mayor of Los Angeles and on be- Us, O Thou Great Jehovah." Following
half of more than two and one-half
its the singing, the invocation will be
million people I convey to you and your offeredby Elder Paul C. Child, formerly
Church members this official expression President of the North Central States
of our respect and esteem. Many South- Mission.
Saturday, April 6 Second Day
The Choir sang the hymn, "Guide beginning of each sermon and the songs.
Us, O Thou Great Jehovah," following We thank the Mayor of Los Angeles,
which the invocation was offered by members of our own government, sena-
Elder Paul C. Child, formerly Presi- tors, congressmen, mayors of cities, and
dent of the North Central States Mission. all the visitors who have cooperated here
with us by participating in this audience
of several million people this morning.
President David O. McKay:
Brother Paul C. Child, formerly
president of the North Central States An anthem, "The Palms," was sung
Mission, offered the invocation. by the Choir.
The Choir will now sing "The
Palms." You recognize that you are on President David O. McKay:
the air. Proceedings are being con-
ducted on the minute so the new chan- Elder Sterling W. Sill, Assistant to
nels that are coming in will hear the the Twelve, will be our firstspeaker.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

Many years ago someone published a unto the uttermost part of the earth."
picture Bible in which it was attempted (Acts 1:8.)
to make the great scriptural messages The ascension picture is completed by
more memorable, by presenting them in the interesting scriptural statement
visual form. Our natural tendency is to which said, "And when he had spoken
see things more clearly when they are these things, while they beheld, he was
presented in pictures. Mere ideas are taken up; and a cloud received him
often too abstract for the mind to deal out of their sight.
with effectively. "And while they looked stedfastly to-
One of the visual portrayals in this ward heaven as he went up, behold, two
interesting Bible was a colored picture men stood by them in white apparel;
of the ascension. It showed the Resur- "Which also said, Ye men of Galilee,
rected Jesus standing in the air above why stand ye gazing up into heaven?
the Mount of Olives as he was ascend- thissame Jesus, which is taken up from
ing to his Father. And standing slightly you into heaven, shall so come in like
below the master were two angels manner as ye have seen him go into
dressed in white clothing. Over the heaven." (Ibid., 1:9-11.)
years I have drawn great strength from During World War II, I added an-
the thrilling ideas represented by this other impressive mental picture to my
picture. Christ's ascension to heaven collection.This one shows General
marked the end of an important period. Douglas MacArthur about to take flight
He had finished one part of the work from Corregidor under the military
assigned to him in the grand council of pressure of Japanese conquest. To those
heaven. He had organized the Church who were forced to remain behind, Gen-
and had left ordained apostles to carry eral MacArthur said, "I shall return."
on its work. He had taught them the I like to imagine the hope that this
doctrines of salvation and had given promise must have brought to the peo-
them the priesthood, with the power to ple of the Philippines during those long
bind in heaven what they did on earth. months in which they awaited their
He had shed his own blood to pay the liberation from the bondage of the
penalty of our sins. Then in the last Japanese. They knew that MacArthur
words spoken just before his ascension, would not forget. They knew that just
Jesus said to the Twelve ". ye shall be
. . as soon as possible he would come back
witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, to set them free and punish their op-
and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and pressors. His promise may have had

more than ordinary significance to me, abandoned and will not be forgotten.
inasmuch as some of the members of my In those last sad hours just prior to
own family were among those awaiting his death, Jesus said to his disciples,
MacArthur's return. They hid in the "Let not your heart be troubled: ye
hills until they were captured and sent believe in God, believe also in me.
to a Japanese concentration camp in
"In my Father's house are many man-
sions: if it were not so, I would have
The general's promise to return must told you. I go to prepare a place for
have had a disturbing significance for
the invaders themselves, for they must
have known that MacArthur would "And go and prepare a place for
if I

you, J will come again, and receive you

never rest until they had been driven
from the islands or annihilated during unto myself; that where I am, there ye
their resistance. This "I shall return" may be also." (John 14:1-3. Italics
picture was given its happy ending some
added.) What a thrilling, frightening
two years later when the general's thought when we understand the condi-
promise was finally and fully kept. tions under which he will come again.
However, the world still awaits this And what tremendous consequences are
more significant "I shall return" prom-
involved in the message of ascension
ise that had been made some nineteen day. As the Resurrected Son of God
hundred years earlier from above the stood there between the heavens and
Mount of Olives. It is very important the earth, holy angels from God's pres-
to remember that the Savior of the
ence made a firm promise, that he would
world was only bidding the earth and personally return. The angels said,
its people a temporary farewell. Many ". . . this same Jesus, shall so come
. . .

times before his death, he himself had in like manner as ye have seen him
go. ." (Acts 1:11.)
foretold his own glorious second coming . .

to judge the world. Since ascension day, some nineteen

On that last Tuesday before his death wide centuries have come and gone,
on Friday, Jesus had been teaching and many important events have taken
his followers about his second coming. place. According to tradition with one
Near the end of the day he left the exception, the apostles that Jesus ap-
temple and led the Twelve across the pointed to carry on his work, were all
Mount of Olives. As he sat down to rest subjected to violent deaths. Peter,
near the summit, his disciples said to Philip, Simon, and Andrew were cruci-
him, ". . Tell us, when shall these
. fied; James and Paul were beheaded;
things be, and what shall be the sign of Bartholomew was flayed alive; Thomas
thy coming, and the end of the world?" was run through with a lance; James,
(Matt. 24:3.) Then Jesus told them of the son of Alphaeus, was beaten to
the wars and contentions that should death; Thaddaeus was shot through
characterize the last days, and as one of with arrows; Barnabas was stoned;
the important signs that should precede Matthew was slain with a battle axe
his second coming, he said, "And this in Ethiopia; and Mark was dragged to
gospel of the kingdom shall be preached death in the streets of Alexandria. Then
in all the world for a witness unto all John, the sole survivor, was banished to
nations; and then shall the end come." the lonely isle of Patmos in the Aegean
(Ibid., 24:14.) Sea. Jesus had built his Church upon
As the people of the Philippines the foundation of apostles and prophets.
awaited their liberation, they probably When the foundation was destroyed, the
wondered whether or not General Mac- building crumbled. In time what had
Arthur had the ability to fulfil the once been a divine organization became
conditions involved in his promise to merely a human institution. Many of
return. There are also a great many in the Christian doctrines were misinter-
our world who discount both the possi- preted; the ordinances were changed; the
bility and the probability of the second authority was lost; the apostasy grew;
coming of Christ. Yet we may be cer- and the world slipped gradually into the
tain that God's program has never been long black night of the Dark Ages.
Saturday, April 6 Second Day
Then some said that the heavens were by the Son I created them, which is

forever sealed, that the canon of scrip- mine Only Begotten." (Moses 2:33.)
ture was full, and that no voice from Wethink of greatness partly in terms
God would ever again be heard upon of what it has already accomplished
the earth. The spirit of those who and partly in terms of what it promises
crucified Christ, destroyed his organiza- for the future. As I rerun my mental
tion, and disbelieved his doctrines, still picture of ascension day, I like to think
have a numerous following among us. of the Redeemer in terms of his tre-
One of the most serious problems of mendous background. Not only had
our present world is that there are so he created worlds without number, but
many people who disbelieve in a Su- in his pre-mortal existence he was that
preme Being. To some, man is the magnificent personage of great authority
highest authority and the greatest and power known in the scriptures as
intelligence in the universe. Others be- Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac,
lieve that God has gone out of business and Jacob. He was the first Begotten
and that the last words that we will Son of God in the spirit and was chosen
ever hear from the Savior of the world to be the Savior of the world because
were spoken at the ninth hour of that he was the best qualified for that im-
awful Friday afternoon, when from portant calling. Then as a part of his
Calvary's cross the dying Christ said, own progression, he took upon himself
"It is finished." The last memory that a body of flesh and bones, and became
some have of their Redeemer pictures the Only Begotten Son of God in the
him hanging upon the cross. Recently flesh. There are some who discount the
the world has been flooded with the value of a body so far as eternity is con-
crucifix, but Jesus did not remain upon cerned. There are those who in their
the cross. Some remember him lying in teachings seek to deprive God of his
the garden tomb of Joseph of Arima- body. Many do not believe in their
thaea, but Jesus did not remain in the own resurrection. But next to the human
tomb. Nothing in the scriptures could spirit the human body is the most mar-
be plainer than the fact that the life velous of God's creations. If the body
of Christ did not begin in Bethlehem, was not necessary, God would never
neither did it end on Calvary. He said, have created it in the first place. If it
"I came forth from the Father, and am was not necessary for eternity, God would
come into the world: again, I leave the never have instituted the resurrection.
world, and go to the Father." (John If a body was not necessary for God the
16:28.) In his prayer in Gethsemane Father, certainly there would have been
while contemplating his own death, he no reason why God the Son should have
said, "And now, OFather, glorify thou been resurrected. The spirit and the
me with thine own self with the glory body inseparably connected constitutes
which I had with thee before the world the soul. The spirit can never be perfect
was." (Ibid., 17:5.) without the body. There can never be a
Long before our earth was created, fulness of joy until the spirit and the
Jesus lived and ruled with his Father body are inseparably joined together.
as a part of the presidency of the uni- The Resurrected, Glorified Jesus, like
verse. Under the direction of the Elohim, his Eternal Father, has a body
Father, he was the Creator of the earth. of fleshand bones as tangible as man's.
In the first chapter of Genesis, God is (See D&C 130:22.) When Jesus ap-
recorded as saying, ". . Let us make
. peared to the eleven after his resurrec-
man in our image, after our likeness: tion, they were frightened and supposed
." (Gen. 1:26.
. Italics added.) The that they had seen a spirit. Jesus
use of these plural pronouns indicates correctedthem by saying, "Behold my
that the Son also took part in the crea- hands and my feet, that it is I myself:
tion. But even then he was no novice handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not
as a Creator. In one of the great revela- flesh and bones, as ye see me have."
tions given to Moses and revealed anew (Luke 24:39.) Jesus did not lose his
in the latter days, God said, "And worlds body after his resurrection. In some
without number have I created; .and. . mysterious way it did not evaporate,

neither did it expand to fill the im- the day foretold by Malachi who said,
mensity of space. Jesus had his body as "For behold, the day cometh that shall
he ascended to his Father from the burn as an oven, and all the proud, yea,
Mount of Olives, and the record is and all that do wickedly shall burn as
perfectly clear that he will still have stubble; for they that come shall burn
that same body when he comes in glory them, saith the Lord of Hosts, that it
to judge the world. shall leave them neither root nor
In addition to the information given branch." (Joseph Smith 2:37.) That
in the Bible, we now have some new tremendous event is fast approaching,
evidence of universal importance which and we must work while it is called
has been given to the world on this today, for the night cometh, wherein
subject in our own day. In the early no man can work.
spring of 1820, in upper New York I would like to bear to you my per-
state, God the Father and his Son sonal witness that God has not gone
Jesus Christ reappeared upon the earth out of business, that the heavens are
to re-establish among men a belief in not sealed, that the Redeemer of man
the God of Genesis, a belief in the God has not forgotten his promises, nor is
of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and a he any less interested in our welfare
belief in the God of Mount Olivet. now than when in Gethsemane and
The Prophet Joseph Smith describes his upon Mount Calvary he suffered for
part of this experience by saying, "... I our s;ns. And to close, I would again
saw two personages whose brightness like to take you out to the sacred top of
and glory defy all description, standing the Mount of Olives, and again hear the
above me in the air. One of them spake angels say, ". this same Jesus, which
. .

unto me, calling me by name and said, is taken up from you into heaven, shall

pointing to the other This is My Be- so come in like manner as ye have seen
loved Son. Hear Him!" (Joseph Smith him go into heaven." (Acts 1:11.) May
2:17.) Then there followed the great God help us to be ready for that im-
message of the restoration. portant event I pray in the name of
The same Jesus who healed the sick Jesus Christ. Amen.
and walked upon the waves has spoken
again in our day and has reaffirmed the
fact that he is still interested in our President David O. McKay:
success. The same Jesus said to his
disciples, ". . Go ye
. into all the world, He to whom you have just listened
and preach the gospel to every creature. is Elder Sterling W. Sill, Assistant to
"tie that believeth and is baptized the Twelve.
shall be saved; but he that believeth The Men's Chorus Tabernacle
of the
not shall be damned." (Mark 16:15-16.) Choir will favor us with "Seek Thy
This same Jesus has informed us anew God."
that he has not changed his mind about
the importance of this and the other
great Christian doctrines. The Men's Chorus of the Tabernacle
The same Jesus who upon the Mount Choir sang "Seek Thy God."
of Olives said, "And this gospel of the
kingdom shall be preached in all the
world for a witness unto all nations; President David O. McKay:
and then shall the end come," has,
under the direction of his Father, re- Wewelcome all those who have just
stored that gospel, in preparation for joined us by radio and television in this
that day. He himself looked forward session of the 133rd Annual Conference
to that day saying, "For the Son of man of the Church, convened in the Taber-
shall come in the glory of his Father nacle on Temple Square in Salt Lake
with his angels; and then he shall City.
reward every man according to his We shall now hear from President
works." (Matt. 16:27.) What a tre- Henry D. Moyle of the First Presidency
mendous day that will be. That is also of the Church.
Saturday, April C Second Day
First Counselor in the First Presidency

I believe with all my heart and soul that Prophecy and revelation came from
the solution to our problems here upon the same source to Peter and also to
this earth today and tomorrow is to be Joseph Smith who gave us our Articles
found in the knowledge and apprecia- of Faith.
tion of man's relationship to God, his It is no different today from what it

dependence upon God, and his obedi- was in the days of Peter and Paul, the
ence to God's laws. apostles of old. Paul told the Romans
The world is not just a watch that that "the gospel of (Jesus) Christ: . . .

the Lord wound up and left to run is the power of God unto salvation to
down. By the exercise of faith men can every one that believeth; ." (Romans . .

call upon God and obtain his help in 1:16.) Incorporated in this term salva-
fulfilment of the promises he has made. tion is not only the spiritual but also the
Also, of his own volition, God inter- temporal phase of our lives. cannot We
venes and controls the affairs of men, disassociate mortal man from the eternal
of nations, and the very elements that spirit of man within him. It is, there-
make up the universe when this is fore, through obedience to the laws of
necessary for the preservation of his God that we will find the answer to our
divine purposes. questions, whether they be domestic,
In speaking of the divine purposes of political, social, economic, or spiritual.
the Lord, Paul wrote, "That in the dis- I give to you today my assurance that
pensation of the fulness of times he evidence, if not conclusive proof, of this
might gather together in one all things fact is to be found by studying the
in Christ, both which are in heaven, scriptures. Christ's admonition to his
and which are on earth; even in disciples is compelling upon all of us
him: . .
." (Eph. 1:10.) today. Sooner or later in life we are
Modern us through the
scripture tells brought to face some crisis which re-
Prophet Joseph Smith, "Now the pur- quires determine for ourselves:
us to
pose in Himself (that is Christ) in the Do we to follow the direction
winding up scene of the last dispensa- Christ gave to all men during his
tion is that all things pertaining to that earthly ministry? If we must sooner
dispensation should be conducted pre- or later choose which path we are to
cisely in accordance with preceding dis- pursue, why should we procrastinate,
pensations." (DHC, 4:208.) why not do it now?
Christ's example and precept set in As we determine our course in life,
what is known as the Dispensation of we may well remember Paul's sermon
the Meridian of Time control us today on faith, delivered to the Hebrews:
in our behavior and in our belief. "We "Now faith is the substance of things

believe in the same organization that hoped for, the evidence of things not
existed in the Primitive Church. . . . We seen.
believe all that God has revealed, all "Through faith we understand that
that He does now reveal, and we believe the worlds were framed by the word
that He will yet reveal many great and of God, . . .

important things pertaining to the King- "But without faith it is impossible to

dom of God." please him: for he that cometh to God
I have just quoted the sixth and ninth must believe that he is, and that he is
Articles of Faith of The Church of a rewarder of them that diligently seek
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. How him." (Heb. 11:1, 3, 6.)
startling are the following words of Through our faith in God we can
Peter: accomplish life's full purpose.

"We have also a more sure word of Christ in his Sermon on the Mount,
prophecy; whereunto ye do well that given early in his ministry, as recorded
ye take heed, . .
." (2 Peter 1:19. Italics in Matthew, said: "But seek ye first the
added.) kingdom of God, and his righteousness;

and these things shall be added unto

all mandments. The harder we knock, the
you." (Matt. 6:33.) wider is the door opened.
And then he added a little later: What would it mean to all of us to
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, appreciate that we are never left alone
and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be to rely upon our own resources; that
opened unto you: we have the sustaining power and influ-
"For every one that asketh reoeiveth; ence of our Heavenly Father constantly
and he that seeketh findeth; and to him with us to guide and direct us through-
that knocketh it shall be opened." out our lives in all our righteous activi-
(Ibid., 7:7-8.) ties. Those who keep the commandments
We fulfil our highest potentials when of God realize this blessing indeed.

we the joy and security and

We know, and our missionaries know.
It is thisknowledge which urges us on
knowledge which come from the witness
to help others with an enthusiasm born
of the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, who
of the Spirit of our Father in heaven.
teaches us all things essential for this
It was not until The Church of Jesus
life and ultimately for our eternal
Christ of Latter-day Saints was organ-
exaltation in the kingdom of God.
ized in 1830 that the population of this
Paul declared to the Corinthians:
planet reached one billion living per-
"Wherefore I give you to understand, sons. The present world population, a
that no man speaking by the Spirit of mere 133 years later, is estimated at
God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no more than three billion. Expert estimates
man can say that Jesus is the Lord but are that one-twentieth of all those who
by the Holy Ghost." (1 Cor. 12:3.) ever lived on the earth are here today.
When the testimony of the Holy If the present rate of growth, now 50-60
Ghost is borne in upon our conscience, million a year still continues in geo-
and we know that Jesus Christ is our metric progression, there will be six
Lord and Savior, the Redeemer of all billion human beings in the world by
mankind, the Son of the Living God, the year 2,000. This is the appraisal
we have the promise of life eternal. of Dr. George Albert Smith, Jr., of the
Christ declared to the world: "And this Harvard Business College. [Professor
is life eternal, that they might know of Business Administration, Harvard
thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, University.]
whom thou hast sent." (John 17:3.) He then asks the question: "What is
This is a matter about which we the way of life to be for these people
need not be left in doubt. We know. and for ourselves? Ask yourself this
This knowledge is priceless. The prin- question often and earnestly and
ciples of the gospel can be understood realize that the question will not go
and lived by all mankind. The laws unanswered."
and ordinances of the gospel are simple; Whatever the population may be now
they are natural. They are appreciated or hereafter, truth will remain constant.
by all who accept and conform their To know the truth will make us free.
lives thereto. Not all men can acquire Truth is eternal. We
must seek truth
the riches of the world, but the bless- at its source. Truth emanates from
ings of the Lord will overtake all who God. How
applicable are the words of
seek after them. Like the acquisition President John Taylor, spoken in 1861,
of anything worthwhile it takes effort a former head of the Church on earth:
to attain the spiritual. Faith, dedica- "We believe that no man or set of
tion,and devotion must be ours to bring men, of their own wisdom and by their
ourselves closer and closer to our Heav- own talents, are capable of governing
enly Father. We enjoy our communion the human family aright."
with God here and now in mortality. There is no unrest when you know
We do not need to wait for immortality where you are going spiritually.
to enjoy the fruits of our spiritual labors. "Blessed are they which do hunger
We learn to the Spirit of
appreciate and thirst after righteousness: for they
God more and more as we draw nearer shall be filled " (Matt. 5:6.)
to the Lord in the keeping of his com- Our message to the world, conveyed
Saturday, April 6 Second Day

by us and our missionaries, is to en- pense for a period of two or three years.
lighten our fellow men who find them- They are compelled so to do by an
selves spiritually in the dark. There is absolute realization of the fact that they
absolutely nothing of such great worth are called of our Heavenly Father to go
to man as to know God. It has been into the world to preach the gospel and
said, "We know God when we know administer in the ordinances thereof,
ourselves." To know ourselves we must and that they have received the priest-
know the answer to these simple ques- hood of God to qualify them therefore,
tions —Who are we? Why
are we here? just as the apostles of old. Members of
And being here, what should we do? many families have rendered this service
The multitudes to whom the Savior for as many as six generations.
spoke were all physically fed by the This process has gone on for 133
loaves and the fishes, but there was years; the number going on missions is
afterwards a spiritual segregation the increasing yearly. Their purpose is
multitude would make for themselves, purely unselfish. They disseminate the
illustrated by the following admonition light of the gospel of Jesus Christ to all
of the Savior: "Enter ye in at the strait mankind, to teach them to repent of
gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is their sins, to pray to God in faith, be-
the way, that leadeth to destruction, lieving that their prayers will be
and many there be which go in thereat: answered in keeping with the promise
"Because strait is the gate, and narrow found in the Epistle of James, "If any
is the way, which leadeth unto life, and of you lack wisdom, let him ask of
few there be that find it." (Ibid., God, that giveth to all men liberally,
7:13-14.) and upbraideth not; and it shall be
Do we go with the many or stand out given him." (James 1:5.)
spiritually as one of the few? To do And finally the missionaries go to
the latter we must add to bodily suste- bear witness to the world that God
nance the word of the Lord, for spiritual lives, that Jesus is the Christ, that
growth and development. through the gift and power of the Holy
Thomas asked the Savior: ". Lord, . .
Ghost we may all receive this same
we know not whither thou goest; and testimony for ourselves, independent of
how can we know the way? all else in the world. When received,
this testimony is all consuming, all em-
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way,
the truth, and the life: no man cometh
bracing. Weknow who we are, where
unto the Father, but by me." (John we came from, and where through strict
obedience to the laws and ordinances of
the gospel we may go. Life's purpose
Thomas was an apostle of the Lord
becomes absolute and fixed. Our testi-
Jesus Christ to whom
Christ had given
mony and knowledge of God cannot
his power, his priesthood, to preach the
be lost except through transgression.
gospel taught by the Savior.
With transgression we also lose the
We knowthat we are called of God Spirit of God and the Holy Ghost as
and have received his priesthood to our comforter.
preach the gospel and administer in its As missionaries and elders holding the
ordinances. Therefore the following true priesthood of God, it is our duty,
scripture is of great meaning to us and our prerogative, our privilege, to testify
important to the world. "Verily, verily, of our knowledge of God to preach the
I say unto you, He that receiveth whom- gospel and challenge our fellow men
soever I send receiveth me; and he that to forsake the ways of the world, the
receiveth me receiveth him that sent riches, the plaudits of men, and follow
me." (Ibid., 13:20.) the gospel of our Savior and Redeemer
Twelve thousand men and women, to our own redemption.
our beloved sons and daughters, brothers No one need stumble along the way
and leave home, family, friends,
sisters, of life who desires to return ultimately
and enter
position, professions, business, into the presence of God in the king-
into the missionarywork of the Church dom of heaven. The Savior in his
throughout the world at their own ex- earthly mission made clear what is

expected of us if we do the will of our and be baptized every one of you in the
Father in heaven. name of Jesus Christ for the remission
Let us consider for a moment the case of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of

of Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, the Holy Ghost." (Acts 2:36-38.)

who came to Christ by night: "Jesus This
is the path that leadeth through
answered and said unto him, Verily, the straight gate and along the narrow
verily, I sayunto thee, Except a man way to life eternal. Thus only can we
be born again, he cannot see the king- truly worship God with all our might,
dom of God. mind, and strength.
"Nicodemus saith unto him, How can It will make no difference to us
a man be born when he is old? . . . whether there be three or six billion
"Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say brothers and sisters on the earth, our
unto thee, Except a man be born of own path to travel through life will be
water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the same. Our responsibility to carry
into the kingdom of God." (John 3:3-5.) out the final charge Christ gave his
apostles of old reiterated in our present
In fact, Jesus had already set the
dispensation is mandatory upon us to-
pattern by which all mankind should
be guided:
day, namely: ". Go ye into all the
. .

world, and preach the gospel to every

"Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to creature." (Mark 16:15.) This becomes
Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. relatively easier year after year as the
"But John forbad him, saying, I have Church grows and flourishes through-
need to be baptized of thee, and comest out the world. We have greater num-
thou to me? bers to participate and all modern means
"And Jesus answering said unto him, of communication to help.
Suffer it to be so now: for thus it be- Wehave no cause to worry over the
cometh us to fulfil all righteousness. problems of the world no matter how
Then he suffered him. complicated they become. We do need
"And Jesus, when he was baptized to worry about our appreciation of the
went up straightway out of the water: laws of God given to control the con-
and, lo, the heavens were opened unto duct of man on the earth and our strict
him, and he saw the Spirit of God adherence thereto. How grateful we
descending like a dove, and lighting should be for the words of the Lord to
upon him: Joseph Smith to inspire us today:
"And lo a voice from heaven, saying, "... whole and complete and
This is my beloved Son, in whom I am perfect union,and welding together of
well pleased." (Matt. 3:13-17.) dispensations,and keys, and powers,
Since that moment when Christ was and glories should take place, and be
baptized of John, the need for baptism revealed from the days of Adam even
by immersion for the remission of sins to the present time. And not only this,
has never been rightfully debatable. but those things which never have been
Howwonderful was the experience of revealed from the foundation of the
world, shall be revealed ... in this,
the apostles in Jerusalem on the day of . . .

Pentecost after the crucifixion and resur- the dispensation of the fulness of times."
rection and ascension Christ when
of (D&C 128:18.)
they were inspired to declare: "There- We
live in the most enlightened age
fore let all the house of Israel know of man's history, just as the prophets
assuredly, that God hath made that same foretold. More is therefore expected of
Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both us than of any prior generation of man.
Lord and Christ. "Where much is given, much is re-

"Now when they heard this, they quired." (See ibid., 82:3.)
were pricked in their heart, and said God
help us to take full advantage of
unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, all the light and knowledge revealed
Men and brethren, what shall we do? to us, I pray humbly in the name of
"Then Peter said unto them, Repent, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Saturday, April 6 Second Day

President David O. McKay: vost, President,Laie Community Asso-

ciation, Laie,Hawaii."
President Henry D. Moyle of the
Following a brief organ interlude for
First Presidency of the Church has just
station identification the Tabernacle
spoken to us.
Choir and the Congregation will sing
The following cablegram: "Apia, "Redeemer of Israel," with Richard
Samoa. Church members of the Sa- P. Condie conducting and Alexander
moan Mission express great appreciation Schreiner at the organ.
for opportunity to hear General Con-
ference. Reception fine. President
Hanks." The Tabernacle Choir and the con-
"Aloha Nui Loa from all the residents gregation joined in singing the hymn,
of Laie. Wethrill with anticipation "Redeemer of Israel."
of receiving General Conference for the
first time tomorrow throughout Hawaii

by video-tape. For many people here it President David O. McKay:

is the dream of a lifetime come true.

Our deepest, heartfelt thanks for this We shall now hear from Elder Alvin
wonderful opportunity. Sterling Pro- R. Dyer, Assistant to the Twelve.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

It is difficult to imaginehow one could ing to the Jews concerning this latter
attend this conference of The Church kingdom to be established as a sign of
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints his coming refers to the words of the
without feeling the surge of inspiration Prophet Daniel who describes the king-
and the gravity of its importance in dom to be established which would
pointing the way to all mankind who never be given to another people. "And
at this very hour are troubled and con- in the days of these kings," who were
fused and in need of divine direction. described as being in the latter days,
The message of the restoration of the ". .shall the God of heaven set up a

gospel of Jesus Christ, which has relent- kingdom, which shall never be de-
lessly been declared unto the world since stroyed: and the kingdom shall not be
its organization, means that the king- left to other people, ." (Dan. 2:44.)
. .

dom of God or Christ's Church has been Finally, as Jesus instructed his
set up as a result of the restoration of disciples as he sat upon the Mount of
truth unto the Prophet Joseph Smith, Olives, they seemed to accept the final-
wherein divine messengers have been ity of this, and with that understanding
sent from the presence of God to con- asked of him this question: ". . Tell .

vey the truths of the gospel of Jesus us, (then) when shall these things be?
Christ and to confer all needed keys of and what shall be the sign of thy com-
authority to establish a dispensation of ing, ?" (Matt. 24:3.) In the answer
. . .

the gospel. which Jesus gave to this question he

The disciplesof Jesus who were with said, "When ye therefore shall see the
him upon the earth found it difficult abomination of desolation, spoken of
to accept that which he had declared by Daniel the prophet, stand in the
unto the chief priests and the scribes holy place, ." . .

concerning the kingdom to be given at "And this gospel of the kingdom shall
a later time to another people, for be preached in all the world for a wit-
said he, "Therefore say I unto you, The ness unto all nations; ." (Matt. . .

kingdom of God shall be taken from 24:15, 14.)

you, and given to a nation bringing The who were
meridian apostles
forth the fruits thereof." (Matt. 21:43.) closest to him understood clearly, as
Put this same Jesus when later speak- judged from their own declarations, that


the kingdom of the Lord God which of the Utopian prophet Enoch; of the
established upon the earth would not mission and labors of the great prophet
continue at that time, and they them- of human tragedy, Noah, who with his
selves looked forward to the future time three sons and their families witnessed
of restitution or restoration. The Apos- the complete destruction of mankind
tle Peter on the day of Pentecost which they only survived; of the coming
declared: of Melchizedek, the great high priest,
". . . the times of refreshing shall before the Lord; of Abraham, Isaac, and
come from the presence of the Lord; Jacob; of Joseph, the beloved of his
"And he shall send Jesus Christ, father and the Lord; of Moses, the law-
which before was preached unto you: giver, the Godly appointed leader of the
"Whom the heaven must receive un- exodus of the children of Israel from the
til the times of restitution (or restora- bondage of Egypt; followed by the
tion) of all things, (concerning) . . . other prophets in their own time ac-
which God hath spoken by the mouth cording to the will of the Lord; and
of all his holy prophets since the world then the surpassing earth-life ministry
began." (Acts 3:19-21.) and atonement of Jesus Christ our
The Apostle Paul to the Saints at Lord, the very Son of God the Father;
Thessalonica and also at Ephesus said so now, in this great modern event, in
this concerning this future day: the sequence of its full importance, was
". be not soon shaken in mind,
. . to unfold unto Joseph Smith the coming
or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by of a new dispensation of the gospel
word, nor by letter as from us, as that attended as it was upon this occasion,
the day of Christ is at hand. and with subsequent happenings, with
". for that day shall not come, ex-
. . divine intercession through messengers
cept there come a falling away first, ." . . sent from the presence of God.
(2 Thess. 2:2-3.) In all of these events, ancient,
"That in the dispensation of the ful- meridian, and now in our own day and
ness of times he might gather together time, when the foreordained time in
in one all things in Christ, both which which they were to transpire arrived,
are in heaven, and which are on they came about as simply and naturally
earth; . .
." (Eph. 1:10.) as the opening and closing of a door
The Apostle John on the Isle of Pat- each in its own dispensation of time.
mos, a prisoner, saw the coming of the Thus, on this beautiful spring morn-
gospel in the latter days: "And I saw ing in the Sacred Grove, Joseph Smith
another angel fly in the midst of witnessed the renewal of God's dealing
heaven, having the everlasting gospel to with his children in accordance with
preach unto them that dwell on the the great gospel plan of redemption.
earth, and to every nation, and kindred, Upon this occasion God the Father and
and tongue, and people," (Rev. 14:6.) his Beloved Son Jesus Christ appearing
When the Prophet Joseph Smith, as a as glorified Resurrected Beings unto a
young man blessed with the gift of chosen servant of God, made known
faith and an inquiring heart to know once again the state of immortality
the will of God, went into a grove of which man will attain in preparation
trees near his home at Palmyra, New for the next estate of eternity; that also
York, in the spring of 1820 to inquire the world once again could know the
of the Lord what he should do about reality of the personal nature of God
his religious affiliation, he did not then the Father and his Beloved Son. In
know of the magnitude of that which this appearance of Holy Deity we see,
was to transpire, as he came to know as in times past, the need of God's
later. Here was to occur one of the appearing unto man in mortality; man
great foreordained events of life des- who also, as in times past, had gone
tined to be of vital importance to all astray in his concept and understanding
mankind. of the True and Living God; for man
For, as in the placing of Adam and as man, with all his wisdom, cannot
Eve, our first earth-life parents, in tbe find out the truth about God. Such
Garden of Eden; of the calling and work must be revealed to him by divine ap-

Saturday, April 6 Second Day

pearance to a prophet of God, who then possession of myself, so as to be able to

becomes the witness unto others. speak, than I asked the Personages who
As this sacred interview proceeded, stood above me in the light, which of all
the glory of the last dispensation of —
the sects was right and which I should
mortal time was inaugurated. The join.
truth about God and his Son Jesus "I was answered that I must join none
Christ and their glorious plan of re- of them, for they were all wrong; and
demption was once again placed upon the Personage who addressed me said
the threshold of human understanding. that all their creeds were an abomina-
This divine interview placed a great tion in his sight; that those professors
calling upon Joseph Smith, the chosen were all corrupt; that: 'they draw near to
prophet of the latter days. In addition me with their lips, but their hearts are
to an incident of simple faith and far from me, they teach for doctrines the
prayer, with an answer for him person- commandments of men, having a form
ally, the time had come to usher in the of godliness, but they deny the power
final period of preparation in the cul- thereof.'" (Joseph Smith 2:17-19.)
mination of God's work for his children Each of the declarations which the
here upon the earth. Lord made to Joseph Smith upon this
Joseph Smith was informed that he occasion is of the deepest import to this
had been foreordained and consequently final dispensation of the gospel and to
called to be the instrument through the plan of life and salvation in general.
whom God would work to establish his His answers to the inquiry made by
kingdom here upon the earth as it had Joseph Smith were not simply a dispar-
been in former intermittent dispensa- agement to the existing Christian bodies
tions. But this, the last of all dispen- who had departed from the truth.
sations, is to be characterized by even Though announced by the Lord that
greater truth, a depository period when they were all in error in teachings and
all truths, all laws, all covenants, all false practices intended to redeem man-
promises planned by God our Heavenly kind, there was no vindictive reprisal
Father in the pre-existence and revealed against these Christian societies who
to man in part at various times in mor- were using his name, but who were fully
tality for the redemption and exaltation unaware of the truth of his person and
of his spirit children, were now to be divinity or of his mission or of the plan
fully revealed and made available to of salvation of which he is the author
mankind. The Lord had thus spoken so far as we are concerned.
unto the Prophet Joseph Smith. Truly among these very societies of
The instructions and answers which Christian believers then in the world
the Lord gave to the Prophet Joseph were many noble spirits of the pre-
Smith during the interview in the existence, who upon subsequently hear-
Sacred Grove announced many great ing the truth as proclaimed by the
truths. I shall refer to only a part of heralds of the restoration, would accept
that interview as it was later testified it and abide its commandments and
to by the Prophet Joseph Smith, but I teachings; many of whom would them-
encourage all everywhere to read the selves become leaders and great cham-
complete testimony of the Prophet pions of the cause of the restored gospel
Joseph Smith. He said this in part: of Jesus Christ.
". When the light rested upon me
. . The Lord used no meaningless words
I saw two Personages, whose brightness upon this momentous occasion. All
and glory defy all description, standing that was spoken reflects the deepest of
above me in the air. One of them spake meaning. President Joseph F. Smith,
unto me, calling me by name and said, one of the prophets of this dispensation,
pointing to the other This is My Be- has said this, "The Lord never did any-
loved Son. Hear Him! thing that was not essential or that was
"My object in going to inquire of the superfluous."
Lord was to know which of all the It will be of interest to list the an-
sects was right, that I might know which swers which the Lord gave to Joseph
to join. No sooner, therefore, did I get Smith's direct question as to which of

the Christian churches he should join. progenitors, may be bound one with
These are as follows: another, thereby linking the past with
1. That all their creeds were an the present and both the past and the
abomination. present with the future. Thus, the
2. That their professors (or ministers) hearts of the fathers may be bound in
were all corrupt. holy sealing with their children and
3. That they draw near to the Lord children with the fathers in the patri-
with their lips, but their hearts are far archal order of family relationship in
from him. linked fashion as an endless chain with
They teach for
4. doctrines the com- each link secure and interwoven.
mandments of men. This is to prepare man for life in the
5. That they have a form of godliness, celestial kingdom which will in due
but they deny the power thereof. time follow earth-life existence. This is
There can be no question as to the the patriarchal form of government or
direct and positive answers which the government by and through the family
Lord gave to the Prophet Joseph Smith, units which are then to worship and to
but perhaps a brief explanation of each associate with the Lord. They not only
of these answers can be given to those worship through the utterances of their
of the Christian churches of the world lips, but by their hearts also; this will
who can then understand the true mean complete sincerity of purpose and
significance of the sacred interview intent based upon truth. We will be
which God the Father and his Son bound family to family; we will be
Jesus Christ had with the Prophet linked one with another by the sealing
Joseph Smith. authority which the Prophet Elijah
As to the creeds being an abomination, held, reaching to the very realms of the
this simply means that the Christian family of God and his Son Jesus Christ.
churches of the world were not follow- There all shall be bound forever by lips
ing the accepted pattern which he, the or stated committed purpose; and bound
Lord, had established in his Church, by heart also, thus manifesting obedi-
and that they had strayed from the ence to God's will and purpose in
customs and the manner which he had glorious family relationship.
established, and the term abomination As to the teaching for doctrines the
fits that which is at variance only with commandments of men, even the re-
the established truth of God. formers as great as they were and as
With regard to the fact that all min- sincere as they were in protesting
isters were corrupt —
this could not be against that which they felt was false,
the literal meaning, because the ancient there is no evidence in the founding of
meaning of the word corrupt meant any these various sects that any form of
who did not teach doctrines which had divine intercession occurred wherein
been established in accordance with the holy messengers were sent from God,
law. Surely they were not regarded as giving instruction and direction in the
corrupt because of morals or dishonesty establishing of that particular church.
and not desirous of doing God's will as What they did, therefore, was in ac-
they understood it, but only in the sense cordance with their best knowledge,
of failing to teach the gospel as Christ devoid of any divine revelation. Thus
had taught it. the commandments which they taught
As to worshiping him with their lips were of men and not of God. Though
but their hearts being far from him, this they simulate in form the Christian
I believe involved the work made pos- body, they nevertheless teach for com-
sible by the "sealing power." mandments the doctrines of men.
This work embodies the sealing As to a form of Godliness but denying
through specific rights of the priesthood the power thereof, this applies to the
of both living and dead, one to another, need of the priesthood of God or divine
as with husband and wife, as with authority within the Church author-
father and mother to children; that fam- ized to act for and in behalf of God.
ilies living upon the earth in this day And that through the Holy Melchizedek
and age, connected with ancestors and Priesthood in the true Church of Christ

Saturday, April 6 Second Day

there is to be the functioning and use Elder Alvin R. Dyer Assistant to the
of the keys of the kingdom that must Twelve Apostles.
be conferred by those who hold them. The Tabernacle Choir will now sing
In this manner the purity of important "Lord,Thou Hast Made Us For Thine
truths and ordinances of the gospel of Own."
Jesus Christ can be preserved.
Now I bear witness, my brothers and
sisters, to the reality of the restoration
of the gospel of Jesus Christ with all of Singing by the Choir, "Lord, Thou
its powers and authority and knowledge Hast Made Us For Thine Own."
and understanding to bring salvation
and exaltation unto mankind. And I
bear record of this in the name of Jesus
Christ. Amen. President David O. McKay:

President David O. McKay: Elder Robert L. Simpson, First Coun-

selor in the Presiding Bishopric, will be
He to whom we have just listened is our concluding speaker.


First Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric

A great prophet who lived 2,500 years harmony, peace, joy, and happiness.
ago stated that: ". men are, that they
. . This thinking was confirmed by the
might have joy." (2 Nephi 2:25.) The Master who said through the Prophet
Church of Jesus Christ in this day holds Joseph Smith: "There is a law, irrev-
fast to this inspired scripture as an ocably decreed in heaven before the
eternal truth. foundations of this world, upon which
The quest for joy and happiness is all blessings are predicated
common to all regardless of race, color, "And when we obtain any blessing
or creed. While the objective is com- from God, it
is by obedience to that law
mon, the understanding on how to upon which it is predicated." (D&C
achieve it is often another story. 130:20-21.) We
are blessed by obedience
The existence of man in this mortal to law. Transgression of the law always
sphere finds him involved in a grand brings unhappiness. Carried to the
system of physical force and physical extreme it could mean death.

law, all held together and seemingly I believe with all my heart that
pre-set into a magnificent system of natural law is the handiwork of a Lov-
amazing order and synchronization. We ing Father in heaven, and I further
marvel at the seasons, the celestial bear record that this same Loving
bodies. All about us is evidence of Father has not left us without specific
natural law and an overwhelming sug- instruction concerning the care of our
gestion of divine assemblage. The laws physical bodies, for he created us, and he
of gravity, heat, and motion all follow knows that true happiness and total
precise patterns under given conditions. growth, moral, spiritual, and intel-
If we enter the fiery furnace, we die. lectual, are largely dependent upon our
If we attempt to defy the laws of gravity, physical well-being.
we are killed. If our car sweeps along Through this same great latter-day
the highway uncontrolled, we crash, Prophet Joseph Smith the Lord has
and we must all agree that the human revealed an entire volume of scripture
body in similar manner is subject to the known as the Doctrine and Covenants.
law and order of the universe, for it In the 89th section of this inspired work,
is physical. the Lord gives to all men who would
Obedience to the law whether it be listen what he calls "A Word of Wis-
physical, intellectual, or spiritual brings dom." Let us read a part of this inspired.


revelation, starting with the fourth drug and has poisonous effects on the
verse, and then merely highlight the body. It has no value as a food. In
following five verses in the interest of the United States there are nearly a
time: million alcoholics with nearly two and
"Behold, verily, thus saitli the Lord a quarter million well on the way. This
unto you: In consequence of evils and is a national disgrace. Mental accuracy
designs which do and will exist in the is impaired by alcohol, and in chronic

hearts of conspiring men in the last cases, the brain cells degenerate. Ap-
days, I have warned you, and forewarn proximately 12,000 alcoholic patients
you, by giving unto you this word of are given psychiatric treatment in a
wisdom by revelation single New York hospital each year.
"That inasmuch as any man drinketh Gladstone has observed that "the
wine or strong drink among you, be- ravages of drink are greater than those
hold it is not good, neither meet in the of pestilence and famine combined."
sight of your Father, . . . Now we must surely agree with this
". .strong drinks are not for the
. great man, as it has contributed to the
belly, but for the washing of your loss of more homes, led to more bank-
bodies. ruptcies, more crime, more accidents,
"And again, tobacco is not for the more broken marriages, more cases of
body, neither for the belly, and is not blindness, more derelicts of society, more
good for man, but is an herb for bruises immorality, more suicides, than any
and all sick cattle, to be used with other single influence known to man
judgment and skill." (Ibid., 89:4-5, 7-8.) today.
We are further instructed that the Yes, it is certain that out of compas-
"evil designs of conspiring men" has a sion for his children a Loving Heavenly
reference to them who would ply us Father has given a modern-day revela-
with a never-ending tidal wave of propa- tion that strong drinks are not for
ganda in an attempt to convince us that our benefit.
it is not only popular but safe and smart A similar wake of destruction follows
to violate this God-given law of health. the careless rampage of tobacco among
Now to clarify a few terms. This also
men, women, and children. Would you
by revelation. Strong drink signifies all believe that tobacco costs the American
alcoholic beverages. people over 3 billion, 600 million dollars
Tobacco is explicit and needs no clari- a year? Do you know that the purchase
fication. This reference includes all of cigarets last year in the United States
forms of tobacco. The term hot drinks increased about four percent? This means
has reference to coffee and tea. that the vast majority of smokers are ig-
To summarize quickly: Alcohol and noring the overwhelming evidence of
tobacco, tea and coffee are all contrary competent medical authority now avail-
to the Lord's law of health, and all who able concerning the lethal effect of
violate the law for a borrowed moment tobacco on the human anatomy.
of so-called pleasure must be prepared
The American Cancer Society reports
to sacrifice some real and lasting joy
that lung cancer is ninety-five percent
and happiness that should rightfully be
fatal, and then the report goes on to
say that evidence proves that three-
Thomas A. Edison has said, "To put fourths of all lung cancer cases can be
alcohol in the human brain is like traced to the use of tobacco.
putting sand in a machine." He further
The American Public Health Asso-
commented: "I employ no one who ciation,based on its findings, estimates
smokes cigarets." that one million American children now
I wonder whether we are all aware in school will die of lung cancer before
of these scientifically proven facts about they reach their God-granted life ex-
alcohol. pectancy. Now, in a sense, this is a
Alcohol is not a stimulant but a de- form of national suicide, and we do not
pressant, a depressant of the brain and have the right to shorten human life;
nervous system. It is a habit-forming and now this, perhaps the saddest of all
Saturday, April 6 Second Day

commentary —a studying
staff of experts ever start smoking. It does not help
the tobacco problem have concluded one in athletics. I hope that you will
that the upward trend in the use of take your parents' advice not to smoke."
tobacco among the children can be Now, as these young minds are being
traced directly to a more permissive conditioned by conspiring men, we see
attitude on the part of parents. Perhaps history repeating itself. This is the
we shouldn't talk so much about what same technique that took eleven years
the schools aren't doing as we should back in the late 20's and early 30' s, some
talk about what parents should be of you might remember, to make it
doing; and this is as it should be. Our appear smart, modern, and acceptable
children should be taught in the home. for a woman to be seen in public with
I would like to make an appeal to every a cigaret. This all started back in 1927
parent who loves his children; why not when the first billboard ad appeared,
start today and set the proper example showing a man and woman relaxing
for those we love? on a beautiful hilltop. He was smoking,
Now, time will not permit us to go and her comment was simply this:
into the cases of coffee and tea, but "Please blow some my way." Rather
suffice it to say that the Lord has recog- —
harmless -"Please blow some my way."
nized these stimulants as habit-forming From this subtle beginning, the well-
and contrary to the freedom he wants so planned campaign took eleven years be-
much for all of his children. fore the billboard dared to show a
Now, if you really knew that your woman with a cigaret in her hand or
child was in danger, if you were told mouth. Had the latter billboard been
that conspiring men were meeting your shown at first, we would have been up
children on their way home from school, in arms, and something would have
going all out to attract their attention been done about it in a hurry. And
and condition their minds toward the now, unfortunately, in this campaign
acceptance of a bad habit, wouldn't you for the approval of our children's minds,
feel compelled to do something about there is hardly a TV commercial or a
it? Why, of course you would you — tobacco billboard that does not include
would do something that very day. But a child admiring a bribed athlete who
why let the conspiring men stand on a is making a statement that he probably

cold corner? We
are allowing them to doesn't believe in. Or perhaps we see
accomplish the same evil practice in the a family situation, apparently a whole-
comfort and convenience of our homes some family situation, Dad rollicking
every day. Now here's a challenge for us. with the children but with a cigaret in
Let's do something about it, parents. his hand. Yes! Trying to start the same
Let me read a letter from a confused type of campaign all over again, this
youngster. I think this has real merit. time aimed at children.
This young man was a typical fan. TV Now, all of this talk is not designed
He is writing to his favorite baseball to show how foolish we are. We're just
player: being victimized. The Lord understood
"You are my favorite baseball player. all of this well in advance, and he told

I saw a TV ad where you say you us that the very elect would be deceived
smoke cigarets and that you like them. by the "evils and designs ... of con-
I guess they help you. My mother says spiring men." I am sure he had this in
cigarets are bad and good players don't mind. So we condemn no one at this
use them. I want to be a good player. point, but, forewarned is forearmed.
Can you tell me? Are they good for you? May we not stand idly by and allow
Would you please tell me?" Signed, the cream of the nation, our hope for
"Hector. P. S. I am ten years old." tomorrow, the finest youth in all history
Well, the answer was slow in coming, to be quietly and softly led away to
but after a few weeks: habits of bondage and unhappiness!
Hector: Yes, I was in a Their only hope is a parent who cares
advertisement on television.
cigaret I enough.
would not recommend for anyone to Incidentally, would you like to be a

better citizen? Would you like to con- promise, that the destroying angel shall
tribute the maximum effort to your pass by them, as the children of Israel,
nation and community? Only those and not slay them. .
." (D&C
who are physically fit can expect to 89:18-21.)
make the maximum contribution and And so, when we obtain any blessing
fulfil his obligation to society as he from God it is by obedience to that
should. law upon which it is predicated. Let's
Now, much is being said about na- heed Elijah's challenge. ". How long
. .

tional fitness in all countries. Let us halt ye between two opinions? if the
join with other clear-thinking citizens Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal,
who are not adverse to happiness and then follow him. ..." (1 Kings 18:21.)
joy. Let's prove that it's smart to do
And so I say in conclusion, again from
what is right. There is no doubt at the Doctrine and Covenants: "I, the
this point what the instructions from
Lord, am bound when ye do what I
the Lord are.
say; but when ye do not what I say,
Now, one country in a recent na- ye have no promise." (D&C 82:10.)
tional survey found that nine percent May we be obedient to law that we may
of its national income was being spent
have true joy, eternal happiness, and
for liquor and tobacco. Assuming that
peace of mind is my prayer in the name
many of nation were abstainers,
of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
certainly more than
ten percent of the
income of those indulging was being
spent to satisfy their poor habits. President David O. McKay:
It is interesting to note that the Lord
has promised to open the "windows of He who has just given that excellent
heaven" (Mai. 3:10) to those willing talk on the Word of Wisdom is Bishop
to impart ten percent of their income to Robert L. Simpson of the Presiding
the upbuilding of his kingdom. This Bishopric of the Church.
is perhaps the most gracious, the most

promising, the most generous of all

Weshall conclude this third session
of the 133rd Annual Conference of the
contracts offered by the Lord to those
Church by the Tabernacle Choir sing-
he loves; and yet, there are millions
ing "Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory
who are spending more than ten percent Of The Coming Of The Lord," after
to an enslaving habit, and instead of
which the benediction will be offered by
opening the "windows of heaven," they
Elder Charles I. Sampson, formerly
are slamming the door on a promise
president of the Samoan Mission. This
of happiness and joy that no man, in my
conference will then be adjourned until
opinion, has the right to deny himself.
two o'clock this afternoon.
And so I conclude this plea by turning Weexpress deep appreciation to the
back to the 89th section of the Doctrine
owners and managers of the many tele-
and Covenants, and here is the promise
vision and radio stations who have of-
the Lord concludes with, the most
fered their facilities as a public service
stimulating promise of all holy writ
to make the proceedings of this confer-
concerning the day-to-day welfare of
ence available to millions throughout
his children.
North America, South America, Europe,
"And all who remember to keep
. . .
Australia, and in many other areas of
and do these sayings, walking in obedi- the world.
ence to the commandments, shall receive
health in their navel and marrow to
Weexpress appreciation to the mem-
bers of the Choir for their presence here
their bones;
on Saturday. They have the spirit of
"And shall find wisdom and great
the former "Minute Men" who were al-
treasures of knowledge, even hidden ways ready to respond to the defense of
treasures; their country at a moment's notice. We
"And run and not be weary, and
shall shall not call you "Minute Men," but
shall walk and not faint. minute men and women, always ready
"And I, the Lord, give unto them a to respond to every opportunity to render
Saturday, April G Second Day

service to the Church and to the world. The Choir sang the selection, "Mine
God bless you. Eyes Have Seen The Glory Of The
The Choir will now sing "Mine Eyes Coming Of The Lord."
Have Seen The Glory Of The Coming Elder Charles I. Sampson, formerly
Of The Lord." The benediction will be President of the Samoan Mission, of-
offered by Elder Sampson. fered the closing prayer.
Conference adjourned until 2:00 p.m.

The Conference reconvened Saturday and were obliged to limit the time given
afternoon, April 6th, at 2:00 p.m. to our speakers.
President David O. McKay presided Both ofthe sessions today will be
and conducted the services. rebroadcast over KSL radio Sunday
The music for this session of the Con- morning starting at one o'clock in the
ference was furnished by the Brigham morning, and will be heard in many
Young University Chorale, Kurt Wein- parts of the United States and the
zinger, Conductor; Roy M. Darley, world, including Canada, Mexico, Alas-
Organist. ka, and the Islands of the Pacific. A
President McKay made the following delayed release will also take the
introductory remarks: Saturday morning session to viewers in
Australia, and also in Hawaii, for the
President David O. McKay: first time. The video tape is now on its
way by air, and will be broadcast Sun-
For the information of those who are day morning in Honolulu.
tuned in by radio and television, we are We are pleased to note the attendance
pleased to announce that we are con- this afternoon of special guests, promi-
vened in the famous Tabernacle on nent state and city officials, and leaders
Temple Square in Salt Lake City in the in educational circles. To all we extend
fourth session of the 133rd Annual a hearty welcome.
Conference of the Church. These serv- We are pleased to welcome our Stake,
ices are being broadcast in the Assem- Ward, and Temple authorities and gen-
bly Hall by television. Those of you eral auxiliary officers.
who are standing in the doorways The singing for this afternoon's session
might find seats over in the Assembly will be furnished by the Brigham Young
Hall. University Chorale, conducted by Kurt
This session of the Conference will be Weinzinger, with Roy M. Darley at the
broadcast as a public service over tele- organ. We are grateful and happy to
vision and radio stations throughout the have these young men and women with
West. The names of the stations were us this afternoon.
announced prior to the beginning of We shall begin these services by the
this meeting. We
deeply appreciate the Chorale singing "Let The Mountains
services that are rendered by these Shout For Joy," conducted by Kurt
stations. Weinzinger.
You will be interested in knowing The invocation will be offered by
that this morning's session, in addition Elder Richard C. Stratford, formerly
to being broadcast direct, was video- President of the Northern States Mission.
taped for release tomorrow morning at
ten o'clock (Eastern Standard Time) to
the eastern part of the United States The Brigham Young University Chor-
over 119 television stations. This is the ale sang the hymn, "Let The Mountains
reason why we inserted additional musi- Shout For Joy."
cal numbers by the Tabernacle Choir Elder Richard C. Stratford, formerly

President of the Northern States Mis- After the singing Eider Joseph W.
sion, offered the invocation. Anderson, Clerk of the Conference, will
read some important statistics pertaining
to the Church, and President Moyle
President David O. McKay:
will follow by the presentation of the
President Richard C. Stratford offered Authorities of the Church.
the invocation.
The Brigham Young University Cho-
now favor us with "High On
rale will
The Mountain Top," conducted by The Chorale sang the hymn, "High
Brother Kurt Weinzinger. On The Mountain Top."


The First Presidency has issued the following Statistical Report concerning the mem-
bership of the Church at the end of the year 1962.

Number of Stakes of Zion at close of 1962 364

An increase of 19 Stakes during the year
Number of Wards 2,891
Number Independent Branches in Stakes
of 532
Total Wards and Independent Branches in Stakes at close of year 3,423
Number of Mission Branches at close of year 1,876
Number of Full-Time Missions at end of year
(Not Including Area Supervisory Missions) 71

Church Membership, December 31, 1962:

In the Stakes 1,629,965

In the Missions 335,821
Total Membership 1,965,786
A net increase of 142,125 Members during the year

Church Growth during 1962:

Children blessed in Stakes and Missions - 58,316

Children of record baptized in Stakes and Missions 46,907
Converts baptized in Stakes and Missions 115,834
An increase of 27,027 over the number of Convert Baptisms
during the preceding year.

Social Statistics:

(Based on 1962 data from the Stakes)

Birth rate per thousand 33.16

Marriage rate per thousand 8.16
Death rate per thousand 5.42


Members holding the Aaronic Priesthood, December 31, 1962:

Deacons 93,488
Teachers 69,846
Priests 91,218
Total number holding Aaronic Priesthood 254,552

Members holding the Melchizedek Priesthood, December 31, 1962:

Elders 172,406
Seventies 21,233
High Priests 55,362
Saturday, April 6 Second Day

Total number holding Melchizedek Priesthood - 249,001

Grand Total, members holding Aaronic or Melchizedek Priesthood 503,553
An increase of 28,392 during the year.

Auxiliary Organizations:

Relief Society (Membership) 248,166

Deseret Sunday School Union (average attendance) 738,363
Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association (enrollment) 204,794
Young Women's Mutual Improvement Association (enrollment) 220,915
Primary (children enrolled) 374,923

Welfare Plan:

Number of Persons assisted during the year 103,154

Number placed in remunerative employment 8,831
Man-days of work donated to the Welfare Plan 102,322
Unit-days of equipment use donated 10,173

Genealogical Society:

Names cleared in 1962 for Temple Ordinances 853,072

Genealogical records microfilmed in 13 countries during the year were equiva-
lent to 154,174 printed volumes of approximately 300 pages per volume.


Number of ordinances performed during 1962 in the 12 operating Temples:

For the living 47,745
For the dead 2,566,476
Total number of ordinances 2,614,221

Church School System:

Total 1962 cumulative enrollments in Church Schools, including
Institutes, and Seminaries 111,145


Number of Missionaries who at the close of 1962 were laboring under calls
from the First Presidency in the full-time missions 11,818
Number of Local Missionaries (full-time and part-time) who at the close
of 1962 were laboring in these missions 451
Number of Stake Missionaries at the close of the year 5,523
Total number of Missionaries at end of year 17,792
Number of Missionaries who received training in the Missionary Home
during 1962 5,568


Since April Conference, 1962

Elder George Q. Morris of the Council of the Twelve Apostles.

Joseph L. Wirthlin, former Presiding Bishop of the Church.
Fern Tanner Lee, wife of Elder Harold B. Lee of the Council of the Twelve Apostles.
Lester F. Hewlett, President of the Tabernacle Choir.
Lee A. Palmer, Presiding Bishop's Office Field Representative.
Robert D. Young, former president of Salt Lake and Manti Temples, and Church Admin-
istration Building Receptionist.
Martin V. Witbeck, President of Kansas City Stake.
Loyal B. Cook, President of Craig Stake.
Marion G. Mcrkley, Utah State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Member of the
Sunday School General Board.

President David O. McKay: are employed to audit certain organiza-

tions, or businesses owned or controlled
Elder Orval W. Adams will now give by the Church.
the report of the Church Financial Based upon our review of the financial
Committee. reports of the Corporation of the Presi-
dent of The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints and explanations made
CHURCH FINANCE COMMITTEE by the personnel of the Financial and
REPORT Auditing Departments of the Church,
we are of the opinion that the expendi-
April 1, 1963 tures of funds during the year 1962
were made in accordance with the estab-
The First Presidency lished procedures outlined herein.
47 East South Temple Street
Salt Lake City, Utah
Wecongratulate the General Author-
itiesand their associates for the manner
Dear Brethren: in which the finances of the Church are
administered, and we commend the
We have reviewed the report of the Church Financial Department and the
1962 financial operations of the Corpora- Church Auditing Department for the
tion of the President of The Church of expert and careful manner in which all
financial records are maintained and
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as well
as of auxiliaries and other organizations audited.
for which accounts are maintained in
Respectfully submitted,
the Financial Department of the
Church. Attention was given particu- CHURCH FINANCE
larly to the accounting and auditing
procedures followed as to funds received
and to the manner in which expendi- Orval W. Adams
turesare controlled. We
have deter- Glenn E. Nielson
mined that the expenditures of such Harold H. Bennett
funds are authorized by the First Presi- Wilford G. Edling
dency and by budgetary procedures. The Weston E. Hamilton
budget is authorized by the Council on
Disposition of the Tithes comprised of
the First Presidency, the Council of the President Henry D. Moyle:
Twelve and the Presiding Bishopric.
A continuous audit of the financial It is my very great privilege and our

records of the Church is conducted by opportunity to exercise one of the great-

the Church Auditing Department, which est privileges we have as members of
is completely independent of all other the Church in voting upon the leaders
departments. Professional auditing firms of the Church.


The First Presidency

David O. McKay, Prophet, Seer and Revelator, and President of The Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Henry D. Moyle, First Counselor in the First Presidency.
Hugh B. Brown, Second Counselor in the First Presidency.

President of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

Joseph Fielding Smith

Saturday, April 6 Second Day

Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Joseph Fielding Smith Marion G. Romney

Harold B. Lee LeGrand Richards
Spencer W. Kimball Richard L. Evans
Ezra Taft Benson Howard W. Hunter
Mark E. Petersen Gordon B. Hinckley
Delbert L. Stapley Nathan Eldon Tanner

Patriarch to the Church

Eldred G. Smith

The Counselors in the First Presidency, the Twelve Apostles and the Patriarch
10 the Church as Prophets, Seers and Revelators.

Assistants to the Twelve

Alma Sonne Alvin R. Dyer
EIRay L. Christiansen Franklin D. Richards
John Longden Theodore M. Burton
Sterling W. Sill Thorpe B. Isaacson
Henry D. Taylor Boyd K. Packer
William J. Critchlow, Jr. Bernard Park Brockbank


David O. McKay
as Trustee-in-Trust for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The First Council of the Seventy

Levi Edgar Young Bruce R. McConkie
Antoine R. Ivins Marion D. Hanks
Seymour Dilworth Young Albert Theodore Tuttlc
Milton R. Flunter

Presiding Bishopric

John H. Vandenberg, Presiding Bishop

Robert L. Simpson, First Counselor
Victor L. Brown, Second Counselor

Church Historian and Recorder

Joseph Fielding Smith, with A. William Lund and

Preston Nibley as Assistants.


Relief Society

Belle Smith Spafford, President

Marianne Clark Sharp, First Counselor
Louise Wallace Madsen, Second Counselor
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.
Deseret Sunday School Union

George R. Hill, General Superintendent

David Lawrence McKay, First Assistant Superintendent
Lynn S. Richards, Second Assistant Superintendent
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association

G. Carlos Smith, Jr., General Superintendent

MarvinJ. Ashton, First Assistant Superintendent
Carl W. Buehner, Second Assistant Superintendent
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Young Women's Mutual Improvement Association

Florence Smith Jacobsen, President

Margaret Romney Jackson, First Counselor
Dorothy Palmer Holt, Second Counselor
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Primary Association
LaVern Watts Parmley, President
Leone Watson Doxey, First Counselor
Eileen Robinson Dunyon, Second Counselor
with all members of the Board as at present constituted.

Church Board of Education

David O. McKay LeGrand Richards

Henry D. Moyle Richard L. Evans
Hugh B. Brown Howard W. Hunter
Joseph Fielding Smith Gordon B. Hinckley
Harold B. Lee Nathan Eldon Tanner
Spencer W. Kimball Boyd K. Packer
Ezra Taft Benson Marion D. Hanks
Mark E. Petersen Albert Theodore Tuttle
Delbert L. Stapley John H. Vandenberg
Marion G. Romney

Chancellor of the Church School System

Ernest L. Wilkinson

Church Finance Committee

Orval W. Adams
Harold H. Bennett
Wilford G. Edling
Glenn E. Nielson
Weston E. Hamilton

Senior Church Auditors

Harold L. Davis
Charles Schmidt
Saturday, April 6 Second Day



Harold B. Lee John Longden

Delbert L. Stapley Henry D. Taylor
Marion G. Romney Antoine R. Ivins
LeGrand Richards John H. Vandenberg
Howard W. Hunter Robert L. Simpson
Alma Sonne Victor L. Brown
EIRay L. Christiansen
and the General Presidency of Relief Society

General Church Welfare Committee

John H. Vandenberg, Chairman
Henry D. Taylor, Managing Director
Paul C. Child Walter Stover
Mark B. Garff A. Lewis Elggren
William T. Lawrence Donald Ellsworth
Lorenzo H. Hatch Casper H. Parker
Walter Dansie Alfred B. Smith
LeRoy A. Wirthlin

Tabernacle Choir
Isaac M. Stewart, President
Theodore L. Cannon, Vice President
Richard P. Condie, Conductor
Jay E. Welch, Assistant Conductor
W. Jack Thomas, Tour Manager


Alexander Schreiner
Frank W. Asper
Roy M. Darley, Assistant

President Henry D. Moyle: is just the beginning of your sustaining

President McKay, I am happy to re-

of the General Authorities. The acts
will come later.
port the voting has been unanimous in
the affirmative. Elder Spencer W. Kimball of the
Council of the Twelve will be our first
President David O. McKay: speaker. He will be followed by Elder
Thank you, brethren and sisters. That EIRay L. Christiansen.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My Brothers and and

Sisters, especially was my constant companion. I could
my friends of the radio and television lay it down only to sleep, eat, and
audience: change trains. It fascinated me, capti-
May I tell you of a great adventure? vated me, and held me
spellbound with
As traveled to a weekend assignment,
I its irresistible charm and engaging in-
I took with me an unusual book which terest. I have read it many times.


As finished it, I closed the book and

I along with the Gideon Bible. Even the
sat back, absorbed as I relived its con- blind may read it in three thick books
tents. Its pages held me, bound me, of Braille. Can anyone be considered
and my eyes were riveted to them. I to be well-read who has not perused
knew the book was factual, but as has this pretentious volume which makes
been said, "Truth is stranger than such bold claims?
fiction." Its story has a vital message to all
I am
constrained to speak to you of it people. The gentiles will find the his-
today. It is a story of courage, faith, tory of their past and the potential of
and fortitude, of perseverance, sacrifice, their destiny; and the Jewish people,
and super-human accomplishments, of the blueprint of their future. The cove-
intrigue, of revenge, of disaster, of war, nants of God to them are unfolded, as
murder, and rapine, of idolatry, and of are the promises regarding Jerusalem,
cannibalism, of miracles, visions, and their ancient city, and their lands. And
manifestations, of prophecies and their it is revealed how the Jews, so long
fulfilment. persecuted, scattered and tortured since
I found in it life at its best and at their dispersion, may come into their
its worst, in ever-changing patterns. I own. And the gentiles are warned that
hardly recovered from one great crisis they must ". . no longer hiss, nor

until another engulfed me. spurn nor make game of the Jews, nor
Across the stage of this drama of life any of the remnant of the House of
through the ages, marched actors in Israel" for the Lord will remember his
exotic, colorful costumes from the covenant to them when they respond.
blood-painted nudity of the warrior to It is the life story of the ancestors of
the lavish, ornamented pageantry of the Indians and accounts for their
royal courts —
some actors loathsome and dark skins.
degraded, others so near perfection that Archaeologists may be excited as they
they conversed with angels and with read of ruins of ancient cities, highways,
God. There are the sowers and reapers, and buildings; and there may yet be
the artisans, the engineers, the traders, hidden buried gold and priceless rec-
and the toilers, the rake in his de- ords. Locations may be approximated,
bauchery, the alcoholic with his liquor, for instance the narrow neck of land
the pervert rotting in his sex, the war- which was fortified from the "East sea
rior in his armor, the missionary on to the West sea" was but a "day's
his knees. journey for a Nephite."
This dramatic story is one of the Journalists will find in this book crisis
greatest ever played by man. The after crisis, presenting rich material for
noted tragedians fumble their lines. It limitless climactic stories, articles, plays,
is played "on location" with no false and operas. A struggling movie indus-
fronts for scenery. It is a fast-moving try might here find material which could
story of total life, of opposing ideologies, increase box office receipts.
of monarchies and judgeships and This unparalleled book should in-
mobocracies. Its scenes carry the trigue navigators: unprecedented land
reader across oceans and continents. It treks near-unbelievable in length,
promises to tell of the "last days of scope, and hazard are chronicled and
God," but instead records the "last days ocean crossings, and the circling of the
of populous peoples" and the triumph world centuries before the Vikings
of God. Class distinction is there with crossings fraught with all the dangers
its ugliness, race prejudice with its hate- imaginable, including storms, hidden
fulness, multiplicity of creeds with their reefs, hurricanes, and even mutiny. This
bitter conflicts. first recorded ocean crossing was about
Since this book, a "best seller" left its forty centuries ago, of seaworthy, ocean-
first press, it is printed in more than going vessels without known sails, en-
two dozen languages, more than a half gines, oars, or rudders —
eight barges
million copies a year, and millions of like and near contemporary with Noah's
copies are in libraries, public and pri- ark, long as a tree, tight as a dish,
vate, and in numerous hotels and motels peaked at the end like a gravy boat,
— —

Saturday, April 6 Second Day

(see Ether 2:17) corked at top and the Mount of Olives, yet no ships were
bottom, illuminated by molten stones carrying mail; no telephone wires were
(see ibid., 2:20, 3:1 ff.), perhaps with humming; no radio sets were operating;
radium or some other substance not yet no cables yet snaked across ocean floors.
rediscovered by our scientists. Light The student of economics will find in
and like a foul upon the water, this fleet this unusual book the disintegration of
of barges was driven by winds and nations through pride, soft living, and
ocean currents, landing at a common luxuries, terminating finally in hunger
point in North America probably on the and fetters. He will see unified peoples
west shores. fighting for liberty and then class wars
The reader may follow with wonder destroying those freedoms. One will see
another crossing of the ocean which the land waving with ripening grain,
was made by a Jewish group led by a the silkworm spinning, flocks and herds
prince, the son of Jerusalem's king, and grazing, vineyards and orchards bear-
of a third migration and voyage, per- ing, and a richly adorned and bejeweled
haps the greatest in all of history, people. He will see stone quarries and
dimming even that of the Saints from lumber mills and mines and craftshops,
Illinois to the Salt Lake Valley, and and then devastated landscapes, burned
even of Moses' Israel from Egypt to homes, parched earth, warring antago-
their promised land. These people nists, and deserted lands. He will see
abandoned Jerusalem on the eve of its towers and temples and kingly courts
destruction by Nebuchadnezzar and and palaces of the rich and their luxury,
probably landed on the west coast of and dissipation, immorality, and de-
South America where the ocean cur- bauchery, comparable to that in Baby-
rents drove them later to meet and com- lon, Jerusalem, and Rome.
bine with remnants of the earlier He will see people thriving in
migrants; this greatest movement was communal and taxed from fifty
made in a ship constructed by a young percent, and then to totalness, to
builder who may never have seen an slavery, and to bondage. He will see
ocean-going vessel. If the party of the power-greedy paternalistic, centralized
prince sailed west and the prophets governments move toward the inevitable
east they would have circumnavigated revolution which finally impoverishes
the world from Jerusalem, their people but frees the people to begin again
finally meeting in this western world. from ashes.
The vessels were sufficiently large to The astronomer and geologist here
carry food and seeds. may see signs in the heavens and new
There was no welcoming committee starscome into focus, three days without
to meet these adventurers as there was sun or any reflected light, and nights
to meet Columbus and the pilgrims. without darkness, bright "as the midday
This remarkable book tells again of sun" (see 3 Ne. 1:19) and a vapor of
movements of great bodies of people darkness so impenetrable that no glim-
5,400 in one group, sailing northward mer, nor candles, nor torches, nor fire
on the Pacific side in very large ships, could give any light. A great storm
seeking for new worlds to conquer, some came "such an one as never had been
of whom likely drawn into the strong known in all the land" (see ibid., 8:5),
westward ocean currents to find the certainly since Noah's forty-day pouring,
"isles of the sea" and to become the and perhaps drowning more people than
progenitors of the Polynesians. since the deluge, and terrible tempests,
The people in Jerusalem knew noth- thunder, and sharp lightnings, and
ing of the whereabouts of these fellow whirlwinds of tornadic and hurricane
Israelites in the western world, but proportions, swift enough to carry away
those here knew of the happenings in people never to be heard of again
Palestine such as the destruction of twistings, foldings, whirlings, slidings,
Jerusalem and the captivity under faultings, and tremblings of hours of
Nebuchadnezzar and when the Christ duration to cause landslides burying
was born in Bethlehem, crucified on great cities perhaps more extensive than
Calvary, and when he ascended from the Bali's, Iran's, Assam's, and Chile's,


perhaps interring in a few hours more chief judges, frustrated by growing cor-
people than ever in the history of the ruption, resign from judgment seats to
world. Tidal waves swallowed entire proselyte for righteousness; that princes
communities, and fire consumed many prefer to teach men rather than to rule
citiesand human bodies. The labors over them; that kings have tilled the
of centuries were embalmed in ashes to earth providing their own living to serve
a greaterdegree than Pompeii and the people rather than to become
Herculaneum; and earth convulsions burdensome to them and levy upon
of such intensity and prolongation that them confiscatory taxes; that rulers are
"the face of the whole earth was de- loved and not feared.
formed" (see ibid., 8:17), these earth Scientists will read of unusual instru-
spasms being a revolt by the created ments never patented or remade or
earth against the crucifixion of its duplicated, of elements which, without
Creator. recharging, illuminate dark spaces in-
Engineers will learn from this great definitely, that at least fifteen hundred
book that those centuries ago, men years beforeColumbus these Westerners
erected buildings, temples, and high- knew that the earth is round and re-
ways with cement, and paved roads volved about the sun, and of a special
connected city to city and land to land, instrument, not yet equaled even in our
and when forests had been denuded, a own day with all of our laboratories and
reforestation program was initiated for knowledge, like a round ball, made of
the future. brass, curious in workmanship, with two
The psychologists may find studies spindles, so sensitive that it was not
in human behavior and the workings limited to the cardinal points of the
of the human mind and the rationaliz- compass but would actually give guid-
ing processes where men convince them- ance regardless of direction, recording
selves that "good is bad, and that bad the feelings, emotions, and inner rebel-
is good." Here they will watch history lions of men and would function prop-
unfold for thousands of years and see erly only where there was not human,
not only episodes in the lives of indi- mental, and moral discord. This instru-
viduals but causes and effects in a total ment would point the way to the
history of races. prevalence of animals to be hunted for
The educator will find treasures of food and was operated by faith rather
literature and poetry. He will see how than by electricity or other natural
language used to log their day-to-day elements an — instrument on which
experiences can be corrupted when not would be writing changed from time
properly written, from an expressive to time, plain to read, increasing the
tongue of the educated to numerous, understanding of those who read it.
corrupted dialects of degenerated peo- Military men may learn much in
ples, proving that to survive, people strategy, intrigue, in movements, in
must be educated on every front morale. They may learn that centuries
physical, mental, spiritual, moral and — before the discovery of America, the
that anything short of that will bring ancients had cement buildings, temples,
ultimate disaster. and highways connecting cities and
This comprehensive book should be lands, and metal tools for tilling ground,
studied by politicians, government lead- and munitions factories for making
ers, kings, presidents, and premiers to weapons of war, and forges to beat
see the rise and fall of empires, and the "plow-shares into swords, and pruning-
difference between statesmanship and hooks into spears." (See 2 Ne. 12:4.)
demagoguery. They will see nations They may learn how cold war can be
born in war, live in war, deteriorate in kept in deep freeze.
war, and die in war through the cen- Guerrilla warfare, sieges, and the
turies. They may find answers to prob- scorched-earth policy were not origi-
lems of capital and labor, of dishonesty, nated in Civil War days nor in Russia
graft and fraud, of dissentions, internal but were programs of survival, initiated
rupture, and civil wars. long centuries before Columbus, Pizarro,
In this uncommon book is seen that and Cortez.

Saturday, April 6 Second Day
They may learn that wars of aggres- now observed in South and Central
sion with soldiers, idolatrous and America and in the Mexican jungles.
adulterous, who leave God out of their In this wondrous book, ministers and
lives, will in the end be futile and priests can find texts for sermons, and
disastrous. men generally can find final and author-
They will learn that great cultures itative answers to difficult questions:
stagnate in war shadows and cease to Is there life after death? Will the body
survive when continuous wars make be literally resurrected? Where do the
people migrants, when fields are spirits of men go between death and
abandoned, livestock appropriated for the resurrection? Can one be saved in
nonproducing soldiers, forests destroyed unchastity? What is the correct organ-
without replanting, and when farmers ization of Christ's Church? Can one
and builders become warriors, and be saved without baptism? Why is it

businessmen shoulder arms and teachers wrong to baptize infants? Is specific

mobilize. Men cannot plant, cultivate, authority essential to administer ordi-
and harvest when in camps, nor build nances? Is continuous revelation neces-
when on the run. Long and bloody sary and a reality? Is Jesus the actual
wars mean sacked, burned, ruined cities, Son of God?
confiscatory taxes, degenerated peoples, Here is recorded the glorious coming
and decayed cultures. of the Savior to his temple in America.
Victory and defeat alike leave coun- He blessed the little children and wept
tries devastated and the conqueror and as angels descended out of heaven and
the conquered reduced. Wickedness encircled them. He organized his
brings war, and war vomits destruction Church with twelve apostles called dis-
and suffering, hate and bloodshed upon ciples to whom were given the same
the guilty and the innocent. priesthood, authority, and keys which
This impressive book should convince their contemporaries, Peter, James, and
all living souls of the futility of war and John held in the other land.
the hazards of unrighteousness. A few The coming of the Resurrected Re-
prophets, swimming in a sea of bar- deemer to this land was spectacular
barism, find it difficult to prevent the the small piercing voice from heaven
crumbling and final collapse of corrupt heard at Jordan and Transfiguration's
peoples. Mount awed them as it announced:
To you of the Americas, who are "Behold my Beloved Son, in whom I
terrified by the daily papers, who trem- am well pleased, in whom I have glori-
ble at "The sound of a shaken leaf," fied my name — hear ye him." (3 Nephi
who build shelters in fear of guided 11:7.)
missiles, hydrogen bombs, and biological And then they saw a man descending

warfare to you, there is this condi- out of heaven in white robes, and he
tional promise coming from this book stood in their midst saying: "Behold, I
of truth: am Jesus Christ, ... I am the God of
Israel and the God of the whole earth
". . . this land shall be a land of
liberty unto the Gentiles, and there and have been slain for the sins of the
shall be no kings upon the land. .
world." (See ibid., 11:10, 14.) And the
. .

multitude thrust their hands into his

"And I will fortify this land against
side and felt the prints of the nails
all other nations.
and knew of a surety that this was the
". .the Lord, the king of heaven
. I,
very Christ so recently crucified across
will be their king, and I will be a light the sea, and so recently ascended into
unto them forever, that hear my words." heaven, and now among them to teach
(Ibid., 10:11-12, 14. Italics added.) them his saving gospel.
This single volume records for his- This historical book tells of three
torians about twenty-six centuries of men, who, like John the Revelator, are
stirringlife, not generally known even still on earth though it is nearly two
to the most highly trained professors of thousand years since their mortal birth
history. It tells of the ancestries of men who have not suffered the pains
those whose spectacular monuments are of death, but who have control over the

elements and who make themselves "Thou fool, that shall say: A Bible,
known at will and go anywhere on the we have got a Bible, and we need no
globe when needed and who cannot be more Bible. . . .

imprisoned, burned in the furnace, nor "...rule in the heavens above and
buried in pits, nor held in prison, nor in the earth beneath; and I bring forth
destroyed by beasts; for, like the three my word unto the children of men, yea,
Hebrews, superhuman power and pro- even upon all the nations of the earth?
tection have been given them. "Wherefore murmur ye, because that
This narrative tells of people with ye shall receive more of my word? Know
such faith that they buried their weap- ye not that the testimony of two nations
ons to die victims of enemies rather is a witness unto you that I am God,

than take lives; of boys who had in- that I remember one nation like unto
herited great faith from their mothers another? . . .

who had trained them to trust in God "And I do this that I may prove unto
and they would be protected. It tells many that I am the same yesterday,
of the fulfilment when 2,060 of them today, and forever; And because . . .

were saved though they fought in many that I have spoken one word ye need
battles in which men all around them not suppose that I cannot speak another;
died, but because of the faith of their for my work is not yet finished; . . .

mothers and the sons, not one of the "Wherefore, because that ye have a
2,060 suffered death. In this battle of Bible ye need not suppose that it con-
defense, not one boy lost his life. tains all my words; neither need ye
But after all, it is not the book's dra- suppose that I have not caused more to
matic crises, its history, its narrative be written.
that are so important, but its power to "For I command all men, both in the
transform men into Christlike beings east and the west, and in the north, and
worthy of exaltation. in the south, and in the islands of the
It isthe word of God. It is a power- sea, that they shall write the words
ful second witness of Christ. And, which I speak unto them; for out of the
certainly, all true believers who love the books which shall be written I will
Redeemer will welcome additional judge the world, every man according
evidence of his divinity. to their works, according to that which
This inspiring book was never tam- is written.
pered with by unauthorized translators "For behold, I shall speak unto the
or biased theologians but comes to the Jews and they shall write it; and I
world pure and directly from the his- shall also speak unto the Nephites and
torians and abridgers. The book is not they shall write it; and I shall also

on trial its readers are. speak unto the other tribes of the house
Here is a scripture as old as creation of Israel, which I have led away, and
and as new and vibrant as tomorrow, they shall write it; ."
(2 Nephi . .

bridging time and eternity; it is a book 29:3-12. Italics added.)

of revelations and is a companion to the Then he says he will gather the three
Bible brought from Europe by immi- folds into one fold, and he will be their
grants and agrees in surprising har- shepherd. And the records of the ten
mony with that Bible in tradition, his- tribes are still to be recovered. "And it
tory, doctrine, and prophecy; and the shall come to pass that the Jews shall
two were written simultaneously on two have the words of the Nephites, and the
hemispheres under diverse conditions. Nephites shall have the words of the
It records the very words people would Jews; and the Nephites and the Jews
say when this hidden record should be shall have the words of the lost tribes
presented to them. of Israel; and the lost tribes of Israel
"... A Bible! A Bible! We
have got shall have the words of the Nephites
a Bible, and there cannot be any more and the Jews.
Bible. "And it shall come to pass that my
"But thus saith the Lord God: O people, which are of the house of
fools,they shall have a Bible; and it Israel, shallbe gathered home unto the
shallproceed forth from the Jews, . . . lands of their possessions; and my word
Saturday, April 6 Second Day
also shall be gathered into one." abiding its It has been named,
(Ibid., 29:13-14.) "The most any book on earth."
correct of
We seem to hear the Almighty warn: My beloved friends, I give to you the
"Fools mock, and they shall mourn," Book of Mormon. May you read it
and, "Woe be unto him that rejecteth prayerfully, study it carefully, and re-
the word of God." One prophet wrote: ceive for yourselves the testimony of its
". .And if ye shall believe in Christ ye
. divinity. This, I pray in the name of
will believe in these words, for they are our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
the words of Christ, ." (Ibid., 33:10.)
. .

In the final chapter of the book is the

never-failing promise that every person President David O. McKay:
who will read the book with a sincere,
prayerful desire to know of its divinity The speaker to whom we have just
shall have the assurance. listened is Elder Spencer W. Kimball of
The book of which I speak is the key- the Council of the Twelve.
stone of true religion, the ladder by Elder EIRay L. Christiansen, Assistant
which one may get near to God by to the Twelve, will now speak to us.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My beloved brethren and sisters, with the work of God that is frustrated, but
you I have been edified by all that the work of men"; (D&C 3:1, 3.)
has taken place in the various sessions I have no doubt that his promises to
of this great conference the music, the — all people will be fulfilled in his own
wonderful discourses, the prayers, and due time and in his own way, both to
your presence here. I think I have never the righteous and to the wicked. We
been so pleased and thrilled to see the are living in a day foretold by the Savior
great sea of hands raised in unanimously as a time of wars and rumors of wars,
sustaining those whose names were of famines and of pestilences and of
presented a few minutes ago, indicating earthquakes. A day when, in a sup-
that there is unity in the Church. posedly cultured society, greed and lust
I come to you in humility this after- for power, subterfuge and cruelty are
noon and with a firm conviction that seen at their worst. This day was
God lives; that this is not just another described by Paul in these words:
Church which we represent, but it is "For men shall be lovers of their own
The Church of Jesus Christ; that sitting selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blas-
on rostrum is the prophet of this
this phemers, disobedient to parents, un-
day, surrounded by just and wholesome thankful, unholy,
men who are each endowed with the "Without natural affection, truce-
authority and the power to act in the breakers, false accusers, incontinent,
name of God and direct the work of fierce, despisers of those that are good,
the Lord in all the world in prepara- "Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers
tion for his coming to receive his of pleasures more than lovers of God";
kingdom. (2 Tim. 3:2-4.)
I come to you with the assurance that Now, thank goodness, that doesn't in-
this Church was established, not to clude everybody, but there are many I
fail,but to continue, never to be de- am sure who fit into some of those
stroyed nor left to another people; for categories. If there are any into which
the Lord has said: we fit, or if any of us have these blem-

"The works, and the designs, and the ishes upon us, I hope that we will go
purposes of God cannot be frustrated, from these meetings with the determina-
neither can they come to naught. tion to throw them off.
"Remember, remember that it is not Now, despite these conditions that

Paul described, this is a favored time "I know we can, but we won't, will
and a favored day of the Lord. We we, Daddy?"
ought to be thankful that we live in "And that thou mayest more fully
this particular day, notwithstanding all keep thyself unspotted from the world,
the fears and the troubles and the thou shalt go to the house of prayer
anxieties which come upon us because and offer up thy sacraments upon my
of unsettled conditions that prevail in holy day"; (D&C 59:9.)
the world. Our gratitude comes mainly To me that makes it clear and under-
because we are the glad recipients of the standable as to where I ought to be and
restored gospel brought back to earth what I ought to do among other things
in the fulfilment of prophecy, in its that are approved of the Lord on that
fulness as a prescription for successful holy day.
living and for salvation. There is no Another matter: How completely do
need to walk in darkness or in uncer- you love your neighbor? The Savior
tainty. In our day the Church has the has said that not only should we love
vision and the inspiration and the word our neighbors as ourselves, but that we
of the Lord to give to the people to should also even love our enemies. One
keep them from the pitfalls of life, from man said, "It's a difficult enough thing
sorrow, regret, and failure. In this day to love a neighbor whom he likes to be
of the Church there has been a great classed as his neighbor, but to reach out
expanse of the Church itself. The gos- and love his enemy is almost beyond
pel is being widely preached; buildings reasonable expectation." Nevertheless, it
are being constructed; temples have been is a method which the Lord has of
and are being erected; work for the dead preparing, of sanctifying, and of per-
is increasing; and people are accepting fecting those whom he has called his
the gospel, all of these in an unprece- Saints. Further than that, he requires
dented way. that we bless those that curse us, and
Now, while we that we do good unto them that hate
see the Church mov-
us, and that we pray for them who
ing on unfalteringly toward its decreed
despitefully use us and persecute us.
destiny, we must remember that salva-
tion for each of us must be worked out How can we love our neighbor? I
on an individual basis. For a few mo- think one of the best ways would be to
ments let us draw our world into the help him to learn the truth, to accept
range of my voice while we consider two the restored gospel and to find in it the
or three principles which are indispen-
power of God unto salvation for them
sable to individual and even collective
and their families, and by defending him
against danger or slander or mistreatment
by others. I think we could show a love
How about the Sabbath day, which of our neighbors on the highways and
was discussed so eloquently by Presi- in traffic congestions by being courteous
dent Joseph Fielding Smith yesterday? and by giving them the right of way
Is itobserved as the Lord's day? Are once in a while even though we may
you and your family found where you have rightful claim to it. There are
ought to be and doing what you ought innumerable ways in which love may
to be doing on that day? I recently be extended to one's neighbor.
learned of a father who habitually took It was James Russell Lowell who said,
his wife and children to the mountains "They who love the Lord and their
or to various other places on the Sab- neighbors are but one step from heaven."
bath day rather than taking them to I'd like to include with these neigh-
church where they belonged. As he bors, whom we must love and for
was hurrying them to get ready one whom we must be concerned, those who
Sunday morning, his smallest boy said, have passed on, especially our own pro-
"Daddy, why can't we stay home and genitors to whom we have the in-
go to church like the other kids do?" escapable obligation to bring salvation
"Oh, come along," said the father, "we and exaltation through vicarious service.
can sing and pray together in the moun- What are we doing about them on an
tains." The little boy said rather sadly, individual family basis?
Saturday, April 6 Second Day

How about tithing? Are we as indi- member that it is upon the rock of our
viduals placing ourselves in a position Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of
to receive the glorious promises given God, that ye must build your founda-
of the Lord for those who consistently tion; that when the devil shall send
observe this law? He offered a chal- forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts
lenge to be proved if he would not in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail
open the windows of heaven and pour and his mighty storm shall beat upon
out upon us a blessing that there shall you, it shall have no power over you to
not be room enough to receive, and drag you down to the gulf of misery
then he said: and endless wo, because of the rock
"And I will rebuke the devourer for upon which ye are built, which is a sure
your sakes, and he shall not destroy foundation, a foundation whereon if
the fruits of your ground; neither shall men build they cannot fall." (Hel. 5:12.)
your vine cast her fruit before the time I like that, and I have taken it to
in the field, saith the Lord of hosts." heart. I advocate it to the young and
(Mai. 3:11.) to the old and to all of us, in fact, to
What a promise that to those of
all mankind, for it is true as true
us who are willing to keep the law! can be.
Can any of us justify withholding or
May we, my brothers and sisters, stand
skimping on that which really belongs
firm upon this sure foundation and
to the Lord?
thereby contribute to the progress of the
voice of President Heber C. Kim- Church as it moves on to the comple-
ball (I was pleased to hear this beauti- tion of its divine destiny, and at the
ful expositionby Spencer W. Kimball on same time secure our individual and col-
the Book of Mormon making it so vivid lective salvation and perhaps exaltation,
before us) rang out in this very build- I pray, testifying again that the Savior
ing concerning the matter of tithing lives and that this is his work, in the
when he said: name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our
"You have nothing except what you Master. Amen.
have received from the Almighty. Where
do you get your water, your meat,
your bread and the luxuries of life? President David O. McKay:
Did he not create them? Were not the
elements thereof placed upon the earth Elder EIRay L. Christiansen has just

before you came here? If you do not spoken to us.

pay one dime in tithing, it will not im- The congregation and chorus will now
poverish the Lord, but I tell you where join in singing "We Thank Thee, O
the effect will lie. It will affect your- God, For A Prophet," conducted by
selves,your own salvation." Brother Kurt Weinzinger.
And I should like to add and that of After the singing Bishop Victor L.
your children most likely for "like Brown will speak to us.
father, like son" is an old but true
My brothers and sisters, the com- The Congregation joined with the
mandments of the Lord are not dictums,
Chorus in singing the hymn, "We
they are principles given by a Merciful Thank Thee, O God, For A Prophet."
Father to keep us and all mankind who
will follow him from sin, sorrow, and
regret. We talk a good deal these days
President David O. McKay:
about security. One of the best formu-
las of security that I have ever known Bishop Victor L. Brown of the Presid-
is given in the words of Helaman in the ing Bishopric will now speak to us. He
Book of Mormon: will be followed by Elder S. Dilworth
"And now, my sons, remember, re- Young.


Seaond Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric

I was invited speak to a group of

to and the mother of two teen-age young-
high school students recently. They are sters had sold her soul for a bottle.
members of a service club, the motto During her more or less sober moments,
of which is "Fulfil Freedom's Chal- when she reflected upon what she had
lenge." I suppose there is no subject done with her life, she could see no
discussed more frequently today than purpose for living.
that of freedom. There are many ap- Now, my young friends, don't think
proaches to this topic. for one moment that these problems
As I stood before this group of eager came on this man and this woman over-
young men and looked into their faces, night. They found themselves in these
I couldn't help feeling that if they could situations after many weeks, months,
catch the full significance of the meaning and even years of merely being "one of
of this motto and put it into practice, the gang," of succumbing to the pres-
their success in life would be assured. sures of their neighbors, friends, and
"Fulfil Freedom's Challenge."Free- associates, of not wanting to be differ-
dom means many things to many peo- ent. In all of my experience, I have
ple. May I illustrate one kind of never seen anyone more in bondage,
freedom that came to my mind as I with less freedom than these two
visited with these young men by telling individuals.
you of a friend of mine who sold his You don't give up your freedom all
freedom for a social custom. This young at once — this kind of freedom at any
man had started up the ladder of suc- rate. You give it up a little at a time,
cess, and it appeared that nothing could and all it takes is a start. If there is
stop him. I don't know of anyone who never a start, there is no concern about
had brighter or more promising pros- giving it up.
pects for a successful career. Each of you would gladly give your
life, if necessary, to keep your country
Then, one day, he made the decision
that if he were really to succeed, he free. What are you willing to give to
must accept social drinking as a part of remain free from this so-called social
his life, and so he did. I am sure that custom that destroys so many boys and
girls, men and women?
to begin with, he found the taste un-
palatable. However, it wasn't long be- "Fulfil Freedom's Challenge." As I
fore he began to look forward to the stood before those students, how I hoped
cocktail hour, and then the cocktail they would recognize that they would
hour couldn't come soon enough. Fi- have to determine in their own minds
nally, he became a slave to alcohol, los- and hearts what kind of men they were
ing his wife, his friends, and his job. The going to be, how susceptible they would
last time I saw him, though still a be to the accepted practices and habits
young man, he looked twice his age. of the world.
He was without work. He was finding Many millions of dollars are spent by
it necessary to ask for a handout from tobacco companies in an effort to en-
his friends. He had lost everything tice the young people of this nation into
that was worth living for. taking up the habit of smoking. Medical
The day I was called to be a bishop science today is substantiating the
of a ward several years ago, I received claims which have been made for many
a telephone call, asking if I could come years, that the use of tobacco is in-
to help dissuade a woman from taking jurious to one's health, but it is not
her life. I wish every young woman from this viewpoint that I wish to dis-
in this Church could have been by my cuss it.

side during that interview. This woman, Just last week I had occasion to be
the daughter of a bishop, the former driving with a man who took a cigaret
wife of another leader in the Church, out of his pocket, put it in his mouth,
Saturday, April 6 Second Day

lighted it, and then threw it away. He telephone and said, "Will you please
turned to me, and said, "Did you see come to my office right away, and bring
what I just did? I didn't want a your two boys." These two boys were
cigaret. I have stopped smoking, but also associatedwith this company.
look what I did." As the three men entered the chair-
Why, I have known some men who man's office, he introduced them to a
have stopped smoking every Monday man who they learned was one of the
morning for weeks. great financiers from New York City.
One of the most common social prac- As the chairman of the board introduced
tices in this country —and I suppose in these three men, he said to this finan-
many countries of the world —is the use cier, "These are the kind of men we
of tobacco. want to build our company around."
If you young men and women will Now, why do you suppose he would
ask an honest person who is a confirmed make such a statement, because these
smoker whether or not he has denied three men neither use tobacco or
himself a freedom by the use of tobacco, liquor? I doubt it. I am confident
he will tell you he is enslaved to this that many of the men in this company
habit. use tobacco and liquor. Then, why?
We, as a Church, are not infrequently Because they are Latter-day Saints?
accused of being narrow-minded and They are, but I doubt this was the rea-
fanatical because we feel it is important, son. I think this business executive
among other things, for our members wanted to build his great company
to abstain from the use of tobacco and around men such as these three because
liquor. Sometimes in an effort to avoid they are men of character. They have
this implied stigma, we relent, and go personal standards, and they have the
along with our critics. Then if we backbone to live these standards no
aren't careful, we find that we have matter where they are or whom they
developed habits which sometimes seem are with. These men are strong enough
almost impossible to overcome. How to resist the pressures of social customs
necessary are these things really in rather than compromise their own prin-
achieving success? ciples, and this man knew they could
The other day a man
came to our be relied upon.
offices to discuss a business proposition. From these two examples, you can
At the conclusion of our meeting, we see that successful people have fulfilled
learned that he had recently been freedom's challenge without compromis-
elected executive vice-president and ing the principles of the gospel.
treasurer of his company. Now, this There were many other thoughts that
company is international in scope. It went through my mind as I visited with
does over four hundred million dollars these young students and contemplated
worth of business each year. their ambitions and desires to fulfil
In discussing his rise to such an im- freedom's challenge. In my mind's eye,
portant position in the business world, I could see among them future doctors,
he quietly and humbly said, "You know, attorneys, educators, businessmen, engi-
I have never found it necessary to and so forth.
neers, scientists,
smoke a big cigar or indulge in cock- The thought I wish to conclude with,
tails. I have just followed what my however, has reference to yet another
father taught me when I was a boy group who were not present at this
and tried to live the way my mother meeting. As a matter of fact, I am
wanted me to live. And I haven't found afraid the motto, "Fulfil Freedom's
that it has hurt me a bit." Challenge," would have little interest
On one occasion, the chairman of for them. They are known as dropouts.
the board of directors of a large corpora- They are the ones who for one reason
tion, the largest of its kind in the or another leave high school without
United States with retail outlets from obtaining their diplomas. It is my
coast to coast and border to border, feeling that this group of young men
called one of his vice-presidents on the and young women arc choosing to be-

come enslaved to a life of mediocrity, ble the activity, and to scorn shoddiness,
and the tragic fact about this is that not however exalted the activity. . . . An
only are they entering into this deplor- excellent plumber is infinitely more
able condition, but they are probably admirable than an incompetent philos-
going to take many of their children opher. The society which scorns excel-
with them. If they could only foresee lence in plumbing because plumbing is
the opportunities and rewards that will a humble activity, and tolerates shoddi-
pass them by because of their decision ness in philosophy because it is an
to be satisfied with a minimal prepara- exalted activity will have neither good
tion for life! It is essential that each plumbing nor good philosophy. Neither
person recognize that the responsibility its pipes nor its theories will hold water."
for these decisions rests with himself. Freedom of choice is a basic principle
John Oxenham has written: of the gospel. This was true even before
"To every man there openeth the earth was created. Each one of us
A Way, and Ways, and a Way, has the divinely granted right to choose
And the High Soul climbs the High way, for himself. In choosing, we have the
And the Low Soul gropes the Low; responsibility to use our intellect, which
And in between, on the misty flats, also has been given to us by our Heav-
The rest drift to and fro. enly Father. He has shown us the
But to every man there openeth way; now it is our responsibility to
A High way and a Low, choose which way we will go.
And every man decideth I bear you my testimony that God
The Way his soul shall go." lives, that Jesus Christ, our Elder
It is my earnest prayer that young Brother, gave his life that we might
men and young women everywhere will live, and that he gave us the teachings
consider carefully before choosing their which, if properly lived, will permit us
highway of life. to return to his presence. I also bear
What a wonderful thing it would be witness that President David O. McKay
if all young people of this generation is a prophet of God, just as surely as

decided that mediocrity would not touch Joseph Smith was a prophet of God,
their lives but rather that excellence in the instrument in the hands of the
all things would be their ambition. Lord in restoring the gospel in this
John W. Gardner, president of the latter day, in the name of the Lord
Carnegie Corporation, spoke of excel- Jesus Christ. Amen.
lence in this way:
"The most important moral of all is President David O. McKay:
that excellence is where you find it. I
would extend this generalization to Bishop Victor L. Brown of the Pre-
cover not just higher education but all siding Bishopric has just spoken to us.
education from the vocational high Elder S. Dilworth Young of the First
school to the graduate school. . . . We Council of Seventy will be our next
must learn to honor excellence (in- speaker. He will be followed by our
deed to demand it) in every socially concluding speaker, Elder Marion G.
accepted human activity, however hum- Romney.


Of the First Council of the Seventy

About a year ago I was reading in the ask of God" (See James 1:5), for that
Doctrine and Covenants and came upon scripture leaped at him; and so this one
a verse of one of the sections. I sup- leaped at me. For a year or so I have
pose everybody has an experience of the been reading it off and on, contem-
type I had as I read. I think the Prophet plating it. Now I should like to read
had such an experience the day he it to you, but first I should like to give
read, "If any man lack wisdom let him it its framework.
Saturday, April 6 Second Day

Back 1829 the Lord, through the

in my voice, and know my words."
Prophet Joseph Smith, said there would (D&C 18:34-36.)
be appointed twelve disciples, which The thing that impresses me about
of course we know as apostles, and he this is, and I have never thought of it

appointed two of the three witnesses to before, when

read a verse in the Doc-
choose them. And then he did a thing trine I am hearing the
and Covenants
which to me is remarkable. He began voice of the Lord as well as reading
to instruct the Twelve before they were his words, if I hear by the Spirit.
chosen, and after having instructed Now I have heard it said many times
them he then gave them this verse. In by men that they have often asked the
1835 the Twelve were chosen, as you Lord for a special testimony and often-
know, and on one occasion they were times haven't had it. They seem to
called together and given their instruc- want to hear the voice of the Lord. I
tions. Oliver Cowdery was the spokes- confess I have often wanted to hear
man; and after having given them some the voice of the Lord, without know-
very powerful and heartwarming in- ing that all these years I have been
struction, so moved was he, himself, that hearing it with deaf ears. This woke
he had to stop two or three times to me up.
weep. He finally read the revelation to I can testify that, having read, I hear
which I refer and this verse. the voice of the Lord. I also testify to
Brigham Young was so impressed by you that when you hear the Prophet,
it that he copied it in his laborious here sitting on the stand, speak by the
handwriting into his diary. I am im- voice of prophecy and by the spirit of
pressed by it likewise. These are the the inspiration which possesses him, you
words: also hear, through him, the voice of
"These words are not of men nor of the Lord. In the name of Jesus Christ.
man, but of me; wherefore, you shall Amen.
they are of me and not of man;
"For it is my voice which speaketh
them unto you; (now this is six years President David O. McKay:
later that they are hearing it) for they
are given by my Spirit unto you, and Elder Dilworth Young of the First

by my power you can read them one Council of Seventy gave that important
to another; and save it were by my long speech.
power you could not have them"; Elder Marion G. Romney of the
And this is the verse^-"Wherefore, Council of Twelve will be our con-
you can testify that you have heard cluding speaker.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

Mis queridos Hermanos y Hermanas de Pursuant to assignment from the First

los paises donde se habla Espanol. Me Presidency of the Church, I have for
da mucho gusto a veros aqui con the past two years been supervising the
nosotros esta dia. Con todo corazon, muy Latin American missions. It may not,
bienvenidos. therefore, be wholly inappropriate for
To you who wonder, I have just me to say something about the Laman-
greeted and welcomed our people from ites, many of whom live in these mis-
Latin America. My Spanish may not sions. With this intent, I take for my
have been such as they could under- text the following statement made by the
stand, but you are in no position to Lord to the Prophet Joseph Smith in
challenge my interpretation of it. March 1831.
I love these, my brothers and sisters. ". before the great day of the Lord
. .

To me they are white and delightsome. shall come, Jacob shall flourish in the
And of course I love you, too. wilderness, and the Lamanites shall


blossom as the rose." (D&C 49:24.) live, even so will I come in the last
The word, "Lamanites," denotes, of days. . . .

course, the descendants of rebellious 'And the day shall come that the earth
Laman and Lemuel. It also denotes shall rest, but before that day the
all other descendants of Lehi who de- heavens shall be darkened, and a veil
fected to them. As used in our text, of darkness shall cover the earth; and
I think it includes all descendants of the heavens shall shake, and also the
Book of Mormon peoples frequently re- earth; and great tribulations shall be
ferred to as the remnant of the people among the children of men, but my
of Lehi. The Lord identifies them in people will I preserve;
the Doctrine and Covenants as ". the . . "And righteousness will I send down
Nephites, Jacobites, . .Josephites,
. . . . out of heaven; and truth will I send
. .Zoramites,
. . . . forth out of the earth, to bear testimony
". Lamanites,
. . Lemuelites, and . . . of mine Only Begotten; ." (Moses . .

. . . Ishmaelites, . .
." (Ibid., 3:17-18.) 7:59-62.) "The Latter-day Saints regard
"The great day of the Lord" will, of the coming forth of the Book of Mor-
course, be the day when the Savior mon, ... as a fulfilment of this proph-
comes in his power and glory to in- ecy, ."
. (See James E. Talmage,

augurate a reign of righteousness and Articles of Faith, p. 275.)

peace. One of the two purposes of the Book
The background of our text is most of Mormon as expressed on its title
interesting and significant. At that page is "to show unto the remnant of
time there was much interest and con- the house of Israel what great things
siderable misunderstanding concerning the Lord hath done for their fathers;
the "great day of the Lord." The and that they may know the covenants
Shakers, for example, had the mistaken of the Lord, that they are not cast off
notion that the Savior might come as forever." "The remnant of the House
a woman. To dispel this error, the of Israel" here referred to includes, of
Lord said: course, the Lamanites. It is concerning
". . say unto you, that the
. verily I the covenants the Lord made with their
Son of Man cometh not in the form, of fathers which run in favor of the
a woman, neither of a man traveling Lamanites and culminate in their blos-
on the earth. soming as the rose that I wish to speak.
"Wherefore, be not deceived, but con- One of these covenants was that a
tinue in steadfastness, looking forth for record of their fathers would be pre-
the heavens to be shaken, and the earth served and brought forth unto the rem-
to tremble and to reel to and fro as a nant. Concerning this covenant, Enos
drunken man, and for the valleys to be said: ". . . after I had prayed and
exalted, and for the mountains to be labored with all diligence, the Lord
made low, and for the rough places to said unto me: grant unto thee I will
become smooth and all this when the — according to thy desires, . . .

angel shall sound his trumpet. "And this was the desire which
. . .

"But before the great day of the Lord I desired that if it should so be,
. . .

shall come, Jacob shall flourish in the that my people, the Nephites, should
wilderness, and the Lamanites shall fall into transgression, and by any
blossom as the rose." (Ibid-, 49:22-24.) means be destroyed, and the Lamanites
The relationship here revealed be- should not be destroyed, that the Lord
tween the redemption of the Lamanites God would preserve a record of my
and the coming of "the great day of the people, that it might be brought
. . .

Lord" is frequently implied in the scrip- forth at some future day unto the
tures. Enoch, for example, the great Lamanites, that, perhaps, they might
antediluvian prophet, witnessing in vi- be brought unto salvation
sion the corruption of mankind, after ". and he covenanted with me that
. .

the ascension of the Son of Man, . . . he would bring them forth unto the
criedunto his God: "Wilt thou not Lamanites in his own due time." (Enos
come again upon the earth? . . . 12-13, 16. Italics added.)
"And the Lord said unto Enoch: As I The Lord had made this same cove-

Saturday, April 6 Second Day

nant with Nephi some fifty years earlier fulness of the gospel . . . come unto
(See 1 Nephi 13:35), and he renewed [them] . . . from the Gentiles, . . .

it with Mormon nearly a thousand years "And at that dav shall the remnant
later. (See Mormon 5:8-9, 12-13.) of our seed. . . .

Moroni, preparing to deposit the rec- ". . be remembered again among


ord in Cumorah, predicted that ". it . . the house of Israel; they shall be
shall be brought out of darkness unto grafted . . . into the true olive-tree."
light, according to the word of God; (1 Nephi 15:7, 13-14, 16.)
yea, it shall be brought out of the earth, shall the remnant of our
"And then
and it shall shine forth out of darkness, seed know concerning us, how that we
and come unto the knowledge of the came out from Jerusalem, and that they
people; and it shall be done by the are descendants of the Jews.
power of God." (Mormon 8:16.) In "And the gospel of Jesus Christ shall
Mormon, chapter eight, from which this be declared among them; wherefore,
prophecy of Moroni is taken, and in they shall be restored unto the knowl-
chapter nine is to be found a clear edge of their fathers, and also to the
and accurate description of the world knowledge of Jesus Christ, which was
in which we now live a word picture — had among their fathers.
written by a prophet, who by the power "And then shall they rejoice; for they
of God saw open vision and made
in shall know that it is a blessing unto
record of us, our times and doings, and them from the hand of God; and their
of the chastening which awaits us, the scales of darkness shall begin to fall
inhabitants of this land, if we do not from their eyes; and many generations
repent and heed the teachings of the shall not pass away among them, save
restored gospel. they shall be a white and delightsome
Concluding the account of the cove- people." (2 Nephi 30:4-6.)
nant concerning the record to be pre- The chief witness to the blessings
served and brought forth, the Lord said awaiting the Lamanites was the resur-
to the Prophet Joseph Smith in 1828: rected Jesus. As he ministered to the
"Behold, there are many things en- survivors of the cataclysm which at-
graven upon the plates of Nephi (speak- tended his crucifixion, he said unto
ing of the small plates being substituted them, ". my joy is great, even unto
. .

for the 116 pages of manuscript lost fulness, because of you, and also this
by Martin Harris) which do throw generation; yea, and even the Father
greater views upon gospel; my . . . rejoiceth, and also all the holy angels,
"And, behold, all the remainder of ... for none of them (this generation
this work does contain all those parts of that is, those who were then alive)
my gospel which my
holy prophets, yea, are lost. . . .

and also my disciples, desired in their "But ." he continued, "it sorroweth
. .

prayers should come forth unto this me because of the fourth generation
people. from this generation, for they are led
"And I said unto them, that it should away captive by him even as was the
be granted unto them according to their son of perdition; for they will sell me
faith in their prayers"; (D&C 10:45-47.) for silver and for gold, . . . And in that
Other covenants which the Lord day will I visit them, even in turning
made with their fathers were to the their works upon their own heads."
effect that the remnant would accept (3 Nephi 27:30, 32.) Mormon, of
the gospel, regain their inheritance and course, records the literal fulfilment of
former blessings and take part in the this sad prediction.
latter-day redemption of Zion. But Jesus did not conclude his
Nephi, explaining to his brethren the prophecy about the Lamanites here.
words their father Lehi had ". spoken . . Notwithstanding their foreseen apostasy
concerning the natural branches of the and degradation, he repeatedly affirmed
olive-tree, ." said, ".
. . in the latter . . the fact that the Father had given them
days, when our seed shall have dwindled this land as a permanent inheritance.
in unbelief, ... for the space of . . . (See ibid., 15:13; 16:16; 20:14; 21:22.)
many generations . . . then shall the He assured them that a remnant would

survive to enjoy their inheritance al- Now, with this foreknowledge as an

though, by reason of their iniquity, they interpretative guide to the signs of the
would forfeit it to the gentiles for times, all who have seeing eyes and
a season. understanding hearts may rest assured
He told of the coming of the gentiles. that the fulfilment of the promises to
"For," said he, "it is wisdom in the the Lamanites is at hand. Most of the
Father that they should be established foregoing prophecies have already been
in this land, and be set up as a free fulfilled, and others are now in course
people by the power of the Father, of fulfilment. The apostasy and fourth
. .
." (Ibid., 21:4.) generation destruction, the degeneration
because of their belief in me,
". . . . . . of the remnant, the coming of the gen-
and because of the unbelief of
". . . tiles, their establishment by the power

you, O
house of Israel, in the latter of God as a free people in this land,
day ... the fulness of these things their harassment of the remnant, the
shall be made known unto them." preservation of the promised record, and
(Ibid., 16:6-7.) its coming forth by way of the gentiles
". that these things might come
. . are now all documented history.
forth from them unto a remnant of your For more than a hundred years the
seed, that the covenant of the Father record of their fathers, the Book of
may be fulfilled. ." (Ibid., 21:4.) . .
Mormon, has been going to the Laman-
Speaking of the role the remnant by way
ites of the gentiles. And it is
would play in this last gospel dispensa- now being carried to them with in-
tion, Jesus assured them that they would creased tempo.
be associated with other faithful mem-
Today the Church has in operation
bers of the house of Israel in establish-
in lands inhabited, at least in part, by
ing in this, the land of their inheritance,
the remnant, twenty-one missions.
a New Jerusalem. "And behold," said
Others are being organized. Working in
he, "this people" remember, he was —— these missions during 1962 were, on an
speaking in America "will I establish
average, 2,424 missionaries a month.
in this land, unto the fulfilling of the
These missionaries brought into the
covenant which I made with your Church 22,909 people in 1962, an aver-
father Jacob; and it shall be a New
age of 9.45 a missionary. This is well
Jerusalem. And the powers of heaven
above the average of other foreign mis-
shall be in the midst of this people; yea,
sions of the Church. So you see, my
even I will be in the midst of you."
brethren and sisters, the Lord is pour-
(Ibid., 20:22.)
ing out his spirit upon the Lamanites.
Concerning the timetable for the They are accepting the record of their
fulfilment of these tremendous prophe- fathers and are coming to a knowledge
cies, Jesus said: "... I give unto you a of the "things" referred to by Jesus. It
sign, that ye may know the time when is true that they are poor; they are
these things shall be about to take downtrodden; they are in large part un-
place — . . .
educated. In these and many other
". . . when these things which I de- respects they still suffer under the curse
clare unto you, . . . shall be made brought upon them by their apostasy
known unto the Gentiles . . . from the gospel once so richly en-
". . . and shall come forth of the joyed and strictly obeyed by their
Father, from them unto . . .
fathers. But theyare now accepting
". . . your seed . . .
the gospel. And
they will continue
to accept ever-increasing num-
it in
"And . . . thy seed shall begin to know
these things it shall be a sign unto — bers. As they receive and live it,
they are certain to regain their favored
them, that they may know that the
status in the house of Israel and par-
work of the Father hath already com-
menced unto the fulfilling of the cove- ticipate in the redemption of Zion
nant which he hath made unto the and the building of the New Jeru-
people who are of the house of Israel." salem here in America. Jacob, even
(Ibid., 21:1-3, 5, 7.) now, flourishes in the wilderness, and
Saturday, April 6 Second Day

shortly the "Lamanites shall blossom as York, and on Sunday afternoon at five
the rose," heralding "the great day of o'clock Eastern Standard Time, will be
the Lord," which God grant may not broadcast by short-wave to South Amer-
be long delayed, I humbly pray. ica, Central America, Mexico, and the
Caribbean. For the first time the Gen-
eral Conference will be televised by
President David O. McKay:
Canadian stations "live" from the Salt
Elder Marion G. Romney of the Coun- Lake Tabernacle. The cooperating
cil of the Twelve has just concluded Canadian stations will be serviced by
speaking to us. the CTV Network, which will take the
The Brigham Young University Cho- Sunday morning session "live" and
rale will now sing "Lamb Of God," con- transmit it across Canada.
ducted by Elder Kurt Weinzinger. Both sessions Sunday will be rebroad-
The benediction will be offered by cast over KSL radio Monday morning
Elder Arthur M. Jensen, formerly Presi- starting at one o'clock, and will be heard
dent of the Uruguayan Mission, after in many parts of the United States and
which this conference will be adjourned the world, including Canada, Mexico,
until seven o'clock this evening when Alaska, and the Islands of the Pacific.
the General Meeting of the Priesthood The Tabernacle Choir broadcast will
will be held in the Salt Lake Tabernacle. be from 9:35 to 10:00 Sunday morning.
We appreciate the presence of this Those desiring to attend this broadcast
group of young singers and those this must be in their seats no later than
morning. It is not because I am getting 9:10 a.m. We
have been requested to
old, but their voices seem to bear testi- ask that those attending this broadcast
mony to the truth of the poet who said, remain quiet during the national
"How beautiful is youth! How bright broadcast.
it gleams. With its illusions, aspira- Elder Nathan Eldon Tanner of the
tions, dreams! Book of Beginnings, Council of the Twelve will be the
Story without End, Each maid a heroine, speaker on the Church of the Air broad-
and each man a friend!" (Longfellow) cast on CBS Radio Sunday morning
Thank you, young people, for the in- from 7:35 to 8:00 o'clock.
spiration you have brought with you in There will be large crowds attending
this inspirational gathering today. the services on Sunday, and we ask you
In addition to the overflow meeting please to be courteous and patient at
in the Assembly Hall the proceedings all times. It is not necessary to say

of the Priesthood Meeting tonight will this,but it is a reminder to always be at

be relayed by closed circuit broadcast our best, especially when driving your
originating in the Tabernacle to mem- automobiles and when standing at the
bers of the Aaronic and Melchizedek entrances to the Tabernacle.
Priesthood assembled in 359 separate The singing for this session has been
locations in all parts of the United furnished, as I have told you, by the
States, including Alaska, and in Canada. Brigham Young University Chorale,
It isestimated that approximately 12,000 with Kurt Weinzinger conducting and
holders of the Priesthood will be on Roy M. Darley at the organ. They will
Temple Square, and more than 50,000 now sing "Lamb of God," and the bene-
will gather in the other locations from diction will be offered by Elder Arthur
coast to coast. M. Jensen, formerly President of the
Uruguayan Mission.
The Sunday morning session will be
broadcast "live" by 56 radio and tele-
vision stations in the West, and short- The Brigham Young University Chor-
waved in English over station WRUL, ale sang as a closing number, "Lamb
beamed by five transmitters at Boston, of God," following which the benedic-
to all parts of Europe, to South Amer- tion was pronounced by Elder Arthur
ica, Central America, Africa, and parts M. Jensen, formerly President of the
of Asia. A
translation of this session Uruguayan Mission.
into Spanish will take place at New Conference adjourned until 7:00 p.m.


The General Priesthood Meeting of conducting. After the singing Brother
the Church was held in the Tabernacle Karl C. Durham, President of the Santa
at 7:00 p.m., Saturday, April 6th, with Ana Stake, will offer the invocation.
President David O. McKay presiding
and conducting the services. The Boise Stake "Mormonaires" sang
The choral music for this session was "Hymn Medley."
furnished by the Boise Stake "Mormon- Elder Karl C. Durham, President of
aires," with C. Winston Hansen con- the Santa Ana Stake, offered the invoca-
ducting. Alexander Schreiner was at tion.
the Organ.

President David O. McKay:

President David O. McKay:
The Boise Stake "Mormonaires" will
This is the General Priesthood Session now favor us with "The Creation," di-
of the One Hundred Thirty-Third An- rected by C. Winston Hansen.
nual Conference of the Church. The
singing during this session will be fur- Singing by the Choral group, "The
nished by the Boise Stake "Mormon- Creation."
aires." That is a new name. It is a
good one. C. Winston Hansen is the
Conductor, and Dr. Alexander Schreiner
President David O. McKay:
is at the organ. We have asked Elder Harold B. Lee
We shall begin these services by the of the Council of the Twelve to be our
Boise Stake "Mormonaires" singing first speaker this evening. We will now
"Hymn Medley," with Brother Hansen turn it over to Elder Lee.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

The subject I am
to discuss tonight is called on a mission when Dr. Fletcher
not of my own choosing but by assign- was just a lad. There were five or six
ment from the Presidency of the Church. children, as I remember it, in the family,
Therefore I feel a tremendous respon- and the father was called to go out witb
sibility, particularly that I stay within not much support from home. He
the bounds of what I have understood hadn't been out long when he was
their wishes to be with regard to this called to come home on account of the
presentation. To that end I seek most death of a member of the family.
humbly for an interest in your faith and While he was home and preparing to
prayers thatI might be so guided as to go back to his mission, he was stricken
attempt tonight to portray something with deafness, some disease which left
that will help you to understand the him with total deafness, which, of
developments of what the President has course, made necessary the cancellation
called "The Correlation Program" as it of his mission.
has now been developed. It was a disturbing thing to the fam-
Prefacing that presentation in some ily, and while the father did not allow

detail, part of it by review and some by himself to become bitter, there were
way of extension, I would like to make some who tried their best to feel sorry
a few introductory remarks. I attended a for him or make him feel sorry for
fast and testimony meeting a few himself. About this time the Godbeites,
months ago where Dr. Harvey Fletcher who the older ones here will remember
bore a remarkable testimony. He told were a splinter group trying to confuse
about the experience of his father being the Church, were quite active, and in
Saturday, April 6 Second Day

the ward where they lived one of these, in the first place, nor can they take it

a member of the bishopric of the ward, away; for instance, the people did not
had tried to influence the father and elect the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ,
had succeeded with some confusion. nor could they by popular vote deprive
The father, with thoughts of this them of their apostleship. As the gov-
confusion on his mind, walking down ernment of the kingdom anciently ex-
the road one day, heard distinctly a isted, so it is now restored." (Millennial
voice behind him, which said to him: Star, 5:150; March 1845.)
"Stick with the old ship. It will lead The responsibility resting upon every
you safely home." He turned to look holder of the priesthood is set forth in
because he had not been hearing audible another very clear and plain declaration
voices, and he saw no speaker, but the by President Wilford Woodruff, and
message that came to him is the mes- this is what he said:
sage with which I should like to com- "Every leader in his place is account-

mence^ -that we should remember that able for his stewardship. These disciples
ours is the responsibility to "stick with of Christ received the Holy Priesthood,
the old ship" if we want to be brought the gospel of Christ, and the keys of
safely back home. the Kingdom of God, and Jesus held
I should like to bring to you a state- them responsible until the day of their
ment from three former leaders of the death for the course they pursued.
Church as to the fundamentals of what However, they were despised by the
this speaker called "the old ship," world, they were held responsible for
meaning the kingdom of God, which bearing a faithful and true testimony to
must be kept in mind always as the Jew and gentile, of Jesus Christ being
to the essentials in the building of the true shepherd and Savior of the
the kingdom. world. He gave him, Joseph Smith, the
Parley P. Pratt, in what was called a Priesthood under the hands of Peter,
"declaration" or a "proclamation," James and John. The Lord Almighty
under the subject heading, "Order of held him responsible unto the day that
Government," had made this very he sealed his testimony with his blood
clear statement: for the course that he pursued with these
"The legislative, judicial, and execu- things. And he bore his testimony, left
tive power is vested in him (meaning his record, and sealed it with his blood
the President of the Church); he re- and laid down his life and that testimony
veals the law, he elects, chooses, and is in force today- upon all the world,
appoints the officers and holds the right and will remain so until the end. When
to reprove, correct, or even to remove I say this of Joseph Smith, I say it of
them at pleasure. Hence the necessity every other man (and this now is the
of a constant intercourse
by direct revela- point I want you to note particularly).
tion between the Lord and his Church. President Young has led this Church for
As a precedence for the foregoing facts, many years, and the Lord has held him
we refer to the examples of all ages as responsible and will hold him so until
recorded in the Scriptures. the day of his death for the course pur-
"This order of government began in sued by him while conducting the affairs

Eden God appointed Adam to govern of His Church and Kingdom. And also
the earth, and gave him laws. for the use he makes of the Holy Priest-
"It was perpetuated in a regular suc- hood and the Kingdom of God.
cession from Adam to Noah; from Noah "So with all his counselors, the
to Melchizedek, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Twelve Apostles, and everyone of us, we
Joseph, Moses, Samuel, the Prophets, shall all be held accountable until the
John, Jesus and his apostles. All, and day of our death. We
shall have to
each of which, were chosen by the Lord, give an account before the God of
and not by the people. heaven when we go into the spirit world
"It is true the people have a voice in and meet Him there for the use of this
the government of the kingdom of Priesthood and the keys of the king-
God, . . . dom which have been established on
"But they do not confer the authority the earth for the last time, have been

committed unto the hands of this Clark, shortly after he came into the
people, and God will hold us respon- First Presidency, make an interesting
sible for the use we make of these public statement. He said that when
blessings, privileges and powers which President Grant called him to be a
we enjoy in connection therewith. The Counselor in. the First Presidency, he
eyes of God and his angels, and of was worried. He had always thought of
every man who dwells in the Celestial the President of the Church as the
World are watching us and the courses "mouthpiece" of the Lord, and he won-
we pursue." dered how much counseling he ought to
President Joseph F. Smith defines the give the "mouthpiece" of the Lord. But
relationship of each order of priesthood he hadn't been long in the Presidency
to all others, in contrast, may I say, with until he discovered his place.
that concept of having one minister for President Grant would say to each
a congregation who practically directs of his Counselors, when they were dis-
the entire activity of the congregation. cussing a serious matter, "What do you
President Smith said: think about it?" and "What do you
"The Lord never did intend that one think about it?" And the Counselors
man should have all the power, and for would respond. Sometimes their opin-
that reason he has placed in His ions were in contradiction or in conflict
Church, the presidents, apostles, high with what the President had thought.
priests, seventies, elders, and the various There was then the business of resolv-
officers of the lesser priesthood, all of ing the different points of view, but
which are essential in their order and there would always come a time after a
place according to the authority be- sufficient discussion when the President
stowed upon them. The Lord never would say: "Now brethren, I feel that
did anything that was not essential or this is the thing we ought to do." Then
that was superfluous. There is a use President Clark remarked, "When he
for every branch of the priesthood, and said that, I quit counseling because, to
he has established it in his Church. We me, that was the prophet of the Lord
want every man to learn his duty, and speaking, and I felt I should not try to
we expect that every man will do his dissuade him."
duty as faithfully as he knows how and In the history of the Church there
carry off his portion of the responsibility have been times or instances where
of building up Zion in the latter days." Counselors in the First Presidency and
The summary of these statements is others in high station have sought to
set forth in one or two incidents that I overturn the decision or to persuade the
should like now to mention and to di- President contrary to his inspired judg-
gress for a moment, and then to sum- ment, and always, if you will read care-
marize by reading from one of our fully the history of the Church, such
Melchizedek Priesthood study courses. oppositions brought not only disastrous
The story is told in the early days of the results to those who resisted the decision

Church particularly, I think, at Kirt- of the President, but almost always such

land where some of the leading breth- temporary persuasions were called back
ren in the presiding councils of the for reconsideration, or a reversal of hasty
Church met secretly and tried to scheme action not in accordance with the feel-
as to how they could get rid of the ings, the inspired feelings, of the Presi-
Prophet Joseph's leadership. They made dent of the Church. And that, I sub-
the mistake of inviting Brigham Young mit, is one of the fundamental things
toone of these secret meetings. He re- that we must never lose sight of in the
buked them, after he had heard the building of the kingdom of God.
purpose of their meeting. This is part of Now then, the summary I would like
what he said: "You cannot destroy the you to get in order to bring all these
appointment of a prophet of God, but statements together as an introduction:
you can cut the thread that binds you "A significant and basic idea in the
to the prophet of God, and sink your- meaning of Priesthood is made clear,
selves to hell." that is, that although the President of
In that same vein, I heard President the Church may hold and dispense the
Saturday, April 6 Second Day

powers and administrative responsibili- simply stated, that we have been guided
ties of that office, the power of the in our correlation studies of the curricula
Priesthood is decentralized, first, accord- and activities of all the priesthood and
ing to the offices and jurisdiction of the auxiliary organizations. In order to
those respective offices. Secondly, ac- set forth more clearly what we were
cording to the individual Priesthood now assigned to do in this new look at
bearers. This means that while the correlation, the First Presidency, under
Church as a whole is delicately respon- date of March 24, 1960, that means
sible to central authority for Church- just a little over three years ago, wrote
wide purposes, the central local rela- this letter to the general priesthood
tionships in the organizations do not committee:
restrict full initiative and free develop- "We of the First Presidency have over
ment of either territorial division of the the years felt the need of a correlation
Church, individual quorums, groups of between and among the courses of
quorums, or the member as an indi- study put out by the General Priest-
vidual." As I have said, that quotation hood Committee and by the responsible
is from one of our recent study courses heads of the other Committees of the
for the Melchizedek Priesthood. General Authorities for the instruction
Now then, in order for you to get a of the Priesthood of the Church.
concept of what we want to present, "We have also felt the very urgent
I am going to refer to and repeat what need of a correlation of studies among
has been said before, for as someone has the Auxiliaries of the Church. We have
said, "repetitionis the soul of learning." noted what seemed to be a tendency
President Brigham H. Roberts had a toward a fundamental, guiding concept,
classic statement: "The recurrence to particularly among certain of the
fundamentals is essential to perpetuity." Auxiliary Organizations, that there
If you can understand those big words must be every year a new course of
that is what I am going to try to do in study for each of the Auxiliary Organ-

the next few minutes to recur, or take izations so moving. We question
you back for a recurrence to funda- whether the composite of all of them
mentals in order that you might might not tend away from the develop-
perpetuate in your minds what we are ment of a given line of study or activity
talking about in the Correlation having the ultimate and desired objec-
Program. tive of building up a knowledge of the
The key to the whole correlation Gospel, a power to promulgate the same,
movement, which has been given us by a promotion of the growth, faith, and
our present leaders, in defining the place stronger testimony of the principles of
of the auxiliaries and the home and the the Gospel among the members of the
priesthood, is set forth in this statement Church.
made by the Presidency a few years "We have sometimes been led to
ago. I quote: wonder whether there was a proper ob-
"The home the basis of a righteous
is servance of the field of a particular
life and no other instrumentality can Auxiliary of what might be termed its
take its place nor fulfil its essential jurisdiction.The question has not been
functions; the utmost the auxiliaries can absent from our minds that there might
do is to aid the home in its problems, be a concept entertained by some of
giving special aid and succor where such them including within their jurisdiction
is necessary, that in aiding the home the the entire scope of Church activity, and
auxiliaries may well consider thinking with their members the whole Church
of home-life of the people as having membership.
three periods, the first, from birth to "We think that the contemplated
twelve years of age or the childhood study by the Committee now set up,
period; then the youth period from should have the foregoing matters in
twelve years up to the early twenties; mind. We feel assured that if the
and then adulthood, from the early whole Church curricula were viewed
twenties on to the end of life." from the vantage point of what we
Now it is upon these fundamentals, might term the total purpose of each

and all of these organizations, it would bers of the Aaronic Priesthood over 21,
bring about such a collation and limita- and of course some flexibility would
tion of subjects and subject matters have to be provided in these areas and
elaborated in the various Auxiliary activities where sharp lines could not
courses as would tend to the building of be drawn.
efficiency in the Auxiliaries themselves When we made our first preliminary
in the matter of carrying out the pur- report, which we have done step by step
poses lying behind their creation and as we have advanced since that first
function. assignment, President McKay said in a
"We would therefore commend to you meeting with the Presidency and the
Brethren of the General Priesthood Council of the Twelve, "This is in the
Committee the beginning of an exhaus- right direction, and should go forward."
tive, prayerful study and consideration Encouraged by that, then, we took the
of this entire subject, with the co-opera- next step.
tive assistance of the Auxilaries them- We are going to undertake tonight
selves so that the Church might reap something that is going to be rather
the maximum harvest from the devotion difficult. We
are going to show you
of the faith, intelligence, skill and eight charts, which we will now flash
knowledge of our various Auxiliary Or- on a screen. Because two thirds of our
ganizations and Priesthood Committees. audience tonight are not within sight
"This is your authority to employ of the screen, we shall ask you who are
such necessary technical help as you not here or where television is not avail-
might need to bring this about. We able to you, to pay careful heed, and I
shall await your report." will attempt to explain it sufficiently so
I supposeneed not tell you what a
I you may get some kind of mental picture
soul-searching assignment that was. We at least, and if you folks here who are
found in our study, that in 1912 and seeing, will watch these charts, perhaps
again in 1920 since President McKay I can more quickly show you the organ-
became one of the General Authorities, ization and what has been done up to
he was a member of a committee of the the present time.
Twelve by whom similar studies were In order for the General Authorities
undertaken. This means that for a to see the charts without having to turn
matter of forty years at least, this sub- around, we have prepared copies of
ject of correlation had been close to the these charts which the brethren will
President's mind and in his thoughts as pass out to you now, and you may then
something very essential and desirable. follow without the necessity of reversing
Now, in setting about to carry out your seats.
this assignment, it was our first con- We have numbered these, as you will
clusion that there should be set up a notice, brethren, on the upper left-hand
co-ordinating council, which we so corner Number 1, 2, 3, 4,and so on, so
recommended, and which was approved. you can follow rather readily. Now if we
We will show you that council in a may have the lights dimmed and the
few moments. There would be three first chart thrown on the screen. We
committees established, and in harmony have left these lights here dimmed, I
with the letter which I have just read think, enough, President McKay, so that
you, one for youth, one for children, and the brethren on the stand can see and
one for adults, and it was felt that the yet it will not take away the effective-
Primary and the Sunday School would ness of the projection on the screen.
probably be the organization to teach Now we will show you the first chart
the children. The two MIA organiza- and see if that will work.
tions and the Sunday School and the Chart #1 shows the over-all organ-
educational system and the Aaronic ization for all-church co-ordination,
Priesthood would implement the pro- with, of course, the First Presidency at
gram for the youth. The adults would the head. Under their direction, the
be taught by the Sunday School, the Council of the Twelve and the General
educational system, the Relief Society, Authorities associated with them, and
and the priesthood, including the mem- then you will notice on the left-hand

Saturday, April 6 Second Day

side of the chart the Correlation Com- should like to make a special mention
mittee, presently consisting of four of the four brethren who serve as our
members of the Twelve. On the right- executive secretaries, who have done
hand side you will notice the auxiliary such tremendous work: Brother Antone
advisers. These are advisers named by K. Romney, Brother Reed L. Bradford,
the First Presidency to each of the Brother B. West Belnap, Brother
auxiliaries, two or three or more to each Vaughn E. Hansen, and previously
such auxiliary. Brother Dan Ludlow, with Carol H.
Chart #2. This chart shows you the Cannon as their secretary. Night and
Correlation Committee. Then you will day and throughout these years they
notice an All-Church Co-ordinating have been excused from all other church
Council, as it is called on this chart. assignments, and while carrying out
This includes the four members of the their ov/n schoolwork as professional
Twelve, representing the Melchizedek teachers at their various universities,
Priesthood, the Presiding Bishop who they have carried on and with their
represents the Aaronic Priesthood, the planning groups have brought to us
chairman of the Genealogical Society, their excellent work for our considera-
and the presidents and/or superin- tion and
further development, which
tendents of each auxiliary board, and a progress report we are trying to present
representative of the church school sys- to you tonight.
tem. This council has an executive In the planning groups or executive
secretary. Under the All-Church Co- committees we have nine members in
ordinating Council we have three com- all. We have the same kind of dedica-

mittees The Children's Committee; tion, as I explained, in twenty-five more
the Youth Committee; and the Adult who are working on the task committees
Committee. The chairman of each of with the same complete attention to
these three committees, the Adult Com- their specific assignments. If Brother
mittee, the Youth Committee, and the Wendell Ashton will pardon me, I
Committee for Children, is a member would like to make a reference to him
of the Twelve. Each committee has its as an illustration. We were sitting in
own executive secretary. a meeting the other night where he,
Now, as the letter I read you indi- representing the adult group was in
cated, the three periods in the span of session with us, when the telephone
life as set forth, are children up to rang. It was word from his home that
twelve years of age, youth twelve to his lovely wife had just passed away.
the early twenties, and adults through Sick though she was, he had left her
life. The executive, or planning group, bedside to counsel with us preparing for
who work with each chairman, have this conference. From this meeting he
from two to four who constitute an was to return home to his sorrowing
executive committee. Then we have in family. I cite that complete selfless
addition thereto, twenty-five well-quali- service of Brother Ashton, as an example
fied brothers and sisters who are chosen of the fully devoted service of these
on the additional "task" committees. committee members as they work be-
They are at work now reviewing the hind the scenes. I wish time would per-
present courses of study and the pre- mit me to name them all.
viouscourses which have been used, As I think of the dedication of these
and where necessary will recommend brothers and sisters, I have thought
new courses in order to follow a pre- often of something that is reported to
determined outlined and accepted course have been said by the late President
for children from three years of age to J. Golden Kimball. He was asked on
adulthood. This complete outline of one occasion how many people worked
subjects to be taught at all ages has been in the Church Office Building, and his
reviewed and presented to the Presi- answer was, "Oh, about a third of
dency and the Twelve, and now becomes them." At least, we can say to you that
the plan which these "task" committees these folks represent the "third" of
will follow. which Brother Kimball was speaking
With each of these committees, I a thoroughly dedicated "working third."

Chart #3. In this next chart you the Twelve, General Authorities will
will note the auxiliary advisers shown be sent out to stake conferences, alter-
at the top and underneath the auxiliary nating with the general auxiliary boards,
advisers on the chart, the four aux- and you will notice at the bottom of
iliaries, or five, if you count the YWMIA the chart the four phases of work which
and the YMMIA as separate organiza- will be stressed when the General Au-
tions: Relief Society, Sunday School, thorities come.
MIA, and Primary general boards. In the first two quarters of this year
While the correlation committees are welfare work and genealogy work were
studying the courses of study, preparing, stressed and will be stressed to the end
and writing them if assigned to do so, of the second quarter. For the last
the auxiliary advisers with their gen- half of the year, missionary work and
eral boards will now engage primarily what we are calling "Home Teaching"
in leadership training, so you will no- will be stressed by General Authorities
tice in the center of that chart "Leader- and their associates.
ship Training" is pictured as the great We will speak of "Home Teaching"
task of the general auxiliary boards with in just a moment.
their advisers. This is done first at their Chart #5. Now with this next chart
annual conference, such as has just been I want to pause a moment to illustrate
held by the general board of the Pri- something of our procedure, as we have
mary Association and is now in process developed the correlation program, step
of being held by the general Sunday by step. You will notice here again, and
School board. Here in these annual to you who are listening, the First Presi-
conferences there will be a preview of dency at the top of the chart, and under
courses of study and activities, and then the Presidency, the General Authori-
at stake quarterly conference (you will ties, and then you will notice in a sub-
notice on the right-hand side) where ordinated position the words, "general
once annually, each auxiliary organiza- priesthood board" in parentheses, and
tion will send a representative who will stemming out from the box showing the
bring to each stake a program for train- General Authorities or (general priest-
ing and instruction of local leaders. hood board,) you will see four commit-
Most of you now have had visits from tees who will assist the General Author-
the Relief Society and Primary repre- ities: a priesthood missionary committee,
sentatives,and almost uniformly we a priesthood welfare committee, a
have heard nothing but commendation priesthood Home Teaching committee,
from stake presidents for the excellent and a priesthood genealogical commit-
service these auxiliary representatives tee. All of these programs, therefore,
have rendered at stake conferences. The are to be priesthood-centered.
Sunday School and MIA
will attend When we brought this recommenda-
conferences during the third and fourth tion to the First Presidency designating
quarters of the year. These auxiliary a general priesthood board in a super-
representatives will give leadership visory position, President McKay made
training to stake leaders in separate a very significant statement to the effect
meetings throughout Saturday, and then that, years ago, when the committee of
to priesthood leaders in the evening, the Twelve on which he was then work-
and then participate, under the direc- ing with a similar problem had
tion of stake presidents, in the general suggested the setting up of a general
sessions on Sunday, to bring their re- priesthood board, President Joseph F.
spective auxiliary programs to the body Smith had said, "You have a general
of the Church. These stake confer- priesthood board. You as the Quorum
ences, attended by auxiliary representa- of the Twelve Apostles, constitute the
tives will take the place of what have priesthood board."
been called heretofore, the annual aux- In that naming of the Twelve as the
iliary conventions. general priesthood board, the President
Chart #4. The next chart shows four of the Church was but repeating in
other phases of the work, you will no- essence what the Lord had said. Let
tice. Under the First Presidency and me read you three brief verses.
Saturday, April 6 Second Day

"The Twelve are a Traveling Presid- to the Twelve and the other General
ing High Council, to officiate in the Authorities, they are to be released

name of the Lord, under the direction from other church assignments conflict-
of the Presidency of the Church, agree- ing with this assignment. They will
able to the institution of heaven; to function under the direction of the Gen-
build up the church, and regulate all eral Authorities in some respects as do
the affairs of the same in all nations, the auxiliary boards in the matter of
first unto the Gentiles and secondly call and release.) The priesthood welfare
unto the Jews." committee will have as chairman the
Then this reference to the Seventy: Presiding Bishop of the Church, as was
"The Seventy are to act in the name of announced by President Moyle today,
the Lord, under the direction of the when the general officers of the Church
Twelve or the traveling high council, in were sustained, with an Assistant to the
building up the church and regulating Twelve as the managing director and
all the affairs of the same in all nations, others as an administrative staff and
first unto the Gentiles and then to committee who will work with him.
the Jews;" As we study the appointments of these
Then finally, "Whereas other officers brethren, we think that at some stake
of the church, who belong not unto the conferences, in foreign countries, one
Twelve, neither to the Seventy, are not brother might give attention to both
under the responsibility to travel among programs by going before and staying
all nations, but are to travel as their
circumstances shall allow, notwith-
a day after the conference. We may
find some committee members who can
standing they may hold as high and teach one program for the first half of
responsible offices in the church."
the year and another program for the
(D&C 107:33-34, 98.) second half, if his personal affairs per-
And if you will think of the place mit. This is all being studied by the
of the Assistants to the Twelve, you
Twelve to see what can be done to
will begin to see how the Lord very
increase efficiency and to keep travel
clearly in that last quotation opened
costs to a minimum.
up the possibility of that very kind of
appointment, just as the Lord had said Chart #6. Here now we will show
there would be, "other officers not of you the introduction of what we are
the Twelve neither the Seventies not- — calling the priesthood Home Teaching
program. This is a program which we
withstanding they may hold as high
and responsible offices in the Church." are going to study now in great detail
Working with the Twelve, then, serving as we come out to your stake confer-

as a general priesthood board assisted ences, so I shall only speak in headlines

by others of the General Authorities, here tonight. To you who are listening,
at the top of the page we say "Priest-
will be these four sub-committees,
priesthood-centered, directed by the hood Correlation." It is a Home Teach-
general priesthood board which is, as ing organization chart.
President Joseph F. Smith had described, This new program is to be introduced
the priesthood responsibility of the and taught during the last two quarters
Twelve. A member of the Twelve will of 1963 and will be inaugurated in full
be the chairman of each such commit- scale, January 1, 1964. This phase of
tee, with an Assistant to the Twelve as the work is known as "Home Teaching."
a managing director, and others to form This designation was made after prayer-
an administrative staff, with committee ful discussion by the Co-ordinating
members who will serve as members Council and by the First Presidency and
on each of these committees who may the Twelve to emphasize an enlargement
be thought of as field representatives. of the scope of responsibility previously
There probably will be as many as in what we have called "Ward Teach-
twenty or twenty-five on each com- ing." Emphasis on the responsibilities
mittee. (These will be full church "watch over
of the entire priesthood to
service time associates but not required the Church" as commanded in the early
to give full time as do the Assistants revelations —
to be concerned with the


whole family as a group and as ing program as directed by the stake and
individuals. ward priesthood leadership. This meet-
In each stake there will be set ing of priesthood and auxiliary leaders
up a Home Teaching committee as you will constitute what will be called the
will see at the top of the chart which Ward Council. You stake presidents have
will consist of the stake presidency, the been holding a monthly meeting with
general secretary for Home Teaching, this group of ward leaders. This meeting
who will be one of the high councilmen has been known by different names
who is also a member of the stake Mel- ward officers meeting, ward faculty
chizedek Priesthood committee, and an meeting, ward correlation meeting, etc.
assistant stake clerk for Home Teaching. —but will now be known as a Ward
Under the supervision of the stake Council meeting where representatives
Home Teaching committee, as the chart of all auxiliaries may be invited to
shows, in each ward there will be a meet with priesthood representatives.
ward Home Teaching committee, con- In cases of special need, this chart ex-
sisting of the ward bishopric, an as- plains the bishop will make adjustments
sistant ward clerk for ward teaching, in assignments as necessary; for exam-
and a high priest's group leader, the ple, there may be women assigned to
seventy's president or group leader, and go with their husbands on occasion or
the elder's president. Now this will there may be called specialists from
constitute the core of those who now priesthood or auxiliary organizations
will go out to "watch over the Church." where they are having a particular
Priesthood group leaders will confer problem with a boy or girl or a man
with the bishop, and the bishop will in or woman, as the case might be.
turn determine who shall be assigned to Now with those few charts in mind,
work with certain families. These Home if the lights can be put on, let me make

Teachers will then report back to their just one or two closing comments. In
priesthood group leader or president, the instruction book, which will be put
who in turn, will report to the bishop. in the hands of all leaders, President
Chart #7. This chart will show you McKay has prepared a foreword in
the high priests, who as senior com- which he has stressed these very things
panions, so far as is practicable, will we are talking about. This is what
work with high priests. They may be President McKay will say in his fore-
in some cases accompanied by an word: "A Divine Service."
Aaronic Priesthood member, and they "Home Teaching is one of our most
will visit the homes of high priests or urgent and most rewarding opportunities
high priests' widows. to nurture and inspire, to counsel and
The seventies at the top of the page, direct our Father's children in all that
or group leaders, will be assigned so far pertains to life. Through the priesthood
as practicable to work with seventies quorums, and under the Bishop's direc-
as senior companions, with possibly a tion, Home Teaching takes the message
junior companion from the Aaronic of the gospel, the message of life and
Priesthood. They will visit the homes salvation and brotherly love, into the
of seventies and their widows, and so home, wherein lies the first and foremost
with the elders. opportunity for teaching in the Church.
Chart #8. Now on the next page you "Three things should be kept in mind
will see the Aaronic Priesthood. The in thorough preparation for Home
general secretary over 21 will work with Teaching:
the home teachers, advisers to the "First, a knowledge of those whom you
Aaronic Priesthood over 21 as senior are to teach. As each family is different
companions, and visit the homes of from another, so each individual in the
Aaronic Priesthood over 21 and the family differs from others. Methods and
unordained. messages should vary according to each
On the opposite side you will notice individual, and according to his prob-
in the writing something that is very lems and needs.
significant.Auxiliary leaders will assist "To perform fully our duty as a Home
priesthood leaders in the Home Teach- Teacher we would need to be con-

Saturday, April 6 Second Day

tinually aware of the attitudes, the eighty-two years of age. I am going on

activitiesand interests, the problems, seventy-six . . . and I want to tell . . .

the employment, the health, the hap- you that we are not too old to act as
piness, the plans and purposes, the teachers, if you will call on us to do it,
physical and temporal and spiritual not one of us. So long as life lasts,
. . .

needs and circumstances of everyone and so long as we possess ability to do

of every child, every youth, and every good, to labor in the upbuilding of Zion
adult in the homes and families who for the benefit of the human family,
have been placed in our trust and care we ought, with willingness, with alacrity
as a bearer of the priesthood and as a to yield to the requirements made of us
representative of the bishop. to do our duty. . .

"Second, is a knowledge of what you Just one final thought. this When
are to teach. It is the Home Teacher's correlation plan, thus far developed, was
duty to teach that Jesus the Christ is finally presented, President McKay
the Redeemer of the World, and that made this statement."This is not only
Joseph Smith and his successors are a wonderful step forward but a bound
prophets of God, and that the gospel forward. My soul rejoices! I think the
has been restored, and that The Church whole thing is glorious! can all see We
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is opportunities for the priesthood to be-
being divinely led and offers happiness come active and as quorums also: I
eternal life and exaltation for all who think this is growth. It warms my soul!"
are willing to learn and to live its prin-
ciples. The earnestness of your testi-
And all of us who have been privi-
leged to work in the correlation studies
mony and the sincerity of your service
feel as the President has expressed him-
will help give life and purpose and a
self.Each step forward, however, opens
desire for full fellowship in the Church
up a new vista of new responsibility, so
to those whom you teach.
that we feel something like the great
"Third, is a knowledge of how we are
empire builder, Sir Cecil John Rhodes,
going to teach. If we may take some
who said in his last and dying words,
language from the Doctrine and Cove-
after a lifetime of great accomplish-
nants, and apply it to this purpose: The
ments, "So little done, so much to do."
Home Teacher should 'visit the house of
each member' and 'teach, expound,' and That is the way we feel about it. "So
little done, and so much that lies yet
exhort them to pray vocally and in
secret and attend to all family duties ahead." We must expect opposition,
and 'watch over the Church always, and and sometimes that opposition may
be with and strengthen them'— and this come from inside, but remember what
means always —
however and whenever the Prophet Joseph Smith our early
leader said: "The nearer a person ap-
and with whatever may be necessary.
"Home Teaching is a divine service, proaches the Lord, the greater the
a divine call. It is our duty as Home power will be manifested by the Ad-
Teachers to carry the divine spirit into versary to prevent the accomplishment
every home and heart. To love the of his purposes." One of the brethren,

work and do our best will bring the President John Taylor, said he heard
unbounded peace and joy and satisfac- the Prophet say, "You have all kinds
tion of a noble, dedicated Teacher of of trials to pass through, and it is quite
God's children." as necessary for you to be tried even as

Here, then, you will see a home- Abraham, and other men of God," and
centered, priesthood-centered responsi- said he, "God will feel after you, he
bility in which every member of the will take hold of you and wrench your
priesthood is expected to function. very heartstrings, and if you cannot
No one holding the priesthood is to stand it you will not be fit for an in-
heritance in the Kingdom of God."
be exempt from a bishop's assignment
to work in this program. Well, now may I close with a state-
President Joseph F. Smith must have ment, paraphrasing what the Lord said
been of the same opinion because he through the Prophet Joseph Smith to his
said: "Brother Charles W. Penrose is associates in the priesthood of the


Church: "Brethren, shall we not go on lead us, the congregation and chorus,
in so great a cause? Go forward and not in singing "Do What Is Right."
backward. Courage, brethren, and on,
on to victory," for which I pray humbly Singing by the Chorus and congrega-
and fervently we may do, in the name tion, "Do What Is Right."
of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

President David O. McKay:

President David O. McKay:
President Hugh B. Brown will be our
Brother Winston Hansen will now next speaker.


Second Counselor in the First Presidency

Brethren and fellow workers: who hold the priesthood. Unless we

Of the many groups we are asked to with them can co-operate in advancing
address from time to time, there is none that cause, we shall not make a suc-
more inspiring, but more humbling, cess of this program. should allWe
than this body of priesthood, thousands give to this committee not only a vote
of whom we can see and probably tens of thanks by expressing it in words but
of thousands whom we cannot see. One a vote of appreciation by putting into
approaches the responsibility of a few operation the work as here outlined and
moments talk with deep humility and a as it will be more fully explained as we
prayer for divine guidance. I shall speak go forward. Let no one of us feel or
for a few minutes only, as we are all say or think that the brethren are just
anxious to hear from President McKay. trying to find something more for us
I certainly congratulate Brother Lee to do —
don't think that because they are
on his excellent presentation of a diffi- — they are trying to find something for
cult program, which has taken the com- us to do because they know there is only
mittee several years to work out. He one way to salvation, that is by active
has been trying to get us to see it in participation.
just a few minutes and has done a
very good job of compressing into those
In all —
teaching and one of the func-
tions of the priesthood is teaching
few minutes what could well occupy what the teacher is counts for more
several hours. than what he says. What we are as
Among other things I have been im- members of the priesthood and as mis-
pressed by the fact that it is not easy sionaries in the field, at home or
to be a Latter-day Saint. I notice these abroad, means more to those to whom
charts call for work, work, work on the we go than what we teach. So my
part of all concerned. In some churches, first thought us be what we
is, let
one man, as has already been indicated, teach. The teacher and the truth taught
does most of the work. In this Church should be of the same pattern. Let
all of us are expected to participate.
each one be an example to all whose
Another thing that impressed me
as I lives we touch; let us recognize in all of
listened to Brother Lee's explanation of our fellow workers some value, some
this program that will be carried for- worth, and never forget that each one
ward under the direction of the Presi- of them has a heart, has feelings, has
dent of the Church is that it provides ambition, has a certain amount of pride;
opportunity for everyone who is willing therefore, let us never by virtue of the
to make some contribution to the cause. priesthood or the positions we hold
We recognize in the Church a cause trample on the rights or the feelings of
which is greater and more important our fellow men; let us never be sharp
than we are as individuals, and in it we in what we say to them by way of criti-
enjoy the fellowship of our brethren cism, but let us be kindly, considerate,
Saturday, April 6 Second Day

and have in our hearts a love for our that the body without the spirit is dead.
fellow men, for in each one of them As we go forward in the special work
there is value. of the priesthood, which is missionary
read something this morning I'd
I work both for the living and the dead,
like to leave with you. Every human and as we carry the gospel to our friends
lifehas in it more or less gold which is who are not members of the Church,
usually not readily apparent to the cas- let us try to keep things in proper bal-
ual observer. Kindness is a part of that ance. The revealed order is faith and
gold, the gold of the spirit, that part then repentance and then baptism. A
which is known to others because it has Baptist minister was heard to say about
lessened their burdens and made their some of his own people recently that
pathways lovelier. The man who has the church had recruited some people
gold in his life has something that is who had been starched and ironed be-
bigger than anything that can happen fore they were washed. I think we
to him. He doesn't worry about defeats might take a lesson from that thought
or obstacles or sorrows, for he knows and convert the people before we bap-
these are but froth on the river of life tize them.
to last but a brief time and then be Let us read from the Doctrine and
blown away. What matters is not the Covenants with respect to priesthood.
froth, but the strong, pulsating, on- This is a section with which you are
going current in the river, which is more or less familiar, but I never hesitate
never disturbed by the leaves floating to refer again to that which has been
up at the quiet eddies of the surface. referred to so often any more than I
One day you may find that your house would hesitate to invite a friend to come
of life has collapsed, but in the wreck- to my table when I had only the things
age you may find the gold which can- that we usually serve at the table. We
not be destroyed, not by the worst do not complain much because we do
disaster, for the gold of life is imperish- not have something different at every
able and immortal. Search for it in the meal. We enjoy that which is set be-
wreckage, for out of it you can mint fore us if we have an appetite for it.
new coins. Out of defeat arises the The Lord said:
gold of life. ". .whoso is faithful unto the ob-

Priesthood involves presidency, au- taining these two priesthoods of which

thority, and power; it involves the right I have spoken, and the magnifying their
and duty under certain circumstances calling, are sanctified by the Spirit unto
to reprove others. You remember what the renewing of their bodies." (Ibid.,
the Prophet said, "Reproving betimes 84:33.)
with sharpness, and then showing
. . .
Brethren, I bear testimony to the fact
forth . . . increase of love. . .
." (D&C that that promise has been realized in
121:43.) Let us be very careful about
the lives of many of us. I know that it
this matter of reproving, and yet part
has been realized in the life of President
of our duty is to see that there is no
David O. McKay, that he has been sanc-
iniquity in the Church. Again I say, tified by the Spirit unto the renewing
letus be careful how we trample on the
of his body, and some of the rest of
feelings of our brothers and sisters. Let
us are better off today than we were
us lift them and bless them and benefit
many years ago so far as physical health
them as we go forward and never be
guilty of humiliating them or causing
is concerned —
and we attribute that fact
to his blessing.
them to think that we do not appre-
ciate their work.
"They become the sons of Moses and
of Aaron and the seed of Abraham, and
The next thought I'd like to leave
the church and kingdom, and the elect
with you is that we must not be de-
of God.
ceived by the boom in numbers and
dollars and buildings going on in the
". . also all they who receive this

Church. We
thank the Lord for them, priesthood receive me, saith the Lord;
but they are not the main part of our "For he that receiveth my servants
work. All we need to say on that is receiveth me;

"And he that receiveth me receiveth training their horses, put them to a final
my Father; test of character and stamina. It is said

"And he that receiveth my Father re- that the finest of the Arabian horses
ceiveth my Father's kingdom; therefore which are kept for breeding stock are
all that my Father hath shall be given trained from the time they are colts to
unto him. respond to a bell which rings inter-
mittently at the tent of the master.
"And this is according to the oath
and covenant which belongeth to the
Wherever they are and whatever they
are doing, they must run to the tent of
the master when the bell rings. Their
"Therefore, all those who receive the
mothers were taught it before them, and
priesthood, receive this oath and cove-
they respond, and the colt, running be-
nant of my Father, which he cannot side the mother, habitually as time goes
break, neither can it be moved." (Ibid.,
on responds to the bell and knows that
it is the call of duty. When the colts
It is important that we consider oc- are three years old, they are placed in
casionally the oath and the covenant a corral, a pole corral that they can
which each of us has taken. All see through. They are left there three
who have been baptized and all who days and nights without food or water.
hold the priesthood are under cove- At the end of the third day hay and
nant to do and refrain from doing grain and water are placed just outside
certain things. We must remember the corral. You can imagine the eager-
and keep our covenants, one of which ness of the young colts as they look
is that we be willing to give of our- through the bars at the food and water.
selves, our means, and all that we When the gate is opened the young
have to the upbuilding of the Church colts rush out, and just as they are about
and kingdom of God. to reach the food and water, the
Young fellow workers, deacons and bell rings. Only those of them that
teachers and priests, we who are grow- have stamina enough to respond to
ing older have great confidence in you, the bell and resist the urge of appe-
based upon what we believe to be a tite are kept for the breeding stock of
fact, that you would not now be holding the future.
the priesthood unless God had thought Brethren, as we go forward, we be-
you worthy of it and unless he had come increasingly aware of the fact
something for you to do. Each one of that there is a bell which rings very
you young men who is listening tonight frequently throughout life. Sometimes
has a future. What that future is to be men become unresponsive or hard of
will depend upon your attitude toward hearing and disregard the bell to their
your calling, your faith in yourselves, own sorrow. You young men are going
your belief that there is some gold in to hear it many times between now and
you. It is important that you young the time you are our age. We plead
men and all of us try to refine that with you to resist the call of appetite
gold by active participation and not wait and passion and hearken to the bell
until the house is burned down, and we
which is your conscience. If you are
have passed through the fire. It is
tempted to do wrong, there will always
very important that every young man
be something within you saying, "Don't
make up his mind that he is going to
respond to the voice of conscience, that do it." Hearken and respond to that
he is going to be true to himself and bell, and you will be worthy of the con-

not yield to the down-drag of any en- fidence that the President of the Church
vironment in which he may find himself. has in you, worthy to take over the
May I tell a story to illustrate the responsibilities now held by your fathers,
point that a man must
respond to his your brothers, your leaders.
better self he
is going to be a worthy
if God bless you and all ofus that we
holder of the priesthood. The story is may co-operate with the General Au-
told that the Arabians, when they are thorities, with the stake and ward and
Saturday, April 6 Second Day

mission authorities, and be responsive to the truth of the restored gospel in the
to their admonitions. The Church
Church and my Church is

name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

numbers and influence with an accele- President David O. McKay:

rating speed beyond anything that we
who are older could have imagined in President Henry D. Moylc of the
our youth. I am grateful for and testify First Presidency will now speak to us.


First Counselor in the First Presidency

President McKay visited Laie in Hawaii church program to assist us, the mem-
in 1921 with President Hugh J. Cannon bers of the Church, to do our full
[of Liberty Stake.] This was part of church duty. And I am sure that it is
their world tour. It was the flag-raising going to take both dedication and devo-
ceremony at the little school in Laie tion on the part of all of us to carry
that inspired President McKay to im- out the great church program.
prove the educational facilities of the I want to say that President McKay,
Islands. He saw Hawaiian, Chinese, who was sustained as our leader twelve
Japanese, Korean, and Caucasian chil- years ago, has done as much as any
dren and mixed racial strains. They all mortal man could do, in laboring for
with fervor saluted our flag without a the individual interest of every mem-
trace of racial disparity. ber of the Church.
A Japanese boy, it is reported,
The accomplishments are phenom-
stepped into the center of the circle
enal. It was during a meeting of the
and with his hand over his heart pledged
expenditures committee on April 17,
his allegiance to the flag of the United
1962 that a report of the vast building
States. It was at that moment that
program of the Church projected for
President McKay was inspired ulti-
the future, tremendous in its scope, was
mately to see to it that a college would
given, and the anticipated growth of the
be built at Laie. This spot had already
church membership was estimated, that
been dedicated as a spiritual center,
the question was asked: "How in the
and President McKay was inspired with world can we continue to finance this
the desire to dedicate it as an educa-
kind of building program, even as it
tional center also, and since 1951 the
is needed to house the membership and
following schools have been built in
to cope with the growth?"
the Polynesian area:
The Church College of Hawaii; The President McKay thought a moment,
Church College of New Zealand; Lia- not unlike the thinking of President
hona College, Tonga; Church College of Snow in St. George, depicted by the
Western Samoa; Mapasaga High School, beautiful picture shown us last evening
American Samoa; five primary schools at the bishops' meeting, The Windows

in these areas; and one primary school of Heaven, for he received light and
is now being built in Tahiti. understanding from heaven and pro-
It was the building of some of these phetically uttered: "We have been wait-
smaller schools in the Pacific from ing for this day in the Church for a
which the Church building program de- hundred years, this tremendous develop-
veloped. The missionary building pro- ment in our membership. Now that
gram found its origin in a spiritual day has come, we must be prepared to
impression, a revelation, if you please, to take care of the membership of the
a future President of the Church. It
Church; if we are faithful and obedient
is still the desire of President McKay to the commandments of the Lord, 'God
to bring the full church program to all will provide.'
members of the Church everywhere. He I had occasion last night to talk to
emphasizes two things: the need of the the bishops, for which I was grateful,
Holy Ghost, and the need of the full upon the subject of tithing. It is my

humble testimony you that the Lord

to always be in the Lord's storehouse suffi-
has set the pace, and we cannot look cient funds for the President of the
back. Christ said, ". No man, having
. . Church to carry out every inspiration
put his hand to the plough, and looking received from God, and it all takes
back, is fit for the kingdom of God." funds.
(Luke 9:62.) How grateful I am that we have
Whatever wealth we have indi- President McKay living so close to God
vidually, or as a Church, should be that he knows where these funds should
fully dedicated to the advancement of be placed and what we should accom-
the work of the Lord. As holders of plish with them. How grateful I am
the priesthood we know the Lord has not only for the building program but
said, "For whoso is faithful unto the also for these great spiritual men whose
obtaining these two priesthoods of which work in the building of our chapels is
I have spoken, and the magnifying their just as spiritual as it is temporal. I am
calling, are sanctified by the Spirit unto grateful for the short wave radio. I am
the renewing of their bodies." (D&C grateful for everything that the Presi-
84:33.) But that is not accomplished dent has initiated because I know he is a
by those who do not pay their tithes. prophet of God, and he is inspired and

Just remember that, and we do not acts in accordance with the mind and
become the sons of Moses and Aaron will of our Heavenly Father.
and of the seed of Abraham and of the How simple it is for you and me as
Church and kingdom, and the elect of members of the priesthood to see that
God when we do not obey his com- the funds are accumulated, by which
mandments; and when through any the storehouse of the Lord will always
reasons that we may have of our own be filled. It was Alma of old who said,
we seek to withhold that sacred tenth "For behold, this life is the time for
of our increase which belongs to the men to prepare to meet God; yea, be-
Lord, we exclude ourselves from the hold the day of this life is the day for
class spoken of in the eighty-fourth sec- men to perform their labors." (Alma
tion of the Doctrine and Covenants, and 34:32.)
that is likewise true of the other passage I all my heart and soul
know with
that I wanted to read about, "And also that President McKay's stewardship of
all they who receive this priesthood re- the funds of the Church has been in
ceive me, saith the Lord;" (Ibid., 84:35.) keeping with the will of the Lord, and
But I say unto you tonight, my breth- for the advancement and progress of his
ren, in all seriousness that whosoever work here upon this earth. It will be
magnifies these two priesthoods gives to more pleasing to the Lord when he sees
the Lord a full accounting for his tenth fit to return to this earth to have the

and does willingly. They do it be-

it greatest number of souls saved than to
cause they love to serve the Lord and look at any financial statement of the
keep his commandments. are not We Church that could possibly exist.
seeking to receive tithes from anyone I testify to you that the work now go-

unless they are paid as the offerings of ing forward under our beloved prophet
Abel were made originally to the Lord, isin accordance with the wishes of our
and then all of these promises are ours. Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, and I
We should always remember our obli- pray that every one of us who respects
gation to give to the Lord the tenth these two priesthoods which we hold
which is his. will uphold and sustain him and find
"I, the Lord, am bound when ye do reasons why we should pay a full tith-
what I say; but when
ye do not what I ing. As leaders of the Church, as I said
say, ye have no promise." (Ibid., 82:10.) last night, we should preach tithing and
Therefore, I feel confident saying that inspire those whom we preside over in
these blessings which are predicated our wards and stakes and branches
upon our holding these two great throughout the world to account to the
priesthoods of God can be enjoyed by Lord for that which belongs to him.
us when we account to our bishops for I pray this humbly in the name of the
our tithes and offerings. There must Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Saturday, April 6 Second Day


While listening to the profound presen- —
teach them their duty the quorum work.
tation of the correlation work in this Not the bishop, not the stake presidency
Church, two thoughts came to my mind —that is the duty of the quorum.
which I wish to emphasize. And so I saw, while Elder Lee was
First, I hope you all visioned clearly presenting this work of teaching corre-
the quorum work in the Church and lating work, the duty of the individual
its relation towhat Brother Lee pre- members of each quorum.
sented. There are quorums in the I was pleased the other day to receive
Church independent, in a way, so far an old minute book. I thank somebody
as spiritual work and service is con- for sending it to me so that I could
cerned, of the ecclesiastical organization look through it. This minute book
of theChurch, and those quorums sup- came from Ogden where we used to
ply a spiritual need which the world have our deacons' quorum presidency's
seeks to obtain in secret societies. I meeting, talking there in a neighbor's
think they make it more effective, how- house, then deciding that it was our
ever, than we do in the Church. duty to chop the wood for the widows
One day Brother [Hugh J.] Cannon of the ward. My point is that the
and I were on the vessel leaving the responsibility of the entire Church rests
northern part of Africa, and as the vessel upon the men who are members of
pulled out into the ocean, I strolled these quorums.
along the deck. I noticed a stranger should just like to say a word now

coming toward me. I could see by his to the deacons, the teachers, and the
face that he recognized me and expected priests who are present tonight. Presi-
me to recognize him. For the life of dent Brown was right when he said the
me I knew I had never seen him before, officers of the Church are expecting
but he still came forward with that you young men to carry on the work
recognition and grasped my hand with that is presented this night. There are
a special grip. He immediately dropped two things we should like you to do:
my hand, and said: "Excuse me." Then each one keep his faith in God, and
I knew. I was wearing a stick pin, a —
have moral courage not just physical
gift from Sister McKay, upon which —
courage moral courage. I know that
was engraved a and crescent. This
star some of you are just like a man who
man recognized the sign, gave me the wrote a letter the other day saying, "I
grip, but I could not return it. have lost my faith. Can you help me?
We do not object to the world's hold- What is there hereafter? I am afraid
ing those special convenient means of there nothing
is hereafter. Can you
soul intercourse. It is friendly. It is help me?"
helpful. But we have the same thing know for what he is yearning.
Well, I
in the Church. Every male member in He wants to know for sure that death
the Church from twelve years up to 112 does not end this life, and that the soul
years, as one man celebrated his birth- within will live eternally. I shall just
day yesterday, has a place in the say to him, and to you young men,

quorum twelve deacons, twenty-four whenever you are doubting the exist-
teachers, forty-eight priests, ninety-six ence of God or your own immortality,
elders; and high priests gathered under remember what the Savior said to those
the ecclesiastical group in your stake. who doubted him: "If any man will do
Where we do not have that number we his will, he shall know of the doctrine,
have groups. In every ward we have whether it be of God, or whether I
deacons, teachers, and priests, and in the speak of myself." (John 7:17; Italics
stakes, the elders, seventies, and high added.)
priests. Now, that is the keynote to every man
Now, each quorum has a duty to per- living. Do the will of God. If any
form.The presidencies have a responsi- man will do his will he shall know for
bility to sit in council with them and to himself. There is an opportunity every

day of our lives to Each

do that will. "Well," said the young boy, "you'll
young man has an opportunity some have one if you have me."
day to do as his Father has asked him Another seized him by the collar and
to do. The young men here tonight said, "Young man, you'll have this beer
have heard the words of scripture, and either inside or outside!"
you will have opportunities tomorrow to "Very well, I came here with a clean
be untrue to yourself or to the instruc- jacket and a clear conscience. You may
tions given today. God will prompt you soil my jacket if you wish, but you shall
what to do. You say, "Well, I do not not soil my character."
know yet that he lives." Yes, you do! He had been trained
I —
use that
You cannot prove that he does not; and word properly —
not only taught, but
if you doubt it, believe those men who trained to avoid the use of tobacco and
know, if you have confidence in them. strong drink, intoxicating liquor. That
You are studying in your schools, and is what I mean by moral courage. The
you have probably read the words of greatest need in the world today is faith
one of the essays of reputedly the wisest in God and courage to do his will.
American who ever lived, who said, God help us as young men to prepare
"Oh, my brothers, God exists! There is ourselves for the responsibilities await-
a soul at the center of nature ... so ing us. God help us all to keep our
that none of us can wrong the Universe. consciences clear, our characters sound,
There is guidance for each of us, and responsive to the whisperings of the
by lowly listening we shall hear the Holy Spirit, which is real, if we shall
right word." but put our ears and listen to it as the
When word comes to you call
that — wisest American suggested, I pray in the
it or, if you are in the
conscience, name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Church and doing your duty, the whis-
perings of the Spirit, because you are President David O. McKay:
entitled to be a partaker of it then be —
true to that whispering, and some day We are grateful to the Men's Chorus
you will know for yourself that you are for the inspiring music they have
in harmony with the universe. rendered this evening. We
pray that
Peter was quite a doubtful man as he the Lord's blessings will attend them,
grew to manhood before he knew Christ, and that they will feel fully repaid for
but long afterwards he was praying and the effort they have put forth in hours
said that we have been made partakers of practice and in traveling here for
of the divine nature. (See 2 Peter 1:4.) this Priesthood Meeting. Thank you,
He knew it, and you will know it some for we appreciate having you.
day if you will do the will, be true The Boise Stake Mormonaires will
to self. sing "Onward, Ye People." That's ap-
Now, I said courage is a second need, propriate for the message tonight.
not physical courage, but moral courage. Elder Nathan Eldon Tanner of the
Let me illustrate: James L. Gordon, the Council of the Twelve will be the
author of The Young Man and His speaker on the Church of the Air
Problems tells the story of a young boy Broadcast on CBS Radio Sunday morn-
who decided to be an apprentice in one ing from 7:35 to 8:00 o'clock.
of the carpenters' societies. He was a As thousands leave this Priesthood
bright young boy in his teens, and the Meeting tonight let us keep in mind
men were very glad to admit him. They the admonition that has constantly been
said, "Come on, let's drink to the given to drive carefully. Let us have
entrance of this young man to our courtesy in the city and on the high-
group!" They poured out the beer, ways. Cautiousness and alertness are
handed him the glass. necessary if we are tO' reduce the num-

He said, "No, thank you, I do not ber of automobile accidents. Please

drink." obey traffic rules. Good manners and
"Well," said a gruff old member, patience must be shown by drivers.
"we're not going to have any teetotalers "Onward, Ye People" now will be
in our group." sung by the Boise Stake Mormonaires,

Sunday, April 7 Third Day

and the benediction of this Priesthood as a closing number, "Onward, Ye Peo-

Meeting will be offered by Brother Reed ple," following which the closing prayer
M. Broadbent, President of the Cache was offered by President Reed M.
Stake. Broadbent.
Conference adjourned until 10:00
The Boise Stake "Mormonaires" sang a.m.,Sunday, April 7.

The Conference reconvened in the The Tabernacle Choir under the di-
Tabernacle Sunday morning, April 7th, rection Richard P. Condie, with
at 10 a.m. Frank W.
Asper at the organ, will open
(The Church of the Air program was these services by singing "The Morning
presented at 7:35 a.m. with Elder Breaks, The Shadows Flee."
Nathan Eldon Tanner as the speaker. Following the singing the invocation
The Tabernacle Choir and Organ broad- will be offered by Elder Casper W.
castwas presented in the Tabernacle Merrill, formerly President of the West
from 9:35 to 10:00 a.m. See pages 133 to Central States Mission.
139 for a full report of these broadcasts.)
The music for this session was fur-
nished by the Tabernacle Choir, Rich- The Tabernacle Choir sang the hymn,
ard P. Condie, Conductor, and Frank "The Morning Breaks, The Shadows
W. Asper, Organist. Flee."
President David O. McKay, who pre- Elder Casper W. Merrill offered the
sided and conducted the services, made opening prayer.
the following introductory comments:
President David O. McKay:
President David O. McKay:
The invocation was offered by Elder
To present this morning in the
all Casper W. Merrill.
Tabernacle, Assembly Hall, and the The Choir will now sing "Shades Of
vast television and radio audience we Eve Are Falling."
extend a hearty welcome to the sixth
session of the 133rd Annual General
Conference of The Church of Jesus Singing by the Choir, "Shades Of Eve
Christ of Latter-day Saints. Are Falling."


"And even so I have sent mine ever- "Mine everlasting covenant [the gospel]
lastingcovenant into the world, to be a is sent into the world, to be a light unto

light to the world,and to be a standard the world."

for my people, and to be a mes-
. . . OnBedloe Island, at the entrance of
senger before my face to prepare the New York Harbor, there stands a Statue
way before me." (D&C 45:9.) of Liberty, a light to the nations. What
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- it has meant to thousands and hundreds

day Saints was scarcely one year old of thousands of the downtrodden of
when that declaration was made. Joseph Europe has been most graphically ex-
Smith, to whom the inspiration came, pressed by Israel Zangwill in that
was but twenty-five years of age. It is impressive production The Melting Pot,
a marvelous declaration, great in its from which I quote (David, the immi-
pretention, comprehensive in its scope grant Jew, is speaking):


"When look at our Statue of Lib-

I the perfecting of the saints, for the work
erty, I just seem to hear the voice of of the ministry, for the edifying of the
America: 'Come unto me all ye who are body of Christ:
weary and heavy-laden, and I will give "Till we all come in the unity of the
you —
rest.' faith, and of the knowledge of the Son
What that Statue of Liberty has sym- of God, unto a perfect man, [even]
bolized to the oppressed and down- unto the measure of the stature of the
trodden of Europe, the gospel of Jesus fulness of Christ: ." (Eph. 4:12-13.)
. .

Christ is to the world. I invite you today to have in mind

The restored gospel, the Church, has the various organizations of the Church:
reared an ensign to the nations, and first, the priesthood quorums; second,
with words as comprehensive as those the auxiliaries; third, educational oppor
I have read in the revelation, invites the tunities; fourth, judicial phases of the
world to peace, to rest, to contentment. Church; and fifth, the ecclesiastical
And what does that ensign offer to groups. To elaborate on each one would
the nations? occupy more time than I can give, but
Forty-three years ago, Elder Stephen we can just glimpse it.
L Richards, speaking from this pulpit, Consider the priesthood of the
answered that question as follows: Church. Picture therein the men and
"There are provided within the Church boys organized in working sections or
agencies and facilities which meet every groups, from the father ninety years
requirement of social life. Our wards, old, down to the boy twelve years of
to my thinking, constitute the most ad- age. In these groups you find exempli-
vantageous social units that have ever fied all that human society seeks in
been devised or suggested in the history social groups and in societies. There is

of society. There are presented within the opportunity in these quorum groups for
organizations of the wards opportunities fellowship, brotherhood, and organized
for every person to receive legitimate service. No man who
worthy of is that
training in society, proper social inter- fellowship can be kept out from it

course, and the cultivation of all the not one!

desirable traits of character that go to Those who are active are working in
make up good men and good women." an organized way for the betterment
(Annual Conference, April 6, 1920.) of one another, for the personal welfare
Sitting in the audience on that occa- of the membership and for the good of
sion was a statesman who had won society as a whole. If we considered no
national and international eminence, further than the quorums, is not that a
not only as a great leader in the political sublime picture, where men and boys
world, but also as a speaker and writer may congregate, associate, affiliate in
on religious topics. He was William service for humanity, in which every
Jennings Bryan, who only a few months man considers everyone a brother? In
before had written an article for a that quorumthe doctor sits by the side
current magazine entitled "In the of a carpenter, each interested in the
World, of the World, and for the most ennobling of aspirations —worship
World," wherein he outlined a number of God and helpful service to human-
of ways in which he thought the church ity! There the essence of priesthood

could make the world a better place work in Church; and, in the
in which to live. "My suggestion, achievement of the purpose, every act
therefore,"I read from his article, "is and influence should be performed or
that an effort should be made to set wielded only "by persuasion, by long-
up a Christian standard for Christian suffering, by gentleness and meekness,
communities, and to create an environ- and by love unfeigned; ." The words
. .

ment that will be helpful to the Church of the Prophet! (D&C 121:41.)
and the spiritual things for which the In addition to quorums, there are
Church stands." Young Men's and Young Women's
Such an organization is the restored Mutual Improvement Associations, hav-
Church of Jesus Christ, functioning ef- ing charge of the recreation for the
fectually, as the Apostle Paul says, "For young, guiding the leisure hours of the
Sunday, April 7 Third Day

youth emphasized by Mr. William

as vidual, a God of justice, yet a God of

Jennings Bryan one of the great prob- love, constantly watching over and guid-
lems facing civilization todayl In these ing even the humblest of His children."
groups you have an organization of The Church, with its complete organ-
young men and young women, directing ization, offers service and inspiration to
in music, in art, in debating, in drama, all. It is "pre-eminently a social re-
as well as in other uplifting activities ligion." In quorums and auxiliaries it
of community life. "aims by training the individual con-
All quorums and groups are in them- science and will to establish a closely
selves educational factors. It is sur- knit, world-wide fraternity." It is in no
prising how many officers and teachers sense ascetic. Instead of taking men out
are engaged in the teaching and direct- of the world, itseeks to develop perfect,
ing of youth just in quorums and Godlike men in the midst of society,
auxiliary organizations. and through them to solve the problems
Let us take one stake for example: I of society.
refer now to notes taken on a visit made There is not a principle which is
in 1950 here in Salt Lake City. Among taught by the Savior of men but is
the groups in the Melchizedek Priest- applicable to the growth, development,
hood of that stake were 804 men serving and happiness of mankind. Every one
without one penny of compensation for of his teachings seems to touch the true
the betterment of society every week, philosophy of living. I accept them

and some of them every day. wholeheartedly. I like to study them.

If the high council and members of I like to teach them. It is a joy to try

the bishoprics in that stake who are to live them. Every phase of the re-
working with young boys between the stored Church is applicable to the wel-
ages of twelve and twenty-one be in- fare of the human family.
cluded, there were a total of 1,022 men. Twelve thousand missionaries and
The number of officers and teachers more, each paying individually or with
in the auxiliaries in the twelve wards the aid of parents his or her own ex-
of that stake was 1,950, so adding this penses, are declaring to a troubled world
number to the 1,022, we have a total of that the message heralded at the birth
2,972, or approximately 3,000 men and of Jesus, "Peace
on earth, good will to-
women teachers. ward men," (see Luke 2:14) may be-
In addition, there were missionaries
come a reality by compliance to the
principles of the gospel.
laboring under the direction of the stake
presidency. In this one stake, they had As the Savior said to the eleven disci-
held 2,715 meetings in homes in this ples, and to all whom they appointed,
city. They had baptized, since the so he says to his authorized servants
first of the year, 106 converts and ten
today: "Go ye therefore and make
children who had gone beyond the age disciples of all nations, teaching them
of eight years. to observe all things whatsoever I have
commanded." (See Matt. 28:19-20.)
The Church progresses only as fast
as these groups work in perfect harmony. Where, however, each missionary of
In the Doctrine and Covenants, we old could speak only to one person, the
read: "It is the duty of the [priesthood] representatives of Christ today can speak
to watch over the Church always, to to millions. A sentence uttered in an
be with and strengthen them." (See ordinary tone of voice can encircle the
ibid., 20:53.) This is a laymen's Church. globe in less than a minute. Daily, na-
And what a message the Church has tions are becoming more closely united.
for this distracted world! "Its appeal," The interest and destiny of each one
as Kent says of true Christianity, "is becomes more closely the interest and
universal—to the rich and the poor, the destiny of all.

strong and the weak, the learned and In the ecclesiastical groupings, there
the unlearned. It proclaims God to be is opportunity for social welfare such as
not only the one Supreme Ruler of the cannot be found in any other organiza-
Universe, but the Father of each indi- tion in the world. Thus does the Savior

and his Church become my inspiration, spirituality, brotherhood, and universal

my ideal in life. I think it is the one peace may be fostered among the chil-
great thing for which man should strive. dren of men.
It presents the most efficient methods The Lord help us to be able to prove
for human service, social uplift, and to the world that the restored gospel is
progressive steps toward universal peace just what the world today is longing
and brotherhood; and in its idea of sal- for; and when they see it, may they
vation it comprehends the whole of the know, as you know and as I know, that
human family. the everlasting gospel is a light to the
May he bless the priesthood through- world. May it ever be a light to the
out the Church, the auxiliary associa- nations, a guiding solution of all the
tions, and all men and women who seek world problems, I pray in the name of
to instil into the hearts of men the re- Jesus Christ. Amen.
demptive power of Jesus Christ, the Son
of the Living God. May all utilizing the President David O. McKay:
organization of the Church continue
more zealously "For the perfecting of the The Tabernacle Choir will now favor
us with "Listen To The Lambs."
saints, for the work of the ministry, for
Following the singing Elder Nathan
the edifying of the body of Christ:
Eldon Tanner of the Council of the
we all come in the unity of the
Twelve will speak to us.
faith,and of the knowledge of the Son
of God, unto a perfect man, [even] unto
the measure of the stature of the fulness
The Choir sang the anthem, "Listen
of Christ: . .
." (Eph. 4:12-13.) To The Lambs."
God bless and prosper the Church as
President David O. McKay:
it bears witness to the reality of the
personality of Deity and to the fact We shall now hear Elder Nathan
that God has again revealed himself to Eldon Tanner of the Council of the
man and established a means whereby Twelve.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

We have just listened to a Prophet First,"We believe in God, the Eternal

of God. Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ,
As I stand before this great taber- and in the Holy Ghost." "We believe
nacle assembly and the vast radio and that through the Atonement of Christ,
television audience listening in, I hum- all mankind may be saved, (and that
bly pray that the spirit and blessings of they may gain eternal life or exaltation)
the Lord will attend us as we reason by obedience to the laws and ordinances
together. of the Gospel." "We believe that the
It is my hope that I might answer first principles and ordinances of the
one or two questions which people in Gospel Faith in the Lord Jesus
are: first,
the world are asking about our beliefs Christ; second, Repentance; third, Bap-
and teachings, such as: tism by immersion for the remission of
Are you Christians or do you believe sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the
in Christ? gift of the Holy Ghost." Also, "We be-
Do you believe and accept the Bible lieve all thatGod has revealed, all that
to be the word of God? He doesnow reveal, and we believe that
How do the teachings of your church He will yet reveal many great and im-
differ from ours? portant things pertaining to the King-
I shall endeavor to answer these ques- dom of God."
tions briefly by quoting from and deal- Though we are commonly called Mor-
ing with some of our Articles of Faith: mons, I should like to emphasize that


Sunday, April 7 Third Day
this is The Church of Jesus Christ of and healing all manner of sickness and

Latter-day Saints, of which Christ is the all manner of disease among the peo-
chief cornerstone. ple." (Matt. 4:23.)
Referring to our belief in the King Webelieve with John that ". God . .

James translation of the Bible, we be- so loved the world, that he gave his
lieve that the Gospels of the New Testa- only begotten Son, that whosover be-
ment contain the life history of Jesus lieveth in him should not perish, but
the Christ who had a real personality have everlasting life." (John 3:16.) And,

a man part mortal, part divine who — as he himself said, "I am the way, the
was born as ordinary mortals are born truth, and the life: no man cometh unto
and moved about on the earth as mortal the Father, but by me." (Ibid., 14:6.)
man moves, but who had certain super- And again through his Prophet, ". . .

mortal experiences, who mingled with verily, verily, I say unto you, he that
his fellow mortals, and who lived and receiveth my gospel receiveth me; and he
died as they did. These Gospels of the that receiveth not my gospel receiveth
Bible contain the record of that man not me." (D&C 39:5.) We
believe as
who is literally the Son of God. Paul said, "... I am not ashamed of the
Some cannot accept Jesus as this kind gospel of Christ: for it is the power of
of person, but contend that

"he is a God unto salvation to every one that
half mythical person who may have believeth"; (Rom. 1:16.)
had an actual existence with some life The power of God unto salvation is
experiences, but not those recorded in not just a moral code of living based
the Gospels and who claim that these on attributes of the Savior, but it is the
experiences are myths in their miracu- means essential to salvation. believe We
lous elements, and that around these that though Christ was so brutally cru-
myths is a number of ethical principles, cified, he willingly gave his life for you
but not necessarily taught by him, but and me that we might be raised from
partly so, perhaps with spurious addi- the dead and go back into the presence
tions made by his followers in the earlier of our Father in heaven and be judged
decades following his death." (J. Reu- according to our deeds; that he was
ben Clark, Jr.) literally resurrected; that his body and
We believe that Jesus was a real spirit were reunited. This is estab-
person and that those who appraise lished by the testimony of those who
him as being half mythical and refuse actually saw him and talked to him, not
to accept him literally as the Son of by one or two, but by many. As Mary
God or who portray Christ as a great Magdalene stood weeping at the tomb
philosopher, as the founder of a pro- he comforted her; and as the ten apos-
found code of ethics, but deny him the tles stood discussing the fact that the
divine parentage and sonship of God, Resurrected Christ had appeared to
drag Christianity down to the level of some of them, ". Jesus himself stood
. .

paganism and completely wipe out the in the midst of them, and saith unto
true God and his plan of redemption them, Peace be unto you.
for his children. They are actually try- "But they were terrified and af-
ing to destroy him as Jesus the Christ frighted, and supposed that they had
and, therefore, are guilty of his re- seen a spirit.
crucifixion. We
believe that he actually "And he said unto them, Why are
did the work and taught the doctrines you troubled? and why do thoughts
that are recorded in the Gospels; that arise inyour hearts?
he was, in fact, Christ the Son of God "Behold my hands and my feet, that
the Eternal Father and that the account itis I myself: handle me, and see; for

of his conception, birth, life, death, and a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as
resurrection are all as factual as any in ye see me have." (Luke 24:36-39.)
all history. Thomas, who was not present at this
We believe as recorded in Matthew time, refused to believe that Christ had
that ". . Jesus went about all Galilee,
. been resurrected and had appeared to
teaching in their synagogues, and the ten. He said, ". Except I shall see
. .

preaching the gospel of the kingdom, in his hands the print of the nails, . . .
. — "


and thrust my hand into his side, I will and upbraideth not; and be it shall
not believe." One week later, however, given him.
Jesus appeared to the apostles when "Never did any passage of scripture
Thomas was present and said, ". . . come with more power to the heart of
Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and man than this did at this time to
behold my hands: and reach hither thy mine. . . .

hand, and thrust it into my side: and be "At length I came to the conclusion
not faithless, but believing." Thomas that I must either remain in darkness
answered and said unto him, "My Lord and confusion, or else I must do as
and my God." (John 20:25-28.) James directs, that is, ask of God. . . .

Also, it is recorded in the Book of "So, in accordance with this, my de-

Mormon, which we believe to be the termination to ask of God, I retired to
word of God, that after his resurrection the woods to make the attempt. . . .

he appeared to the people on the Ameri- "I kneeled down and began to offer
can continent. When he appeared to these up the desire of my heart to God. . . .

people, they heard a voice which said Thick darkness gathered around me,
unto them, "Behold my Beloved Son, in and it seemed to me for a time as if I
whom I am well pleased, in whom I were doomed to sudden destruction.

have glorified my name hear ye him. "But, exerting
upon God
to deliver
my powers to
me ... I saw a

". . and behold, they saw a Man


descending out of heaven; and he was

pillar of light exactly over my head,
above the brightness of the sun, which
clothed in a white robe; and he came
descended gradually until it fell up-
down and stood in the midst of them; . .
on me.
"And it came to pass that he stretched
forth his hand and spake unto the
". When the light rested upon me
. .

people, saying:
I saw two Personages, whose brightness
and glory defy all description, standing
"Behold, I am Jesus Christ, whom the
above me in the air. One of them spake
prophets testified shall come into the unto me, calling me by name and said,
world." (3 Nephi 11:7-10.) He taught pointing to the other This My Be-
the people, took little children on his
loved Son. Hear Him!
knees, and blessed them and rejoiced
and wept with them. This is the Christ
". No sooner, therefore, did I get
. .

possession of myself, so as to be able

in whom we believe.
to speak, than I asked the Personages
We have another beautiful testimony who stood above me in the light, which
which has been referred to several times
during this conference of the reality of
of all the sects was right and which —
I should join.
God, the Father, and his Son Jesus
Christ as told by a young boy, Joseph
"Iwas answered that I must join none
of them, for they were all wrong; and
Smith, not yet fifteen years of age who
the Personage who addressed me said . . .
lived on the American continent just a
'they draw near to me with their lips,
little over a hundred years ago and
but their hearts are far from me, they
later became God's prophet here in this
teach for doctrines the commandments
last dispensation. There was a great
of men, having a form of Godliness,
religious revival going on where he
but they deny the power thereof.'
lived, with each church vigorously
(Joseph Smith 2:11-19.)
proselyting for members. I shall give
you his testimony in his own words by Though this young boy had gone into
quoting therefrom: the grove to ask God which church he
should join, he came away with a
"While I was laboring under the ex-
definite knowledge and testimony that
treme difficulties caused by the contests
of these parties of religionists, I was one
God and Jesus Christ are in reality
Living Beings who had heard his
day reading the Epistle of James, first
prayers and appeared to and instructed
chapter and fifth verse,which reads: him. As he told his experience to the
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask people in the community, it seemed
of God, that giveth to all men liberally, that though he was but an obscure boy
Sunday, April 7 Third Day

with no standing in the community, the Pentecost when he was asked, ". . . Men
people and men of high standing took and brethren, what shall we do?" an-
notice of him and excited the public swered, ". Repent, and be baptized
. .

mind against him until all sects united every one of you in the name of Jesus
to persecute him. However, he main- Christ for the remission of sins, and
tained throughout his life, to his dying ye shall receive the gift of the Holy
day, that he had seen a vision and that Ghost." (Acts 2:37-38.) The Savior
he could not deny it because by so doing himself said, "Verily, verily, I say unto
he would offend God and come under thee, Except a man be born of water
condemnation. and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into
Two or three years ago while travel- the kingdom of God." (John 3:5.)
ing with Lord Rowallen, Chief Scout of Christ himself was baptized of John
the British Commonwealth, I was saying, ". Suffer it to be so now: for
. .

thrilled with his comment as he led a thus it becometh us to fulfil all right-
eousness. ." (Matt. 3:15.) If there
group of scouters in the Scout Promise. . .

As he repeated "On my honor I promise should be any uncertainty in the minds

to do my duty to God" he paused and of any who profess to be Christians as
said, "As I make this promise I think of to the importance of the gospel and its
a God who can and does hear and an- ordinances, they should be able to get
swer prayers, who is interested in what a clear, definite answer from the final
we are doing and who will guide us charge which Jesus gave to his disciples
and bless us according to our needs in his last words of admonition to them,
and our faith." And then he made this "And Jesus came and spake unto them,
significant statement, "If any of you saying, All power is given unto me in
cannot believe in such a God, you can heaven and in earth.
serve better some place else." "Go ye therefore, and teach all na-
Whata glorious feeling of satisfaction tions, baptizing them in the name of the
and security it is to know that God and Father, and of the Son, and of the
Jesus Christ actually live, that Christ Holy Ghost:
is the real genuine person portrayed in "Teaching them to observe all things
the Bible and in modern scripture, who whatsoever I have commanded you: and,
lived among and taught the people and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the
blessed the children and the sick, before end of the world " (Ibid., 28:18-20.)
and after his crucifixion and resurrec- The Savior also said, ". seek ye first . .

tion, and that he was interested in their the kingdom of God, and his righteous-
welfare as he traveled from place to ness; and all these things shall be added
place! Also, what a great strength it is unto you." (Ibid., 6:33.)
to our children to know that we know
In order to make effective these
that he lives, and to know that God will
ordinances which are so essential ac-
give liberally to each and all who prop-
cording to the words of the Savior him-
erly come to him. "But let him ask in
self, it logically follows that they must
faith,nothing wavering. For he that
be administered by those having author-
wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven
with the wind and tossed." (James 1:6.)
ity to administer the ordinances. We
maintain that that authority is on the
His great commitment to us is "I, the
earth today as predicted by Daniel
Lord, am bound when ye do what I
wherein he said, "And in the days of
say; but when ye do not what I say,
these kings shall the God of heaven
ye have no promise." (D&C 82:10.)
set up a kingdom, which shall never
Whywould anyone prefer to think of be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not
him as a mythical being or as a great be left to other people, but it shall
philosopher, but deny that he is literally break in pieces and consume all these
the Son of God? kingdoms, and it shall stand forever."
Having faith in Christ is essential to (Daniel 2:44.) Again, after the Savior
our salvation, and it is our responsi- had been on the earth and completed
bility and privilege to repent of our sins his work here, John the Revelator made
and follow him. Peter, on the day of this significant statement, "And I saw

another angel fly in the midst of heaven, and some, prophets; and some, evange-
having the everlasting gospel to preach lists; and some, pastors and teachers;
unto them that dwell on the earth, and "For the perfecting of the saints, for
to every nation, and kindred, and the work of the ministry, for the edify-
tongue, and people, ing of the body of Christ:
"Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, "Till we all come in the unity of the
and give glory to him; for the hour of his faith, and of the knowledge of the Son
judgment is come: and worship him of God, unto a perfect man, unto the
that made heaven, and earth, and the measure of the stature of the fulness
sea, and the fountains of waters." of Christ:
(Rev. 14:6-7.) "That we henceforth be no more
I wish to bear my testimony to all children, tossed to and fro, and carried
those who are within the sound of my about with every wind of doctrine, by
voice this day that that angel has the sleight of men, and cunning crafti-
flown and that the everlasting gospel ness, whereby they lie in wait to de-
has been restored and that his Church ceive"; (Eph. 4:11-14.)
has been re-established upon the earth These missionaries are preaching the
and that the power to administer these same simple truths that were taught by
ordinances has been restored in these Christ while he was on the earth, the
the latter days and that the prophecy first and great commandment being
made by Daniel is being realized and ". .Thou shalt love the Lord thy God

the one by John has been fulfilled. The with all thy heart, and with all thy
power of the priesthood, which is the soul, and with all thy strength, and with
power of God delegated to man to act all thy mind; and thy neighbour as
in his name and officiate in the thyself." (Luke 10:27.) These mission-
ordinances of the gospel, was conferred aries and the members of the Church
upon two young men, Joseph Smith and are prepared through prayer and by the
Oliver Cowdery, by those ancient apos- power of the Holy Ghost to bear testi-
tles Peter, James, and John. The heav- mony that they know that God lives,
ens are as open today as they were in the that Jesus is the Christ, and that his
days of Peter and James and John and Church is headed by a prophet.
Paul and all the rest of the old apostles. Also, that the essential ". principles
. .

God still answers the prayers of the and ordinances of the Gospel are: first,
righteous, still reveals his will through Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second,
a prophet to the established Church of Repentance; Baptism by immer-
Jesus Christ.Yes, as Adam and Noah sion for the remission of sins; and
and Abraham and Moses had been fourth, Laying on of hands for the
chosen by God in the grand council in gift of the Holy Ghost."
heaven as his prophets in the respective Webelieve that God still speaks to
dispensations in which they lived, so his people on the earth today and that
was Joseph Smith chosen in these the the Church is being led by a prophet
latter days and called of God as his of God through whom
the Lord speaks.
prophet, seer, and revelator. Instruc- I would exhort you, as did Moroni in
tions and authority to organize The the days of old, when he said: "And
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day when ye shall receive these things, I
Saints was given to him by Jesus Christ, would exhort you that ye would ask
and through him the gospel in its full- God, the Eternal Father, in the name of
ness was restored. This gospel is being Christ, if these things are not true;
preached throughout the world by mis- and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart,
sionaries and members of the Church with real intent, having faith in Christ,
who wish to share with the people he will manifest the truth of it unto you,
throughout the world this glad message by the power of the Holy Ghost.
of the restored gospel. The Church of "And by the power of the Holy Ghost
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believes ye may know the truth of all things."
in and has the same organization that (Moroni 10:4-5.)
existed in the primitive Church as is The
gospel message is sweet; it is a
recorded, "And he gave some, apostles; message of peace and goodwill; it is the
Sunday, April 7 Third Day
one and only thing that will bring peace Nathan Eldon Tanner of the Council
to the world; it offers a plan of life and of the Twelve.
salvation to all who will accept it. May Following a brief organ interlude, the
the Lord cause that every soul seeking Tabernacle Choir and Congregation,
the truth shall come to the testimony with Richard P. Condie conducting, will
that God lives, that Jesus is the Christ, sing "Now Let Us Rejoice."
and the gospel has been restored in its
fulness, and that Christ's Church is
Singing by the Choir and congrega-
here upon the earth today with a
tion, "Now Let Us Rejoice."
prophet at its head is my prayer in the
name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
President David O. McKay:

President David O. McKay: We shall now hear from Elder

Howard W. Hunter of the Council of
He who has just addressed us is Elder the Twelve.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

We approach the season of the year them, nor did they understand the
which marks the anniversary of one of testimony of the ancient prophets that
the most significant events of all time. the Master would give his life and be
It was one of the many events of nearly resurrected, that all men should over-
two thousand years ago which divides come death and the grave and live again.
history into two segments —
that which Repeatedly Jesus had made mention
took place before the death and resur- of his impending death and resurrection
rection of the Savior and the happenings and on one occasion said:
of the two millenniums since that time. "Therefore doth my Father love me,
Throughout Christendom this coming because I lay down my life, that I may
week, thoughts will turn to the little take it again.
walled city on a hill in what was once "No man taketh it from me, but I lay

Palestine. Jerusalem has been known it down of myself. I have power to lay

as the "City of Peace," yet scarcely a it down, and I have power to take it
decade in its history has gone by with- again. This commandment have I re-
out wars or bloodshed. Its history is ceived of my Father." (John 10:17-18.)
one of conquest and change the Baby- — In spite of his teachings there was
lonians, the Jews, Greeks, Romans, lack of understanding, and despair fell
Arabs, the Crusaders, the Turks. John upon the little group of his followers.
the Baptist walked its streets; great kings Some who had been the most devoted
and rulers of Bible fame lived in this had forsaken him and fled. The sun
ancient city. rose and set on Saturday, the Jewish
To Christians everywhere, as spring sabbath, and in the early hours before
comes again, there is the reminder of the dawn on that first Easter Sunday,
the one who came to earth with the mes- while the Roman guard was keeping
sage of peace, yet was condemned in watch, a marvelous event took place.
Jerusalem for his teachings, convicted "And, behold, there was a great earth-
and sentenced to die by crucifixion, quake: for the angel of the Lord de-
what Cicero called "the most cruel and scended from heaven, and came and
hideous of After execution
tortures." rolled back the stone from the door,
of judgment and death on the cross, and sat upon it." (Matt. 28:2.)
the body was placed in a tomb prepared In the darkness of the early morning
for the dead. Mary Magdalene and the other devoted
Those who knew him best did not women, the last to leave the cross, were
fully realize his purpose for being with the first to reach the sepulchre, bringing

spicesand ointment for the body of the known it was the disciples who had
Master. Here they saw the angel and stolen him away? The facts indicate the
were afraid, but he said to them: hoax was not on the part of the
". . . Fear not ye: for I know that ye disciples of Christ as claimed, but on
seek Jesus, which was crucified. the part of those who had openly de-
"He is not here: for he is risen, as nied, prior to this time, the possibility
he said. Come, see the place where of resurrection from the dead.
the Lord lay. There are some who claim the body
"And go quickly, and tell his disciples might have been stolen by the gardener,
that he is risen from the dead; ." . . the Sanhedrin, Mary Magdalene, Pi-
(Ibid., 28:5-7.) late, the Sadducees, or any number of
Many questions come to men as they other persons. Wouldn't it seem rea-
travel through this mortal realm, but sonable to assume that as soon as the
the one of greatest concern to many is apostles began to proclaim that Christ
this: Is it true we will be resurrected had arisen from the tomb, or when
and live in a future life? Man in his those who saw him after the resurrec-
scientific quest can only trace life to tion declared this fact, that the persons
the moment of death, beyond this his who had taken the body would come
research produces no tangible evidence. forward quickly to deny the resurrection
Socrates, who lived before the time of by producing the body or explaining
Christ, argued that the soul of man is why it was taken? No such denial or
immortal, yet, when sentenced to death, explanation was ever made.
his statement was this: Another theory which has been ad-
"The hour of departure has arrived, vanced and perhaps the weakest of all
and we go our ways, I to die, and you is that Jesus did not die on the cross
to live. Which is better God only but fainted or lapsed into unconscious-
knows." ness. It seems absurd to think that a
Those who have a steadfast faith in a living person would be buried. The
Personal God, who have a yearning to very day of the resurrection he walked
keep his commandments and a hope for on the road to Emmaus. Does it seem
a future life, will carefully and meticu- reasonable that one with pierced feet
lously examine the evidence for the and the wound of the spear in his side
resurrection of Jesus Christ. Those, on would be making such a journey? The
the other hand, who lack this faith and facts themselves refute such a theory.
see only the mechanical laws which are It is important to know the belief of
the subject of experimentation and proof the first Christians on the subject of
will either reject the evidence on the the resurrection of Christ, particularly
grounds that it lacks positive proof or those living at the time of his death. If
will say it is insufficient. For a few we turn to the writings of Paul as docu-
moments let us consider the claims of mentary evidence, we will find the an-
those who have attempted to refute the swer. Nearly all critical scholars admit
evidence of the resurrection of Christ. the genuineness of the principle epistles
As soon as the guardsmen at the tomb of Paul. He said to the Saints at
had recovered from their fright, they Corinth: "For I delivered unto you first
reported the happenings to the chief of all that which I also received, how
priests who were Sadducees, a sect which that Christ died for our sins according
had discredited and firmly denied the to the scriptures;
possibility of resurrection. The chief "And that he was buried, and that he
priests paid the guards a large sum of rose again the third day according to the
money to say: ". . . His disciples came scriptures": (1 Cor. 15:3-4.)
by night, and stole him away while we Then speaking of the other apostles
slept." (Ibid., 28:13.) he said: "Therefore whether it were I
It would seem
incredible to believe or they, so we preach, and so ye be-
that all of the soldiers were sleeping, lieved." (Ibid., 15:11.)
knowing they could be put to death Paul's teachings are identical with the
for sleeping at their post, but if they teachings of the other apostles. We
had been sleeping how would they have assured, therefore, that the resurrection
Sunday, April 7 Third Day

of Jesus Christ was regarded as one of The testimony of those who saw him
the foundation doctrines of the early as a living person after his death has
church and was taught to all converts never been contradicted. He appeared
"first of all." at least ten or eleven times: to Mary
One of the best authenticated writings Magdalene and the other women in the
in the New Testament is the First Gen- garden, to the two disciples on the road
eral Epistle of Peter in which he con- to Emmaus, to Peter at Jerusalem, to the
firms the statements of Paul. can We apostles when Thomas was absent and
add the testimony of two other apostles, again when he was present, to the apos-
Matthew and John, and in a lesser tles at the Sea of Galilee, and on a
degree, Luke and Mark gave accumula- mountain to over 500 brethren at once,
tive evidence. to James the brother of the Lord, and
Some critics point out what appears to the apostles at the time of the
to be discrepancies in the testimony of ascension.
some Luke and John
of these witnesses. We can come to only one conclusion,
relate the presence of two angels at the the resurrection is a historical fact
tomb while Matthew and Mark mention amply proved by authenticated docu-
only one. The first three gospels indi- mentary evidence and the testimony of
cate the angelswere seen by the women, competent witnesses. The man-made
but according to John, by Mary Magda- theories devised to discredit are without
lene alone. Luke and Matthew state substantiation, and any discrepancies in
the women brought the news that the the narrative are too slight to be given
tomb was empty, while Mark states weight.
"they said nothing to anyone for they The walled city still stands on the
were afraid." One of the fundamental hill, silently reminding the Christian
rules of evidence is that the disagree- world of the reality of the resurrection.
ment of the witnesses in matters of de- I bear witness that Jesus is the Christ,

tail does not invalidate their testimony the resurrection and the life, and he
as to the principal facts to which they that believeth in him, though he were
agree. The question then to be resolved dead, shall live, in the name of Jesus
is whether or not the testimony contains Christ. Amen.
such variance in the material facts as
to discredit the main issue. President David O. McKay:
It would make no difference if there
was one angel or two angels at the He to whom you have just listened is

tomb. The fact that he was arisen would Elder Howard W. Hunter of the Coun-
not be changed by whether the women cil of the Twelve.
did or didn't bring the news concerning Weshall now hear from Elder Boyd
the resurrection itself. K. Packer, Assistant to the Twelve.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

In 1833 a revelation was given by the It is to the young people of our gen-
Lord to the Prophet Joseph Smith known eration that I speak. Some may regard
as the Word of Wisdom, given as a as trivial the assignment to speak to
principle with a promise. This prin- young people. I consider it otherwise
ciple has not been neglected by the and sense the meaning of an appeal
leaders of the Church nor abandoned made by the late President J. Reuben
by them. It has been reaffirmed vigor- Clark, Jr., in speaking to the teachers
ously as one theme of this conference, of the Church. "May he," President
for we have learned that however much Clark said, "give you entrance to the
a generation of people learn a truth, it hearts of those you teach and then make
must be rediscovered by each succeed- you know that as you enter there you
ing generation. stand in holy places."

Some young people, not members of for a moment, then, "If I'd had a 'why,'
the Church, may not be acquainted Daddy, I wouldn't have done it."
with the revelation known as the Word isn't always easy to give you a
of Wisdom. It is simply this, a law of "why" for everything. But we owe it
temperance. In it we are counseled by toyou of the coming generation to do
the Lord to refrain from: the use of more than just say, "Don't!" There
alcoholic beverages —
any of them, to- are several "whys" for the Word
bacco in any form, and from hot of Wisdom.

drinks understood by the Church to The first "why" concerns the effect
mean those with habit-forming poten- upon your body. The case against
tial, specifically coffee and tea. tobacco as the killer in lung cancer,
Members of The Church of Jesus and the indictment for accident, death,
Christ of Latter-day Saints are expected and moral mischief returned against
to live this principle. alcohol are so well substantiated that
The Lord has directed that observance hardly anyone would wish to act as
of this principle is a condition of mem- attorney for the defense when these two
bership for one seeking baptism into malefactors are brought to trial.
his Church. For the member of the The Word of Wisdom offers protec-
Church, compliance with this law is a tion to your body. Part of the promise
prerequisite for the bestowal of the reads: "And all saints who remember to
priesthood, for a call to missionary serv- keep and do these sayings, walking in
ice, for temple endowments or temple obedience to the commandments, shall
marriage. receive health in their navel and mar-
You who are young members of row to their bones;
the Church full well know that pre- "And shall run and not be weary, and
liminary to such a call you will shall walk and not faint." (D&C
be interviewed, and the question will 89:18, 20.)

be put to you directly, "Do you But the greatest

loss in failing to ob-

keep the Word of Wisdom?" If you serve the Word

of Wisdom is not what

must confess that you do not, and

may happen to your lungs or to your
brain or to your co-ordination. There is
if there is reasonable doubt that
you can honor a commitment to live another "why" much more important
the principle, your opportunity may be even than this.
withheld from you. No doubt you
have noticed that some,
who have achieved so-called success,
You may have difficulty, my young have not kept the Word of Wisdom; for
friends,understanding why the Lord
instance, you may know a businessman
should require his servants to hold so
who provides generously for his family,
stedfastly to this rule, particularly when
and you know that he does not. Or
the use of alcohol, tobacco, and hot
you may know of a political figure
drinks is practised so commonly in the
who seems to command the vote of the
world, and when we seem to run the
people in spite of known intemperance.
risk of driving many fine young people
You could hardly escape the example
from activity in the Church. Some —
of the movie queen fair in face and
say we are too persistent in stressing

this principle that indeed it has been

figure who makes no effort to hide
her dissipation. Or the athlete who has
run up impressive records, yet openly
A with a promise such
principle endorses one brand or another of these
as could hardly be overstressed.
this injurious agents.
It may well have been stressed in He seems to run without fainting,
a negative way, emphasizing only you reason, and bewildered you may
the "Don't." wonder "Why?" How can this princi-
A father, censuring his little son for ple be so intensely important when so
some mischief, demanded an explana- many —
people some of them who have
tion from the boy. "Why," he said —
been taught otherwise abuse the prin-
with exasperation, "did you do such a ciple and yet seem immune from
thing?" The little lad was thoughtful any penalties? You, my young friends,
Sunday, April 7 Third Day

have a greater calling than that in the was to escape judgment. They
business world, or as a political figure, were instructed lamb, a male
to take a
or as an athlete. Your opportunity is of the first year, without blemish. It
not so much in what you will con- was to be slain and prepared as a feast.
tribute materially but in the influence They were instructed to take of the
that you may have spiritually. blood of the lamb and strike it upon
To those who keep the Word of the doorposts of the houses, "And the
Wisdom the promise is given of ". . . blood shall be to you for a token upon
wisdom and great treasures of knowl- the houses where ye are: and when I
edge, even hidden treasures; ." . . see the blood, I will pass over you, and
(Ibid., 89:19.) Our spiritual senses are the plague shall not be upon you to
more delicately balanced than any of destroy you, ." (Ibid., 12:13.) And it
. .

our physical senses. Like a fine radio is recorded that the plague of death was
receiver with a sensitive tuning mech- visited upon Egypt from ". the first- . .

anism, they can easily be thrown off born of Pharaoh that sat on his throne
channel or even jammed by corrosive unto the firstborn of the captive that
influences introduced into our minds was in the dungeon; ." (Ibid., 12:29.)
. .

and bodies. But Israel, because of the blood of the

You, my young friends, can be sensi- lamb, was spared, for the plague of
tive to inspiration and spiritual guid- death passed over them and did not
ance. To do this you need the wisdom slay them.
and treasures of knowledge they con- — Remarkable, is it not, that in addi-
stitute a spiritual confirmation, your tion to the other promises offered to
testimony of the truth. To have this those who observe the Word of Wisdom,
witness fulfils the promise of the Lord. we find in the last verses of the revela-
To be denied it is the penalty. tion this additional promise: "And I,
There is yet another "why" perhaps — the Lord, give unto them a promise, that
the most important of all. In the fourth the destroying angel shall pass by them,
verse of the revelation we read: "Be- as the children of Israel, and not slay
hold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto them. .
." (D&C 89:21.)

you: In consequence of evils and designs Can you understand now, my young
which do and will exist in the hearts why we stress so strongly this
of conspiring men in the last days, I principle? It is not, certainly not, to
have warned you, and forewarn you, by drive any of you from activity in the
giving unto you this word of wisdom Church, but that your blessings may
by revelation—" (Ibid., 89:4.) This is a be full. Some have said of you who are

solemn even frightening warning. But young that you are attracted to the
in the promise we are offered protection. low standard, to the easy course, to the
To understand, we turn in the Old careless way. I say they who would sell
Testament to the account of the ten youth so cheaply do not know you.
plagues of Egypt. Some of you who are young, and
Moses and Aaron were negotiating for many perhaps who are older, have un-
the release of the Israelites from wittingly been tampering with, or have
bondage. Nine plagues were called become addicted to, the use of alcohol,
forth upon Egypt, but none of them tobacco, or hot drinks. Probably you
softened the Pharaoh's heart. The Lord feel estranged, even rejected, by the
said then unto Moses: ". Yet will I
. . Lord and by his Church.
bring one plague more upon Pharaoh, If you only knew how he yearns to
and upon Egypt; afterwards he will let open the flood gates of blessings. How
you go hence: . . . he cries for you as did David for
"For I will pass through the land of Absalom, ". my son, my son!"
. .

Egypt this night, and will smite all the (2 Sam. 18:33.)
firstborn in the land of Egypt, and . . . We make no apologies for holding to
against all the gods of Egypt I will a standard that the Lord has set.
execute judgment: I am the Lord." In this ominous day when spiritual
(Ex. 11:1; 12:12.) strength is so desperately needed, we
Under a strange requirement, Israel invite all youth to come where a

standard is kept, where the challenge President David O. McKay:

is great, where much is required, where
the gospel is lived. Wehave just listened to Elder Boyd
I bear witness that God lives, that K. Packer, Assistant to the Twelve.
Jesus is the Christ, that he is the Lamb The Tabernacle Choir will now sing
of God, crucified that men might live. "For The Beauty Of The Earth." After
Though we suffer mortal death, through the singing we shall hear from Elder
the blood of the Lamb we have amnesty Ezra Taft Benson.
from spiritual death if we keep the
commandments of the Lord, for it shall
pass over us and not slay us. This
witness may come to you even in your
Selection by the Choir, "For The
youth. On the basis of this personal Beauty Of The Earth."
testimony I commend to you the Word
of Wisdom, which is not only a code President David O. McKay:
of health, but quite as much a key to
spiritual wisdom —
a principle with a Elder Ezra Taft Benson of the Coun-

promise in the name of Jesus Christ. cil of Twelve will be the concluding
Amen. speaker.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

"Righteousness exalteth a nation: ." . . divine aid. I thought of the words of

(Prov. 14:34.) This statement of eternal Lincoln during another time of crisis
truth from Proverbs appeared on the as he said humbly: "I have been driven
flyleaf and the last page of a booklet many times to my knees by the over-
at each plate at the President's Prayer whelming conviction that I had no-
Breakfast in the Grand Ballroom of the where else to go."
Mayflower Hotel, February 7, 1963 in George Washington acknowledged
Washington, DC. This annual breakfast
God's direction and stated: "Of all the
is sponsored jointly by the US Senate
dispositions and habits which lead to
and House of Representatives Prayer
political prosperity, religion and mor-
Breakfast Groups and the International
ality are indispensable supports. . . .

Christian Leadership Conference.

Reason and experience both forbid us
As I listened to the prayers, readings
to expect that national morality can
from the Old and New Testaments, and
prevail in exclusion of religious princi-
messages from government and non-
ple." (Washington's Farewell Address.)
government leaders, I reviewed hurriedly
our spiritual background as a nation Lincoln that God rules in the
and today's spiritual needs. affairs men and nations.
of He
For, truly, "Righteousness exalteth a solemnly declared: "God rules this
nation: but sin is a reproach to any world —
the duty of nations as well
It is

people." (Idem.) as men to own their dependence upon

The beautiful old print which hangs the overruling power of God, to con-
in Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia, fess their sins and transgressions in
to mind. captioned "The First
It is
humble sorrow . . . and to recognize
Prayer in Congress, September 1774." It the sublime truth that those nations
depicts most of the members of that only are blessed whose God is the Lord."
Congress on their knees with our first The fathers knew
founding that
President as leader. ". . . Spirit of the Lord is,
where the
I recalled the terrible winter at Valley there is (2 Cor. 3:17.)
liberty." The
Forge and General George Washington United of America began and
on his knees in the snow, praying for lives as a result of faith in God. The


Sunday, April 7 Third Day

Bible has been and is the foundation Scouts, setting forth our political and
for this faith. economic rights in an effort to stimu-
"It is impossible to govern the world late patriotism in this choice land. As I
without the Bible," said George read this message from Freedom Foun-
Washington. dation and the Boy Scouts of America,
"The Bible is on which this
the rock I thought of our basic American con-
Republic rests," Andrew Jackson pro- cepts, our constitutional government,
claimed. based on a fundamental belief in God.
The fathers of our country had to I became alarmed as I reviewed what
turn to religion in order that their new has happened in our schools under so-
experiment make sense. called "progressive education." What
As I left the prayer breakfast, bidding about the loss of patriotism, faith in
good-bye to many warm friends, I God, and the teachings of character
thought of the greatness of America building principles once so much a part
the world's greatest power. During of our education? We
have all but
World War II she outproduced both "forced Americanism out of the class-

her enemies and allies "the American room to make way for temporary trivial-
Miracle." ities." (DeLove.)
But I also recalled the latest FBI I remembered President Joseph F.
reports revealing the ever- increasing Smith's warning of the three dangers to
crime —
record over seventeen percent the Church from within, viz., the flat-
increase in the nation's capital in 1962 tery of prominent men, sexual impurity,
alone. I recalled our shockingly defiant and false educational ideas. (Gospel
record of drunkenness and immorality Doctrine, p. 312.)
and the fact we have become a nation Then there came to me the words of
of pleasure-seeking Sabbath breakers. that courageous American patriot J.
My thoughts turned to our homes Edgar Hoover: "Today as never before,

and families our ever-increasing divorce America has need for men and women
rate — the alarming increase in sexual who possess the moral strength and
sin — —
infidelity yes, even adultery. We courage of our forefathers modern-day —
live in a day of slick, quiet, and clever patriots, with pride in our country and
sins. It is made easy to cover up. faith in freedom. . . .

I recalled the solidarity of the homes "Too often in recent years, patriotic
of long past when family prayer, daily symbols have been shunted aside. Our
devotion, the reading of the scriptures, national heroes have been maligned,
and the singing of hymns was a com- our history distorted. Has it become a
mon practice in American homes — disgrace to pledge allegiance to our flag
practice which, I am sorry to say, has all — or sign a loyalty oath, or pay tribute
but disappeared today. to our national anthem? Is it shameful
I became saddened as I reviewed evi- to encourage our children to memorize
dence of a lessening of moral stability, the stirring words of the men of '76?
honor, integrity, love of country — Is it becoming opprobrious to state 'In
seeking for the honors of men, of some- God we Trust' when proclaiming our

thing for nothing the tendency to lean love of country?
more and more on government, the "What we desperately need today is
result of our ever-increasing demands, patriotism founded on a real under-
even though often economically, so- standing of the American ideal a dedi- —
cially, and spiritually unsound. cated belief in our principles of freedom,
There has been a nation-wide erosion and a determination to perpetuate
of individual character. America's heritage. ."
Jefferson's . .

words still ring true: "Material abun- Are we slipping from our moorings,
dance without character is the surest way becoming soft, carelessly drawing away
to destruction." I recalled how proudly from the course which has brought us
in generations past, we spoke of the such priceless blessings in days past?
"American way of life." David Lawrence, editor of the U.S.
Then, I saw thirty million door knob News y World Report has said: "The
hangers being distributed by the Boy destiny of the world is in the hands of
Sunday, April 7 Third Day

well be that our government and its such intriguing and misapplied labels
free institutions will not be preserved as social justice, equality, reform, patri-
except at the price of life and blood. . . . otism, social welfare." (Ibid., October
". the paths we are following, if
. . 18,1952, p. 2.)
we move forward thereon, will in- "The fostering of full economic free-
evitably lead us to socialism or com- dom lies at the base of our liberties.
munism, and these two are as like as Only in perpetuating economic freedom
two peas in a pod in their ultimate can our social, political, and religious
effect upon our liberties. . . . liberties be preserved. . We must not
. .

"We may observe that com-

first let complacency blind our eyes to the
munism and socialism which we shall — real dangers threatening to destroy us."
hereafter group together and dub (Ibid., March
2, 1952.)

Statism cannot live with Christianity, "Communism is antagonistic to the

nor with any religion that postulates a American way of life. Its avowed pur-
Creator such as the Declaration of Inde- pose to destroy belief in God and free
pendence recognizes. The slaves of enterprise," declared President McKay.
Statism must know no power, no au- "In education for citizenship, therefore,
thority,no source of blessing, no God, why should we not see to it that every
but the State. . . . child in America is taught the superi-
"This country faces ahead enough ority of our way of life, of our Constitu-
trouble to bring us to our knees in hum- tion and the sacredness of the freedom
ble honest prayer to God for the help of the individual. Such definite in-
which He alone can give, to save us. . . . struction is not in violation of either the
"Do not think that all these usurpa- federal or the state constitution. . . .

tions, intimidations, and impositions are "I love the Stars and Stripes, and the
being done to us through inadvertency American Way of Life. I have faith in
or mistake; the whole course is deliber- the Constitution of the United States. I
ately planned and carried out; its pur- believe that only through a truly edu-
pose is to destroy the Constitution and cated citizenry can the ideals that
our Constitutional government. . . . inspired the Founding Fathers of our
"We have largely lost the conflict so Nation be preserved and perpetuated."
far waged. But there is time to win the Then President McKay listed as one
final victory, if we can sense our danger, of the four fundamental elements in
and fight." (Deseret News, "Church such an education the "Open and force-
Section," Sept. 25, 1949, pp. 2, 15.) ful teaching of facts regarding com-
Thus spoke the ever forthright and munism as an enemy to God and to
courageous President J. Reuben Clark, Jr. individual freedom." (Ibid., March 13,
And finally, and most important of 1954, p. 3.)
all, I turned in my review to the coun- President McKay has called com-
sel of our beloved leader who has been munism the greatest threat to the
an inspiration to me since boyhood, Church today. (Press Conference, Hvde
President David O. McKay, God's Park Chapel, London, Feb. 24, 1961.)
mouthpiece on the earth today. "During Because the latest words of God's
the half of the twentieth century,"
first prophet are of extreme importance to
said President McKay, "we have traveled the Latter-day Saints, let me in conclu-
far into the soul-destroying land of sion, quote very briefly and humbly
socialism and made strange alliances from the counsel given by President
through which we have become involved McKay in the last three general
in almost continuous hot and cold wars conferences. In October 1961 Presi-
over the whole of the earth. In this dent McKay gave a stirring opening
retreat from freedom the voices of pro- address on our American way of life
testing citizens have been drowned by and the communist threat. He expressed
raucous shouts of intolerance and abuse grief and shock over a Supreme Court
from those who led the retreat and their decision and stated that the enemies to
millions of gullible youth, who are our Republican form of government are
marching merrily to their doom, carry- becoming more blatant.
ing banners on which are emblazoned At the close of the general conference

those statesmen who can interpret faith- prophet of the Lord the President of —
fully the commands of the Almighty." the Church longer than any other man —
Can our national leaders do this? Can in Church history. I speak of President
they interpret faithfully the commands J. Reuben Clark, Jr., and I quote: "There
of the Almighty? Can we as citizens of always comes a time when unpleasant
this blessed land? Can we as people of truths must be retold, even though the
the free world? Do we believe that retelling disturbs the ease and quiet of a
"righteousness exalteth a nation," that luxurious error. Today seems to be
there is safety only in righteous living? such a time. such occasions, the On
Fortunately, today we are not left in criticism, slander, misrepresentation that
darkness. We
have a guide, not only one gets, are of no consequence."
the Holy Bible, but added modern ("Some Elements of Postwar American
scriptures. And of the utmost im- Life"— 1-24-45. Address to the Utah
portance for us today, we have the coun- Woolgrowers Ass'n.)
sel and
direction of living oracles. This ". today government has touched
. .

counsel, this direction in fact the mes- our lives so intimately in all their rela-
sage of the fulness of the restored gospel tionships and all these governmental
is being carried to the world by 12,000 touchings have been so tabbed as politi-
ambassadors of the Lord Jesus Christ. cal, that we cannot discuss anything
And what this message?
is It is a relating to our material welfare and
world message utmost importance.
of the existence without laying ourselves liable
It is that God
has again spoken from to the charge that we are talking poli-
the heavens. The priesthood and au- tics." (Deseret News, "Church Section,"
thority to act in his name has been June 16, 1945, p. 4.)
restored again to men on the earth, have been preaching against Com-
following centuries of darkness. The munism for twenty years," said Presi-
fulness of the everlasting gospel is here dent Clark, over twenty years ago. "I
with all of its saving principles. To still warn you against it, and I tell you
these facts I bear humble witness. that we are drifting toward it more
The prophets of a new gospel dispen- rapidly than some of us understand,
sation have counsel for us today coun- — and I tell you that when Communism
sel on matters which concerned the comes, the ownership of the things
Founding Fathers freedom, — liberty, which are necessary to feed your fami-
righteousness which "exalteth a nation." lies is going to be taken away from us.
Do we believe and accept their coun- I tell you freedom of speech will go,
sel, or have we drifted away from freedom of the press will go, and free-
those basic concepts and principles, dom of religion will go.
without adherence to which, no nation "I have warned you against propa-
can be exalted. Elder Albert E. Bowen, ganda and hate. are in the midst We
said: "That which is right does not of the greatest exhibition of propaganda
become wrong merely because it may be that the world has ever seen, and all
deserted by the majority, neither does directed toward one end. Just do not
that which is wrong today become right believe all you read." (Conf. Rep.,
tomorrow by the chance circumstance October 3, 1941, p. 16 and Ward Teach-
that it has won the approval or been ing Message, July 1961.)
adopted by overwhelmingly predomi- "The plain and simple issue now fac-
nant numbers. Principles cannot be ing us in America is freedom or
changed by nor accommodate them- slavery. . . .

selves to the vagaries of popular senti- "Our real enemies," said President
ment." (Conf. Rep., April 4, 1941, p. 85.) Clark, "are communism and its running
As a fitting conclusion to my review mate, socialism. . . .

I sought the words of modern-day "And never forget for one moment
prophets. They have said much by way that communism and socialism are state
of counsel and warning for our guidance slavery. . . .

today. I turned to one who has been ". . . one tiling seems sure, we will not
called "a seer in the area of govern- get out of our present difficulties without
ment" and who has stood closest to the trouble, serious trouble. Indeed, it may

last April President McKay emphasized time would come when the Constitution
that "men are rapidly classifying them- would hang as it were by a thread.
selves into two groups: believers and Modern-day prophets for the last thirty
nonbelievers." Then he quoted J. years have been warning us that we
Edgar Hoover's warning: "This na- have been rapidly moving in that direc-
tion is face to face with the greatest tion. Fortunately, the Prophet Joseph
danger ever to confront it, a sinister and Smith saw the part the elders of Israel
deadly conspiracy, which can be con- would play in this crisis. Will there be
quered only by an alert, informed some of us who won't care about saving
citizenry. It is indeed appalling that the Constitution, others who will be
some members of our society continue blinded by the craftiness of men, and
to deplore and criticize those who stress some who will knowingly be working to
the communist danger. Public indiffer- destroy it? He that has ears to hear
ence to this threat is tantamount to na- and eyes to see can discern by the Spirit
tional suicide. Lethargy leads only to and through the words of God's mouth-
disaster. Knowledge of the enemy, piece that our liberties are being taken.
alertness to the danger, everyday patriot- The enemy is amongst and upon us.
ism are the brick and mortar with Zion must awake and arouse herself. We,
which we can build an impregnable the elders of Israel can be and should be,
fortress against communism." (Conf. the leaven in the loaf for freedom.
Rep., April 8, 1962, p. 125.) Years ago, President Brigham Young
In the last October [1962] conference stated, "We all believe that the Lord
President McKay said: "In these days of will fight our battles; but how? Will
uncertainty and unrest, liberty-loving he do it while we are unconcerned and
people's greatest responsibility and para- make no effort whatever for our own
mount duty is to preserve and proclaim safety when the enemy is upon us? . . .

the freedom of the individual, his rela- it would be quite as reasonable to expect
tionships to Deity, and the necessity remission of sins without baptism, as to
of obedience to the principles of the expect the Lord to fight our battles
gospel of Jesus Christ. Only thus will without our taking every precaution to
mankind find peace and happiness." be prepared to defend ourselves. The
He finished his address by urging us Lord requires us to be quite as willing to
"to support good and conscientious fight our own battles as to have Him
candidates of either party who are aware fight them for us. If we are not ready
of the great dangers inherent in com- for the enemy when he comes upon us,
munism, and who are truly dedicated to we have not lived up to the require-
the Constitution in the tradition of the ments of Him who guides the ship of
founding fathers." (Ibid., Oct. 5, 1962. Zion, or who dictates the affairs of
p. 8.) His kingdom." (Journal of Discourses
We cannot say that the prophet of 11:131.)
the Lord has not warned us. President May we as a free people face coura-
McKay has emphasized the dangers to geously the challenging responsibility
our God-given freedom again and which faces us. "All that is necessary for
again. Will we heed his counsel? Are the triumph of evil is that good men do
we in harmony? Do we appreciate his nothing." (Edmund Burke.) We
are not
repeated warnings? Every Latter-day here to sit by complacently while our
Saint has spiritual obligations in four birthright of freedom is exchanged for a
basic areas: his home, his church, his mess of socialist-communist pottage.
job, and his citizenship responsibility. I —
love this great land the Lord's
Each of these areas should receive con- latter-day base of operations. I love the
sistent attention although not necessarily free world. I love our Father's chil-
equal time. Are we doing our duty in dren everywhere.
these important fields? What about our God bless us in our stewardship. May

citizenship responsibility our obligation we be at least as valiant for freedom
to safeguard our freedom and preserve and righteousness, here and now, as we
the Constitution? were when we fought for these princi-
The Prophet Joseph Smith said the ples in the pre-existence.
Sunday, April 7 Third Day
There is no
other safe way. For the Finnish Mission. This Conference
"Righteousness exalteth a nation: . . ." will then be adjourned until two o'clock
(Prov. 14:34.) this afternoon.
I bear you this witness, in the name We express appreciation to the owners
of Jesus Christ. Amen. and managers of the many television
and radio stations who have offered their
facilities as a public service to make the
President David O. McKay:
proceedings of this Conference available
to millions throughout North America,
Elder Ezra Taft Benson of the Coun-
cil of Twelve has just been our con-
South America, Europe, and many other
cluding speaker. areas of the world.

We shall conclude this sixth session

of the 133rd Annual General Conference The Tabernacle Choir sang the hymn,
of the Church with the Tabernacle "Now Thank We All Our God."
Choir singing, "Now Thank We All Elder John D. Warner, formerly Pres-
Our God." Following the singing the ident of the Finnish Mission, offered
benediction will be offered by Elder the closing prayer.
John D. Warner, formerly President of Conference adjourned until 2:00 p.m.

The concluding session of the Con- and in English to all parts of Europe,
ference was held in the Tabernacle Africa and parts of Asia. Also, the pro-
Sunday, April 7 at 2:00 p.m., with Presi- ceedings of both sessions today will be
dent David O. McKay presiding and re-broadcast to far distant places by
conducting the services of the meeting. radio Station KSL from one o'clock to
The Tabernacle Choir was present five o'clock Monday morning.
again this afternoon and furnished the The General Priesthood Meeting,
choral music. which was the fifth session of this An-
nual Conference, was held in the Salt
President David O. McKay: Lake Tabernacle, with an overflow
meeting in the Assembly Hall. The
Members of the Church are convened proceedings of this Priesthood Meeting
in the Tabernacle on Temple Square were relayed by closed circuit wire
in Salt Lake City in the seventh and originating in the Tabernacle, to mem-
concluding conference session of the bers of the Priesthood assembled in 359
One Hundred Thirty-Third Annual locations in all parts of the United
Conference of the Church. This after- States, including Alaska, and in Canada.
noon 22 radio stations throughout the It is estimated that 50,000 men and
western part of the United States will boys participated in this meeting by
carry the proceedings of this session. direct wire. Elder Harold B. Lee was
Television stations in Utah, Idaho, and speaker in the first hour of that Priest-
Montana will also televise this conclud- hood meeting. He gave a very impres-
ing session. sive address.
The session this morning was carried We extend a cordial welcome to all
"live" from the Tabernacle by 56 tele- —
present this afternoon special guests,
vision and radio stations from Denver educational leaders, stake presidencies
to the West Coast. You will be inter- from near and far, temple presidents,
ested, also, to know that this morning's bishoprics, members of the General
session was beamed by short wave over Auxiliary Boards, members of the
facilities of Station WRUL of Boston in Church and friends listening in by radio
Spanish to the Caribbean, Mexico, and television.
Central America, and South America, The music for this session will be

rendered by the Tabernacle Choir, with God bless all of you. Sincerely your
Richard P. Condie and Jay E. Welch brother, Carroll W. Smith, President,
conducting. Alexander Schreiner is at Western Canadian Mission."
the organ. We
shall begin this service "Thousands of Canadians join with
by the Tabernacle Choir singing "Christ saints in Edmonton historic television
Is Coming Soon," with Jay E. Welch broadcast this morning. Reception
directing. The invocation will be of- perfect. All our love. LeRoy Rollins,
fered by Elder David S. Romney, Stake President." He is just next door.
formerly President of the Western Albuquerque: "Great broadcast, won-
States Mission. derful achievement."
"My heart is full of much joy as I
The Choir sang an anthem, "Christ witness this wonderful Conference on
Is Coming Soon," (Jay E. Welch con- television over Station 10 Michigan.
ducting) .
Your brother in the gospel of Jesus
Elder David S. Romney, formerly Christ for 65 years, Fred Ely White."
President of the Western States Mission, "Saints in Chicago land thrilled to be
offered the opening prayer. with all of you in spirit and love
through live TV broadcasting WGN
Channel 9 the 6th Session of Confer-
President David O. McKay: ence. Thanks for your blessings and
Theinvocation was offered by Elder inspirations. May the Lord continue
David S. Romney, formerly President to bless and preserve each of you. J.

of the Western States Mission. The Darold Johnson, First Counselor, Chi-
Tabernacle Choir will now sing "God cago Stake presidency."
So Loved The World," conducted by One more: "Televised Conference ses-
Elder Richard P. Condie. After the sion. Reception clear. Greatly appre-
singing Elder LeGrand Richards of the ciated by stake members. LaVere N.
Council of the Twelve will address us. Bagwell, President San Luis Stake."
I think before the Choir sings I will The Choir will sing "God So Loved
let you share some words from brethren The World."
who are also listening.
"Reception wonderful. President Selection by the Choir, "God So
Stephen C. Richards, Central German Loved The World."
"Receive you loud and clear. Irish
President David O. McKay:
"All Canada thanks you and rejoices Our first speaker this afternoon will
with you in its first televised session of be Elder LeGrand Richards of the Coun-
Conference. Reception wonderful. Great- cil of the Twelve. He will be followed
est missionary to ever come to Canada. by Elder Henry D. Taylor.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

As we have listened to the announce- newspaper the other night that there
ments made by our worthy President would be a possible potential listening
in the various meetings of this confer- audience of ninety million people to our
ence as to the extent to which the pro- conference. Some of us are old enough
ceedings of the conference are being to have participated from this pulpit
broadcast into the various missions and when we did not even have a public
nations of the earth, we are impressed address system, when some of the
with the privilege we have of living in brethren with weak voices could hardly
this day and age when the Lord is be heard under the gallery. Just think
doing so much to cut his work short in of the difference!
righteousness. We
were told in the Well, there are other developments in
Sunday, April 7 Third Day
this world in the day in which we are God should receive it, and that
living that are even more important than individual would be none other than a
these physical advancements, and that prophet of God. As Amos said:
is the spiritual advancement that has "Surely the Lord God will do nothing,
come through the restoration of the but he revealeth his secret unto his
gospel in our day, the committing to servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7.)
this earth, according to the words of Then you remember that when John
Isaiah, of "a marvellous work and a the Revelator was banished upon the
wonder." (Isa. 29:14.) The Lord said he Isle ofPatmos, the Lord sent his angel
would set his hand to do it in our time. who showed John the whole history of
There is a reported statement made the world from the time there was war
by one of our nationally well-known in heaven and a third of the hosts of
commentators a few years ago in which heaven were cast out, up to the final
he said that he had been asked what winding up scenes when there should
message could be broadcast to the world be a new heaven and a new earth. He
that would be considered to be of saw the dead, small and great, stand
greater importance than any other. He before God, and they were judged ac-
said that after giving the matter con- cording to the things that were written
sideration he decided that to be able in the books, according to their works.
to say to the world that a man who had When the angel had showed John
lived here upon this earth and had died allthese things, he fell down to worship
had returned again with a message from before the feet of the angel who said:
God would be the greatest message that ". .See thou do it not: for I am thy

could be broadcast to the world. fellowservant, and of thy brethren the

I believe that, and that is the message
prophets, and of them which keep the
of this Church, and that is why we are sayings of this book: worship God."
a great missionary Church. If we have (Rev. 22:9.)
a message to broadcast to the world, it
should be something that the world is
He was but a fellowservant of the
brethren of the prophets, which means
not already in possession of, or else there
he was an individual who had lived
would be no reason for the Lord sending
upon this earth and was sent back with
one back to this earth who had already
a message from God.
lived upon the earth and died in order
that he might bring back a message. In that same sense the Lord sent
As you brethren and sisters know, Moroni back. He did notcome of his
that messenger that refer to now was
I own accord. If Moroni'scoming and
Moroni, who lived upon this land of what he brought were recorded in the
America as a prophet of God some four Bible, the Christian world would be
hundred years after the birth of the willing to accept it, but because it comes
Savior, who was the custodian of the from a new prophet in our day and time,
records that had been kept of a people they are slow as they were in the days
over a thousand year period; and he of the Savior in accepting the words of
hid them away, according to the com- the living prophets.
mand of the Lord and brought those One most tangible evidences
of the
records back to the earth in this day and that actually did come and
time and delivered them to the Prophet visit the is the Book of
Prophet Joseph
Joseph Smith. Mormon and its translation and what
The world doesn't change much. His- it has contributed to the world. As I
tory repeats itself. Jesus said in his day understand the Book of Mormon and —
that they decorated the graves of the by the way, I think Brother Kimball
dead prophets, but they rejected the liv- gave us a marvelous description of it in
ing prophets. Wehave a precedent in the his talk yesterday, and what it has to
Bible of a man who had lived upon the —
contribute to the world as I think of
earth and died and returned again with that, I think it is an evidence that proves
a message from God, and when a man that the story told by Joseph Smith that
returns with a message from God, he has Moroni did bring the plates is a tangi-
to deliver that message to someone whom ble evidence that the world has to

reckon with in order to be able to ac- this world outside of this Church who
count for that book. can tellwhere that new land is and can
We are told in the scriptures
remember the words of Jesus on the way
—you give an account of how the Lord ful-
filled the promises unto Joseph that he
to Emmaus as he talked with his dis- would be blessed in that land, even
ciples. He said: "O fools, and slow of above the blessings of his fathers. Who
heart to believe all that the prophets were his fathers? Abraham, Isaac, and
have spoken": (Luke 24:25.) And then Jacob, and yet Moses promised Joseph
beginning with Moses and the prophets, blessings even above the blessings of
he showed them how in all things the his own fathers.
prophets had testified of him. Peter Why do we know about it? Because
tells us he opened their understanding the Book of Mormon tells us how the
that they might understand the scrip- Lord led a group out of Jerusalem into
tures (Ibid., 24:45) and you remember this land of America who were descend-
what Peter said: ants of Joseph, and how he fulfilled his
"We have also a more sure word of promise and commanded that a record
prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye should be kept. It seems incredible to
take heed, as unto a light that shineth think of the promises made to Joseph
in a dark place, until the day dawn, that the Lord would not have made
and the day star arise in your hearts: provision that a record should have been
"Knowing this first, that no prophecy kept of the fulfilment of those promises,
of the scripture is of any private inter- but that he did, and that record is the
pretation. Book of Mormon.
"For the prophecy came not in old There are other passages that also in-
time by the will of man: but holy men dicate the value of the Book of Mormon.
of God spake as they were moved by Just to illustrate what I have in mind.
the Holy Ghost." (2 Peter 1:19-21.) I had the privilege of talking to a group
As I understand the Book of Mormon of ministers just a few years ago by
and its teachings and the prophecies assignment from President McKay, and
of the Bible, I think there are prophe- I quoted some of these scriptures. I
cies in the Bible that no man in our asked them if they knew why the verses
day can explain properly and intelli- were in the Bible and if they knew of
gently without the information con- any Church in the world that did know
tained in the Book of Mormon. This is a why they were in the Bible, and the
new witness from God for our day, for next record that I quoted was the one
the conversion of the Jew and the gentile where Jesus said:
that Jesus is the Christ, the very Eternal "And other sheep I have, which are
God, manifesting himself unto all na- not of this fold: them also I must bring,
tions. (See Book of Mormon title page.) and they shall hear my voice; and there
So in the Book of Mormon we have shall be one fold, and one shepherd."
information that gives us to understand (John 10:16.)
statements in the Bible which we could I asked those men if they knew any-
not understand without the information thing about those other sheep or the
contained in the Book of Mormon. I fulfilment of the promise of the Lord
will give you a few illustrations of what that he would visit them, and they
I mean. would hear his voice, and there should
When Moses gave a blessing to each be one fold and one shepherd. None
of the twelve sons of Israel, he gave of them could tell, and so I just turned
Joseph a blessing of a new land in the to the Book of Mormon and showed
utmost bounds of the everlasting hills, them that when Jesus, following his
and in describing that land, Moses used crucifixion and resurrection and ascen-
the word "precious" five times in just a sion, visited his people here in the
few verses in the Bible, telling what a land of America, he told them they
marvelous land the Lord had for Joseph, were the other sheep of whom
he spoke
and he would be separated from his to his disciples in Jerusalem, and he
brethren. (Deut. 33:13-17.) said that never at any time did the
I do not believe there is anyone in Lord command him that he should tell
Sunday, April 7 Third Day

his disciples in Jerusalem who the other the Gentiles; yea, after the Lord God
sheep were; only that he had other shall have camped against them round
sheep that were not of that fold, and about, and shall have laid siege against
them should he visit. He told them them with a mount, and raised forts
they were the other sheep. No one can against them; and after they shall have
answer intelligently that statement in been brought down low in the dust,
John 10:16 without the knowledge that even that they are not, yet the words
the Book of Mormon has brought to us. of the righteous shall be written, and
Ezekiel was commanded by the Lord the prayers of the faithful shall be
that two records should be kept, one heard, and all those who have dwindled
of Judah and his followers, the house in unbelief shall not be forgotten.
of Israel; another for Joseph and his "For those who shall be destroyed shall
followers, the house of Israel; and that speak unto them out of the ground, and
in the days of their children, meaning their speech shall be low out of the
coming generations, he would bring dust, and their voice shall be as one that
these two records together, and he would hath a familiar spirit; for the Lord God
make them one in his hand. I asked will give unto him power that he may
these ministers if they knew anything whisper concerning them, even as it
about that record, and they did not. were out of the ground, and their speech
I said, "Well, we know all about it," shall whisper out of the dust.
and then I showed them that that was "For thus saith the Lord God: They
the Book of Mormon the Lord promised. shall write the things which shall be
No man can believe the Bible with- done among them, and they shall be
out knowing there is a companion record written and sealed up in a book, and
that the Lord of heaven said he would those who have dwindled in unbelief
bring forth and join it with the record of shall not have them, for they seek to
Judah, which is the Bible that has re- destroy the things of God." (2 Nephi
mained with us, and he would make 26:15-17.)
them one in his hand. (Ezekiel 37:15-20.) How could Joseph Smith have known
You remember the words of Isaiah these things when the Book of Mormon
when he said: was published even before this Church
"Woe to Ariel, to Ariel, the city was organized, except for the fact that
where David dwelt! add ye year to the Book of Mormon is the promised
year; let them kill sacrifices. record that God said he would bring
"Yet I will distress Ariel, and there forth and join to the record of Judah.
shall be heaviness and sorrow: and it How could anyone understand this
shall be unto me as Ariel." (Isa. 29:1-2.) prophecy of Isaiah without the explana-
If you will read that thoughtfully, tion contained in the Book of Mormon.
you will know that he not only saw the There are more prophecies of the
destruction of Jerusalem, but he saw the scriptures that we could not understand
destruction of another great center like without the revelations of the Lord that
unto Jerusalem. Then he adds: have come to us in the Book of Mormon.
"And thou shalt be brought down, The Book of Mormon stands, after one
and shalt speak out of the ground, and hundred and thirty years, without any
thy speech shall be low out of the dust, criticism as to its truth. Just think of a
and thy voice shall be, as of one that book of over five hundred pages being
hath a familiar spirit, out of the printed with a promise in it that when
ground, and thy speech shall whisper that book should come that if the per-
out of the dust." (Ibid., 29:4.) son receiving it would ask God, the
Nobody in this world could explain Eternal Father, in the name of Jesus
that intelligently or know what people Christ, that God would manifest the
Isaiah saw like unto Jerusalem without truth of it unto him by the power of
the Book of Mormon. Here is the the Holy Ghost. (Moroni 10:4.)
explanation in the Book of Mormon. Thousands and hundreds of thousands
"After my
seed and the seed of my have borne testimony that God has re-
brethren shall have dwindled in un- vealed the truth of that book to them,
belief, and shall have been smitten by and so it has been a tangible evidence

that this messenger sent of God really I bear you my witness that I know
came with a message from God. that book is true. Sister Richards and
When I was in the mission field, I I read it last year as the priesthood were

read an article that appeared under the asked to do, and we would keep saying
Associated Press of a man who came to as we would read, "Isn't that wonder-
California by the name of William A. ful? Isn't that wonderful? How
Kennedy from Lima, Peru. He was Joseph Smith at his age have written
gathering money to set up an institute anything like that except by the in-
or college there to study the history of spiration of the Almighty?"
the early inhabitants of the land of It reminded us of when we attended
South America, including the Mayan a course given by Dr. Widtsoe here
and the Inca civilizations, and he had some time ago in the Barratt Hall on
the promise when matched by the small the Doctrine and Covenants. He had
Americas of some thirty million dollars, Sister Inez Witbeck read. He would
and President Hoover had agreed to say, "Now read section so-and-so," and
serve on that board. I never heard of then he would pause and say, "Now,
what became of it, but the statement you college professors and you college
went further to say that within ten years students, could you write anything like
that amount would increase to seventy that?" He would say, "I wish I could,"
million dollars. and there he had been president of two
Just think of their being willing to universities, but the things of God
spend seventy million dollars to learn are understood by the Spirit of God,
something of the history of the early and the testimony of those three
inhabitants of America, when we could witnesses that an angel of God came
give them a copy of the Book of Mor- down from heaven and showed them
mon for fifty cents, and if they did not the plates with the engravings there-
have the fifty cents, we would give it to on, and bore testimony that it was by
them for nothing, because it would not the power of God, is a testimony to all
only tell about the artifacts they are the world.
finding as they dig into the depths of That is my testimony to you here
the earth, but it contains the words of today, and I pray God to bless us all
the holy prophets and the promise of the that we may realize what we have by
Lord to this land, which is a land choice the opening of the heavens and the
above all other lands, the promise that restoration of the gospel, and leave you
the Christ should be the God of this my blessing in the name of the Lord,
land, that he would fight the battles of Jesus Christ. Amen.
this land, that the New Jerusalem would
be built upon this land, and they will President David O. McKay:
not get that when they will have spent
their seventy million dollars. Wehave just listened to Elder Le-
Just think of what the Lord has given Grand Richards of the Council of the
us in this record to show us the things Twelve. Elder Henry D. Taylor,
that he has in mind to accomplish. We Assistant to the Twelve, will now speak
have many other testimonies of men as to us. He will be followed by Elder
to the value of the Book of Mormon. Franklin D. Richards.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

When the Psalmist was meditating upon "What is man, that thou are mindful
the beauties of creation, he exclaimed of him? and the son of man, that thou
with awe and amazement: visitest him?
"When I consider thy heavens, the "For thou hast made him a little
work of thy fingers, the moon and the lower than the angels, and hast crowned
stars, which thou hast ordained; him with glory and honour.
Sunday, April 7 Third Day

"Thou madest him to have dominion Independence proclaims that every citi-
over the works of thy hands; thou hast zen of this glorious country is entitled
put all things under his feet": (Psalm to enjoy "life, liberty, and the pursuit
8:3-6.) of happiness."
How comforting it is to note the The attainment of happiness has be-
esteem and concern the Lord has for come a desired goal of most individuals;
his children. but there are those who ofttimes mistake
What is man? As Latter-day Saints pleasure for happiness, not realizing that
we believe that man is the spiritual off- pleasure can be of a temporary or
spring of God our Heavenly Father, passing nature only, while happiness and
created in his image and after his like- joy are permanent and enduring.
ness. We further believe that man once An ancient prophet declared: "Adam
dwelt in the presence of deity and came fell that men might be; and men are,
from a heavenly home to this earth. that they might have joy." (2 Nephi
The poet Wordsworth, in a flash of 2:25.)
inspiration, referred to this transition As man travels down the pathway of
when he penned these beautiful lines: this mortal life, trusting that his course
will be such as to produce joy and
"Our birth is but a sleep and a for- happiness, he becomes aware of many
getting: obstacles in the road that interfere with
The Soul that rises with us, our life's his progress. The Lord designed this
Star, to be so, for he did not intend that this
Hath had elsewhere its setting, earthly existence should be easy. Adam
And cometh from afar: was advised: ". . . cursed is the ground
Not in entire forgetfulness, for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of
And not in utter nakedness, it all the days of thy life;

But trailing clouds of glory do we come "Thorns also and thistles shall it
From God, who is our home": bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat
of the herb of the field.
In that far distant past when plans "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou
for the creation of the earth were dis- eat bread " (Gen. 3:17-19.)
cussed, it was proposed that those who The pathway was to be strewn with
would be privileged to come here to temptations and trials. Man was also
inhabit the earth must be tested and to know good and evil and be allowed
tried to prove whether they would do his free agency in choosing between the
all things that the Lord would command two. He was to learn the law of op-
them to do. The faithful were to ". . . posites: that there is sorrow as there is
have glory added upon their heads for joy, pain as contrasted to pleasure,
ever and ever." (See Abraham 3:25-26.) sickness as opposed to health; he was
It is our conviction that we were to taste the bitter as well as the sweet.
present at that great council and had a From this testing process would come
voice in the decisions that were made. benefits, for the Lord has promised
The Lord once asked the Prophet Job ". . after much tribulation come the

some pertinent questions pertaining to blessings." The poet Kilmer has ex-
those important events, when he in- pressed the same thought in the words:
quired: "Where wast thou when I laid
the foundations of the earth? . ." .
"They say that life is a highway,
"When the morning stars sang to- And its milestones are the years;
gether, and all the sons of God shouted And now and then there is a toll gate,
for joy?" (Job 38:4, 7.) Where you buy your way with your
Because of faithfulness in that former tears.

estate, we have been born into this

"It's a rough road and a steep road,
world, blessed with mortal bodies which
And it stretches broad and far,
house eternal spirits. Here we have op-
But at last it leads to a golden town
portunities to grow, progress, and gain
Where the golden houses are."
experience in mortal and earthly things.
The divinely inspired Declaration of Perhaps during our lives we have


been, or will be, required to gaze on the all ye that labour and are heavy laden,
face of a loved one for the last time in and I will give you rest.
mortality. In this hour of sorrow, the "Take my yoke upon you and learn of
following appropriate words of the poet me; for I am meek and lowly in heart:
might well come as a message of com- and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
fort to us: "For my yoke is easy, and my burden
is light." (Matt. 11:28-30.)
"Be still, sad heart! and cease repining; As we go to the house of worship each
Behind the clouds is the sun still shin- Sabbath day and partake of the Sacra-
ing: ment, we covenant with our Heavenly
Thy fate is the common fate of all: Father that we will take upon us the
Into each life some rain must fall, name of the Lord and Savior Jesus
Some days must be dark and dreary." Christ, and by remembering him and
("The Rainy Day" —Longfellow) keeping his commandments, we may al-
ways have his Spirit to be with us.
The Savior had his dark and dreary Keeping the commandments and liv-
days, and in Gethsemane's garden he ing in harmony with the teachings of
suffered untold agony as he contem- the Master will result in assurances of a
plated the events that confronted him righteous life, and a righteous life will
while fulfilling his exalted mission. bring joy and happiness to our souls.
We, too, will have our dark and Then, even though "into each life some
dreary days in our search for that which rain must fall," into each life also will
brings joy and happiness. But always come peace and contentment.
there is the assurance and promise that From what has been said, my dear
"every cloud has its silver lining." brothers and sisters, we can see how
interested in and concerned about life
As the Latter-day Saints toiled west-
people of every age and clime have
ward across the trackless plains, leading
been. They have struggled to analyze
from Nauvoo to the valleys here in the
it, to understand it, to evaluate it. But
mountains, they suffered and endured
its full meaning and purpose and dura-
many privations and hardships, but they
tion cannot be comprehended except
were comforted and cheered as they
through the gospel of our Lord Jesus
sang at the close of the day these in-
Christ. With the gospel to comfort, to
spiring words:
assist, to inspire us, let us meet life
head on; courageously, sincerely, and
"Why should we mourn or think our
prayerfully, meet its joys, its sorrows, its
lot is hard?
rains and sunshine with full determina-
'Tis not so; all is right!
tion to keep all of God's commandments,
Why should we think to earn a great which by so doing we know will bring
us back into his presence to partake of
If we now shun the fight?
that eternal joy he has in store for all
his faithful children, for which I hum-
"Gird up your loins, fresh courage take,
bly pray, bearing you my testimony that
Our God will never us forsake.
I know that God lives, that the gospel is
And soon we'll have this truth to tell
true, in the name of the Lord Jesus
All is well! All is well!"
Christ. Amen.
("Come, Come, Ye Saints," William
President David O. McKay:
The gospel of Jesus Christ offers peace He to whom you have just listened
and comfort in times of illness, trouble, is Elder Henry D. Taylor, Assistant to
and sorrow. The Redeemer comforted the Twelve. Elder Franklin D. Rich-
his listeners with this beautiful and ards, Assistant to the Twelve, will now
assuring admonition: "Come unto me, address us.
Sunday, April 7 Third Day


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My dear brothers and sisters: I pray that It is my

great privilege to bear wit-
the Spirit of the Lord will be with me ness humbly that Jesus is the Christ,
as I speak to you today. the only begotten of the Father in the
Throughout history the Lord has re- flesh, our Redeemer and Savior, and
vealed his will to mankind through his the only name under heaven given
prophets. In 1831 in a revelation given among men whereby we may be saved.
to the Prophet Joseph Smith, the Lord A away from the Savior's
promised that the fulness of his gospel teachings was predicted, and I testify
would be restored and that the voice that this did occur. This great apostasy
of warning should be unto all people; made necessary the restoration of the
that his Church would be established gospel plan and the authority to act in
and that power would be given to his the name of God.
servants to bring it forth out of ob- When Joseph Smith, the boy Prophet,
scurity and out of darkness; that his went into the woods in the spring of
disciples should go forth and that none 1820 and asked God, "Which of all the

should stay them all of this to bring to sects is right and which shall I join?"
pass the immortality and eternal life of he said, "I was answered that I must
man which is the work and glory of join none of them, for they were all
God. (See D&C
I.) —
wrong that they teach for doctrine the
In order for man to obtain eternal commandments of men, having a form
life and exaltation in God's kingdom, of godliness but they deny the power
he must accept the gospel of Jesus thereof." (See Joseph Smith 2:18-19.)
Christ. This is an eternal principle. This apostasy necessitated the estab-
Thus we recognize that the gospel plan lishment of The Church of Jesus Christ
has been and is for all of God's of Latter-day Saints, and Joseph Smith
children. was selected to be the prophet through
However, many Christians believe whom the Lord re-established his
that the gospel plan dates only from the Church.
Savior's ministry in the flesh, but we
The Lord set April 6, 1830, as the date
know that the gospel was understood that his Church should be organized on
by the which were with our
Father in
heaven before the world was
this earth —
just 133 years ago yesterday.
It was organized by six persons at the
formed or organized. home of Peter Whitmer, Sen., in upper
Then on this earth the gospel was New York
state. The members began
taught to Father Adam, and he taught message with their friends
to share their
the Lord's commandments to his chil- and their neighbors, and the Church
dren. Enoch understood the gospel, enjoyed rapid growth.
and through faithfulness the Saints of At the same place the next Sunday,
the city of Enoch were translated.
Oliver Cowdery commenced the public
Other great men Noah,
including ministry of the Church by giving the
Melchizedek, Abraham, and Moses un- first gospel sermon in a public meet-
derstood the gospel plan and taught it ing called for that purpose. After the
to ancient Israel. meeting, six were baptized, and seven
John the Baptist opened the Dispen- more were baptized a week later.
sation of the Meridian of Time by About thirty members of the Church
preaching in the wilderness, and he participated in the first conference held
told of the coming of our Lord and about sixty days later on June 9, 1830.
Savior Jesus Christ. (DHC 1, 77, 84.) Eleven more were
Through the personal ministry of baptized after that conference. The
Jesus and his apostles, the gospel was Prophet Joseph had been told that the
taught and The Church of Jesus Christ voice of warning should be unto all
established on the earth. people by the mouths of the Lord's

disciples and that none should stay which will be a great blessing to the
them. saints and have sown in the hearts of
Oliver Cowdery, Parley P. Pratt, many thousands the seeds of eternal
Peter Whitmer, Jun., and others were truth, which shall bring forth fruit to
sent out as missionaries in the fall of the honor and glory of God, and yet we
1830. They met Sidney Rigdon in have lacked nothing to eat, drink or
Ohio, and after a brief but prayerful —
wear in all these things I acknowledge
investigation, Sidney Rigdon received a the hand of God."
testimony that Joseph Smith was a Thus, in such beginnings, the gospel
prophet of God, and that the authority message was being taken to the peoples
to act in the name of God had been of the earth, and prophecy fulfilled.
restored. He asked to be baptized and Approximately ninety years later at
was baptized. Shortly thereafter, he the centennial conference held in Salt
held a group meeting in which he Lake City on April 6, 1930, President
warned his neighbors and bore his testi- Heber J. Grant reported that The
mony that the gospel had been restored. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
In the Kirtland area at this time Saints had a living membership of
several group meetings were held, and 700,000 souls, 104 stakes, twenty-nine
seventeen more were baptized. missions, and 2,226 missionaries. Con-
Yes, Joseph Smith was indeed one of vert baptisms in 1929 amounted to
the great prophets of all time and 6,511.
through him the Lord was performing — —
And now today as in earlier days,
"A great and marvelous work among . . . missionaries are leaving their families,
the children of men." (D&C 11:1.) comfortable homes, and worldly inter-
I am sure he remembered the words ests behind and are going forth with the
of the Savior, "He that loveth father same dedication to build the kingdom
or mother more than me is not worthy of God. They also recall the promise
of me: and he that loveth son or daugh- of the Savior —
". .There is no man

ter more than me is not worthy of me." that hath left house, or parents, or
(Matt. 10:37.) brethren, or wife, or children, for the
Then in February 1835, in accordance kingdom of God's sake,
with divine revelation, the Quorum of "Who shall not receive manifold
the Twelve were called. more in this present time, and in the
The apostles are special witnesses of world to come life everlasting." (Luke
Christ and hold the keys of the foreign 18:29-30.)
ministry of the Church. Accordingly, Recently it was reported that the liv-
seven of the Twelve set out for England ing membership of the Church now
in the late summer of 1839 without totals two million souls, the 374th stake
purse or scrip, and leaving their families has been organized, and there are now
destitute of many of the comforts of life. seventy-one missions and approximately
About a year later, in the spring of 12,000 missionaries. As instruments in
1841, just before leaving for home, the hands of the Lord in 1962, the mis-
Brigham Young wrote in his journal, "It sionaries taught and baptized 115,834
truly seemed a miracle to look upon the souls. In the hearts of millions more
contrast between our landing and de- the seeds were sown which will bring
parting from Liverpool. We
landed in forth a great harvest in the years ahead.
the spring of 1840 as strangers in a To you who are not members but
strange land and penniless. But through would like to know more about the
the mercy of God we had gained many Church, we invite you to attend one
friends, established churches in almost of our church services or ask a mem-
every noted town and city in the King- ber to have the missionaries discuss the
dom of Great Britain, baptized between doctrine of the Church with you or
seven and eight thousand souls, printed communicate with the missionaries or
5,000 Books of Mormon, 2,500 volumes the Church directly.
of the Millennial Star and 50,000 tracts The Savior's injunction to "feed my
and emigrated to Zion 1,000 souls, es- sheep" has been and is being carried out.
tablished a permanent shipping agency Sister Richards and I have recently
Sunday, April 7 Third Day

returned from the missions on the east I love and support our great prophet.
coast, and we bring greetings from the He is indeed one of the great mission-
missionaries to their families and aries of all time.
friends. There are now twenty stakes Yes, the purposes of the Lord are
on the east coast with over 2,000 mis- being accomplished today, and prophecy
sionaries in the eight missions. The field is being fulfilled. The Spirit of the
is white and is being harvested there. Lord is being poured out on our Father's
Convert baptisms continue to increase. children, and the gospel is rolling forth
Remember the Lord has said, ". . . in order to bring to pass the immortality
the voice of warning shall be unto all and eternal life of man.
people, by the mouths of my dis- May the kingdom of God continue to
ciples, . . . go forth that the kingdom of heaven
"And they shall go forth and none may come, I pray in the name of Jesus
shall stay them, . .
." (D&G 1:4-5.) Christ. Amen.
missionaries are going forth and
none shall stay them. Our proselyting President David O. McKay:
program based upon, "every member
sharing the gospel with his neighbor." Elder Franklin D. Richards, Assistant
Our Prophet David O. McKay has to the Twelve, has just addressed us.
counseled, "Every member a mission- The Choir and congregation will now
ary." As a result today, many thousands sing "Come, O Thou King Of Kings,"
of members are responding by living conducted by Elder Jay E. Welch.
exemplary lives; by asking the golden After the singing Elder Bernard P.
questions; by holding group meetings Brockbank will come forward.
in their homes; and by taking their
friends and neighbors with them to at-
tend church services and activities. This
The congregation joined with the
Tabernacle Choir in singing the hymn,
type of sharing is "Every Member a
Missionary" in action.
"Come, O Thou King Of Kings," with
At this conference several stake presi- Jay E. Welch conducting.
dents and bishops have told me of the
group meetings they are holding in their President David O. McKay:
homes and the convert baptisms that
are resulting therefrom. As we leaders Elder Bernard P. Brockbank, Assistant
set the pattern, every member will be to the Twelve, will now address us.
a missionary. And each member should He will be followed by Elder Gordon
be mindful of his responsibilities and B. Hinckley of the Council of the
opportunities to spread the gospel. Twelve.


Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles

Brothers and sisters, it is a humbling people. I am going to take just a mo-

and frightening experience to be in this ment and reflect on one or two of the
and one of great responsibility.
position simple important teachings of Jesus
We have so many interesting things Christ.
happen to us these days that we little In preaching to the missionaries many
realize some of the great circumstances times I have said that these command-
we find ourselves in. ments are the test of a missionary. I
As I was
reflecting just a moment believe also they are the test of a Saint.
ago, I think two of the greatest mission- The Savior had the ability to put many
aries that the world has ever known volumes and many sermons into few
are right here today our Prophet David — words, and we find ourselves taking
O. McKay and our Tabernacle Choir. inventory when we read into the depth
It is good to be in the presence of good of his great counsel. These command-

ments have been mentioned many times. rather severe and scolding, but no, he
You are well-acquainted with them. practised what he preached. "Father in
Jesus said, "But I say unto you, Love heaven, forgive them." (See Luke 23:34.)
your enemies." That's not just so many He prayed for those who persecuted
words, you know, that's a responsibility him and bitterly abused him.
placed on a Saint. Quite often if we I'm going to turn over a page to
have an enemy, "Well, if he doesn't hurry, in this same great sermon. "Enter
like me I don't like him. I can get ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the
along without him." There is no gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth
Christianity in this attitude. When to destruction, and many there be
Christianity is shown, it's when the which go in thereat": (Matt. 7:13.)
individual says, "Well, I love you no It's real wide, the gate's wide, and there
matter how you act or feel toward me." is a great multitude headed for it and

When one does this, the tide of evil, the many there be which go in thereat.
tide of degeneration is stopped, love These are the words of the Savior. ". . .
takes the place of enmity. Wouldn't strait is the gate, and narrow is the way,
it be great if we were all Christians with which leadeth unto life, and few there
love for all in our hearts; there would be that find it." (Ibid., 7:14.) Not many
be no enmity. will find the gate to heaven.
"Bless them that curse you." Have "Beware of false prophets, which come
you ever had someone curse you, and to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly
it made you angry, so you cursed them they are ravening wolves." (Ibid., 7:15.)
back? You showed them how to curse. A false prophet will teach false doctrine.
Satan enjoys that; there's no Christianity Any false teacher is in that category.
in cursing back. There's a responsibility Now the Savior gives us many won-
if someone curses you, and in this derful keys here. "Ye shall know them
Church it is not so unusual to be cursed by their fruits. Do men gather grapes
or spoken against. "Bless them that of thorns, or figs of thistles?" (Ibid.,
curse you," a responsibility as a Chris- 7:16.) What if you saw figs growing
tian —
a follower of Jesus Christ. We on a thistle? You'd know they were
must bless them that curse us. Wouldn't out of place, wouldn't you? Grapes
it be great if you would visit and bless growing on thorns, it's just as obvious
them. "God bless you, I want you to and just as easy to tell a true prophet
know you have my blessings." Can you as it is to tell that figs are out of place
see the tide of Christianity turning back on a thistle bush.
the evil trend of cursing among Well, a God without body, parts, or
God's children. passions, uncreate — and the Prophet
It's not too easy to be a Christian. Joseph Smith introducing back again a
I'm only on one verse here of the God with body, parts, and passions.
many verses. There are
Savior's four Man saying the Godhead is three in
commandments in one verse. (See —
one and one in three most difficult to
Matt. 5:44.) explain and understand. Joseph Smith
"Do good to them that hate you." restoring the knowledge of three separ-
Do we always practise this command- ate Personages. You know the agnostic
ment? Well, it is not easy. "And pray could say they are both wrong, but it
for them that despitefully use you, and is obvious they are not both right. It's
persecute you." Did the Savior practise as obvious as a fig on a thistle that one
this? You know, to be a Christian, we is opposite the other.
must follow the Savior. It is easy to Jesus had Twelve Apostles many —
hide behind Christianity, but it is not churches do not have apostles. Our
easy to be a Christian. Let's see whether message is not a difficult one to deliver
the Savior practised what he taught. to the world as soon as we can prepare
I'm not going to take time because the world for it. Then the Lord clari-
the time is very short, but remember fies this, "Even so every good tree
when the Savior was hanging on the bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt
cross, his accusers, his murderers at his tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
feet; he could have said something "A good tree cannot bring forth evil
Sunday, April 7 Third Day

fruit,neither can a corrupt tree bring You'd bring your soul in. This is just a
forth good fruit." {Ibid., 7:17-18.) little way for the Lord to test and tell
President McKay does not build the whether we love our neighbor as our-
kingdom of Satan, he builds the king- selves. We'd do pretty nearly anything
dom of God. He teaches the same to save and preserve our own lives.
gospel and doctrines that Jesus Christ I bear witness that God lives, that
and the apostles taught. David O. McKay is his prophet and
Our prophet has asked us all to be mouthpiece. It is good to be in your

missionaries every member a mission- presence. May the Lord bless each one,
ary. That's the way to build this I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.
Church. Wouldn't it be great if all two Amen.
million each brought one soul into the
Church. How many of you brought President David O. McKay:
one new member into the Church last
year? The prophet asked us to do it Elder Bernard P. Brockbank, one of
under the inspiration of the Lord be- the Assistants to the Twelve, has just
cause the Lord knows how to build spoken to us. He is just recently from
his Church. Scotland, that's why he was so brief.
What if it meant your life if you did Elder Gordon B. Hinckley of the
not bring a soul in this coming year? Council of the Twelve will now ad-
You'd have him or her, wouldn't you? dress us.


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

My beloved associates in the work of are young men, many of them yet in
the Lord. Within the hour all who are their teens. News stories indicate that
assembled here will be journeying to one cannot safely walk the streets of
their homes. I am reminded in this some of our proudest cities. This is
thought of an experience at a newsstand not only in the United States; the same
the other day. I walked about observing problem is also felt across the world.
the magazines. I was intrigued by the I quote from the interview with
number of those devoted to the restyling Chief Schrotel:
and beautification of our homes. Done "Q. Are you saying that parents are
in four-color printing on good paper, to blame, really, for juvenile delin-
their titles alone wereenough to excite quency?"
the imagination in the direction of im- "A. I'd have to say that there is a
provement, and their contents was a woeful need today for greater strength
most compelling display of suggestions in the home, greater respect for parents
on how to dress up the old place or as the authority symbol, and more pa-
plan for a new one. rental guidance."
Then my eyes drifted to the news I find only one interpretation of this
magazines. Boldly printed on the cover — serious failure in the homes of the
of one of these was a shocking question: people. There is failure in cultivating
"Will city streets ever be safe again?" those virtues which lead to respect for
Inside I read a provocative interview law, respect for associates, even respect
between the editors of the magazine for self.
and the president of the International Other symptoms, less dramatic, but
Association of Chiefs of Police, Stanley equally far-reaching in their conse-
R. Schrotel of Cincinnati. The inter- quences, are found in the rising toll of
view describes what we have read so domestic tragedies, the broken homes,

frequently of late the rising tide of the children cast adrift from the ties
assault, robbery, and other serious that should give security and stability
crimes inflicted on unsuspecting people to their lives. Add to this the cases of
by criminals, who, for the most part, warped integrity, of malfeasance, of


dereliction of duty, and we have a father, mother, and children. This,

sordid and miserable picture. more than heavy carpets, more than
Paul of old declared to Timothy: lovely draperies, more than cleverly
"This know also, that in the last days balanced color schemes, is the thing
perilous times shall come." He said that will make for better and more
nothing of atomic bombs or inter- beautiful homes.
continental missiles or death-dealing There is something in the very pos-
submarines. ture of kneeling that contradicts the
Rather, they shall be perilous be- attitudes described by Paul: proud, ". . .

cause ". men shall be lovers of their

. . heady, highminded." {Ibid., 3:4.)
own selves, blasphemers, disobedient
. . . There is something in the very prac-
to parents, unthankful, . . . tice of father and mother and children
"Without natural affection, . . . kneeling together that evaporates others
despisers of those that are good, ." . . of those qualities he described: ". dis- . .

(2 Timothy 3:1-3.) obedient to parents, . . .

The police chief lists some of the "Without natural affeotion, ." . .

things he would do to curb this dis- (Ibid., 3:2-3.)

tressing problem. He includes stricter There something in the act of ad-
law enforcement and more prison dressing the Deity that offsets a
sentences. I would not presume to tendency toward blasphemy and toward
question his formula as an expediency, becoming lovers of pleasure more than
but I think it is not a basic and enduring lovers of God.
solution. The tide will be turned only
The inclination to be unholy, as
as the principles governing the behavior
Paul described it, to be unthankful, is
of the people are altered. erased as together the family thank the
Honesty, character, integrity do not Lord for life and peace and all they
come of or police action.
Only as we
build back into the fiber of
our which are the es-
lives the virtues
The scripture declares: "Thou shalt
sence of true civilization will the pattern
thank the Lord thy God in all things."
of our times change. That building
(D&C 59:7.) And again: ". . in noth-

process must begin in the homes of the

ing doth man offend God, or against
none ishis wrath kindled, save those
people. It must begin with recognition
of God as our Eternal Father, of our
who confess not his hand. . ." .

(Ibid., 59:21.)
relationship to him as his children,
with communication in with him In remembering together before the
recognition of his sovereign position, Lord the poor, the needy, and the op-
and in supplication for his guidance in pressed, there is developed, uncon-
our affairs. sciously but realistically, a love for
Prayer, family prayer in the homes of others above self, a respect for others, a
this and other lands, is one of the desire to serve the needs of others.
simple medicines that would check the One cannot ask God to help a neighbor
dread disease that has eroded the fiber in distress without feeling motivated to
of our character. It is as simple as do something oneself toward helping
sunshine and would be as effective in that neighbor. What miracles would
curing our malady. could not ex- We happen in the lives of the children of
pect a miracle in a day, but in a genera- America, and of the world, if they
tion we would have a miracle. would lay aside their own selfishness
Ageneration or two ago family and lose themselves in the service of
prayer in the homes of Christian people others. The seed from which this
throughout the world was as much a sheltering and fruitful tree may grow is
part of the day's activity as was eating. best planted and nurtured in the daily
As that practice has diminished, our supplications of the family.
moral decay has ensued. I know of no better way to inculcate
I feel satisfied that there is no ade- love for country than for parents to pray
quate substitute for the morning and before their children for the President
evening practice of kneeling together and the Congress or the Queen and
Sunday, April 7 Third Day

the Parliament of the land of their given. . . . (They) take it for granted
citizenship. that God knows our familiar names
Recently I have seen on billboards in and titles, and on (a
will ask a blessing
some of our cities a statement which particular individual by name), ... I
reads, "A nation at prayer is a nation liked this when I became used to it."
at peace." I believe this. I hope this Oh, that we as a people might culti-
is more than a catchy motto. I am vate this practice which was of such
satisfied that we shall not have peace importance to our pioneer forebears.
unless and until we
request it in the Family prayer was as much a part of
name of the Prince of Peace. their worship as were the meetings
I know of nothing that will ease convened in this tabernacle. With the
family tensions, that in a subtle way faith that came of these daily invoca-
will bring about the respect for parents tions,they grubbed the sagebrush, led
which leads to obedience, that will affect the waters to the parched soil, made
the spirit of repentance which will the desert blossom, governed their fam-
largely erase the blight of broken homes, iliesin love, lived in peace one with
than will praying together, confessing another, and made their names im-
weaknesses together before the Lord, mortal as they lost themselves in the
and invoking the blessings of the Lord service of God.
upon the home and those who dwell We have reached the tragic point in
there. our history where evidently we cannot
I have been impressed by a state- invoke the blessings of God in our
ment made by a man long since dead, schools, but we can pray in our homes.
the father of one of the great men who The family is the unit of society. The
sits on this stand. James H. Moyle praying family is the hope of a better
wrote to his grandchildren concerning society. "Seek ye the Lord while he
the family prayer of his own home. He may be found, . ." (Isa. 55:6.).

said: "We have not gone to bed before

I was touched last fall by the heart-
kneeling in prayer to supplicate divine
breaking statement of a young man in
guidance and approval. Differences may
Japan. He said, "I have been here for
arise in the best governed families, but
months. I can't learn the language.
they will be dissipated by the . . spirit .
I dislike the people. I am depressed
of prayer. ... Its very psychology tends
by day and weep at night. I wanted
to promote the more righteous life
among men. It tends to unity, love, to die. I wrote my
mother and pleaded
for an excuse to return home. I have
forgiveness, to service."
In 1872 Colonel Thomas L. Kane, the
her reply. She says: 'We're praying for
you. There is not a day passes that
great friend of our people in the days of
all of us do not kneel together in the
their distress in Iowa and at the time
morning before we eat and in the
of the coming of the army to this valley,
evening before we retire and plead
came west again with his wife and two
with the Lord for his blessing upon you.
sons. They traveled to St. George with
Brigham Young, stopping each night
We have added fasting to our prayer,
and when your younger brothers and
in the homes along the way. Mrs. Kane
sisters pray they say, "Heavenly Father,
wrote a series of letters to her father
bless Johnny in Japan and help him to
back in Philadelphia. In one of these
learn the language and do the work he
she said:
was called to do.
"At every one of the places we stayed
on this journey we had prayers imme- This young man then went on to
diately after the dinner-supper, and say through his tears, "I will try again.
prayers again before breakfast. No one I will add my prayers to theirs and my

was excused the Mormons

. . . . . .
fasting to their fasting."
kneel at once, while the head of the Now, four months later, I have a
household, or an honored guest prays letter from him in which he says, "A
aloud. ... They spend very little time miracle has happened. The language
in ascriptions, but ask for what they has come to me as a gift from the
need, and thank Him for what He has Lord. I have learned to love the people


in this beautiful land. God be thanked tegrity, mutual respect, and a spirit of

for the prayers of my family." thankfulness in the hearts of the people.

Can we make our homes more beauti- That we of this great Church, the
ful? Yes, through addressing ourselves kingdom of God, may be faithful in
as families to the source of all true setting an example before the world in
beauty. Can we strengthen our society this practice and in encouraging others
and make it a better place in which to to do likewise, I humbly pray, as I
live? Yes, by strengthening the virtue leave with you my testimony of its
of our family life through kneeling to- virtue, in the name of the Lord Jesus
gether and supplicating the Almighty Christ Amen.
in the name of his Beloved Son.
This simple practice, a return to fam- President David O. McKay:
ily worship, spreading across the land
and over the earth, would in a genera- Elder Gordon B. Hinckley of the
tion largely lift the blight that is Council of the Twelve has just spoken
destroying us, and it would restore in- to us.


Brethren and Sisters, we are nearing the We
cannot go from this great confer-
end of another great conference. I am ence without an added responsibility
impressed with the thought that every- to contribute to a better life around
one who has attended, either in presence us. As individuals, we must think
or by listening in, no matter where he nobler thoughts. We
must not encour-
or she may be, must leave this confer- age vile thoughts or low aspirations.
ence with a greater determination to We shall radiate them, if we do. If we
be a better man or a better woman; a think noble thoughts, if we encourage
better citizen of the town, county, or and cherish noble aspirations, there will
nation than he or she has ever been be that radiation when we meet people,
before. especially when we associate with them.
Brother Bernard P. Brockbank has just That is true of the individual. It is
said that it is good to be in the presence true of the home, as we have heard in
of good people. He gave a sermon in this conference from Brother Gordon
that sentence. "It is good to be in the B. Hinckley. Our homes radiate what
presence of good people." Every man we are, and that radiation comes from
and every person who lives in this world what we say and how we act in the
wields an influence, whether for good or home. No member of this Church
for evil. It is not what he says alone, —
husband, father has the right to utter
it is not alone what he does. It is what an oath in his home or ever to express a
he is. Every man, every person radiates cross word to his wife or to his chil-
what he or she is. Every person is a dren. You cannot do it as a man who
recipient of radiation. The Savior was holds the priesthood and be true to the
conscious of that. Whenever he came spirit within you by your ordination
into the presence of an individual, he and your responsibility. You have to

sensed that radiation whether it was contribute to an ideal home by your
the woman of Samaria with her past character, controlling your passion, your
life; whether it was the woman who was temper, guarding your speech, because
to be stoned or the men who were to those things will make your home what
stone her; whether it was the states- it is and what it will radiate to the
man, Nicodemus, or one of the lepers. neighborhood.
He was conscious of the radiation from am reminded of a remark made by a
the individual. And to a degree so are man who came here and attended the
you, and so am I. It is what we are board meeting of the United States
and what we radiate that affects the Steel Company in 1946. You will re-
people around us. member —some of you in this audience,


Sunday, April 7 Third Day

some of you General Authorities will younger men those around

(he spoke to

remember that they invited us to at- him) can keep that with the
tend a dinner of that board, and at the installation of material things coming
conclusion of that entertainment the into your midst."
chairman, the master of ceremonies — He was referring to that radiation of
think it was Mr. Irving S. Olds said: — the group which we all feel. I repeat,
"Now we are not going to have any every individual has it. Every home
set speeches, but here is an opportunity radiates it, and every Latter-day Saint
if any of you would like to express home should have it.
yourselves." A father visited his son's new home.
Mr. Nathan L. Miller, general counsel The son was proud to show him the
for that board, arose, and in substance new bedroom, the new installations in
said, "I am
one of those inquisitive, the kitchen. After they were through
suspicious New Englanders, and I have with their visit,the father said, "Yes,
been impressed with something in this it is but I see no signs of God
city that seems to be different from any in your home." And the son said, "I
other city I have ever visited." A radia- went back, and as I looked through the
tion! Hecontinued, "I walked up and rooms, I noticed I had nothing sugges-
down Main Street and watched the peo- tive of the presence of the Redeemer or
ple. There is something about the the Savior."
city which is different from any other What I am saying is, we leave this
I have been in. I tried to define it conference today with greater responsi-
and wondered what it was, but during bility than ever before, as men of the
an interview in the President's office priesthood, as women of the Church,
today (President George Albert Smith to make our homes such as will radiate
was their host then, and the board had to our neighbors harmony, love, com-
invited him that morning) I think I munity duties, loyalty. Let our neigh-
discovered what it is." President George bors see it and hear it. Never must
Albert Smith had called on some of the there be expressed in a Latter-day Saint
brethren to speak to the visitors (United home an oath, a condemnatory term, an
States Steel board members), who were expression of anger or jealousy or hatred.
sitting and standing around the First Control it! Do not express it! You do
Presidency's board room in the Church what you can to produce peace and
Administration Building. harmony, no matter what you may
He said, "I listened to what these men suffer.
said." One of them had referred to the The Savior set us the example, always
pioneers and the spirit of the pioneers; calm, always controlled, radiating some-
that before they started out across the thing which people could feel as they
plains under the direction of President —
passed the woman who touched his
Young, they sought divine guidance garment. He felt something go from
first. Second, under his direction, they him, that radiation which is divine.
were prepared. Every man would carry Each individual soul has it. That is
a gun and must be prepared for an you. The body is only the house in
attack of savages or any other possible which you live. God help us to radiate
emergency that might come to the pio- strength, control, love, charity, which
neers that day. And third, every man is another name for love, consideration,
must take just as much care of his best wishes for all human beings.
neighbor's cattle as he did of his own. The Church is reaching out, radiat-
Worship, Preparation, Service! ing, not only by bodies and meetings,
I do not know whether it was that but now through the kindness of the
that answered this gentleman's curiosity radio owners, television owners, we
or not, but he said, "I thought in that have touched them from the center.
meeting in the President's office I de- Listen to the people up in Alaska: "Our
tected what there is in the city which sincere thanks for the spiritual uplift.
is different it — is spirituality," said he. Reception excellent at both ends of this
"That's it! It is spirituality! The pio- far north stake. Attendance at Anchor-
neers had it! I am wondering if you age, 89. Fifty prayers are certainly with

you. Alaska Stake President (Lloyd B. Union Conference convene in this

Owen)." Fifty prayers! Why, it is just building at seven o'clock. All Sunday
radiating throughout the whole world. School workers will wish to be in at-
God help us as members of the priest- tendance. The public is cordially
hood and as members of the Church invited.
to radiate faith in God, love of human- Sacrament meetings will be held this
ity, serviceto his people wherever they evening in the various wards.
are, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Weagain thank our members and
Amen. friends who furnished these beautiful
flowers to decorate the Tabernacle dur-

President David O. McKay:

ing this Conference the daffodils from
Tacoma Stake, through the courtesy of
the Puyallup Valley Daffodil Festival,
We expressappreciation and grati-
and the Calla Lillies from the High
tude for all who have in any way con-
Priests' Quorum of the Oakland-Berke-
tributed to the success and inspiration of
ley Stake.
this great Conference. We are grateful

to our General Authorities who de-
The Tabernacle Choir talk about
livered such inspirational messages. We —
radiation there is a group which
radiates throughout the entire world.
appreciate the attention given by local
and national press representatives, and We just say "thank you," and "thank
you" is a grateful feeling for your re-
by the representatives of radio and
television stations in reporting the ses-
sponse. Some of you have been here
since 7:30 this morning and perhaps
sions of this Conference.
7:00, maybe earlier. In behalf of all
We appreciate the cooperation of City
who love you and hear you, we pray
Officials, the city traffic officers in
the Lord to continue to bless you and
handling carefully and ably increased
your officers, your leaders, and the
traffic, etc. How well they handled it
organists. God's blessings will attend
last evening after our special Priest-
hood Meeting. The Fire Department you and the Church for your service.
and Red Cross have been on hand to The Choir will sing "All Hail The
render assistance and service whenever Power of Jesus' Name," and the bene-
diction will be offered by Elder Thomas
and wherever needed.
We are grateful for what our Taber- S. Monson, formerly President of the
nacle Ushers do in rendering quiet, Canadian Mission, after which this
great Conference will be adjourned for
efficient service in seating the great
audiences of this Conference. As pre-
six months.
viously mentioned, we are most grateful
to the owners and managers of the Singing by the Choir, "All Hail The
many radio and television stations Power of Jesus' Name."
throughout the Nation and our own Elder Thomas S. Monson, formerly
City, who have carried the sessions of President of the Canadian Mission, of-
this Conference from Coast to Coast, to fered the benediction.
Alaska, Hawaii, Australia, and Canada; Conference adjourned for six months.
and by short wave to countries in many
parts of the world. This extensive The LoganL.D.S. Institute of Re-
radio and television coverage has given ligion Choir furnished the music for
this 133rd Annual Conference of the the Friday morning and afternoon ses-
Church the widest dissemination in the sions. James L. Bradley was Conductor
history of the Church. We thank of the Choir at both sessions.
Brother Paul Evans who has watched The musical numbers for the Satur-
over the broadcasting facilities here. day morning and also the Sunday
We are thankful and grateful to the morning and afternoon sessions were
Lord that millions have been given furnished by the Salt Lake Tabernacle
the opportunity to tune in on the pro- Choir, Richard P. Condie, Conductor,
ceedings of this General Conference. and Jay E. Welch, Assistant Conductor.
Tonight the Deseret Sunday School At the Saturday afternoon meeting the
Sunday, April 7 Third Day

Brigham YoungUniversity Chorale Church of the Air program and also the
furnished the choral music, with Kurt Tabernacle Choir and Organ broadcast.
Weinzinger, Conductor. Accompaniments on the organ were
Saturday evening, April 6, the Boise played by Alexander Schreiner and
Stake "Mormonaires," with C. Winston Frank W. Asper, Tabernacle Organists,
Hansen, Conductor, furnished the choral and Roy M. Darley, Assistant Taber-
numbers for the General Priesthood nacle Organist.
Richard P. Condie directed the sing- Joseph Anderson
ing of the Tabernacle Choir on the Clerk of the Conference


Columbia Broadcasting System's know not what they do."
—"Lamb of
Church of the Air was presented at God, surely Thou hast borne our sor-
7:35 a.m. Sunday, April 7, 1963. The rows; with Thy stripes we are healed
program was as follows: . . ."—"Lamb of God."
The Tabernacle Choir, under the di- (The Choir sang: "Lamb of God."
rection of Richard P. Condie, furnished
the music for this service. Richard L.
Announcer: A resurrection text se-
Evans was the announcer.
lected from the New Testament and
Music: Organ and humming choir:
sung to the music of Franz Joseph
"Sweet Is The Work."
Haydn is recalled by the Tabernacle
Announcer: The Church of the Air is Choir: "Hereby perceive we the love of
presented by CBS Radio so that repre-
God, that He laid down His life for
sentatives of many faiths may address us ... He died for us . . . that we
a nationwide congregation. Today's should live."
service, presented by The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, comes
(The Choir sang: "He Died For Us."
to you from the Mormon Tabernacle on
Temple Square, through the facilities of Announcer: We hear now on this
Station KSL in Salt Lake City, Utah. Church of the Air service Elder Nathan
Our speaker is Nathan Eldon Tanner, Eldon Tanner, eminent industrial
member of the Council of the Twelve leader from western Canada, former
Apostles of the Church. Music is by the Minister of Lands and Mines of the
Tabernacle Choir, directed by Richard Province of Alberta, and a member of
P. Condie. the Council of the Twelve Apostles of
From the music
of Haydn, the Choir The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
song prefaced by the
sings a worshipful Saints, frequently referred to as the
words of Jesus the Christ, spoken on Mormon Church. Today's talk is titled
the cross, "Father forgive them for they "Keep Faith With Your Family."


Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles

It is with a feeling of humility and a emphasis is placed on the Gospel of

prayer in my
heart that I accept this Jesus Christ. It is true that nothing
assignment to speak to you at this time. brings greater joy and satisfaction and
I have chosen as my subject, "Keep comfort to a parent than to see a child
Faith With Your Family." really develop into an honorable, re-
As a school teacher, scoutmaster and spected, righteous citizen. The youth
bishop, and as I have traveled from who develops into that kind of citizen
place to place and talked to different is loved, respected and admired by all.
people, I find that many are worried How can this be accomplished?
about their children, their youth, are I have always been impressed with
criticizing the youth of other families, the admonition of Joshua to his people
blaming all kinds of conditions for their when he said, "Choose you this day
problems, and are wondering just what whom ye will serve, but as for me
can be done or should be done to im- and my house we will serve the Lord."
prove these conditions. On the other (Joshua 24:15.) Then we have the
hand, I find many of our youth who are promise made by the Saviour when he
frustrated, who would really like to said, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of
choose and do the right and be accepted, God and his righteousness and all these
but who wonder just what it is all about, things shall be added unto you."
and what is important, and why so little (Matt 6:33.)

The other day I reread an article by and Church regularly." There would be
J. Edgar Hoover entitled "Should I no need of forcing our children to attend
Force My Child" which reads: Sunday School and Church if we as
"Shall I make my child go to Sun- parents attend regularly, because that
day School and Church? Yes! And would justbe a part of their lives and
with no further discussion about the children like to be with their parents. It
matter. Startled? Why? How do you is difficult for children to understand

answer Junior when he comes to break- why they should go to Sunday School
fast on Monday morning and announces or Church when their parents feel it
to you that he is not going to school is more important or more interesting

any more? You know! Junior goes. for them to go fishing or golfing. Our
"How do you answer when Junior Lord and Master has said, "Thou shalt
comes in very much besmudged and go to the house of prayer and offer up
says, 'I'm not going to take a bath.' thy sacraments upon my holy day."
Junior bathes, doesn't he? (D&C 59:9.)
"Why all this timidity, then, in the I thought a friend of mine showed a
realm of his spiritual guidance and good example of this when his son came
growth? Going to let him wait and de- to him and said, "Dad, I don't want to
cide what Church he'll go to when go to Church today." His dad replied,
he's old enough? Quit your kidding! "My son, you have your free agency, you
You didn't wait until you were old better hurry and get your coat or we'll
enough. You don't wait until he is old be late." You notice, we'll be late not —
enough to decide whether he wants to you'll be late.
go to school or not to start his educa- How fortunate is the boy or girl who
tion. You don't wait until he is old lives in a home where the parents be-
enough to decide whether he wants to lieve in God, the Eternal Father, and
be clean or dirty do you? Do you wait his Son, Jesus Christ, and know within
until he is old enough to decide if he their hearts that the Savior came and
wants to take his medicine when he is brought the Gospel of peace and good
sick, do you? will and gave the plan of life and salva-
"What shall we say when
Junior an- tion whereby all mankind may be saved;
nounces he doesn't go to Sunday
like to and who set about to so order their lives
School and Church?That's an easy as to keep his commandments. We have
one to answer. Just be consistent. Tell been admonished, "Counsel with the
him, 'Junior, in our house we all go to Lord in all thy doings and he will direct
Church and to Sunday School, and that thee for good." To join with the family
includes you.' Your firmness and exam- in prayer every day, and to talk to our
ple will furnish a bridge over which Father in Heaven, to seek his blessing,
youthful rebellion may travel into rich and express our gratitude, will have a
and satisfying experience in personal re- profound influence not only on the life
ligious living. The parents of Amer- of the child, but on the lives of the
ica can strike a telling blow against the family as a whole. A feeling of love,
forces that contribute to our juvenile unity, and of being in tune will be
delinquency, if our mothers and fathers experienced by all. Encourage them to
will take their children to Sunday go privately to the Lord in thanksgiving
School and Church regularly." and supplication.
In my opinion, Mr. Hoover answers What strength and courage it gives a
the question in the last paragraph young man as he goes out into the
wherein he says, "Tell him, in our house world when he comes from a home
we all go to Sunday School and where there is no question in his mind
Church." And then again in the last and always act as
that his parents feel
sentence, "The parents of America Paul when he says, "I am not ashamed
can strike a telling blow against the of the Gospel of Christ for it is the
forces that contribute to our juvenile power of God unto salvation to every-
delinquency if our mothers and fathers one that believeth." (Romans 1:16)
will take their children to Sunday School There are too many people in the world


today who are like the chief rulers as Mere animals, and just as well
recorded in these words, "Nevertheless, The beasts may think of heaven or hell."
among the chief rulers also many be-
Let each of us check and determine
lieved on him, but because of the Phari-
whether our innermost thoughts are
sees they did not confess him lest they
holding us on the animal plane or
should be put out of the synagogue for
they loved the praise of men more than
whether they tend to lift us into the
mental, moral, and spiritual realm. We
they loved the praise of God." (John
become slaves as we break the laws of
nature, as we become addicted to bad
Great doubt is raised in the mind
habits, or, we remain free as we choose
of a child whose parents profess one
thing and do another; where they
the right. The Lord has said, "Thou
shalt have no other Gods before me."
profess to be Christians and believe
in God, but do nothing about it. As (Ex. 20:3.) Some have as their Gods
Elijah came unto all the people and
money, political power, fame, false
ideologies, idols, and even unknown
said, "How long halt ye between two
Gods. Two or three years ago, while
opinions. If the Lord be God, follow
traveling with Lord Rowallan, Chief
him; but if Baal, then follow him."
Scout of the British Commonwealth, I
(I Kings 18:21.) The Lord has said,
"If you love me you will keep my com-
was thrilled with his comment as he
mandments." (John 14:15.) led in the Scout promise. As he said,
Every day is full of choices. Our "On my honor I promise to do my duty
to God," he stopped and said to the
choices today determine our future and
Scouters who were present, "As I make
the future of our children. Such little
this promise I think of a God who can
questions as: Will I be honest? Will I
hear and answer prayers, who is inter-
keep my pledge or committment or
ested in what we are doing, and who
promise? Will I prove dependable?
Will I go to Church or will I go fish-
will guide us and bless us according to
our needs and our faith." And then he
ing? Wecannot be nearly dependable,
said, "If any of you do not believe in
we cannot be reasonably honest, we
such a God, you can serve better some
cannot be diligent sometimes, we can-
not nearly catch a plane and be where
place else." "For God so loved the
world that he gave his only begotten son
or what we wish to be.
that whosoever believeth in him shall
Let us always remember and deter-
not perish but have everlasting life."
mine that the things which matter most
(John 3:16.)
must not be at the mercy of things
Selfishness, murder, hatred, and con-
which matter least. First, we must
quest are rampant throughout the so-
choose what we want out of life, and
called civilized world today. If each
then if we wish to achieve it, we must
and every man could say and do as
abide by the rules whether it be to gain
Joshua admonished, "as for me and my
a university degree, to become an
house we will serve the Lord," and
American citizen or to reach the Celes-
keep his commandments, we would have
tial Kingdom.
peace in the world. Yes, if the people
As one of our poets wrote so well
in the world would today "love" God
and keep his commandments, we would
"Know this, that every soul is free
have peace overnight. As someone has
To choose his life and what he'll be;
so aptly said, "Righteousness in the in-
For this eternal truth is given
dividual makes for harmony in the
That God will force no man to heaven.
home, harmony in the home makes for
"He'll call, persuade, direct aright order in the nation, and order in the
And bless with wisdom, love, and light; nation results in peace in the world."
In nameless ways be good and kind It would be most helpful if parents

But never force the human mind. would sit down with the whole family
and discuss what they want out of life,
"Freedom and reason make us men what they want to accomplish, and
Take this away and what are we then how they can help one another in doing

it. After this decision is made, it will to be an honest, honorable, and right-
be necessary for all of them to answer eous citizen; and there is no stronger,
the questions: Is it worth the effort, or more effective way of doing it than for
am I prepared to do my part? Can. I the parent to be what he would like his
discipline myself, or have I the will son to be. What a great day it will be
power? Then, each and every one must for the world and the Church when
make up his mind, accept his obliga- every father and son will do and be
tions, and go forward with determina- what he would like the other to think
tion realizing that it will bring the he is. In other words, father should
greatest joy and satisfaction and success always try to put himself in the posi-
in life. When one begins to rationalize, tion where he would be glad to have his
or try to explain why he does this or son say, "I do nothing save that which
that which he knows is wrong, he is I have seen my father do." It is the
actually bringing his ideals down to his manner of our living and not the words
actions. Where, on the other hand, if we use to explain it that makes up the
one repents and sets about to improve moral fiber of the children God has
himself and keep the commandments, given to us. We should never be sur-
he is raising his standards or his actions prised if our children grow up to be
up to his ideals. like us. Therefore, we must take the
What a marvelous thing it would be time to be the kind of people we would
if we and our children could learn early like our children to be. It is so im-

in life the joy and satisfaction that portant that the rush of the world and
comes from living good, clean, honest, the pressure of business do not make
and upright lives all the time and that fathers and sons strangers. When we
there is no joy or satisfaction in sin. say with a shrug of the shoulder, "Boys
It is so important that we all try to will be boys," maybe we should remem-
enjoy living and that our young people ber that boys will soon be men and
have a good time. However, this good set about to help make them men. There

time should be such that in the future, is a point at which sympathy becomes

whether it be a month, a year, or ten coddling and kindness becomes indul-

years from now they can always look gence and they who are too busy, too
back on this as "a good time," realizing lazy, or too softhearted to give children
that a man of honor does not change the example and discipline they need
his code of honor with passing circum- are being unfair to everyone and par-
stances. The greatest joy and happiness ticularly to the children. It is most

one can get out of living is to know difficult for parents to discipline their
that he has done and is doing right, children and expect them to do those
and to be in the service of the Lord. things which are not important enough
for parents to do themselves.
Wehave the old commandment,
"Honor thy father and thy mother that We are all the children of God and
thy days may be long upon the land he wants us to succeed and stands ready
which the Lord thy God giveth thee." to answer a call. Let us never forget
Children should be taught and trained that the Lord has said, "This is my work
to honor their father and their mother. and my glory to bring to pass the im-
Their parents gave them life and cared mortality and eternal life of man."
for them when they could not care for (Moses 1:39) Satan has pledged himself
themselves. Every child of every age to destroy man. We should always
should love and honor his parents. It thank our Heavenly Father that Satan
is much easier, however, for children cannot force us to do wrong; and also,
to do this if the parents live worthy of realize and be thankful for the fact that
the honor of their children and are al- the Lord will not force us to do right.
ways an example to them, where they We have our free agency and we can
wield a real influence for good in their choose to do right or wrong, to be a
lives. failure or success, to serve the Lord
There is no responsibility greater than or Baal.
that of teaching and training a child Let us not forget that a young man
— )


or a young woman of character, in- proclaims life's victories won." "Rest,

dustry, faith, intelligence and loyalty Rest, For The Weary Soul."
will always be at a premium and will (The Choir sang: "Rest, Rest For The
always be able to find a place or make Weary Soul." —Careless.)
one when he can truthfully say, "As for Announcer: And now on this Church
me and my house we will serve the of the Air Service the Tabernacle Choir
Lord" and truly seek first the Kingdom sings a hymn tune by George Careless
of God and his righteousness, knowing which takes its title from the words of
that all things for his good will be Isaac Watts: "He Died! The Great
added unto him. Redeemer Died. ." . .

(The Choir sang: "He Died, The

(The Choir sang: "Gethsemane." Great Redeemer Died." Careless.) —
Welch.) Announcer: You have been attending
Announcer: We have heard the Tab- CBS Radio's Church of the Air. To-
ernacle Choir sing "Gethsemane," by day's service came to you from the
Jay E. Welch and Elaine Ellsworth Mormon Tabernacle on Temple Square,
Naylor. "For us the greatest life was through the facilities of Station KSL in
giv'n away. Have we returned His love? Salt Lake City, Utah. Our speaker was
His favor kept? It was for us upon that Nathan Eldon Tanner, eminent indus-
long dark day. The Man who bore our trial leader from western Canada,
sorrows knelt and wept." former Minister of Lands and Mines of
And now the music of George Careless the Province of Alberta, and a member
recalls a hymn by Henry W. Naisbitt: of the Council of the Twelve Apostles
"Rest, Rest, for the weary soul. Rest for of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
the race is run; Peace, Peace, where no day Saints. Music was by the Taber-
strife intrudes; peace where no quarrels nacle Choir, directed by Richard P.
come; Peace till the resurrection morn Condie.


The following broadcast, written and ated stations bring you at this hour
announced by Richard L. Evans, and another presentation from Temple
originating with Station KSL, Salt Lake Square in Salt Lake City, with Richard
City, Utah, was presented from 9:35 to P. Condie conducting the Tabernacle
10:00 a.m. Sunday, April 7, 1963, Choir, Frank Asper, Tabernacle Organ-
through the courtesy of Columbia ist, and the spoken word by Richard

Broadcasting System's network, through- Evans.

out the United States, parts of Canada, On this day, and at this hour, and in
and through other facilities to several a setting by Lewis D. Edwards, the
points overseas. The broadcast was as Tabernacle Choir recalls the witness of
follows': these wonderful words: "I Know That
(The organ played, "As The Dew My Redeemer Lives."
From Heaven Distilling," and on signal (The Choir sang: "I Know That My
the Choir and organ broke into the —
Redeemer Lives." Edwards.)
Hymn, "Gently Raise The Sacred Announcer: Frank Asper presents to-
Strain," singing the words to the end day on Temple Square the "Prayer from
of the second line, and humming to end the Gothique Suite" by Boellmann.
of verse for announcer's background.) (Organ Selection: "Prayer from Suite
Announcer: Once more we welcome Gothique." —
you within these walls with music and Announcer: And now the Tabernacle
the spoken word from the Crossroads Choir selects a moving, pleading, sacred
of the West. song by Franz Joseph Schuetky: "Send
The CBS Radio Network and its affili- forth thy Spirit, O Lord, our God eter-
nal and let the face of earth be is always a moral one. There is no
renewed." real excellence in all this world which
(The Choir sang: "Send Forth Thy can be separated from right living." 5
Spirit."—Schuetky.) These citations suggest the real respon-
sibility of teaching; in any way, by any
Announcer: The responsibility of
teaching and learning is always a sub- of us; by word, by example, by attitude
ject for earnest consideration because or action; by any means that shapes or
children, and are likely to live
all of us, leads men's minds. We all of us in- — —
our lives along the lines of what we sofar as we have any influence on others,
learn. And along with the teaching of have a sacred and sobering responsibility
subjects there is always the teaching to the Lord God, to whom we are ac-

of self; along with facts presented, there countable for our trust as teachers. And
is always the example, the attitude, the the first influence of all, on which there
is a divinely imposed obligation, is the
innuendo, the personal impression.
"That which we are," observed Emer- home, the parents, the learning with
son, "we are all the while teaching, loved ones. "I have commanded you,"
not voluntarily, but involuntarily." 1 said our Father, "to bring up your
But merely because there are hazards children in light and truth." 6
in learning, we should not cease to
learn. "The dangers of knowledge," (The Choir sang: "Awake The Harp."
said Richard Whately, "are not to be
compared with the dangers of ignor-
ance." 2 "Fullness of knowledge," wrote
Announcer: We
have heard the Tab-
ernacle Choir recall a theme from The
Robert Millikan, "always and necessar-
Creation by Haydn with an earnest
ily means some understanding of the
thankful utterance for the beauty of the
depths of our ignorance, and that is
earth: ". and for all that God has
. .

always conducive to both humility and

given: Awake The Harp, and let your
reverence." 3 These are great qualities
resound. Rejoice in the
both of teacher and student humility — joyful
and mighty God, for He both
and reverence. Conceited, self-assured
heaven and earth hath clothed in stately
learning, irreverent learning, is always
dress." "Awake The Harp."
to be called into question. "I have no
patience," said Paul Swain Havens, And now with Frank Asper at the
"with the intellectual bomb-thrower Tabernacle organ we hear a sacramental
who delights in blasting his students' song by Thomas Mclntyre: "How Great
beliefs. Like every bomb-thrower he the Wisdom and the Love That filled
destroys the good with the bad. the courts on high And sent the Savior
is not the method by which to arouse from above To suffer, bleed, and die!"
an unawakened mind. It only sears Organ Selection: "How Great The
and maims and destroys; and on the day Wisdom and the Love." —Mclntyre.)
of judgment its practitioners will be Announcer: We
close today from
held guilty of blasphemy and of mis- Temple Square with the moving music
leading the young: two of the most of Henry Holden Huss, and the stirring
grievous charges for which a man can assuring words of Alfred Tennyson in a
be held accountable." 4 "Without char- song of man's immortality, and of his
acter," said David Starr Jordan, without meeting with his Lord and Master and
"devoted, rugged, strength of soul, no to an event inevitable for us all: "For
man has a right to teach. The great . . . tho' from out our bourne of time and
teacher never fails to leave a great mark place, the flood may bear me far! I
on young men and women. . . . And hope to see my Pilot face to face when
this mark of greatness in its last analysis I have crossed the bar."
(The Choir sang: "Crossing the Bar."
iRalph Waldo Emerson.
^Richard Whately (1787-1863), Archbishop of Dublin.
^Robert A. Millikan (1868-1953), Am. physicist. G David Starr Jordan, Pres., Leland StAiford Jr.
4 Paul
Swain Havens, Pres., Wilson College: The University: The University and the Common Man.
True Education and the Fake. "Doctrine and Covenants 93:40.

Announcer: Again we leave you with- originating with Radio Station KSL in
in the shadows of the everlasting hills. Salt Lake City.
May peace be with you, this day and — Richard P. Condie conducted the Tab-
always. ernacle Choir. Frank Asper was at the
This concludes the seventeen hundred organ. The spoken word by Richard
and fifty-fifth presentation, and contin- Evans.
ues the 34th year of this traditional In another seven days, at this same
broadcast from the Mormon Tabernacle hour, music and the spoken word will
on Temple Square, brought to you by be heard again from the Crossroads
CBS Radio and its affiliated stations, of the West.

Adams, Elder Orval W 59

Anderson, Elder Joseph, Clerk of the Conference 1, 57, 132
Authorities and Officers Present 1

Authorities and
Officers Sustained 59
Benson, Elder Ezra Taft 109
Brockbank, Elder Bernard P 124
Brown, President Hugh B 5
Brown, President Hugh B 89
(General Priesthood Meeting)
Brown, Bishop Victor L 71
Choir and Organ Broadcast 137
Christiansen, Elder EIRay L 68
Church of the Air Broadcast 133
Church Finance Committee Report 59
Critchlow, Elder William J., Jr 30
Dyer, Elder Alvin R 48
Evans, Elder Richard L 22
Evans, Elder Richard L., Announcer 133
(Church of the Air Broadcast)
Evans, Elder Richard L 137
(Choir and Organ Broadcast)
Finance Committee Report 59
First —
Day Morning Meeting 3
First Day—Afternoon Meeting 20
General Authorities and Officers Present 1

General Authorities, Officers and Auxiliary Officers Sustained 59

General Priesthood Meeting 79
Hinckley, Elder Gordon B 126
Hunter, Elder Howard W 104
Hunter, Elder Milton R 14
Isaacson, Elder Thorpe B 10
Ivins, Elder Antoine R 13
Kimball, Elder Spencer W. 62
Lee, Elder Harold B 79
(General Priesthood Meeting)
Longden, Elder John 23
McKay, President David 94
(General Priesthood Meeting)
McKay, President David 96
(Sunday Morning Address)
McKay, President David O _ 129
(Closing Address)
McKay, President David 3, 5, 9, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27,
30, 33, 38, 39, 40, 43, 48, 52, 55, 56, 57, 59, 62,
68, 70, 73, 74, 78, 79, 89, 92, 94, 95, 96, 99, 104,
106, 109, 114, 115, 119, 121, 124, 126, 129, 131.

Moyle, President Henry D 44

Moyle, President Henry D 59
(Presentation of General Authorities and Officers)
Moyle, President Henry D 92
(General Priesthood Meeting)
Obituaries 58
Packer, Elder Boyd K 106
Presentation of General Authorities and Officers 59
Priesthood Meeting, General 79
Richards, Elder Franklin D 122
Richards, Elder LeGrand 115
Romney, Elder Marion G 74
SaltLake Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Organ Broadcast 137

Second Day Morning Meeting 39
Second Day—Afternoon Meeting 56
Sill, Elder Sterling W 40
Simpson, Bishop Robert L 52
Smith, Elder Eldred G _ 18
Smith, President Joseph Fielding 21
Sonne, Elder Alma _ 25
Stapley, Elder Delbert L _ 33
Statistical Report 57
Sustaining of General Authorities, Officers and Auxiliary Officers 59
Tabernacle Choir and Organ Broadcast _ 137
Tanner, Elder Nathan Eldon 99
Tanner, Elder Nathan Eldon _ 133
(Church of the Air Broadcast)
Taylor, Elder Henry D 119

Third Day Morning Meeting 96

Third Afternoon Meeting _ 114
Vandenberg, Bishop John H 27
Young, Elder S. Dilworth 73
Printed by


in the United States of America

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