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Research Group 9

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Use of self learning modules in teaching is another form of

individual used instructions. This is called modular

approach of teaching and learning (k.Jaya sree,2004) if self

learning modules are available on some topics they

can b given to the students as assignments for self learning

.scientific attitude refers to an individual’s outlook

towards life.Title of the Concept Paper:

The Effectiveness of Self Learning Modules on the Academic Competence

of HUMSS Students of Domingo Lacson National High School


Josh B. Gordoncillo Rico Gonzaga

Aira M. Ragay Janine Estremadora
Rhay Anne DulanaZyronnKhyleTeologo
Pia Villanueva Ervin Condez
Background of the Study:

Self Learning Modulesare self-contained unit or package of study materials

or use by individual, most useful for adult learners, graduate and

undergraduate levels. It provides a learning activity to learners when a

group education or individual education session is not possible. If the

balance is achieved, students will be taught in the way they prefer which

leads to increased comfort level and willingness to learn (Felder and

Silvermann, 2002).

In addition, Modular teaching is more effective in teaching learning process

as compared to ordinary teaching methods, because in this modular

approach the students learn at their own pace, so the students feel free to

learn intheir own style.Development of learning modules with an attention

to the cognitive load of the content presented can provide students with

information in appropriately sized chunks that they can process and

retainat their own pace (Khalil et al., 2005:Ayres and Paas,

2007;Hatsidimitris, 2012).

Moreover, this research aims to help the 42.5% (8.8 million) of parents

whose child is on modular learning to facilitate their child properly on how

to manage with the new learning modality.The term learning style is often

used synonymously with learning modality. Though the terms have similar

meanings, there is some difference. Learning style is defined as “the

different ways in which children and adults think and learn” (Litzinger&

Osif, 1992).

Statement of the Problem:

The main purpose of this study is to determine the level of effectiveness of

self learning modality in HUMSS Students of Domingo Lacson National High

School the Academic Year: 2020-2021.

• What is the level of effectiveness of self learning modality when

students are grouped into

• Printed Modular Modality

• Digital Modular Modality

• Is there a significant difference in the efficiency of self learning

modality when students are grouped into

• Printed Modular Modality

• Digital Modular Modality


• There are no significant difference in the efficiency of self learning

modality when students are grouped into:

• Printed Modular Modality

• Digital Modular Modality

Review of the Related Literature:

"The self-learning modules and the other alternative learning delivery

modalities are one of the response to address the needs of each and every

learner to ensure that basic education will be accessible amid the present

of COVID-19”, DepEd Secretary Leonor Briones (2020).

Self-learning modules are learning activities designed for participants to

do independently when they are unable to attend individual or group

education sessions. Self-contained are package of study material for use by

individual. SLMs are self-contained and independent unit of instruction with

a primary focus on a few well defined objectives (Mary et al.., 2016).

Firoz Qureshi (2016) Stated that self-learning module is any learning

resource that can be used by a learner without the presence of the

material teacher, this does not preclude learning from other learners.

The FSM is a learner training module and introduces concepts such as goal

setting, time management, learning styles and resource selection one unit

at a time (Noguchi & McCarthy, 2010).

Self Learning Modules are more effective as compared to conventional

mode of teaching (Aggabao et al., 2009).

Learning modules can provide a learner an information suitable enough for

their intellectual capacity that they can operate and preserve on their own

(Khalil et al., 2005 ; Ayres and Paas, 2007 ; Hatsidimitris, 2012).

According to Sadia&Shazia (2014), in educational process, modular

teaching is more efficient compared to formal education because students

in modular design learn at one's own pace.

It has been scrutinized that modular design is beneficial and has brought

encouragement to students (Barnes et al., 2000).

Students using modular approach in learning creates a beneficial impact

on students' academic performance (Tarim and Akdeniz, 2008) & (Hsiung,


It has been shown that self learning modules is potent in enhancing a

scholar's apprehension and fostering their learning (Abutarbush et al., 2006

; Khalil, Nelson, & Kibble, 2010).

The intellectual competence and comprehension of an individual have been

mitigated by a module and effectually enriched the interest of the students

to learn (Riasat et al., 2012 ; Kraus et al., 2013).

Group activities like modular cooperative learning where students fully

participate, displays collaborative attitude, provides positive feedbacks and

teamwork with the group attaining better marks and scores (Tsay& Brady,

Such online modules for targeted specialized content were shown to be

superior to lectures (Goff et al., 2018) although sometimes performed

similarly to traditional lectures (Hildebrandt & Belmont, 2018).

Such online modules for targeted specialized content were shown to be

superior to lectures (Goff et al., 2018) although sometimes performed

similarly to traditional lectures (Hildebrandt & Belmont, 2018).

Self-learning modules can prove very useful when trying to facilitate the

acquisition of basic scientific concepts in an integrated medical curriculum

(Khalil et al., 2010).

Use of self learning modules in teaching is another form of individual used

instructions. This is called modularapproach of teaching and learning

(k.Jaya sree,2004) if self learning modules are available on some topics

they can be given to the students as assignments for self learning

.scientific attitude refers to an individual’s outlook towards life.

According to a research, hard copies used in learning is more efficacious

than smart based environment (Kang et al., 2009 ;Jeong, 2012).

Interactive imagery, learner control, interactive quizzes and instant

feedback have been viewed as essential elements for self-learning

modules.(Chen et al., 2018)

Research has shown that, with proper classroom implementation, online-

learning modules can promote both greater conceptual understanding and

retention, as compared with traditional methods of instruction (Stelzer et

al., 2009;Khalil et al., 2010;Florida, 2012;Hill et al., 2015;Lancellotti et al.,


Pintrish (2000), stated that self-regulated learning abilities have been

advised fundamental for academic attainment.

Loughan and Berry (2000), stated that "telling is not teaching and listening

is not learning", therefore persons acquire more an understanding by

theirselves. The process starts with absorption then followed by expression

of ideas. It is successfully obtained by self-learning.

Sparrow and Swan (2000) considered self-learning one of the several

teaching strategies that have much in common. These strategies

arecollaborative learning, experiential learning, authentic learning,

problem- based learning, constructivist learning, and student- centered


Self-learning goes by many other labels including self-directed learning

and self-access learning (Ranabahu and Tamala, 2006).

Self-learning is the ability that learners have in order to decide on their

learning (Peters,2000).
According to Nzesei (2015), he compared the relationship between learning

styles andacademic achievement among secondary schools in Kenya. The

result of the study shows thatmajority of the high school students are

multimodal learners (having preferences of visual,auditory and kinesthetic

learners) while the least preferred learning style is the kinestheticlearning

style. The result of the study also shows that there is generally a

correlation betweenthe various learning styles and academic achievement

score of the students in Kenya.

We utilize a system like that of (Koriat et al.,2006), in which control

subjects were burdened to self-guided subjects in absolute investigation

time. Though past investigations have used free review or signaled review

to quantify memory, we used acknowledgment. There are various points of

interest to utilizing acknowledgment. To begin with, in light of the fact that

acknowledgment testing bears the cost of less open doors for test systems

to contrast across subjects.

(Benjamin, 2008), it permits us to all the more absolutely center around

the impacts of techniques utilized during encoding. Second, since

acknowledgment assignments are metacognitively misleading for students

—that is, on the grounds that the modular desire for a memory task seems

to adjust more to the requests of review than acknowledgment testing.

Given the many conditions in which metacognitive monitoring is inaccurate,

and the numerous opportunities for subjects to implement an ineffective

control policy, it is not obvious that subjects can effectively allocate study

time to improve their memory. In addition, it has been theorized that

spending more time on difficult items may be unwise, since there are

conditions under which those items provide a low rate of return (Metcalfe

&Kornell, 2003).


The respondents of this study will be the 60 bonafide Grade 12 Senior High

School Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) students of Domingo

Lacson National High School of Academic Year: 2020-2021. The researcher

will utilize the the entire population of graduating HUMSS students.


The researcher will conduct a study to their chosen respondents to assess

their reliability prior to full-scale data collection. In this research, survey

questionnaires will be used to measure the level of effectiveness of self

learning modules on the academic competence of HUMSS students of

Domingo Lacson National High School.

Validity and Reliability

The questionnaires are adapted from the researchers, a content validity will

be conducted by the SHS Coordinator and shall validate the soft skill
questionnaire. However, the reliability test will be conducted to whole

population of HUMSS students of Domingo Lacson National High School to

be assess by their homeroom teacher.

Data Analysis

The data will be analyzed using the following statistical tools

For problem no.1 which will seek to assess the level of effectiveness of self

learning modality in HUMSS students of Domingo Lacson National High

School when students are grouped into Printed modular modality and

Digital modular modality, the ______________ will be used.

For problem no.2 which will seek to assess if there is a significant

difference in the efficiency of self learning modality between Printed

modular modality and Digital modular modality, the ____________ will be


Ethical Consideration

Before the process of data gathering, the willingness of the respondents to

participate in the study were taken into consideration. The researchers will
give details of the nature and purpose of the research, the potential

subjects, who will have access to the data and the proposed outcome of

the research. Completion of the questionnaire by respondents will be taken

as their giving of consent to participate in the study. The anonymity and

confidentiality of the respondents was preserved by not revealing their

names and identity in the data collection, analysis and reporting of the

study findings. After obtaining the result, the questionnaires and data-

based record will be disposed properly in order to protect the respondents


Expected Output

The utilization of this study will be helpful for some students to understand

the effectiveness of self learning modules for their education. Students are

expected to have self awareness about the difference between the Printed

modular modality and Digital modular modality that gives them enough

reason what to choose and the most convenient way for them and suitable.

Also, HUMSS students are expected to be able to reach their goals and

finish schooling in their comfortable choice of Learning Modality.

Time Table Output

Activities Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July




Drafting of

Chapter 3 and

Finalizing the

Final Defense

Name (Optional) Sex:


INSTRUCTION: Check the table provided according to your answer.




2 3 4 5
Is properly

Provides a


demonstration of

the concept
Provides enough

details for

students to


without provision

of a teacher
Provides accurate



Provides clear and

concise directions

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