Learning Theories and Classroom Practices

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Learning Theories And Classroom Practices

Learning theories are one of the foundations of education and influence the climate and activity
within classrooms. They explain how learning occurs and factors that influence learning. They also
afford us variety in pedagogies. The learning theories help to enhance student development and
understanding. The learning theories are behaviorism, constructivism, cognitivism and humanism

Active learning is a key part of the Constructivism. If the materials are useful and beneficial to
them, they will be likely to master it. Conversely, if the materials are irrelevant, they will be likely not
going to learn it. Student should actively understand the learning materials rather than passively
absorbing and memorizing it. The students should be able to construct their own understanding and
building on what the student already knows. They make connections between new information and old

I would categorize my teaching approach as constructivism approach. I teach my students based on

their prior existing knowledge and gradually build up from there. From what they already known, I
introduced new concepts. Teacher should not just disseminate knowledge to students and students are
like empty “vessel” receives it. Instead, I ask deep questions and give challenging problems to encourage
them to analyze, discuss and brainstorm to find the answers or solutions. This helps them to construct
new knowledge and skills by building on current knowledge and skills. My role is a facilitator who guides
and helps students in their learning. I focus on the active engagement of students (learner-centered). I
gave them the problems and they are required to analyze, synthesize, and draw conclusions from the
information. They generate solutions to problems using creative and rational thought. They think
creatively through imagining new possibilities and thinking logically through thinking rigorously and
methodically. They also demonstrated inquiry or intellectual curiosity from my thoughtful questions. I
always like to use different ways to engage my students.

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