The Duty of Utmost Good Faith
The Duty of Utmost Good Faith
The Duty of Utmost Good Faith
GOOD FAITH common law duty of good faith into honesty'll and 'good faith', arguably
commercial contracts. Requiring the inclusion of the word 'utmost'
Kelly Godfrey parties to act honestly and elevates the duty to a higher
Employment Lawyers reasonably in exercising their status,12 requiring the parties to act
contractual rights, absent of fairly and reasonably in accordance
capricious or unconscionable with community standards of
behaviour. 1Whilst the nature of the decency and fair dealing. 13 It may
duty of utmost good faith implied by also require candour,14 utmost
s.13 of the Insurance Contracts Act fidelity, 15 the absence of
7984 (Cth) ('the ICA') is different in recklessness 16 and perhaps at its
nature to that imposed by the highest, sacrificing a discretionary
common law, it too is receiving economic advantage in
renewed interest. 2The doctrine of circumstances where its misuse will
utmost good faith in comparison be detrimental to the other party.17
with other provisions of the ICA It is not however, a fiduciary duty,
remains somewhat of a mystery. requiring one party to place the
Whilst it is an area of insurance law needs of the other above its own. 18
which has remained relatively A party to an insurance contract will
underutilised, the doctrine's be prevented from relying upon any
potential use makes it the great provision in the contract where to
unknown of modern insurance law. 3 do so would constitute a breach of
utmost good faith. 19
The Scope of the Duty of
Utmost Good Faith An objective test, applied to the
It is imperative that both the insurer subjective facts of the particular
and insured participate in all case, is used to ascertain whether
contractual negotiations,4 as the the duty of utmost good faith has
duty of utmost good faith is a been breached. That is, would a
reciprocal duty which relates to reasonable person with the
every aspect of the parties subjective knowledge of the insurer
relationship.5 The duty endures until (orthe insured as the case may be)
take such action?20
all obligations underthe contract of
insurance have been discharged. Breach of the Duty of
However, if the contract is
Utmost Good Faith by the
terminated by a release, the
subsequent behaviour of the parties
Whilst not an exhaustive list and
may be relevant. 6 lf a further
obviously based on the particular
legitimate loss was discovered after
factual circumstances pertaining to
execution of the release, the duty of
the case at hand, the duty of utmost
utmost good faith would prevent the
good faith has been found to have
release being pleaded as a bar to
been breached where the insurer
the claim. 7 ln Australia, if litigation
is commenced in relation to the
policy, the duty continues until • failed to explain the important
judgement and perhaps beyond. 8 provisions of the policy to the
Defining the Duty of Utmost
Good Faith • failed to notify the insured of the
The duty of utmost good faith, serious consequences of breaching
(alternatively known as the duty of a condition of the policy;22
uberrima fides 9) is better described • failed to inform the insured of any
than defined. With the ICA providing conditions which are precedent to
no definition, guidance must be the insurer's liability to pay the
derived from an examination of the claim;23
parties' relationship on a case by
case basis. 10 Wh ilst the duty